
pythonirc1011If I want my ubuntu-server to not connect (on http) -- to any particular ip, for more than 10 times a minute, can this be done? how?00:38
qman__lalagirl, no action is required, that can be safely ignored00:54
qman__if you want the warning to go away, install the PECL extension it's looking for00:55
trevorjpythonirc1011: iptables00:57
trevorjpythonirc1011: connlimit iirc00:57
trevorjpythonirc1011: ie, iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -m limit --limit 10/min -j ACCEPT00:59
trevorjpythonirc1011: actually use conntrack to only accept 10 new connections: iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -m limit --limit 10/min -m state --state NEW -j ACCEPT01:01
trevorjpythonirc1011: you'll also want to ensure you have a rule in to allow the rest of the connection as well, ie: iptables -A INPUT -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT01:03
trevorjpythonirc1011: then either deny traffic by default on INPUT and enable any other services you'll need, or put a rule at the end like: iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -j REJECT01:04
trevorjpythonirc1011: if you're new to iptables, check out firehol.01:08
uvirtbotNew bug: #909203 in samba (main) "package samba 2:3.5.8~dfsg-1ubuntu2.3 failed to install/upgrade: ErrorMessage: package samba is not ready for configuration  cannot configure (current status `half-installed')" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90920301:41
amstan_how can i get a process like bash to read and write to /dev/ttyUSB0(as stdin and stdout)02:11
amstan_i tried named pipes, like this: http://pastebin.com/itDi8LL502:12
amstan_but it doesn't seem to work02:12
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XqtftqxHey, i need some help configuring squid, specifically ACL.02:58
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ovhananyone here who is running or has run a minecraft server?03:10
MTecknologySo.. with kvm, am I going to get better performance from a raw or qcow2 formatted disk?04:07
MTecknologyooooh... nevermind; sounds like qcow2 is more stable but raw is much more flexible04:10
Yuyodoes anyone know what files does ufw edit?06:45
twbYuyo: /etc/ufw, I expect06:46
Yuyoi can't access my remote machine because the firewall is blocking ssh.. so i'll have to attach the hard drive to another system, and edit the files there..06:48
twbchroot in and run ufw, then06:48
Yuyotwb, what do you mean?06:49
Yuyochroot to the attached hard drive?06:51
Yuyook, sounds good. thanks06:52
Yuyotwb: i chrooted into the mounted hard drive, then did "sudo ufw allow 22" and said "Rules Updated"07:37
Yuyothen i reattached it to the other machine, and still i can't get in through ssh07:37
Yuyoany clues?07:37
Yuyorunning sudo ufw disable told me "ERROR: problem running ufw-init" however07:38
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RoyKanyone that knows how I can setup a solaris 10 SPARC VM on linux x86_64?13:03
abhinavmehtahello everyone...13:40
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patdk-wkroyk, wouldn't that be hard? I didn't think sparc was x86 compatable13:41
abhinavmehtaI'm installing mini.iso(mini ubuntu 32bit, some 13mb) on VMWare….and everything is working fine..13:42
patdk-wkI should hope so, I test those13:42
abhinavmehtaproblem is…it retrieves many packages from the internet in-course of installation…which I'm looking to avoid..so any pointers…how to avoid other stuff..13:42
patdk-wkdon't use the mini-iso13:43
abhinavmehtapatdk-lap: than..?13:43
patdk-wkthe whole point of the mini-iso is it gets EVERYTHING from the internet13:43
patdk-wkthe other option you have, is to install a caching web proxy, or apt cache proxy13:44
abhinavmehtapatdk-lap: ohh, I see….I thought this is just the bare minimum linux distro…and capable to give me the basic shell.13:44
patdk-wkbare min install is about 450megs or so13:44
abhinavmehtapatdk-lap: any pointers, which will be good bare-minimum linux distro for making ec2-images(cloud intances)13:45
patdk-wkthat is really a pointless question13:45
patdk-wkcause normally, that is NOT something you want to do13:45
patdk-wkeven for cloud stuff, normal rules still apply, like, lifetime of security patchs, how used to the distro you are, ...13:46
patdk-wkit does no good to have an awesome ec2 intergrated image, if you can't use it13:47
koolhead11abhinavmehta: http://uec-images.ubuntu.com/ this is what your looking for i assume :)13:48
RoyKpatdk-wk: that's the job of qemu...13:49
patdk-wkroyk, never knew qemu was suppost to emulate totally different cpu's13:50
