
Marzatafivedaysahead: cheese?00:41
Unit193!best | fivedaysahead00:43
ubottufivedaysahead: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.00:43
fivedaysaheadif i delete a user01:21
fivedaysaheadwill it automatically delete all the configuration files associated with that user01:21
fivedaysaheadlike /user1/x11vnc files just for that user01:21
=== Nax is now known as Exio|Away
skegeekWould Xfce log an error for freezing regardless of if Xfce actually had the causing error?05:29
skegeekI just ran X Daignostic and found it froze the screen at CPU/clock testing. However, the CD/DVD drive light was flashing and I could hear it -trying- to read a disc. Does this mean it is the screen freezing and not actually the entire system?06:08
Marzataxubuntu 12.04 will be LTS?09:14
* Marzata is installing 12.04 ... 09:37
neroninDoes anyone know what i have to do to get the "Cpu Frequency Monitor"-applet to work. It seems to be stuck on the "ondemand" governor, when i try to change the governor nothing happens and it stays "ondemand"14:49
mongyanyone know why my umask would be 0002, I thougth it was 0022 by default and Ive not changed it.15:19
_Pete_mongy: someone/something is then changed it, myone is also 0022 and haven't touch it15:22
mongymy .profile has umask 022 commented out, so there is no umask setting and there isnt one in /etc/profile either15:23
mongydont know where to look to see when/who changed15:24
_Pete_mongy: http://www.mail-archive.com/ubuntu-devel-announce@lists.ubuntu.com/msg00628.html15:27
_Pete_myone is still the old15:29
fivedaysaheadwhat does LTS mean?16:25
Picifivedaysahead: Long term support.16:27
Pici!lts | fivedaysahead16:27
ubottufivedaysahead: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04)16:27
fivedaysaheadgot it thanks!!!16:30
fivedaysaheadvery helpful16:30
fivedaysaheadif i write a bash script is there away to have it open an ssh connection for me?16:31
thy-fivedaysahead>  depends the way you use to authenticates on the ssh server16:35
fivedaysaheadusually i just type in the terminal ssh -X (sometimes) user@host and then it prompts me for a password and then it ype it in is there away to automate typing in the password in a script?16:36
thy-I m not expert in scrit writing16:36
thy-i think better way is to use key auth16:36
Kurdistanhi is there any good looking fonts for xfce (xubuntu 11.10) and themes?16:40
TheSheepthere are billions of good looking fonts16:41
Sysignome-look.org gtk3 section for themes16:42
fivedaysahead# Look for passwod prompt16:42
fivedaysaheadexpect "*?assword:*"16:42
fivedaysahead# Send password aka $password16:42
fivedaysaheadsend -- "$password\r"16:42
fivedaysaheadmight try that see if that works16:42
TheSheepfivedaysahead: just authorize with keys, then you don't need passwords16:43
fivedaysaheadi'm not too sure how to do that i will look into that thanks16:46
KurdistanSysi, how can I make gtk3 work with xubuntu?16:46
Sysiplease don't crosspost16:47
Sysigtk3 just works once you have theme with gtk2 and gtk316:47
n2diywhat is the syntax for using the ash pwd command? I'm working on a box where the user has forgotten his password. I can get to an ash prompt.16:48
KurdistanSysi, I will put it in /usr/share/themes?16:48
fivedaysaheadKurdistan: http://binbashblog.blogspot.com/2011/10/manually-change-gtk3-theme-in-xubuntu.html16:49
fivedaysaheadidk if that helps you at all16:49
SysiKurdistan: ~/.themes is better16:50
Kurdistanfivedaysahead, thx.16:50
KurdistanSysi, there is no themes in home directory16:51
Kurdistanshould I create one?16:51
fivedaysahead"/.themes" does that mean it's a hidden folder?16:52
thy-it does16:52
Sysistarting with with point means hidden16:53
fivedaysaheadjust as i suspecte16:53
Piciremember that /.themes/ is different than ~/.themes/16:53
Sysiand yeas, create that folder16:53
KurdistanSysi, :) yes I know starting with points means hidden.16:54
fivedaysaheadwhat's the difference between xfce and xubuntu session?16:54
