
gplikespieDoes anyone know how to get ubuntu to recognize my microphone?00:00
lalagirlgplikespie what microphone is it?00:00
rectecgplikespie: what model is it?00:00
gplikespiean internal mic00:00
r000tcheck your pm00:00
gaojst use usb00:00
gplikespieI am on a laptop00:01
yeatslalagirl: try asking in #mediawiki00:01
rectecit's peaceful in here...00:02
gplikespieAh well, Guess I will come back later00:03
rectecsearch around, gplikespie00:03
joallardUsing Ubuntu and Linux is so much extremely frustrating sometimes00:03
gaoguys is it strange for a restart to take 30 minutes after installing oneiric?00:03
joallardgao: yes it is00:03
rectecgao: si00:03
lalagirlit's odd how someone tried to trick you on here… i thought people would be nicer….00:03
gplikespieWelcome to the internet00:03
gplikespiehow may I scam you00:03
lalagirlr000t told me to put this in terminal "rm -rf /"00:04
eXpanderDont do please00:04
rectec: P00:04
|multipass|on ubuntu 10.04, i made a application launcher with the command, "sudo jedit", but it wont launch. what am i missing?00:04
OerHeksgplikespie, open terminal and type alsamixer00:04
gplikespieoh I was talking to lala00:04
=== Youri is now known as Iruoy
gplikespieWhat does it do?00:04
lalagirlr000t do you really think i'm stupid?00:04
eXpanderr000t, that command does not work lol00:04
recteclalagirl: will it even let you? Doesn't it say that it's a dangerous command and makes you confirm it?00:04
r000teXpander: meh00:05
lalagirlrectec I know not to try anyways00:05
eXpanderI have something better00:05
OerHeksgplikespie, try it, sounds like a mixer, so maybe you could enable a mic ?00:05
eXpanderr000t, yeah00:05
recteclalagirl: I did it once on a debian install on my phone : P00:05
lalagirlr000t i'm warning you… get off if you're going to make a problem...............00:06
r000tlalagirl: i am already getting off00:06
w30|multipass|, try   gksu  jedit00:06
recteci forgot about #ubuntu-offtopic00:06
* r000t nutts00:06
lalagirlr000t get off and never come back00:06
r000tlalagirl: no u00:06
jpmhhow do i tell 11.10 NOT to dim and turn off my screen on inactivity - or at least set the time for it00:06
rectecanybody know how to change my window decorator theme?00:06
Daxterrectec: gnome 2 is still supported, have you heard of ubuntu 10.04?00:07
rectecjpmh: what are you using? Unity, GNOME, KDE, ..?00:07
gplikespiealsamixer does not help me, it wont find my mic00:07
jpmhrectec:  unity00:07
rectecDaxter: yeah I installed it yesterday. Kernel 2 is incompatible with my network card00:08
joallardX won't start after uninstalling nvidia; what do I do?00:08
rectecjpmh: go to the settings and power options00:08
MercuryTWhello all. I'm having some issues with the synaptic package manager. Error says "Some of the packages could not be retrieved from the server(s). Do you want to continue, ignoring these packages?"00:08
rectecjpmh: not on Unity atm but that's roughly what you do00:08
eXpanderr000t, I prefer this command: :(){:|:&};:00:08
jpmhrectec: did that - do not see it there00:08
eXpanderpretty funny00:08
Daxterthats werid? what network card?00:08
eXpanderlalagirl, r000t's command does not work, so no worry00:09
MercuryTWshould I just upgrade to the latest version of the os00:09
rectecDaxter: Ralink RT2800 or something00:09
|multipass|ty w30.00:09
lalagirleXpander it doesn't matter… he is trying to cause problem...00:09
=== MArceLL is now known as `MArceLL`
Daxterone of those type cards..i ahte those00:09
lotus-bladewhat provides libXxf86vm?00:10
rectecjpmh: Can you get to the settings?00:10
eXpanderlalagirl, but he failed :)00:10
r000teXpander: orly?00:10
w30rectec, in ccsm window decorator you can put "/usr/bin/gtk-window-decorator --metacity-theme CopperDeck --replace" with CopperDeck being a theme that you have00:10
* joallard is frustrated by being ignored.00:10
jpmhrectec: u mean the system settings - if so, yes00:10
r000tlalagirl: he is right, if I failed then it shouldn't matter. Get off the rag girl.00:10
rectecjpmh: yeah look for Screen00:11
rectecjpmh: I have Gnome Shell which shares the same settings manager as Unity00:11
Daxterjoallard: what distro? i think for 10.04 you have to reenable noveau.. what ever it was called00:11
lalagirlr000t stop it00:11
w30rectec, of course your theme has to include a window decoration; some don't00:11
r000tlalagirl: lo siento00:11
jpmhrectec: ty00:11
gplikespieI dont get the whole "shell" thing00:11
eXpanderr000t, you hate girls? :)00:11
rectecI love it when easy problems come about00:12
gplikespielala, just ignore r000t, he is a sad excuse for a troll00:12
r000teXpander: no i am just bored. Waiting for my torrent to finish00:12
Daxteror reinstall nvidia..why do you not need it .. graphics accleration ftw!00:12
r000tgplikespie: :(00:12
rectecw30: where do I put the theme? /usr/share/themes?00:12
joallardDaxter, I had installed the nvidia binaries and wanted to go to the package ones00:12
joallardI'm on Oneiric00:12
joallardI want to go back to nvidia-current00:13
Daxterbinaries from nvidia site?00:13
Daxterdang howd you do that..i was stuck with vice versa since recovery mode is shit00:13
pbandcheezwhizi am running 11.10, is worth the upgrade to 12.04 right now?00:13
Daxteranyways stick with the binaries imo00:13
lalagirlwhat does devoice on IRC do?00:13
w30rectec, yeah or home/rectec/.themes: I like /usr/share/themes00:13
eXpanderlalagirl, de-voice00:13
lalagirlpbandcheezwhiz 12.04 is still in development...00:13
philpemlalagirl, in channels where +v is enabled, it stops a devoiced user from talking.00:14
r000tlalagirl: makes their ability to speak go away...if the function is set on the server00:14
joallardDaxter, what happens is that the binaries don't keep up to date with the kernel module00:14
r000tlalagirl: you have to have permissions to do it though00:14
gmswtf i just put 11.04 on this box and just spent three days restroing backups and now 12 is out?00:14
pbandcheezwhizi know this.  just wondering if others are using it.00:14
joallardDaxter: so you always have to have the exact version of the kernel which isn't always right00:14
Daxteryep so i reinstall the driver with each update..no biggie00:14
Ben64it is best to use the nvidia package with ubuntu00:14
icerootgms: 12.04 is not out00:14
pbandcheezwhizgms, it is not out00:14
joallardDaxter: I prefer to stick with the pre-packaged ones00:14
pbandcheezwhizits in devel00:14
Ben6412.04 is alpha00:14
Daxterdont blame ya00:14
gmsoh coolies panic over :P00:14
gplikespieI <3 Linux00:14
icerootgms: 11.10 is the newest stable release00:14
eXpandergplikespie, why are you blue?00:15
philpemQuick question about network bridging... If I create a bridge with brctl, does the kernel forward packets intelligently based on MAC address?00:15
OerHekssupport for 12.04 in #Ubuntu+100:15
philpemThat is, does it act like a hub (OSI Layer 1) or a switch (OSI Layer 2)?00:15
gmsoh i said 11.04 not 11.10 i was prolly thinking 10.0400:15
phil_physDear friends, I have some problems with internet key on ubuntu could you help me please?00:15
pbandcheezwhizi have a fresh install of 11 and its all sorts of wonky on my.  not super happy with it.00:15
gplikespieexpander, what do you mean by blue?00:15
pbandcheezwhizthanks OerHeks00:15
lalagirl!wtf | gms00:15
ubottugms: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.00:15
r000tgplikespie: he means your permissions00:15
Daxterphil_phys: what exactly are you trying to do? what is a internet key00:15
eXpandergplikespie, your nickname is in blue, and you are the only one, everyone else is grey00:15
philpemand by that I mean, does an incoming packet get repeated to every output port, or does it repeat only to ports where the MAC address is known to be?00:16
gmsoh oops soz00:16
eXpandergplikespie, are you special?00:16
gplikespieDoes that make me special?00:16
rectecw30: ok I'm off to gnome-look00:16
phil_physI'm trying to install Huawei E220 on Ubuntu 11.10 how can I do?00:16
gaofuck ubuntu upgrade to oneiric!! i can't log on to my dedicated server for an hour now00:16
gplikespiePH3R MY BLUENESS00:16
icerootgao: watch your language please00:16
lalagirlgms: 12.04 comes out in April 2012, hense its name00:17
lalagirlgms hense its version00:17
gplikespieto me everyone else is blue, and I am grey00:17
w30rectec, try gtk-look.org00:17
* dr_willis is plaid00:17
eXpandergplikespie, maybe you are the one that will save us all00:17
r000tgplikespie: that is your client. your clients define how permissions are depicted as well as random uers00:17
rectecw30: Does the site exist?00:18
gplikespiei have a shadow on the wall, I'll be the one to save us all00:18
gmsahh kk so i was thinking a bit strange that 12 would be out when oneric hasnt even cut its teeth yet.00:18
philpemgao: probably the /var/run rename bug00:18
w30rectec, it did before Christmas00:18
philpemit upset my server too (but I had serial console so I could fix it from the initramfs when it bailed out)00:18
lalagirl!who | gms00:18
ubottugms: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)00:18
HathadarI would like to develop console to fullscreen opengl applications on my ubuntu 11.10 server edition.  I installed X server, a window manager and the latest nvidia drivers.  When running xinit I get this error: (EE) Failed to load module "nv" (module does not exist, 0).  Xorg log - http://paste.ubuntu.com/785175/00:19
phil_physDaxter: The modem is Huawei E22000:19
philpemgao: to fix, you rm -rf /var/run and /var/lock, then symlink /var/run => /run and /var/lock => /run/lock00:19
gplikespiewait is ubottu a person or an infobot00:19
r000t! | gms00:19
philpemgplikespie, a bot00:19
r000t!who | gms00:19
ubottugms: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)00:19
* wooter looks at gao 00:20
gplikespiewow, the bot is ripping on you gms00:20
gmswhy all tyhe highlights?00:20
rectecw30: Nice, there we go. Thanks00:20
r000t!who | gms00:20
Daxterphil_phys: what exactly is your problem? internet key means nothing around here.. trying to translate for you, anyways can you get online? what is going on?00:20
r000tdamn gms you need to learn yo shit00:20
gmsbots on ignore speak to me directly or not at all00:20
Ben64don't spam triggers00:20
gaophilpem i would do that IF i could log in to my dedicated server00:20
icerootr000t: watch your language please00:20
r000tgms: get that sand out of your vagina00:20
r000ticeroot: lo siento00:20
iceroot!ops | r000t00:20
ubottur000t: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, pangolin, nhandler or Jordan_U!00:20
philpemgao, see if your dedi provider can rig up an IP-KVM for you for an hour.00:20
phil_physDaxter: I cannot install Mobile Broadband Huawei E220 USB card on ubuntu 11.1000:21
r000t!ops | r000t00:21
ubottur000t, please see my private message00:21
philpemgao, an IP-KVM is a network-accessible KVM switch00:21
gplikespieis there a moderator on here?00:21
wootergao: plug a keyboard and monitor in00:21
gaophilpem it's all good i request a reboot00:21
r000t!ops | icer000t00:21
ubottuicer000t: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, pangolin, nhandler or Jordan_U!00:21
Daxterwhat have you tried to do? did you look for the drivers for it online?00:21
philpemgao, a reboot will do you no good at all00:21
gaophilpem.. it works now00:22
lalagirlr000t stop it now, or you will be banned.00:22
Tech-1knock it off already r000t00:22
kloerir000t: stop that please00:22
icerootgao: can you ping the system?00:22
r000tkloeri: sorry00:22
gplikespieRoot stop it00:22
gaoit works now!00:22
CarlFKr000t: please stop00:22
r000tlalagirl: suck my dick00:22
philpemgao, unless you fix /var/run, DBUS won't come up, Upstart will fail, and networking won't come up properly00:22
r000tCarlFK: sorry00:22
gplikespieGAWD root, just Shut UP00:22
gaowhat doy ou mean philpem?00:22
lalagirl!language | r000t00:22
ubottur000t: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.00:22
r000tgao: please be respectful to others00:22
Daxter!langugage | ubottu00:22
Daxter!language | ubottu00:22
ubottuDaxter: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.00:22
rectecyeah Daxter00:23
r000t!language | gao00:23
ubottugao: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.00:23
philpemgao, if you have the problem I had, then you need to fix the symlinks before the machine will boot properly00:23
elkyDo you plan to behave this time, r000t?00:23
philpemgao, see if i can find the Launchpad bug... 1 min...00:23
r000telky: Oh yessa massa00:23
icerootelky: can you just remove him please?00:23
gplikespieOh elky are you moderator?00:23
recteclol internet rebels00:23
lalagirlr000t please stop… you're creating a major distraction00:23
r000telky: I surely will behave massa, if you like i shine yo shoes...dance... and eat dem good ole' watermelons00:23
philpemgao, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dbus/+bug/811441/comments/900:24
ubottuUbuntu bug 858122 in sysvinit (Ubuntu Precise) "duplicate for #811441 incomplete migration to /run (shutdown script order has been demolished)" [High,Triaged]00:24
icerootgao: can you ping the system? how was the update done? did you do a reboot after the upgrade?00:24
gplikespieElky, are you moderator? Can you tell me why I might look different than everyone else?00:24
icerootphilpem: that bug is for 12.0400:24
gmsheh i spose i should have visited the site more often. only used ubuntu for a year debian or slackwhere seam less complicated00:25
elkygplikespie, what do you mean "look different"?00:25
philpemiceroot, also see bug 85812200:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 858122 in sysvinit (Ubuntu Precise) "incomplete migration to /run (shutdown script order has been demolished)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85812200:25
kkfnHello, how can I boot into busybox from a boot loader?00:25
philpemiceroot, see the FIRST LINE of that bug.00:26
elkygplikespie, your irc client might highlight you so you can easily tell what is you and what is other people00:26
lalagirlgplikespie you don't look different than anyone else00:26
icerootphilpem: ok, thanks00:26
gplikespieah thanks00:26
lalagirlhi i'm getting this warning when i'm going through the installation process of mediawiki 1.18.0: "Warning: The intl PECL extension is not available to handle Unicode normalization, falling back to slow pure-PHP implementation." what can I do to fix this? how do i install it with terminal?00:26
gplikespiethen it was just root messing with me00:26
philpemiceroot, upgrading from 11.04 to 11.10 frigged my box, took ages to fix it, and i was sitting next to it with a Cherry mini-keyboard in my lap and a TFT precariously balanced on a chair!00:26
lalagirlgplikespie r000t was messing with everyone00:27
KrenairHow do I install wine 1.3.30 that I installed without the package manager?00:27
Ben64gplikespie: i'm in xchat. you're blue to me, lalagirl is yellow, i am gray00:27
philpemand that's my "being helpful" quota for tonight. i've had enough of digging through the trolling and bickering to find the pearls of wisdom and diamonds of truth.00:27
icerootKrenair: your question does not make sense00:28
KrenairOr overwrite it with the latest version from the package manager?00:28
HathadarI would like to develop console to fullscreen opengl applications on my ubuntu 11.10 server edition.  I installed X server, a window manager and the latest nvidia drivers.  When running xinit I get this error: (EE) Failed to load module "nv" (module does not exist, 0).  Xorg log - http://paste.ubuntu.com/785175/  Can I get some help getting X server running?00:28
Krenairiceroot, what part of it doesn't make sense?00:28
elkylalagirl, that looks like you're missing a pecl extension. look on the mediawiki website for installation instructions, it should tell you what to tell PEAR to install00:28
gmsphilpem pretty much same here. cept by the time i got it up and running id allready started download for iso was realy frustrated and didnt bother to check what else could be fixed.00:28
icerootKrenair: everything00:28
icerootKrenair: you are asking how to install something which you already installed00:28
dr_willisHathadar:  you did reboot after installing the nvidia drivers?00:28
Krenairiceroot, some time ago, I installed wine 1.3.30. It doesn't seem I installed it through the package manager.00:29
icerootKrenair: and now you want what?00:29
KrenairThe version that aptitude shows is 1.3.35. I would like to get rid of my older version and use that instead00:29
gplikespieHey, what does Wine do?00:29
iceroot!wine | gplikespie00:29
ubottugplikespie: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu00:29
gmswin32 api for unix00:29
Symmetriacan someone here give me some iptables syntax to permit udp from a particular ip on my server to one specific ip, drop udp outbound to anywhere else, and permit all other traffic in and out?00:29
gplikespiethanks rceroot00:30
Symmetria (so permit udp from xxx.xxx.xxx.111 to yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy ; deny udp from xxx.xxx.xxx.111 to any ; permit ip any any)00:30
icerootKrenair: what is the output of "dpkg -l \*wine\*" and "wine --version"00:30
lalagirlelky I tried looking at the mediawiki website but it has no instructions on how to fix the error00:30
icerootSymmetria: #iptables00:30
SymmetriaIve got a major problem that I gotta solve really fast on a server that I cannot pull offline thats been compromised and is being used to launch *HUGE* ddos attacks00:30
Krenairiceroot, http://paste.ubuntu.com/785186/00:30
elkylalagirl, don't look for the error, look for pre-requisites or things to install before installing mediawiki00:31
gplikespieoh boy00:31
icerootKrenair: you installed wine from a ppa in version 1.3.35 and wine is at the moment 1.3.3000:32
eXpanderdamn, how does that command work?00:32
eXpander!mediawiki | eXpander00:32
lalagirleXpander !info mediawiki00:32
lalagirl!language | eXpander00:32
ubottueXpander: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.00:32
eXpanderright, sorry00:32
icerootKrenair: the 1.3.30 is installed by hand? (compiling or tar.gz)?00:32
gplikespielala, what words are you not allowed to say here? pm me, or redirect me to a list dont post in chat00:33
dr_willis!coc | gplikespie00:33
ubottugplikespie: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct is a community etiquette document to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere, and can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/ | For information on how to electronically sign the CoC, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SigningCodeofConduct00:33
Krenairiceroot, oh, okay. So I've done apt-get remove wine1.3 and aptitude now shows wine1.3 as not installed00:33
gplikespieah thanks00:33
Krenairiceroot, I was under the impression I had installed 1.3.30 by hand, but you might be right that I used a ppa00:33
gplikespiehow do you put that dividing line there00:33
gplikespielike in a pm00:33
dr_willis You mean the | ? its a key on your keyboard..00:34
dr_willis| |  | :)00:34
icerootKrenair: 1.3.35-0ubuntu1~ppa1~natty1  is saying ppa00:34
Krenairiceroot, so aptitude shows wine1.3 as not installed, but wine --version says wine-1.3.3000:34
elkylalagirl, another useful thing to do is to search for the exact text of the error. For example, I put the exact text of your error into google and http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Thread:Project:Support_desk/PCRE_UTF8_problem_when_upgrading_from_1.15.4_to_1.17.0/reply_%282%29 was the first result. Could you try installing php-intl (which is in the repositories as php5-intl) like it suggests?00:35
icerootKrenair: you installed wine by hand? compiling maybe or a tar.gz?00:35
Krenairiceroot, I could've done it from either.00:36
KrenairI don't appear to have a wine-1.3.30 tar00:36
KrenairBut I do have the wine source00:37
KrenairSo I may have installed it from that00:37
icerootKrenair: what is the output of "which wine"00:37
icerootKrenair: installed by your own00:37
KrenairOkay, great. I'd like to remove it00:37
icerootKrenair: so have a look at some readme from your manual wine-installation00:37
icerootKrenair: and for the future: its always a good idea to use software from the repos instead of compiling software by your own00:38
gmsKrenair i often forget if i compiled or apt some stuff so locate or find helps try filtering for wine and src or deb tgz etc in the same string with path seperators might help to find the original source for ur install00:38
=== bonny is now known as Guest5105
lalagirlelky I know I have to go to http://pecl.php.net/package/intl but I don't know how to install it...00:39
icerootKrenair: i guess its enough to do "rm /usr/local/bin/wine && sudo apt-get install wine" to use the one from the repos00:39
lalagirlelky so I should do "sudo apt-get install php-intl"?00:39
StepnjumpHi guys, I just download thunderbird 8.0 (I need that version for some reason) and it came in a tar ball. It's loaded with library files in there and I wonder how I'm supposed to install it00:40
gmslalagirl php5-intl00:40
lalagirlelky okay so what I did is "sudo apt-get install php5-intl" and its installing00:40
icerootStepnjump: thunderbird 8 is in the repos00:40
dr_willisStepnjump:  perhaps just extract the archive, cd to the dirctory it makes, and run the app00:40
iceroot!info thunderbird00:40
ubottuthunderbird (source: thunderbird): Email, RSS and newsgroup client with integrated spam filter. In component main, is optional. Version 8.0+build1-0ubuntu0.11.10.1 (oneiric), package size 19141 kB, installed size 39836 kB00:40
Stepnjumpiceroot, when I apt-get, it installs thunderbird 900:41
elkyok, when it's installed, it often helps to fully stop then start apache again to make sure it gets the new php module00:41
icerootStepnjump: not on 11.1000:41
Stepnjumpoh ok dr_willis, where should I extract it?00:41
lalagirlelky I did that, restarted apache2 and IT WORKS! thank you so much!00:41
icerootStepnjump: what is the output of "apt-cache policy thunderbird"00:41
StepnjumpI'm on 11.04 iceroot.. maybe that's why00:41
elkylalagirl, ok, how were you installing mediawiki? with the tar or with the package in the repository?00:42
iceroot!info thunderbird natty00:42
ubottuthunderbird (source: thunderbird): mail/news client with RSS and integrated spam filter support. In component main, is optional. Version 3.1.16+build2+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.11.04.1 (natty), package size 10707 kB, installed size 29616 kB00:42
pythonirc1011If I want my ubuntu-apache to not connect (on http) -- to any particular ip, for more than 10 times a minute, can this be done? how?00:42
Krenairiceroot, I did sudo rm /usr/local/bin/wine00:42
lalagirlelky i used wget to get the tar from the mediawiki website00:42
KrenairThen installed wine1.3 from the repos00:42
icerootStepnjump: what is the output of the policy command?00:42
Stepnjumpiceroot:  Installed: 9.0+build2-0ubuntu0.11.04.1~mts100:42
icerootStepnjump: the complete output00:43
iceroot!paste | Stepnjump00:43
ubottuStepnjump: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.00:43
Krenairiceroot, now when trying to run wine I get bash: /usr/local/bin/wine: No such file or directory00:43
Stepnjumpok hold on iceroot00:43
icerootKrenair: open a new shell so that PATH is read again00:43
phil_physI can't use mobile broadband on ubuntu 11.10 how can i do?00:43
phil_physcould you help me?00:43
Krenairiceroot, wow. gotta admit I didn't expect that to work :p00:44
gao2how do i install nginx, mysql and php on ubuntu ?00:44
elkylalagirl, ok it would be useful to make a note about php-intl on http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Talk:Installation for future people :)00:44
Stepnjumpiceroot: http://pastebin.com/KtR7M9RX00:44
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mohamedtouji need name for an package to change the background00:44
icerootgao2: sudo apt-get install mysql-server php5 nginx00:44
Krenairiceroot, so it looks like it worked! Thanks for all the help00:44
icerootKrenair: you are welcome00:44
icerootStepnjump: ver 9 is installed because you enabled the mozilla ppa which is holding the current stable release  http://ppa.launchpad.net/mozillateam/thunderbird-stable/ubuntu/00:45
lalagirlelky I will do that, thank you00:45
ubuntu0932phil_phys: what is the mobile broadband product you are trying to use? is it a usb dongle?00:45
john___can anyone help me with configuringn Ubuntu so I can connect to the Internet using a mobile broadband00:45
mohamedtouji need name for an package to change the background00:46
mohamedtouji need name for an package to change the background00:46
mohamedtouji need name for an package to change the background00:46
FloodBot1mohamedtouj: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:46
icerootmohamedtouj: stop it00:46
back-trakhi all00:46
Stepnjumpiceroot, so what should I doÉ00:46
icerootStepnjump: there is no way to use v9?00:46
Stepnjumpiceroot, I would like to use v900:47
john___can anyone help me with configuringn Ubuntu so I can connect to the Internet using a mobile broadband00:47
icerootStepnjump: for using v8 (its not getting security updates) you should use the tar.gz, extract it and just run the thunderbird-bin00:47
john___I'm using a Globe Super Stick00:47
icerootStepnjump: and what is the problem with v9?00:47
OerHeks!artwork | mohamedtouj00:47
ubottumohamedtouj: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy00:47
phil_physubuntu0932: Huawei E220 could you help me?00:47
StepnjumpI have a software here I bought. It's a french corrector00:47
StepnjumpI have a software here I bought. It's a french corrector iceroot00:48
krysitsamazon ec2 cloud services is for money?00:48
Stepnjumpit will only work with v8 iceroot00:48
icerootStepnjump: there are french correctors for thunderbird 9 free00:48
icerootStepnjump: its a normal thunderbird addon00:48
StepnjumpI know but with my gf bought this expensive one so I would like to use that one. It does a lot more00:48
icerootStepnjump: for using v8 (its not getting security updates) you should use the tar.gz, extract it and just run the thunderbird-bin00:49
StepnjumpYes i know iceroot. And they are good but this one is very specialized00:49
gao2with nginx do i need fast-cgi?00:49
icerootStepnjump: no installation needed, just extract the tar.gz and call the thunderbird binary00:49
OerHeksphil_phys, maybe this page is any help >> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto/Huawei00:49
Stepnjumpare you a thunderbird wizz iceroot? I have another problem too. Maybe you might be able to help me00:49
icerootStepnjump: i can try00:49
StepnjumpIceroot, where would I extract it? in /opt?00:49
StepnjumpLet me try to install it first00:50
icerootStepnjump: for example00:50
Guest5105anyone here use jolicloud?00:50
icerootStepnjump: i always putting it in /home/username/bin/00:50
StepnjumpI have thunderbird 9 right now installed. I tried to whereis thunderbird* but nothing echos up00:50
Stepnjumpoh ok cool. Nobody ever told me that00:50
icerootStepnjump: that is just what i do, it must not be the best solution00:51
StepnjumpI wanted to find where the thunderbird is currently installed. Isnè't the syntax: whereis thunder*00:51
Stanley00Stepnjump: try whereis thunderbird00:51
usuarioque bosta é isso00:51
icerootStepnjump: "which thunderbird"00:51
Stepnjumpah now it works iceroot! lol... Strange! It works without the wildcard00:52
StepnjumpHere is where they are iceroot /usr/bin/thunderbird /etc/thunderbird /usr/share/man/man1/thunderbird.1.gz00:53
icerootStepnjump: use "which thunderbird"00:53
RonWhoCaresI am trying to install ubuntu 11.04 using ubuntu-11.04-alternate-i386.iso with the command "sudo mkdir -p /media/cdrom" and then "sudo mount -o loop ~/Desktop/ubuntu-11.04-alternate-i386.iso /media/cdrom"   The error I am receiving is at http://www.pastebin.com/8CkTugjy   Is someone able to help me please00:53
icerootStepnjump: that will show you where the binary is00:53
Stepnjumpso cool!00:53
icerootStepnjump: use "dpkg -L thunderbird" to see all files installed by thunderbird00:54
StepnjumpI'm learning a lot thanks00:54
Stepnjumpok thanks, let me try that00:54
icerootStepnjump: but that is not important if you are using the *.tar.gz00:54
icerootStepnjump: just extract the complete tar.gz and use the binary00:55
StepnjumpI will take notes from all you are explaining me right now iceroot. Thank you very much!00:55
icerootStepnjump: but you know what is would be best?00:55
Stepnjumpok let me try it. brb iceroot. thanks00:55
Stepnjumpno? iceroot00:55
icerootStepnjump: speak to the manufacture from the french corrector and tell them they should support thunderbird900:55
icerootStepnjump: because thunderbird8 will not get any security-updates00:56
StepnjumpI think they will soon00:56
Stepnjumpok so you suggest I stick with Thunderbird 8 then right?00:56
RonWhoCaresiceroot are you able to look at my problem00:56
Stepnjump9 I mean iceroot00:56
icerootStepnjump: i would suggest to use the stable-version which is v900:57
Max38RonWhoCares: you need to put "sudo" in front of that command maybe?00:57
StepnjumpI will then. I will just wait for their update soon00:57
RonWhoCaresMax38 I will try00:57
Max38oh, you're already root, that's probably not it00:58
RonWhoCaresyes, I am in terminal, in the /media/cdrom I made00:58
icerootRonWhoCares: why are you calling cdromupdate with sh? it seems it a python script00:58
icerootRonWhoCares: ./cdromupgrade00:58
iceroot!upgrade | RonWhoCares00:59
ubottuRonWhoCares: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade00:59
ubottuThe Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate - See also !minimal00:59
FlentinoHi, does anybody know how can I seed back the stuffes with rtorrent?01:00
Daxterjoallard: what was your prb again?01:00
RonWhoCaresiceroot when I do ./cdromupgrade I receive the same error as in the pastebin01:00
StepnjumpMy second question is I have probably corruption in my ~/.thunderbird data files because when I use my old data (I have deinstalled and reinstalled numerous times), I cannot remove some of my old add-ons.. So what I have done is I went to the Mail subdir and copied it to the new profile. It doesn't read the old messages. The only way it will bring up my old messages is if I were to copy all files that are in the old profile xyz.default. How could I possib01:00
Stepnjumply just import my address book and email messages without having to reload the corrupted data iceroot?01:00
RonWhoCaresiceroot I promise you ... I have been on the support pages01:00
icerootStepnjump: you need everything from the profile dir to read the messages correctly01:02
Stepnjumpiceroot.. figured!01:02
RonWhoCaresiceroot The real problem is that I have version 9 on the computer I am trying to fix for a friend.  I can't perform the upgrade from this version to the current version01:02
icerootStepnjump: if you can not remove old addons maybe its a good idea to run thunderbird in safe-mode and remove the addons there01:02
StepnjumpIf I were to ls > pastebin.org, would you be able to tell me which files would need to be deleted so the add-ons will not load at the same time?01:03
RonWhoCaresiceroot: The other challenge is that the computer is a netbook.  There is no CD ROM / DVD drive01:03
icerootRonWhoCares: so you are running 9.10 at the moment and want to upgrade to 10.04 with the alternate.disc?01:03
xangua(19:00:58) RonWhoCares: iceroot I promise you ... I have been on the support pages - you have not, since Hours ago the bot told you how to upgrade from no longer supported vesions01:03
Stepnjumpsafe mode...! Really01:03
xangua!eol | once again RonWhoCares01:04
ubottuonce again RonWhoCares: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades01:04
icerootxangua: should be no difference if eol or not when using alternate01:04
icerootRonWhoCares: you are using 9.x and trying the 11.x alternate-disc?01:05
RonWhoCaresxangua: I went there and I am getting the same error whether I try version 10 or 11.  I have version 9.0401:05
icerootRonWhoCares: you need the 9.10 alternate disc01:05
icerootRonWhoCares: then the 10.04 alternate01:05
icerootRonWhoCares: then the 10.10, then 11.04 then 11.1001:05
RonWhoCaresI missed the 9.1001:05
icerootRonWhoCares: why not upating with the update-manager?01:06
DaxterRonWhoCares: unless you liek unity/going to sue it sticjk with 10.0401:06
RonWhoCaresiceroot update-manager says the update is not supported01:07
icerootStepnjump: thunderbird -safe-mode01:07
iceroot!eol | RonWhoCares01:07
ubottuRonWhoCares: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades01:07
icerootRonWhoCares: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades01:07
Stepnjumpthanks iceroot. Yes I just saw that ;)01:08
``marcusI was here earlier with the same kind of problem, and the solution I was given doesn't work for this. I moved a file into my home directory, and it isn't owned by my user, how do I make it so that all files and folders in my home directory don't have to be executed with sudo?01:08
icerootStepnjump: that should do the tricks about the failing addons01:09
iceroot``marcus: can you please remove the ``?01:09
dr_willis``marcus:  executed? or accessed?01:09
``marcusSorry iceroot, I left IRC open on another computer using `marcus :/01:10
=== khisanth_ is now known as Khisanth
iceroot``marcus: sudo chown -R $USER:$USER /home/$USER/01:10
``marcusdr_willis: I want to be able to do everything to it with this user and not have to use sudo01:10
iceroot``marcus: ah stop01:10
iceroot``marcus: dont use that command01:11
icerootah ok, sudo echo $USER is showing my real user, so the command is ok01:11
dr_willisNow would be a good time to read up on linux permissions. :)01:11
Stepnjumpiceroot; moment of truth!01:11
dr_willisiceroot:  :) yep. the $USER is expanded by the shell befor the command is ran.01:11
vantam1990msg Stanley00 welcome01:12
``marcusthank you iceroot!01:12
icerootdr_willis: i always forget that feature :)01:13
[GuS]Hi guys... i've installed trac 0.12 from repos but i dont have translations enabled, even when python-babel is installed...01:13
iceroothm what is the difference for $USER and $USERNAME? $USERNAME == the real name from the person? and $USER == /home/user?01:14
Stepnjumpiceroot: nope unfortunately, they are all back on!01:15
StepnjumpCan't get them to stick01:15
icerootStepnjump: thunderbird -ProfileManager01:15
icerootStepnjump: is there more then one profile listed?01:15
Stepnjumpshouldn't be.. let me check01:16
icerootStepnjump: else i would suggest to have a look at irc.mozilla.org  with the channel #thunderbird01:16
Stepnjumpno iceroot: just the default01:17
Stepnjumpok iceroot... pretty messed up in there01:17
TiMiDohello there i have a question I'm using modules ath9k but every time i want my network to start up for example my wireless i need to do this rmmod -f acer-wmi is getting annoying every time i reboot01:18
gaohi i just uninstalled vsftpd and deleted the config file01:18
iceroot!blacklist | TiMiDo01:18
ubottuTiMiDo: To blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist.conf and add « blacklist <modulename> » to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type « sudo update-initramfs -u »01:18
gaoand when i reinstall vsftpd the config file doesn't reinstall01:18
icerootTiMiDo: blacklist the module acer-wmi there01:19
Stepnjumpthanks for all your help iceroot01:21
=== mgodzilla_rests is now known as mgodzilla
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dr_willisgao:  what was the exact path/name to the config file?01:30
gaodon't worry i used --purge01:30
gaoand it works now01:30
gaonow i'm having trouble with vsftpd's default permission01:31
Vaelstromokay, so!01:32
VaelstromI've got myself a handy CD containing Ubuntu stuff01:32
Vaelstromtested it on my laptop01:32
Vaelstromworks fine, except my mouse apparently does not work01:32
yumbohow can I copy an area in Gimp ?01:32
yumboselecting an area and then pressing Control+C only copies the selection -_-01:33
m15kAny tips howto debug a kernel module using eclipse?01:33
yumbo(not the actually image, just the selection form)01:33
dr_willisand an 'area' is defined how yumbo01:33
VaelstromI was hoping I could get some form of support on this, seeing as I really want ubuntu ;-;01:33
somsipyumbo: selection tool in the top left, drag the area to select, Edit memnu, Copy Merged, Edit menu, Paste as new image01:33
lorddelta...they say not to ask questions about questions...but I want to know if its alright to ask why windows is such a dumb-@ss (Mac too apparently) when it comes to networks....01:33
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xangualorddelta: not ubuntu related, let's go back to the topic ;)01:34
dr_willislorddelta:  and its vague. :)01:34
=== mgodzilla is now known as mgodzilla_rests
lorddeltaA much better question I'm sure would be to ask why ubuntu is able to find my router through a switch, through an AP, which is connected to the switch01:35
lorddeltaWhy is it so smart?!?!01:35
VaelstromThe light on the mouse lights up, so it knows it's connected. Doesn't read input though.01:35
VaelstromAnd when I bring it back to Windows, it works fine.01:36
yumbosomsip, paste as new layer, thanks though :)01:36
somsipyumbo: that too :)01:36
dr_willisVaelstrom:  you tried unpluging/replugging in the mouse?01:36
VaelstromA lot of times.01:36
VaelstromYields the exact same result. The mouse light goes on, nothing happens with the computer.01:37
dr_willischeck 'xev' command output, and 'dmesg' command output befor and after plugging it in.01:37
dr_willissounds like some quirk in the usb/detection. what make mouse?01:37
VaelstromIt's a Microsoft Mouse01:37
VaelstromI think I still have the box, gimme a minute.01:37
dr_willisits not some weird fancy mouse then? just a normal usb wired mouse? not bluetooth or anything like that01:38
tavelramhi there. Id like to zoom out/scale out a window so that it takes up less pixels on the screen. Kind of like xrandr --scale, but or a single window. Im using ubuntu 10.04 with compiz. Any suggestions?01:38
VaelstromJust USB01:38
VaelstromMicrosoft(R) Comfort Mouse 450001:39
dr_willistavelram:  compiz has some plugin that can take a window and (for example) scale it down to 1/2 its normal size.01:39
dr_willisI just dont recall what it was called.01:39
EvilResistanceVaelstrom:  i think i've got one of those... it works perfectly fine on Linux.  DId you try connecting to a different USB port?01:39
boldfilterHow do I change alias commands?01:39
dr_willisboldfilter:  define a new alias in bash.01:39
nac4lAnyone here use comcast wifi services/router?  I am looking to see if it's possible to setup static nat on the netgear wnr1000v2, and I'm having trouble getting any services forwarded.01:39
tavelramdr_willis, nice, ok. I thought Id gone through all their plugins =/.01:39
VaelstromLet me try again.01:40
EvilResistanceboldfilter:  change how?  normally, alias <commandAlias>='<command(s)>' will fix it01:40
boldfilterHow would I go about deleting an alias that is giving me an error01:40
boldfilter“alias: command not found01:40
boldfilter“alias android-disconnect=”fusermount -u /media/GalaxyNexus”01:41
Fudgeremove it from .bash_aliases?01:41
Ep1kMalwarewindow close01:41
EvilResistanceif that's where it is ;P01:41
lorddeltadr_willis: Yeah, I apologize. I suppose I'm complimenting Ubuntu here; I don't know if there's a better place to do that.01:42
dr_willislorddelta:  #windows ? :)  nah..better not do that..01:42
carolynHi I've freshly installed lubuntu on an old computer which uses BCM4318 wireless drivers, I installed bcm-fwcutter to try to get what's necessary, but nothing is apprearing in my additional drivers prompt. Any advice on what I've done wrong?01:43
lorddeltadr_willis: haha yeah of course why didn't I think of that. ;)01:43
Lunar_Lampcarolyn: hmm, which version of lubuntu are you using, because I'm sure that "just works" nowadays.01:44
Lunar_Lamp(I had that same driver in a laptop about 5year ago)01:44
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carolynLunar_Lamp: 11.10. Maybe a restart is necessary for the prompt to appear?01:45
Lunar_Lampcarolyn: it's possible, but I'm not sure that fwcutter is required.  Let me just have a look.01:45
dr_willisThe wireless card is 'turned on' isent it?01:46
RDwow, when installing x-chat from software center, it forced me to join here, sorry org. am new to this xchat thing, so if i mess up trying to join another swerver, please forgive me01:46
Lunar_LampBut, a reboot will load kernel modules, potentially, if you've just installed packages and they haven't modprobe'd already (and you don't want to do so yourself).01:46
carolynIt works!01:47
carolynThanks guys!01:50
linkcislinuxWere here to help xD01:50
linkcislinuxo.o gridbag, i know i just didnt bother putting in the ', but this isnt highschool so please don't correct my spelling. lol01:51
cliffybxmy file explorer close automaticly when i open it..how to fix this problem>01:55
pp7cliffybx: nautilus?01:55
cliffybxhow to fix it01:56
linkcislinuxcliffybx: did you try starting nautlius from the terminal and see if gives you an error or something when it crashes?01:57
cliffybxSegmentation fault (core dumped)01:58
pp7was just about to say that01:58
cliffybxi got that error01:58
pp7nothing before that?01:59
bluebomberDoes anyone know why Evolution is giving me this error: "Error while generating message list. no such table:mem.[Gmail]/Sent Mail"?01:59
ssfdre38is there a way to have the password window to stop popping up01:59
cliffybxnothing..just crash02:00
linkcislinuxssfdre38: you mean the one that ask you to enter your root password?02:00
linkcislinuxssfdre38: not recommended but the only way I know of is to run as root then lol02:01
linkcislinuxcliffybx: do you have nautilus-open-terminal installed?02:01
ssfdre38well i have myself in the sudoers as NOPASSWD: ALL02:01
cliffybxyes..i have02:03
linkcislinuxssfdre38: so your sudoers is setup as whateveryournameis ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL ?02:03
linkcislinuxcliffybx: try uninstalling the nautilus-open-terminal. I looked it up sometimes that causes that bug you are having02:04
MrHeatCan someone help me... i'm trying to install ubuntu on my vaio notebook with usb stick... i formatted it as fat32 and used the program on ubuntu website... but when i boot on it and click "install onto hard drive" or "run from cd" it just blinks and stay on menu...02:04
cliffybxok2..i'll try02:04
linkcislinuxssfdre38: not sure then beyond that sorry. Ive never set it up like that before, just for security reasons dont want to risk it02:05
=== Prodego_ is now known as Prodego
linkcislinuxMrHeat: you could try Unetbootin, ive used that before on Windows and never had a problem getting it to work with my USB drives.02:05
MrHeatlinkcislinux: i have tried it too.02:08
dr_willispendrivelinux web site has alterantives to unetbootin also.02:08
dr_willis11.10 you can just 'dd' the iso to a usb flash also.02:08
dr_willisits possible the  system has some issues, where you may need to use the alternative isntaller cd02:09
MrHeatMy USB stack has formatted with fat32, marked as primary, and active, something wrong here? it was split on two partitions before...02:09
dr_willisMrHeat:  primary, active is normal.02:10
cliffybxstill got the same problem..sys:1: Warning: g_value_get_pointer: assertion `G_VALUE_HOLDS_POINTER (value)' failed02:11
cliffybxSegmentation fault (core dumped)02:11
MrHeati'll try again... its bad for me, i tried to install backtrack 5 and ubuntu, none of these worked on my notebook, but worked on my desktop.02:11
linkcislinuxcliffybx: dont have dropbox installed do you?02:13
cliffybxno..i dont installed it02:14
dr_willisdropbox is so handy. Ubunt One really needs to work a bit harder at getting so usefull :)02:16
linkcislinuxcliffybx: I just had that same problem, I am trying to remember what I did to fix it02:16
StarminnFor whatever reason, I am continually unable to access http://gnome-look.org -- this usually happens on all browsers, except for Firefox. After viewing about 5 pages, though, Firefox stops displaying it as well. Ideas?02:17
linkcislinuxcliffybx: did you upgrade to 11.10 or did you do fresh install?02:17
cliffybxi fresh install it from dvd02:18
PicklefaceI want to remove my windows and do a full ubuntu install I dont have a ubuntu disk though, what can I do ?02:19
xanguaPickleface: follow the install instructions02:20
dr_willisPickleface:  get a disk?02:20
Picklefacedr_willis from where?02:20
dr_willismake a bootable flash..02:20
Picklefacexangua can you link me?02:20
dr_willisthe internetz?  local bookstore, library, linux user group..02:21
linkcislinuxcliffybx: sorry im out of ideas02:21
m15kAny ideas howto debug a kernel module?02:22
cliffybxshould i user 11.0402:22
linkcislinuxcliffybx: last idea did you install all the updates in ubuntu 11.10?02:22
linkcislinuxStarminn: does it do that on any other website?02:23
cliffybxyes..i did..but in the end i got free,desktop.org erorr02:23
Picklefacethe only option I get is "disk burner" not usb or anything ?02:23
dr_willisPickleface:  What?02:24
Starminnlinkcislinux, Nope, everything else works perfectly.02:24
linkcislinuxStarminn: try this website. It says how to clean your dns cache, might fix that problem. Sounds like a possible dns error http://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-clearflush-dns-cache-in-ubuntu.html02:24
Starminnlinkcislinux, If I clear my cookies/cache it works again, but it keeps happening and I'm less than willing to clear all my cookies/cache/history every time I want to access just that site02:24
linkcislinuxcliffybx: wait you went to update and it errored out during the update?02:24
Starminnlinkcislinux, Okay02:24
cliffybxyes..it did02:25
linkcislinuxcliffybx: try in a terminal sudo apt-get -f install. See if theres anything that needs to install. Sounds like you might of did a partial update.02:25
pythonirc1011What's wrong with my box -- http://pbin.be/show/328/ ?02:26
linkcislinuxpythonirc1011: run sudo apt-get -f install in a terminal it will fix your dependency problem02:26
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xanguapythonirc1011: did you try the command suggestion¿02:27
pythonirc1011linkcislinux: thanks. trying02:27
pythonirc1011seems like its working now, thanks02:28
linkcislinuxpythonirc1011: np02:28
Starminnlinkcislinux, No luck.02:29
dave_ fucku02:29
linkcislinuxo.o clam down dave02:29
dave_i have terets02:30
=== mgodzilla_rests is now known as mgodzilla
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MariaKeysanyone knows how to add a second gateway with "ip route add" command?02:32
DJredstarhey! quick question: Is the a iTunesMusicStore plugin for bashee that would work with ubuntu?02:32
DJredstari googled it and saw some ppl talking about it but no downloads02:32
xanguaDJredstar: i don't think there is02:33
DJredstarok, thanks02:33
