
ScottKRiddell: I've uploaded python-qt4 4.9 with Python3 stuff packaged to Debian so someone can merge it now.01:20
ScottK(It can't be sync'ed until after fabo multi-arches qt4-x11 in Debian)01:21
ScottKyofel: ^^^ yon python-qt4 update also fixes pykde4 not building.02:33
ScottKRiddell: agateau emailed me to tell me he applied my gwenview fixes upstream.03:11
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ybit3wondering if this installed with marble-plugins06:20
ybit3i guess this is the better link06:22
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yottabitping anyone07:40
debfxScottK: wouldn't it make sense to split up the python3-pyqt4 package so each qt module has an own package?09:42
fabodebfx: do you know where I can find older build log for qt4-x11?12:09
Riddellfabo: on launchpad?12:10
ScottKdebfx: Perhaps.  Currently it's the same as python-qt4.12:10
Riddellhttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qt4-x11/+publishinghistory linked to e.g. https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/oneiric/+source/qt4-x11/4:4.7.4-0ubuntu7 linked under builds12:11
Riddelldebfx: I was kindae hoping ubuntu desktop would do the python-qt4 splitting since it's mostly in their advantage12:12
faboRiddell: thanks!12:13
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debfxRiddell: do they even use python-qt4?13:20
Riddelldebfx: ubuntu one does13:28
Riddellor is about to13:28
Riddelland they haven't decided how it could go on the cd yet, they were still musing download on first use when I asked13:28
ScottKHalf the package is in QtCore and QtGui, so not sure how much splitting will help.14:00
Riddellright enough14:01
ScottKSplitting out QtWebkit might make sense, but dunno about the rest.14:02
Riddellit also makes packaging pyqt apps more fiddly since there's no shlibs to add the necessary ones for you14:03
ScottKFirst I need to fix my python3 messups (Debian Bug #653567)14:04
ubottuDebian bug 653567 in python3-pyqt4 "python3-pyqt4 fails to install" [Serious,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/65356714:04
Riddellhow did you handle libpythonplugin.so ?14:06
Riddellbecause python-kde4 has more files like that14:06
ScottKOnly built it for python, not python314:08
ScottKNot sure how to get the stuff that's not in a versioned python directory built for both.14:09
Riddellfiddly I expect14:12
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debfxScottK: it's not just the bindings but also the the actual Qt libraries that take space14:43
ScottKGood point, but I think those will be on the Ubuntu CD anyway.14:43
ScottKIt probably wouldn't be that hard to make a tool that parsed the source to figure out which PyQy4 dependencies were needed.14:44
Riddellwhen I first packaged something in python I read that debhelper or some pythonic part of it could do that for python modules, I've not come across it working though14:48
ScottKThe various python helpers will figure what python interpreter packages you need, but not modules or extensions.  I've seen people confuse the two.14:49
ScottKdh_python2/3 can do it for packages that have a requires.txt from upstream, but that wouldn't help much if we do a distro level split.14:50
ScottKPOX is probably the one with the best idea about how to go about it though.14:50
debfxwe can still keep python3-pyqt4 as a metapackage that depends on all modules14:51
ScottKYou'll need two things:14:52
ScottK1. A metapackage to install everything.14:53
ScottK2. A "common" package for the stuff every module needs.14:53
ScottKBTW, you'll need to merge python-qt4 again shortly.  The python3 packages aren't installable.  Fixing.14:54
Riddellcor there are upsteam networkmanagement releases15:34
RiddellI wonder if we should rename the source to networkmanagement15:34
Riddellbit generic15:34
apacheloggeras is partitionmanager for that matter15:49
debfxbetter convince our upstreams (kde and debian) to rename it first16:15
jjesseDarkwing, hey i'm looking at kubuntu docs bugs and a lot that show as fixed committed are still in the precise branch, any ideas whats going on w/ that?16:37
ScottKNew python-qt4 is uploaded in Debian.16:41
Riddelljjesse: well precise branch means it's fixed for normal bugs17:11
