
=== ejat- is now known as ejat
seiflotfyhey guys12:55
seiflotfyany1 got a moment12:55
seiflotfywhat is the widget that pops up when installing something in synaptic?12:55
GunnarHjAnybody who can sponsor an upload to oneiric-proposed? It's bug #909256.14:09
ubot2`Launchpad bug 909256 in language-selector "gnome-language-selector crashed with ValueError in _build_localename(): too many values to unpack" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90925614:09
cyphermoxseiflotfy: if you didn't find it yet, something in gtk/rgprogress*.c, IIRC14:15
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BigWhalewhat is used for generating API documentation in python?16:49
BigWhalewhat is the 'ubuntu standard'?16:50
dobeyBigWhale: there isn't an "ubuntu standard" for that i think17:16
dobeyBigWhale: you put api documention in the docstrings in your library, and running "pydoc foo.Bar" for example, gives you the documentation from the library17:16
BigWhaleWell, it should be. So that people like me aren't confused.17:17
BigWhaleI'll use Sphinx since it was used to build python docs ...17:17
BigWhaledobey, pydoc sucks... it doesn't have any special markup for parameters and returns17:18
BigWhaleand such17:18
dobeypython is generally quite horrible with regards to documentation17:18
dobeyBigWhale: looks like we used Sphinx to generate the u1db preview docs, so i guess you should use that to generate html17:19
BigWhalewell for now I'll just document things, then I might generate html ... I just want my code to look neat and I use sphinx at work.17:21
psusidoes anyone here actually notice a difference in the desktop from the "magic one line patch", aka auto cgroups?18:57
BigWhaleTo get list of audio devices from PulseAudio in python you have to write a ctypes wrapper around libpulse ... *facepalm*19:49
dobeyBigWhale: use introspection19:51
dobeyBigWhale: Gst appears to be introspected, though not sure how good the bindings work in python for it19:51
BigWhalegst has python bindings so I am using that.19:52
BigWhaleb ut gst is crappy when you want to get a list of audio devices19:52
BigWhaleso it was either running command line tools and parsing the output or writing somekind of wrapper19:53
BigWhaleat the end introspection and ctypes is roughly the same and the lack of documentation in both is frustrating. the latter is a little better documented and there are few examples floating around the web19:54
BigWhalenow I need to wind down :>19:56
=== psharmor is now known as tekoholic
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