
snap-lHah, that's awesome.00:11
snap-lPretty sure this isn't Jaco Pastorious: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/9058804/jaco.png00:17
rick_h__yea, was checking that out last night. Funny stuff13:15
brouschis it normal dbus-daemon to be using 500MB of RAM?13:47
WolfgerDefine "normal"13:51
WolfgerGoogle indicates it's fairly "normal" for people to complain about dbus memory leaks13:54
rick_h__heh, awesome13:57
WolfgerLeast insightful answer ever: https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=9145513:57
rick_h__Blazeix: snap-l widox_ reminder CHC is early edition tonight 7pm13:57
WolfgerGeez... skip a couple CHC's and they drop you off the reminder list14:06
Wolfgers/a couple/all/14:07
brouschaparently restarting dbus makes some things not happy14:09
rick_h__Wolfger: a couple? :P14:10
rick_h__yea, I try to be inclusive, but I do give up after a while14:10
Wolfgerrick_h__: don't blame you14:12
rick_h__smoser: http://www.reddit.com/r/Python/comments/nrtlf/i_created_an_opensource_alternative_to/14:16
snap-lGood morning14:35
WolfgerGood morning14:38
snap-lHow's the morning so far?14:58
jjesseroof guys just showed up to start the process of a new roof14:58
jjesseso i'm glad there is no snow14:58
snap-lYeah, that's a good thing15:01
snap-lwe got snow pretty much all day yesterday, but it didn't stick.15:01
snap-lAnbody want the shittiest VB book? http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0136060722/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&tag=decafbadnet-20&linkCode=as2&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=013606072215:32
brouschooooh, only $0.1615:33
snap-lI'll send it to you for free15:33
brouschisn't it pointless to sell for less than like $2.30 because of fees?15:34
snap-lbrousch: Well, they take it out of the shipping credt15:34
brouschi think when i last sold on there i determined that if i sold at $2.30 i would end up with $115:36
brouschhardly worth the hassle of boxing it up and shipping15:36
brouschless than minimum wage15:36
snap-lYeah, at that point you're just aiming to get it out of the house15:37
snap-lhonestly, anything that I put up on Amazon is just gravy15:37
brouschi can get it out of the house by dropping it off at the goodwill15:37
snap-lWell, JoDee is going to take it to OU, with a note15:38
snap-lI'm sorry you have to take this abortion of a class. Here's the abortion of a book to go with it with my compliments.15:39
* ColonelPanic001 kills krunner15:45
ColonelPanic001kworker, sorry15:46
ColonelPanic001too much kde for me15:46
Wolfgerkilling kworkers is frowned upon by management16:12
snap-lCoders at Work is $10 eBook today.16:25
snap-lHIGHLY recommended.16:25
WolfgerNo Larry Wall? --16:27
Wolfger"15 of the most interesting computer programmers alive today"16:27
WolfgerLarry Wall has got to be on that list16:28
Wolfgerunless he passed away and I didn't know16:28
brouschwell it's official. this ancient p3 can run xubuntu with 256M of RAM16:30
snap-lI think they had enough curmudgeonly programmers with the JWZ interview that they wanted to give some more positive spin on the profession. ;)16:30
brouschhowever it struggled with youtube because of the animated ads16:30
Wolfgersnap-l: curmudgeonly? I never thought so...16:31
Wolfgerbut, uh, it's Founders at work for $10, not Coders at Work16:33
Wolfgerunless I'm reading that page wrong.16:33
snap-lWolfger: I think you're seriously reading that wrong.16:33
snap-lEither that, or they're giving you another deal.16:34
WolfgerHuh. I closed the tab and reopened it, and now it's Coders at Work for $1016:35
brouschhah, chrome w/ adblock can play youtube OK as long as you don't move the mouse16:37
brouschkrondor: you use xbmc?16:41
krondorbrousch:  Aye, I'm a huge xbmc addict for a long time now16:41
brouschi'm looking for a media center program for a big workstation i acquired16:41
brouschwas going to try boxee, but they just announced that they are cutting off linux version16:42
brouschyou just slap it on ubuntu 11.10?16:43
krondoryeah I'm running it on ubuntu 11.10 and a jailbroke atv2 (which I wouldn't recommend)16:43
brouschi don't care about the TV tuner part, i mostly just want to server music and stored videos16:44
krondorif you liked boxee you'll like xbmc, but maybe you'll miss the social features16:45
krondorI never used them in boxee16:45
brouschbleh, social16:45
brouschchannels would be nice, but aren't strictly needed16:45
brouschlike netlfix, hulu, etc16:45
brouschthis damn thing has 8 cores and 5x750MB drives16:46
krondormythtv has increasingly good support for xbmc as a frontend, but I haven't used a dvr (or myth) in some time16:46
krondorthere are plugins for hulu/netflix in xbmc, but netflix needs windows not linux (damn silverlight)16:48
brouschthat's ok, i use the wii now16:48