jjesseRiddell,  the last comment shows the bug was fixed in the oneric branch of kubuntu docs, but if i look at the precise kubuntu doc branch the bug still exists17:11
jjessewhich is why i am confused 17:11
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Riddelljjesse: ah so needs forward copying the change?17:14
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* ScottK looks at http://stage.catalogue.gcp.cust.bluerange.se/catalogue/200/240-260-78/Section_43_page_706.gif and wonders if he's bitten off more than he can chew.17:18
Riddellthat's almost as bad as putting a brompton axle back together17:19
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ScottKWe own two 1991 Volvo 240s and one came up with a bad transmission.  My theory is get the dead transmission back (I bought a used one to replace it) and then rebuild it so I'll have one ready the next time one goes.17:20
ScottKRiddell: python-qt4 needs let out of New.17:23
Riddellpython3-pyqt4 inconsistent name compared to python-qt4?17:30
Riddell/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/PyQt4/phonon.cpython-32mu.so gosh this dh_python3 does strange things to the filenames17:34
RiddellScottK: main or universe?17:34
ScottKRiddell: Universe for now I'd say.17:38
ScottKDepends on if we end up with python or python3 at the end which is in Main17:38
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yottabitping anyone18:00
yottabitis _anyone_ around18:01
yottabiti want to know if i need to use kde's repos or some kubuntu development branch?18:03
yofelfor what?18:06
yofelyottabit: ^18:06
yottabityofel: I'm writing a krunner extension18:06
yottabitit will be dpending on a feature that comes in marble 1.318:07
yottabit..and i have time today to work on it......18:09
yottabitbut i'm not sure how to get started18:09
yottabitmarble 1.3 is part of kde 4.818:09
yofelwell, you could use the RC packages then if you want to make it, but if you want to send it upstream then it has to work against trunk. (which shouldn't be much of an issue for a krunner extension I think)18:10
Riddellcan also use project neon for up to date packages of trunk18:12
yottabitproject neon or rc packages?18:13
yottabiti don't know what the difference is atm18:13
yottabiti guess by rc, yofel, you are referring to kde stuff18:14
yottabitkde git repos18:14
yottabitRiddell: what is the trunk?18:14
yofelno, rc is 4.7.95 - i.e kde 4.8 RC1, which we have in precise and ppa for oneiric, neon would be packages from git18:15
yottabitdoes neon contribute back to kde itself?18:17
yottabitlooks like povaddict answered my question in #kde-devel18:18
yottabit[12:10] <PovAddict> distros only have minor patches18:18
yottabit[12:11] <PovAddict> not a whole branch where they do actual development in18:18
yofelall neon does is provide daily built packages of kde from git - we don't do anything that would make sense to send to kde. 18:19
yofelyottabit: The useres of neon use it with the intention of sending their work to kde though18:19
yofelas they're essentially working on git, they just don't build everything themselves18:20
yottabitdo they use apt-get source to get the stuff they want to work on?18:20
yofelwell, you can get the specific neon package with apt-get source, or clone the git repos from kde - only difference is that the packages are up to 1 day older than git18:21
yofelyottabit: in case you didn't find it yet: http://techbase.kde.org/Getting_Started/Using_Project_Neon_to_contribute_to_KDE18:23
yottabiti didn't, thank you18:23
yottabithow would you work in neon without destabilizing your system?18:24
yottabitwondering if it's practical to have a virtualbox environment for this18:24
yofelyottabit: let's move to #project-neon18:24
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ScottKRiddell: qt4-x11 4.8 is in Debian experimental.18:55
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: muon will get kickoff integration?20:24
apacheloggerword order fail ... "will muon.."20:24
yottabitusing the neon stuff20:25
yottabitofc it failed before using the neon stuff too :)20:26
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: you mean the right-click uninstallation stuffs?20:39