Kurdistan~/.themes/ <<<--- means home directery :)16:54
Sysion first login they load different settings, doesn't matter after that16:54
Sysiyes, ~/ is home16:55
KurdistanSysi, I will download http://xfce-look.org/index.php?xsortmode=high&page=0&xcontentmode=10016:58
Kurdistanput it in ~/.themes/16:58
Kurdistanlog out/log in16:58
Kurdistanthen I can pick?16:59
SysiI don't thikn any of those has gtk316:59
KurdistanSysi, gtk2 does not work?17:00
Kurdistanxfce is based on gtk217:00
Kurdistanxfce 4.817:00
Sysiif you're running 11.10 you have gtk3 apps17:01
KurdistanSysi, oki. then I get it.17:02
fivedaysaheadhow do i switch to a different startx screen? ctrl alt F8?17:02
KurdistanSysi, download from here? http://gnome-look.org/index.php?xcontentmode=167&PHPSESSID=30560c0f6cf5be0fe7711545f5f4ec0017:02
SysiKurdistan: those should work17:03
fivedaysaheadis there a way to do it from the terminal to switch?17:03
KurdistanSysi, thx.17:04
fivedaysaheadwhat happens when you pass ctrl alt f12 in making startx's17:10
KurdistanSysi, I will log out/in17:17
fivedaysaheaddoes xubuntu come with icewm by default?17:28
projekt26I thought xubuntu uses Xfce?17:31
fivedaysaheadit does but does i guess what i was asking was does it come with icewm installed as an option to switch to it if you choose17:32
projekt26seeing that icewm is not an option on the login screen, I would say no17:33
fivedaysaheadthank you sir17:33
fivedaysaheaddo you know how to switch between X screens i know ctrl alt f8 through f1217:35
fivedaysaheadis there a way to do it with a command in the terminal?17:35
projekt26sudo apt-get install icewm17:36
projekt26oh thats not what you asked for? :)17:36
projekt26no I don't know how to switch screen via command line17:37
fivedaysaheadoooh dang17:38
fivedaysaheadcause i wanted to know how you would switch to say screen 6 which would be ctrl alt 13 but i have no 13 :(17:38
fivedaysaheadand if i remote into my comp via my java x11vnc i can't send ctrl alt keystrokes to go to ctrl alt f717:38
fivedaysaheador f817:39
go8765hello. can anybody help me please with claw-mail and mail.ru?17:39
Sysifivedaysahead: I think you need to have x11vnc running in right xsession17:39
SysiI usually use only one local X so I don't really know17:40
fivedaysahead "/usr/bin/startx /usr/bin/icewm -- :1" should start icewm on my second x ya?17:41
fivedaysaheadit worked!!!17:46
fivedaysaheadwow that's cool17:46
projekt26how did you do it?17:46
fivedaysaheadsudo apt-get install icewm17:48
fivedaysaheadinstalled that17:48
fivedaysaheadthen startx /usr/bin/icewm -- :117:49
fivedaysaheadthen i set up x11vnc on display 1 and remoted into it and could see icewm17:49
fivedaysaheadbut then my other vnc got messed up for some reason17:55
fivedaysaheadand i had to restart my comp :(17:55
fivedaysaheadhow do i ctrl alt 13 if i don't have a 13 key :(18:16
TheSheepfivedaysahead: ctrl+alt+e18:25
fivedaysaheadctrl alt e did nothing :(18:32
n2diyhow do I change the password using the alternate install disk?18:45
rhin01unimpressed that I have had to ditch xubuntu 11.10 too19:01
rhin01going back to 10.0419:01
rhin01it freezes on bootup (why)19:01
TheSheepyou would need to read the messages to know that19:02
rhin01well hey19:02
rhin01i'd rather just install 10.04 - totally reliable19:02
rhin01i have no time for diagnosing obvious problems19:02
rhin01things that should be resolved19:02
rhin01also -- I noticed it's slower than 10.0419:03
rhin01so i'm definitely going back to 10.0419:03
fivedaysaheadxubuntu rules no matter which version :)19:03
fivedaysaheadi'm loving xubuntu19:03
rhin01only thing I worry about (just downloading it now{) is thatI get my nice window theme19:04
rhin01if not np19:04
rhin01i love it too :)19:04
rhin01are the windows themes on 4.5 xfce the same as on the xubuntu 10.04 xfce19:04
rhin01i use that "microgui" theme19:04
fivedaysaheadi'm not sure or not19:05
fivedaysaheadi'm using slimline19:06
rhin01slimline on what 10.04?  the theme setup is differnent I notice19:06