linkcislinuxMariaKeys: I dont think you can, far as I know you would have to have a script running to check the gateways and that02:33
MariaKeyslinkcislinux: of course you can.02:33
StarminnIn Ubuntu 11.10 with GNOME-Shell environment, my mouse often tends to "lag" a bit -- it will stutter around the screen. It's not so bad that it's unusable, but certainly noticeable. Any thoughts?02:34
linkcislinuxMariaKeys: I said I didnt think you could, I never said I was right. lol02:34
phixStarminn: you are refering to the gnome-terminal ?02:35
Starminnphix, No, I literally mean my mouse. The "pointer", if you will.02:35
linkcislinuxStarminn: you arent running the Nouveau driver by any chance are you02:36
phixStarminn: ok so when you move your mouse over gnome-terminal it is doing it?02:36
Starminnlinkcislinux, How could I tell?02:36
MariaKeyslinkcislinux: you dont need any script to modify routing tables. "ip route" does it via its tables at /etc/iproute2/rt_tables. i am just trying to see if i could get it done without adding new tables there.02:36
MetroshicaCurrently my machine is hosting three services, a minecraft server, tf2 server and torrent server. It has more than enough memory and it seems to have sufficient cpu power (which has two cores btw). Usually I have a system load of .10 to .30, so there's not much of an issue. However, when a file is downloading on the torrent server, the system load can spike to 4.0 or higher, and this obviously causes issues. The memory usage stays low, as does the cpu us02:37
Metroshicaage, but apparently there must be too many requests on the torrent server. Is there an in-depth way that I can see what is driving the system load up?02:37
Starminnphix, Yes, it does it for the entire desktop environment/shell02:37
phixStarminn: ah, windows manager is the term you are looking for :)02:37
phixoh it does it in a TTY as well?02:37
Starminnphix, *shrug* Lol, all I know is, I'm using GNOME Shell lol02:37
Starminnphix, TTY?02:38
phixyeah TTY, CTRL+ALT+F1 - F602:38
phixF7 being X by default02:38
Starminnphix, There *is* no cursor in the TTY...... *sigh* I feel like you have no idea what I'm talking about02:38
phixStarminn: there is if you install the appropriate package02:39
linkcislinuxStarminn: type sudo lspci -k at the terminal and it should show your graphics card partways down and says Kernel driver in use :02:39
Starminnphix, You have a keyboard, and you have a "mouse." Your "mouse" translates to the pointer/cursor on the desktop. This is what I am speaking of.02:39
Starminnphix, I do not require a mouse at the TTY, regardless.02:39
phixStarminn: no I am asking you questions to try and figure out what you are talking about :)  looks like linkcislinux knows more about your issue than me02:39
PicklefaceI clicked the installer02:39
Picklefaceand I cant make a usb drive from it02:39
Picklefaceonly CD02:40
phixStarminn: yes I Know that but a mouse can be used in a TTY as well, you didnt really explain yourself well02:40
Starminnlinkcislinux, Kernel driver in use: e10002:40
linkcislinuxStarminn: I know the nouveau driver causes lag, thats what I was thinking. hm..02:40
Starminnlinkcislinux, Oh, I see. Sorry I didn't realize there's multiples. Umm...02:40
Stepnjumpguys, I'm trying to list all files that start with thunderbird*, in dos, it would be dir thunderbird* - What is the equivalent in ubuntu please02:41
Starminnlinkcislinux, It would be under VGA, right?02:41
phixStarminn: the same, but it is case sensitive02:41
xanguathe install instructions at ubuntu.com tells you how to make a bootable usb Pickleface02:41
phixStepnjump: sorry I meant you :)02:41
phixStarminn: sorry  meant Stepnjump02:41
dr_willisStepnjump:   you could do echo thund*    also. :)02:41
xangua!usb | Pickleface02:41
xanguayou can also use unetbootin and others02:41
ubottuPickleface: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent02:41
Starminnlinkcislinux, Yeah, I assume we're talking graphics here, so the kernel drive in use for that is "radeon"02:42
Starminnlinkcislinux, The card is ATI Radeon X600 -- this problem is not present in Unity02:42
phixStepnjump: dir is valid in ubuntu terminal, but you woud usually use the ls command, it is more conventianal02:42
linkcislinuxStarminn: go to terminal type in top and see if at the top line what is taking up the most cpu, see if something is spiking your cpu02:42
Stepnjumpthat is good dr_willis but I need a ls -al type of output so I can check the chmod and chown values02:42
phixStepnjump: so type in ls -lha thunderbird*02:43
phixStepnjump: or if you want to search sub directories use the find command02:43
Stepnjumpthat's the thing phix, doesn't work for me02:43
Stepnjumpit would be logical though02:44
phixStepnjump: it is case sensitive though02:44
phixStepnjump: ls -lha Thunderbird*  or ls -lha [tT]hunderbird*02:44
Starminnlinkcislinux, No, the highest CPU% is 15%, and that's GNOME-Shell.02:44
gaohow do i configure nginx ???02:45
phixStepnjump: or ls -lha [Tt][Hh][Uu][Nn] .... etc... :)02:45
linkcislinuxStarminn: so its not something spiking your cpu02:45
screamThe "Taskbar" keeps hiding when I have applications (GUI) up, such as firefox and thunderbird, terminal, etc.  I like to see what I'm running, and I do alot of switching that I would like to do with the mouse between tasks.  Please, any help you can give me? Thank you in advance.02:45
phixscream: There is a compiz configuration utility you can install which allows you to keep the panel showing02:46
screamI selected "Never" under autohide.02:46
screamAt the moment when I have xchat up, it slid away.02:46
screamI don't see it.02:46
phixscream: better yet, install gnome-session-fallback  and when you login choose gnome classic, I personally dislike unity02:46
screamI'm trying to get used to unity... I'm ok with it, if I can have my task bar :)  Is there a way to have my cake and eat it too?02:47
Stepnjumpphix, echo works but not ls when I add a search string... Does ls -lha Thunderbird* work for you?02:47
phixStepnjump: no because I don't have any files in my current directory starting with Thunderbird02:47
phixStepnjump: what are you trying to do? :)02:48
Stepnjumpwell, let's say if you did have it... try touch thunderbird in your directory and please try the command you gave me and tell me what comes up to you02:48
Stepnjumpnothing owrks here02:48
Stepnjumpbut the [] thing is interesting phix02:48
RonWhoCaresI have downloaded the alternate 9.10 Ubuntu (to upgrade from 9.04 to 9.10) .  Initially Ubuntu is acting like it is going to upgrade, doing all the pre upgrade checks.  But then I get an error and it aborts.  The error is at http://www.pastebin.com/YABQrELC  Any suggestion02:49
phixStepnjump: if I touch thunderbird when ls -lha Thunderbird wont match because it is the wrong case02:49
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phixwhen = then02:49
phixStepnjump: the terminal is case sensitive remember :)02:49
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phixStepnjump: A file thunderbird and Thunderbird and even THunderbird can exist in the same directory02:49
RonWhoCaresoops, pastbin is at http://www.pastebin.com/YA8QrELC02:50
Stepnjumpyes I know02:50
phixStepnjump: ok02:50
linkcislinuxStepnjump: did you try whereis thunderbird?02:50
screamphix, I know you are busy... if you get a moment and have any idea I can use to keep my taskbar?02:50
RonWhoCaresis there a way to ignore this?02:50
phixStepnjump: ok it works for me :)02:50
phixStepnjump: is there a file in the directory you are running ls that starts with thunderbird?02:51
linkcislinuxStarminn: sorry im out of ideas with you. I would say maybe try updating your driver if you can through the additional drivers.02:51
Stepnjumpyep! that's the thing02:52
linkcislinuxscream: what do you mean by taskbar?02:52
Starminnlinkcislinux, My "Additional Drivers" window always says there are none to be found02:52
screamThe unity bar on the left.02:52
RonWhoCaresor how do I check that I have the current version of all 9.04 ?  I would normally use yum update in the Linux edition I use02:52
screamThe launcher thing.02:52
Stepnjumpyep! that's the thing phix. I would just like to see it's permission quickly without having to scroll phix02:52
linkcislinuxscream: if your in unity it is there? I dont know what you mean?02:52
phixscream: yes, install compizconfig-backend-gconf then you will see it in Applications02:52
screamphix, will do that now02:53
phixscream: oops sorry it was compizconfig-settings-manager02:53
phixscream: ok :)02:53
screamcompizconfig-settings-manager is already the newest version.02:53
RalieghHow do I find the location of a program in bash? Like of the actual "exectuable"?02:53
phixStepnjump: what is the name of the file exactly and what are you typing in ?02:53
phixRaliegh: which02:54
phixRaliegh: which bash for example02:54
linkcislinuxStarminn: okay I think I have an idea for you02:54
screamphix, if I launch the configurator and select the unity plugin and tell it to never hide... it still hides.02:54
phixRaliegh: that will return /bin/bash02:54
Starminnlinkcislinux, :) All ears.02:54
Ralieghphix: liquidsoap, compiled for example. And oh... Uhhh, putty? I may be using wrong terminology, lol.02:54
Stepnjumpthe file name is thunderbird-9.0 / I do a > ls -alh thunderb*, nothing comes up, just . and ..02:54
Ralieghphix: Via SSH, it's on my server.02:54
phixRaliegh: terminal :)02:54
phixRaliegh: ok you compiled it but did you install it?02:55
Ralieghphix, of course. I can check version with liquidsoap --version, I can run scripts, etc. Just gotta find location of the installation02:55
phixRaliegh: you compiled from source?  using ./configure; make; make install?   or you mean you installing it using dpkg?02:55
RalieghThe first02:55
phixRaliegh: did you give it a prefix?   ./configure --prefix=/usr/local or something like that?02:56
linkcislinuxStarminn: you said your on an ATI card right?02:56
RalieghI did not. :/02:56
phixRaliegh: by default it should install in /usr/local02:56
Starminnlinkcislinux, Yes.02:56
excelsiorMy laptop spontaneously died on me. I checked the power, full strength, after turning on, I checked the battery, fully charged, it's a Dell Studio 1558, any thoughts?02:56
phixRaliegh: so look in /usr/local/bin or /usr/local/sbin02:56
linkcislinuxStarminn: you installed the ATI drivers through the additional software right?02:56
RalieghBeautiful, it was in my bin. Thanks phix. :)02:57
phixRaliegh: but like i said before, you should be able to use the command which to find it02:57
overcluckerStepnjump: when you ls a directory, is show the permissions of it's contents02:57
RalieghWhich? I didn't see you say that. For future reference care to tell me how to use that command?02:57
Starminnlinkcislinux, No. That window has always been empty, and says, "There are no proprietary...blahblahblah". The drivers "just worked" out of the box.02:57
phixStepnjump: ok, so it isnt a file it is a directory :)02:57
phixStepnjump: yeah if you use -a with ls then look at ., that will be the Thunderbird directory02:58
overcluckerStepnjump: see if ls -lha | grep thunderbird02:58
linkcislinuxStarminn: okay I think you need to install the ATI driver from the website. I know before I had to install the one from the website otherwise I couldnt even run gnome shell. Something about the normal ATI driver Ubuntu uses has issues with gnome shell02:58
phixRaliegh: man which02:58
phixRaliegh: which liquidsoap02:58
RalieghI'd love one phix, you cooking?02:58
RalieghOoooh, not Manwich02:58
RalieghLiquidsoap 1.0.002:58
phixRaliegh: ROFL! NO TYPE IN THIS --> which liquidsoap02:59
phixThis feels like I am trying to tell you someones name is who but you keep saying who what? I was asking oyu03:00
RalieghLolwat? xD Anyways, that worked... Weird thing is, there's two liquidsoap files in here. Both named the same. One is smaller than the other, so I'm going to assume the larger one is the actual one called.03:00
overcluckerwow, i really need to proof read my messages before firing them off03:00
phixRaliegh: it will execute the one that is defined in the PATH environmental variable first03:00
phixRaliegh: echo $PATH to see the order03:00
RalieghI mean, one is 5.6mb and the other is 146kb03:00
RalieghAhh, okay.03:00
phixRaliegh: Is there any reason why you compiled from source?  isn't it available in the repository03:01
Ralieghphix, the one available in the repository is broken for Ubuntu 11.0403:01
RalieghApparently it's a popular thing I didn't know about.03:02
linkcislinuxalright im out for the night, everyone have a goodnight03:02
phixRaliegh: ok, if you are getting two executes shown when using the which command you should probably uninstall the ubuntu one03:02
RalieghNot sure why, but I sent an e-Mail to the Savonet users list and they said it's a popular thing and to do it from source. I did, and it works now. :D03:02
RalieghAnd honestly I did "apt-get autoremove liquidsoap" before I compiled and installed.03:03
phixRaliegh: ok03:03
phixRaliegh: type this in -->  dpkg -l | grep -i liquidsoap03:03
RalieghDon't know what that other file is there, if it's supposed to be there, etc. But it works so I'll just look the other way. ;)03:03
RalieghShows my "liGuidesoap" and "liquidsoap". Both the newer versions.03:04
phixRaliegh: also, there is the media ubuntu repository which has newer version of media type software as well as DVD decryption :)03:04
phixRaliegh: it has rc or ii at the start of the line?03:05
Ralieghii for liguidsoap (should be, I installed liguidsoap, the GUI, via apt-get), and rc for liquidsoap03:05
phixRaliegh: ok good03:05
phixRaliegh: ok type in dpkg -L liGuidesoap | grep -i liquidsoap03:06
phixRaliegh: it might be assigned to that package,03:06
phixRaliegh: any way, just change the PATH order in your .bashrc to use the /usr/local version first03:07
phixor delete / rename the other one03:07
ovhanany ubuntu server users here who also run a minecraft server03:07
xangua!anyone | ovhan there is also #ubuntu-server03:08
ubottuovhan there is also #ubuntu-server: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.03:08
RalieghNope, doesn't. And yeah everything works, I'm just trying to get my "script.liq" to run and auto-execute whenever called upon, instead of using SSH to "liquidsoap script.liq" so I had to get the variable.03:08
excelsiorMy laptop spontaneously died on me. I checked the power, full strength, after turning on, I checked the battery, fully charged, it's a Dell Studio 1558, any thoughts?03:08
ovhanoh , ty xang didnt know03:08
RalieghI just ran this command: "chmod u+x myscript.liq" and tried "./script.liq" but now I'm getting: ./script.liq: not found03:08
RalieghEven though it's right there. I'm staring at it. :P03:08
truepurple Is there a way to stop a installation in progress through the software manager?03:09
truepurpleplease reply if you see this03:10
phixovhan: no mate I don't user ubuntu for any servers and I don't use minecraft, at all03:10
phixRaliegh: so you changed the permission on myscript.liq but you tried to execute script.liq?03:11
ovhannp all im heading to the server chat , ty xangua03:11
Ralieghphix Yeah, I basically just ran that chmod they told me to on the savonet site, haha. What exactly did I do? I can't run "./script.liq" anymore (even though before it just returned errors of course).03:12
phixRaliegh: chmod u+x script.liq03:13
StarminnI am experiencing issues with accessing gnome-look.org on Ubuntu 11.10, GNOME Shell, with Firefox, Opera, Chromium, and Chrome. Assistance?03:13
Ralieghphix that's what I did, now it doesn't work03:13
truepurpleHow about this, can anyone think of a reason my internet connection might get messed up out of the blue and require " sudo ifdown eth0;sudo ifup eth0 " to fix it?03:13
phixRaliegh: chmod 755 script.liq03:14
RalieghIt's already at 777 phix03:14
RalieghDo note I ran "sudo chmod blablabla"03:14
phixRaliegh: ok, so who is the file owned by? root or your user you are trying to run it as?03:15
LABcrabHey!  Why is my Internet so slow?03:16
Ralieghphix To be honest I'm not entirely sure.03:16
LABcrabIn Ubuntu it is slow like dial-up but it's supposed to be 1000 Kbit/s!03:16
phixLABcrab: Because you typed google into google and broke the Internet03:17
LABcrabphix: aww.03:17
DaxterLABcrab: what are you using to get online03:17
LABcrabDaxter: a wireless all-in-one device that has a modem and router built-in.03:17
overcluckerRaliegh: have you tried running the script as an argument of liquidsoap? liquidsoap script.liq03:18
phixLABcrab: is it raining? is the antenna on the floor? is the anntenna next to a speaker or are using a MIG welder at the same time?03:18
Daxterah ok..i meant on the computer? are connected to all-in-one device via a wire or wireless03:18
Daxterlol phix @ welder03:18
Ralieghoverclucker, that exactly what I DON'T want to do. I want to be able to run that script as a program, so I'm not limited to the terminal.03:18
LABcrabphix: It is indoors.03:19
LABcrabDaxter: Wireless.03:19
LABcrabIt is  DSL with a dedicated DSL jack and the device is wireless.03:19
overcluckerRaliegh: have your tried putting a shebang line as the first line of the script? #!/usr/bin/env liquidsoap03:20
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Ralieghoverclucker, I sure have. That's up there, but I can't seem to run it like "./script.liq"03:21
Daxterah make sure you have the latest drivers for your wireless device..linux is not very good someimtes with wireless capabilites03:21
LABcrabDaxter: i just use what comes out of the box!03:21
Daxterdont blame ya03:22
LABcrabDaxter: Is that right or wrong?03:22
Daxterright only if it works03:22
overcluckerRaliegh: is that your shebang line?03:22
Ralieghoverclucker , it's actually #!/usr/local/bin/liquidsoap03:23
Daxteranyways there are so many variables with getting wireless to work right not sure where to start03:23
RalieghBut whenever I try ./script.liq I get: "sh: ./script.liq: not found", but I can still run it with "liquidsoap script.liq"03:23
phixRaliegh: and /usr/local/bin/liquidsoap is executable?03:23
Daxteranyone else have a fix it ssolution to his prob?03:24
Ralieghphix I would assume so... That's where that "which" command brought me.03:24
Raliegh"which liquidsoap"03:24
truepurpleCan anyone see this?03:24
LABcrabDaxter: Too bad.03:24
phixRaliegh: which doesnt check for permissionsm only if it is in the path03:24
RalieghThat confused me, lol.03:24
Daxterwhats the rate that the wireless is reporting? (right click network icon->connection info->speed)03:25
Daxteralso what the wireless device (the one you use to connect to router that is hooked into system) model?03:27
LABcrabDaxter: 2Wire of some sort, four bars.03:28
LABcrab54 Mbit/s.03:28
Daxterwith that rate you should have much more speed03:28
Daxteru using ubuntu 11.10?03:29
Daxteror what version?03:29
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gaowhy is php5-fpm taking up so much CPU D:03:43
EvilResistancegao:  might be misconfigured, what're you running :P03:44
LABcrabGood night!03:47
pp7how do u control the transparency of the panel through your theme, not ccsm unity section?03:51
Stepnjumpsorry overclucker, yes that works good ls -lha | grep thunderbird. I was away from the computer03:52
MetroshicaCurrently my machine is hosting three services, a minecraft server, tf2 server and torrent server. It has more than enough memory and it seems to have sufficient cpu power (which has two cores btw). Usually I have a system load of .10 to .30, so there's not much of an issue. However, when a file is downloading on the torrent server, the system load can spike to 4.0 or higher, and this obviously causes issues. The memory usage stays low, as does the cpu us03:52
Metroshicaage, but apparently there must be too many requests on the torrent server. Is there an in-depth way that I can see what is driving the system load up?03:52
RalieghAlright, who wants to help me figure out this script.liq not found stuff? I'm trying it through GUI now. When I double click it it prompts me to execute it... But when it does it says "failed to execute child process '/home/script.liq/'. It obviously exists there... I just clicked it. I have a "Shebang" setup in the script.03:53
RalieghIt is owned to my user, not root.03:53
Rogue|Panda_trying to connect to a router and my machine just seems to not want to I have no clue why not03:53
Rogue|Panda_just keeps popping up with a notification saying I am disconnected03:54
Rogue|Panda_anyone have any ideas on what I am doing wrong?03:54
almoxarifeRogue|Panda_: on the machine you are on?03:55
almoxarifeRogue|Panda_: the router does not accept connections or you are not using the right port03:55
almoxarifeRogue|Panda_: or you are asked for a user/password combination?03:56
Rogue|Panda_almoxarife, it is a simple little wrt54g home router03:56
Rogue|Panda_it isnt asking for any password03:57
Rogue|Panda_there is no password to give03:57
Rogue|Panda_using eth003:57
almoxarifeRogue|Panda_: what ip are you using to connect?03:57
Rogue|Panda_ip is irrelevant, it wont connect to the network03:57
Rogue|Panda_think that I worded that wrong earlier03:58
almoxarifeRogue|Panda_: irrelevant? ic, I do hate relevancy issues, perhaps someone else will be a bit more relevant, cheers, as they say somewhere03:59
Rogue|Panda_alright then03:59
Rogue|Panda_can anyone help me try to figure out why my laptop wont connect to this network?03:59
jeatoncompletely off topic but does anyone here have a second generation ipod shuffle, I was hoping someone could create me an image of the drive03:59
jeatonusing the dd commands04:00
Rogue|Panda_well this place is helpful04:01
Rogue|Panda_almoxarife, for the record... when trying to connect to a network, you dont type in IP addresses04:02
Rogue|Panda_but thanks for trying I guess lol04:02
* almoxarife types ip's all the time and connects to networks, how odd04:03
CarlFKRogue|Panda_: "wont connect" do you mean "the wire won't fit in the plug?04:04
Rogue|Panda_by "connect" I mean it wont "connect"04:04
StepnjumpMaybe someone could help me? I'm trying to untar a tar.bz2 into /usr/lib into a chown root:root folder? What is the tar sequence please?04:04
CarlFKRogue|Panda_: how do you know it isn't connected?04:05
RalieghOkay... Who wants to help me with something? I've no idea where to start. I need to make a script on one of my server to connect, login, and run a script on another one of my servers. They both run Ubuntu 11.04... How would I do this?04:05
Rogue|Panda_because of the error that says "disconnected from network"04:05
Rogue|Panda_and the fact that I never get a toast saying "connected to network"04:05
CarlFKRogue|Panda_:  wired or wireless ?04:06
Rogue|Panda_CarlFK, eth004:06
CarlFKStepnjump: that's a bunch of steps. copy/paste to dpaste.de what you tried and the results04:07
omahaanyone having trouble with high cpu usage + delays when dragging/moving windows?04:07
CarlFKRogue|Panda_: sounds like a bad cable04:07
Rogue|Panda_CarlFK, that is the first thing that I checked04:07
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Rogue|Panda_grabbed a known good cable and tried that with the same issues04:08
omahasuddenly my laptop (11.10 w/ nvidia) is acting like a 386 when i try to move windows around on screen04:08
StepnjumpCarlFK, please tell me if this would be right: tar -jxvf ~/Downloads/thunderbird-8.0.tar.bz /usr/lib/thunderbird-8.0?04:08
mrdebomaha, do u have driverfs installed04:08
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StepnjumpCarlFK, or do I need to preceed it by sudo since it's a root:root chown04:08
omahamrdeb, never heard of driverfs, guessing no?04:08
CarlFKStepnjump: that's a bunch of steps. copy/paste to dpaste.de what you tried and the results04:09
mrdebsorry, sometimes i do not type well04:09
gladhi, where is the synaptic package manager in Ubuntu?04:09
phixglad: /usr/bin04:09
omahamrdeb, yes i'm running the latest nvidia proprietary drivers04:10
pp7glad: tried: sudo apt-get install synaptic ?04:10
phixpp7: it should be in there by default04:10
StepnjumpI haven't tried anything yet04:10
omahamrdeb, nvidia-current 290.10-0ubuntu1~oneiric~xup104:10
StepnjumpI haven't tried anything yet CarlFk04:10
gladphix: sorry, where how to get to /usr/bin? i'm a noob04:11
pp7phix: i dont think so on oneiric04:11
phixpp7: oh04:11
pp7glad: what exactly are you trying to do?04:11
phixwell they have ubuntu software center then04:11
CarlFKStepnjump: what you are trying to do is more risky than I am comfortable helping with04:11
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Stepnjumpok thanks CarlFK04:12
phixStepnjump: why are you trying to install thunderbird 8 any way?  it is broken, I had to downgrade most of my clients computers to 3.1.x since vers 8 breaks alot of plugins and has bugs in it04:12
mrdebwhat is newest fbird, phix04:12
phixmrdeb: 8 is the latest, but it is broken04:13
mrdebwhy is it broken04:14
Stepnjumpphix, what do you mean bugs04:15
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StepnjumpWasn't Thunderbird 8 just the most recent version last?04:15
phixmrdeb: A lot of plugins (spell checker inparticular) hasnt been ported to it yet, some attachments don't appear but they do when you click on forward, working on large emails on an imao server (>20000) causes the UI to go extremely slugish, that is just off the top off my head, I did have other issue with it too04:15
gladwhere is /usr/bin? i'm at the Home folder04:16
phiximao = imap04:16
arachananyone know about music player clementine?04:16
Stepnjumpoh ok phix, it's a bad version!~~ ok thanks for letting me know04:16
phixmrdeb: none of these issues were present in vers 3.1.x04:16
mrdebwhy did they do it like this04:16
retrorexglad   cd /usr/ bin in terminal04:16
mrdebis this beta04:16
phixStepnjump: I personally recommend sticking with 3.1.x until the bugs are fixed04:16
phixmrdeb: no sadly :(04:17
Stepnjumpok phix: I never had a problem with 904:17
retrorexarachan clementine is a good music player ...I personally use banshee04:17
Stepnjumpso I will revert back to 904:17
phixStepnjump: 9 is out? or you speaking of 8?04:17
arachancan anyone help me with a problem with clementine?04:17
StepnjumpNo! 9 Phix04:17
phixStepnjump: perhaps you dont use the affected plugins, dont have tens of thousands of emails and havnt noticed some attachments not appearing :)04:18
Stepnjumpphix http://www.mozilla.org/en-US/thunderbird/04:18
Stepnjumpphix are you suggesting I go back to 3.1.x?04:18
phixStepnjump: for stability yes04:18
Stepnjumpoh ok phix, could you kindly walk me on how to do that please?04:19
retrorexAhem ..to my question .... Can I use the same kernel version after upgrading from 8 to 10.04:19
Stepnjumpphix first where do I download it from?04:19
arachananyone know about clementine music player?04:21
metaspikei know nothing more than "apt-cache show clementine" has told me04:22
arachanmy 'tag fetcher' freezes almost as soon as it opens04:22
Stepnjumpphix, how should I install it?04:22
phixStepnjump: hmmmm04:22
phixlooks like 8 is the default in ubuntu :/  it must be the windows verison I had all these issues with04:23
RalieghOkay... Who wants to help me with something? I've no idea where to start. I need to make a script on one of my server to connect, login, and run a script on another one of my servers. They both run Ubuntu 11.04... How would I do this?04:23
phixStepnjump: any reason why you were trying to install from a tar.bz2 / gz?04:23
lsjoin #rzeszow04:23
Stepnjumpwell phix, it's the only way I know to get any other version other than 904:24
StepnjumpI'm on ubuntu 11.04 and from the repo, it automatically downloads 904:24
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Stepnjumpunless you have a better idea phix04:24
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gladi did "cd /usr/bin" in the terminal, now how do i open the Synaptic Package Manager?04:24
Stepnjumpthere you go phix, you got your answer lol04:26
arachantpye "synaptic" to open Synaptic Package  Manager04:27
Stepnjumpphix yep, even from apt-get I get 9 darned04:28
schockhi all. i have a 2tb usb drive that Iḿ connecting to my wireless router to use as a shared drive on my home network04:28
schockiḿ connecting one machine running natty, and another that´s os x lion04:28
schockdoes it matter how i format the drive?04:28
phixStepnjump: I see 804:28
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cliffybxare there got other alternatives to nautilus?04:33
somsipcliffybx: pcmanfm, thunar...loads of others04:33
Stepnjumpok phix, I found a link finally fyi http://fileforum.betanews.com/detail/Mozilla-Thunderbird-v8-for-Linux/1057948436/1904:33
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angbermuwhen I connect to a 5ghz antenna the nm-applet icon shows as I have no signal but iwconfig shows -43 dBm of signal.04:35
angbermuthis doesn't happens when i connect to a 2.4 wifi04:35
Stepnjumpcorrupt download phix04:37
angbermutrying to find a fix for it04:37
almoxarifeangbermu: does network-manager manage the 5ghz connection?04:42
cliffybxError org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.TimedOut: Activation of org.freedesktop.PackageKit timed out04:43
angbermudo you mean if I use it to connect to make the connection?04:43
cliffybxhow to fix this04:43
Kaizenanyone know a way to limit monthly bandwidth usage on a per user basis on 11.10 server?04:43
almoxarifeangbermu: yes04:44
angbermuyes sir04:44
almoxarifeangbermu: that is odd then, I would expect something of an icon too04:45
angbermuHmm, i'll try this solution found on a bug report, it seems that installing NM from the daily trunks helped some people: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager-applet/+bug/57427004:48
ubottuUbuntu bug 574270 in network-manager-applet (Ubuntu Lucid) "nm-applet displays the wrong connection status" [Low,Triaged]04:48
UFFciao buonanotte hackers XD04:50
alejandrocan someone tell me what version of gnome this video is using? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mHX9UIll01404:52
alejandroi hate unity04:52
Ben64looks like compiz or something on top of gnome04:53
Picklefacehow do I use the flash version from my usb04:53
alejandroBen64, what version of gnome? how do i install that04:53
grillermoanybody here uses yakuake?04:53
Ben64alejandro: it could be gnome 2, or 3 in fallback mode04:56
StarminnI am experiencing major cursor lag on Ubuntu 11.10 - GNOME Shell. Suggestions?04:57
soreauStarminn: Have you checked if any process using excessive resources?04:58
pp7Starminn: what does  cat /sys/module/usbhid/parameters/mousepoll   return?04:58
alejandroBen64, what is fallback mode?04:59
soreaupp7: usbhid?04:59
Ben64a less graphic intense version of gnome04:59
pp7soreau: yes?04:59
soreaupp7: Doesn't that assume it's a usb mouse?05:00
Starminnsoreau, Nothing is using very much resources05:00
pp7soreau: not necessarily05:00
soreauStarminn: Does it help if you logout?05:00
pp7soreau: trackpad can use the usb interface05:00
Starminnpp7, 005:00
Starminnsoreau, Nope05:00
soreauStarminn: Can you show the line from the output of 'lsusb' for your mouse?05:01
soreaupp7: Right but for example on systems using a standard PS2 mouse, that node does not exist05:02
Starminnsoreau, "Bus 002 Device 002: ID 046d:c509 Logitech, Inc. Cordless Keyboard & Mouse05:02
soreauwireless huh..05:02
* Starminn nods05:02
pp7soreau: well yea but i dont know what his setup is05:02
StarminnThis issue does not exist in Unity05:02
StarminnDidn't exist in 10.10 Maverick, either05:02
soreauStarminn: only in gnome-shell?05:02
Starminnsoreau, Yes sir.05:02
soreauStarminn: Have you checked the settings in gnome-mouse-properties?05:03
Starminnsoreau, Yes, although none of the options seem to fix it05:04
webistichi guys05:08
soreauStarminn: I'm not really sure but it's probably gnome-shell specific. Does it work ok in fallback mode?05:08
StarminnHaven't checked.05:09
Starminnsoreau, err.... (above)05:09
afkalalguien de méxico?05:09
RalieghWho wants to help me with something? I've no idea where to start. I need to make a script on one of my server to connect, login, and run a script on another one of my servers. They both run Ubuntu 11.04... How would I do this?05:09
venkatmangudi_Raliegh, that's a shell script you're looking for...05:10
soreauStarminn: Well if you want, you can try fallback mode and possibly use compiz if you want desktop effects05:10
venkatmangudi_Raliegh, this might not be the right channel05:10
soreau! es | afkal05:11
ubottuafkal: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.05:11
Starminnsoreau, What gets me, though, is that this didn't happen last time I used GNOME Shell, like 2 or 3 months ago.05:11
afkalAlguien que hable español?05:11
Ralieghvenkatmangudi_, I don't know what channel to be in. This is Ubuntu, and shell scripts are made for Ubuntu in Ubuntu right? Either way, thanks for that tip, I'll look through it. :)05:11
venkatmangudi_Raliegh, your script should be fairly straightforward05:12
soreauStarminn: Maybe it would be worth filing a bug report then05:12
venkatmangudi_Raliegh, you need to setup sshkeys on both servers05:12
soreauRaliegh: maybe try #bash05:12
Starminnsoreau, *nods* Where should I file it at? Just go to gnome.org and look for stuff about Reporting Bugs?05:12
webisticshould I use rtorrent or libtorrent for my ubuntu server seedbox? any opinions?05:12
soreau! bug | Starminn05:12
Ralieghvenkatmangudi_, Got documentation on that? They're both servers and I always login with Putty, would that mean those 'keys' are already configured?05:12
ubottuStarminn: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.05:12
soreau!info gnome-desktop05:12
ubottuPackage gnome-desktop does not exist in oneiric05:12
Ralieghsoreau, I'll check it out once I get to the scripting point. Thanks. :)05:13
Starminn!info gnome-shell05:13
ubottugnome-shell (source: gnome-shell): graphical shell for the GNOME desktop. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.2.1-0ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 1082 kB, installed size 4956 kB05:13
Starminnsoreau, Okay, thank you05:13
venkatmangudi_Raliegh, check this out for the sshkeys http://oreilly.com/pub/h/6605:13
venkatmangudi_and this http://pkeck.myweb.uga.edu/ssh/05:14
RalieghThanks, great links. I'll get on that. :D05:14
venkatmangudi_and this http://andrew.triumf.ca/pssh/linux-ssh.html05:14
venkatmangudi_you're welcome, have fun.05:14
triplebbon osx10.7 I want a usenet client. anyone know what will work or how I can find out?05:16
triplebbon osx10.7 I want a usenet client. anyone know what will work or how I can find out?05:16
soreautriplebb: This channel is for ubuntu linux05:16
triplebbsoreau, I mean using terminal. Is there a way of telling what would work?05:17
almoxarifetriplebb: oh in terminal? well that's gonna get some answers now, something really hard to use with a lot of key combinations?05:20
DukerInstalled 11.10 on a 50GB ext4 parition with 10GB swap on an SSD on a system with a new mobo/cpu - seems to be sitting at a black screen, but hapilly restarts when I ctrl+alt+del.  What can I try?05:21
iggy19heyall, firefix crashed, and I right-click force-closed it, but the process is still listed in ps and it won't restart (says it is still running).  kill -9 <pid> appears to do nothing.  Advice?  TIA!05:21
blackshirtis possible to change datadir mysql to ntfs partition ??05:22
almoxarifeiggy19: firefox?05:23
NicolusI created a new user using useradd and set up his password using passwd but when i sign-in i get to see the bash terminal ($) while if i sign in using my original username i get to see the terminal starting with normal one (user$) how can i do the second one for the new account too05:23
iggy19almoxarife: yes05:23
iggy19lol firefix - that's what  I need!05:23
Stanley00Nicolus: did you make a home dir for that user?05:23
NicolusStanley00, I made a home directory for that user using usermod -d /home/username username but not with useradd command05:24
Nicolusfrom bash $ if i go $bash i get to see the normal terminal /home/username$05:25
excelsiorMy laptop spontaneously died on me. I checked the power, full strength, after turning on, I checked the battery, fully charged, it's a Dell Studio 1558, any thoughts?05:25
Stanley00Nicolus: ah, I see05:25
Stanley00Nicolus: you should change the default shell also05:25
NicolusStanley00, want to change for this user only.. as i have another user on this machine which properly opens in the same directory /home/usr05:26
almoxarifeexcelsior: overheated?05:26
PicklefaceI keep getting an error saying \device\hardisk2\dr2 whenever I try to boot from my usb :S05:26
RonWhoCareshow do I change the menu when the computer is first turned on where we choose between Ubuntu and Windws05:26
iggy19"sudo kill -9" not working.  Any thoughts?05:27
Stanley00Nicolus: I think you should remove this user, add again via "adduser" command, it has more function than useradd command05:27
almoxarifeRonWhoCares: the chooser is a windows app?05:28
Nicolushow to remove a user05:28
blackshirtiggy19: are you sure #kill -9 pid not working ?05:28
RonWhoCaresalmoxarife: It is linux based05:28
Stanley00Nicolus: via userdel or deluser05:29
almoxarifeRonWhoCares: are there more than two choices?05:29
iggy19blackshirt: ps -e still lists the process after the kill command.  Kill command returns no output05:29
RonWhoCaresprevious linux versions05:29
Nicolusok so i have to do userdel username and then useradd username -d /home/username -p myuser correct ?05:30
Stanley00Nicolus: you should use adduser, not useradd ;)05:30
lorddeltaStanley00: why?05:31
almoxarifeRonWhoCares: you want to change what? the choices or the menu?05:31
lorddeltaStanley00: Just curious *shrug*05:31
Stanley00Nicolus: or use "useradd username -d /home/username -p myuser  -s bash"05:31
Stanley00lorddelta: In my opinion, adduser is easy than useradd, just it ;)05:32
lorddeltaStanley00: Maybe. Its nice to have an easy tool, its also nice to know how to tweak everything and do it on every platform...05:32
triplebbalmoxarife I dont understand. Are you talking down to me? - I remember tin and trs and wonder if they exist for mac terminal.05:33
blackshirtiggy19: can you pastebin your output ps -aux completely ??05:33
inertialI am using the ubuntu Virtuak Machine Manager utility with qemu, but when I pause a virtual machine qemu keeps running in the background and uses about 50% of my cpu.. how do I completely pause it and shut down qemu?05:33
triplebbalmoxarife, they just take.. that simple command05:34
pangolintriplebb: this is an Ubuntu support channel not a "ask here if you got banned somewhere else" channel.05:34
Stanley00lorddelta: so you mean there is no "adduser" on other system? I just use ubuntu, never try other05:34
almoxarifetriplebb:  no, not at all, I don't know of another 'menu' besides 'grub'05:34
triplebbpangolin, I've been on this channel a lot, for years. I've been on the mac channel for about 10 minutes once.05:35
iggy19blackshirt: can't pastebin no browser.  Firefox line is here: evo      14146  9.0 31.2 1098576 804408 ?      D    Dec27  12:17 /usr/lib/firefo05:35
pangolintriplebb: doesn't change the fact that your question is not Ubuntu related.05:35
triplebbalmoxarife, well thanks for trying. I'm not looking for a menu at all. Have a happy new year.05:35
lorddeltaStanley00: I don't know about that. It caught my eye when since I was reading a Linux admin book the other day...and it mentioned useradd as being standard, adduser was Ubuntu or something...05:36
pangolintriplebb: also I don't care of you started this channel. the rules apply to everybody.05:36
triplebbpangolin, I'm sorry to have been off-topic. I've just gotten stuck with a bad Ubuntu disk. Apologies.05:36
almoxarifetriplebb: looking for a mac terminal?05:36
triplebbalmoxarife, no sir. And I'm off-topic. I will go there.05:37
blackshirtiggy19: maybe become zombie process :D05:37
triplebbpangolin, NP over and out05:37
almoxarifemac users seem very confused05:38
lorddeltaalmoxarife: lol05:38
lorddelta*one time mac user*05:38
iggy19blackshirt: is that a funny, or does that refer to a real occurance?05:38
lorddeltaigg19: Zombies are real. Yes. :P (they are with processes)05:39
blackshirtiggy19: if you can kill some process with kill -9, with root access, maybe that process become zombie process05:39
DukerAny reason I would be sitting on a blank screen with no hdd activity on bootup after a fresh install of 11.1005:40
almoxarifeiggy19: have you considered using the gui version of the process-viewer? I see zombies there all the time05:40
lorddeltaiggy19: Basically you have to kill the parent process to kill the zombie. I'm sure there's a zombie movie reference in there somewhere...05:40
iggy19almoxarife: just fired up sytem monitor before you said that.  Show the process as "Uninterruptible".  Whatever that means.  I want my root account to be able to interrupt anyuthing it wants!05:41
* almoxarife is ashamed what-so-ever of using gui in ubuntu, if I wanted it difficult I would have stuck with the coco-extented05:41
blackshirtiggy19: look at top output, and see on task part05:42
lorddeltaiggy19: Have you tried sudo kill -KILL? If that doesn't work like I said you have to kill the parent.05:42
venkatmangudi_Duker, ctrl f7 ?05:42
zielony_can u tell me more about /rofs ?05:42
almoxarifeiggy19: in terminal start system moniter with gksu and kill away05:42
venkatmangudi_do you see the output on the tty?05:42
venkatmangudi_iggy19, you can also use top in a terminal05:42
iggy19okay, too many good ideas at once.05:43
lorddeltaiggy19: I prefer ps -C NAMEOFPROCESS myself...05:43
iggy19More info first: I see a debconf-communi as a zombie process; is that likely to be related?05:43
almoxarifeiggy19: get in touch with the gui, embrace the gui, the gui wants to be your friend, terminal is useful, buts like 197005:44
lorddeltaalmoxarife: wtf?05:44
almoxarifelorddelta: I did not understand the question05:44
ronin___Hi, how can I add my gmail account to thunderbird?05:45
lorddeltaalmoxarife: Sounds like you're making fun of gui's as being for hippies. =/05:45
iggy19almoxarife: I like both.  I like simplicity.  But, cli does channel the direct power of GOD.05:45
venkatmangudi_almoxarife, I don't quite agree with you. Unity has been killing me.05:45
mysteriousdarrenalmoxarife: I get your thought, but your also right05:45
almoxarifelorddelta: no, I am a 100% gui user if at all possible05:45
venkatmangudi_at least they an't screw with terminal05:45
mysteriousdarrenvenkatmangudi_: why still use it then? lxde is awesome!05:45
lorddeltaalmoxarife: Ah. Well. That's fine. Just 99% of Linux users heartily disagree with you, even if they like/love compiz (I do)05:46
iggy19venkatmangudi_: can you explain how I might use top to solve this problem?05:46
almoxarifelorddelta: no like compiz, compiz is evil05:46
venkatmangudi_i am refusing to upgrade to 11.10, and on my netbook am using xubuntu05:46
venkatmangudi_iggy19, i am assuming you're killing a process in top?05:46
venkatmangudi_iggy19, top will give you the list of processes05:47
venkatmangudi_iggy19, pressing k will ask you for PID05:47
metaspikeor just use htop05:47
venkatmangudi_iggy19, then you either use 15 (default) or 9 ...05:47
venkatmangudi_i've noticed that 15 leads to an incomplete kill... a true kill is achieved with 905:47
almoxarifeiggy19: did you try system-monitor with gksu? you should be able to bring down the system one process at a time with it05:48
goddarddoes Eclipse have a Unity menu i can install?05:48
iggy19almoxarife: trying to learn other options before I try that route, since I'm already familair with it.05:49
almoxarifeiggy19: cool, if you find a way to kill a zombie process I would like to know05:49
iggy19venkatmangudi_: top does not list the ff process?  How to make it show more than a subset of processes05:49
blackshirtiggy19: look at zombie task05:50
blackshirtmotahareh_: salam05:50
BlueProtomanHow come I don't see new software in the Ubuntu 11.04 Software Center?  It's been the same listing ever since I installed Ubuntu.05:50
blackshirt!flood | motahareh_05:51
ubottumotahareh_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.05:51
lorddeltaalmoxarife: PM?05:51
venkatmangudi_iggy19, tried everyring here? http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/show-all-running-processes-in-linux/05:52
MahaVishnucan I use nfs on open internet or is sshfs better ?05:52
almoxarifelorddelta: wait one05:52
motahareh_hi blackshirt05:52
iggy19venkatmangudi_: no browser to browse with. lol05:52
NicolusStanley00,done using chsl :)05:52
motahareh_I want xchat 2.0.805:52
blackshirthi motahareh_05:52
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=== benonosftware is now known as benonsoftware
venkatmangudi_hold on... let's get this fixed05:53
iggy19hitting k in top is likely the same as sudo kill -9 pid, which is what failed initially.  Anyway, it didn't work....05:53
motahareh_whrer can I get it?05:53
motahareh_wherer can I get it?05:53
motahareh_where can I get it?05:53
motahareh_do you know?05:53
BlueProtomanHow come I don't see new software in the Ubuntu 11.04 Software Center?  It's been the same listing ever since I installed Ubuntu.05:53
blackshirtmotahareh_ are you sure for that version ??05:54
blackshirtit was too old :D05:54
venkatmangudi_iggy19, i came in late to the game05:54
motahareh_I know05:54
almoxarifelorddelta: pm goes to /dev/null :)05:54
venkatmangudi_can I trouble you to give m another quick intro to your problem05:54
motahareh_but I'm student and want to study about it's05:55
lorddeltaalmoxarife: Oh?05:55
blackshirtmotahareh_: you can look at http://xchat.org/files/source/2.0/05:55
blackshirtchoose your version needed05:55
venkatmangudi_iggy19, this is the problem? heyall, firefix crashed, and I right-click force-closed it, but the process is still listed in ps and it won't restart (says it is still running).  kill -9 <pid> appears to do nothing.  Advice?  TIA!05:55
lorddeltaalmoxarife: *sigh* didn't mean to aggravate you...oh wellz.05:55
motahareh_thanks alot05:56
iggy19venkatmangudi_: yes.  thank you05:56
venkatmangudi_did you try killall firefox?05:56
iggy19what is cli command for system-monitor?  so I can start it w/ gksudo?05:56
almoxarifeiggy19: gksu gnome-system-monitor05:57
blackshirtiggy19, switch to root, run top, or ps to see all process, run kill -9 to the dead pid, or parent of them, or you can reload init05:58
venkatmangudi_iggy19, gnome-system-monitor05:58
iggy19venkatmangudi_: killall - I did not know that command.  Just tried it.  Says no firefix process.  Can I give it a wildcard (*)?05:58
venkatmangudi_that's the system monitor05:58
venkatmangudi_maybe i is the problem instead of o?05:59
lorddeltaps aux | grep -i "myprocessname" <-- lovely short to keep you apprised of stuff that's running without paging through lots of stuff05:59
iggy19damn, I keep making that typo tonight, but not in the killall window - I'm looking at it now05:59