abhinavmehtapatdk-lap: why not…I agree with you at some-points, but what if someone wants to build simple os, with taking care of all security-checks and all other.13:50
abhinavmehtaWell, I'm thinking to build a os-instance using VMBuilder, and than patching all security checks with some recipe-tools(Puppet/Chef) and thats how making a private cluster of custom-operating-systems. Please correct me if I'm wrong somewhere.13:50
patdk-wkI don't know of anything like that13:51
abhinavmehtapatdk-lap: sorry, I was too verbose…13:52
RoyKpatdk-wk: that's what it does - I've used it for ARM emulation, but not sparc13:53
RoyKpatdk-wk: good 'un, but without ss5.bin, I'm rather lost...14:16
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maswanHm. With the soon to be removed sun-java, anyone know of plans to backport a newer openjdk to LTSes? It would be nice with one that segfaulted less often on our load...15:29
Doonzhey guys, I have two ethernet ports in my server eth0 is assigned to 192.168.*.* and when i try to assign eth1 to 10.0.1.* the network stops working as in i cant talk to the box anymore. Any ideas15:44
alex88http://pastebin.com/MEkBwgDC someone can help me with this error? i'm trying to install mysql-cluster-server16:31
raubvogelalex88: is there a /etc/mysql/debian-start file there?16:37
alex88raubvogel: nope..but seems a common bug16:37
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 579732 in mysql-cluster-7.0 "package mysql-cluster-server-5.1 7.0.9-1ubuntu7 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed pre-removal script returned error exit status 1" [Medium,Fix released]16:37
alex88it says fix released but not in my case16:37
raubvogelWhich ubuntu release are you running? You might need to ask for a backport16:38
raubvogelAlso, the last entry (someone with 11.10) in that says it has not been released yet16:40
raubvogelThere is a link for the patch though16:41
alex88well, i won't recompile it16:41
alex88for now i used the fix someone said before16:41
iggiSo was following this guide: http://itsignals.cascadia.com.au/?p=28 to resize a KVM drive, but since I'm running LVM I'm having some difficulty growing the volume. I did a pvresize on the volume, but it says there is no PE free to expand the current logical volume. I assume I have to grow the VG as well or should pvresize take care of that?17:02
iggiOk so I think I may have found part of the issue. I have an extended partition contains the vg and unallocated space, but for some reason pvresize is not resizing the vg (/dev/vda5) to fill the space.17:18
iggiahh I had to manually set the physicalvolumesize, I guess my google-fu isn't the best today I couldn't find that, I had to RTFM17:22
patdk-wkroyk, why without ss5.bin? there is a link to download it on that page17:23
patdk-wkthe link even works :)17:23
chuck580hi all20:00
stricklyhello chuck58020:01
chuck580Is it possible to find an irc channel where people are talmking?20:07
chuck580I'm really looking after such chat whatever the subjet, actually I'd like improve my english skill and as I'm a developer it would be more interessant for me if the conversation was about development20:10
ovhanchuck580:  developing as in programming? what language20:11
ovhanif your looking for java for example try #java20:11
chuck580Java/J2EE especialy Spring20:11
jmarsden|workchuck580: If you want to join a busy channel with lots of chatter, try #ubuntu20:12
chuck580yes it's what I do but I've not find a channel where there is a discussion20:12
ovhantry ##java20:12
chuck580kk tks :)20:13
peterrushey, booting my ubuntu server 11.10 install seems to hang at 'running init-bottom'. Is there  some way I can check whats going wrong?åå20:51
guntbertpeterrus: are there already other virtual terminlas available? try with <alt><left> (several times)20:52
peterrusguntbert: no20:52
peterrusmy services arent started either20:53
peterruscurrently running a bad block test20:53
guntbertpeterrus: did you mean "during install" or "after installation"?20:54
peterrusguntbert: after20:54
peterrusthe server has booted several times20:54
ChmEarlpeterrus, try on your vmlinuz cmdline `nopat nomodeset`20:54
peterrusok lets try that20:54
ChmEarlthat might stop it from hanging.. or better yet, append `text`20:55
guntbertChmEarl: he is running server20:56
ChmEarlmodeset is active in server too20:56
guntbertpeterrus: boot into recovery system20:56
guntbertChmEarl: yes, but 'text'?20:57
peterrusguntbert: ChmEarl I currently am in recovery20:57
peterrusshall I reboot to add those arguments?20:57
peterrustext might do something indeed20:57
peterrusas it hangs exactly before switching to framebuffer20:57