rhin01not the same themes19:06
fivedaysaheadon 11.1019:06
fivedaysaheadmicro gui is nice too just tried it19:06
TheSheeprhin01: the obbvious problem is probably with your hardware, but suit yourself19:07
rhin01its a pc19:07
rhin01a standard pc19:07
fivedaysaheadbad iso burn?19:07
rhin01if ubuntu has obvious problems hanging on a standard pc then I don't want ot know19:07
fivedaysaheaddid you check the md5sum?19:07
TheSheeprhin01: there is no such thing since c.a. 198519:07
rhin01well one thing #I know is 10.04 is more reliable and faster than 11.10 ... 11.10 wouldn't shut down all the time and now - I fi nd it won't boot up ... freezes19:08
rhin01I say again - won't deal with obvious problems19:09
rhin01no way19:09
rhin01enough things to do -- my solution?  downgrade to something reliable19:09
rhin01tbh if it is showing such obvious problems on a pretty standard pc then I ditch it19:09
rhin01thats how I work19:10
rhin01immature product19:10
rhin01shame really - i liked the look of 11.1019:10
rhin01you may say - well deal with it -- I deal with obscure problems all the time I am not going to fix ubuntu for the ubuntu people no way19:11
rhin01its just ugly to have to deal with -- diagnosing error reports etc19:12
rhin01could do it but it would take hours19:12
fivedaysaheadthat it could haha19:19
TheSheeprhin01: fine, it's your decission, just don't complain19:23
fivedaysaheadhow do i go to ctrl alt F8 to F12 to switch consoles? right?19:23
rhin01i used that for the 1st time today - foundout  what it was (when the gui wouldn't boot up)19:24
rhin01amazed to find that it was connected to internet and could ssh/nfs to it etc19:24
rhin01v pleased19:24
fivedaysaheadvery nice19:25
rhin01knew this years ago but had forgot19:25
fivedaysaheadctrl alt f8 will go to second console19:25
fivedaysaheadi can use use startx /usr/bin/icewm -- :1 create a gui console in F8 or :2 if i want to make it in F919:25
fivedaysaheadbecause i insalled icewm19:25
rhin01i got beer19:26
=== rhin01 is now known as rhin0
fivedaysaheadis that a program or a drink?19:26
fivedaysaheadbut if i have more than 7 virtual consoles and I don't know how to access ctrl alt F14 or F13 to get to those :(19:27
rhin0im thinking xubuntu is better than ubuntu (10.04 both) for a development machine19:30
rhin0yes ...19:30
fivedaysaheadi think  you might be right19:30
rhin0xubuntu is lower resource ubuntu -- doesn't use as much memory etc19:30
rhin0but there has been some debate about that19:31
fivedaysaheadi tried lubuntu but much prefer xubuntu19:31
rhin0tbh have used xubuntu 10.04 for > 18 months now - never had a problem with it19:31
rhin0thinking -- on my backup laptop still currently it is the thing to boot into when I need to resolve problems fast19:32
rhin0got a dell inspiron 1525 old laptop here the lifeboat I call it19:33
fivedaysaheadnice name19:33
rhin0gr8 laptop for ubuntu  -- was actually ordered from dell with ubuntu 9.10 on it19:34
rhin0v cheap19:34
rhin01 gig of ram and who really needs more with it19:34
rhin0since I got it keyboard has been replaced (wore out) and it's got a 500gb drive  in it :-D19:35
rhin0v easy machine to maintain - later dells I can't really maintain19:35
rhin0I mean take apart19:35
rhin0windows for me is just a dim and distant nightmare19:36
fivedaysaheadi'm on windows right now19:38
fivedaysaheadi just have linux set up on my tv laptop so i can remote into it19:39
knomehey guys, we have this channel #xubuntu-offtopic for offtopic chatter. thanks! :)19:40
rhin0last time I went in there they said I was offtopic19:40
fivedaysaheadahh sorry19:40
knomerhin0, all support belongs in this channel.19:41
fivedaysaheadhow do i access virtual console 7?19:41
fivedaysaheadctrl alt f13 i have no f13 key please help :(19:41
knomehuh? f7 rather? :P19:42
fivedaysaheadwell let's say i do startx --:1 up to like 1019:42
fivedaysaheadhow do i access those? high ones19:42
Sysiwhy would you ever do that?19:43
fivedaysaheadsay i set up many remote vnc's on one comp on each startx19:43