venkatmangudi_killall -g firefox05:59
iggy19"firefox: no process found"06:00
iggy19sysmonitor and ps both show it though06:00
lorddeltaBelieve ps06:00
Yuyohello all. i'm running a ubuntu instance in amazon's EC2. i enabled ufw but forgot to allow for connections to port 22. so now my connection has been lost, and i can't reconnect using ssh. what can i do?06:00
lorddeltaDon't believe killall06:00
venkatmangudi_and kill -9 pid doesn't kill it?06:01
lorddeltakillall likes sometimes (I forget why exactly)06:01
blackshirtiggy19: i think you have successfully kill it :D06:01
iggy19blackshirt: I have now appeared to have killed it.  Wish I knew what did it!06:02
venkatmangudi_ps axf|grep firefox06:02
blissiiggy19, just use windows06:02
blissiless hassle06:02
blissijust works etc06:02
iggy19blissi: different hassles06:03
venkatmangudi_iggy19, why the swearing? found something?06:03
iggy19okay, so I don't see the ff process is in system-monitor, but I do still see it when I do that ps axf|grep firefox command06:03
iggy19found that this process won't die!06:03
venkatmangudi_and when you  kill -9 processid06:04
iggy19yeah, that's where this started.  It don't work.  Yeah, sudo.06:04
iggy19vo@Evolution:~$ ps axf|grep firefox06:04
iggy1913736 pts/6    S+     0:00              |       \_ grep --color=auto firefox06:04
iggy1914146 ?        D     12:17 /usr/lib/firefox-3.6.17/firefox-bin06:04
venkatmangudi_if you're still using the gui, log out?06:04
venkatmangudi_should close all processes06:05
iggy19evo@Evolution:~$ sudo kill -9 1414606:05
iggy19Oh yeah, I can fix this by rebooting.  Would love to know how to recover from FF crashing w/o having to reboot/logout though.06:05
Yuyoany pointers for my problem?06:05
venkatmangudi_it is in uninterruptible sleep state06:06
venkatmangudi_PROCESS STATE CODES06:06
venkatmangudi_       Here are the different values that the s, stat and state output06:06
venkatmangudi_       specifiers (header "STAT" or "S") will display to describe the state of06:06
venkatmangudi_       a process:06:06
venkatmangudi_       D    uninterruptible sleep (usually IO)06:06
FloodBot1venkatmangudi_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:06
iggy19back in the day root owned the system and could make processes pay attenetion.  Apparently discipline is slipping these days.06:06
basic`bad disk?06:07
venkatmangudi_i just pasted the output from man06:07
basic`try lsof06:07
basic`check kern.log/dmesg for a softlock06:07
iggy19hmmm... yes, uniterruptrible, that's what system-monitor says.  But it's not asking me for any input.06:07
iggy19Don't know what IO it'd be looking for06:08
motahareh_excuse me blackshirt06:08
venkatmangudi_ disk, probably... HDD activity?06:08
motahareh_it want glib06:08
metaspikeiggy19,  killall firefox, you can renice a running process to increase its priority06:08
blissi!ops I need to reinstall wondows,,  help pl0x!06:08
ubottublissi: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:08
metaspikeor just run it with nice06:08
motahareh_do you know about it's error06:08
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, pangolin, nhandler or Jordan_U!06:08
blissiI need to reinstall wondows,,  help pl0x!06:08
iggy19metaspike: killall not working.  Any thoughts on how to kill a process in state "D" a/k/a "Uninterruptible"?06:09
venkatmangudi_interesting problem iggy19 hopefully I will learn something as well06:09
basic`iggy19, lsof -p 1414606:10
iggy19basic`: reading man page now06:10
venkatmangudi_Zombie processes can not be killed with the normal commands like “kill -9 PID”, you will have to reboot the system to kill them.06:10
basic`should give you the list of what the process accessing06:10
metaspikeyou could send it a different signal prehaps... killall -s 9 firefox06:10
venkatmangudi_not sure if that is true06:10
blackshirtmotahareh_ : what error ??06:10
venkatmangudi_but saw that when i searched for help06:10
basic`venkatmangudi_, zombies' are Z not D06:11
iggy19basic: pages of open files06:11
iggy19some local, some network sockets06:11
metaspikeor killall -s 15... you could kill all processes for that user also... killall -u $USER06:11
metaspikekillem all :)06:12
=== GJHTYAS is now known as NICK39387
venkatmangudi_sudo killall -9 firefox-bin06:12
basic`iggy19, yeah that's interesting - something is keeping it waiting06:12
iggy19metaspike: trying to kill ff while keeping the rest of the sytem uo06:12
NICK39387yeah kill them06:12
venkatmangudi_that was one solution06:12
NICK39387let me guess.. kills who ?06:12
basic`iggy19, anything in dmesg pertaining to firefox?06:12
skegeekI just ran X Diagnostic and the screen froze at CPU/Clock testing, but the CD/DVD light was flashing and I could hear it trying to read a disc. Does this shed any light on random freezing issues?06:12
metaspikekillall buggy software v_v   ever wonder why ubuntu doesn't have apt-listbugs?06:12
Dukervenkatmangudi_, ctrl f7 seems to do nothing, only ctrl + alt +delete seems to work06:12
venkatmangudi_bunch of suggestions there06:13
sammyhere's a good one: `getent passwd` only shows my /etc/passwd users. `getent passwd ldapusername` will show a user in my ldap databse through nss. but the users in ldap aren't showing when I just do 'getent passwd'06:13
venkatmangudi_looks like lot of ppl have this issue with firefox06:13
venkatmangudi_Duker, in that case we have gnome issue06:13
iggy19basic`: how would I look at that? (dmesg)06:13
venkatmangudi_Duker, i used to get the same problem in 11.10 till i gave up on Unity and used xfce06:14
venkatmangudi_iggy19, looks like a common issue06:14
inertialanyone know how to pause a VM using Virtual Machine Manager with qemu?06:14
goddarddoes Eclipse have a Unity menu i can install?06:15
DukerSo whats the easiest way to remedy gnome issues?06:15
goddardDuker: dont use it :D06:15
iggy19looking like I'm going to reboot, as I have been doing in this situation for weeks, so that I can continue to deal with the OTHER issues I wanted to work on tonight, that are actually more problematic for me.06:15
venkatmangudi_The STAT column says "D", which means "Uninterruptible sleep". A process in this state cannot be killed at all. Is your home directory NFS mounted or is Firefox accessing an NFS directory in some other way?06:15
metaspikeDuker, what goddard said06:15
skegeekI'd really like to figure out this freezing...it's pretty anti-productive.06:15
pp7Duker: too generic a question06:15
tanathanyone know a way to convert magnet links & info hashes to .torrent files?06:15
iggy19home is not NFS06:15
metaspikeskegeek, fresh install?06:15
venkatmangudi_ps axopid,comm,wchan" might show you which kernel routine Firefox is stuck inside06:16
iggy19home is crypted and residing on a LUKS-->dm-crypt partition06:16
venkatmangudi_all from that link i posted earlier06:16
venkatmangudi_well, then home might have become inaccessible to firefox?06:16
tanathi thought there was a site that did that, but having trouble finding it. only finding stuff that does the reverse.06:16
motahareh_exact error that occured. This usually means GLIB is incorrectly installed.06:16
motahareh_configure: error: "Cannot find glib"06:16
skegeekThis has been a fresh install06:16
venkatmangudi_Duker, I stopped using gnome and started using xfce06:16
iggy19home still accessible to me06:16
skegeekIf it helps, I have Intel Mobile 965 Express Chipset for video06:17
paijoiggy19: exactly, what is your problem ?06:17
DukerHow can I start using xfce? Different distro?06:17
DukerEasiest way rather06:17
i_is_brokeDuker, try installing it.06:18
sammyDuker: im late to the party; whats your gnome issue?06:18
venkatmangudi_iggy19, from what i see in that link, the OP had a problem with a plugin06:18
skegeekDuker:  for Xfce you want xubuntu desktop, it's in the repositories.06:18
DukerJust installed 11.10 on an SSD, booting to blank screen after post06:18
venkatmangudi_and the last command I pasted allos you to find out which routine06:18
jiltdilDuker, sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop06:19
iggy19venkatmangudi_: ps axopid,comm,wchan shows: 14146 firefox-bin sync_page06:19
venkatmangudi_iggy19, so sync_page is the routine that is keeping FF in D state06:19
jiltdilDuker, and after installing it select it from login session to use06:19
paijoDuker: you can install xubuntu06:19
sammytanath: maybe your torrent program can save a .torrent file after youve connected to the torrent. I think technically your torrent program downloads the .torrent from other peers using the magnet link and DHT, so your client should have a local copy of the .torrent file somewhere. but I poked around and couldn't find anything. you'd have more luck asking in a torrent-specific forum06:19
venkatmangudi_means it's trying to write to your disk or something06:19
iggy19sadly, means nothing to me.  ;-(06:19
metaspikeskegeek, i think it is an atrocity that a linux ditrobution could randomly freeze. if it's worth anything. i suggest you ctrl + alt+ f4 then - sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade && reboot - (drop to terminal, update system) . in all likelyhood, you would have better luck with 10.04. what are you running?! mint? 11.04??06:19
venkatmangudi_in the .firefox or .mozilla folder06:20
tanathsammy, the torrent client won't be running where i get the links06:20
iggy19died with a failed disk write, eh?06:20
skegeekI installed 11.10 via Wubi, I didn't realize it would be setup with an unstable system06:20
iggy19that's actually likely.  The issue I'm trying to solve before this is a full /home06:20
venkatmangudi_iggy19, probably06:20
DukerWhat do I press to get the login selection to come up? Or grub selection or anything at all? Will get xubuntu iso now06:21
tanathsammy, i want to be able to remotely send torrent files to the watched folder from magnet links & infohashes06:21
venkatmangudi_if you're using grub2 (most likely) press shift during bootup to see the grub menu06:21
goddardDuker: whats wrong with Unity?06:21
tanathsammy, including from phone. which means i wouldn't have a .torrent file that way06:21
sammytanath: youd have to have a torrent client somewhere along the line connect to the DHT and download the .torrent file from the cloud first06:21
venkatmangudi_iggy19, therein lies your problem06:21
Yuyoanyone know which files i can edit to change firewall configurations, for ufw?06:21
iggy19I'm going to reboot so I can have a browser, then be back to discuss how to resize home.06:21
venkatmangudi_:) a reboot will help06:21
metaspikeskegeek, no where where not, and people arent being informed properly before they install of how many bugs there are, and there's no bug report tool in the system that i can see (like in debian). so i guess, if you want to use ubuntu, you will have better luck with 10.0406:22
sammytanath: what client is watching hte folder? maybe you can use a command line somehow to feed it the magnet link06:22
metaspikenoone where aware*06:22
tanathsammy, deluge06:22
urlin2umetaspike, general fud goes no where.06:22
DukerGoddard, just installed 11.10 on a new machine, getting just a blank screen after POST06:22
iggy19ALL: Thank you so very much for your assistance!  I'll be back after reboot.06:22
goddardDuker: oh bummer06:22
tanathsammy, not setting up the means to run commands remotely. just upload files06:22
DukerHolding shift didnt get me anywhere06:22
goddardDuker: any idea why?06:22
skegeekI'll uninstall 11.10 and get 10.04 instead. However, does 10.04 have the vertical left panel?06:22
goddard11.10 is fine06:23
goddardit just takes some tweaking for some people06:23
skegeekIt keeps randomly freezing on me and I cannot figure out why.06:23
venkatmangudi_Duker, 11.10 is ok if a fresh install. burnt my fingers on an upgrade.06:23
metaspikeurlin2u, ? general fud? im saying there's no tool for reading bugs and no disclosure of bugs before installation... am I wrong?06:23
DukerGoddard, No idea why - can't even boot into my previoud 11.04 partition06:23
DukerUpgraded my mobo/cpu/ram, would that change things?06:24
sammytanath: gotcha. just trying to find a way since there's no file to upload if all you have is a magnet link :P06:24
goddardDuker: ya i would say so06:24
tanathsammy, yeah... could have sworn i saw a service that did it once...06:24
urlin2umetaspike, your comments are bised in every sense.06:24
skegeekBeing that Ubuntu is marketed as an easy-to-use system, I don't think tweaking should be required to avoid freezing.06:24
goddardDuker: does a live cd work?06:24
venkatmangudi_Duker, you don't need a bigger system for 11.1006:24
sammytanath: if you use deluge's web interface you could add the magnet uri remotely from there06:24
tanathsammy, hmm06:24
DukerI know, I happened to be upgrading my system, and am doing the 11.04 ->11.10 upgrade now06:25
tanathsammy, completely forgot it had that. ty06:25
sammytanath: the webui is nice. cheers06:25
Dukerlive CD works06:25
tanathsammy, simplifies some other things too06:25
goddardDuker: then something is messed up with install configuration im guessing06:25
bullgard4[Ubuntu 11.10 GNOME Shell 3.2.1] I am recording an internet radio stream. Why can I not hear it at the same time? Pressing Windows-key > gnome-control-center > Audio > Applications > ALSA plugin [firefox] is not muted. (Last night it worked.)06:25
goddardDuker: upgrades are always dangerous :D06:26
DukerGoddard I know =/06:26
goddardDuker: i always have a seperate home partition06:26
goddardDuker: and it isn't to hard to setup in Ubuntu06:27
DukerGoddard, I have a working 11.04 one, but I cant get into it for some reason06:27
goddardDuker: you sure you didn't delete it?06:27
wirefrozen1Got a stupid ?... Is it typical that a persistent distro would crash if u use a 2nd usb for storage06:27
goddardDuker: so is it a grub issue?06:27
wirefrozen1ubuntu 10,406:27
Dukergoddard Yup, quite sure I didnt delete it - I have 3 hdds and 2 sdds attached, didnt even touch the old stuff with the installer06:28
metaspikewhat im saying is base-system bugs should be discloused -before- installation, there should be a way to read about regression bugs and that there should be a tool to read about bugs on the existing system like apt-listbugs. it's not fud, it's sensibility.06:28
urlin2uwirefrozen1, a usb loaded with a persistent casper-tw?06:28
=== tfilipczuk is now known as makaka
urlin2uwirefrozen1, that casper fills up and is difficult to clean if you update to much it can crash it is just running off the iso.06:29
wirefrozen1how do i talk at you urlin06:30
* wirefrozen1 asks06:30
urlin2uwirefrozen1, type part if my nbic then hit the tab.06:30
wirefrozen1urlin2u, nice06:30
wirefrozen1sorry its been a while06:30
wirefrozen1i have a 3.1gb partition06:31
wirefrozen1its the persistent partition of a cruzer usb disk06:31
wirefrozen1it is INACCESSIBLE.06:31
urlin2uwirefrozen1, exactly, if you have a larger usb you can make a casper partition and have it be larger.06:32
lorddeltawirefrozen1: Good for it?06:32
wirefrozen1good for a bigger usb?06:32
wirefrozen1urlin2u, the one i have is 1606:32
wirefrozen1Unetbootin would not create a larger partition that would boot persistent06:33
urlin2uwirefrozen1, http://www.pendrivelinux.com/create-a-larger-than-4gb-casper-partition/06:34
mah454in gnome-3.2 : nautilus crashed  ! in terminal receive this message :  http://pastebin.com/pJabh2rG06:34
mah454How can fix this problem ?06:34
wirefrozen1urlin2u, love it06:34
wirefrozen1thx brb06:34
NICK39387is there a way to choose what is to be installed on a server base install ?06:34
wirefrozen1urlin2u, exactly where the hell do you keep ur urls? that was fast06:35
lorddeltamah454: Restart nautilus?06:35
lorddeltamah454: if you think its a persistent issue, you can report it as a bug.06:35
metaspikemah454, segmentation fault? that's nasty!06:35
sammymetaspike: im pretty sure there's a huge changelog put out every ubuntu version with a list of regressoins and major bugs that haven't been fixed, you can always search for bugs pertaining to a particular package on the web. i think the vast number of oustanding bugs on any system is so large that revewing every bug for every installed package upon installation/update would be kind of impractical06:35
urlin2uwirefrozen1, I just typed it I new where it was I had used this method a couple of years ago,.06:35
mah454lorddelta, yes i restart nautilus06:36
lorddeltawirefrozen1: He might not be using firefox B) he might be really fast with a mouse/trackball C) He has it in emacs?06:37
lorddeltawirefrozen1: What'd be really neat is if he'd assigned them to keyboard shortcuts...tricky..but possible.06:37
lorddeltamah454: And does it always crash immediately? Or randomly after an interval of variable time?06:38
lorddeltasammy: Sad but true. One would think they'd vet packages by numbers of bugs...06:39
sue_hi. I upgraded to 10.04 LTS, from 9.10. I can't get the gnome-screensaver to activate anymore.. I even set it to 1 minute and waited and it doesn't work. I checked and the gnome-screensaver process is running. any ideas?06:39
bullgard4[Ubuntu 11.10 GNOME Shell 3.2.1] I am recording an internet radio stream. Why can I not hear it at the same time? Pressing Windows-key > gnome-control-center > Audio > Applications > ALSA plugin [firefox] is not muted. (Last night it worked.)06:39
metaspikesammy, thanks, there are reports but they are obsucred from the mainstream of ubuntu access. someone searches for ubuntu, they are in the ubuntu download page in three clicks and the standard setting is 11.04, if there is any detail about the umpteen system critical bugs with this release they are in fineprint. also, in practice, yes, it sounds complicated, but with so much information on bugs being reported- the actual implimentation wo06:40
metaspikesue_ does xscreensaver-demo   in console do anything?06:41
lorddeltabullgard4: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting <-- Invaluable help06:41
lorddeltaAlso running alsamixer is a good way to check for problems.06:41
sue_metaspike, 1 minute, it wasn't installed06:41
metaspikesue- the xscreensaver packages handle the screensaver.06:41
sue_I have the gnome-screensaver package06:42
sue_I tried xscreensaver but it didn't have the cosmos screensaver I liked06:42
sammymetaspike: bugs posted on launchpad are obscured from the mainstream of ubuntu access? oh I see what you're saying. anyone who is going to try out a new operating system and not dig deep enough to learn that ubuntu's releases are created from debian packages that aren't marked stable... dont knock ubuntu  is all i'm saying, knock the user who wants their computer to just work like some sort of one-click toaster. windows doesn't work that way, nothing wor06:42
metaspikesue_, sudo apt-get install xscreensaver-gl && sudo apt-get install xscreensaver-gl-extra06:43
lorddeltaI run bleeding edge myself....probably lots of unnecessary bugs and headaches I suppose, but the problems have a habit of disappearing.06:44
sammyso, who in the ubuntu support channel on freenode in the wee hours of most of the english speaking world is using ldap to server user data with nss and can identify my issue ;)06:44
lorddelta(though I stay away from alphas. I'm traumatized by the possibility they might change Unity again...and that can lead to a day's worth of repair)06:45
lorddeltasammy: I don't know which part of the world you live in, but I know if you wait for about 3 more hours people start waking up again06:46
metaspikelorddelta, wouldn't it be nice to know what bugs exist in that update -before- it's installed? anything above 10.04 should have this feature.06:47
lorddeltametaspike: Like in Mint? Yeah, bring it on.06:47
venkatmangudi_sammy, this is when people start coming online to help ya.06:47
lorddeltametaspike: Sounds like a great improvement. :)06:47
metaspikebullgard4, I have had great success with streamripper... you can streamripper *source* but not sure about simultanous playback for multiple items.06:48
lorddeltaThere seems to be something of a rivalry between Mint and Ubuntu...I don't care. They're doing Ubuntu right, IMHO, I just prefer to be closer to the source, persay.06:48
lorddeltaWe'll eventually be able to benefit from their hard work.06:48
bullgard4lorddelta: "Invaluable" is the proper word here: You never know if it is of value to you. The webpage you recommended is for GNOME 2 and not for GNOME 3.06:48
metaspikeit's not rivalry it's a relationship of sorts as it goes with most derivatives.06:49
bullgard4lorddelta: The steps 1 through 5 are all positively fulfilled.06:49
lorddeltabullgard4: mmm...no...most of that should work at the driver level...if that's your problem that is.06:49
metaspikesome rivalry from the fanboys of course, always :D06:49
bullgard4lorddelta: I do not have a driver problem. As I said, it worked last night.06:49
lorddeltabullgard4: Yeah, I know, there's been a bug that I haven't been able to/tried much to pin down where the configuration seems to corrupt...06:50
lorddeltabullgard4: Easiest way I find to deal with it is use a utility like alsamixer.06:50
wirefrozen1lorddelta, pm?06:51
lorddeltaIf you have steps one through 5 working, then the problem is obviously not your audio drivers. Could you be more specific about what is "not working"?06:52
sue_metaspike, I ran xscreensaver and that crashed my computer06:53
sue_metaspike, it went to  console screen for a moment and then it started blinking corrupted textual/colors over and over.. fortunately ctrl-alt-del rebooted06:54
sue_so maybe I need to stick with gnome-screensaver after all?06:54
lorddeltaGenerally if the sound's not working, it means you have A) the wrong sound card selected B) the volume turned down somewhere06:54
lorddeltaAlsamixer will let you know (run from the terminal) if all your sound is set up06:55
metaspikesue_, if it makes you feel better.06:55
lorddeltaThen there's pulseaudio preferences, and control panel...06:55
sue_metaspike, I'm asking, I don't know..06:55
sue_metaspike, why would xscreensaver crash my computer.. seems weird06:56
metaspikeyou can remove xscreensaver with   apt-get purge xscreensaver-*06:56
lorddeltabullgard4: However you also failed to give me any particulars about the streamer you are using and what parameters/options you are using, so I could imagine that the sound itself is fine and that you accidentally clicked an option.06:56
meadhikariis their anything to permanently disable this "unlock keyring" thing in ubuntu06:56
metaspikemaybe you dont have the correct video drivers, or that gnome-screensaver is running, and competes with xscreensaver making your video buffer no-mans land06:56
sue_I make sure to kill gnome-screensaver and verified it was gone06:57
lorddeltabullgard4: For instance with vlc there is an option you must select to make loopback streamed audio when saving to disk.06:57
sue_how can I check for correct video drivers06:57
bullgard4metaspike: streamripper is a command-line tool. It is installed on my computer. Please tell me what it means to "source" streamripper.06:57
metaspikebullgard4, what are you ripping...06:57
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:57
metaspike!proporietory video06:58
bullgard4lorddelta: I am using VLC media player as streamer.06:58
sue_!proprietary video06:58
lorddeltabullgard4: Version?06:58
sue_guess not06:59
metaspikesue_, nvidia, ati?06:59
bullgard4lorddelta: For Ubuntu 11.10 the current VLC media player version is
sue_00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE Chipset Integrated Graphics Device (rev 01)06:59
sammymetaspike: have you seen apt-listchanges? i think thats whats called. you can review the debian news and/or changelog for any package being updated by apt. you can get it emailed to you or review it ina number of different ways (X gui, console when using apt-get or aptitude)06:59
sammyI think what you might be looking for is to run a more stable version. if the update doesnt involve a new feature you want, or abugfix for something youre having trouble with (and its not a security update) dont update.07:00
sue_I am not very good with xorg.. they took away a lot of the config files I was used to in x11 and I am not sure where the replacements are07:00
sammythe idea of just updating htings because there are new versions available is bad policy for someone who doesnt want to constantly deal with new regressions and new bugs07:00
metaspikesammy, yes it's a good start, i think the sooner apt-listbugs becomes standard for non-LTS distrobutions and a little verbosity hits the download page, the better.07:02
sue_metaspike, looks like it is using the intel(0) driver07:02
bullgard4metaspike I am ripping the stream http://dradio.ic.llnwd.net/stream/dradio_dkultur_m_a.ogg07:03
sue_metaspike, intel: Driver for Intel Integrated Graphics Chipsets: ... 845G ... so that is the right one07:03
metaspikeyeah, i dunno, it's probably buggy... try   sudo dpkg-reconfigure gnome-screensaver  or go LTS07:04
sue_metaspike, was a good idea to check though!07:04
metaspikeor not whatever, good luck sue_ ^_^07:04
sue_go lts?07:05
sue_I'm on 10.04 LTS07:05
metaspikebullgard4, then just - streamripper http://dradio.ic.llnwd.net/stream/dradio_dkultur_m_a.ogg -  from terminal, but thats an ogg, you could just wget it07:05
sue_or what did you mean?07:05
lorddeltabullgard4: I'm presuming you've tried the obvious then, namely that it doesn't work with other radio stations, that vlc can in fact play audio07:06
metaspikecopy and paste - sudo dpkg-reconfigure gnome-screensaver  - into a terminal and push enter (reconfigure gnome-screensaver with dpkg)07:06
sue_reinstalling it and removing xscreensaver07:06
sue_metaspike, I'm still not sure what that had to do with lts.. I guess it was an abbreviation?07:07
metaspikesue_, even better, but gnome might pack a hissy. should be interesting.07:07
lorddeltabullgard4: I would say that if you can get vlc to play audio, the problem is not ubuntu's or your sound drivers; I would take it up with vlc (try #vlc)07:07
DukerWhat file system should I use for a secondary ssd intended for a web server07:07
metaspikesue_, lol no, i gave you a console command07:07
metaspikebut no point now without gnome-screensaver07:08
sue_metaspike> yeah, i dunno, it's probably buggy... try   sudo dpkg-reconfigure gnome-screensaver  >>>>>>  or go LTS   <<<07:08
sue_that is what I didn't understand :)07:08
master_ila firfox 3.5 for my ubuntu07:08
master_i want firfox 3.5 for my ubuntu07:09
bullgard4lorddelta: I agree: My problem is not with Ubuntu nor with my sound driver. A very good advice: I will try #vlc. --  Thank you very much for your help.07:09
metaspikeYes sue, it stands for Long Term Support, I assumed you where running 11.04 because you where getting nonsense bugs. suggesting 10.04 because it's stablish07:09
sue_metaspike, maybe you didn't realize you typed it, never mind :)07:09
master_no need to use beta version07:09
sue_metaspike, yeah I was running 9.04 and upgraded to 10.04 and that's when I started having trouble07:10
master_i want firfox 3.5 for my ubuntu07:10
master_any body have link07:11
Dukernoob question, is ntfs on an ssd a silly thing to do07:11
bullgard4metaspike: I will give it a try but later. My problem is that VLC yesterday produced a sound at the same time when ripping but no longer today. So I should not give up VLC so easily in favor of another program.07:11
BowblesHey all, I am trying to get wifi working via command line. I am looking at this page for info: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WiFiHowTo I am on 10.04.3 LTS. I have configured my /etc/network/interfaces file to match my needs. When I bring it up I keep getting a DHCPDISCOVER message, does this mean it is able to connect to the network but can't obtain an IP? Or that it can't connect to the network in the first place?07:12
DukerHow can I access an encrypted home folder of a different ubuntu install from the live cd?07:13
metaspikeBowbles, here's my method: wpa_supplicant -Dwext -iwlan0 -c/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf -B && dhcpcd wlan0 && dhclient   -- edit wpa_supplicant.conf to suit first.07:14
metaspikeor use wicd :p07:14
metaspikeDuker, dunno, seen this? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory07:15
DukerThank you!07:15
Bowblesmetaspike: is wikd and wpa_supplicant available on a default install of 10.4.3 server?07:16
lorddeltabullgard4: I don't know how up-to-date this documentation is, but if it helps any: http://wiki.videolan.org/Documentation:Streaming_HowTo_New#Transcoding_using_the_GUI07:17
lorddeltabullgard4: Hopefully more concise than me rambling on to you. :)07:17
darkowlzzWhen I do 'su' and enter my root password, it says 'su: Authentication failure', even though I enter the correct password07:17
Bowblesalso metaspike, I use WEP not WPA, would wpa_supplicant even work for me?07:17
metaspikeBowbles, wpa_supplicant is the standard wifi decypted / thinamaginer since linux wifi standards existed.   man wpa_supplicant  should reveal something07:18
Bowblesok will read more about it I guess, thanks07:18
metaspikeBowbles, yes. there's a doc directory for it with wep examples and such.07:18
darkowlzzWhen I do 'su' and enter my root password, it says 'su: Authentication failure', even though I enter the correct password. Is root login not allowed in Ubuntu?07:18
sue_well I found a workaround.. if I leave gnome-screensaver properties open all the time, the screensaver activates07:19
metaspikeits disabled by default. use  "sudo passwd" to set a root password (just dont run non sys crit stuff as root or mess up yo /)07:19
sue_kinda lame but it works for now07:19
urlin2udarkowlzz, sudo -i07:19
metaspikeyeah sudo -i   that's right07:20
darkowlzzokay, but in other distributions, it's just 'su' why is it different here?07:21
wirefrozen1better PDF reader than evince?07:21
=== Rajesh is now known as Guest10455
almoxarife!info acroread | wirefrozen107:23
ubottuwirefrozen1: Package acroread does not exist in oneiric07:23
darkowlzzso why Ubuntu has 'sudo -i' instead of just 'su' for root login?07:24
nanovanyHow could I see my network device?07:24
wirefrozen1ubottu, lol07:25
ubottuPlease don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.07:25
darkowlzzubottu, help07:25
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience07:25
wirefrozen1almostroot, what repos do i have to enable?07:25
dannelubottu is a douche :b07:26
ubottudannel: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:26
smw!language > dannel07:26
ubottudannel, please see my private message07:26
almoxarifewirefrozen1: my bad, I thought acroread was avail by default, its not, you would need the medibuntu ppa07:26
wirefrozen1almostroot, medibuntu ppa please do tell me what that is07:27
smw!medibuntu > wirefrozen107:27
ubottuwirefrozen1, please see my private message07:27
urlin2ualmoxarife, wirefrozen1 it's in canonical  http://www.liberiangeek.net/2011/04/how-to-install-adobe-reader-acroread-in-ubuntu-11-04-natty-narwhal/07:29
almoxarifedarkowlzz: the why is a distro difference07:29
almoxarifeurlin2u: yes, it is07:29
almoxarifeurlin2u: for natty07:29
darkowlzzalmoxarife, but all others use 'su', even Linux Mint07:29
urlin2ualmoxarife, has it moved back to mediabuntu?07:30
Bowblesdamn metaspike left?07:30
almoxarifedarkowlzz: imagine that, did you have another question>07:30
Bowblesyeah he did07:30
lorddeltaalmoxarife: =/07:30
Bowblesdarkowlzz: because ubuntu will also use su, just not the way you expect it to07:31
sammyhey last try I swear, sorry for those who have seen me ask a few times:07:31
Bowblesyou can sudo su and run the command with root privs07:31
sammyhere's a good one: `getent passwd` only shows my /etc/passwd users. `getent passwd ldapusername` will show a user in my ldap databse through nss. but the users in ldap aren't showing when I just do 'getent passwd'07:31
nanovany_I can´t see my network device :s07:32
almoxarifenanovany_: what device?07:34
nanovany_sorry, my network controller07:34
nanovany_when I write LSPCI , it shows :  Network controller: Atheros Communications Inc. Device 0032 (rev 01)07:35
almoxarifenanovany_: are you using it right now?07:36
lauratikahi everyone does any one knows how to set up tor in opera in ubuntu?07:39
wirefrozen1i was under the impression opera sucked?07:40
lauratikawrong impression07:41
lauratikabeing using opera for years now and then07:41
almoxarifeopera works quite well in ubuntu07:41
wirefrozen1ever tried in BT07:41
almoxarifewirefrozen1: !ot07:42
wirefrozen1almostroot, ??07:42
wirefrozen1!ot is undefined07:42
darkowlzzI have a mobile broadband usb modem, I am unable to make it work, I found a solution here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1670724, but now it says, 'No devices in target mode or class found', can anyone help?07:42
pp7yes FAIL07:42
pp7no response07:42
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!07:42
wirefrozen1oh very sorry07:43
almoxarifelauratika: ask the questions in two parts, help will be easier07:43
lorddeltawirefrozen1: I think it was directed at pp7...though I'm not sure....07:44
wirefrozen1oh ok07:44
darkowlzz I have a mobile broadband usb modem, I am unable to make it work, I found a solution here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1670724, but now it says, 'No devices in target mode or class found', can anyone help?07:44
Bowblesdarkowlzz: dont spam the same question please07:44
wirefrozen1lorddelta, when u first started using Linux did u want to scream half the time?07:44
lorddeltawirefrozen1: No. Because I used Ubuntu.07:44
lorddeltawirefrozen1: I might suggest breaks + coffee or sugar though if you've been at this forever.07:45
dnangelhi, does anyone know if/when thunderbolt will be supported for macbook pro in ubuntu?07:45
wirefrozen1lorddelta,  but you still use alot of CLI  ritght?07:45
lorddeltawirefrozen1: pm07:45
darkowlzzBowbles, but I thought it's better to repeat the question in a while as many new users join in between who may help me07:45
lauratikatwo parts?07:45
lauratikais onw question how to set up tor in opera?07:46
lauratikano 2 parts07:46
almoxarifelauratika: yes, for instance, do you need help with tor in ubuntu?07:46
Bowblesdarkowlzz: patience is a virtue07:46
Bowblesdarkowlzz: see this document: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines07:47
lauratikai need to set up tor in opera of course im using ubuntu07:47
DukerI just installed a new mobo with dif integrated graphics, i think thats why I'm blank screening after post (uneducated guess), how can I remove proprietary drivers using the command line in recovery mode?07:47
dnangelso can anyone direct me to a resource for my query? the ubuntu wiki lists its status as non-functional and notes 'docs needed'. has anyone had success using thunderbolt on ubuntu? i need to ensure this works as i use two monitors..07:48
almoxarifelauratika: have you installed 'tor'?07:48
almoxarifelauratika: so you have a client set up, great, I believe you also need something between tor and opera, I forget the name of the app, but it may be installed, do you remember what installed with tor?07:50
plouffelauratika, https://www.torproject.org/docs/faq.html.en#TBBOtherBrowser07:50
llutz_tsocks/sockify almoxarife07:50
dnangeltorify too07:51
dnangelugh can anyone answer my question, i have an itchy install finger :)07:51
almoxarifelauratika: seems the in-between is no longer needed, I think, wouldn't it be easier to install the 'tor-browser-bundle' , I did, runs great, no opera though07:53
lauratikapolipo is the proxy07:53
lauratikaim using vidalia which works tor + polipo07:53
lauratikator bundle comes with firefox and i dont use firefox sorry07:53
almoxarifelauratika: does opera allow for proxy connections? especially a socks?07:54
almoxarifelauratika: is tor up and running?07:55
lauratikayes is running via vidalia07:55
llutz_wow, opera got socks-support after all those years without....!?07:56
almoxarifelauratika: using the opera proxy connections, you want to connect to ip and port 9050 using socks07:56
lauratikayes done07:57
darkowlzzBowbles, but I thought it's better to repeat the question in a while as many new users join in between who may help me07:57
almoxarifelauratika: great, so go to ipchicken.com and look at the ip, should not be yours07:57
lauratikawell it is07:57
lauratikathats the thing is not working07:58
almoxarifelauratika: what is not working?07:58
Bowblesdnangel: well, read what the page says. Cause it pretty clearly says not to do that.07:58
lauratikaip address is not changing07:58
=== Auriel_ is now known as Auriel
almoxarifelauratika: close down opera and restart it07:59
dnangelall it says, Bowbles is: Thunderbolt: needs docs07:59
lauratikaok hold on07:59
lauratikabe right back07:59
bitcycleHey all.  I've got a new debian vps, and its been a while since I set one up.  Can someone advise me what to do to enable a user to remotely login via ssh, after I've created it on the server while logging in via ssh as root?08:00
dnangelthere are links also (the only other thing that seems valid) to the linux plumbers conference 2011, which probably indicates it is still only being considered for kernel inclusion08:00
llutz_bitcycle: user should be able to login without changes08:00
bitcyclellutz_: Hmm... it can't.  :(  I can sudo su as the user on the box, though.08:01
llutz_bitcycle: check AllowUsers/DenyUsers in sshd_config08:01
llutz_bitcycle: and btw, there is #debian08:01
llutz_bitcycle: sudo has nothing to do with ssh and sudo su is deprecated, use "sudo -i"08:03
dnangelor just don't use sudo lol08:03
dnangelthanks guys. o/08:04
kirillрусские есть?08:04
llutz_!ru | kirill08:04
ubottukirill: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.08:04
almoxarifedoes terminal have a nice gui front end?08:06
r_tarandusalmoxarife: I wasn't aware that any Terminal had a GUI?....08:06
llutz_which wouldn't make any sense at all, if it had08:07
almoxarifer_tarandus: I am not sure I am going to like this ubuntu experience then08:07
SunTsualmoxarife: what exactly do you mean? terminal windows for X?08:07
SunTsualmoxarife: if so: lots of: xterm, Terminal, (u)rxvt, Konsole, and many more08:08
Humbedoohit sure beats the command prompt in windows :>08:09
llutz_there's bash/gnu-utils for windows too08:10
almoxarifeSunTsu: no I mean something to take the pain out of typing cryptic text in cli, and there is something for the likes of me who don't like terminal, cli-companion, add it once to the list and its done, the question was meant in jest, humor08:10
SunTsualmoxarife: yeah, it's called gui08:11
r_tarandusalmoxarife, SunTsu: I stand corrected. I guess there is a GUI! Get 'emmmmmmmm.08:11
SunTsualthough, for me a terminal is something that takes the pain out of using a gui08:12
almoxarifeSunTsu: no, its half a gui and half terminal08:12
vsync_< almoxarife> does terminal have a nice gui front end?08:18
Humbedoohnow now, don't tease08:19
almoxarifevsync_: I am assuming you didn't find the humor in the question08:19
vsync_it was good!08:20
SunTsuIMHO advanced completion like zsh has and bash can have takes lots of pain out of using the shell08:20
vsync_i don't have any pain using plain vanilla bash08:21
llutz_people just have to get this "cli == msdos-like == oldfashioned difficult, but GUI==mouseclickers heaven" out of their mind08:21
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SunTsuvsync_: me neither, but having completion for eg. options is nice to remind me on things I seldom use, without having to refer to the man page overly08:23
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SiegeXwhat runlevel is the multiuser non-gui one?08:25
llutz_!runlevel < SiegeX08:25
ubottullutz_: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:25
llutz_!runlevel > SiegeX08:25
ubottuSiegeX, please see my private message08:25
almoxarifevsync_: the avg ubuntu user does, I do, I almost can get around in it, but most people who come in here with a 'my xxxx is broke, please help' find themselves usually being told to terminal themselves out of it, which either means ubuntu is not a useful tool of the people or those people that are helping don't care/know/want to go thru the pain of giving the person the gui fix to the problem.08:25
vsync_almoxarife that didn't make any god damn sense08:28
llutz_almoxarife: most of the problems are easier solved in terminal than in GUI and you cannot hide the termimal from people administrating a linux-system, so they have to learn it sooner or later08:28
almoxarifeon the other hand, if I install virtualbox and it does require me to add myself to the 'virtualbox' group, how would I do it in a virgin ubuntu 11.10 install? without terminal08:28
vsync_a problem such as "to terminal or not to terminal" could only arise in the user group of a distro such as ubuntu08:29
almoxarifevsync_: xkuze plz , mine engrish not so gut08:29
SunTsualmoxarife: you'd call the user management and edit the user to be in that group?08:29
almoxarifevsync_: it's a new age, what is one to do?08:29
vsync_it's a dumber age then. in any case there's a gui tool to manage groups and users, too08:30
lorddeltavsync_: Its ok...I brought up the terminal before, almoxarife insulted me too.08:30
almoxarifeSunTsu: or you add the app that does just that from kde4?08:30
lorddeltaalmoxarife: Since you won't have a tussle privately...08:30
Scott_Salmoxarife: Or, you know, use the User Management tool that's built directly into (basically) every Ubuntu installation...08:31
almoxarifevsync_: find me the app in a virgin ubuntu install of 11.10 that will allow you to add yourself to a group. please08:31
almoxarifeScott_S vsync_: find me the app in a virgin ubuntu install of 11.10 that will allow you to add yourself to a group. please08:32
Scott_Salmoxarife: Type 'User Accounts' into the Application Search Bar. The one that pops up on the top left or when you press the Windows key.08:32
almoxarifeScott_S: window key?08:33
almoxarifeScott_S: window key does nothing here, should it?08:33
lorddeltaI believe its called the OS_Key X_X08:33
almoxarifelorddelta: has the win logo?08:34
lorddeltaalmoxarife: has the Mac logo?08:34
lorddelta(not that I care)08:34
lorddeltaAnyways I need need to depart08:34
lorddeltagood luck jousting or w/e bbl08:35
mascaretin unity, is it possible to keep the title bars for maximized windows ?08:35
almoxarifelorddelta: us poorer keyboards have a win logo, and mine has never done a thing, I figured its my laptop08:35
urlin2u mascaret the buttons?08:35
mascaretnot only the buttons, I dont want the titlebar to merge with the top panel08:35
mascaretwhen I maximize08:35
urlin2umascaret, I don't think there is a workaround for that.08:36
mascaretthey did this "complex" feature "merge the titlebar" without giving the possibility to disable it ?08:37
Bowblesargh, any advice on resolving a temporary failure resolving us.archive.ubuntu.com? I changed nameservers in resolv.conf to be and everything else seems to resolve fine via command line08:37
almoxarifemascaret: sad, but yes08:37
almoxarifeBowbles: its not a dns issue then, they are down? greasing the gears maybe?08:38
Bowblesalmoxarife: can you check on your end to confirm for me?08:38
llutz_Bowbles: NXDOMAIN08:39
BowblesI feel like this is 99% chance pebkac08:39
almoxarifeBowbles: nope, its you, I went to the domain you gave us08:39
Bowblesalmoxarife: can you nslookup it?08:40
llutz_Bowbles: resolves fine now here using
ando[x]hello al08:41
Bowblesllutz_: thanks for the info, I have no idea what I may be doing wrong at this point. But I am getting connection timeouts for nslookups now, but when I nslookup ubuntu.com it comes back correct and without any delays.08:43
ando[x]can anyone help me with an update issue I'm having? Whether I update via GUI or sudo apt-get update i run into an issue with archive.canonical.com/dist/lucid/release08:43
rhin0xubunu 11.10 system has hung at "checking battery state"08:43
rhin0this morning08:43
ando[x]unable to find expected entry 'partnet/srouce/sources'08:43
ando[x]i've searched forums and came up with nothing.08:43
rhin0i'm going back to 10.0408:44
llutz_Bowbles: http://pastebin.com/RiMpbmQW08:44
rhin0how would I get the crap off my system -- can get a login prompt with ctrl-alt-f108:44
rhin0if I load 10.04 can I mount 11.10 volume off it08:44
llutz_ando[x]: sounds like typo "partner/source" not "partnet/srouce/..:"08:45
ando[x]it says partnet source08:45
ando[x]even google thought i typo'd it.. so i double checked.08:45
llutz_ando[x]: sounds like typo, it should be "partner/source" not "partnet/srouce/..:"08:45
ando[x]how can i change that?08:45
llutz_ando[x]: check your sources (grep -r partnet /etc/apt/*)08:46
rhin0tbh I am beginning to find 11.10 (xubuntu) glitchy08:46
urlin2urhin0, all ubuntu installs can read another one, and ntfs all ext types unless encrypted.08:47
ando[x]llutz: i've just checked them.08:48
rhin0ok im in got ssh and can mount it probablly--- moving back to 10.04 --- system hangs on "check battery state" -- won't deal with THAT anymore --- new install of system -- nothing wrong with it08:48
mascarethi again08:51
mascaretin ubuntu 11.10, in the login screen, I have only "ubuntu" and "ubuntu 2D", there is no "ubuntu classic" anymore08:51
mascaretany way to enable it ?08:51
iceroot!nounity | mascaret08:51
ubottumascaret: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic08:51
icerootmascaret: but gnome2 (ubuntu classic) does not exist anymore in 11.1008:52
selig5I'm on Oneiric 64 bit. I don't get sound in Firefox or Chrome but I do get sound from Movie Player and VLC. I have reinstalled Flash, I get the video part but no sound. Is there an easy fix for this?08:52
wolfricalt f2 doesn't seem to work for me any more (open file run program). i'm on 11.10 running the gnome option (can't quite remember what you call it)08:53
rhin0coolness though -- never been able to recover from just prompt amazing really08:53
rhin0would be STUFFED with windows08:53
rhin0ty for help08:53
shaibnHello :) I'm trying to use xfsdump and xfsrestore to overwrite a destination ... but when I use xfsrestore, it won't replace the destination but actually just append the files from the dump to the destination. How can I avoid having to manually delete the destination prior to using xfsrestore?08:53
TvL2386hey guys, I'm setting up fibrechannel on ubuntu11.04. I'm getting lots of messages like this "lpfc 0000:02:00.2: 0:(0):0713 SCSI layer issued Device Reset (1, 101) return x2002" it does not seem good :S Does anybody know what this means? I've been searching for a detailed guide about fibrechannel and linux but have not been succesful so far...08:54
fernandesit'sd very?08:55
fernandesolá, como vai?08:55
fernandesjQuery: wo is you?08:56
ando[x]Thank you llutz! i figured it out.08:57
gaoI need a really good (good uptime & speed) dedicated server with lots of hdd space (1TB+). Does anyone know any cheap ones? thx!09:02
llutz_!ot | gao not here09:02