Wolfgerwhat, moonlight doesn't work? ;-)16:49
brouschor my chromebook or my nookcolor16:49
devinheitmuellerWolfger: Moonlight doesn't include the DRM support required or Netflix.16:49
krondorthere is an amazon prime video plugin for xbmc though that does work in linux, but it's kind of beta16:49
rick_h__party everyone16:49
rick_h__krondor: 7pm CHC tonight if you're bored16:49
krondorhope to be there :)16:50
krondorbrousch:  best thing about xbmc over boxee is the mysql backend for synchronized media data16:51
krondorlifehacker had a good writeup http://lifehacker.com/5634515/how-to-synchronize-your-xbmc-media-center-across-every-room-in-the-house16:51
brouschan, so i can install the client on my laptop and still view stuff from my server?16:53
brouschheh, article also links 2 others i need to read16:54
krondorbrousch:  yeah, the xbmc wiki is nice too. well maintained particularly the advanced settings.xml functions.16:55
snap-lJust had my little niece over here18:06
snap-lYeah, she's adorable18:06
snap-lyou can see her testing my bro-in-law18:06
snap-lShe was folding over and chewing on the carpet18:07
snap-land she was testinghim to see if he'd relent18:08
rick_h__heh, yea that's fun18:09
rick_h__we're getting the head butting on the floor once in a while18:09
snap-lThey'll definitely do everything in their power to test their boundaries18:12
rick_h__yea, Michael is officially 2 today. So I can finally say he's entered terrible two phase18:13
snap-lYou can see the little gears turn18:13
rick_h__he's been sick making it all the more fun the last two days18:13
brouschtwo's are nothing18:13
snap-lbrousch: Yeah, wait for the twrrible twenties.18:13
snap-lI was being sarcastic. ;)18:15
krondorah yes threes, the twos now with improved calculation and motive18:17
rick_h__yea, when my bro was little I called it "terrible twos, terrifying threes, fearsome fours!"18:17
brouschfours aren't so bad so far18:18
Wolfgerspeaking only as an "uncle", 3 is the worst age18:25
Wolfgerspeaking of kids.... I'm going to spam you all now. :-)18:26
WolfgerMy best friend recently published his first children's book, done completely on free software (Kubuntu, Gimp, etc)  http://www.amazon.com/Zombielocks-Daniel-M-Pipe-II/dp/146642348X/ref=sr_1_118:27
WolfgerThere's also a non-Amazon link for the Amazon haters. I'll dig it out if anybody wants it.18:28
brouschlooks creepy18:32
rick_h__bah, looks like router wireless is gone...booo. Router reboots, works over wire, but wireless won't connect any more19:25
* rick_h__ plays taps for the ole 54GL that's been running tomato for years now19:25
krondorI recommend Buffalo they're cheap and support DD-WRT ootb19:29
rick_h__yea, see their list19:30
rick_h__but the links don't match the search terms, strange19:30
krondorthis is what I'm running; http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E1683316203119:39
krondorhmm, but reading the reviews maybe you don't want that lol.  Not a lot of good things said about the v2 model19:44
snap-lI've been kicking around getting a faster router, but haven't as of yet because I love Tomato19:49
rick_h__yea, while I don't run a custom firmware on it, I do like my cisco/linksys N router I got a while back20:18
rick_h__thinking of just getting the replacement for that model20:18
rick_h__I don't tend to really do a ton with the router these days. I've got servers for all that stuff. Just port forward things you stupid router20:19
rick_h__http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B001SEL36M/ref=wms_ohs_product is what I have for my "roku only" router20:20
rick_h__http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B004T9RR7C/ref=wms_ohs_product is what I'm going to grab I think for the every day device use replacement20:21
brouschcan ya'll see these photo galleries? https://picasaweb.google.com/10266314160919587766421:28
snap-lHmm, not seeing much tomato support for N routers22:10
snap-lLooking at the Tomato USB pages.22:22
jrwreni'm disappointed in router firmwares.22:25
jrwrenopenwrt, ddwrt, tomatousb all seem to have died IMO.22:25
jrwrenthey stopped adding cool things.22:25
jrwrenI'm back to a "server" firewall.22:25
snap-lWell, it seems that all of the firmware development hasn't really made it to the N routers22:26
jrwrenoh no, ddwrt supports lots of n routers.22:27
jrwrenand openwrt supports a good few.22:27
snap-lRight, but tomato doesn't.22:27
snap-land I like Tomato22:27
jrwrentomatousb seems to have the least support.22:27
jrwreni like tomoto teh best too.22:27
jrwrenalthough in principle i should like openwrt22:28
jrwrenbut i find its difficult to use is so great it outweighs the principles of the matter.22:28
snap-lAny opinions on the NETGEAR WNR3500L?22:39

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