fivedaysaheadthat way many people can remote in and have their own vnc enviro19:43
fivedaysaheadi just want to know how to switch to startx say 10? i mean there must be a reason you can make that many startx's but no way to switch to them from the keyboard??19:44
Sysiwould make more sense if users had vnc autostarting when they start their session19:46
fivedaysaheadbut how would they know what port it started on?19:47
fivedaysaheadif many people are starting and stopping vnc services as they sign in and out19:47
Sysias administrator you'd tell them19:48
fivedaysaheadoooh i can set the port with x11vnc i wouldn't just let it count up automatically i forgot i could do that19:49
fivedaysaheadbut still how would one switch to startx 10? with the keyboard there must be away19:49
logjamoff to watch the new christmas top gear special :)19:57
phre4khello, I want to use a dual-head-setup with the fglrx driver. The driver version is 2:8.920-0ubuntu1. The second display should be left of the first display. If I start the amdcccle with root privileges and want to save the settings, it crashes with a segfault. So I did a sudo amdconfig --initial=dual-head --screen-layout=left --dtop=horizontal,reverse but get the error "Options, e.g. --dtop and --desktop-setup, are not supported when RandR 1.20:08
phre4k2 is enabled!". I added in the /etc/ati/amdpcsdb under the section [AMDPCSROOT/SYSTEM/DDX] an EnableRandR12=Sfalse, but after a restart a amdconfig --query-monitors still gives me the error "Error: option --query-monitor is not supported when RandR 1.2 is enabled!". My xorg.conf looks like this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/786125/20:08
holsteinphre4k: arandr is what i have been using20:09
phre4kdon't you have a solution without RandR?20:10
holsteinphre4k: arandr not an option for you?20:12
phre4kmh, I'll try it out.20:12
ian__Can anyone point me in the direction of a fix for the 8188.8192CE wpa bug?20:15
holsteinian__: ?>20:16
phre4kso, I tried arandr, but only one screen is visible. If I open it on the other screen, the other screen is visible...20:20
holsteinphre4k: if you open what? on what?20:20
Sysidrag other away from top of the first one20:21
phre4kIf I open arandr on the other display... atm both displays are working and I can move my cursor between them, but they have seperate desktops...20:22
holsteini thought thats what you wanted... when you said you wanted the 2nd one on the left of the first one20:22
holsteinthe 'display' tool included in xubuntu should do 'cloning'20:23
phre4kno, I wanted to have a big desktop, not two seperate desktops20:23
ian__i've installed xubuntu 10.04 after what can only be described as a disaster with mint 12 and now my wifi card detects my network but can not connect to it20:23
ian__I had to manually install the 8188/8192CE drivers after initial install and it seems there is a bug with WPA20:24
Sysiphre4k: you mean you want to stretch wallpaper and panel over both screens?20:24
holsteinian__: you have disabled WPA and tested connecting?20:24
phre4kno, I want to have two wallpapers and the panel on one screen.20:24
phre4kbut I want to move windows across both displays.20:25
holsteinphre4k: you can arrange the monitors as you wish in arandr20:25
phre4kno, I can't, as only one display is visible in arandr at one time^^20:25
Sysiphre4k: you should be able to just stretch windows20:25
holsteinphre4k: thats not been my findings20:26
phre4kI'll try something out and come back later.20:26
ian__I don't have authority to do that20:29
phre4kso, now I see both displays in arandr, but when I try to move the first display to the right of the second display, it doesn't work - the grey area I see is not as big as it has to be.20:30
phre4kI'll make a screenshot.20:30
Sysiwhat graphics card do you have, are you usinf propietrary driver?20:31
holsteinian__: you'll have to keep our conversation in the channel20:31
phre4kI have a AMD Radeon HD 5670 and use the fglrx driver in version 2:8.920-0ubuntu120:32