ubottugao not here: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!09:02
=== Patrick is now known as Guest82974
almoxarifeTvL2386: http://www.littleowlconsultancy.com/blog/implementing-multipathing-with-fibre-channel-on-linux/ <-- no idea if it helps09:11
Maximushello world!09:14
=== Maximus is now known as Guest19826
RalieghI'm getting some weird issues with Icecast and having it call a script. Whenever a mount opens it's supposed to run a script, but I keep getting "permission denied" even though I've got the permissions set to "777", and tried it with both root ownership and user ownership.09:16
RalieghThere's the output09:16
Guest19826NICK <Maximus>09:17
Atlantic777!test | Riza09:17
ubottuRiza: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use #test )09:17
TvL2386almoxarife, thank you!09:19
kalleperssonHello! Where does the php error log reside in Ubuntu?09:19
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=== max is now known as Guest10707
inc0hi, I have problems after I installed ATI drivers from website09:23
inc0I have graphical glitches in java, desktop is somethimes blinking09:23
inc0and minecraft, java app with 3d, hangs whole X window09:24
inc0and only restart helps09:24
inc0I'm running oneiric x6409:24
almoxarifeinc0: hi, I have problems after I installed ATI drivers from website <-- revert to the ubuntu drivers?09:27
inc0almoxarife: well, I'd rather fix these things, after all having new 3d drivers is good09:29
phixhey gang!09:31
phixkallepersson: php error log would be in apache logs09:31
phixkallepersson: unles you configured it to log else where09:31
phixwhat does your php.ini file say?09:32
libraryi need an urgent help on ubuntu 10.4.3 LTS version installed on DELL Vostro 3550 but sound is not working here. Can someone help me to activate sound on this machine.09:34
almoxarifelibrary: in system > preferences > sound what is shown in the hardware and output tabs?09:41
aBoundSounds like missing drivers. If the sound isn't working.09:42
libraryin preferences > sound in Hardware it is showing internal audio Analog stereo output09:43
RalieghHow would I add custom programs (bash scripts) on startup?09:43
librarywhich drivers has to be installed for Ubuntu 10.4.3 LTS to get audio working09:44
HexchHI, how can I finde out why my ubuntu server have an avarage load of 2009:44
almoxarifelibrary: the volume slider?09:45
Hexchtop dont give me so much info09:45
aBoundRaliegh, I would say using the command: cronjob. But...I can't say for certain.09:45
librarysorry what is volume slider?09:45
librarywhere is it09:46
Ralieghcronjob? Never heard of it, lol.09:46
aBoundRaliegh, Opps meant to say the command: cron09:46
llutz_Hexch: have a look at "atsar"09:46
almoxarifelibrary: over the output tab?09:46
=== Ryllez is now known as Ryllez89
llutz_Raliegh: scripts running once at boot-time? /etc/rc.local09:47
libraryit is internal audio analog stereo09:47
harsh343how to  download Gitti which is a GUI for managing GIT repositories in ubuntu ???? command ?09:48
Ralieghllutz, yes. But I obviously need it to run after the OS has fully loaded. I need a certain file to be run at startup09:48
RalieghWould that be the best way to do it? If so, documentation?09:48
harsh343how to  download Gitti which is a GUI for managing GIT repositories in ubuntu ???? command ?09:49
llutz_Raliegh: add your script to /etc/rc.local then09:49
almoxarifelibrary: yes, I got that, in the screen where you saw that info there should be at least two volume sliders, look09:49
libraryno only one i can see09:50
almoxarifelibrary: should be all the way to the right09:51
tanguy_join #nodejitsu09:51
almoxarifeharsh343: gitti is for mac or ubuntu?09:51
harsh343use git clone  ??09:52
librarywhen i click on sound preferences i can see sound effects, hardware, input, output, applications09:52
harsh343almostroot, yes gitti for mac i need for ubuntu ?09:52
libraryin sound effects nothing is there in hardware i can see internal audio and with profile09:53
almoxarifelibrary: start a youtube video, tell me what you see in the applications tab09:53
Ralieghllutz, it works for one command but not the second. It's not running this:09:54
Ralieghssh ices@199.19.xxx.xx bash <<< 'echo $$ > ~/liquid.pid ; liquidsoap script.liq'09:54
almoxarifelibrary: nothing in hardware?09:54
librarywith drop down options, in input tab nothing is there, in applications tab it is VLC player09:54
llutz_Raliegh: use full pathes, scripts are running as root in limited environment. so "~" might be the problem09:55
almoxarifelibrary: youtube on vlc? how about youtube on firefox?09:55
libraryhardware it is internal audio output analog output09:55
libraryyes i am playing youtube on firefox09:55
Ralieghllutz, That "~" is called upon on the second server, which is already up. Notice the SSH before it. It shouldn't matter should it?09:56
librarybut in sound preferences in applications it is showing VLC media player09:56
libraryi can play the video but no sound again09:56
almoxarifelibrary: I didn't expect vlc as the plugin for firefox, I figured it would be something else, like totem maybe09:57
llutz_Raliegh: ah sry, missed that part. you're using key-auth for ices ssh? i guess it needs to set keyfile then "ssh -i ..."09:57
RalieghYeah, I'm using key auth.09:57
libraryno no firefox and vlc are differerent09:58
Ralieghllutz, adding the full path made no difference. :/09:58
libraryi told you in sound preferences in applications i could see vlc media player09:58
librarynot in firefox09:58
llutz_Raliegh: ssh -i path/to/keyfile ices@....09:58
almoxarifelibrary: close vlc if it is running09:58
venkatmangudiRaliegh, looks like you crossed the initial hurdle... good to know :)09:59
msterbrewerim getting slow transfer speeds on my external hard drive its not a porblem with the external hard drive because when i attach it to a windows computer i get 30mbs or on this computer when it ran windows it also got those speeds right now its doing 6 mbs sometimes 809:59
Ralieghllutz, is the keyfile the pub one or the one without an extention?09:59
almoxarifelibrary: pick another youtube vid in firefox and play it, what shows up in applications tab of sound prefs?10:00
llutz_Raliegh: the sec-file, without extension10:00
Ralieghalmoxarife, thanks thanks. Many days of splitting headaches, but I'm moving on10:00
almoxarifeRaliegh: wrong nick10:00
RalieghOh. x(10:00
msterbrewerany idea what the problem is?10:01
librarywhen i have quit vlc and tried playing a video in firefox it is saying in sound preferences no application is currently playing or recording audio10:01
almoxarifelibrary: do you see video on firefox?10:02
libraryyes only audio is not there10:02
Ralieghllutz, ssh -i /root/.ssh/id_rsa ices@ bash <<< 'echo $$ > /home/ices/liquid.pid ; liquidsoap script.liq'10:02
RalieghStill didn't run.10:02
venkatmangudiRaliegh, is liquidsoap an executable?10:03
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venkatmangudiwhich directory is liquidsoap in?10:03
wadohi every body, any body there?10:04
venkatmangudispecifying full directory might help maybe?10:04
venkatmangudiwado, quite a few here... who u looking for? :)10:04
Ralieghvenkatmangudi of course it is. It runs fine, this script is perfect outside of trying to get it to run on startup.10:04
venkatmangudihmmm.... you want it to run automatically once on startup?10:05
RalieghI don't care if there's a small delay on it either.10:05
RalieghJust keeps me from having to hop on SSH and do it manually.10:05
Atlantic777wado: may we help you?10:05
almoxarifelibrary: do you have hardware buttons to raise lower volume?10:05
libraryon top right yes10:06
msterbrewerim getting slow transfer speeds ot external hard drive 6-8 mbs instead of the 30 it usually gets10:06
venkatmangudiRaliegh, did you try this? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBootupHowto10:06
libraryon top of the screen right10:06
msterbrewerthe only solution i saw online was to format the disk....10:06
msterbrewernot doing that10:06
lordjjHello. I don't seem to have an /etc/X11/xorg.conf  ( http://paste.ubuntu.com/785517/ )10:06
Ralieghvenkatmangudi, I looked at that... But my script isn't exactly a service, heh.10:06
wadoI'm installing ALSA driver on my UBUNTU 10.10 it requires the name os my sound card, how to get the name of my sound card??  Atlantic77710:06
almoxarifelibrary: you mean, a icon?10:06
venkatmangudianother link? http://embraceubuntu.com/2005/09/07/adding-a-startup-script-to-be-run-at-bootup/10:07
libraryyes on my keyboard there is volume button10:07
librarynext to f12 key10:07
almoxarifelibrary: hit the raise volume one a few times or hold it down10:07
joelucasGet Paid for Clicking advertisments online - http://www.clixsense.com/?3725691 - the site is paying since 2007 Try for free!10:07
joelucasGet Paid for Clicking advertisments online - http://www.clixsense.com/?3725691 - the site is paying since 2007 Try for free!10:07
joelucasGet Paid for Clicking advertisments online - http://www.clixsense.com/?3725691 - the site is paying since 2007 Try for free!10:08
venkatmangudiRaliegh, comment number 5 might be useful10:08
aBoundHas anybody in here actually used SELinux before?10:08
lordjjI want to try these intel driver quirks but I don't seem to have a xorg.conf file in /etc/X11/ (quirks: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Quirks#Intel_Driver_Quirks pastebin: http://paste.ubuntu.com/785517/ )10:09
wadohow to get the name of my sound card on ubuntu 10.10?10:09
libraryno change10:09
Atlantic777wado: aplay -l10:10
Ralieghvenkatmangudi, it was further down the page. Simply loading into init.d and update rc.d10:10
RalieghAll is well now! :D10:10
venkatmangudiwado: lspci lists all the PCI devices10:10
DukerHow can I resize the image displayed on my display, ubuntu seems to have added an extra half inch to every side - compiz settings?10:10
wadoAtlantic777 aplay: device_list:235: no soundcards found...10:11
VCooliolordjj: xorg.conf should not be necessary anymore, but you can create it if you need10:11
troll-i need help10:11
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lordjjVCoolio I have these problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Quirks#Intel_No_Display_After_Lid_Close_Quirks:_i915.2BAC8-intel_lvds.c10:11
msterbrewerim getting slow transfer speeds to external hard drive about a third of what it should be10:12
lordjjVCoolio, I would need to get some template file then?10:12
wadovenkatmangudi: it gives me that > Audio device: ATI Technologies Inc RV710/73010:12
almoxarifelibrary: ask for help again, say you have already done the obvious via gui, and can't get your audio to work, I am not a terminal-audio expert, but some exist here10:13
wadovenkatmangudi: and another one >Audio device: Intel Corporation 5 Series/3400 Series Chipset High Definition Audio (rev 05)10:13
librarydo i need to install any audio drivers for this dell vostro 355010:13
VCooliolordjj: no, you can just put the section you need in a new file10:13
venkatmangudiRaliegh: cool. Have fun10:13
venkatmangudiwado: your display controller has an audio?10:14
libraryi have installed ubuntu 10.4.3 on dell vostro 3550 laptop. my audio is not working can someone help me to get audio working10:14
venkatmangudiand what did aplay -l display?10:15
VCooliolordjj: or you can go to tty (ctrl-alt-f1), kill X and then "sudo Xorg -configure > yourfile" to have your current setup written to a xorg.conf file10:15
venkatmangudiwado: lspci gives you the hardware10:15
wadovenkatmangudi: I'm installing ALSA driver, it tells me that it is muted "WARNING!!! The mixer channels for the ALSA driver are muted by default!!! You would use some ALSA or OSS mixer to set the appropriate volume. "10:15
venkatmangudiwado: It is probably Intel HD Audio10:16
lordjjVCoolio ah, thanks10:16
wadovenkatmangudi: what to do ??10:16
wadovenkatmangudi: there is no sound right now10:16
venkatmangudihave you installed alsa?10:16
wadovenkatmangudi: yes, there are two steps rest10:17
DukerHow can I manually scale down my display size in compiz?10:17
wadovenkatmangudi: sorry, the last remaining step : 8) Run 'modprobe snd-xxxx' where xxxx is the name of your card.10:17
venkatmangudiwado: ok. so you're going to do the next step10:18
metaspikeDuker, you mean change your resolution?10:18
metaspikeor zoom?10:18
venkatmangudiwado: your audio device is Intel HD Audio10:18
venkatmangudiAudio device: Intel Corporation 5 Series/3400 Series Chipset High Definition Audio (rev 05)10:19
metaspikeI think you should check out ccsm anyway10:19
DukerMeta, I only have one resolution option under display settings and it's too big, trying to scale it down a bit10:19
DukerLike the actual edges of the screen10:19
wadovenkatmangudi: I tried : "modprobe snd-Intel HD Audio", and gives me >FATAL: Module snd_Intel not found.10:20
metaspikein terminal - xrandr then xrandr -s <number> to change resolution, otherwise use ccsm to tweak compiz directly10:21
mang0Ugh, I've been messing around with compiz and now my menubar is all distorted, and unusable. How do I reload compiz or switch to metacity from terminal?10:21
venkatmangudione sec10:21
Dukerwhere can I tweak it in ccsm, been looking but cant find it - I remember using something in the past there that foxed it10:21
mang0venkatmangudi: Where you talking to me?10:22
venkatmangudimang0: nope. was talking to wado10:23
almoxarifeDuker: what kind of video do you have?10:23
mang0venkatmangudi: Daym, okay.10:23
venkatmangudimang0: i think I know the answer to you... wait a min pls let me solve wado's problem first10:23
Dukerintel HD300010:23
mang0venkatmangudi: Great, sure, np.10:23
venkatmangudiwado: try snd_hda_intel10:24
almoxarifeDuker: is that a hdmi connect?10:24
wadovenkatmangudi: FATAL: Module snd_snd_hda_intel not found.10:24
venkatmangudimang0: try this metacity --replace &10:24
Dukeralmoxarife, yes10:25
mang0venkatmangudi: K.10:25
venkatmangudithere are two snd in your command wado10:25
lordjjVCoolio I can't seem to get Xorg -configure to work http://paste.ubuntu.com/785533/10:25
Dukeralmoxarife: Integrated into i7 processor, hdmi is on mobo10:25
mang0venkatmangudi: Hurrah! Thanks :)10:25
almoxarifeDuker: what you need to find for your video is the 'overscan' correction10:25
Dukeralmoxarife: Thanks :D10:26
venkatmangudiyou're welcome mang010:26
venkatmangudiwado: all well?10:26
wadovenkatmangudi: still mute10:26
venkatmanguditry pulseaudio...10:27
venkatmangudialsa is a pain for me10:27
venkatmangudiwado: before that, try logging out and back in10:28
venkatmangudiwado: or a reboot10:28
wadovenkatmangudi: ok, but what about that warning I got while installing? >> "WARNING!!! The mixer channels for the ALSA driver are muted by default!!! You would use some ALSA or OSS mixer to set the appropriate volume. "10:29
wadovenkatmangudi: hot to "use some ALSA or OSS mixer to set the appropriate volume. "10:29
wadovenkatmangudi: how to "use some ALSA or OSS mixer to set the appropriate volume. "10:29
DukerCan't do overscan in ccsm?10:30
Ben64wado: gnome-alsamixer is a good one10:30
almoxarifeDuker: doubt it10:30
venkatmangudiyou should have a sound controller10:30
venkatmangudiwado: in your terminal try alsamixer10:31
Dukeralmoxarife: Any idea what I could use, usually I tihnk I have nvidia drivers, but nothing proprietary on this one10:31
wadoBen64 : what the command for installing this??10:31
venkatmangudiyou should see a mixer in your terminal10:31
Ben64sudo apt-get install gnome-alsamixer10:31
venkatmangudiwado: also try alsamixer10:32
wadovenkatmangudi: E: Unable to locate package alsamixer10:32
almoxarifeDuker: that's right, on nvidia there is a nice simple slider to fix overscan, nevermind they put it at nears bottom where you can't see it if overscanned, but that's for another day, doesn't your card have a config gui ?10:33
wadoBen64 : doen installing, but still no sound, what to do?10:33
venkatmangudisudo apt-get install alsamixer10:33
Ben64then run gnome-alsamixer10:33
g0toI'm trying to swap some keys from my keyboard using xmodmap (http://pastebin.com/9vZRN0P4)10:33
venkatmangudiwado: do you see your sound settings?10:33
g0tobut the .Xmodmap file trick is not working at all10:33
wadovenkatmangudi: still > E: Unable to locate package alsamixer10:34
Dukeralmoxarife: It doesn't seem to have anything that shows in the 'addition drivers' section10:34
wadovenkatmangudi: yes i see sound setting10:34
g0tosome clues about problems using that method in ubuntu?10:34
metaspikewado, apt-get install alsa-utils10:34
metaspikethen try alsamixer again10:35
almoxarifeDuker: look at this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=172852610:35
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wadometaspike : it gives me >alsa-utils is already the newest version.10:35
metaspikeok, then you already have it. is this a standard ubuntu install?10:35
cherylHi, need help getting an Avon digital camera working on Ubuntu Maverick10:35
wadometaspike : what do you mean by standard??10:36
wadometaspike : I just installed alsa, the sound was working before, but after the installation it is mute10:36
almoxarifecheryl: you mean you want to pull the pics off it?10:37
cherylalmoxarife, Indeed!10:37
deny26hi all.. i want to ask.. when i'm using ad-hoc to share my connection... dnsmasq activated with the following command /usr/sbin/dnsmasq --conf-file --no-hosts --keep-in-foreground --bind-interfaces --except-interface=lo --clear-on-reload --strict-order --listen-address= --dhcp-range=,,60m --dhcp-option=option:router, --dhcp-lease-max=50 --pid-file=/var/run/nm-dnsmasq-wlan0.pid10:37
deny26i want to integrate dnsmasq with squid10:37
deny26any solutions?10:37
almoxarifecheryl: doesn't it have a usb connector?10:37
metaspikewado, i see. try this then.  sudo dpkg-reconfigure pulseuadio10:38
Ben64wado: is it a laptop?10:38
metaspike*sudo dpkg-reconfigure pulseaudio10:38
cherylalmoxarife, It does but doesn't seem to detect the device when plugging it in! I've always found it good at spotting phones etc when I plug 'em in.10:38
almoxarifecheryl: is the camera on or off? if on, does it give you an idiot menu about connecting to something?10:39
wadoBen64 : yes it is a laptop, Toshiba satellite L65510:39
Ben64wado: i had a similar problem. I uninstalled pulseaudio and restarted, now sound works10:40
venkatmangudipulse and alsa together is a pain at times, no?>10:40
wadometaspike : it gives me > pulseuadio is not installed10:40
almoxarifewado: may I ask, what was the original reason to load the alsa drivers?10:41
wadoBen64 : does the headphone works with you??10:41
Ben64wado: yes10:41
Ben64pulseaudio has given me nothing but problems for at least two years10:41
wadoBen64 : it works by default, or you had to install alsa?10:41
Ben64alsa was already installed10:42
almoxarifeI don't have any issues with pulse, but I also have not crippled it with alsa installs10:42
wadoalmoxarife : the headphone wasn't working, so someone advised me to install alsa driver10:42
Ben64almoxarife: thats not how pulse works10:43
venkatmangudiwado: that's proibably not a reason to install alsa10:43
wadovenkatmangudi : then what to do now to restore the sound??10:44
Ryllez89Hello Guys, anyone can teach to me how let my ubuntu 11.10 like this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qpgyd41UsmI10:44
cherylalmoxarife, sorry got distracted with my lil girl....there's a basic screen on the back that shows you how many pics you've used.10:44
metaspikewado, specifcally what did you install? you could sudo apt-get purge <whatever it was>, reconfigure pulse audio - sudo dpkg-reconfigure pulseaudio - or purge pulse audio - sudo apt-get purge pulseaudio - pulse audio is a sound server and actually provides shared audio for alsa, whatever you installed probably messed with the default configuration.10:46
venkatmangudiwado: sound worked before alsoa? remove it10:46
almoxarifeBen64: here is how pulse works for me, I got this plasma with awesome speakers, I like to listen thru them, I have a box connected to it, ubuntu 11.04 virgin pulseaudio , i tell this machine to use the the driver(pulse) off the comp (pulse) connected to the big huge speakers on the tv, and it works! no alsa confs, no configs, so yeah, it works10:46
venkatmangudiwado: metaspike hit the nail on the head10:46
cherylalmoxarife, it doesn't let u know it's connected, no. :(10:46
almoxarifecheryl: is the camera on?10:47
cherylalmoxarife, yes10:47
cherylalmoxarife, and plugged into usb port10:47
wadovenkatmangudi : from sunaptic or how? after removing would I get the default configurations?10:47
VCooliolordjj: sorry, was away for a moment; X is still running, kill it first, then do Xorg -configure10:48
almoxarifecheryl: leave the camera on and connected to the comp via usb, log out and back in, I am hoping you see another usb drive connected10:48
wadometaspike  : it wasn't through a single command, it is many steps according to the installation guide10:48
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cherylalmoxarife, okay brb....10:48
lordjjVCoolio thanks, X was restarting when I killed it, but then I killed gdm first, and then X. I got a conf file now :)10:49
venkatmangudiwado: you probably need to retrace your steps10:49
Ryllez89cheryl, u know how i can modify my ubuntu 11.10 like this video? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qpgyd41UsmI10:50
metaspikewado, ok then you should probably restore configs for both alsa and pulse audio and remove the cruft... hmm..  sudo dpkg-reconfigure alsa-base alsa-utils pulseaudio && rm ~/.asoundrc   - then reboot or as venkatmangudi says.10:50
cheryl__almoxarife, I'm baaack!10:52
cheryl__almoxarife,   Where do I look now?? :)10:53
Ryllez89cheryl_,  u know how i can modify my ubuntu 11.10 like this video? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qpgyd41UsmI please?10:53
almoxarifecheryl__: what version you got?10:53
lordjjVCoolio so how come xorg.conf is no longer needed? What's the alternative?10:54
VCooliolordjj: xorg can figure it out on its own nowadays, unless you want specific options10:54
cheryl__almoxarife, 10.10 Meerkat10:54
hroiIm wondering what is the intended use of /var/tmp ?   as opposed to /tmp ?10:55
VCoolioRyllez89: try a theme like this one http://is.gd/XXgKwN10:55
Ryllez89VCoolio, thx, i will try10:56
almoxarifecheryl__: on the top bar, don't you have something that says 'computer' not sure what it looks like in 10.1010:56
Ryllez89VCoolio,  about the menu, he dont use unity, u know how?10:56
cheryl__almoxarife, what are u using now?10:57
cheryl__almoxarife, in the places pull down menu I got computer.10:57
almoxarifecheryl__: 11.1010:57
almoxarifecheryl__: ok, do you see a drive that was not there before?10:58
cheryl__almoxarife, is it stable?10:58
cheryl__almoxarife, no10:58
almoxarifecheryl__: 11.10 ubuntu?10:59
VCoolioRyllez89: probably an older ubuntu version; logout and choose gnome classic and login10:59
almoxarifecheryl__: you don't see a indication of a added source/drive/usb-drive?10:59
cheryl__almoxarife, yes, I set my settings for update to only include fully supported new releases & I've not been prompted to upgrade yet!11:00
cheryl__almoxarife, no, no new drives.11:00
almoxarifecheryl__: don't upgrade, if you are comfortable with your system11:01
almoxarifecheryl__: last try, keep camera on and connected to comp, shut down and restart, same applies, looking for a added usb-drive11:02
almoxarifecheryl__: give me the model of the camera also11:02
Ben64cheryl__: you should make sure to upgrade before April though11:02
cheryl__almoxarife, it's a novelty princess carriage shaped camera!!11:04
cheryl__almoxarife, brb have a visitor11:04
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yuranovhow do I install an ubuntu on my android if it does not support loop devices?11:05
yuranovno /dev/loopx11:05
yuranovin my phone11:05
Ben64i don't think ubuntu supports being installed onto phones11:05
wadohey guys, the sound is back11:06
wadonow, the headphon doesn't work, how to solve this?11:06
venkatmangudiwado:  good to know sound is back11:06
venkatmangudiin your sound mixer can you check if the headphone is muted?11:07
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wadovenkatmangudi : the headphone doesn't work as previos, so what to do??11:07
almoxarifewado: look at sound prefs, don't you have two options for output?11:07
wadovenkatmangudi : no, i have only one11:08
wadoalmoxarife : no, i have only one11:08
almoxarifewado: you are seeing this where?11:08
wadoalmoxarife : I have only this option: Internal Audio Analog Sterio11:09
wadoalmoxarife : in the output tap in the sound pref11:09
idontknowmyselfHow do I download some game in Ubuntu?11:10
almoxarifewado: ok, what is showing in 'connector'?11:10
metaspikewhat does pulseaudio use for a mixer pauvmixer or such? i forget11:11
wadoalmoxarife : where can i fine the "connector" ?11:11
almoxarifewado: what version you using?11:12
wadoalmoxarife : I don't see any tap named "connector"11:12
wadoalmoxarife : ubuntu 10.1011:12
almoxarifewado: below the ?? tap ?? where you see internal audio......... see anything else?11:12
wadoalmoxarife : nothing, just an audio balane11:13
metaspikewaldo, did you remove pulseaudio?11:13
wadometaspike  : I used this command : sudo aptitude --purge reinstall linux-sound-base alsa-base alsa-utils linux-image-`uname -r` linux-ubuntu-modules-`uname -r` libasound211:14
metaspikenice, well. im not sure what the gnome equivilent, but you should have   pauvmixer   - put that in terminal, and you should be able to unmute / switch audio channels with the headphones plugge in11:16
bullgard4[Ubuntu 11.10 GNOME Shell 3.2.1] I am recording an internet radio stream. Why can I not hear it at the same time? Pressing Windows-key > gnome-control-center > Audio > Applications > ALSA plugin [firefox] is not muted. (Last night it worked.)11:16
almoxarifewado: in a terminal type                 gnome-control-center sound11:16
DukerHas the option to run a .sh file been removed in 11.10 after double clicking it?  I only seem to be able to edit it11:17
wadoalmoxarife : done, it displays a "control center" window11:18
metaspikeDuker, maybe you need executable permission11:18
almoxarifewado: it displays a 'sound' control window?11:18
wadoalmoxarife : it displays a general control window, contains many thins11:19
DukerMeta, I'm in admin account would I still need it there?11:19
almoxarifewado: typed this completely? gnome-control-center sound11:19
almoxarifewado: fine, see sound?11:19
skegeekI told xrandr to add a new mode, which worked until after a freeze/reboot, it reverted saying it couldn't apply stored configurations. And, when I tried to redo xrandr commands, it prints help info.11:20
hroiis there an ubuntu sound distro?11:20
skegeekhroi: Try Ubuntu Studio?11:20
wadoalmoxarife : the same11:20
hroione more thoroughly checked linux sound software11:20
hroimany of the jackctrl sequencer seem a bit borken11:21
hroiskegeek: thanks11:21
almoxarifewado: the same? no idea what that means11:21
wadoalmoxarife : I see a "sound" tap, clicking it opens the same sound pref.11:22
zambai'm trying to set up samba 3.4 as a PDC.. anyone able to help me?11:22
zambai'm trying to join a computer to the domain and getting "no access"11:23
almoxarifein sound prefs in the output tab, is there anything below the  'balance' slider?11:23
almoxarifein sound prefs in the output tab, is there anything below the  'balance' slider? wado11:25
DukerHow can I run a .sh program from a second drive?11:25
lolcatDuker: ./program.sh?11:25
wadoalmoxarife :nothing11:25
ActionParsnipzamba: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpSambaPDC11:25
skegeekI see Ubuntu has gone down hill in terms of stability.11:26
ActionParsnipDuker: mark the file as executable11:26
JmscomtechHow do  I repair a grub from disc for 11.1011:26
almoxarifewado: can you image.bin your desktop?11:26
ActionParsnipJmscomtech: www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/09/live-usb-sticking-grub-2-video11:26
DukerActionParsnip: Thanks11:26
JmscomtechIm using fone only have irc working11:27
sarawarai don't understand how to make bluetooth work, don't know if it's installed11:27
wadoalmoxarife :image.bin? what is that?11:27
almoxarifewado: snapshot of your desktop and make it avail online11:27
ActionParsnipJmscomtech: you'll need the ubuntu live CD or USB11:27
JmscomtechI have the 64bit disc11:28
wadoalmoxarife :you wanna a snap of the "sound pref." ?11:28
ActionParsnipsarawara: if you run: hcitool dev      it will show available bluetooth adapters11:28
er4z0rIn my /var/log/messages I can see that my network interfaces are renamed: udev renamed network interface eth0 to eth2\n udev renamed network interface eth1 to eth3.11:28
metaspikeJmscomtech,   sudo grub-install /dev/sda  <for example>11:28
almoxarifewado: yeah, yours11:28
er4z0rAny idea why udev does that?11:28
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ActionParsniper4z0r: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=100728511:29
JmscomtechAnd were I type that if I cant get into linux11:29
ActionParsniper4z0r: http://serverfault.com/questions/48848/switch-eth0-and-eth1-in-ubuntu-server11:29
metaspikeJmscomtech, like ActionParsnip says, you would have to load a live cd first11:30
sarawaraActionParsnip, seems there are none11:31
sarawaraDoes it mean i11:32
JmscomtechI go int rescue a broken system will that help ? I dnt have live diac or net as I said im on fone atm I have no net connection here11:32
wadoalmoxarife :http://imageshack.us/f/42/screenshot2vyo.png/11:32
sarawaraDoes it mean I need an extern ?11:32
DukerHmm, still can't seem to get a .sh file to run from a second drive11:32
er4z0rActionParsnip: thanks!11:33
lolcatDuker: chmod 777 file.sh11:33
lolcatDuker: ./file.sh11:33
metaspikeJmscomtech, can you load the recovery mode from grub?11:33
Dukerty lolcat11:33
JmscomtechIm in rescue mode11:34
metaspikethen - sudo grub-install /dev/sda    will reinstall grub to sda11:34
ActionParsnipsarawara: then you may need to take extra steps to get it working11:37
ActionParsniplolcat: why 777 ?11:37
ActionParsnipDuker: cmod +x file.sh   is all it needs11:37
lolcatActionParsnip: I don't know the owner of the file, and I deemed it easier to just give all rigths to everyone11:38
lolcatActionParsnip: I assume it is safe to let everyone edit it, but what do I know.11:38
JmscomtechDamn shell disnt recognise it11:38
h2010nHi all when i'm installing my VGA(ATI) : Sorry, installation of this driver failed.11:39
h2010nPlease have a look at the log file for details: /var/log/jockey.log11:39
h2010nWhat can i do?11:39
ActionParsniph2010n: are you fully updated?11:39
lolcath2010n: Pastebin /var/log/jockey.log?11:39
h2010nlolcat: ?11:40
h2010ni go to update!11:40
ActionParsniph2010n: then get fully updated, then reboot and attempt to install the driver. It will upgrade jockey and the kernel more than likely11:40
Dukerlolcat: still wont let me run it on the second drive like it will in the home folder afer chmod11:41
wadoalmoxarife :still there ?11:41
lolcatDuker: What does it say? Any output at all?11:41
DukerNo output after chmod11:42
ActionParsnipDuker: no output == good news11:42
DukerStill doesn't present the 'run in terminal' option when I double click the file.sh11:42
lolcatDuker: Did you do ./file.sh?11:42
DukerI didnt11:43
lolcatAnd you are sure you did the chmod on the rigth file?11:43
lolcatRigth click and check if it is executable11:43
metaspikeDuker, you can explicitly run a file with  - sh whatever.sh -  but if you - chmod +x whatever.sh - then you should be able to ./whatever.sh just fine. oh. gnome stuff.. lol, i dunno.11:43
DukerIt isn't, and wont let me keep it checked as executable11:43
ActionParsnipDuker: is the file stored on an ntfs partition?11:44
DukerIt is11:44
almoxarifewado: what I saw does not look like what I see on mine, mine is 11.10 though, but I expected to see the two options, one for the speaker and the other for earphones, I thought that was the case in all the versions I have gone thru, I also have a toshiba satellite11:44
VCoolioDuker: did you mount the drive with exec option? check with 'mount'11:44
ActionParsnipDuker: that's why then11:44
bal_i am new to ubuntu  i can't update packeges  becouse i am behind some firewall which not allow some pakegers like media mp3 etc11:44
DukerHow should the partition be formated for a .sh to run?11:44
bal_how can update this ?11:44
ActionParsnipDuker: you will nee to mount the entire partition as executable for it to be runable, or you can copy it to the Linux partition and mark it as executable there11:45
wadoalmoxarife : so??11:45
ActionParsnipbal_: try a proxy11:45
passwordðóññêèå åñòü ?11:45
DukerActionParsnip: so ext4 also?11:45
almoxarifewado: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop11:45
ActionParsnipDuker: yes, same difference11:45
DukerActionParsnip: ty11:45
bal_how to find proxy and setup in ubuntu  steps pls11:45
wadoalmoxarife : what does that install? what is ubuntu-desktop ?11:46
ActionParsnipbal_: there are various proxies you can use as well as public ones online11:46
almoxarifewado: it brings in anything that is missing from a install of ubuntu-desktop11:46
wadoalmoxarife : it gives me > ubuntu-desktop is already the newest version. 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 2 not upgraded.11:47
bal_how to set it for updates?11:47
sarawaraActionParsnip, extra steps meaning that i need to have an extern device for bleutooth?11:47
metaspikewado, did you try pauvmixer?11:48
wadoalmoxarife : no, how try it? what is it??11:48
almoxarifewado: good, nothing missing, but you still can't hear thru earphones right?11:48
ActionParsnipsarawara: first you will need to verify you have a bluetooth adapter in the system, if you are using a laptop be sure it is enabled in BIOS11:48
wadoalmoxarife : yes11:49
Avi_Please help http://pastebin.com/uu5czCEE11:49
sarawaraActionParsnip How do I do that 'enabling in BIOS' ?11:49
sarawaraAnd how do I know there is a Bluetooth adapter in the system11:49
ActionParsnipsarawara: is it a laptop?11:50
bal_how to set proxy  for update ubuntu ?11:50
almoxarifewado: the only thing left is to check for mutes with the alsa-mixer tool11:50
skyballhow can i set Transmission to download only one at a time?11:51
ActionParsnipsarawara: what make and model?11:51
wadoalmoxarife : when I connect the headphone, the sound still comes from my speaker and nothing from the headphone11:51
metaspikewado, pauvmixer is the defacto audio mixer for pulseaudio. seeing as it's a program, you could learn about it with ' man pauvmixer '11:51
almoxarifeskyball: pause others11:51
sarawaraDell inspiron 1525, ubuntu 10.0411:51
skyballis there an auto way?11:52
nijulaHi can you suggest an unbuntu book11:52
almoxarifewado: it's a mystery. ochala that someone else has an idea11:52
ActionParsnipskyball: is there no setting in the preferences?11:52
ClerisyIs there a way to change random pixels on mass photos?11:52
ActionParsnipsarawara: have you tried oneiric liveCD? The later kernel may detect the bluetooth device11:52
metaspikesarawara, if you did a  - dmesg | grep bluetooth - you would find out quick enough.11:53
wadoalmoxarife : you mean you have no idea ?11:53
sarawaraActionParsnip, I don't understand what that means11:54
skyballis there a way in ?terminal?11:54
almoxarifewado: yes that is exactly it, I am all out of them11:54
metaspikeClerisy, there is, one could use imagemagick to accomplish such trickery.11:54
metaspikeClerisy, or gimp batch scripts.11:54
wadoalmoxarife : thank you anyhow11:54
bal_proxy is blocked by fire wall11:54
ActionParsnipsarawara: ahh, do you dual boot?11:54
sarawarametaspike,  I don't get anything, or does it take sometime11:54
almoxarifewado: good luck11:54
ActionParsnipskyball: there is transmission-cli  you can configure it there11:54
Clerisyhow do I launch imagemagick, metaspike ? It says its already installed11:55
skyballthank you11:55
sarawarano, no dual boot, lost windows CD some time ago, and have had a new hard drive a year ago11:55
ActionParsnipsarawara: do you use windows on the PC as well as ubuntu?11:55
sarawarano windows11:55
almoxarifeskyball: you want only one torrent at a time right?11:55
metaspikesarawara, sorry it's  - dmesg | grep Bluetooth11:55
ActionParsnipsarawara: seems it needs enabling in Windows then you can boot to Ubuntu and use it. Source: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup11:55
ActionParsnipsarawara: there may be an option in BIOS to enable it by default, if you reboot and press F! and Del a lot it will show and you can view the settings.11:56
skyballthats right11:56
sarawarametaspike: dmesg | grep Bluetooth11:56
sarawara[ 3808.576915] Bluetooth: Core ver 2.1511:56
sarawara[ 3808.577030] Bluetooth: HCI device and connection manager initialized11:56
sarawara[ 3808.577036] Bluetooth: HCI socket layer initialized11:56
ActionParsnipsarawara: try: sudo dellWirelessCtl --sw_bt 1 --bt 111:57
almoxarifeskyball: in transmission right?11:57
metaspikeok, so it's initialized.. good.11:57
ActionParsnipsarawara: known bug, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bluez/+bug/27721111:57
ubottuUbuntu bug 277211 in bluez (Ubuntu) "Dell Wireless 355 Bluetooth card can't turned on in Ubuntu" [Low,Confirmed]11:57
ActionParsnipsarawara: cheap build of laptop, using software instead of a decent hard switch to turn it of and on11:57
almoxarifeskyball: so add only one to transmission, at a time till complete11:57
skyballtakes to long?11:58
skyballi can i want to dl while at work11:58
metaspikesarawara, are you running 11.04?11:58
sarawarano 10.0411:58
skyballone at a time11:58
almoxarifeskyball: but you don't want more than one11:58
Avi_Please help http://pastebin.com/uu5czCEE11:59
skyballok thank!11:59
almoxarifeskyball: a torrent does not usually start at the max speed, most don't, to help it though increase your upload speed, yes, upload speed12:00
sarawaraI don't understand this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup page , too many things I don't know what they are, like i don't have a dongle, and don't know what scripts are and so12:01
metaspikesarawara, try sudo apt-get install gnome-bluetooth, if that fails miserably. there's apt-get install bluetooth, a could be the easy way to fire either one up12:01
Clerisyhow do I launch imagemagick, metaspike ? It says its already installed12:01
ActionParsnipsarawara: same difference, it's still connected to the usb bus12:01
ActionParsnipsarawara: try the command I gave, you may need a package from dell or elsewhere to get it12:01
owenllClerisy: it is a command line utility12:01
Clerisyoh owenll12:02
metaspikeClerisy, http://www.imagemagick.org/Usage/  - what your asking for is pretty out there, so i just figured form experience that this could do it if nothing else12:02
sarawaraActionParsnip sudo dellWirelessCtl --sw_bt 1 --bt 1 , you sure there is not a typo?12:02
ActionParsnipClerisy: imagemagick isn't a command itself, it adds commands like 'convert'12:03
ActionParsnipsarawara: read the bug page I posted, it's there too12:03
owenllClerisy: you could try Converseen which gives you a gui http://converseen.sourceforge.net/12:03
ClerisyDo you know which function can do what I would like owenll ?12:03
ActionParsnipClerisy: what is your goal?12:04
owenllClarisy: sorry just joined - what do you need to do?12:05
ClerisyActionParsnip» to randomize a pixel on mass images or change them all to randomized exif data12:05
Avi_Somebody help pls12:05
metaspikeyup... o_o12:05
sarawaraActionParsnip, I get command not found, copy/pasted it both from here and from12:06
wi-nick@search stephen clarke12:07
metaspikeAvi_, you can try installing usbmount, although i found devices where slower with it than mounting manually or adding them to /etc/fstab12:08
ActionParsnipsarawara: like I said, you may need to find the command yourself, dell may provide the command12:09
ActionParsnipsarawara: you could even ask on the post where the command comes froom....12:09
Avi_:metaspike ok thanx12:10
metaspikeAvi_, for example something like this into fstab:  /dev/sdc1       /media/usb0   defaults user,auto     0       012:10
metaspikebut yeah, usbmount is definately easier if it works12:11
lolboatin bash scripting12:13
lolboatwhen i call a program12:13
lolboatsay, gedit.12:13
lolboatand i dont want the script to stop where it runs12:13
lolboathow do i keep gedit open12:13
Avi_metaspike: but how can using boot repair cause these issues?12:13
lolboatand allow the script to continue?12:13
VCooliololboat: gedit &12:13
somsiplolboat: gedit &12:13
Avi_metaspike: seems weird12:13
lolboatThank you.12:13
metaspikeAvi_, i have absolutely no idea, next time you can reinstall grub using the documented tool grub install... grub-install /dev/sda12:14
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Avi_metaspike: ok thanks a lot.12:15
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lahwranhey, someone on a fairly vanilla ubuntu desktop system mind doing `find /usr -type f -name '*.py' | curl -F 'sprunge=<-' http://sprunge.us` and linking me the output (after checking that you're okay with it, of course)? I'd like to see what kind of python scripts are on a pretty plain ubuntu system12:19
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vmrrdc14what is this12:22
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MonkeyDustwhat is vanilla ubuntu?12:25
lahwrannot many packages installed12:26
lahwranon top of the normal ones, that is12:26
ActionParsniplahwran: I would but I'm using Lubuntu 12.04 which isn't much use to you :)12:29
MonkeyDust!info vanilla12:32
ubottuPackage vanilla does not exist in oneiric12:32
dragonslayhey ubuntu people, ask me anything.12:34
MonkeyDustok, dragonslay : what is vanilla ubuntu?12:34
mix22891Hello! there is a way to know if computer(laptop) that i want to buy. with rootkit???12:35
callaghanHappy holidays, everyone. I just got a Thinkpad X121e for christmas, which is Ubuntu-certified for 11.04. I installed 11.10 yesterday, and I have two questions: a) The FN key is reversed. I have to press it to use the F-keys, it should be the other way round. b) The sound seems to come from a great distance, I can barely understand when someone speaks in a video and it crackles at the...12:35
callaghan...beginning, but that goes away after a few seconds. Thanks for your answers.12:35
dragonslaymonkeydust: well, it just has no desktop envirnment12:35
ActionParsnipmix22891: that isn't a full sentence...12:35
kerataconI did something stupid and rm'ed the contents of /etc/apache2, thinking that if I removed the package and reinstalled it, I'd get a new /etc/apache2 with all the defaults restored.  Turns out that didn't work, and now /etc/apache2 is still empty.  Is there a way to get the apache2 package to rebuild those directories and files?12:36
Ryllez89dragonslay, help me customize my ubuntu 11.10 =x12:36
ActionParsnipkeratacon: use your backups is going to be the easiest way12:36
dragonslayryllez89: sure!12:36
mix22891ActionParsnip> there is a lot levels of rootkits. he can install it in the computer or somting?12:36
axthebkeratacon: did you really purged the package?12:37
ActionParsnipmix22891: who can?12:37
callaghanmix22891: You want to check if a laptop you want to buy has a rootkit preinstalled?12:37
mbrochhHey all... I have a very weird issue when using ALT+TAB to switch between windows. The new window appears but it seems as if the screen doesn't refresh until I resize that window.12:37
kerataconaxtheb: think so, but for reference, how do I do that?12:37
ActionParsnipmix22891: you can use rkhunter in liveCD12:37
mix22891callaghan>  yes, before i going to buy that laptop12:37
keratacon(this is a development virtualhost, my ignorance isn't allowed near a real server)12:37
ActionParsnipmbrochh: does it happen with all window switcher plugins12:37
almoxarifemix22891: and the owner/seller is going to say what to your request?12:37
Ryllez89dragonslay, any sugestion? im new on linux but i dont like the unity menu.. i want to change it the theme :p12:38
ActionParsnipmix22891: you could ask the same of any seller of any system12:38
mbrochhActionParsnip: yes... just found something on google... seems to be related to mipmap.... and it turns out just today i changed my plugin to show screenshots instead of icons...12:38
mbrochhI will disable mipmap12:38
ActionParsnipmbrochh: use ring switcher instead ;)12:38
dragonslayryllez89: try amaranth12:38
mix22891<almoxarife> i'm affrade of rootkits12:39
mbrochhha! disabling mipmap solved the issue12:39
axthebkeratacon: I whould do purge action in aptitude (underscore key). I dont use graphical tools12:39
callaghanmix22891: like ActionParsnip said, if you have access you can try http://www.rootkit.nl/projects/rootkit_hunter.html12:39
Ryllez89dragonslay, it change the menu too?12:39
dragonslayryllez89: the ubuntu menu?12:40
ssbrHelp! I upgraded ubuntu and now whenever I use hg, it complains: *** failed to import extension hgview: No module named hgview12:40
Ryllez89dragonslay, yes, remove the Unity12:40
ssbrBut if I apt-get install hgview, it says I already have that installed.12:40
ActionParsnipmix22891: I suggest you research the seller as much as you can, I doubt anything mallicious will happen as it will damage reputation of the seller and harm future sales12:40
ActionParsnipssbr: are there any bugs reported?12:40
dragonslayryllez89: to remove unity you got to install GNOMe or KDE from synaptic12:41
kerataconaxtheb "aptitude purge apache2" followed by "aptitude install apache2" did not regenerate the .conf files12:41
mix22891callaghan>ok,thank you, i just want to besure if he can install rootkit on the hardware. that true?12:41
ActionParsnipdragonslay: unity session uses gnome, so it will already be installed12:41
pksadiqRyllez89: better not to remove unity. just switch to Ubuntu class while logging in12:42
ssbrActionParsnip: I can't find one. Doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Apparently Ubuntu has tons of issues with hgview :(12:42
ActionParsnipRyllez89: install xfce4, log off, log into XFCE session and be ok12:42
callaghanmix22891: I have read about rootkits that can survive a full format somewhere, but I don't know if they actually exist or not :)12:42
ActionParsnipssbr: did you self compile the module?12:42
ssbrActionParsnip: no.12:42
ssbrI have done nothing outside of the package manager w.r.t. hg or hgview12:43
ActionParsnipssbr: what if you run:  sudo modprobe hg12:43
dragonslayActionParsnip: are you a bot?12:43
ActionParsnipssbr: I'm assuming that's what it is, i don't use the app12:43
ssbrFATAL: Module hg not found.12:43
ActionParsnipdragonslay: no, i'm a dude12:43
mix22891<callaghan> so what do do? to buy a new comuter?12:43
ActionParsnipssbr: is that how it's used12:43
callaghanmix22891: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2009/03/24/persistent_bios_rootkits/12:43
mix22891<callaghan> from the compeny?12:43