apacheloggeryottabit: because the example is crap20:46
apacheloggeryottabit: go poke someone in #plasma20:46
apacheloggerthat init(self) is mosdef missing a : at the end20:47
apacheloggerpython being a silly language and all20:47
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: yus20:47
apacheloggeryottabit: I am reasonable certain using javascript would be better20:47
apacheloggeror c++ for that matter20:47
yottabitthanks for the input20:48
yottabitjust got my burrito from taco bell, going to chow for a bit20:48
Riddellbah, apachelogger is just a weird language fanboy, he's biased20:48
Riddellsee how weird c++ is http://jriddell.org/const-in-cpp.html  I've never understood that page, and I wrote it!20:49
* apachelogger pondered learning gaelic today20:50
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: I hadn't given it much thought, but it wouldn't be too hard to write a simple helper app to do that.20:50
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: that is why I am asking :P20:51
* apachelogger always found the concept of having to use a package manager to uninstall an *app* super bogus20:52
Riddellapachelogger: any language without words for "yes" or "no" is just as nuts as c++20:53
jussiand c++ is just as nuts as apachelogger20:55
jussiwait... nah, apachelogger is more nuts than that...20:55
ScottKRiddell: The libpython that pykde4 isn't finding with python3 is /usr/lib/libpython3.2so - so it's a CMake problem, not a we need to package more PyQt4 stuff problem.21:37
ScottKFor a python build it finds -- Found Python library: /usr/lib/libpython2.7.so21:37
ScottKThat should be fixable.21:37
RiddellScottK: hmm so needs Sime to look at it but he's not always responsive these days21:52
Riddellpython3-pyqt4 accepted into universe21:52
yottabitapachelogger: js doesn't have good nlp libs21:56
yottabitthat's why i'm using python21:57
yottabitturns out others can't get this example to work21:57
yottabitverified in #kde-devel21:57
yottabitit was missing a colon at the end of function definition on line 721:58
yottabitfixed that21:58
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yottabitchanged X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name=runner_msgbox to X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name=msgbox_runner21:59
yottabitremoved the currently installed app21:59
yottabitno luck21:59
yottabitoh, and you can see that i put code/main.py in msgbox_runner/contents/22:00
yottabit..which wasn't mentioned in the tutorial, but is the correct dir structure for plasma apps22:00
yottabiti also ran all this from within neon-env22:01
yottabitand verified i'm using neon apps using which22:01
Riddellyottabit: as you can tell there's not a great deal of people using python for krunners :(22:01
Riddellso the tutorial may have mistakes or it may just not work22:01
yottabitand there isn't documentation on the plasmascript class22:02
yottabitor function or method or whatever it is22:02
Riddellyottabit: you can also try on the kde-bindings mailing list but you're unlikely to get an immediate answer22:02
yottabitplasma but no plasmascript22:02
apacheloggeryottabit: plasma script api is documented on techbase.kde.org22:20
apacheloggeralso for advanced debugging of krunner you might want to fire up kdebugdialog22:20
apacheloggerand activate everything22:20
apacheloggerthen krunner should be more verbose on the terminal22:20
apacheloggerin particular about python interpreter errors22:20
yottabitapachelogger: very nice!22:21
yottabitcan you point me to the documention on techbase?22:21
apacheloggeroh well22:22
apacheloggermaybe only javascript is documented22:22
yottabittsk tsk22:22
apacheloggerwhich would make sense since it is the preferred choice22:22
apacheloggeryottabit: the plasma c++ api should translate to python 22:22
apacheloggerthere are only marginal difference22:22
apacheloggerlike the lack of pointers 22:23
BarkingFishguys, do you know if there is a specific way of connecting wirelessly to a network with the SSID hidden?22:30
BarkingFishUser aaschez in #kubuntu is trying to access a wireless connection with hidden SSID, but the kde network management icon isn't doing anything.22:30