holsteinphre4k: there are settings for enabling, disabling.. setting the resolution.. if you literally just started using arandr, just poke around in it a bit20:32
phre4khere's a screenshot: http://img337.imageshack.us/img337/7968/arandr.png20:33
holsteinian__: i would try and confirm that you are indeed experiencing a bug... maybe go to another wifi20:33
ian__Understood. Anyways, I was able to connect to my phones tethering which is broadcast as open but when I try to connect to the secured network it simply scans, fails, scans, fails20:33
holsteinian__: that sounds like it supports the theory then... i would probably try an 11.10 live CD, and see if functionality has been added/fixed20:34
Sysiphre4k: you need to use aticonfig or edit xorg.conf20:34
holsteini would also search for and apply all upgrades to your 10.04 ian__20:34
ian__Understood. Thank you20:34
ian__Done. No updates available. both through gui and apt-get20:35
holsteinian__: so, you can try other drivers.. i dont know where you got the driver you are using, but i have had that issue with a device, and i used the windows driver with ndis20:36
ian__Any links?20:37
ian__Sorry for being a bugger20:37
holsteinian__: you'll need to just search for the drivers for that device... on the manufacturer site20:38
holsteini had to try a few20:38
holsteinit was *not* trivial...20:38
holsteinndisgtk makes it so much easier than it used to be20:39
ian__installing now20:40
ian__ndisgtk that is20:40
phre4kso, I managed to get a working dual-screen setup with arandr/xrandr. But now I want to use this setup every bootup and not only after a login. Where do I put the script?20:54
ian__rebooting time to test21:01
=== Nax is now known as Exio
bert4389does anyone here have experience with or good and up to date references for using SSDs with linux?21:16
holsteinjust what ive heard from friends, and on podcasts...21:18
fivedaysaheadi have it installed on my ssd on this comp and it seemed to work well idk references or anything21:18
bert4389i am just trying to figure out what "the best" file system to use would be21:18
Sysiyou can set "discard" mount option in /etc/fstab, not really anything other worth considering21:19
SysiI think that option only works with ext4, which is great FS anyway21:19
bert4389ok, i heard some file systems were better than others but the articles i found were old21:19
bert4389i saw that discard works with btrfs as well21:20
fivedaysaheadSysi how do i open leafpad from the terminal but not have the terminal focus on it have it run behind the terminal but still open?21:20
SysiI'm not sure if btrfs is stable yet21:20
bert4389leafpad &21:20
bert4389so i would assume that nilfs is not stable yet either then?21:21
fivedaysaheadbut that focuses on leafpad21:21
fivedaysaheadi want the terminal to remain on top21:21
fivedaysaheadif possible21:21
holsteinlast time i tried btrfs it was still buggy.. thats was maybe 10.10 though21:22
Sysifivedaysahead: something with wmctrl if you don't want to change window manager settings21:22
bert4389right click on the task bar (terminal button) and click "always on top"?21:22
Sysi..or that21:22
fivedaysaheadhmmm i guess what i really want is to be able to run startx -- :1 without it automatically switching to that screen21:24
mausihi all21:41
mausineed a little help plz21:41
mausicant play divx, gstream and all codecs with it are installed21:42
fivedaysaheaddo you have VLC?21:45
fivedaysaheadwhat player are you trying to use?21:45
fivedaysaheadtry VLC21:45
fivedaysaheadalways seems to work21:45
fivedaysaheadsudo apt-get install VLC if it's not already21:46
go8765hello.can anybody help me with Gtk-CRITICAL **: IA__gtk_widget_set_tooltip_text: assertion `GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget)' failed in claws-mail?21:54
gryI just removed gdm and installed lightdm. Is http://pastebin.mozilla.org/1424370 normal?22:58

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