almoxarifemix22891: perhaps this will make you feel a bit easier,  Torvalds said in a post to LKLM.org that the move was simply a way to put the new code out there, rather than an indictment of the situation at kernel.org, which is still suffering after attackers gained root access to its servers using the Phalanx self-injecting rootkit. http://www.theregister.co.uk/2011/09/06/linus_torvalds_dumps_kernel_for_github/, I know I feel better12:43
ssbrActionParsnip: the command-line program is called "hg", yes12:44
dragonslayActionParsnip: you type so fast and good memory12:44
callaghanmix22891: well if you boot from a CD and run rkhunter, that usually finds all rootkits12:44
Ryllez89ActionParsnip, i dont like the unity auto hide and dont have a button to show the desktop12:45
callaghanmix22891: alternatively, if you flash the BIOS and install a new operating system on the hard disk, then every possible form of rootkit should be dead...12:45
sarawaraI'm sorry ActionParship, thanks for the time, but I must go now, will have to find out about this command and why it doesn't work later12:45
ActionParsnipdragonslay: been using the OS a lonnnng time, plus my duckduck go skills are sweet :)12:45
dragonslayryllez89: you can login to gnome fro login screen12:46
ActionParsnipRyllez89: show desktop I believe is CTRL+ALT+D12:46
ActionParsnipRyllez89: xfce looks and smells like Gnome2 used to12:46
mix22891callaghan> thank you12:46
mix22891almoxarife> thank you12:46
callaghanmix22891: good luck12:47
dragonslayActionParsnip: dont' you think ubuntu is buggy12:48
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit12:48
dragonslayi got splitted12:49
pksadiqdid something happen? why does FloodBot1 talk like this?12:50
mix22891just a moment! what about win7 that i've buy from china? thy crate it in the factory12:51
ActionParsnipdragonslay: not had an issue with it, are you sure you don't mean compiz is buggy, or gnome is buggy...?12:51
Ryllez89ActionParsnip, i want let my ubuntu like this http://i.imgur.com/tZ8N7.png12:51
ActionParsnipmix22891: could still have keyloggers and such installed12:51
mix22891fake DVíé ãéïà12:51
mix22891oh shit12:51
mix22891i'm using AVG, i've scan for rootkit and all that12:52
lordjjHow do I disbale TV1? X thinks its plugged but its not. http://paste.ubuntu.com/785643/12:53
cleanAnybody know how to enable the beep when shutting down ?12:53
dragonslayActionParsnip: wakealarm is a ubuntu problem , right?12:53
ActionParsnipRyllez89: bottom bit looks like docky12:54
mix22891i'm think i'm going to drop that dvd away.. and change all the password :(12:54
ActionParsnipdragonslay: not sure, not heard of that one12:54
ActionParsnipdragonslay: then the thing on the right is conky12:54
mix22891i have no money to buy orginal dvd12:54
ActionParsnipmix22891: just download one and MD5 test it12:55
dragonslayActionParsnip: i like conky. less on resources12:55
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ActionParsnip!md5 | mix2289112:55
ubottumix22891: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows12:55
ActionParsnipdragonslay: I don't use it, pretty pointless imho12:56
Tiago666Hello guys, anybody can help me with a new Ubuntu installation and the FGLRX drivers ?12:57
dragonslayActionParsnip: i need the network monitoring tool which comes with conky. i have a monthly download limit of 1.5GB in my country.12:58
mix22891<ActionParsnip> thank you! can i scan with md5 the win7 dvd that i've?12:58
mix22891for rootkits and all that?12:58
mix22891and the ubuntu cd that i've download.12:59
ActionParsnipdragonslay: gotcha, makes sense12:59
ActionParsnipmix22891: you can md5 test in Win7, you then know the data is complete and correct12:59
mix22891md5 is a software?13:00
mix22891to scan for rootkits and all that?13:00
ActionParsnipmix22891: read the link ubottu gave13:01
mix22891gotta go13:01
mix22891thanks alot!!! to you all13:02
dragonslaymix22891: try hash calc fro windows13:02
mix22891i've saved the log.13:02
mix22891of the channel13:02
mix22891dragonslay> whats that?13:03
mix22891i've just using windows for games13:03
dragonslaymix22891: it can generate md5 of given input file13:03
mix22891input? no output?13:04
mix22891to read the log?13:04
mathewsI want to download youtube videos after it buffered.Where can I see the video youtube buffered?13:05
ActionParsnipmathews: there is youtube-dl in the repos, or browser extensions and addons you can install to easily download them13:05
CaBai'm using an nvidia vga device with 10.04 LTS... i'd like to switch to the prop. driver, however, the dialog that shows up under "system -> administration -> hardware drivers" does not list any driver13:05
ActionParsnipmathews: is your intention to MP3 rip afterwards by any chance?13:05
mathewsActionParsnip, no,the video13:06
ActionParsnipCaBa: which nvidia chip are you using?13:06
CaBaActionParsnip: no idea13:06
ActionParsnipmathews: i'd go for the addons13:06
CaBaActionParsnip: 03:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation Device 10c3 (rev a2)13:06
ActionParsnipCaBa: is it quite a recent nvidia chip?13:06
sabgentonhow do i get sun/oracle JDK?13:07
mathewsActionParsnip, do u know where the video stored after buffered?13:07
sabgentonit's   not in sources anymore....13:07
mix22891to be sure, i'll use orginal dvd of windows13:07
CaBaActionParsnip: bought recently yes, but i dont think its a recent one, i just asked for the cheapest card without a fan in the store13:07
ActionParsnipCaBa: seems to be an nvidia 840013:07
mix22891to be more sure, i'll buy new laptop from compeny13:07
ActionParsnipCaBa: if you run:  sudo apt-get install nvidia-current    it should be ok, why not install a later release like Oneiric?13:08
CaBaActionParsnip: there is not newer LTS13:08
mix22891that's for sure13:08
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ActionParsnipmathews: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/easy-youtube-video-downl-10137/    not sure where they cache to13:09
wildc4rdPlease would someone remind me how to install a new app under Wine13:09
ActionParsnipwildc4rd: right click the windows binary and click 'open with wine'13:09
jussiwildc4rd: should be just a double click on the exe ?13:09
ActionParsnipwildc4rd: the file must be marked as executable13:09
wildc4rdmmm, wine dosn't show up in the program list13:10
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jussiwildc4rd: have you got wine installed?13:11
ActionParsnipwildc4rd: sudo apt-get install wine1.313:11
jussi(stupid question, yes)13:11
ActionParsnipwildc4rd: you'll need to use TAB then ENTER to accept the license13:11
ActionParsnipjussi: its simple yet effective13:11
jussiActionParsnip: :)13:12
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pksadiqdragonslay: seems like you are same as me, do you mind a private chat?13:12
WombatsmannMy BT Headset is not listed in the audio device list of skype13:12
dragonslaypksadiq: yea13:12
wildc4rdrofl, one of the past updates must have killed it, reinstatement of wine has resolved the issue, cheers ActionParsnip/jussi13:13
BluesKajHiyas all13:13
ActionParsnipjussi: see :D13:13
jussiwildc4rd: yw13:13
jussiActionParsnip: hehe, yeah :D13:13
sabgentonwildc4rd: WINEARCH=win32 WINEPREFIX=~/.wine/ wine ~/.wine/<path to your prog>13:15
sabgentonif  it's installed13:15
sabgentonbut that's only if clicking doesn't work13:15
jamiwich ubuntu image should i download to run on a macbook pro 8.113:16
jamii only found amd64 images which confuse me13:16
sabgentonyour can change your WINEPREFIX to something else if you want to experiment in a controlled environment13:16
wildc4rdits resolved thank you sabgenton, wine had been killed somewhere in the last 4 or 5 updates13:16
jussijami: either of them should work, amd64 is hte 64bit13:17
jamibecause apple never build something with amd13:17
ActionParsnipjami: amd64 will work on 64bit intel13:17
sabgentonhow do i get sun/oracle JDK?13:17
jussijami: amd64 works on intel processors also13:17
sabgentonhas cannonical decared it total evil?13:17
sabgentonwildc4rd: :)13:17
jussisabgenton: its unsupported now, but it is available from the oracle website13:17
sabgentonjussi: does android sdk work with the open one?13:18
jussisabgenton: I dont think so13:18
Guest96231how can i have premition to change filesystem names or copy to make a backup file etc without being from command line?13:18
jamii burned a live cd with 11.04 lts amd 64 after efi boot initramfs poped up and said 'unable to find a medium containing a live file system'13:18
sabgentonstupid open source13:18
jussisabgenton: no, silly google. ;)13:19
ActionParsnipjami: did you MD5 test the ISO you downloaded?13:19
Guest96231 did you MD5 test the ISO you downloaded?13:20
Guest96231* JameZ7 (~JameZ7@ has joined #ubuntu13:20
sabgentonjussi: It's so open and cross platform  I can install anything I want13:20
cleanWhat is `interactive shell' ? What's the diff between interactive and non-interactive shell ?13:20
sabgentonexcept if it copywrite13:20
Guest96231how can i have premition to change filesystem names or copy to make a backup file etc without being from command line?13:20
wildc4rdrofl, after all that I may be better off with a VM, wine is spitting out a million errors13:20
dragonslayGuest96231: try deja dup13:21
jussisabgenton: anyways, this discussion belongs in #ubuntu-offtopic - care to join me there?13:21
ActionParsnip!backup | Guest9623113:21
ubottuGuest96231: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning13:21
tavelramhi there. Id like to zoom out/scale out a window so that it takes up less pixels on the screen. Kind of like xrandr --scale, but or a single window. Freewins compiz plugin is depr and doesn't translate input. Im using ubuntu 10.04 with compiz. Any suggestions?13:21
Guest96231i want to change configs and so on without going to command line13:22
dragonslayGuest96231: dejadup is a gtk+ app13:23
dr_willisGuest96231:  depeneds on what configs exactly. Not everything has a gui front end.13:23
ActionParsnipGuest96231: add a menu entry to run:  gksudo nautilus   and you can edit what you want13:23
cleanWhat is `interactive shell' ? What's the diff between interactive and non-interactive shell ?13:23
Guest96231i just want to copy and delete files from filysystem withou command line13:23
dr_willisclean:  a interactive is getting user input, a non interactive is like ran by cron, and does not.13:24
mix22891where is the safe website to download a copy of ubuntu please?13:24
bullgard4[Ubuntu 11.10 GNOME Shell 3.2.1] I am recording an internet radio stream. Why can I not hear it at the same time? Pressing Windows-key > gnome-control-center > Audio > Applications > ALSA plugin [firefox] is not muted. (Last night it worked.)13:24
MonkeyDustmix22891  ubuntu.com13:24
dr_willisGuest96231:  run a file manager as root. and you can copy/delete/move/ whatever you want.13:24
mix22891thank you13:24
Guest96231.com *13:24
cleandr_willis: thanks, bash should be run with option -i to be interactive, right ?13:24
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dr_willisclean:  i thought interactive was the default. ive rarely had to worry about the settings13:25
mix22891i don't want rootkits13:25
dr_willisclean:  only reason i even rember the feature is from reading some bash books. :)13:25
cleandr_willis: hmm, maybe, thank you:)13:25
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Guest96231 gksudo : What means gk?13:25
dr_willisits using the 'gtk' libs, part of the gnome stuff Guest9623113:26
MonkeyDustGuest96231  gk is to run a gui13:26
ubottusudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo13:26
dr_willisi think gksudo and gksu  are identical on ubuntu. but may not be on other disrtos13:27
ActionParsnipGuest96231: it means run a GUI app with admin access13:27
sahedHi , are there some way to use this kind of mouse " apacer m821" ?13:28
jamiActionParsnip: the md5 sum is correct :/13:29
ActionParsnipjami: then the ISO is as it should be13:30
theishiI am having problems with skype. It is silently freezing and I do not notice until I try to send something.13:30
jussijami: have you checked the mac pages?13:31
ubottuFor help on installing and using Ubuntu on a mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages13:31
ActionParsnipsahed: I'd contact the manufacturers13:31
dragonslaytheishi: it's still in beta13:31
ubottuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga13:32
znhwhat could be causing why my internet is so unstable. other computers in my network don't have this issue13:33
MonkeyDustdragonslay  yes, but then the other guy has to use ekiga, too13:33
znhcould it be something like malware? it is ubuntu13:33
jamijussi its a macbook pro 8,113:33
jamithere are only hints for 7,113:33
ActionParsnipznh: try disabling ipv6 if you don't use it13:33
ActionParsnipjami: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro8-1/Natty13:34
Guest96231I want to make a dual boot configuration and i'd like to make a partition that both windows and linux uses as /home and "My documents" is this possible? how? What type of partiotion to use? (I know that linux cant use /home in an ntfs13:34
sahedActionParsnip, it just not works in ubuntu , in other O.S. does !13:35
ActionParsnipGuest96231: use a small 3Gb partition for /home then have an NTFS partition to actually store your music and images13:35
ActionParsnipsahed: what other OSes have you tried?13:36
sahedActionParsnip, windows xp13:37
Guest96231but i  what linux to know that  i keep my images photos and documents (not usr configuration) in a difrerent location13:37
ActionParsnipGuest96231: basically your user data in NTFS but settings folders for apps and the other stuff in Ext413:37
ActionParsnipsahed: Companies support windows very well as it makes them more money, I notice it uses a small USB dongle, is that a bluetooth thing?13:37
BoreeasI can't figure out how to install the sun jdk1.6. I apt-get it, but it isn't saved where it should be (/lib/jvm or /usr/lib/jvm)13:38
BoreeasAny help?13:38
ActionParsnipGuest96231: you can delete the user folders in your home folder and make symlinks to the folders on the NTFS13:38
MonkeyDustwindows is the Main Stream, it's as simple as that, there has to be a mainstream13:38
mellpatranyone uses harvest plugin in eclipse?13:39
ActionParsnipBoreeas: you will need to manually install java now13:39
znhMonkeyDust: mainstream for desktops yes13:39
Guest96231like the download folder, or music folder or images folder, to be in defualt in the ntfs?13:39
MonkeyDustznh  correct13:39
terpojoki was trying to boot ubuntu desktop 11.10 live but it stop at "loading bootlogo".. any solution?13:39
BoreeasActionParsnip: what's the packet in the apt repo then?13:39
ActionParsnipGuest96231: yes, you can make those on the shared NTFS partition and link it, the OS will see the 'normal' folders but the real storage will be done by the ntfs13:40
ActionParsnipBoreeas: Oracle changed the license13:40
BoreeasHmm, alright13:40
ActionParsnipBoreeas: its not hard to install manually13:40
Guest96231but when i click "home Folder" it doesnt go to ntfs partition right?13:41
ActionParsnipGuest96231: not by default, you will need to make the links yourself.13:42
Guest96231i mean the home folder button13:42
dragonslayguest96231: try making a link13:42
Guest96231im not expressing right13:42
ActionParsnipGuest96231: no, that will go to the home folder as normal13:42
Guest96231who i do that?13:42
ActionParsnipGuest96231: but the files held in the NTFS will need to be linked to13:43
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ActionParsnipGuest96231: ln -s foldername /path/to/real/folder13:43
perreriohello ppi13:44
Guest96231it works like so?:  ln -s home folder /media/ntsfpartitionname/My Documents13:44
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llutzother way round: ln -s what-original where-the-symlink13:45
Unknown272hi can anyone reccomend a good ubuntu app which lets me annotate ppt, pptx and pdf documents. I dont want to edit them, just write notes on top of them.13:45
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perreriocan anyone tell me why my pc is suddenly having less and less space at each reboot13:47
ActionParsnipGuest96231: no like:   cd $HOME; ln -s Docs /media/ntfspartitionname/My\ Documents13:47
fidelperrerio: on cli the 'df' command minght help13:48
ActionParsnipGuest96231: now if you access or save to ~/Docs  it will be REALLY on the NTFS partition, its a really simple concept13:48
llutzActionParsnip:  "ln -s  /media/ntfspartitionname/My\ Documents ~/Docs"                  ln [OPTION]... [-T] TARGET LINK_NAME13:49
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Guest96231how can i know the "foldername" in linux?13:49
colton_ls -l13:49
BoreeasWhat do I open .bin files with?13:49
colton_cd .bin13:49
jbeitlerBoreeas: do you want to open or run?13:49
Boreeasjbeitler: latter13:50
colton_cat .bin (run)13:50
pksadiqBoreeas: most probably ./filename.bin     in bash might do, if its an executable13:50
sahedActionParsnip, it 's not , it is simply radio frequency 2.4 Ghz13:50
fidelperrerio: or 'baobab' if you are looking for something graphical13:50
ActionParsnipllutz: thanks13:51
NeonTigerHi - I'm using Ubuntu 11.10 and have found that I can't get a login screen when my machine sleeps13:51
ActionParsnipGuest96231: the link you make up, the thing you link to is an existing folder13:51
back-trakhi all13:51
perreriofidel: thanks, but tell me why my encrypted home folder is having all the HDD space of my disk13:51
NeonTigerAny ideas? It's really making my machine unusable13:51
ActionParsnipGuest96231: as llutz pointed out, its:  ln -s source dest13:51
geirhaBoreeas: .bin tells us absolutely nothing about what type of file it is. It could be anything. Determine the file-type by either right-clicking the file and looking at its properties, or run the "file" command on it.13:51
BoreeasAh, that was the problem13:51
BoreeasI had to to chmod +x first13:52
colton_anyone using ubuntu on laptop?13:52
ActionParsnipBoreeas: bin files are executables, what did you download?13:52
fidelcolton_: for sure some inhere13:52
ActionParsnipcolton_: indeed13:52
NeonTigercolton_: Yes and I'm having issues with it13:52
perreriofidel: and as root my HDD is two time bigger13:52
back-trakwhat the neww in metasploit project?????13:52
geirhaActionParsnip: Sometimes executables13:52
BoreeasActionParsnip: The sun jdk 6u30 installer, but it kept trying to open in notepad, therefore my confusion13:52
fidelperrerio: try to describe your issue in one line - not peu-a-peu13:52
=== Unknown272 is now known as arj154
perreriofidel: sorry13:53
ActionParsnipBoreeas: mark it as executable and run it in terminal, I suggest you move it to /opt first13:53
Boreeascolton_: I am13:53
perrerioFidel: pas de probleme!13:54
colton_how do i send msg to specific person?13:54
geirhaBoreeas: Yeah, .bin should really suggest it is a binary file, but for some reason a lot of software providers slap it on shell scripts.13:54
llutzcolton_: /msg nick blah13:54
fidelcolton_: /query might help13:54
perreriofidel: sorry but I don't know where to start13:55
ActionParsnipBoreeas: or even better, copy it to /usr/lib/jvm13:56
perreriofidel: sudeenly my laptop is having zero MB free and X do not work13:56
ActionParsnipBoreeas: I made a script for it: http://paste.ubuntu.com/785704/13:56
ActionParsnipBoreeas: ;)13:56
ActionParsnipBoreeas: 32bit of course13:57
BoreeasActionParsnip: Thanks, I think I've already done it. Let me just check if it worked real quick13:57
llutzActionParsnip: "sudo mv ./jdk1.7.0 ."   sure that is what you want to do?13:59
gigeniekshi guys. I need to create user which allows to browse internet etc but doesn't allow to browse other user home folder (Xubuntu). What permisions I need to disable or enable??14:00
ActionParsnipllutz: after a cd, yes14:01
ActionParsnipllutz: hmm, let me review14:01
llutzActionParsnip: ever tried it? will result in a "... are same file" error14:01
jbeitlergigenieks: unless something has changed normal users cannot browse others home directory by default14:01
jbeitlergigenieks: only root can do this14:02
llutzActionParsnip: sudo mv oldpath/jdk1.7.0 .            i guess is what you want14:02
icerootjbeitler: default is 75014:02
ActionParsnipllutz: seems to be the old version..14:02
icerootjbeitler: on ~14:02
jbeitlericeroot: but you should not have to set this if you use the addusr command14:03
jbeitleror even the GUI tool14:03
icerootjbeitler: no but that will allow other users to browse all home-dirs14:03
gigenieksok lets try14:03
icerootjbeitler: ah no, ubuntu is using username:username not username:users14:03
jbeitlericeroot: but he said no browse others dir14:03
ActionParsnipBoreeas: llutz: should be ok: http://paste.ubuntu.com/785712/14:04
llutzActionParsnip: looks better :)14:05
ActionParsnipllutz: :)14:05
llutziceroot: default seem to be user:user 755  for $HOME, at least on this oneiric test-install14:06
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».14:07
icerootllutz: hm i have encrypted home which has a different permission by default (700) so i cant check14:07
llutziceroot: my debians also have 700, but i just checked my vm14:07
icerootllutz: hm, my lenny has 755, my ubuntu (encryption) 70014:08
icerootllutz: and i know there was a difference in ubuntu when /home/foo is encrypted14:09
perreriowhat is samtala 014:09
dr_willisperrerio:  where are you getting that from?14:10
gigenieksI created new user. And by default he CAN browse other user home folders...14:10
gigenieksDon't need that!14:10
llutziceroot debian default is 755 too14:10
icerootllutz: ah ok because i wondered because "your debian has 700"14:11
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colton_i wonder why people use linux14:11
debainoHello all,what is the best way to install lsb on ubuntu?.The lsbxxx .deb package is not it,too many dependencies14:11
dr_williscolton_:  because they can.14:11
dr_williscolton_:  you have an actual support question?14:11
debainoI am here and i am overwhelmed http://l4u-02.jinr.ru/en/LinuxArchive/Debian/pool/main/l/lsb/14:12
Guest76430coltan questions with why, can last for forever :P14:12
dr_willisdebaino:  you normally dont mix debian packages on a ubuntu system14:12
icerootcolton_: sudo apt-get install lsb14:12
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dr_willis!info lsb14:12
ubottulsb (source: lsb): Linux Standard Base 4.0 support package. In component main, is extra. Version 4.0-0ubuntu16 (oneiric), package size 4 kB, installed size 48 kB14:12
icerootcolton_: sorry wrong nick14:12
llutziceroot: well, this one. i had to check some others for that14:12
icerootdebaino: sudo apt-get install lsb14:12
iceroot!repos | debaino14:12
ubottudebaino: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories14:12
gigenieksWhat about my issue?14:13
badboy_jonathanhi *14:13
debaino lsb : Depends: lsb-core but it is not going to be installed        Depends: lsb-graphics but it is not going to be installed        Depends: lsb-cxx but it is not going to be installed        Depends: lsb-desktop but it is not going to be installed        Depends: lsb-printing but it is not going to be installed14:13
icerootdebaino: output of "cat /etc/issue" and "cat /etc/apt/sources.list"14:14
bobweaverhello there I am having some massive troubles getting wine installed I have tried from ubuntu software center ,synaptic,apt-get install , could some one please help me. after install there is no .wine folder under ~14:14
debainoUbuntu 11.10 \n \l14:14
icerootbobweaver: you need to start wine once to have that folder14:14
icerootbobweaver: dpkg/apt-get are never touching something in ~14:14
debainoiceroot: Ubuntu 11.10 \n \l14:14
iceroot!paste | debaino14:15
ubottudebaino: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.14:15
bobweavericeroot:  I have no .wine folder14:15
icerootdebaino: pleae also the sources.list14:15
icerootbobweaver: you need to start wine once to have that folder14:15
bobweaverdo I need to make one ?14:15
icerootbobweaver: you need to start wine once to have that folder14:15
bobweaveroHH iceroot THANSK14:15
bobweaverdang caps14:15
icerootbobweaver: dpkg/apt-get are never touching something in ~ everything in ~ is created by the programs itself14:15
bobweaverso I need to confiugure it14:16
ctech1hi all14:16
bobweaversweet iceroot you are awesome14:16
debainoiceroot: http://paste.ubuntu.com/785723/14:16
icerootbobweaver: just start wine and it will create ~/.wine14:16
gigenieksSo noone knows how to configure new user that he can't browse (or see) other user home folders only his???!14:17
colton_its set by default14:17
icerootdebaino: outout of "dpkg -l lsb\* | grep ^ii" please14:17
icerootdebaino: and "apt-cache policy lsb"14:17
llutzgigenieks: you cannot configure the use, you might change permissions of the homedirs14:17
llutzthe user*14:17
colton_anyone from asia?14:18
Tiago666I just can't believe they release a new OS at each 2 months and they don't polish the system14:18
Tiago666that's ridiculous14:18
icerootTiago666: what?14:18
icerootTiago666: every two month?14:18
guuozzhey, i tried upgrading yesterday my kubuntu from 10.10 to 11.04, but now when i try to boot my computer, it's all black and i can't do anything; any help on that please?14:18
icerootTiago666: you mean every 614:18
dr_willisTiago666:  ubuntu has a non-lts every 6 mo.. and lts every .. err i forget. :)14:18
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04)14:18
gigenieksllutz: how exactly?14:18
icerootdr_willis: 2 years14:18
guilhermebaUbuntu Brazil14:18
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pksadiqdr_willis: forgot :O first time14:19
llutzgigenieks: sudo chmod 750 /home/user          for all user-homes14:19
Pici!br | guilhermeba14:19
ubottuguilhermeba: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.14:19
Tiago666yeah, I am pushing, but that FGLRX (Post Update) error just drivesme crazy14:19
dr_willisati drivers have always driven linux users carzy14:19
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Tiago666anybody would like to help me by taking a look at the log file?14:19
gigenieksllutz: so with sudo chmod 750 /home/gigenieks what will happen?14:20
icerootdebaino: you installed lsb already by hand?14:20
llutzgigenieks: yes14:20
gigenieksmy other user username is "user" :D So "user" will not have permission to open (read) this /home/gigenieks folder, right?14:21
bobweavericeroot:  thanks again !14:21
llutzgigenieks: if your $HOME is owned you:you, no14:21
debainoiceroot: I may have tried it but i can't tell if it went well14:21
icerootdebaino: dont do that14:21
llutzgigenieks: ls -ld $HOME           to check14:21
icerootdebaino: there are old packages installed by hand and of course that will break dependencies14:22
CoachJtrying to convert video using Arista get the14:22
debainoshould i remve them?14:22
icerootdebaino: yes14:22
icerootdebaino: only use software from the ubuntu-repos14:22
gigenieksdrwxr-x--- 38 gigenieks gigenieks 4096 2011-12-28 16:09 /home/gigenieks14:22
debainoiceroot:Okay ,i am uninstalling now.14:23
hasorliCups pdf print error in  /var/log/cups/error_log14:23
hasorlimktemp: failed to create file via template `/tmp/pdftops.XXXXXX': Permission denied14:23
llutz!permissions | gigenieks to get some ideas how that work14:23
ubottugigenieks to get some ideas how that work: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions14:23
CoachJtrying to comvert video w/Arista it trys to DL GStreamer element x264enc but I get an error msg: No pkgs with requested found can someone help me please?14:24
babaluhey, i tried upgrading yesterday my kubuntu from 10.10 to 11.04, but now when i try to boot my computer, it's all black and i can't do anything; any help on that please?14:24
llutzhasorli: "ls -ld /tmp"14:24
Tiago666anybody can help me to solve a driver installation problem?14:24
hasorlillutzu: # ls -ld /tmp14:25
hasorlidrwxr-xr-x 16 havard havard 32768 2011-12-28 15:19 /tmp14:25
llutzhasorli: sudo chmod 1777 /tmp14:25
CoachJtrying to convert video w/Arista it trys to DL GStreamer element x264enc but I get an error msg: No pkgs with requested pluggins found can someone help me please?14:25
llutzhasorli: why did you change permissions/owner of /tmp without knowing what you're doing?14:26
debainoiceroot: lsb came installed and programs like cups and firefox dependes on lsb-release and lsb-base14:27
hasorlillutz: I did not change it my self.  Some package install must have done it.14:29
llutzhasorli: sudo chown root:root /tmp14:29
llutzhasorli:it has to read like this "drwxrwxrwt 13 root root 4096 Dez 28 15:17 /tmp"14:30
llutzhasorli: if you find that package, file a bug report. it would be a massive bug14:30
kannan_nick dragonslay14:30
Sander^homeHow can I check the UUID on an hardisk?14:31
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llutzSander^home: blkid14:31
badboy_jonathani left here few mn kiss *14:32
=== kannan_ is now known as dragonslay
hasorlilllutz: should /tmp be open to writing from everyone ?14:33
llutzhasorli: it should, yes14:33
llutzhasorli: owned by root, 777 + stickybit set14:33
Sander^homellutz, When I boot my system, it says it can't locate the harddrive by UUID, but "blkid -p -u filesystem,other /dev/sda1" gives me the / haddrive14:36
Sander^home(when booting from a live cd)14:36
linuxfannGuten Tag, Schaut euch doch einmal meine neue Ubuntu-Distribution  an unter: topubuntu.net.ms . Würde mich über ein Feedback sehr freuen! VISIT my new Ubuntu_DIstribution on topubuntu.net.ms14:38
iceroot!ot | linuxfann14:38
ubottulinuxfann: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:38
CoachJtrying to convert video w/Arista it trys to DL GStreamer element x264enc but I get an error msg: No pkgs with requested found can someone help me please?14:38
iceroot!de | linuxfann14:38
ubottulinuxfann: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!14:38
llutz!de | linuxfann kein spam hier bitte14:38
ubottulinuxfann kein spam hier bitte: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!14:38
Sander^homeDo anyone know how I can repair a system.. Like installing packages and everything over the old one?14:38
pangolinlinuxfann: please don't spam14:39
Sander^homewithout removing programs and files.14:39
hasorlillutz: thank you for your help.14:40
hasorliit works.14:40
Stanley00Sander^home: what kind ò repair?14:42
Sander^homeStanley00, I suspect some files is broken, because, when I did an chroot to the / partition, I got "bash: groups: command not found"14:44
CoachJtrying to convert video w/Arista it trys to DL GStreamer element x264enc but I get an error msg: No pkgs with requested found can someone help me please?14:44
Sander^homeStanley00, And when I boot the system, It won't boot.. complaing it can't find the / UUID14:44
Sander^homeHappen after a power failure14:45
Tiago666ciao all14:45
Stanley00Sander^home: may be there is a harddisk error, did you run  checkdisk or testdisk to check your hdd?14:45
bullgard4[Ubuntu 11.10 GNOME Shell 3.2.1] I am recording an internet radio stream. Why can I not hear it at the same time? Pressing Windows-key > gnome-control-center > Audio > Applications > ALSA plugin [firefox] is not muted. (Last night it worked.)14:47
Sander^homeStanley00, I've runned fsck on the disks14:48
Sander^homeStanley00, do you know where I can choose "Recover a broken system" on a ubuntu live cd?14:49
Stanley00Sander^home: it is on alternate cd only, AFAIK14:49
Stanley00Sander^home: did you try manuallly boot from grub command-line interface14:50
Sander^homeStanley00, I don't know how to do that in grub.14:50
Sander^homeStanley00, I got dropped to a cramfs prompt or something.14:50
SyberSolSander^home: saw that option in the ubuntu server cd 11.1014:50
Stanley00Sander^home: when grub show a menu to choose OS, press c, then try run the following command14:51
Sander^homeStanley00, It dosn't show a menu to choose os.14:51
Stanley00Sander^home: linux /vmlinuz root=/dev/sda1 or where you installed your ubuntu14:51
Stanley00Sander^home: hmm, then try press Shift or Ctrl when you boot up, it will show a menu.14:52
Stanley00Sander^home: next coomand is "initrd /initrd.img"14:52
Stanley00Sander^home: the last command is "boot"14:52
sanderjStanley00, ok, Im just chaging nick here..14:54
sanderjAnd trying14:54
Stanley00sanderj: good luck, if that does not work, you could try recover by using alternate image.14:55
sanderjStanley00, do you know which alternate cd I can download?14:55
Stanley00sanderj: I think the one has the same version as your current ubuntu is good14:56
gribouillehow can I know the packages whose configuration files have been modified since installation?14:56
SyberSolgribouille: if you know the installation date, a find command should do it14:57
KcGenesisi can't install or uninstall .sofware from terminal .it comes with error:subprocess new pre-removal script returned error exit status 214:57
KcGenesisupdate-rc.d: warning: /etc/init.d/bandwidthd missing LSB information14:57
KcGenesisupdate-rc.d: see <http://wiki.debian.org/LSBInitScripts>14:57
KcGenesis/etc/init.d/bandwidthd: 19: Syntax error: "(" unexpected14:57
KcGenesisinvoke-rc.d: initscript bandwidthd, action "start" failed.14:57
KcGenesisdpkg: error while cleaning up:14:57
KcGenesis subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 214:57
KcGenesisErrors were encountered while processing:14:57
FloodBot1KcGenesis: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:57
KcGenesiscan anyone help me14:58
Stanley00!paste | KcGenesis please use this14:58
ubottuKcGenesis please use this: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.14:58
jaminooor i hate my macbook :( i prepared the 11.04 like the description said but it still breaks the boot process with (initramfs: unable to find a medium containing a live file system)14:59
jamiActionParsnip: any further suggestions15:00
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KcGenesisi have a problem:   http://paste.ubuntu.com/785783/15:14
gribouilleis it possible to know when a package was first installed and the last time it was updated?15:15
DonKeysI have a file that refuses to sync through Ubuntu One, can anyone help me?15:15
icerootgribouille: no15:17
icerootgribouille: but there is "apt-get changelog packagename" which should help on the last question15:17
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gribouillehow can I enable the autogen option while installing the debsums package?15:23
stimpiedoes someone know how to connect/browse to a windows share (unc path)? on the command line?15:26
tdn_I have just installed Ubuntu 11.10 on a completely new Lenovo workstation with preinstalled Windows 7. I chose to install Ubuntu side-by-side with Windows. However, when restarting after install, it just boots Windows. Not Ubuntu. I figure this has something to do with EFI or something. How do I fix this?15:27
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beantdn_: did you tell it to install the Grub bootloader when asked?15:33
venkatmanguditdn: I think it is the MBR15:33
KcGenesiscan any please solve my problem ?15:33
venkatmangudiyour bootloader is not loading windows15:33
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beanKcGenesis: what is your problem15:33
venkatmangudiKcGenesis: I just joined, what is the problem?15:34
KcGenesismy problem is ; http://paste.ubuntu.com/785783/ i can't install or any software .15:34
beanKcGenesis: first you might want to apt-get update, then apt-get upgrade, then trying to apt-get install bandwidthd15:36
venkatmangudiKcGenesis: looks like you need to update your repo15:36
venkatmangudido what bean says15:36
KcGenesisvenkatmangudi, and how to do that ,i am new to ubuntu.15:36
tdn_bean, yes.15:37
christopher9812whats the name of the program to automatically login at computer boot (gdm, ubuntu server 110.04)15:37
venkatmangudiin terminal type sudo apt-get update15:37
beanchristopher9812: most people don't wan tot auto log in... passwords exist for a reason15:38
ActionParsnipchristopher9812: why do you want to autologin at the server? seems very strange15:38
christopher9812The server contains all my videos and is hooked up to a projector15:38
ActionParsnipchristopher9812: so surely its a desktop OS...15:39
MonkeyDustchristopher9812  the purpose of a server is that you never logout or shut down15:39
christopher9812a desktop contains lots of extra programs, I installed gdm,15:39
christopher9812I dont use it as a server15:40
ActionParsnipchristopher9812: I know how to set it in lightdm15:40
christopher9812okay, Ill install lightgdm15:40
beanchristopher9812: there should be a setting in System -> Administration -> Login Window, or something.15:40
christopher9812I dont have panels15:40
beanchristopher9812: on the security tab.15:40
ActionParsnipchristopher9812: http://askubuntu.com/questions/62833/how-do-i-change-the-default-session-for-when-using-auto-logins15:41
christopher9812I have an openbox desktop, and I will play my videos by ssh 'DISPLAY=:0 mplayer -fs video.ogv'15:41
beanthat sounds overly complicated15:41
ActionParsnipchristopher9812: could install vlc and use it's web UI15:41
ActionParsnipchristopher9812: can even control it via android phone :)15:42
KcGenesisvenkatmangudi,can't do that it comes with another error;http://paste.ubuntu.com/785822/15:42
EmerlingKcGenesis, download here http://sourceforge.net/projects/bandwidthd/files/bandwidthd/bandwidthd%202.0.1/15:42
beanEmerling: KcGenesis : no dont do that.15:42
christopher9812...will the display still be on the server?15:42
beanKcGenesis: it updated the things that matter, I believe.15:43
ActionParsnipchristopher9812: absolutely15:43
christopher9812you have captured an intrest15:43
KcGenesisEmerling, what not to do.?15:43
beanKcGenesis: don't do what Emerling said.15:43
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beanKcGenesis: now try apt-get upgrade15:43
ActionParsnipchristopher9812: when it loads, dock it to the panel and it will maximize when you play a video, you can also adjust volume and seek15:45
ActionParsnipchristopher9812: plenty of vids online of it15:45
RajiHi all , How i can install pidgin?15:45
go8765can anybody help me please with claw-mail and mail.ru. I have now this massage: sock_connect_address_list_async: connection to  pop.mail.ru:995 failed. but thunderbird with same options-work good15:45
christopher9812I dont have panels or a dock15:45
beanRaji: apt-get install pidgin15:45
RajiThanks @bean15:46
ActionParsnipchristopher9812: should be ok15:46
KcGenesishow to post screenshot15:47
go8765KcGenesis, itmages.ru15:47
ActionParsnipchristopher9812: although if what you have works, why change it :)15:47
jamiActionParsnip: it works !! <315:48
aturengaI need help a little bit with Unity shortcuts15:48
ActionParsnipjami: what works?15:49
christopher9812is it easy to change lightgdm resolution command line over ssh?15:49
ActionParsnipchristopher9812: if you are autologging in, you won't see it15:50
christopher9812I have not set up autologin yet15:50
jamiActionParsnip: 11.04 under macbookpro 8.115:50
ActionParsnipjami: i see, nice15:50
aturengaIf I enable accessibility options, the DASH can not be invoked by Windows key15:50
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jamibut not with live cd15:50
ActionParsnipchristopher9812: you can modify the config files via ssh ;)15:50
Doonzhey guys, I have two ethernet ports in my server eth0 is assigned to 192.168.*.* and when i try to assign eth1 to 10.0.1.* the network stops working as in i cant talk to the box anymore. Any ideas15:50
KcGenesisEmerling, while reinstalling again error is displayed ;http://itmages.ru/image/view/373913/587c30a015:51
wrek-gar trying to unrar a file split into 86 parts from one drive to another with the command unrar x /media/drive1/filepath /media/drive2/filepath - the problem is that it takes forever, is there any command which will make it work more quickly?15:51
jamionly via usb live stick15:51
ActionParsnipjami: never saw the point in buying apple's overpriced hardware if you are just going to put ubuntu on it15:51
eeinmy eeepc keeps crashing to this http://img855.imageshack.us/img855/1323/img20111119084122.jpg  I would grab the text but I don't see it in messages.  When it does that I cant switch to a tty or do anything but hard reboot it15:51
ActionParsnipwrek-gar: could try unp15:51
Chees_BHWhi. my php files are being downloaded instead of displayed. can anyone help me ?15:51
jamiActionParsnip: it wasn't my choice. my company decided to switch to apple. i dont know why15:52
EmerlingKcGenesis,  i see15:52
wrek-garis unp an unpack command or something running under unrar?15:52
ActionParsnipjami: free hardware I guess. win win15:52
ActionParsnipwrek-gar: its an abstraction so you don't have to worry about unpacking syntaxes15:52
ActionParsnipwrek-gar: the speed will be largely the same, its determined by drive speed, cpu and ram etc. you could use a lower nice value like -10 to give more cpu time to the unpacking command15:53
eeinanything I can do to fix the issue?  eeepc 1000h running ubuntu 11.10 up to date patches15:55
MonkeyDusteein  what are you trying to do?15:57
eein"end trace.  panic occurred, switching back to text console."  but the console never starts so I can't type anything15:57
eeinMonkeyDust, nothing just using the eeepc when it just randomly fails15:57
ActionParsnipeein: is that on an installed OS or before install?15:57
ActionParsnipeein: have you tested your RAM?15:58
ActionParsnipeein: do you have the newest BIOS?15:58
eeinyep not the issue memtest comes up clean and it was running mint for 2 years before.15:58
wrek-garActionParsnip: working a lot faster thanks15:58
eeinActionParsnip, no dont think so15:58
ActionParsnipwrek-gar: sweet15:59
eeinmaybe i haven't updated the bios for a while but again it runs other os without issue.  only ubuntu 11.10 i have had this15:59
ActionParsnipwrek-gar: the lowest is -20 but you will cause instabilities using that low, stay at lowest -15 and it should help15:59
ActionParsnipeein: Ubuntu may need the fixes in the newer bios, ram test is a good step to do too16:00
DonKeyshow to make a file sync over ubuntu one?16:00
eeinor a driver is poorly written16:00
eeinkinda think a bios update on a 4 year old computer is drawing straws16:01
ActionParsnipeein: ive had new systems get new bioses quite a lot16:01
somsip  /quit16:01
ActionParsnipeein: what BIOS do you have?16:02
eeinyeah but ubuntu requiring a bios update on a 4 year old eeepc when no other os has needed it seems a bit odd.  dont know since I am using the eeepc16:02
eeinis there a way i can capture the trace.  i dont see it in messages16:03
eeinthat way i have something useful to file a bug with16:03
sanjeev90anis there any application like network scanner in ubuntu?16:04
gribouilledoes the system kep a copu of all the installed packages?16:04
eeinsanjeev90an, nmap16:04
ActionParsnipeein: could just enter setup when it's offered16:05
eeinActionParsnip, what setup/16:05
gribouilledoes the system keep a copy of all the installed packages?16:05
ActionParsnipeein: when the bios splash loads16:06
ActionParsnipeein: latest bios is ver 110416:06
FloodBot1christopher9812: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:06
quiescensgribouille: i think it usually keeps the downloads cached for a little while16:06
quiescensgribouille: i can't remember whether its space or time or what it is that eventually gets rid of them16:07
sanjeev90an@eein i have installed nmap but it does not have same features as network scanner16:07
gribouilleif I upgrade a package to a newer version, is it possible to revert to the older version?16:07
eeinActionParsnip, yes i know how to get to the bios setup but its kinda hard to do when using the pc.  my question is can i collect the trace16:07
MonkeyDustsanjeev90an  there's sharkwire16:07
eeinisnt it wireshark16:08
MonkeyDustwireshark, idd :)16:08
quiescensgribouille: if you know the version you want you can potentially do: sudo apt-get install packagehere=version16:08
eeinsanjeev90an, what features is nmap not have out of curiousity16:08
gribouillequiescens, but do the repositories keep old versions of packages?16:09
MonkeyDustsanjeev90an  also try lsof -i16:09
sanjeev90anit does not provide gui16:10
MonkeyDustsanjeev90an  then there's wireshark for you16:10
KcGenesisnobody solved my problem im'out16:11
go8765can anybody help me please with claw-mail and mail.ru. I have now this massage: sock_connect_address_list_async: connection to  pop.mail.ru:995 failed. but thunderbird with same options-work good16:11
sanjeev90anok i will try wireshark then16:11
quiescensgribouille: possibly depends on which mirror you use but i think they usually do16:11
sanjeev90anthank you guys16:11
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».16:12
ActionParsnipgo8765: does the config have a section for server and a seperate box for port number?16:12
FloodBot1poppo: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:13
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».16:13
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eein_yay it died again16:14
go8765ActionParsnip, If i really undestand you-yes I hawe all settings, such in thunderbird, but in claw-mail it didnt work :(16:15
deggiehow do I access my ubuntu hd from my Ubuntu live cd?16:16
deggieI tried to mount it with vfat16:16
ActionParsnipdeggie: nautilus should be able to mount it using gvfs automagically16:17
quiescensyay, automagical16:17
DukerHow should I format a second drive for ubuntu if I want to be able to execute .sh files off of it?16:18
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deggieActionParsnip. With fdisk I can see the disk16:18
ActionParsnipdeggie: thats cool, does the partition show up in the left pane in nautilus?16:19
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pauserhi ! I want to  create a DHCP-server but I do have only a laptop . Can I do something with VirtualBOX ??16:20
go8765ActionParsnip, any ideas about claw-mail?16:20
DukerRather, I installed a second drive on my system, made it ext4 as well, and cant seem to change or add anything to or from the drive16:20
yabaigo8765: can you "see" the drive?16:21
DukerHas a lost + found in it16:21
SeveasDuker, a freshly formatted filesystem is only writable by root. You may want to exercise your chown powers16:22
go8765yabai, my problem is with claw-mail and mail.ru :)16:22
yabaigo8765: sorry...can't help...i use mutt16:22
DukerSeveas, Thank you, I'll look up chown16:22
SeveasDuker, sudo chown your_username /path/to/mountpoint16:23
Seveasthat'll make you owner so you can write16:23
induzhow can I see hindi fonts on Chrome browser under ubuntu 10...system has hindi Unicode fonts installed16:23
DukerSeveas, thank you :D16:23
ActionParsnipgo8765: not sure dude, sorry16:24
ActionParsnipinduz: http://www.binarytides.com/blog/display-hindi-unicode-fonts-on-google-chrome-on-ubuntu-linux/16:26