RiddellI don't use wifi these days so I don't know, upstream is lamarque in #plasma22:31
BarkingFishRiddell: ok, cheers22:32
yottabitBarkingFish: i'm not sure if that's the recommended method22:32
yottabitprobably too complicated a solution22:32
yottabitsince you'll be using command line tools22:32
yottabitand i'm assuming he/she wants to use knetworkmanager22:32
BarkingFishyottabit: he just needs to get a connection - he can do it through android, but nothing else.22:33
BarkingFishThe only other thing I know which connects to hidden wifi is wicd22:34
yottabitprobably need to run aircrack to detect the hidden network22:34
yottabitthen manually create it in knetworkmanager22:34
BarkingFishyottabit: he knows the SSID and password, just can't get onto it22:36
BarkingFishthe SSID is his work network, which has the SSID hidden for security reasons22:36
yottabitif you click the knetworkmanager icon there's a box which says "hidden network" and after clicking it, you proceed to entering in this info22:37
yottabitno need for aircrack22:37
BarkingFishyottabit: as I said, he's tried that, and it's not working.22:39
BarkingFishIt just sits there like a spare sandwich at a buffet, and does nothing at all.22:40
Riddellthere's newer networkmanagement tars to be packaged which might help (or might now I don't know)22:40
yottabitapt-get install that if he can't get knetworkmanager to work22:43
yottabitthen launch nm-applet22:44
yottabitat least he'll have a network connection22:44
yottabitknetworkmanager gave me a lot of problems in the past, and that's how i got around it22:44
BarkingFishRiddell: i just happened to mention that, lamarque told me a while back on a bug I filed with kde, that 2 days after we packaged plasma-nm, he released a new version with bug fixes in22:55
ubottuKDE bug 284304 in general "Audio system notifications not playing when set for network manager" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]22:57
BarkingFishyottabit: right now, I've directed him to install wicd - I know that does hidden network connection, I've used it myself before I got nm-applet to work22:58
RiddellBarkingFish: we haven't got into the swing of packaging the releases yet, it doesn't help that he doesn't announce them anywhere but his blog but it'd on my todo list now23:00
Riddellattica just uploaded, new soname23:00
BarkingFishRiddell: well I'm set up now for packaging for precise, but I don't know how to package KDE stuff, just regular bits and bobs. And since my head injury, I need some revision on that too.23:03
valoriewhile nm-applet is being discussed, does anybody else have the wierd thing where the wireless doesn't start up automatically anymore?23:03
BarkingFishvalorie: not here.  23:03
valorieevery day I have to select the wireless to get it to start23:03
valoriefor the last 4 months or so23:04
BarkingFishI have one wifi network set to kick in automatically as system connection, and it kicks in on boot when the station is transmitting. If it starts transmitting while I'm on, wifi fires up23:04
valorieit's set to go automatically, it just doesn't do it23:04
valorie'tisn't the hardware, because the laptop has a little light, which turns on correctly23:05
RiddellBarkingFish: yeah I know how that feels23:05
BarkingFishYeah, I met the corner of the trunk door of an SUV head on back in September, and most of the stuff I learned prior to that is a blank.23:06
BarkingFishIt's taken me nigh on 3 months to learn to touch type again, I still see people and can't remember who the hell they are...23:07
BarkingFishand I lost my job because of it.23:07
valoriethat sucks23:07
valoriehead injuries are a big deal23:08
Riddellgot canoe polo team members asking if I can play in february, not a chance23:08
* valorie offers hugs to our wounded23:08
BarkingFishWe didn't think this one was gonna be nasty, that's the thing.  I got a hole in the forehead on the Saturday, the sunday morning after, i couldn't switch my PC on.23:09
BarkingFishCouldn't remember the password.23:09
valorieI love reading about neuroscience23:09
valoriethe brain is a weird and wonderful place23:10
BarkingFishCouldn't use my phone, my tv, satellite receiver, nothing.  Turned out to be concussion, combined with percussive injury & bruising to the parietal lobe23:10
