[00:35] woo chat night! [03:19] chat night!!! [03:20] wasn't someone havin' some connectivity troubles? [04:33] yeah, earlier i think [19:39] hello [19:39] hello, Ahmuck [19:40] hi kwadroke [19:40] got a irc question. seems i re-set a channel and it is invite only, need to reset it to open [19:41] kwadroke: ur in conway iirc [19:41] * Ahmuck is in clarksville [19:41] yeah, I am [19:43] try this: /MODE #channelname -i [19:43] http://www.irchelp.org/irchelp/irctutorial.html [19:44] http://forum.swiftirc.net/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=282 [19:45] can you get to #hugin? [19:47] yep [19:57] did you see my reply? [20:12] yep [20:13] cool [20:13] then you got it working [20:13] sounds like [20:31]