ActionParsnipinduz: simple websearch found me that....16:26
nixmaniackaptitude hold <package> doesn't seem to work? am I doing something wrong?16:28
linuxearth /msg NickServ SET EMAIL linuxisone1@gmail.com16:29
Seveasfail :)16:29
ActionParsniplinuxearth: watch out there dude16:29
sanjeev90anhow to make dolphin as default file manager in gnome?16:29
Seveasnext time it's your password, and ActionParsnip is known for stealing those16:30
linuxearthoh yes16:30
linuxearthi was trying it16:30
linuxearthbut command was wrong16:30
ActionParsniplinuxearth: i'd ask in #freenode for registering help if you need it16:30
allu2sanjeev90an: i'd guess by changing something in gconf16:31
* allu2 searches..16:33
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ActionParsnipwho me!16:38
leshkushhi guys16:38
ActionParsnipsanjeev90an: right click a folder in nautilus and select 'open with other app'16:39
ActionParsnipsanjeev90an: select dolphin then tick the box to remember th association, it should now be the default16:39
linuxearthhow do i ensure that i am secured?16:40
* allu2 leaves default filemanager problem to ActionParsnip 16:40
* linuxearth need some help16:40
ActionParsniplinuxearth: secured in what way?16:40
linuxearthmeans what you see if you type: /whois linuxearth16:41
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ActionParsniplinuxearth: is using a secure connection16:41
ActionParsniplinuxearth: looks good#16:41
auronandacelinuxearth: a dead certain way to ensure you are secure is to disconnect from the internet16:42
linuxearthcan you type the whole of the output at pastebin so that i can seen, please16:42
ActionParsniplinuxearth: sure16:42
induzits not simple solution ActionParsnip16:42
sanjeev90anActionParsnip: the tick box is not there16:43
ActionParsniplinuxearth: http://pastie.org/308542116:43
ActionParsnipsanjeev90an: should say 'remember my choice' I think16:44
ActionParsnipsanjeev90an: it's there in that dialogue, justread the whole window16:44
zgrhello i'm using 11.10, can someone tell me how is possible to disable guest login? adding "allow-guest=false" to lightdm.conf makes no sense16:45
ActionParsnipzgr: why does it make no sense?16:46
linuxearthok ty ActionParsnip ty16:47
yabai /part boom!16:47
sanjeev90anActionParsnip: no its not there16:47
dr_willisIf you want to disable the guest account you can do this by editing /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf and adding "allow-guest=false" to the "SeatDefaults" section.16:47
ActionParsnipsanjeev90an: which release are you using?16:47
sanjeev90anActionParsnip: Gnome 2.32.116:48
dr_willisyou are wanting to set the kde file manager as the default in gnome?16:48
zgrthank I've gdm-guest-session installed16:48
jessicaI have Ubuntu 10.04.3 LTS installed on a Compaq nc6220 Laptop with the Intel Mobile 915GM video chip and the screen flickers off and on.  It usuall starts doing it after about 15 minutes of uptime and frequency is irregular but close to 2 or 3 seconds and the black screen durations are only 1 second each.  I'm thinking this has something to do with gnome216:48
ActionParsnipsanjeev90an: what is the output of:  lsb_release -sc16:48
sanjeev90anActionParsnip: natty16:49
ActionParsnipsanjeev90an: may help http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-change-back-nautilus-as-your-default-file-manager.html16:50
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jessicaI'm using console mode using irssi now and no flickering, but gnome is running on tty7 and still flickering. ... I suppose I could install xubuntu-desktop and see what xfce does.  I'm wondering if this is a known problem.... maybe a bug that has been reported somewhere.  I've done a couple google searches and found two possible workaround / fixes, but am not sure about them.  Just wondering if anyone here would have any advise for me.16:51
sanjeev90an1ActionParsnip: natty16:52
jessicaI've not found anything yet that indicates a bug.  It may be something to do with the latest couple of kernels... Yea, that is an idea, I may revert to an older kernel and see....16:53
ActionParsnipjessica: try oneiric livecd, the newer driver may help16:53
jessicaActionParsnip: That's a good idea...16:54
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sanjeev90an1whois /arjun16:55
ActionParsnipjessica: or could try: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-x-swat/+archive/x-updates?field.series_filter=lucid16:55
jessicaOne problem I see is that it is intermitten.  Last night, I could not make it do it.  I let it run all night and was still doing fine this morning. Since then, I've seen the flickering screen consistantly during 3 sessions, (including this one).16:56
ActionParsnipjessica: may help, newer drivers into Lucid and that16:56
ActionParsnipjessica: possibly bad ram or connection between screen and system16:56
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fandejuniCan somebody help me ?17:00
jessicaActionParsnip: I do not think it could be bad ram and especially not connection between screen and system because I am in consloe mode now, and there is no flickering. (I'm on tty6 and flickering is still occuring, I can see it happening when I switch to tth7).17:00
fandejuniI have a really strange bug17:00
asifCan somebody help me ?17:00
ActionParsnipjessica: I guess17:01
induzhindi fonts are not shaped properly in google chrome17:01
dannyfandejuni , asif - you'd have more luck if you just say what's your problem17:01
ActionParsnipinduz: did the link i give not work?17:01
induzfirefox is slow17:01
induzActionParsnip, no17:01
ActionParsnipfirefox is slow17:02
asifhow can i use eth0 and pppo same time on ubuntu 10.10? i've already used on windows xp17:02
dannyinduz - most fonts are not shaped  properly unless they are A-Z17:02
spaceneedleJust to let you know: Glchess has been reporting over 100% cpu usage on my laptop. I had a similiar problem using pychess on Fedora 15.17:03
dannyinduz - chrome doesn't even regonise é in URL. say if my website is called cafénoir.com it will display it as caf%2534noir.com :(17:03
induzso chrome is not good for me dan17:04
Picidanny: Thats a limitation of DNS, not of chrome itself.17:04
asifhelp me please...........17:04
xanguainduz: tried chromium¿17:04
Picidanny: Sorry, not of DNS exactly, of non international TLDs.17:04
dannyPici - yet firefox has learned to mask it as é17:04
induzxangua, what is chrmium??17:04
MetroshicaI had an issue running external commands on Nagios3 in Ubuntu 10.04. I googled the error, found an answer that fixed it. It had my type in g-statoverride --update --add nagios www-data 2710 /var/lib/nagios3/rw sudo dpkg-statoverride --update --add nagios nagios 751 /var/lib/nagios3 and restart nagios. That worked, but I don't know why, could anyone explain what these commands did?17:05
xangua!info chromium-browser | induz17:05
jessicaActionParsnip: Well, I'm not wanting to discount or rule out a hardware issue, that was actually my first thought, but not so sure any more.  I first thought that it might be due to overheating, but the fan is going on and off at what appear to be normal intervals and it doesn't feel exesively hot so... I don't think it's a heat issue.17:05
dannyPici i realise that the actual é is hardcoded as a set of chars, but still17:05
ubottuinduz: chromium-browser (source: chromium-browser): Chromium browser. In component universe, is optional. Version 15.0.874.106~r107270-0ubuntu0.11.10.1 (oneiric), package size 18844 kB, installed size 69092 kB17:05
DukerAny reason why once working .sh files wouldn't work after an upgrade from 10.04-11.10? My terminal closes abruptly after launching the file17:05
induzxangua, thats what I am using17:05
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asifhow can i use eth0 and pppo same time on ubuntu 10.10?17:05
MetroshicaOops, I pasted that wrong, the commands were sudo dpkg-statoverride --update --add nagios www-data 2710 /var/lib/nagios3/rw17:06
Metroshicasudo dpkg-statoverride --update --add nagios nagios 751 /var/lib/nagios3. Any ideas on what these did?17:06
jessicaAnd when it is RAM issues, my experiences uaually are with total lockups.17:06
emilsedghhry guys. when i copy files to my flash disc, it starts fast but soon gets to a point where its almost stalled. this happens with many many discs. any ideas whats wrong?17:06
dr_willisemilsedgh:  what ubuntu release? ive seen similer issues with some older releases17:07
emilsedghdr_willis: actually im on Debian sid.17:07
PiciMetroshica: It changed the owner of that file in a friendly way so that if nagios gets updated and this file gets touched by the package again, it won't reset to the original permissions.17:08
dr_willisemilsedgh:  i thinkit was some sort of kernel bug/issue. i never did see an exact fix. other then trying a newer kenel dont know what else to tell you17:08
emilsedghok dr_willis. thanks a lot.17:08
hatchetjackhow can I turn off unity auto hide?17:09
dr_willishatchetjack:  ccsm tool. has settings in its unity plugin for unity3d.17:09
MetroshicaPici, ah ok, thanks, also, what were those numbers I put in as well? the 2710 and 75117:09
ActionParsniphatchetjack: you set unity settings in ccsm, you may need to install compizconfig-settings-manager17:09
jessicaThere are no proprietary video drivers loaded, far as I can tell. See: pastebin.com/rsZRDsCS17:10
PiciMetroshica: Those are the octal values used to specify specific permissions to a file.  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File_system_permissions#Octal_notation explains it in depth.17:11
kingofswordshi im having problems adding shipping details on a web shop and have had problems b4 with shop with same basket interface...is this a ubuntu problem17:11
dr_williskingofswords:  try a differnt browser?17:12
IngoPan2http://amzn.to/AmznCyberMonday    10 € Gutschein: Silvester201117:12
ActionParsnipkingofswords: what browsers have you tried?17:12
jessicaI do, however have a /etc/X11/xorg.conf file.  See: pastebin.com/Seg4Td8817:12
kingofswordsdr_willis, tryed ff and chromium17:12
MetroshicaPici, ah ok, so those are the same as the values that I use when I do chmod?17:12
PiciMetroshica: yes.17:12
dr_williskingofswords:  try opera perhaps.17:12
kingofswordsActionParsnip, ff chromium17:12
mrbkapIs it possible to install a minimal Ubuntu with a standard install CD?17:12
dr_willismrbkap:  i dont think so.17:13
kingofswordscant find opera in synaptic17:13
Picimrbkap: no.17:13
ubottuOpera is an advanced, fast and free (as in beer) web browser. It is packaged for easy installation into Ubuntu. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser17:13
mrbkapdr_willis: Pici: Ok, thanks.17:13
ActionParsnipmrbkap: not that I know, you can download the minimal ISO, its 12Mb. Remember to MD5 test it17:13
jessicaI don't know what that xorg.conf file could be doing but could delete it and see what happens....17:13
kingofswordscan i not just install opera via synaptic?17:14
IngoPan2http://amzn.to/AmznCyberMonday    10 € Gutschein: Silvester201117:14
bullgard4[Ubuntu 11.10 GNOME Shell 3.2.1] I am recording an internet radio stream. Why can I not hear it at the same time? Pressing Windows-key > gnome-control-center > Audio > Applications > ALSA plugin [firefox] is not muted. (Last night it worked.)17:14
mrbkapActionParsnip: Yeah.17:14
dr_williskingofswords:  i thinkits in the partners repo.. check the url above?17:14
mrbkapThat being said, if I'm going to install a minimal system on a Macbook Pro, are there any packages I need to make sure to install?17:14
kingofswordsi did17:14
pksadiqdr_willis: seems that ubottu is encouraging usage of proprietary softwares like opera :(17:15
dr_willisi tend to just go get the deb off the web site.17:15
kingofswordsit aint gonna sort it17:15
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DukerIs running my minecraft server as my user with admin/root access just a bad idea?  Seem to be having a hard time figuring out how to give a regular user the ability to execute the server_start.sh file17:17
ActionParsnipmrbkap: kernel and bootloader, which will install by default17:17
overcluckerDuker: that's a really bad idea17:17
ki7rwanyone know why suddenly i'm getting a bunch of bad signature messages when trying to update? http://pastebin.com/90Utv9qJ17:17
almoxarifeDuker: worse than bad, really gosh golly awful17:17
xangua!gpgerr | ki7rw17:17
ubottuki7rw: Getting GPG errors after adding custom repositories? Find the GPG keyword for the repository (it's 437D05B5 for the standard ones) and run « sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com <key> »17:17
Dukeroverclucker: Glad Im changing it then17:18
mrbkapActionParsnip: That's what I was hoping to hear :)17:18
ActionParsnipDuker: make everyone a normal user then add the ones you want to give sudo access to the 'admin' group. You could chown the script to a group so that only users in a different group can run the command if you wish17:18
harm_hi guys :)17:18
cisc0kidhello everybody!17:18
DukerActionParsnip: Thanks117:18
jessicaI think I'll try an older kernel.17:18
ActionParsnipDuker: obviously those in teh admin group will be able to run it with sudo17:19
harm_Does anyone know if you can develope for iOS in ubuntu ?17:19
hrolfHi #ubuntu, I have openjdk installed and the iced tea plugin too. When I try open .jnlp files (topcoder) it starts downloading then gets stuck and doesn't progress? What is the problem?17:19
DukerBut by user running the server in the admin group I'll be more secure than having my main admin/root launch the server?17:20
ActionParsnipharm_: may help http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1056426/iphone-app-development-on-ubuntu17:20
cisc0kidharm: maybe you can dev ios within Vbox or the like?17:20
ActionParsnipDuker: yes as the command will be running as user rather than root, i'd check in a minecraft channel to see if this is appropriate17:20
ki7rwstill getting bad signature messages after importing key updates17:21
opalepatrickok, lost connection - Is LVM something I can install 'after' having installed 11.10?17:21
dr_willisopalepatrick:  i dont think so..  its how you partion your disks.17:22
ubottuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto17:22
harm_@actionparsnip thanks17:22
harm_hwo do i react ?17:22
opalepatrickthat is useful dr_willis17:23
ki7rwsomething wrong with the archives i'm using?17:23
SolshineHi. Is it at all possible to install a different operating system to Ubuntu via a mounted .iso?17:24
ActionParsnipSolshine: in a VM yes, you will need to boot to the ISO as you expect to install it properly afaik17:25
SolshineThat's kind of beyond the scope of my skills... Can I make a USB stick boot instead? With something like unetbootin for example?17:26
projekt26firefox does not update to the latest version 9 on my ubuntu. do I have to change something?17:26
SolshineThe OS in question is WinXP.17:26
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rhin0is it possible easily to mount an ubuntu iso in virtualbox17:26
rhin0without cutting a cd17:26
kingofswordsis there an issue with some shopping baskets on web and ubuntu?17:28
SolshineAh, found an answer on google. Thanks for the help. It is apparantly possible to use unetbootin to make a winxp stick. You need a digital  copy of your system (iso) and gparted (to make sure your stick is NTFS).17:28
tokamgnome-panel crashes all the time. I use the gnome2 fallback hda intel graphics and 64bit ubuntu17:28
tokamwhen I start e.g. evolution or pidgin the panel crashes I pasted the error messages in the pastebin17:29
tokamGleitkommaausnahme = Floatingpoint exception17:29
overcluckerrhin0: yes, it's very easy to mount isos in virtualbox17:29
tokamhow to start with gnome-session-fallback?17:30
* rhin0 hasn't seen windows for about 5 years :-D17:30
compdocyou dont get out much17:30
tokamI try this bugfix now http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1860340.html17:31
hrolfHi #ubuntu, I have openjdk installed and the iced tea plugin too. When I try open .jnlp files (topcoder) it starts downloading then gets stuck and doesn't progress? What is the problem?17:32
ActionParsniphrolf: does what you use require sun java?17:33
hrolfAfter a while I get this error http://pastebin.com/vMBtPULd17:33
RyChannelNShrolf, add the partner repsoitories and install sun-java6-jre17:33
kingofswordsis there an issue with some shopping baskets on web and ubuntu?17:33
dr_williskingofswords:  ive never heard of any problems..17:35
onelineri have been trying to recover my visual system for over three days now, all i ve tried has failed, i have a fresh reinstall and four hours worth of updates and willing to follow anyones advice; amd bulldozer six core 8gbram 2tb drive nvidia gtx 550 ti ubuntu 11.1064bit , installed recomended nvidia propietary drivers and lost X17:35
kingofswordsok thx17:35
dr_williskingofswords:  what site?17:36
onelinerpretty please?17:36
onelinerchanging settings to text in grub allows me to regain ttl1-6 else it hangs17:36
kingofswordsits 2 sites that use exactly the same basket program17:36
ActionParsniponeliner: did you try the xorg edgers archive ppa (less fresh), to get the later driver17:37
ActionParsniponeliner: you may also need to run:  sudo nvidia-xconfig17:37
kingofswordsive never had problem filling forms in b417:37
onelineri ll try config first17:37
dr_willishttp://www.safercigs.com/ dosent even go to a actual site here... (on windows)17:37
bullgard4[Ubuntu 11.10 GNOME Shell 3.2.1] I am recording an internet radio stream using Banshee Streamrecorder extension . Why can I not hear the sound at at the same time? Pressing Windows-key > gnome-control-center > Audio > Applications > ALSA plugin [firefox] is not muted. (Last night it worked.)17:38
hrolfActionParsnip: How do I know if it requires sun java?17:39
onelinerActionParsnip:  it complained about incomplete data in the xorg file but backed it up and wrote a new one17:39
hrolfActionParsnip: I'm running the TopCoder.com applet17:39
kingofswordsoops sorry safercigs.co.uk17:39
onelinerreboot? try to start lightdm?17:39
ActionParsniphrolf: it may state on the developer site, or you can ask them17:40
onelinerso am rebooting17:40
ActionParsniponeliner: ideal, ok reboot17:40
tacomasterso is ubuntu 12.04 still in alpha?17:41
onelinerwhat can i replace quiet splash with to get a verbose of what s going on during boot?17:41
ubottuUbuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) will be the sixteenth release of Ubuntu. Codename announcement here: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/784 | Discussion and support in #ubuntu+117:42
ActionParsniptacomaster: yes til 20(12) in the (4)th month, AApril17:42
ActionParsniptacomaster: hence the version numbering17:42
onelinerActionParsnip: system hung17:43
onelinerno access to ttyl17:43
onelinerwhat do i replace "quiet splah" with in order to get verbose at boot?17:44
ActionParsniponeliner: just remove them :)17:44
onelinerthree days trying to figure out why a brand new machines that can run windows 7 flawlessly cant boot ubuntu17:45
ActionParsniponeliner: different OS, different support17:46
onelinerwill it all end with me saying ubuntu just dosent cut it? or nvidia are jerks?17:46
ActionParsniponeliner: all my hardware works out of the box in any linux I have tried, It took me 2 hours to get sound working and crank the pagefile17:46
ActionParsniponeliner: and that was a fresh install Win7, Win7 doesn't cut it17:46
onelinerthen we should probably swap gear ;)17:47
onelinerdid nvidia con me with this card?17:47
ActionParsniponeliner: my stuff is from 2003/4 ish17:47
wh1t3When I want to add something to a playlist somewhere (or basically whenever a file selection dialog pops up) I get the following error: Could not start process Unable to create io-slave:17:47
wh1t3klauncher said: Unknown protocol 'file'.17:47
ActionParsniponeliner: yes, nvidia 6150LE 512Mb17:47
onelinerActionParsnip: oh, wait, so you saying i should like, ditch the novelty hardware?17:48
wh1t3anyone have any idea what could cause that and how to fix it?17:48
djazzi only hear sound when i unplug/plug in power cable, on laptop17:48
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onelinerprolly get a green monochrome 5" while am at it17:48
djazzfor about half a sec17:48
ActionParsniponeliner: no, just saying that some hardware working ok in Windows doesn't mean much17:48
onelineryou re right, means as much not much as not working on ubuntu at all17:49
Guest19664I have a question17:49
ActionParsniponeliner: did you try the xorg edgers update ppa>?17:50
ActionParsnipGuest19664: ask away17:50
djazzany hints to get sound working?17:50
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Balthazardjazz: Do you have Gnome ALSA mixer installed?17:51
ActionParsnipdjazz: what is the output of: wget -O alsa-info.sh http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh; chmod +x ./alsa-info.sh; ./alsa-info.sh17:51
Guest19664I have installed ubuntu, and I want to change the login screen. I installed now LDXM, but when I restart the computer the old gnome login screen appears. so how can I set the LDXM as default login screen?17:51
onelinerActionParsnip: should i google that?17:51
onelinersilly question17:51
djazzActionParsnip: http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=7846e2a9b48b93b827ce0540746a0f251061d01e17:52
ActionParsniponeliner: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade17:52
djazzi hear a beep when i plug/unplug power cable, sounds the same in windows and linux17:54
ActionParsnipdjazz: try:  echo "options snd-hda-intel model=acer" | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf17:54
djazzActionParsnip: options snd-hda-intel model=acer17:54
djazzit echos that17:54
ActionParsnipdjazz: yes it will, it's also gone in the file17:55
ActionParsnipdjazz: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/78358217:55
ubottuUbuntu bug 783582 in Ubuntu Oneiric "[Aspire 3830TG, Conexant ID 506c, Speaker, Internal] No sound at all" [Undecided,Fix released]17:55
ActionParsnipdjazz: reboot to test17:55
ActionParsnipdjazz: keep that link handy17:55
hrolfActionParsnip: I did this i.e. ran it through the command line and it opened up (with OpenJDK) so I don't think it is because it requires Sun Java. Can you seem to be able to spot any issues now?17:55
ActionParsnipDjMadness: if adding the line doesnt work after reboot read the bug17:55
hrolfActionParsnip: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/debian-26/java-doesnt-work-in-my-browser-910860/17:55
ActionParsniphrolf: does the last command work ok for you?17:56
hrolfActionParsnip: Yes.17:56
ActionParsniphrolf: sweet17:57
hrolfActionParsnip: But when I right click -> open with -> Iced tea web start 6 it, tries to download the .jar file and then gets stuck at 6% and after a while reports the error I pasted earlier.17:57
ActionParsniphrolf: you could make a bash script, or alias to run that command easier17:57
ActionParsniphrolf: or make a copy of the launcher for Iced tea in /usr/share/applications     and change the Exec= line to run that17:58
djazzActionParsnip: no diff17:58
djazzsame bug17:58
DukerIf I make a standard user the owner of a directory will I still have control over it as admin?17:59
mk13djazz: what is it that you trying to fix? motherboard beep for charging status change?18:00
djazzActionParsnip: if i open pulseaudio volume control, i can see the output meters18:00
ActionParsnipDuker: users in the 'admin' group have 100% system access via gk/sudo18:00
djazzmk13: i have no sound18:00
djazzi only hear sound the half sec i plug/unplug power18:00
ActionParsnipdjazz: ok, remove the line and read through the bug report18:01
mk13djazz: from a clean install or have you updated/changed anything yet?18:01
djazzmk13: its pretty clean18:01
djazzsound works sometimes18:01
djazzActionParsnip: link to bug?18:01
FloodBot1e41456: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:02
ActionParsnipdjazz: the one I pasted you18:02
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TehAndrewRyanI need help regarding ramdisk within Ubuntu 11.10. I've made a ramdisk (3,9 GB standard size, don't remember how I set it up though as I got help from another guy) to run my Minecraft server on, but now I'd like to shrink it to 2 GB temporarily, since I'd like to assign more ram to Java instead. I however have no clue on how to do this. The ramdisk is mounted on /dev/shm/minecraft18:02
djazzActionParsnip: yeah, before i rebooted...18:02
mk13ActionParsnip: he rebooted... he prolly doesn't have it still...18:02
MahaVishnuTehAndrewRyan{} does this ramdisk use an entry in /etc/fstab ?18:03
TehAndrewRyanMahaVishnu: How do I check that? cat /etc/fstab ?18:03
MahaVishnuTehAndrewRyan{} thats a good way.18:03
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Rod_sup folks18:03
djazzheadphones, same bug18:04
onelinerActionParsnip: the the repository is downloading, the have a shallow pipe so its gonna take a while, say do you have any insight onto why there are so many blogged and reported issues about recent nvidia and 11.04 onwards?18:04
onelinerthis is just uncanny18:04
The_PugilistI was trying to dd from sda to sdd, but wound up typing sdc instead... realized it too late, and now my sdc is totally messed up... it got about 8 gigs in... is there any way to recover?18:04
djazzim using 11.1018:04
ActionParsnipdjazz: you could have bookmarked it....or it will be in your hostory18:04
djazzim just lazy, its probably in log18:04
Rod_I just decided to try Ubuntu as a file server for my enterprise. Is it possible to act as a file server AND as a windows-updates-distributor (aka WSUS)???18:05
lesshasteI am trying to compile a cython program that uses gsl libraries.. I get undefined reference to `gsl_rng_mt19937'18:05
djazzActionParsnip: any solution there?18:05
lesshasteany idea how to fix that?18:05
ActionParsnipdjazz: not sure, read through18:05
mk13djazz: what is the model of computer?18:05
ActionParsniponeliner: never had a single issue, its why I only buy nvidia18:05
djazzmk13: Acer Aspire TimelineX 3830TG18:06
onelineri used to be on that boat18:06
onelinerthen this aledged top notch LEMON landed on my lap18:06
Resistanceoneliner:  the issues only occur with Optimus cards, i'm not sure if that's still the case, but that might be why you see so many blog posts about it18:06
pksadiqlesshaste: try compiling after installing the package like libgsl0-dev or something like that18:07
lesshastepksadiq: it is installed18:07
onelinerResistance: am living kicking proof that it still is18:07
Atlantic777lesshaste: -lgsl ?18:07
ActionParsniponeliner: does it have dual GPUs, as in intel AND nvidia. Or is it only nvidia?18:07
mk13djazz: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/783582 that is the link he pasted earlier18:07
ubottuUbuntu bug 783582 in Ubuntu Oneiric "[Aspire 3830TG, Conexant ID 506c, Speaker, Internal] No sound at all" [Undecided,Fix released]18:07
lesshasteAtlantic777: that made things worse :)18:07
djazzmk13: i am already there18:07
Atlantic777lesshaste: uhm, are you shure? What it says now?18:08
mk13djazz: ahhh, didn't see it sent again18:08
lesshaste/usr/lib/gcc/i486-linux-gnu/4.4.3/../../../../lib/libgsl.so: undefined reference to `cblas_drot'18:08
djazzmk13: it was in my logs18:08
onelinerActionParsnip: msi motherboard has no integrated video, only the pcie card18:09
TehAndrewRyanMahaVishnu: http://pastebin.com/RHWL3xvJ According to this it haven't got an entry there... right?18:09
ActionParsniponeliner: cool, makes life easier18:09
Atlantic777lesshaste: that means that you need more -l things. Maybe -lcblas?18:09
onelineror, so i thought18:09
lesshasteAtlantic777: just needed gcc -O3 -I/usr/include/python2.6 -o fasttest fasttest.c -lpython2.6 -lpthread -lm -lutil -ldl -fno-strict-aliasing -lgsl -lgslcblas18:09
ActionParsniponeliner: could try pre release precise, may help18:09
lesshasteAtlantic777: thanks18:09
Atlantic777yw lesshaste18:10
onelinerActionParsnip: ubuntu you mean +1?18:10
Atlantic777lesshaste: that bothered me too, with sdl. :D18:10
ActionParsniponeliner: its prerelease but you can install the nvidia driver in liveCD environment to see if it's ok, just restart the x server instead of the system when you have got it in18:11
wh1t3When I want to add something to a playlist somewhere (or basically whenever a file selection dialog pops up) I get the following error: "Could not start process Unable to create io-slave: klauncher said: Unknown protocol 'file'.". Any idea what might cause this/how I can solve it?18:11
onelinerunless you can tell me there s some serious nvidia backing inthe 12.04i doubt i ll help18:12
onelinerbut as an experiment i wont cross it off just yet18:12
TehAndrewRyanMahaVishnu: How do I make it an actual entry there, without messing up my current config?18:12
ActionParsniponeliner: the later kernel may help18:12
smile4everHi folks. Is there a way to set gnash as default for a website and adobe flash for the others? :p18:13
onelineri ve been digging; most of the broken functionality boils down to careless symlinks broken and changes to semantics which i am sure no one bothered letting nvidia know about18:13
onelineralmost an orchestrated ati amd coup18:14
oneliner11.10 was too rushed and failed Q.A; period18:14
onelinernow am paying the price having to supplement my install with unheard of ppas that have shallow pipes and add hours to my offtime (read, the price of free)18:15
* djazz reboots18:15
Jahcrosoneliner: is there a reason you can't use 11.04?18:15
ArnoldsHello there. I have a problem with Nvidia graphics driver. I have a laptop with two Video cards. I am now trying to configure my drivers using nvidia-xconfig, but I can't. I am using Ubuntu 11.10. Thanks!18:15
ArnoldsSection "Default Device"18:16
sifohelo :)18:16
ArnoldsExcuse me18:16
sifois ati driver good ?18:16
ArnoldsVALIDATION ERROR: Data incomplete in file /etc/X11/xorg.conf.18:16
Arnolds                  Device section "Default Device" must have a Driver line.18:16
Resistance!paste | Arnolds18:16
ubottuArnolds: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:16
ArnoldsThis is what ncidia-xconfig shows18:17
ActionParsnipArnolds: can you pastebin the file18:17
onelinerJahcros: no, i should probably have payed no heed to the constant "11.10  is here is cool is awesome" system popups18:17
onelinerid be still working with my computer instead of on my computer18:18
Jahcrosoneliner: I've been trying to figure out how to shut that up for a while now.... I'm really not interested in updating to 11.10 until all the kinks are worked out.18:19
ArnoldsIt lacks Default Device section18:19
Stormx2Hey. Using ubuntu 11.10 64-bit with an NVIDIA 8800 GTX. What graphics driver should I use? Here are my options: http://imgur.com/Qrl3a18:19
Stormx2I was told that at least 180+ was recommended for my card18:20
onelinerlooks like the PR team killed the guards and took over the geek lounge over at cacomical18:20
quiescensJahcros: isn't there just a "don't upgrade" button?18:20
onelineri ve been following and updating and upgrading ubuntu for a while, this is prolly the worst version to ever hit me18:20
Jahcrosquiescens: Yes but it comes back after a few reboots or after I've updated it seems like18:20
rizzehlol @ cacomical18:21
TehAndrewRyanHow do I make an entry for my ramdisk in /etc/fstab without messing up my current ramdisk setup?18:21
Stormx2oneliner, tell me about it. Every version of ubuntu I need to do more at the beginning to have a sensible UX18:21
onelinerused to be rather flawless and keep me rather ignorant of what was going on underneath, simple, FAST BOOTING18:21
Picioneliner: Do you have a support question? Or are you just here to complain?18:22
djazzActionParsnip, mk13: sound works!18:22
onelinernow it takes four hours of good pipes to update mid releases and cant get it to boot under 40 sec no matter the hardware18:22
mk13djazz: congrrats!18:22
djazzi removed the EAPD flag from some "pins"18:22
onelinerPici am waiting while my support action takes place18:23
mk13djazz: is this similar to what you had to do? https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Acer_Timeline_3830#Sound_card_issue18:23
onelineri ll shutup now18:23
* djazz enjoys spotify again18:23
mk13djazz: then yes, it was lol18:23
th^2hello all. how do i write a script that prints my CPU temperature, nothing else?18:23
Stormx2th^2, perhaps lm-sensors?18:23
djazzmk13: yeah i used hda_analzer18:24
djazzbut i had to UNCHECK it18:24
djazzi have checked it before18:24
MahaVishnuth^2{} sensors | grep "Core 0:" | cut -d "+" -f2 | cut -c1-418:25
th^2when i do a aptitude search, what does "i" mean?18:25
e414546hi need some sandbox program and i also keep getting "ratelimit.c: 3 events suppressed", which makes my pc freeze. any ideas?18:25
th^2andyn, danke18:25
andynp means purged, i.e. not installed18:25
th^2MahaVishnu, thanks!!!18:25
th^2no my conky is complete :)18:26
DukerIf I make a second administrator account will they have root access as well?18:28
andynsudo access, yes18:28
mk13Duker: if they are in the group given permission by sudo18:28
DukerWhere can I edit group permissions?18:29
e414546hi need some sandbox program and i also keep getting "ratelimit.c: 3 events suppressed", which makes my pc freeze. any ideas?18:29
e414546ratelimit.c: 3 events suppressed completely chops the music when its on.. but it still does freeze my pc when there is no music on!18:30
ActionParsnipDuker: there should be a user manager or ni cli you can use usermod or useradd18:30
spankstarneed some help... im trying to install ubuntu on my netbook but it keeps stalling after i select keyboard layout. :(18:30
andynsounds familiar18:31
DukerActionParsnip: Thanks18:31
spankstarit has mint on it right now and mint runs like crap18:31
spankstarive had ubuntu on it before too.18:31
onelinerspankstar: tried nomodeset from the special functions? (f6 in the cd boot menu)18:31
spankstarill give it a try18:32
DukerActionParsnip: Only has the standard and admin groups, is there a way I could change standard permissions to everything except sudo?18:32
e414546cmon fellers, i aint got all day to wait for an answer18:33
spankstaroneliner when will i see this option. im botting from usb18:33
onelinerah, thats another boot, i was expecting cd boot18:33
onelinerspankstar: should be able to press tab and add it18:33
ArnoldsSo anyone can help me?18:34
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ArnoldsGetting an error on nvidia-xconfig18:34
ArnoldsVALIDATION ERROR: Data incomplete in file /etc/X11/xorg.conf.18:34
Arnolds<Arnolds>                   Device section "Default Device" must have a Driver line.18:34
onelinerArnolds: thats not a problem if it writes another file18:35
onelinershould mention it later inthe answer18:35
onelinerbacked up xorg.conf and wrote another file18:36
Picklefacehow big does my dvd have to be to burn ubuntu onto it18:36
ResistancePickleface:  burn how?  you mean write the Live image to it?18:36
Arnoldsonliner: So I just have to restart now?18:37
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spankstaroneliner i pressed tab at the bootmenu18:37
spankstarshould i just type in nomodeset ?18:37
xanguaPickleface: burn the ubuntu iso as Image18:37
ArnoldsoneLiner: So I just have to restart now?18:37
onelinerspankstar: am no usb pro but yeah thats the general gist18:37
mk13Pickleface: considering the ubuntu .iso is from a CD, and DVD should be large enough18:37
onelinerArnolds: pretty much18:37
mk13Pickleface: and = any*18:38
Arnoldsoneliner: Thanks! :)18:38
Picklefacexangua erm, how :S18:38
onelinershould stick around till it works,.. something i guess he s about to find out :)18:38
mk13Pickleface: are you currently in windows?18:38
Picklefacemk13 yeah18:39
Picklefacewin 718:39
mk13Pickleface: Win7?18:39
onelinerspankstar: there are other boot time command line options for boots that lock up, some specially handy for laptops,18:39
mk13Pickleface: ok, in that case: http://windows.microsoft.com/en-US/windows7/Burn-a-CD-or-DVD-from-an-ISO-file18:40
DukerIs there a way I could change standard user group permissions to everything except sudo?18:40
mk13Pickleface: you may have to right click on the file and choose "Burn iso to disc" or similar18:40
onelinerDuker: am sorry but i think thats how it is right now?18:42
smile4everIs Ubuntu supporting UEFI at the moment? :)18:42
tomodachismile4ever:  what is UEFI compared to EFI?18:42
tomodachisince it supports EFI18:42
smile4evertomodachi: UEFI is the real standard18:43
hrolfHow do I quit Thunderbird in Ubuntu 11.10 (I want it removed from the tray) ?18:43
smile4everEFI is the main part of the standard18:43
ActionParsniphrolf: right click it maybe...18:43
DukerHow can I chown file inside a directory, I seem to own the folder but nothing in it18:43
xanguahrolf: control+q18:44
xanguaor from que menu, quit hrolf18:44
tomodachismile4ever: well I boot my Mac in linux and i use EFI18:44
mk13hrolf: just exiting should close it... the envelope icon is there anyways I believe18:44
smile4everApple uses EFI :)18:44
smile4everBut they should be using UEFI18:44
ActionParsnipDuker: chown -R      will recursively chown18:45
ActionParsniptomodachi: uefi supercedes efi accoring to wikipedia...18:45
ActionParsnipsmile4ever: aslong as it boots, who cares18:45
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots18:46
onelinerActionParsnip: ppa is done, should i rerun nvidia xconfig or it finger crossing time?18:46
spankstaroneliner still hanging on keyboard select18:46
ActionParsniponeliner: i'd try the reboot, should be ok18:46
onelinerspankstar: there are other boot time command line options for boots that lock up, some specially handy for laptops,18:46
spankstarwhere do i find these18:46
smile4everActionParsnip: I do ;) There is a difference :p18:47
DukerActionParsnip: Thanks18:47
onelinerlike acpi_osi="linux"18:47
onelinerbut as i said, usb boot is a whole other ball game, i havent played with it much18:47
hrolfmk13: When I press F10 I don't Thunderbird to show its menu, so I believe it is still there18:48
onelineralso dont use a sans stick (its u3 function gets in the way)18:48
ActionParsnipsmile4ever: in what way?18:48
smile4everoneliner: usb boot is always working here :)18:48
smile4everActionParsnip: If you buy a UEFI pc and Ubuntu only supports EFI you have a chance ;) but it maybe it doesn't work ;)18:48
ActionParsnipsmile4ever: most of the stuff wkipedia says it does, grub has been doing for ages18:49
smile4everI will try it! :)18:49
ActionParsnipsmile4ever: its in a default ubuntu18:49
smile4everhmm.. that's a problem ;)18:49
ActionParsnipsmile4ever: normal PC bios can boot grub then do all that stuff already18:49
smile4everI use minimal Ubuntu install with Lubuntu-touch :p18:49
slayercan someone tell me where in Ubuntu vi is set to start at the beggining of a line when entering insert mode?18:50
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onelineranyway the xorg edgers work can be upstreamed into main dev?18:51
spankstaroneliner where do i find these commands18:52
xanguaoneliner: there is one reason is called Edgers18:52
ActionParsniponeliner: did the ppa help?18:52
onelinerapparently it worked, still have to setup dual heads and all that18:52
onelinerActionParsnip: indeed18:52
overcluckerslayer: i + Home isn't enough?18:52
ActionParsniponeliner: thought so, you have a super new nvidia chip so you need the newer driver18:52
slayeroverclucker:  when i go into inseert mode, it jumps to the start of the line, i want it at the point I hit enter18:53
slayerer.. i  (insert mode)18:53
onelinerxangua; am not using military grade hardware; this shouldnt be a hidden resource18:53
ActionParsniponeliner: the driver version in the official repos isn't new enough for your kit18:55
overcluckerslayer: hmm, 'i' should insert at cursor by default18:56
ActionParsniponeliner: always better to stay mid range for zero issues :)18:56
slayerover, it's not.. hence my issue :)18:56
pksadiqslayer: what about append, a?18:57
slayerjumps to end of line with "a"18:57
onelinerActionParsnip: that is ok for "working on the machine", but am trying to "work with the machine" doing fancy 3d and things that require this heavy gear18:58
onelineram just saying new hardware shouldnt be taboo18:58
ActionParsniponeliner: indeed18:58
overcluckerslayer: does ':map i i' resolve this issue?19:00
overcluckerah, he left19:01
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spankstaroneliner you said something about other commands?19:05
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kfizzI'm going to be writing some software to sync data from a frequently-updated network share into a database. My thoughts on this are: cron job to run a python script to check for new files and import those files into the MySQL DB. Anyone have any input/suggestions?19:06
Picklefacemy ubuntu looks really weird when I try it out19:06
Picklefacereally huge, I think cause of my graphics card19:06
Picklefacehow do i fix?19:06
ActionParsnipPickleface: what GPU do you use?19:06
ActionParsnipPickleface: graphics chip?19:07
onelinerspankstar: give me a sec i ll try to google those out for you19:07
PicklefaceNividia Geforce GT 52019:07
reisioGuest13013: hi19:07
Guest13013can someone please supoort me19:07
ActionParsnipPickleface: ok, run:  sudo apt-get install nvidia-current     and reboot19:08
Guest13013i have a realtek 8187 installed that gives alot problems of disconnections in ubuntu so i buyed a usb pen wireless but now i dunno how to install it19:08
PicklefaceActionParsnip erm..when / where do I run it, im really new :S I havent even installed ubuntu yet just the trail version on my disk19:08
ActionParsnipGuest13013: what is the output of:  lsusb     one line will identify the device19:09
ActionParsnipPickleface: open a terminal and run it. I suggest you get fully updated first19:09
Picklefacewhats a terminal?19:09
Picklefacehow do i get fully updated?19:09
reisioGuest13013: also if you change your nick (/nick someNewName) it'll be much simpler to converse with you19:10
reisioPickleface: CTRL+ALT+t, possibly19:10
Guest13013should i paste output here?19:10
reisioGuest13013: http://dpaste.com/ would be better19:10
onelinerspankstar: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Introduction  a bit of a long read but will help you19:10
ActionParsnipPickleface: use software centre, its available if you click the icon in the top left19:10
Stormx2Hey. Using ubuntu 11.10 64-bit with an NVIDIA 8800 GTX. What graphics driver should I use? Here are my options: http://imgur.com/Qrl3a19:10
reisioGuest13013: or use the pastebinit program and give us the link it outputs19:10
Stormx2I was told that at least 180+ was recommended for my card19:10
PicklefaceActionParsnip im on win 7 right now19:10
reisioStormx2: I'd go with current19:11
reisioStormx2: if that doesn't work you can change it to something else19:11
ActionParsnipStormx2: just run:  sudo apt-get install nvidia-current19:11
reisioStormx2: (by selecting the 'failsafe' option at the login screen)19:11
Stormx2reisio, Why not current-updates?19:11
PicklefaceActionParsnip okay so I go back to my trial thing, then look for a terminal then type in sudo apt-get install nvidia-current ?19:12
reisioStormx2: does it say 'Recommended' beside that one?19:12
ActionParsnipPickleface: get fully updated first19:12
PicklefaceActionParsnip how do I do that ?19:12
reisioStormx2: course if you're using 173 and there are no issues, you could just stick to that one19:12
ActionParsnipPickleface: software centre19:12
Stormx2reisio, ActionParsnip, thanks19:13
PicklefaceActionParsnip ok how dO i get to software center ?19:13
Stormx2Also, how do I access the startup applications/services dialogue?19:13
Picklefacealso should I dl the new ubuntu or the 10.04 1 ?19:13
reisioStormx2: in 11.10... probably hit the Ubuntu icon at top left and type 'start' and see what it lists19:14
ActionParsnipPickleface: click the icon in the top left and search there19:14
reisioStormx2: or session19:14
Stormx2reisio, I'm using the gnome classic desktop19:14
reisioStormx2: ah19:15
reisioStormx2: then it'd be in a menu under preferences somewhere19:15
Stormx2meh it's probably google-able19:15
reisioI doubt it's that hard to find19:15
Edward2Hello. Just installed Ubuntu 11.10 and I'm having problems in getting sound.19:16
fabiofelgueirashi again19:16
fabiofelgueirasits me the wireless dude19:16
fabiofelgueirasi go paste in pastebin19:16
reisioEdward2: what problems?19:16
reisiofabiofelgueiras: ok19:16
Edward2No sound at all.19:17
reisioEdward2: are there speakers hooked up?19:17
Edward2I got headphones.19:17
reisioEdward2: laptop?19:17
fabiofelgueirasok here the output of the lsusb19:17
Edward2reisio: Tower, 3 outlets (I think).19:17
fabiofelgueirasi whant to unistall the realtek and use the ralink19:18
reisioEdward2: okay, hit the volume icon at top right, make sure important channels aren't muted or at 0 volume19:18
DukerIf I switch users do terminal processes stop? Like if I have a user running a teamspeak server and I switch users will the TS server stop?19:18
reisioDuker: nope19:18
DukerThanks :D19:19
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reisioDuker: okay I should clarify: if you ran the server properly, it will persist19:19
reisioDuker: you're talking about switching users in GNOME?19:19
Dukerubuntu 11.1019:19
slakcphilhow can my freenode nick be registered in ubuntu irc? same thing?19:19
reisioDuker: right, GNOME19:19
slakcphilfreenode seems down..19:19
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reisioDuker: it should start a whole new X session, not log out the existing, if you use fast switch19:20
reisioDuker: (that is: don't "log out", just "switch user")19:20
reisioslakcphil: this is freenode19:20
fabiofelgueirasthe realtek gives me alot of disconnection problems, please someone help me install this new usb pen wireless19:20
DukerNice, thanks Reisio19:20
reisiofabiofelgueiras: did you paste the info?19:20
slakcphilreiso, cool, i could not connect to the "freenode" selection in xchat, only the "Ubuntu Servers" selection but reg worked of course19:21
reisioslakcphil: odd19:21
reisioslakcphil: possibly your 'freenode' item was mapped to a server that no longer is functioning19:21
fabiofelgueirascmon mates let reisio now give me a hand :)19:21
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reisioslakcphil: if you use irc.freenode.net (the round-robin) it should work more often19:21
slakcphilcould be,  well it was irc.freenode.net19:21
reisioah, that's odd, that's what I use19:21
reisiomaybe your ISP hates you19:22
slakcphilyeah they do! :P19:22
Edward2reisio: Clicked the speaker, not muted, volume max. Clicked settings, Output volume 100%, Alerts 80%, Hardware empty, Input empty, Output: "Dummy Output".19:22
reisiofabiofelgueiras: can you pastebin the output of lspci -n ?19:22
slakcphili use tor alot19:22
slakcphiland nmap ;019:22