peterrustext did nothing21:00
peterrusah nice21:01
peterrusI removed the set_gfxmode line21:01
peterrusand now it boots21:01
peterruslets find a method to make this permanent21:02
pdtpatrick1Question .. why is it after creating a chroot environment .. each time i try to switch to it it keeps saying22:12
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myjimmywebhello all, looking for some help with bind via webmin22:19
Patrickdkvia webmin? not here22:22
myjimmywebwell lemme ask a general server question then22:22
myjimmywebI installed server 11.10 to be a virtual machine host22:22
myjimmyweband i have a number of virtual ubuntu server machines22:23
myjimmywebbasically, jw how/if i can make the host direct to example.com  while each virtual guest server would be guestx.example.com22:24
myjimmywebcan anyone point me in the right direction?22:25
pdtpatrick1so u wan the hos to be the gateway? if ur using KVM, i believe it will create the bridge connections. You can then create an iptables rule to allow forwarding via the host. This way your host can be your DNS box. If that's what your asking22:25
myjimmywebi'm using virtualbox on a headless system with phpvirtualbox22:26
pdtpatrick1virtualbox should have a bridge connection22:26
myjimmywebit does22:26
pdtpatrick1right so in ur /etc/resolv.conf for your hosts file22:27
pdtpatrick1just make ur host as the gateway22:27
myjimmywebon the vm right22:27
pdtpatrick1right so on serv1.example.com22:27
pdtpatrick1edit the /etc/resolv.conf and point that to example.com22:28
pdtpatrick1and on example.com -- you'll have the DNS running there22:28
myjimmywebso i don't need bind on any of the vms?22:28
pdtpatrick1also make sure ur forwarding chain is set to accept22:28
pdtpatrick1on the host22:28
myjimmywebany good reading for this stuff?22:28
pdtpatrick1oh and then make sure ur kernel has forwarding set.22:29
pdtpatrick1just google - forward ipv4 on ubuntu22:29
pdtpatrick1you'll find tons of stuff22:29
myjimmywebi've just been used to using dyndns.org for my dns stuff, but will be purchasing a business account to get around webhop redirects to a dif port than 8022:30
LcawteHi, I'm having problems installing LAMP with tasksel, it messes up at mysql-server-5.122:54
pdtpatrick1you could also try installing it yourself?23:02
pdtpatrick1sudo apt-get install mysql-server23:02
pdtpatrick1see if it gives you an error23:02
pdtpatrick1or try install 5.1 but the server package should pull that in23:02
LcawteI have, still seems to freeze up23:03
pdtpatrick1freeze up on what? On installing? or downloading the package ?23:05
pdtpatrick1update your repo and try again23:05
pdtpatrick1sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install mysql-server23:05
pdtpatrick1dpkg -l mysql*23:06
pdtpatrick1what does that show ?23:06
BEZ|Kevinhow can I downgrade a 10.04 server to php 5.2.x?23:08
uvirtbotNew bug: #482986 in etckeeper (main) "Tracks some unnecessary/autogenerated files" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/48298623:11
uvirtbotNew bug: #603738 in bzr (main) "etckeeper should not warn about ignored special files / hardlinks" [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60373823:11
Lcawtepdtpatrick1: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/786324/ (its still running the isntall)23:17
pdtpatrick1Lcawte, looks like mysql-server is half installed. So do this then. sudo apt-get remove --purge mysql-server-5.123:18
LcawteI get a pop up debconf type thing telling me that it can't copy the root password or something23:18
Lcawtepdtpatrick1: ok, purged that23:19
Lcawtenow do I reinstall it?23:20
pdtpatrick1sudo apt-get install mysql-server23:20
Lcawtepdtpatrick1: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/786325/23:22
Lcawtewow, its stalling on purging that23:25
pdtpatrick1sudo dpkg-reconfigure mysql-server-5.1 .. it should ask you to set the root password23:25
RoyKLcawte: if you need to recover the root password, start the daemon with --skip-grant-tables23:29
Lcawtepdtpatrick1: tried that earlier, didn't work, same error23:29
LcawteRoyK: full command?23:31
LcawteWow, I purge all the mysql, delete /etc/mysql and reinstall the lot, still that same error23:32
patdk-laplcawte, why would you expect different?23:33
Lcawtepatdk-lap: fresh install, possible chance that there could of been something messed up in the old one?23:33
RoyKLcawte: mysqld --skip-grant-tables23:33
LcawteWhere are mysql databases stored on the disk?23:42
Lcawtehorrah! finally fixed it23:58
Lcawtepurging all the sql packages and rm -rf ing the db dir & mysql conf23:59

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