
knomepleia2, what's your schedule on january 9 ?00:27
pleia2knome: work work :)01:30
knomepleia2, all day and night? :P01:32
knomei was thinking of having a xubuntu-day01:33
pleia2knome: it's 5:30PM here now, I don't wake up until 16:00 UTC, finish at 01:00 UTC the next day01:34
pleia2so weekdays UTC are kinda lousy for me01:34
knomehmm, okay01:34
pleia2I'll be around though, since work is IRC-friendly :)01:34
knomeheh, good01:34
knomei don't have a tight schedule/agenda for the day yet, but i'm hoping to splat several action items01:35
=== Nax is now known as Exio|Away
=== astralja1a is now known as astraljava
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knomemicahg, ?18:10
=== Nax is now known as Exio
micahgknome: yes?21:44

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