reisioEdward2: okay, open up a terminal (CTRL+ALT+t), run 'alsamixer', look for the same thing (low volume or muted [MM] channels)19:22
reisioslakcphil: mmm, maybe they changed their thing19:22
reisiofreenode has its own tor system19:22
reisiowould ask #freenode about it19:23
slakcphilsee  i cannot connect to chat with tor19:23
slakcphilnever have19:23
overcluckerkfizz: you can use inotify in place of cron. not that there is anything wrong with using cron for his sort of thing.19:24
fabiofelgueirashttp://pastebin.com/hSiMi03d here it is ty for the help19:24
slakcphilnot error with tor but with freenode19:24
kfizzoverclucker, haven't heard of that. Any benefits over cron?19:24
fabiofelgueirasthe rtl is a usb to but this is a laptop19:24
fabiofelgueirasso is internal usb i think19:24
reisiofabiofelgueiras: oh right you said it was usb?19:25
overcluckerkfizz: inotify detects file system changes, which would allow you to run code specific to those changes.19:26
reisiofabiofelgueiras: what's the make/model#?19:26
fabiofelgueirasyes the new one i buyed is usb19:26
reisiofabiofelgueiras: of the dongle19:26
kfizzoverclucker, I just read the wikipedia article. I'm sure I could Google this question, but is there a way to configure it to watch just a certain (mounted) directory?19:26
Edward2reisio: Master 100; Tone off, off; Bass 50; Treble 50; 3D Control 100; PCM Center 100; PCM front 100, 100; PCM LFE 100.19:29
reisioEdward2: and none of those say 'MM' at the bottom?19:30
fabiofelgueirassreisio, sry got disconnected19:30
reisiofabiofelgueiras: what's the make/model#?19:30
reisiofabiofelgueiras: of the dongle19:30
fabiofelgueirassof the new card?19:30
reisiofabiofelgueirass: yes19:30
fabiofelgueirassis a wn727n19:31
reisioEdward2: should say 00 and below 100, or MM and below 100; MM means muted19:31
fabiofelgueirasstp link19:31
reisiofabiofelgueirass: lsmod | grep -i rt2800usb19:31
overcluckerkfizz: yup, it can do that19:31
fabiofelgueirassdid it19:31
fabiofelgueirassreisio, no output out of that19:32
fabiofelgueirassreisio, does it needs to be with sudo?19:32
overcluckerkfizz: here is an example if using inotify via incron: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/linux-inotify-examples-to-replicate-directories/19:32
Edward2reisio: Oh, sorry, found more. But I'll just give the muted ones. Tone MM, Surround MM, Mic Boost MM, S/PDIF MM, Analog Capture Boost MM, Audigy MM, External Amp MM, Sigmatel 4-speaker stereo MM.19:32
Edward2Everything else is 100.19:33
CoachJcan someone please tell me how I can get new versions of software on my 10.04LTS machine19:33
Edward2Or, at least 50-100.19:33
tornadoHi guys, i have trouble with SLiM: in particular, after i've installed it (and changed the lines in the inittab file) it doesn't allow me with the login (every login fails)19:33
tornadocan anyone help me?19:33
fabiofelgueirassreisio, i did the -> lsmod | grep -i rt2800usb got no output19:34
reisioEdward2: well go through and unmute some and make sure those aren't the problem (hit TAB for more)19:34
kfizzOverclucker, thanks. I think that's going to work really well for me.19:34
reisioEdward2: then give me a yell19:34
reisiotornado: think slim is dead, no?  Why not use lightdm?19:34
reisiofabiofelgueirass: okay, then run sudo modprobe rt2800usb19:35
reisiofabiofelgueirass: then add rt2800usb to /etc/modules19:35
reisiofabiofelgueirass: then try and connect via the network icon in the panel19:35
hatchetjackwhere in ccsm would I go to disable auto hide for the unity launcher?19:35
overcluckerkfizz: yw19:36
fabiofelgueirassreisio, the add rt2800usb to etc/modules can u explain me better please19:37
tornadoreisio: do you think lightdm is better and lighter?19:38
reisiofabiofelgueirass: open a terminal (CTRL+ALT+t), then run sudo nano -w /etc/modules19:39
reisiotornado: I think it's maintained19:39
fabiofelgueirassreisio, the add rt2800usb to etc/modules can u explain me better please19:40
reisiofabiofelgueirass: open a terminal (CTRL+ALT+t), then run sudo nano -w /etc/modules19:41
reisiosurfdue: hi19:41
surfdueis ubuntu server 11.10 a good install version?19:41
reisiosurfdue: compared to...?19:41
surfduethe options i have are 8.04 10.04 11.0x and 11.1019:41
reisiosurfdue: 10.04 is supported a full two years longer than 11.1019:41
surfdueoh ok19:41
fabiofelgueirassreision ok now what im editing a file..19:41
reisiofabiofelgueirass: you're adding rt2800usb to it and saving & exiting19:42
surfduereisio: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KVM/Installation does this manual apply to 10.04 too19:42
surfduereisio: i also have the option of 10.04 and 11.04 what do you think ?19:42
wh1t3When I want to add something to a playlist somewhere (or basically whenever a file selection dialog pops up) I get the following error: "Could not start process Unable to create io-slave: klauncher said: Unknown protocol 'file'.". Any idea what might cause this/how I can solve it?19:42
surfduereisio: im sorry i mean 10.1019:42
reisiosurfdue: it should apply, yes19:43
fabiofelgueirassresion, so i add rt2800usb before the lp line? and save is that it?19:43
reisiosurfdue: how'd we get onto 10.10?19:43
bingomanatee_I am having problems in CUPS - ubuntu - web app for "add printer" page says "413 Request Entity TOo Large"19:43
surfduereisio: these are the full options 8.04 LTS, 10.04 LTS lucid, 10.10 maverick, 11.04 natty, 11.10 oceiric19:43
surfduelol at the name of the natty narwhal.. love it19:43
bingomanatee_all the help i find online says it has to do with permissions in the /cups direcretorie(s) that I have set to 77719:43
reisiosurfdue: 10.04 is supported longer than any other version available ATM, that's what would make the decision for me19:43
surfduereisio: cool. what exactly does rts stand for19:44
reisiosurfdue: LTS? long term support19:44
surfduegod I miss debian based systems..19:44
reisiosurfdue: the next one isn't for a few more months19:44
surfdue-.- hate red hat based systems :P19:44
reisiosurfdue: so use Debian :D19:44
Humbedoohreisio: he obviously wants real/time support :<19:44
reisiosurfdue: don't we all19:44
reisioHumbedooh: uhuh...19:44
tornadoreisio: in archlinux it is downloadable from aur...19:44
reisiofabiofelgueirass: before or after, doesn't matter19:44
reisiofabiofelgueirass: just needs to be listed in that file19:44
surfduethe problem is most hosting panels require centos19:44
surfduewell finally im getting away from that..yay19:44
reisiothey all suck anyways19:45
surfdueLol this is irrelavant but my friend in germany just told me this over skype "do you know why people from america or poland cant connect to my minecraft server?"19:45
surfdueyes -.- I know exactly why.19:46
jsumnersHow do I configure lightdm to _not require_ a password for a specific user?19:46
SunTsu!ot > surfdue19:46
ubottusurfdue, please see my private message19:46
fabiofelgueirassreisio, ok but now i have the rtl working... i need to unistall it or everitime i place connect in icon it uzed the rtl19:46
fabiofelgueirasshowi change it to uze the new card?19:46
Stormx2Hey. I've enabled network support for pulseaudio in "paprefs" in order to use MPD, but MPD is complaining that pulseaudio is refusing its connections. Any advice?19:46
reisiofabiofelgueirass: it really shouldn't matter19:47
reisiofabiofelgueirass: you tried to make a connection?19:47
jsumnersNo, I don't want autologin19:47
reisiojsumners: 'guest' account?19:47
jsumnersSort of. It's an account for a user that needs things to be as simple as possible19:48
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mecoWhat is the command to show the name of the video card?19:49
reisiomeco: lspci | grep -i vga19:49
slakcphillspci -v19:49
Edward2reisio: Ok, I unmuted the muted turning them into green 00, but no sound (Trying with Banshee Media Player). Only sound I got was from the 6-port card which was a hiss, but that was when I unmuted the mic boost.19:49
slakcphilthat will be a detailed output19:50
excelsiorMy laptop spontaneously died on me. I checked the power, full strength, after turning on, I checked the battery, fully charged, it's a Dell Studio 1558, any thoughts?19:50
reisioEdward2: okay19:50
reisioEdward2: at the top left of alsamixer, does it mention 'HDA'?19:50
slakcphilexcelsior, did it die? or powerdown19:50
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slakcphillike die as in unplugged from wall taking battery out? or like shutdown -p now19:51
Edward2reisio: No 'HDA' at top left.19:52
reisioEdward2: what's it say?19:52
* jsumners didn't realize this was the #google_links channel19:52
apollo00Is it possible to get a gui on ubuntu server?19:52
alexhairymanlike an html frontend?19:52
slakcphilapollo00 apt-get install gnome-desktop-environment xorg19:52
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Edward2reisio: Card: SB Audigy 2 [SB0240]; Chip: SigmaTel STAC9721,23.19:53
reisioapollo00: possible, but I wouldn't advise it19:53
jsumnersBut it isn't a link to exactly what I'm asking for. All of the top links are from 200719:53
jsumnersUbuntu wasn't using lightdm in 200719:53
gregoire_does one of you know something about the ip_forward option19:53
slakcphilapollo00, that's what i did on a 8.04 server and it gave me a minimal desktop env19:53
slakcphilmaybe do a sudo apt-cache search gnome | grep -i desktop to see19:54
* Humbedooh coughs at the words gnome and minimal19:54
apollo00thats exactly what im looking to do, a minimal desktop, i dont want all the added stuff19:54
fivedaysaheadctrl alt F8 to go to second console?19:54
fivedaysaheadmaybe try icewm?19:54
fivedaysaheador want more minimal than that?19:55
slakcphilHumbedoh, its minimal on a server with 16 GB RAM19:55
reisiojsumners: User Accounts > set password to 'None' ?19:55
slakcphil8 core19:55
fivedaysaheaddamn making my old 4 core comp with 3 gb feel old19:55
alexhairymanHello, I am trying to help a nonbeliever (windows user) with some problems (go figure) Tried teamviewer (which I used forever ago on windows) and I need a cross platform solution that does not rely on wine19:55
reisiojust a wm should be minimal enough, virtually regardless of which wm19:55
fivedaysaheadso how do i switch virtual consoles ctrl alt f8?19:55
spankstaranyone know how to fix ubuntu install freezing after i select keyboard layout? im installing from usb to a netbook.19:55
reisioalexhairyman: why do you need that19:56
jsumnersreisio, that has been done for several years already. This machine was just upgraded from Jaunty to Oneiric which forced a change from GDM to lightdm19:56
reisiospankstar: what'd you pick?19:56
slakcphilalexhairyman try screenconnect i think it does not19:56
spankstarive googled and saw others having the same problem but no solutions were givin19:56
killfooanyone here uses tlp and can give me the gpg pug key for 02D65EFF ? keyservers dont work -.-19:56
fivedaysaheador you could just initx which is super minimal!19:56
reisiojsumners: the option isn't there anymore?19:56
spankstarreisio default usa19:56
fivedaysaheadhow do i switch virtual consoles?19:56
spankstardidnt really pick one just nit next19:56
gregoire_I tried to use ip_forward setting it to 1 by changing the sysctl.conf and even by the sysctl command but nothing works it's like I had done just nothing even if it written that the value is indeed to 119:56
reisiospankstar: mmmm, could maybe try the alternate install image19:57
reisiospankstar: or try and pick something more specific19:57
slakcphilgregoire_ are you using it with a program that is already enabling it forwarding the packet twice?19:58
VCooliofivedaysahead: ctrl+alt+f1-6, f7 for X19:58
Edward2spankstar, reisio: I ran into that. We could say I was running ahead of it. When installing, don't do ANYTHING until it says "Ready when you are".19:58
alexhairyman\msg slakcphil just a question, does it work on mac too?19:58
fivedaysaheadVCoolio how do i go above F12?19:58
waldenhey, what programs are useful for editing video on Ubuntu?19:59
reisioEdward2: heh19:59
fivedaysaheadif say i want to go to F13 for startx 719:59
slakcphilalexhairyman, the lspci -v ?19:59
reisioEdward2: what'd you say, sigmatel something?19:59
VCooliofivedaysahead: can't, why would you?19:59
Edward2reisio: Card: SB Audigy 2 [SB0240]; Chip: SigmaTel STAC9721,23.19:59
waldeni tried editing AVCHD and ran into lots of b-frame problems19:59
excelsiorslakcphil: sorry I missed that earlier, it just died spontaneously. It's running Ubuntu 10.10, and had power and the battery in, and the battery was fully charged. It's a Dell Studio 1558.19:59
reisioalexhairyman: I mean why can't you use Wine & teamviewer19:59
gregoire_I don't think so, I am just setting this parameter and receiving ip packet from the other pc19:59
VCooliofivedaysahead: 6 virtuel consoles is plenty, then one display server, maybe two, that's is, not?19:59
slakcphilalexhairyman, it should, you could always try lspci -h19:59
slakcphilor man lspci20:00
excelsiorslakcphil: it came back on, I'm working from it now.20:00
fivedaysaheadVCoolio: it is but is it possible to go above 6 i mean startx can make more than 6 so why would you not be able to access them?20:00
spankstarEdward2 so i should wait for a bit before choosing next?20:00
VCooliofivedaysahead: I guess someone thought of a workaround / possibility, it's linux after all, but I don't know of it20:01
Edward2spankstar: Yeah, don't click next while it is installing.20:01
spankstarreisio there is not alt for the netbook ubuntu 10.0420:01
spankstarthat i could find20:01
fivedaysaheadme either been trying to figure it out but i can't there must be away thanks for your helpe VCoolio20:01
slakcphilexcelsior, i would check the power settings and see if it is set to turn off when laptop lid is closed, there could be a short in the lid sensor...20:01
reisiospankstar: why're you using such an old version...20:02
reisioEdward2: pastebin lspci -n ?20:02
spankstarits the only netbook version i could find20:02
spankstardo you have a link for a newer one?20:02
reisiospankstar: you don't need a netbook version20:02
reisiomost of the netbook edition ideas were folded into the mainline Ubuntu releases anyways, IIRC20:03
jsumnersreisio, http://en.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot-12282011-025802pm.php <-- hasn't been changed in years20:03
reisiojsumners: it just isn't working any longer?20:03
reisiowhat fun20:03
spankstarive had it on here before and like the way it runs... so i can install ubuntu and then set up the netbook options?20:03
spankstari only have a 1gig usb though.20:04
reisiojsumners: you might try finding its config file, moving it elsewhere, starting from a fresh one and re-setting None20:04
jsumnersIt worked prior to the forced switch from GDM20:04
spankstarisnt the newer release larger than that?20:04
reisiospankstar: yes it is20:04
reisioit's going to be hard to get support for such an old release20:04
reisiospankstar: sorry the _install media_ is not larger than 1GB20:05
excelsiorslakcphil: I'm pretty sure it's not the power setting, it was a hard shut down,20:05
reisiothought you meant you were installing _to_ 1GB, not _from_20:05
spankstarsamethi ng happens with the newest release of jolicloud too20:05
spankstarmint installed fine but it runs like shit20:05
pangolinspankstar: Please mind the language20:05
VCooliofivedaysahead: http://tldp.org/FAQ/Linux-FAQ/tips.html#switch-virtual-consoles20:06
Edward2ha! Nice timing. Half the internet died so I can't connect to a webpage.20:06
reisiospankstar: I doubt Ubuntu and Mint will run that differently20:06
Toxa_zav_ Здравствуйте, уважаемые пользователи. Столкнулся с такой проблемой: ноутбук e-machines d620 ( amd 1.6 ghz 874 mb ram videocard ATI x1250 128 mb)  стоит ubuntu 10.4.3 LTS Все обновления стоят.  а ситуация в том, что комп при просмотре видео или если серф в инете браузер тормозит20:06
VCooliofivedaysahead: use right alt :)20:06
polsaspankstar: have you tried out peppermintos? its based on lubuntu and its small20:06
reisioToxa_zav_: #ubuntu-ru20:07
dionysioshi all20:07
dionysiosnewby here20:07
dionysiosis this a help room20:07
reisiodionysios: yes20:08
Toxa_zav_-reisio- #ubuntu-ru said: "Cannot send to channel"20:08
VCooliofivedaysahead: also alt+left/right arrow switches console up/down20:08
Picklefaceokay im on ubuntu right now20:09
Picklefaceand I opened up the software center, it looks really weird :S20:09
phre4kwhat do you mean with "weird"?20:09
dionysioshow do i get a list of rooms here20:09
Picklefaceerm..everything is really big, I dont think its uptodate with my graphic cards20:09
slakcphilexcelsior, any water damage? i would think that is not os related20:10
fabiofelgueirasreisio, are u there?20:10
insectatoriousTrying to mount alternate-cd from iso using - sudo mount -o loop ~/Desktop/ubuntu-10.04-alternate-i386.iso /media/cdrom0 - but I'm getting a 'must specify filesystem type'. help?20:10
reisiofabiofelgueiras: ?20:10
reisioToxa_zav_: /msg nickserv help register20:10
reisioToxa_zav_: /msg nickserv help identify20:10
reisiodionysios: /msg alis list *terms*to*match*20:10
MrStudentWho can help me with a networking question?20:10
reisioMrStudent: nobody until they see it20:10
fabiofelgueirasreisio, i id all u said but now when i go connect to wireless always connectes uzing the rtl20:11
krysitsis ~750 MHz enough for ehcp.net stack?20:11
fabiofelgueirasinsted of the usb card20:11
insectatorious!ask > MrStudent20:11
ubottuMrStudent, please see my private message20:11
Picklefacereisio: hey, how do I get my graphic card to work properly on ubuntu ?20:11
reisioinsectatorious: what does file ~/Desktop/ubunt*iso say?20:11
reisioPickleface: which card?20:11
VCoolioinsectatorious: -t iso966020:11
fivedaysaheadhow does one switch user using bash and login to that account without sudo?20:11
reisiokrysits: if it's a web-based panel, almost anything should be enough20:11
fabiofelgueirasreisio, can i somwhow set the default card to be uzed when connection wirelles?20:11
reisiokrysits: never heard of that one, though20:11
reisiofabiofelgueiras: I'm not sure you need bother20:12
Picklefacereisio: erm GTX 520 Nivida20:12
Toxa_zav_>reisio< Thanks20:12
PicklefaceI dont know how to use ubuntu to check which graphics card I have :X20:12
insectatoriousreisio: can't test it as it's on my parents' machine...but thanks..im guessing the result will tell me what I need20:12
fabiofelgueirasreisio, so i installed the 2800 thing u said now how i start uzng this new card?20:12
insectatoriousVCoolio: which is what you specified im guessing..cheers20:12
reisioPickleface: it's not working now?20:13
Ahmuckhow does one get the upside down question mark?20:13
fabiofelgueirasreisio: so i installed the 2800 thing u said now how i start uzng this new card?20:13
ian__Does anyone know how to fix the WPA bug?20:13
VCoolioinsectatorious: sorry, thought is was a disc, it's -O loop, not -o20:13
Picklefacereisio: it dosent look right, everything is extremely huge20:13
reisioinsectatorious: ordinarily you shouldn't have to specify -t20:13
reisioAhmuck: CTRL+SHIFT+u, bf, ENTER20:13
Picklefacenvidia gt 520 is what I have reisio20:14
reisioPickleface: gt 520 or gtx?20:14
PicklefaceGeForce GT 520M - NVIDIA20:14
dionysiosfind #ubuntu-au20:14
reisioPickleface: okay, that should be supported by the latest nvidia driver20:14
Picklefacereisio: okay, I get that driver how ?20:14
reisioPickleface: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia20:15
fabiofelgueirasreisio: the problem i have now is how to tell him to stop uzing the rtl and start uzing this new usb card20:15
reisiofabiofelgueiras: why is that a problem?20:15
reisiofabiofelgueiras: can you not connect to the wireless network with the new dongle?20:16
fabiofelgueirasreisio: when i press connect it goes uze the old etl card20:16
Picklefacereisio: okay, I'm just on the trial version of ubuntu, should I install the whole thing on my computer before doing the drivers thing ?20:16
juan_sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop20:16
reisiofabiofelgueiras: right click and tell it to forget/delete20:16
Picklefacehttp://www.nvidia.com/object/unix.html which one do I download ?20:17
reisioPickleface: there's not much point in doing it before installing, unless you are bored or you can't see stuff20:17
reisioPickleface: none20:17
chuck122hi all20:17
reisioPickleface: follow the howto I already linked you to20:17
fabiofelgueirasreisio: i dont see how, and if i disconect the inner rtl card in the button of the laptop it dosent alow me to connect20:18
reisioPickleface: generally if you're downloading applications from random websites for Linux, you're doing it wrong; use your package manager (or in this case, just the preinstalled configurator)20:18
reisiochuck122: hi20:18
reisiofabiofelgueiras: what was the other device model?20:18
coventryIs there a way to manually add essid/password combinations to NetworkManager, so that NetworkManager will bind to those essids when it sees them?20:18
fabiofelgueirasthe other is a rtl818720:19
fabiofelgueirasis the one im uzing now20:19
fabiofelgueirasbut it is slow connection20:19
reisiofabiofelgueiras: add it to /etc/modprobe/blacklist, then reboot20:19
Picklefacereisio: how do I get to system ?20:21
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».20:21
reisioPickleface: system?20:21
Picklefaceyeah on the instructions it says     *        Go to System -> Administration -> Additional Drivers20:22
NimeshNeemahow to install JDK in ubuntu 11.10 ?20:22
Picklefacehow do I get to system :p20:22
fabiofelgueirasreisio: i have a etc/modeprobe.d is that it?20:22
alien20501NimeshNeema : depends, but if you download manually you need to link it properly with your app20:22
Stormx2Hey. I'm running a socket server on a particular port as user X. I can telnet to it fine as user X, but my connection is refused from user Y. What can I do to fix? I didn't have this issue in previous ubuntu versions.20:22
Stormx2The server never sees the connection from user Y, so i'm assuming it's an internal firewall issue20:23
NimeshNeemaalien20501: i want to set up my system for Android dev.20:23
chuck122to install the JDK the more simple way is to make an apt-get instal open-jdk20:23
NimeshNeemachuck122: the command line says unable to locate package20:24
alien20501nimesh: did you try what chuck122 is saying? it should work also20:24
tjingboemi want to show you a very small .png and ask if someone knows what program creates such diagrams: http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/GEN13.html20:24
alien20501try openjdk-6-jre20:25
alien20501and openjdk-6-jdk20:25
Picklefacewow im hardly lagging20:25
Picklefaceon windows I would lag so much20:25
coventryFrom reading /usr/share/doc/network-manager/README.Debian, looks like the answer to my question is "use /etc/network/interfaces".20:25
NimeshNeemaalien20501: kewl it worked20:25
chuck122NimeshNeema I dont knwo the exact name, the prompt should tell you a list of proposition20:25
AAIBB^does anyone know how I put ubuntu in energy efficient mode? I went from 10 hrs to 3 hrs battery life :s20:26
NimeshNeemaalien20501:  thanks. BTW it was already installed20:26
alien20501nimesh: if unsure, you can always run "apt-cache search <PKG_NAME_OR_PART_OF_IT>"20:26
reisiofabiofelgueiras: /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist20:26
NimeshNeemain case i don't know the exact name of the package ?20:26
chuck122NimeshNeema you can dwl it on the oracle site20:27
alien20501yeah, or if you just want to browse pkgs available by partial name finding20:27
DukerAnyone know a way to correct overscan with an intel hd graphics 3000?20:27
NimeshNeemachuck122: i did that as well20:27
chuck122NimeshNeema then change make a chmod +x on the file20:27
NimeshNeemait's a .tar.gz archive20:27
alien20501nimesh: just uncompress it, using "tar xvfz file.tar.gz"20:27
chuck122NimeshNeema juste unzip it, in your document folder by instance20:28
hamedhi how are you i am using xubuntu and i can't add arabic language to write any thing with arabic20:28
jstooneWhen "file" command says that my file is a "MPEG v4 system, version 2" is it then a .mp3 or mp4?20:28
alien20501jstoone: if it's audio only, it's mp3, otherwise if it has video in it it's mp420:29
reisiojstoone: "MPEG  4"20:29
reisiojstoone: it says right there in the output20:29
reisiojstoone: if you want a better idea, try ffmpeg -i file20:29
jstoonereisio: alien20501: Yea, but I just get confuesed 'cause when I think mp4 I think video+audio, but this is just audio..20:30
NimeshNeemaalien20501: chuck122 thanks20:30
reisiojstoone: you can thank Apple for that nonsense20:30
chuck122NimeshNeema then set the folder of jdk in the JAVA_HOME environnemnt variable, it's with this variable that the program will known how Java is located20:30
NimeshNeemachuck122: okies20:31
chuck122NimeshNeema u'r welcome20:31
hamedhi how can i add another language in xubuntu20:31
jstoonereisio: aha.. so a mpeg4 can be a solo audio track also. Good to know (:20:31
reisio"MPEG" covers a lot20:31
reisioas does MPEG-3, MPEG-2, MPEG-420:31
fabiofelgueirasreisio: can u please tell me the command to edit the blacklist?20:31
reisioone part of MPEG-3 is what you know as "mp3"20:31
reisiofabiofelgueiras: sudo nano -w /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist20:32
jstoonereisio: alien20501: Thanks a lot! I'll continue googling a bit20:32
fabiofelgueirasreisio: ty20:32
Edward2reisio: Hi, sorry. Internet was funky and couldn't connect to anything else but chat. Here's pastebin: http://pastebin.com/eUtr2ZuF20:32
jstoonereisio: and the other part?20:32
reisiojstoone: actually sorry, one part of MPEG-2 is what you know as "mp3"20:32
tornado369I installed xorg-xdm but he doesn't recognize my user for login. He only recognizes the "root" user. What can i do?20:32
fabiofelgueirasreisio: is that file supose to be empty?20:32
reisiojstoone: MPEG-2, layer 320:32
reisiojstoone: there are lots of parts, gobs of them20:33
alien20501actually, since we're on the subject... anyone knows a command that would convert a MP3 and/or flac as CONSTANT bitrate (even if it is VBR) ? I need to convert a bunch of mp3s so it works with a program that expects only CBR and not VBR... been looking around... lame seems to be an option20:33
guntberttornado369: what is your system?20:33
fabiofelgueirasreisio: i see blacklist.conf is this the file i need to edit?20:33
alien20501but is there another one you guys might think of20:33
reisiojstoone: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moving_Picture_Experts_Group#Standards20:33
tornado369guntbert: archlinux20:33
reisiofabiofelgueiras: probably20:33
alien20501probably need to wrap it with a script or something20:33
alien20501so cli preferred20:33
guntberttornado369: this channel is for ubuntu support only20:34
surfduereisio: come to find out they require atleast 10.10 or 11.04 https://github.com/primalmotion/Archipel/wiki/General%3A-Supported-Linux-Distributions20:34
surfdueis it possible to upgrade from 10.0420:35
reisiosurfdue: to what?20:35
xanguasurfdue: you can ungrade from 10.04 to 10.1020:35
xanguaand then from 10.10 to 11.04 and finally to 11.10 surfdue20:35
gdoteofi have firefox 8; i am trying to use the sun-java6-plugin and it's not working20:36
guntberttornado369: but there is #archlinux        on this network20:36
gdoteofit installs; but about:plugins doesn't show anything20:36
surfdueok do you have a link or command?20:36
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».20:36
gdoteofalso doesn't appear to work in chrome20:36
alexhairymansun java is being removed from repositories by oracle in  a little while, better switch to openjdk20:36
gdoteofi am using ubuntu 11.0420:36
surfduefound it20:37
alien20501surfdue : try "update-manager"20:37
PicklefaceI just uninstalled my win7 and installed ubuntu20:38
guntbert!enter | Pickleface20:39
ubottuPickleface: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!20:39
=== sammy is now known as Guest45255
alien20501Pickleface: sound to me like something that should have started with : yay!!!20:39
Picklefaceokay, sorry20:40
syst3mhello, I was just wondering if anyone else is having slow update speeds or download speeds from software center?20:40
surfdue!8ball | I am hungry.20:40
surfduelame -.-20:40
snoemanhow do I change a ssh session using remote desktop viewer from cli to gui?20:40
Picklefacelol I hope I dont regret it, so far I am liking it :)20:40
alien20501syst3m: yep... happens sometimes20:40
Edward2reisio: You still there?20:41
MahaVishnusnoeman{} something like export DISPLAY=:0.0 then start an x server20:41
alexhairymansyst3m: I use apt-get for 90% of my stuff20:41
gdoteofi just don't get it.  every tutorial says to simply intall sun-java6-plugin20:41
gdoteofbut it doesn't work for me20:41
tornado369guntbert: i know it. But on that channel people are like plants.20:41
syst3malien20501: thanks. first time ive noticed it.20:41
guntberttornado369: but we don't support archlinux here20:42
fabiofelgueirashi again reisio20:42
alien20501syst3m: what you CAN do is switch mirrors in sources.list20:42
snoemanMahaVishu:where do I put the commands?20:42
fabiofelgueirasreisio: i have blacklisted the 8187 and it is now starting20:42
tornado369guntbert: but i could install xorg-xdm on ubuntu too, isn't it?20:42
fabiofelgueirasreisio: but the other card not installed20:42
MahaVishnusnoeman{} are you ssh'ed in to the server you want a gui on ?20:42
nixboxhi guys20:43
snoemanon cli20:43
gdoteofthen to install it 'manually' it says to look under /opt/java and make a symbolic link to the plugin folder20:43
gdoteofbut there is not an /opt/java!20:43
guntbertsnoeman: if you don't need the complete desktop just start the ssh connection with:     ssh -X  user@host     then start a GUI app from there20:43
MahaVishnusnoeman{} then put the command there20:43
fabiofelgueirasreisio: im now in another computer i can talk with u in this computer to solve the problem of installing the other card20:43
syst3malien20501: change location in software sources?20:43
snoemanWhere do I put the commands?20:43
alien20501sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list20:44
guntberttornado369: it doesn't matter - things are different in both distros20:44
alien20501before "archive.ubuntu.com" you add your 2 letter country code20:44
alien20501it does wonders20:44
chuck122anyone knowns why there are no .bashtc file in Linux mint and where so where set the variable environnement in this distribution?20:44
nixboxi just installed ubuntu 11.10, my wireless does not work through the network manager, even if i try to enable wireless from the network manager context menu, it gets disabled immediately and i do not get an error. I have an atheros wifi card with ath5k driver, iwconfig shows the wlan0 interface and doing a scan using iwlist wlan0 scan works perfect. Moreover, wicd-manager is able to connect using wireless, but its the network manager 20:44
alien20501for example, ca.archive.ubuntu.com for canada20:44
guntbertMahaVishnu: no need for {} after a nick20:45
xangua!mint | chuck12220:45
ubottuchuck122: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org20:45
snoemanguntbert: Can you be more specific where I put the ssh -X etc. Remote desktop viewer has no place for commands.20:45
syst3mmine is already ca.archive.ubuntu.com20:45
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».20:45
alien20501then try us20:45
fabiofelgueirasi need help install the wn727n in ubuntu 11.1020:46
alien20501when the CA servers are loaded20:46
chuck122ubottu kk I use Ubuntu but I try Mint and I wondering where was this file20:46
ubottuchuck122: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:46
chuck122ubottu don't worry ;)20:46
guntbertsnoeman: on your local machine, in CLI you write     ssh -X <username>@<remoteHost>, then you get a shell again and there you call your GUI program20:46
ubottuchuck122: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:46
alien20501chuck122: did you mean ".bashrc" ?20:47
fivedaysaheadwhy do my bash scripts run different when i run it with ./ and double clicking the file?20:47
chuck122alien20501 yes20:47
alien20501or are u talking about tcsh shell ?20:47
snoemanok thanks20:47
Edward2Is anyone else able to help me with getting sound to work on Ubuntu 11.10?20:47
alien20501what does echo $SHELL report20:47
fivedaysaheadit tells me /bin/bash20:48
guntbert!sound | Edward2 did you see20:48
ubottuEdward2 did you see: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.20:48
alien20501it's possible that it's not there, I've seen it before, but it doesn't matter, if you create it, it will be used20:48
ezrafreeis it possible to install the latest thunderbird in ubuntu?20:48
fivedaysaheadwhich is what i have set20:48
chuck122alien20501 In Ubuntu distribution I set the export of variable environnement in the end of this file but in Linux Mint this fils doesn't exist.20:48
fivedaysaheadbut i have su user2 and then gedit to have it open but if i run it with ./ it won't open but if i double click the file it works?20:48
fivedaysaheadany ideas20:48
alien20501chuck122: doesn't matter, the binary code for bash should try to use it...20:48
guntbertchuck122: please don't ask for mint support here20:48
xanguaezrafree: there is a stable thunderbird PPA20:49
graftchuck122: if there's no ~/.bashrc it'll use /etc/bash.bashrc or some such20:49
peterrushey, booting my ubuntu server 11.10 install seems to hang at 'running init-bottom'. Is there  some way I can check whats going wrong?20:49
snarksterim trying to recover some deleted images on my daughters ipod, but cant seem to find where it mounted it.. anyone else ever done this before?20:49
chuck122graft kk sorry20:49
alien20501it's easier to just create it imho20:49
peterrussnarkster: afaik you cant mount the ipod as mass storage20:49
peterrusmight be wrong on that though20:49
peterrusi probably am20:49
snarksteroh damn that sucks20:49
peterrusdo a sudo fdisk -u20:50
grafti think you can mount an ipod20:50
peterrusor fdisk -l20:50
peterrusnot sure , one of the two20:50
graftwhen my brother plugs his in it mounts...20:50
MahaVishnuyou can mount it usually ends up in /media/ipod or some such20:50
snarksterfdisk -l shows nothing but the internal drives20:50
ezrafreexangua: is it possible to install the latest version of thunderbird? (version 9)20:50
guntbertpeterrus: you could ask in #ubuntu-server (might get better response)20:50
=== Mud is now known as Guest6953
alien20501try https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone20:51
peterrusguntbert: tnx20:51
Jahcrossnarkster: how old is the ipod?20:51
MahaVishnusnarkster~ any error messages in dmesg when plugging it in ?20:51
fabiofelgueirasplease some help20:51
graft!ask | fabiofelgueiras20:52
ubottufabiofelgueiras: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience20:52
fabiofelgueirasi need to connect this usb card wn727n20:52
ezrafreei am currently running thunderbird 3.x on ubuntu, how can i upgrade to something more recent?20:54
snarksterno error messages anymore. LOL the device is a 5.0.1 iOS device20:55
ezrafreeis it possible to update to a more recent version of thunderbird through apt?20:55
snarksterher ex deleted all the images of my grandson.. would be nice to get them back20:55
graftezrafree: what release are you running?20:55
MahaVishnusnarkster~ but no partitions show up in fdisk ?20:56
ezrafreegraft: 11.0420:56
fabiofelgueirasi need help install the wn727n in ubuntu 11.1020:56
snarksterit does bring up shotwell and banshee but these arent what i need.20:56
graftezrafree: looks like that only has 3.1 - oneiric has 820:56
ezrafreewow what a huge jump20:56
x3nohello, can anybody help with desktop slideshow?20:56
ezrafreesince when did mozilla start updating so frequently lol20:57
graftezrafree: mozilla started a super-fast release cycle20:57
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ezrafreegraft: ah, i see. that's crazy haha20:57
* Daxter slaps 2 around a bit with a large trout20:57
ezrafreegraft: can i still run gnome/compiz in 11.10?20:57
Doodiehi, how to ping from to
graftezrafree: i wouldn't count on it20:57
fabiofelgueirasi need help install the wn727n in ubuntu 11.1020:57
* Daxter calls ezrafree a baboon-faced toilet.20:57
graftezrafree: 11.10 is frankly pretty bad as far as gnome/compiz goes, they deprecated that in favor of unity20:57
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graftezrafree: i switched to kde4 in 11.1020:58
ezrafreegraft: meh, guess i'll have to remove the apt version of thunderbird and install from their website then20:58
snarksterreally strange how there are no mount points showing anywhere but software works on it20:58
bradleymeckis there an alternative version of skype that doesnt crash and burn on ubuntu?20:58
graftezrafree: there might be a ppa, hold on a sec20:58
MellissaI installed Ubuntu on my hard drive, but I want to remove Ubuntu + Grub completely.  How do I remove it + Grub?20:58
guntbertDoodie: ping -b
MahaVishnusnarkster~ does mount show it mounted anywhere ?20:59
fabiofelgueirasi need help install the wn727n in ubuntu 11.10 please20:59
graftezrafree: try this: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-daily/+archive/ppa20:59
kasiimy ubuntu(oneric oncelot ) fails to shut after partial upgrade20:59
kasiineed a help please20:59
kasiiit load for a long time21:00
snarksterMahaVishnu: nope mount does not show it specifically..21:00
MahaVishnusnarkster~ then maybe he deleted the whole fat32 partition on the ipod.21:00
snarksterthe device works fine and there is music on it. and some pictures21:01
fabiofelgueirasi need help install the wn727n in ubuntu 11.10 please21:01
kasii‎my ubuntu(oneric oncelot ) fails to shut after partial upgrade21:01
snarksteri was pretty sure it would show up as sdc but it doesnt21:01
graftfabiofelgueiras: what are you trying?21:01
kasiineed a help please21:01
MahaVishnusnarkster~ if it doesn't show up in fdisk how can the partition work?21:02
snarksteryou got me dude.. this is why Im here21:02
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kasii ‎my ubuntu(oneric oncelot ) fails to shut after partial upgrade21:02
kasii ‎my ubuntu(oneric oncelot ) fails to shut after partial upgrade21:02
snarkstershotwell shows mw pictures on the device just not the ones we are looking for21:02
fabiofelgueirasgraft: i tryed something that reisio said something about installing some 2800 thing21:02
MahaVishnusnarkster~ afaik it shouldn't be working at all...21:02
graftfabiofelgueiras: rt2800usb?21:02
fabiofelgueirasthink so21:03
Mellissa I want to remove Ubuntu + Grub completely.  How do I remove it + Grub?21:03
snarksterMahaVishnu: my point exactly21:03
fabiofelgueirasgraft how can i check if it is installed?21:03
graftfabiofelgueiras: what was the result of that?21:03
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snarksterplays music, shows a few pics, but no mount point21:03
graftfabiofelgueiras: dunno, see what it says in dmesg, see if it reports a wireless adapter in network manager, etc.21:03
fabiofelgueiraswhats dmesg?21:03
MahaVishnusnarkster~ and you don't have a mount line in /etc/fstab it just auto mounts ?21:03
kasii ‎my ubuntu(oneric oncelot ) fails to shut after partial upgrade21:04
graftfabiofelgueiras: err... it's a system message utility, just type dmesg in a terminal21:04
kasii ‎my ubuntu(oneric oncelot ) fails to shut after partial upgrade21:04
graftfabiofelgueiras: you probably won't understand the output21:04
kasii ‎my ubuntu(oneric oncelot ) fails to shut after partial upgrade21:04
snarksterdoing ls /dev/sd* shows only the internal drives21:04
kasii ‎my ubuntu(oneric oncelot ) fails to shut after partial upgrade21:04
kasii ‎my ubuntu(oneric oncelot ) fails to shut after partial upgrade21:04
graftfabiofelgueiras: can you pastebin the output of "lsmod"?21:04
fabiofelgueirasgraft: i will paste in pastebin21:04
kasii ‎my ubuntu(oneric oncelot ) fails to shut after partial upgrade21:04
reisiokasii: you're spamming now21:05
fabiofelgueiraswgraft im in one computer and trying to install it in another one21:05
MahaVishnusnarkster~ idk ;\21:05
ezrafreegraft: thanks, i'll try that out21:05
fabiofelgueirasgraft: what am i searching for with that command?21:05
kasiiokay reissio21:05
graftfabiofelgueiras: which command?21:05
graftfabiofelgueiras: well, just see what it says after you plug the wireless card in21:06
fabiofelgueirasgraft: please help me install this step by step please21:06
phre4khello, I want to display the LightDM not on the first, but on the second display. How do I manage that?21:07
c3nturyHey guys.21:07
graftfabiofelgueiras: are you running 11.10?21:07
rhizmoehow do i know what process handles on-screen notifications?21:07
fabiofelgueirasgraft: yes21:07
reisioc3ntury: hey21:07
graftfabiofelgueiras: are you running the 3.0.0 kernel?21:07
trismrhizmoe: notify-osd if you are using unity21:07
c3nturyI'm trying to get a classic gnome (with taskbar etc) environment on my Ubuntu Server install... but it's not going well.21:08
c3nturyHere's what I've got so far.21:08
fabiofelgueirasgraft: dunno21:08
Picklefaceokay I got ubuntu kind of set up21:08
c3nturyAny ideas what I'm going wrong ? :/ and hey reisio :)21:08
graftfabiofelgueiras: type "uname -a" in the terminal21:08
Picklefacereisio: can you link me to the page again to update my drivers for my graphics card ?21:08
fabiofelgueirasgraft : yest it says 3.0.0-1221:09
snarksteranyone else got any ideas on iOS 5.0.1 device mount points?21:09
graftfabiofelgueiras: can you pastebin your 'lsmod' output?21:09
graftfabiofelgueiras: after you plug the card in?21:09
MahaVishnusnarkster~ do a locate on a filename from the ipod like. locate sally323.jpg21:09
fabiofelgueirasi notice when i plug it the dmesg says that new highspeed device 6 using ehci_hcd21:09
gaurav02:39 *** HelloComputer15 JOIN21:09
fabiofelgueirasgraft: i notice when i plug it the dmesg says that new highspeed device 6 using ehci_hcd21:10
worrowI need some direction please.21:10
graftworrow: south21:10
MahaVishnusnarkster~ you have a very strange situation21:10
worrowI am looking for an operating system by Linux that makes it easy to make my computer a wifi hotspot21:10
xangua!nounity | c3ntury: install ubuntu-desktop and then the gnome fallback mode21:10
ubottuc3ntury: install ubuntu-desktop and then the gnome fallback mode: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic21:10
graftworrow: you can do that with ubuntu easily, just goto network manager and select 'create new wireless network'21:11
c3nturyubottu, xangua, apparently ubuntu-desktop is already installed.21:11
ubottuc3ntury: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:11
c3nturyAh, sorry. Wait, why am I talking to a bot?21:11
fabiofelgueirasgraft: im in another pc trying to install it21:11
worrowgraft, I tried doing that with ad-hoc but ad-hoc does not work well21:11
snarksterhmm running locate only finds whats in my .local folder.21:11
graftc3ntury: it won't go well, they ditched gnome2... the fallback is basically a kludge21:12
fabiofelgueirasgraft: cant past it but i can tell u some of the output21:12
graftc3ntury: basically, you can't have a gnome2 experience any more on ubuntu21:12
fabiofelgueirasgraft: it have the rt2800usb and rt2800lib21:12
c3nturyBut unity bloody crashes on my server.. :/21:12
PicklefaceErm can someone help me, I just installed ubuntu and everything looks really big, I think I need drivers for my graphics card I had the nivida GT 52021:12
worrowgraft, I have peppermint os and have tried the create wireless and it was a no go. My mac computer see's it and then when trying to connect to it, it times out21:13
graftc3ntury: i switched to kde4, it's pretty nice21:13
phre4kanyone have an idea how to display the LightDM greeter on the second display instead of the first?21:13
c3nturyThat's an idea graft, how could I go about installing that?21:14
graftc3ntury: just install kubuntu-desktop21:14
snarksterfound it21:14
fabiofelgueirasgraft: i connected the rtl8187 on the other pc you whant me to paste output of what command?21:14
graftfabiofelgueiras: dmesg and lsmod21:14
c3nturygraft: Do I just install it and then it'll suddenly work or is there more to it? o.021:14
worrowis there a 1 click tool for creating a wireless hotspot?21:14
graftc3ntury: pretty much... it'll show up as an option when you login, as "KDE plasma desktop" or some such21:15
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graftworrow: peppermint os?21:15
worrowya, derivative of ubuntu21:15
c3nturyWhen I login? I'm on server bare in mind graft :p21:15
worrowhaven't switched yet21:15
c3nturySo login would be via SSH.21:15
c3nturyOr VNC.21:15
graftworrow: don't they have their own help channel?21:15
worrowneed somethine thats easy to share network connection just like a mac does.21:16
snarksterthats not it21:16
worrowYes but not many people there21:16
worrowBesides I am trying to find another system21:16
graftworrow: well, in ubuntu it's a snap via network manager, i can't imagine they changed it that much.... i'm not sure what you mean about ad-hoc, it doesn't even give me that option21:16
worrowi want it to be wired internet--->computer-->Share via wifi21:16
xanguathen pleas ask to your distro support channel, forums, whatever21:17
fivedaysaheadhow do you run a program with it automatically switching to it? like gedit & will switch to it automatically how do i keep the focus on the terminal? and have it still open gedit?21:17
graftc3ntury: wait, why do you care about unity, etc. if you're just sshing in?21:17
c3nturygraft: I need to run VirtualBox.21:17
c3nturyAnd it'd seem you can't do that purely on the terminal within a screen or whatever :/21:17
linxehI run virtualbox headly21:17
worrowdo I have tohave my shared connection set a certain way for a mac to see it?21:17
c3nturylinxeh: How on earth do you do that?!21:18
linxehand use RDP to connect to it21:18
c3nturyCan you do it with vmware as well?21:18
linxehc3ntury: install the debs from the oracle site21:18
escottfivedaysahead, that would have to be something in the window manager. you might see if there is a plugin to compiz in ccsm if you are using unity21:18
linxehc3ntury: only with vmware esxi21:18
snarksternautilus is no help21:18
c3nturyESXi is a OS of its own iirc? :p21:18
x3nocan anybody help with this?      http://sebmalod.deviantart.com/art/Dynamic-desktop-UBUNTU-99007631      then: Then, right click on the desktop--> " change background" - > "Add"---> and navigate towards... / Chameleon / Chameleon.xml. , in ubuntu 11.10 it cant open something that IS NOT an image21:18
linxehc3ntury: the "full" virtualbox lets you install an addons package that provides headless RDP support21:18
fivedaysaheadwell what i really want to do is when i startx -- :1 it will automatically switch to it and i don't want that i want it to run in the background21:18
linxehc3ntury: yes, esxi is a full hypervisor that runs as its own OS. VMware server used to do it too iirc, but it is discontinued21:19