RiddellBarkingFish: how did they work that out?23:10
valoriehow is your eye, Riddell?23:10
RiddellI'm on a 12 week waiting list for the neurosurgery department to look at my head23:11
Riddellvalorie: still squint, been told to go back to the eye pavillion in a couple of months to see if there's any improvement.  a long waiting game23:12
BarkingFishThe concussion was diagnosed by my GP after a basic memory test, and then I had an MRI scan done which found the bruising and swelling on the back of the brain23:12
Riddellah so you beat me for worse injury, my MRI scan was clear23:12
BarkingFishI get stuff done quicker when I need to - I have private cover to supplement NHS service, so if the NHS is gonna be slow on something for wait time, I go for my private cover.23:13
BarkingFishoften I can get wait time cut to about a third or less of what it would be on the NHS23:13
RiddellNHS beats random tropical French hospital, they sent me home in a taxi and I left my notes in the taxi (being concussed) and they had no copy23:15
valorieyikes, did the taxi company find the notes for you?23:17
BarkingFishbeing concussed, I doubt you'd remember which firm took you, right?23:17
Riddellright BarkingFish 23:17
BarkingFishso, who ordered the taxi? the hospital?23:18
BarkingFishSurely they'd know who they booked to take you home23:18
valoriethat just seems so unprofessional, to give an injured person the ONLY copy23:19
Riddellthey didn't but they offered me a second MRI, I decided I'd rather go home instead23:19
BarkingFishas a qualified paramedic, I can honestly say that only having a single copy of records sounds very suspicious...23:20
valorieI hope your holidays were pleasant in spite of your injuries23:20
macoBarkingFish: its the french *shrug*23:20
valorieboth of you23:20
macoisnt that the answer to anything involving french & things that dont make sense?23:21
Riddellvalorie: sure no pressure for me to buy presents :)23:21
BarkingFishif you lose them, there's no proof that you were treated there, which means if shit goes wrong, they're pretty much absolved from responsibility23:21
BarkingFishyou've got no proof you were treated there, and they've got nothing to say what they did to you23:21
Riddellthings in tropical France don't run quite like mainland France23:21
Riddellthey's a bit more laid back23:22
BarkingFishlike an Overseas french dependency, the kind of place RFO transmit to?23:22
Riddellguadeloupe is a department of france and part of the EU, even though geographically it's obviouslly neither23:26
BarkingFishYeah, that's the kinda place I thought of. When you said "tropical france" i thought - there's 2 words which never go together23:28
Riddellhmm attica weird symbols on arm23:33
valoriethe south of France is very warm, isn't it?23:34
valorienot tropical, though23:34
BarkingFishthe last time I went to france, I discovered the meaning of wet.  23:34
BarkingFish7 days and it did nothing but rain the whole time.  Day and night.  23:35
* valorie has been to Paris, once23:52
valorieit was wonderful23:52
valoriethe day it rained, it *really* rained23:52
valoriewe still had fun walking around Paris23:52
BarkingFishParis is nice.  I'm determined to go back and see it from more than the inside of my hotel23:52
valorieah, I walked it with a native of Poissy23:54
valorieand saw some of Poissy as well23:54
valorielovely week23:54
BarkingFishI think next time I head out that way, i'll probably vanish off to Belgium and go spend a few days with my friend Simon at VRT :)23:55
valoriethat's the great thing about KDE - I now have friends all over Europe23:58
valorieand India23:58
valorieit's awesome23:58
apacheloggerit's a silly place23:58
valoriehappy holidays, apachelogger23:58
apacheloggerand you23:58
valoriesilly is good23:58
valoriebetter than American politics!23:58
apacheloggermonty python silly even23:58
valoriethe budgie is DEAD!23:59
valorieI discovered I can now watch Dr. W23:59
valorieon netflix23:59
apacheloggerdw xmas special23:59
apacheloggerwatching it a third time right now23:59
valorieso I'm about to be engulfed23:59

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