
maxolasersquadAnyone seen this one yet: http://sale.images.woot.com/Coexist6jtDetail.png14:05
maxolasersquadEveryone in the middle there is fighting its damndest to coexist, and the two on the outside are fighting hard to lock everyone else out.14:06
raubvogelmaxolasersquad: lol16:34
govatenthello 19:55
maxolasersquadAnyone know how to switch channels in irssi when using tmux?20:42
maxolasersquadalt-arrow gets captured by tmux.20:43
mhall119maxolasersquad: /window #22:33
mhall119or /window goto #22:33
mhall119I have an alias for /w to /window goto22:33

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