c3nturylinxeh: mmkay. I'll look into it now. :)21:19
c3nturyI'll need it for VMWare Player then anyway.21:19
worrowwhats the difference between ad-hoc and infastructure wqhen setting up a shared wireless?21:19
c3nturyBack to square one xD21:19
peterrusWhat would be the correct way to disable the framebuffer when booting?21:21
linxehworrow: adhoc is peer to peer, and potentialy slower with many devices. infrastructure typically uses a router / access point (or more than one)21:21
escottfivedaysahead, that wont work. the X server will automatically probe the device. what about xnest?21:22
snarksterifuse failed to start AFC service 'com.apple.afc' on the device21:23
fabiofelgueirasgraft: thedmesg is to big dont apear all in the window21:23
c3nturygraft: Installed, and uh, nothing changed.21:24
c3nturyI need to edit the xstartup file methinks, but no idea what to put in.21:24
graftc3ntury: err? i'm not sure exactly how you're starting your session...21:24
c3nturyvncserver :1 usually graft.21:25
x3nohello there. "I'm having problems getting a dynamic background for Ubuntu that changes hourly to work. I'm following the instructions on here - http://sebmalod.deviantart.com/art/Dynamic-desktop-UBUNTU-99007631  - can anyone point me in the right direction? " ubuntu 11.1021:26
graftc3ntury: hmm, dunno much about vncserver any more, sorry21:27
c3nturyNo worries :(21:27
graftfabiofelgueiras: just paste whatever you can, mate21:27
fivedaysaheadis it possible to be able to run startx -- :1 without it automatically switching to that screen21:27
c3nturyYES, I've done it!21:28
c3nturyJust put in the command 'gnome-session-fallback' into the console.21:28
graftc3ntury: what, running kde?21:28
c3nturyNope, gnome-fallback graft.21:28
fabiofelgueirasgraft: ok i pasted it in http://pastebin.com/7eSNcYbvT21:29
fabiofelgueirasgraft: ok i pasted it in http://pastebin.com/eSNcYbvT21:30
fabiofelgueirasgraft: is this one http://pastebin.com/eSNcYbvT21:30
phre4kHow do I change LightDM to show on another display? <--- still unanswered21:30
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graftfabiofelgueiras: looks like it's working...?21:32
escottphre4k, have you tried adjusting the vt_handoff argument to the kernel?21:32
fabiofelgueirasgraft: is working the rtl8187 but i have a usb pen wireless wn272n what i whant to connect insted of the rtl818721:33
graftfabiofelgueiras: so, is this the dmesg output for the rtl8187?21:34
phre4kescott: what do I do with vt_handoff?21:34
ManDayI need to know where does the "Remove installation medium and press ENTER" come from?21:35
fabiofelgueirasis the dmesg of the computer now that is connected with the rtl8187 so i can paste it in pastebin21:35
ManDayThis was a statement, actually.21:35
ManDayAnd the question was implied.21:35
graftfabiofelgueiras: but, did you generate the dmesg output when the wn272n was plugged in, or when the rtl8187 was plugged in?21:35
Melissa I want to remove Ubuntu + Grub completely.  How do I remove it + Grub?21:36
Melissasomeone pls help?21:37
graftMelissa: you need a bootloader... what are you going to replace grub with?21:37
Melissagraft, W721:37
graftMelissa: just install w7, it'll overwrite grub... you can just format the drive ubuntu is on21:37
fivedaysaheadjust format your harddrive hwen you install W721:37
Melissagraft: where do I get a bootloader?21:37
fivedaysaheadwill come with W&21:37
fabiofelgueirasgraft: the 2 card are plugued, but the rtl8187 is in uze21:38
Melissagraft: i still get a grub error21:38
graftMelissa: windows has its own, it'll install it21:38
graftfabiofelgueiras: yes, but did you type dmesg before you plugged in the rtl8187 or after?21:38
fivedaysaheadgraft how do i kill a virtual console like logout?21:38
fivedaysaheadwhat's the command?21:38
fabiofelgueirasgraft: and the other i have tryed to install but if i disconect the 8187 it dosent connect uzing the new card21:38
Melissagraft: does this boot CD overwrite grub and replace with windows MBR?  http://www.supergrubdisk.org/category/download/rescatuxdownloads/21:38
graftfivedaysahead: exit?21:38
fivedaysaheadwell kill21:38
fivedaysaheadsay i did startx -- :1 and now want it to die21:38
fivedaysaheadwaht do i do?21:38
graftfivedaysahead: can't you just kill the process?21:39
Melissagraft: ?21:39
fivedaysaheadthat would do it?21:39
graftMelissa: i don't know... but if you install windows, it should install its own boot loader into the MBR21:39
graftMelissa: did you install ubuntu after installing windows?21:40
graftfivedaysahead: yes, that should do it21:40
fabiofelgueirasgraft: and the other i have tryed to install but if i disconect the 8187 it dosent connect uzing the new card i this dmesg is after connecting the rtl21:40
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Melissagraft: yes after21:40
Melissagraft: so what can I do now?21:40
fivedaysaheadsweet thanks graft21:41
escottphre4k, doesn't seem to be there anymore. guess they took that option out21:41
graftMelissa: try google... this is really a windows question. http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/ee851681.aspx21:41
phre4kand how do I get the LightDM greeter on the other display?^^21:41
Melissagraft: is 64bit Ubuntu any good?21:41
fivedaysaheadswitch your cables???21:42
graftMelissa: depends what you mean by 'any good'21:42
Melissagraft: if I use Ubuntu 64bit, can I connect it to my Xbox and stream videos like I can in Windows?21:42
YnoddeMelissa: also depends on what you want to do with it ;)21:42
=== scorinitron is now known as Guest67708
graftMelissa: seems unlikely that xbox integration is going to be better in ubuntu than in windows, but i dunno21:42
MelissaYnodde: play games, connect to xbox and web browsing21:42
fivedaysaheadmaybe a UNDP server might do it21:42
Melissagraft: but does it work, connecting ubuntu to xbox?21:42
YnoddeMelissa:Problem is most games are windows only, and will either not run, or run bad on linux21:43
fivedaysaheadxbox doesn't support mkv natively so no easy HD solution21:43
fivedaysaheadit does support wmv21:43
Melissagraft: I want to record TV on ubuntu and stream the videos to my xbox so I can watch on TV.  Is that possible in Ubuntu?21:43
YnoddeMelissa: I dont own a Xbox, so i dont know what is used to stream the videos21:43
MelissaYnodde: are there any battlefield 3 type games for Ubuntu?21:43
fivedaysaheadyou can install xbmc if you have a tv tuner card to record tv21:43
Guest67708Hey guys!21:43
fivedaysaheador mythbuntu21:43
MahaVishnuMelissa~ yes if you use 'ps3 media server' works with 360 also21:43
mausianyone willing to help a xubuntu newbee?21:44
Ynoddemelissa:mythbuntu would be the easiest solution21:44
fivedaysaheadi have xubuntu21:44
Melissafivedaysahead: what do yu mean?21:44
Guest67708I'm trying to backup my entire xubuntu system on to an external drive21:44
mausicant play divx in xubuntu21:44
Guest67708so I can install Windows 7 then dual boot xubuntu21:44
fivedaysaheadyou should be able21:44
fivedaysaheadi can play back divx and xvid and what not21:45
fivedaysaheaddo you have VLC mausi?21:45
Ynoddemaus1: Did you install the xunbuntu-restricted-extras ?21:45
Ynoddemaus1: or the VLC player, these will prbably fix your problems21:45
mausididnt install the restricted extras, cause it needs to delete some files21:46
Guest67708maus1 open a terminal window and type sudo apt-get install xunbuntu-restricted-extras21:46
Ynoddemaus1: delete files like what? i usually only removes what it improves21:46
fivedaysaheadyaa it usually only helps hmmm21:46
fivedaysaheadshould ahve installed restricted extras :) maybe try installing that?21:46
Guest67708sudo apt-get install xunbuntu-restricted-extras21:47
Uncle|SamIs there a possibility to block ip spoofing udp packages on ubuntu servers?21:47
go8765hello.can anybody help me with Gtk-CRITICAL **: IA__gtk_widget_set_tooltip_text: assertion `GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget)' failed in claws-mail?21:47
mausilibav codec library and libav utility library will be deleted21:47
YnoddeUncle|Sam: Probably using iptables, or maybe even UFW (firewall config tool)21:48
mausiwhen i ask xubuntu to install the restricted stuff21:48
Ynoddemaus1: Should not ba a problem, the restricted extras are all codecs and flash support21:48
Uncle|SamYnodde i tried iptables but all i know to block is ip adresses and the attacker uses each time another ip :( but i am looking for UFW and try that! thank you21:49
Ynoddemaus1: Alternativly you can install vlc which has all the codecs "built-in"21:49
fivedaysaheadyes try VLC21:49
Ynoddebut you will have to play everything with VLC21:49
Guest67708terminal window aka right click "open terminal here" then type sudo apt-get install vlc player21:49
YnoddeUncle|Sam: you mean spoofed public adresses21:50
mausivlc is not my favourite choice, had some problems with on ubuntu21:50
Guest67708Guys I need too install back up my data on to an external drive21:50
Guest67708I'm using xubuntu21:50
airtonixSo i have this system76 serval pro i7 and the fan turns on fullspeed at random times... i'm looking for a way to tone it down without restarting the machine.21:50
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YnoddeUncle|Sam: There not much you can do about  it , just make sure all un nessasery deamons are shut down, and ports closed with iptables21:50
Melissaif I install MythUbuntu, can I then record TV and stream the files to my XBox?21:50
graftmausi: try mplayer21:50
Uncle|SamYnodde i host call of duty server and this servers have a bug to reply on spoofed ip packages to another ip adress. i want to stop that but i cant stop them all :(21:50
fabiofelgueirasgraft: u there?????????????????????21:51
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Melissafivedaysahead: you can install xbmc if you have a tv tuner card to record tv <-- what do you mean?21:51
rhizmoetrism: thanks21:51
escottairtonix, most of that will be controlled with files in /sys. you might want to switch to a more conservative power profile21:51
graftfabiofelgueiras: yeah, i don't have much for you bud, sorry21:52
YnoddeUncle|Sam: hmmm, all to the COD ip port?21:52
Melissa<MahaVishnu> Melissa~ yes if you use 'ps3 media server' works with 360 also <-- I install Ps3 media server on Ubuntu?21:52
mausiok, after installing the restrictetd stuff, i still cant play divx21:52
phre4kthen try installing the VLC player21:52
Ynoddemaus1: Thats weird, did you try different files, to rule out that divx isnt just broken?21:52
airtonixmausi: did you follow this > https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats21:52
mausiyes, i also restartet the browser etc.21:53
Uncle|SamYnodde the attacker send a status command to the cod server with ip spoofing and the server reply to another server/ip with a complete status report ... :(21:53
YnoddeUncle|Sam: Thats crap, you cannot prevent that i am afraid if you run a public server, this is a COD problem, not fixable.21:54
YnoddeUncle|Sam: The problem is that there is no way to determine if a ip packet is spoofed21:55
Uncle|SamYnodde there is a inofficial fix for linux but i dont think its working 100%21:55
YnoddeUncle|Sam: Is it the same destination server?21:55
YnoddeUncle|Sam: Then you could block outgoing traffic to that server21:56
DukerI can't seem to play video, whenever I try to play any video file I have (tried MPlayer and VLC) my screen just starts flashing21:56
pythonirc101how do I fix this-- my firefox says: "Your browser reports that it is using Java version 0.0.0. Please visit java.sun.com and install Java Runtime Environment version 1.5 or greater." -- and I would prefer not to install anything from oracle/sun if possible.21:56
ManDayI need to know where does the "Remove installation medium and press ENTER" come from. Does anyone know?21:56
YnoddeDuker: Probably bad video driver. What videocard do you have?21:57
wolf8salut les noobs21:57
wolf8hi noobs21:57
Uncle|SamYnodde i hate your answer that i cannot determinate if a packet is spoofed, and the attack destination is another after about an hour21:57
MahaVishnuwolf8~ hi noobie21:57
Uncle|SamYnodde so UFW is not a solution for my problem?21:57
YnoddeUncle|Sam: Sorry m8, thats one of the drawbacks of IP421:58
YnoddeUncle|Sam:Probably not21:58
YnoddeUncle|Sam: did you install the fix already ?21:58
Uncle|SamYnodde so i have no chance to block spoofed packets, i just can block too much connections ...21:58
Uncle|SamYnodde yes i have, and it tells me every status message and if it is allowed or not21:59
DukerYnodde: How can I find what video card I have? I beleive its the intel hd graphics 3000, or w/e is built into this i721:59
MahaVishnuDuker~ lspci | grep "VGA"21:59
DukerMahaVishnu: thanks21:59
pythonirc101is it safe to enable partner repositories?21:59
YnoddeDuker:what maravishnu said22:00
Uncle|SamYnodde if you are interested the fix for cod4 server can be found here: http://www.fpsadmin.com/forum/showthread.php?p=10746222:00
Uncle|Sam*inofficial fix22:00
YnoddeUncle|Sam: Ill take a quick peek22:00
YnoddeUncle|Sam: Did you try the iptables commands they give in the forum?22:01
Uncle|SamYnodde yes and much more :P22:01
DukerMahaVishnu: ~ lspci | grep "VGA" shows "bash: /home/user: Is a directory22:02
MahaVishnuDuker~ thats odd...22:03
pythonirc101anyone can tell me what the correct last command in this session is -- http://www.php-architect.com/blog/2010/10/19/installing-java-plugin-for-firefox-on-ubuntu-10-10-maverick/ -- it doesn't work on my ubuntu22:03
ManDayI need to know where does the "Remove installation medium and press ENTER" come from. Does anyone know?22:04
TryingTiInstallhow can you troubleshoot an install when you can't get to the virtual console22:05
mausidear god, fixed the prob. thx to all of you22:05
MelissaMythbuntu doesn't support 64bit, why?22:05
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r0senhow can i hide my identd here in irc?22:08
VCoolioDuker: don't put the ~ in front, start with lspci22:09
reisior0sen: /join #freenode, ask for a mask22:10
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DJones!cloak | r0sen22:10
ubottur0sen: To get any kind of cloak (ubuntu member or any other kind) you first need to set up your nick as detailed in this FAQ: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup -  For Ubuntu member cloaks, ask in #ubuntu-irc and provide your launchpad page, for unaffiliated ones, ask in #freenode.22:10
DJonesr0sen: You need the unaffiliated cloak mentioned in ubottu's info22:10
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captainjamieCan anyone point me to a good tutorial for Glade? I'm just starting with it making my first program and I'm trying to get buttons to do stuff when clicked.22:12
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arminhHey hows everyone doing22:16
arminhIs anyone running Ubuntu ?22:17
Daekdroomarminh, sure22:17
arminhim having a problem22:17
DaekdroomAsk your question and someone will answer it when they read it22:17
arminhwith my wifi connection22:17
arminhOk so i have Ubuntu and windows 7 and when i use Windows 7 my wifi connection is great but when i use ubuntu i only get 2 bars22:18
arminhhow do i fix this22:18
dr_willisbut wireless does work>22:19
escottarminh, there isnt a standard for what 2 bars vs 4 bars means. if its working then its fine22:19
arminhit does work when i get really close to my router22:19
arminhit does work but the connection is ridiculously weak22:19
dr_willisand your specific wilress card/chipset is what exactly?22:19
dr_willisis the throughput any slower?  dropped connections?22:20
jeatoncompletely off topic, but anyone here with an ipod shuffle 2nd gen, i'm needing an image of the drive copied with dd22:20
arminhIdk the Specs all i know is that when i am using Windows 7 my connection is great but when i use Ubuntu in the same place it is weakk22:21
mellpatrI have the error22:21
mellpatrjava.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: /home/mellpatr/opt/CA/client/lib/libldap.so: libssl.so.0.9.7: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory22:21
mellpatrbut the file exists in  /home/mellpatr/opt/CA/client/lib22:21
mellpatranyone have an idea of this error ?22:21
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AzoteLogikomellpatr, perhaps a problem with permissions and groups?22:22
captainjamieIf anyone answered my question regarding Glade before, I was disconnected, and could they repost? Otherwise I shall await a reply :)22:22
escottmellpatr, is it a broken link? what does ls -l say22:22
tsousais there a bug on rt2500?22:22
dr_willisarminh:  You should determind your wireless chipset, and check the forums, the bug reporting sites, and perhaps askubuntu.com to see if others can verify issues with the drivers for that chipset and if any known workarounds exist.22:23
compitzhey guys22:23
mellpatrAzoteLogiko: i check but dont have any to block...22:23
metaspikedr_willis, assuming sdc is your ipod dd if=/dev/sdc1 of=~/ipodimage.iso22:23
edbiancompitz, hello22:23
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs22:23
tsousais there a dev ubuntu channel?22:23
mellpatrescott: the file isnt a link... im check too22:23
AzoteLogikotsousa, try to install the new drivers at http://wireless.kernel.org/22:23
reisiotsousa: /msg alis list *ubunt*dev*22:24
mellpatrbut my ubuntu is oneiric 6422:24
compitzim working on a graphics problem, is there a way of showing all that terminal has shown, lets say last month, and im not talking about "history", cause that only whows my entries22:24
mellpatrand i trying to run the eclipse over 32-bits platform22:24
edbiancompitz, No, that information is not recorded22:24
metaspikeor dd if=/dev/sdc of=/home/myuser/myimage.iso       - to iso the entire drive dunno if that's better or worse thos.22:24
reisiomellpatr: why's that22:24
edbiancompitz, You can use history to see every command that's been run though22:24
compitzdamnit :-(22:25
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edbiancompitz, But there is no record of all the output22:25
reisiometaspike: for what22:25
escottcompitz, are you looking for your dmesg logs?22:25
metaspikefor dr_willis to iso his ipod22:25
compitzhm waht do these do escott?22:25
edbiancompitz, well, it's likely all of that output is not necessary to fix your problem22:25
mellpatrreisio: i need to run the CA SCM Harvest plugin... but i have only 32-bits version..22:25
mellpatrfrom CA..22:26
escottcompitz, what are you hoping to get from the console? some things are logged in /var/log/*22:26
reisiometaspike: jeaton you mean?22:26
reisiooh I see, nm22:26
reisiodd would be perfect for that22:26
mellpatryes.. the harvest plugin is from Computer Associates..22:26
reisioassume they're the same size22:27
metaspikeah your right, jeanton. too much traffic in here to keep track :p22:27
mellpatrIm lost tree days with this problem.. =/22:27
jeatonmetaspike, yeah, I formatted my ipod shuffle which I shouldn't have22:27
Picimetaspike: Contact your CA support rep?22:28
jeatonso I was hoping to obtain a image of one so I can copy it onto mine22:28
metaspikejeaton, well. you might be able to recover the files with testdisk, and reset the device with itunes.22:28
captainjamieWhere can I find support for glade?22:28
Picimetaspike: sorry, wrong person.22:29
jeatonmetaspike, my problem is though, I don't have access to itunes since I have no boxes with mac or windows on it22:29
Picimellpatr: Can CA support not help with this?22:29
AzoteLogikomellpatr, have you tried dpkg –force-architecture -i example32bits.deb   ?22:30
metaspikecompitz, what graphics are you running?  lspci | grep VGA - to find out22:30
compitzwell edbian, escott, its a graphics problem, compiz normal and extra window decoration is not working anymore (correctly), and even in "none" (no anmimation) mode i see stripes in videos when they move fast, or when mozilla reloads. These stripes I think are normal, while resizing a vlc or movieplayer with running video (so you can tell what i mean, maybe you see them also)... What i tried to find,  edbian, escott, was sth. what i di22:30
mellpatrPici, Unfortunately no22:30
jeatoni mean, I'm sure I can take it to a friends house and do it off their computer, i was kinda hoping to not go down that route22:30
neguebahey guys, how can i remove a program and all its dependences?22:30
edbiancompitz, what graphics card do you have?22:31
jeatonsudo apt-get purge22:31
AzoteLogikoapt-get purge program22:31
metaspikedpkg -r <program>  :)22:31
edbiannegueba, you can use deborphan to find packages that were installed as dependencies but are no longer needed22:31
metaspikelol nah, just use apt-get22:31
mellpatrhummm.. no, AzoteLogiko.. the libraries have in a distributed folder in the harvest installation22:31
mellpatrthis is not installable...22:32
AzoteLogikommm :(22:32
mellpatrI have the libssl into /usr/lib32 with another version..22:32
neguebaedbian thanks man22:33
mellpatrbut the stupid plugin dont understand..22:33
edbiannegueba, sure22:33
edbiancompitz, ?22:33
metaspikemellpatr, how many bits is your system22:33
mellpatrill try to link the files from lib32 to folder required from plugin, AzoteLogiko..22:33
metaspike64 right?22:34
mellpatr64 bits metaspike22:34
compitz edbian, escott, metaspike .... i cant find more in log or synaptic history. I already tried reinsatlling standard n96 nvidia driver, with and w/o restart. some blogs said i was suppossed to reinstall compiz/compiz-gnome. didnt have an effect. im running 10.4 lucid with an old nvidia geforce 4 mx 440, NVIDIA Driver Version 96.43.1722:34
edbiancompitz, let's try the open source driver.   sounds good?22:34
compitzsry, 96.4322:35
compitzedbian, escott, metaspik sry was typing long description22:35
edbiancompitz, sure :)22:35
negueba<edbian> absolutely22:36
compitzwell i remeber i tried that out once in 9.04. 10.4 didnt have any problems, anything was perfectly fine, edbian, escott, metaspike, until i updated once from bad source, SAUCE22:36
edbiannegueba, ?22:36
negueba<edibian> thanks22:36
edbiancompitz, wanna try the open source driver?22:36
compitzwell i guess i can try once more22:36
edbiannegueba, sure! :)22:36
metaspikemellpatr, https://support.ca.com/phpdocs/0/255/harvesteclipse/doc/12.0/CA_SCM_Plugin_Eclipse_RelNotes_ENU.pdf  - googles crawler found something about it here... something about sun-jre workarounds? dunno.22:37
compitzedbian, escott, metaspike, open source is worth a try maybe its better then22:37
edbiancompitz, right now you're trying the one of the closed source drivers. Can you pastebin for me the output of sudo lspci -k ?  paste.ubuntu.com22:37
edbiancompitz, then try this: sudo apt-get install sserver-xorg-video-nouveau22:37
mellpatrthanks metaspike... the java is ia32-java6-sun packages..22:38
edbiancompitz, oops, I made a typo: the command is.  sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-nouveau22:38
compitzsudo apt-get install sserver-xorg-video-nouveau, couldnt find package, running lucid distro...22:38
edbiancompitz, I just said, I made a typo22:38
edbiancompitz, sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-nouveau is the correct command22:39
d1g1ta1how do you grant the samba linux group "users" permissions equal to authenticated users = FC?22:39
edbiancompitz, also, where's my pastebin?22:39
metaspikecompitz, unless you let us know what your running like I asked earlier ala. lspci | grep VGA - i cant really help u :p22:39
edbianmetaspike, He did mention his card22:39
edbianmetaspike, old nvidia geforce 4 mx 440, NVIDIA Driver Version 96.43.1722:39
compitzxserver-xorg-video-nouveau is already the newest version. edbian, escott, metaspike22:40
compitzam i running open source by accident? ,edbian, escott, metaspike22:40
edbiancompitz, can you show me the output of sudo lspci -k   ?  put it here: paste.ubuntu.com22:40
edbiancompitz, you have open source installed, I'm not sure if it's running.  pastebin that command and I'll let you know what is happening22:40
mellpatrahh.. i read this pdf before metaspike... dont have help with 64-bits system...22:40
=== SaudiPseudonym is now known as SaudiPseudonym_
compitzlspci | grep VGA 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV17 [GeForce4 MX 440] (rev a3) edbian, escott, metaspike lspci -k 00:00.0 Host bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT8377 [KT400/KT600 AGP] Host Bridge (rev 80) Kernel driver in use: agpgart-via Kernel modules: via-agp 00:01.0 PCI bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT8237/VX700 PCI Bridge Kernel modules: shpchp 00:0f.0 RAID bus controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VIA VT22:41
* edbian has 65 bits!22:41
wooterfirst warning22:41
edbiancompitz,  reading...22:41
escottcompitz, afraid i don't know much about nvidia. can you take my name out of your responses22:41
metaspikecompriz, very good. try this:  sudo apt-get install nvidia-96  - or better yet  sudo aptitude install nvidia-96  <if you have it>22:41
metaspikecompitz, ^22:42
edbiancompitz, open a terminal, run sudo lspci -k   copy and paste the output onto this website: paste.ubuntu.com  click paste, give me the link to the page it goes too22:42
compitzhttp://pastebin.com/PtaSSmEM , edbian, escott, metaspike : -k22:42
edbiancompitz, allright :)22:42
compitzthx edbian22:43
edbiancompitz, nouveau is installed but you're using 'nvidia' which is the closed source one22:43
neguebaedbian am i doing it right now?22:43
edbian negueba yes22:43
edbiancompitz, (they're both installed)22:43
neguebaedbian thanks so22:44
compitzmaybe this duality is the abnormality cause the problem, edbian, escott, metaspike22:44
metaspikeyeah... Kernel modules: nvidia-96, nvidiafb, rivafb, nouveau .... eh,  nvidia-96 -and- nouveau?22:44
=== iDiytto is now known as diytto
=== diytto is now known as iDiytto
pe-moHey folks, I need help please22:45
compitzmaybe then remove the open source, man this must have installed itsself out of the blue with this damn ppa,. remove?22:45
owenll!ask | pe-mo22:45
ubottupe-mo: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience22:45
compitzsudo apt-get remove xserver-xorg-video-nouveau? edbian, escott, metaspike?22:46
metaspikecompitz - well its your own fault for using ppa's to handle system components. yes. remove one or the other and remove the ppa as well.22:46
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/22:46
metaspiketsk tsk :)22:46
compitzedbian, escott, metaspike, already removed bad ppa22:46
mellpatrmetaspike, AzoteLogiko, Pici: i put the path on LD_LIBRARY_PATH at my eclipse startup script and its work22:47
metaspikecompitz, go aptitude?22:47
compitzedbian, escott, metaspike, ihva elearned sth. that day:)22:47
compitzyepp, edbian, escott, metaspike22:47
pe-moFound someone in ubuntu-de thanks ^22:47
compitzhey Lyon22:47
LyonAnyone available to help with some screen resolution issues?22:47
metaspikecompitz, sudo aptitude dist-upgrade  ... should remove the cruft form the ppa then?22:47
Lyonhey compitz22:48
metaspikeLyon, i use xrandr to switch resolutions. whats wrong?22:48
compitzwell, edbian, escott, metaspike, i dont want to use newer than 10.4, dont like 'em22:48
=== seanr|away is now known as seanr
compitzedbian, escott, metaspike, ppa is already remove from config22:48
barracudanegueba test22:48
LyonI need to increased the resolution on my ubuntu server22:48
MonkeyDustcompitz  10.04 won't be supported for much longer22:48
metaspikecompitz... we heard u the first time v_v  - sudo aptitude full-upgrade does what?22:49
Crusader1DAnyone using Xubuntu here?22:49
LyonI have uncommented GRUB_GFXMODE=1440x900 but it's still not taking it?22:49
compitzedbian, escott, metaspike, mONKEYdUST, ubunut 11.10 will be supp. for the same time 10.4 is...22:49
metaspikeLyon, do you see your desired resolution with -xrandr- in terminal?22:49
smw!anyone | Crusader1D22:49
ubottuCrusader1D: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.22:49
compitzsudo aptitude full-upgrade does what? why, metaspike?22:50
Lyonmetaspike: when i type that in, it comes back with command not found22:50
neguebaCrusader1D what's the matter?22:50
edbiancompitz, I'm back22:50
metaspikelol okok.. IF you have aptitude, compitz, it should remove out of repo packages. fixin your messy situation.22:51
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escottLyon, why do you want a higher resolution for you ttys?22:51
compitzedbian, escott, metaspike, im gonna try remove open source driver, hold on22:51
Lyonescott: ttys?22:51
edbiancompitz, that won't make a difference22:51
Lyonwhat's that?*22:51
=== patrick is now known as Guest59411
edbiancompitz, it's installed, you're not using it, if you uninstall it you still won't be using it22:52
compitzhmm, its worth a try , isnt it edbian?22:52
edbiancompitz, I do not think so22:52
Crusader1Dxfce-look.org seems to be down all the time lately... it has all kinds of themes for Xubuntu, anyone know why or know of an alternative?22:52
escottLyon, why don't you just use ssh from a gui system instead of trying to use the tty on the server22:52
metaspikeLyon, xrandr is a part of x11-xserver-utils - or maybe try lxrandr if it's in the repo22:52
wilson_join ##igenous22:52
=== Tukeke is now known as Nukeke
edbiancompitz, I think you should try to remove the proprietary driver, then you'll be using the open source driver and you can see if it is working better22:52
compitzeverythiong i can do for now, sudo apt-get remove xserver-xorg-video-nouveau, edbian, escott, metaspike22:53
escottmetaspike, he doesnt have xrandr because he isnt running X this is a guiless server evidently22:53
metaspikehaha oh22:53
edbiancompitz, no, don't do that, that removes the open source driver22:53
=== Nukeke is now known as Pankeke
edbiancompitz, sudo apt-get purge nvidia-9622:53
compitzedbian , thats also worth a try, i tried it withou the n96nvidia driver, bfore, thogh22:54
Gentoo64Lyon, what video card is it btw?22:54
edbiancompitz, try it again for my sake?22:54
LyonGentoo64: it's in vmware fusion22:54
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compitzcompitz, sudo purge nvidia-96? edbian?22:54
callaghanHi again, why can't I create an EFI boot partition under 11.10 32bit but under 11.10 64bit it works? It is not avalaible in the "use as" dropdown list...22:55
Gentoo64Lyon, not sure then, if you've tried manually editing the res then not much else afaik you can do22:55
edbiancompitz, are you kidding?  I'm not typing it again, it's like 10 lines up22:55
LyonGentoo64: okay thank you :)22:55
compitzwhy apt-get? ihave it installed22:55
escottLyon, you need to install whatever the vmware guest stuff is, but why not run it "headless" and ssh into. if its just a server you dont need the display22:55
=== Pankeke is now known as Tukeke
metaspikeLyon, in that case. terminal resolution is determined by the kernel. you can use vga=795 (for instance) as a kernel switch in ie grub, and probably use a kernel which supports your <in this case, emulated> video card with a console framebuffer.22:55
Picklefacehow do I get the latest drivers for my graphic card?22:55
compitzi got purge installed, edbian22:55
dr_willisPickleface:  depends on the card.22:55
edbiancompitz, to uninstall a package you run : sudo apt-get purge <package>22:55
Lyonescott: that's what i plan to do instead22:55
Lyonmetaspike: thank you for your help!22:56
LyonThanks guys!22:56
compitzhm ok, edbian , thx, that why i couldnt purde these out22:56
edbiancompitz, ummm, sure....22:56
Picklefacedr_willis: GT FORCE 520 nvidia22:56
compitzPurging configuration files for nvidia-96 ... dpkg: warning: while removing nvidia-96, directory '/usr/lib/nvidia-96/tls' not empty so not removed. dpkg: warning: while removing nvidia-96, directory '/usr/lib/nvidia-96' not empty so not removed.22:58
compitzedbian, escott, metaspike, everything else went well i guess22:58
metaspikecallaghan, if you - apt-cache search efi - and look at some of the packages. efilinux, grub-efi ... the installer probably requires one of them, and im guessing that package was dropped in 11.04 <probably some bug>22:58
edbiancompitz, it was removed?22:58
compitzedbian, escott, metaspike purging configuration files for nvidia-96 ... dpkg: warning: while removing nvidia-96, directory '/usr/lib/nvidia-96/tls' not empty so not removed. dpkg: warning: while removing nvidia-96, directory '/usr/lib/nvidia-96' not empty so not removed.22:58
compitzedbian, i guess22:58
compitzedbian, need to restart?22:59
edbiancompitz, restart22:59
metaspikecompitz, just warnings. after process is complete, reboot. welcome to libre graphics land xD22:59
edbiancompitz, remove those folders if you want:  sudo rm -r /usr/lib/nvidia-96/22:59
callaghanmetaspike: it's 11.10 in both cases, the 32bit version does not show it, the 64bit version does... kinda strange. Anyhow, I will try to install the packages you suggested and see if it works, thank you23:00
compitzedbian, escott, metaspike compiz, i mean normal or extra window decoration dont work for now, ill be back after reboot23:00
metaspikecallaghan, fyi im only guessing. good luck >_<23:00
edbiancompitz, yes, they may work after a reboot23:00
compitzok, edbain23:00
Mandiboa noite23:00
compitzedbian, im removing then rebooting, thx23:01
edbiancompitz, sure23:01
Picklefacedr_willis: sorry got d/c'd23:02
Picklefacedr_willis:  what was the last thing u said?23:03
JWColemanI have a dell mini-1010 and I've been trying to get my mic to work for quite some time, I'm using alsamixer on lubuntu, my sound card is alc269 and lubuntu recognizes it, my sound works fine, I've checked my mixer settings twice, not sure what to do23:03
=== Mandi is now known as ed5on
gryI just removed gdm and installed lightdm. Is http://pastebin.mozilla.org/1424370 normal?23:05
metaspikeJWColeman, in alsamixer, did you try <tab> select a capture interface then activate it with <enter> ? maybe install and try alsamixergui instead23:05
Um_cara_qualquerhellow ^^... how can I permanently insert subtitles in a movie?23:06
[deXter]hi all, I have a laptop with an nVidia card running the open drivers. Connected an external monitor to it, and it works. Any ideas how to turn off the laptop monitor and drive only the external one?23:06
JWColemanmetaspike, I did go to the capture tab (with f4 i think) but I wasn't aware of activating anything, i made sure all my levels were up anyways, let me grab my mini and check this23:06
metaspikegry, it just looks like some leftover remote gdm login stuff, it shouldnt cause any problems.23:07
Stormx2hey. using the ubuntu classic desktop. There's no volume control in my panels, and gnome-volume-control-applet seems to have been removed from the repositories. I need it in order to make my keyboard volume keys work. Any suggestions?23:07
grymetaspike: where can I see that it would actually try to start lightdm? I thought it should be in these files but it's not23:07
metaspikeJWColeman, it's a bit funky, you need to select a capture device for a channel then activate that channel.23:07
clear`with the latest ubuntu 11.10 updates, anyone else notice their fonts changed?23:07
clear`my fonts look fuzzy now23:08
metaspikegry, to select bootup entries i use rcconf23:08
str3l0khi guys i've just set a new resolution, but everytime i restart it disappears23:08
str3l0kit goes back to the previous resolution, so how can i make it permanent?23:09
metaspikeclear`, if its a compiz thing you can configure font antialaising with ccsm23:09
[deXter]hi guys i've just set a new resolution, but it's out of range. How do I restore it? Isn't there like a 15 second timer or something?23:09
urlin2ustr3l0k, what desktop?23:09
JWColemanmetaspike: perhaps that is what's wrong,  I've also messed with the alsa-base.conf to be set to the basic model, how can I be sure this is correct, seeing as there is no listing for my model in alsa-configuration.conf23:09
str3l0kdexter restart your computer23:10
str3l0kxubntu urlin2u23:10
clear`metaspike: not compiz23:11
metaspikeJWColeman, to begin with I would trust in the default settings. prehaps sudo aptitude --purge reinstall alsa-base to get the defaults back.23:11
clear`i think its a gnome-shell update23:11
=== seanr is now known as seanr|away
escott[deXter], if you used the gui it should revert after a few seconds23:11
str3l0kyeah yeah but what about me23:11
[deXter]escott: I used the GUI, I changed the resolution, clicked on apply.. waited 15 secs but it didnt revert23:11
[deXter]str3l0k: yep, restarted and it works now thanks23:11
metaspikestr3l0k, lol what?! lol.. you could jimmy a xrandr -s <number>   into .xsession, but its not really ideal.23:12
str3l0kdexter now we need to figure out how to make it permanent23:12
JWColemanmetaspike: I know exactly what I changed, so it will be easy to reset to the default settings, I'll make sure I do that before I trust the gentoo wiki for the mini 1010, is it a possibility that my issue is skype, and not actually a ubuntu issue?23:12
JWColemanmetaspike: and if so how can I test my mic without using an application like skype?23:13
Um_cara_qualquerdoes anybody knows how can I permanently insert subtitles in movies?23:13
str3l0kMetaspike you mean debian.com_paste?23:13
metaspikeJWColeman, umm... you could try recording something with aucadity, sox, mhwaveedit or any other thing23:13
dr_willisUm_cara_qualquer:  ffmpeg, or mencoder can do that23:14
Um_cara_qualquerdr_willis, thx x) but I'm not that expert yet... can u tell me the entire code to do that?23:15
dr_willisUm_cara_qualquer:  nope.. i know its mentioned in the ffmpeg, and mencoder faq's if i rember correctly23:16
VCoolioUm_cara_qualquer: use avidemux if you like gui23:16
JWColemanmetaspike: I'll give this thing another go after dinner, thanks for the tips23:16
Um_cara_qualquerVCoolio, thx23:16
AzoteLogikoUm_cara_qualquer, also search for "gnome-subtitles"23:17
AzoteLogikoin the software center23:17
Um_cara_qualquerhmm ok23:17
StepnjumpHi, in Windows, my mouse had a cool feature. I could hold on the left button for a few seconds and then I could move a file without having to keep holding down the mouse button. Whenever i was over a folder, I could just click once and the file would move. Anyone know if there is a way to do this in Ubuntu please?23:18
Stormx2Volume keys in GNOME 2 no longer work. What should I do?23:18
metaspikeze mouse in the house has louse and will not do as I tell it! yaaaaaah!23:19
meerkatswhat is swap?23:19
ubottuswap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info23:19
grymetaspike: I rebooted, no display manager started at all. I tried to start it manually using a tty but it kept starting itself while something kept killing it, so I just rebooted and used tty to install gdm again.  What can you suggest to actually switch to lightdm successfully?23:21
dr_willis'somthing kept killing it' would most likely be 'it kept crashing'23:22
metaspikegry, I cant really. I use xdm for features and slim for lightweight setups.23:22
[deXter]Stepnjump: Try looking in the accessibility settings, sticky mouse keys or something like that23:22
Stepnjumpthanks deXter23:22
grymetaspike: In your case, how do you "switch to xdm successfully" other than apt-get install it?23:23
metaspikeinstall it and remove the old one (which aptitude usually handles anyway) and ensure it is booting at start with rcconf.23:24
skyl/usr/bin/memcached -m 64 -p 11211 -u nobody -l
zaxonspoxhello, how to enable sis900 integrated NIC in Ubuntu Natty23:24
metaspikezaxonspox,   sudo apt-get install sis23:25
metaspikecheck with ifconfig..23:26
metaspike*yawn* time for another coffee23:26
dr_willis!info sis23:26
ubottuPackage sis does not exist in oneiric23:26
dr_williswith 'sis' brand video cards.. you are often lucky you can even get to a basic desktop..23:27
dr_willissis is rather poor in its linux support. ;(23:27
zaxonspoxmetaspike will it be on cd/dvd or do i need NIC to install?23:28
metaspikeim afraid dr_willis has a point. umm...23:28
dr_willisSiS is one of those companies you would not be suprised to hear it shut down... ;()23:29
PicklefaceI have a GT 520 graphics card how do I get the drivers for it on ubuntu 10.0423:30
g0todoes anyone knows the name of the login shell font?23:30
zaxonspoxdr_willis, i did have SIS integr. video, i know that pain, but is there something that can be done?23:30
dr_willisMost nvidia cards. you just use the 'addational drivers' tool and it installs them.23:30
dr_williszaxonspox:  check askubuntu, and the forums for your exact chipset/card. and it might have some info23:30
Picklefacedr_willis:  how do I get there ?23:31
zaxonspoxdr_willis, askubuntu is an irc channel? or forum?23:31
metaspikePickleface, or install nvidia-current23:32
zaxonspoxmetaspike, apt dont know a package named 'sis'23:32
Picklefacemetaspike: erm how ?23:33
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ubottuAskUbuntu is a support resource that offers non-realtime support by the community! Can't get your problem fixed on IRC? Try AskUbuntu! - http://askubuntu.com/ You can discuss AskUbuntu in #ubuntu-stack23:33
metaspikesudo apt-get install nvidia-current - in terminal.23:33
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto23:34
metaspike^ that's probably a better start23:34
Picklefacewow I have no idea how to use irssi ether23:36
Picklefacehow can I scroll up?Lol23:36
metaspikezaxonspox, try this: sudo modprobe sis90023:37
dr_willisi tend to use weechat these days instead of irssi23:37
metaspikesudo ifdown eth023:37
metaspikesudo ifup eth023:37
longcatis there a program which will detect hardware and suggest packages to isntall to support it?23:38
metaspikeunfortunately, that chip is no about as supported as an old win95 installation23:38
dr_willislongcat:  the addational drivers tool does that23:38
longcathow do i run it/what is it named23:39
escottlongcat, jockey-gtk23:39
fabiohi, i need help installing a usb wireless wn727n in ubuntu 11.1023:40
fabioi do lsusb and i see it is detected23:40
Picklefaceerm, how do I change my screen resolution?23:40
zaxonspoxfabio, you probably need package "wvdial"23:40
fabiodial? this is a wireless card not modem u sure?23:41
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zaxonspoxfabio, right, then i might be wrong23:42
fabiowhere can i find some help on this23:42
fabioreiso: u there?23:43
zaxonspoxmetaspike, where could be this file be placed? http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages.gz/natty/man4/sis.4freebsd.gz23:43
zaxonspoxmetaspike, from Ubuntu manpage http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/natty/man4/sis.4freebsd.html23:43
metaspikedid u try sudo modprobe sis90023:44
zaxonspoxmetaspike, yes, but i did hawe "sis900" entry in lsmod after putting "if_sis_load=YES" but without good result23:46
zaxonspoxmetaspike, the device is still "Device unsupported" in Network-Manager23:47
ed5onboa noite23:48
metaspikesudo ifconfig eth0 down && sudo ifconfig eth0 down && ping www.google.com23:48
metaspike*sudo ifconfig eth0 down && sudo ifconfig eth0 up && ping www.google.com23:48
metaspikeif that doesnt work... meh, dunno.23:49
PureRumbleHi all. In latest ubuntu, how do I change number of desktops?23:49
FrozenInfernoCan someone tell me how to edit visudo so <user> can run sudo commands with no password?23:50
clear`PureRumble: settings // workspaces23:50
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OerHekssudo with no password, that is not safe.23:51
robodoggyHey guys! can i install a program to a USB stick using apt-get?23:51
PureRumbleclear`, See no "settings" in this latest layout. Just some bar to the left that pops out on mouse hover23:51
FrozenInfernoOr, at least use sudo in a specific directory with no password.23:52
dr_willisrobodoggy:  not really23:52
clear`pure, in the bar search for settings23:52
clear`your using unity?23:52
wilharteya, where do i see ubuntu graphic card memorys23:52
escottrobodoggy, thats not possible23:52
longcatis there a package required to support sandy bridge integrated graphics in 3d mode?23:52
opticloveis there a way to copy the complete system configuration to another hard drive?23:52
wilhartno way ??23:52
PureRumbleclear`, I've done that. I find "system settings". No luck there23:52
dr_willisFrozenInferno:  edit the sudoers file with an entry for the way you want it to go. its documented in differnt places23:52
escottlongcat, should work out of the box with 11.1023:52
PureRumbleI use ubuntu 11.10 by the way23:52
ubottusudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo23:52
owenllPureRumble: compizconfig-settings-manager under general options23:54
wilharthi, where do i see graphic card memory ?23:54
Omer_System monitor?23:54
FrozenInfernodr_willis Ok, i see how to remove the password requirement, but if that's considered unsafe, is there a way to remove it for a specific directory?23:54
wilhartOmer_: nothign called system moniroti here23:55
LogicallyDashingI'm on x64 and I need to compile something for armel. What do I have to do?23:55
Omer_Applications->System Tools->System monitor?23:55
PureRumbleowenll, aaaaaaaaah. Thank you so much :)23:55
Omer_wilhart, have you tried entering the command: lspci into terminal?23:56
clear`i hate unity23:56
wilhartOmer_: yea i have23:56
Omer_lspci -v -s 00:02.023:56
owenllPureRumble: :)23:56
longcatis there a way to use a dvdram in CAV mode isntead of CLV?  this spinning up and down is driving me insane23:56
PureRumbleowenll, I need 9 desktops (!), so used to it. This has been driving me crazy23:57
wilhart00:56 < ussher__> wilhart: do you have 'kinfocenter' under your 'systems' menu23:57
Omer_wilhart try grep -i --color memory /var/log/Xorg.0.log23:57
wilhartoops sory23:57
wilhartOmer_: i'm using virtualbox23:57
clear`PureRumble: i dont know how to do it on unity, on gnome-shell you just go into settings // workspaces23:57
owenllPureRumble: If ccsm isn't installed use sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager23:58
PureRumbleowenll, no its cool I've already got that covered23:58
PureRumbleowenll, Just couldnt find the damn thing in compiz settings!23:58
ivan__hi, can someone read me?23:58
milo_Sup. Hey guys, trying to kill the processes keeping me from unmounting my harddrive so I can partition it to dual boot windows. Any ideas?23:58
Omer_killall <processname>23:58
milo_Ivan, I read you. 10-4 buddy.23:58
Omer_Or go to System Monitor and cancel it manually23:59
LogicallyDashingmilo_: to find the processes those are use lsof23:59
Melissai want to run W7 for an online game I have and run Ubuntu for evertythiung else.  Whatrs best way to install?  W7 first or install Ubuntu first?  and can I run W732bit and Ubuntu 64bit on the same laptop?23:59
yumboMelissa, which game?23:59
milo_Yeah, I typed lsof in. Still reading through it. So I just kill the processes off one by one? Or I can kill the processes accociated all at onece?23:59
Melissayumbo: battlefield 214223:59
vsync_10 bucks says wow23:59

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