
pleia2bkerensa: only if it's pink00:54
bkerensapleia2: I can make it pink lol00:54
pleia2the chrome theme I use is full of awesome pink, I couldn't give it up00:54
bkerensa:D I think your loco would need to have a consensus on their official theme being pink though :D00:55
pleia2actually, I lied, I use "Use system title bar and borders"00:55
pleia2which means pink00:55
pleia2that's pretty funny actually00:55
bkerensaMarkDude:  Will Chris be at UDS?01:36
pleia2nhaines: thanks :)01:39
izdubarLol bkerensa01:41
* izdubar cant say what he said01:41
izdubarMpst likely no01:41
* MarkDude plans on going there as part of GIMP 1st01:43
MarkDudeFOSS needs to give Gimp some love01:43
grantbowhi ariley01:44
arileyhi grantbow01:44
bkerensaMarkDude: I give GIMP love every week01:44
arileyhi pleia201:45
pleia2hey ariley01:45
arileyI'm in the city tmrw01:46
MarkDudeHello everyone. pleia2 -- bierte may be visiting SF in Spring :)01:46
pleia2MarkDude: cool :)01:47
grantbowariley you aren't in the city today?01:48
grantbowMarkDude wow01:49
arileyyes but today is gone01:49
grantbowit's not over till it's over at noisebridge01:51
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=== hypodermic is now known as bkerensa
grantbowariley - if anyone has questions for me please relay or refer them here :-)02:01
pleia2he parted02:07
pleia2grantbow: you coming down for scale?02:07
* pleia2 works on scale wiki page02:08
grantbowno plans for scale yet02:08
grantbowprobably won't make it02:10
nhainespleia2: if I can figure out thanks for what, then you're welcome.  :)02:14
pleia2nhaines: scale stuff :)02:14
nhainesUnless it was the email forward; in that case, you're welcome.  :)02:14
pleia2we're booth #4!02:14
MarkDudeBooth 4?02:15
nhainesNo prob.  I was out and about yesterday wen it came in and was just really happy I saw it today and remembered!02:15
pleia2MarkDude: on the exhibit floor at scale02:15
nhainesOne day I'll get them to stop bicapping Ubucon!  :)02:16
MarkDudeWell yes, Fedora is 28. It appears they are keeping the Distros separate02:16
MarkDudegrantbow, Alison has a commuter bus driving folks down for cheap02:17
grantbowMarkDude, thanks for the tip02:22
jyoNice that the inflatable penguin for scale has ubuntu colors.05:44
GarethMarkDude: distros aren't kept seperate on purpose :)  Some groups request to be near other groups.  I also end up placing groups where I think they'll work the best for the show, best for floor traffic, etc.05:59
Garethnhaines: any updates to the UbuCon schedule?05:59
MarkDudeOh I know Gareth - its cool. Always consider me to be using the <sarcasm font>06:00
MarkDudeJust keep me away from those Slack folks....06:00
Garethunfortunately no Slackware officially there.06:00
MarkDudeYou say that as if they really exist06:01
* MarkDude met a few in the South06:01
MarkDudeAll I seen so far. The South.06:01
MarkDudeThey have such a deep southern accent - they make Akgraner sound like British royalty06:02
MarkDudeJust to clarify, Slack folks are not bad. And nothing is wrong with most people from the South06:05
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=== erichammond1 is now known as erichammond
=== erichammond1 is now known as erichammond
=== erichammond1 is now known as erichammond
=== erichammond1 is now known as erichammond
=== erichammond1 is now known as erichammond
=== erichammond1 is now known as erichammond
=== erichammond1 is now known as erichammond
=== erichammond1 is now known as erichammond
=== erichammond1 is now known as erichammond
MarkDudeStar Wars - destroyed Alderaan rocks21:14
MarkDudeSry pleia2 ;)21:14
MarkDudeNot to bring up old wounds and such, its as if a million sould creid out, bad marketing21:15
Faqtotum"sould creid" ? me no understandy21:17
pleia2a typo of "souls cried"21:18
Faqtotumi've pretty much firmly decided not to go to scale this year21:19
MarkDudewell you should g Faqtotum21:20
MarkDudeg= go21:20
MarkDudeyou should21:20
jyopleia2: Speaking of Scale, say hi to Owen for me. :)21:21
Faqtotumi've looked long and hard and found no reason at all21:21
MarkDudeThe beauty of the Inland Empire?21:21
MarkDudePlasitc surgery?21:21
Faqtotummeh, we have smog and gangs in Sac too, which is also inland21:22
MarkDudeLet me know when one idea resonates...21:22
jyoWhat about orange groves?21:22
Faqtotumthere are also billboards for plastic surgery here too21:22
MarkDudewell LA sucks far less than excremento, IMHO21:22
Faqtotumi disagree21:22
Faqtotumi've always hated LA21:22
MarkDudeWell, that is actually a *which turd is shinier* proposition21:23
Faqtotumi can't believe i was actually considering relocating to LA21:23
MarkDudeHate is a strong word young Skywalker21:24
Faqtotumthe sooner i'm back in SF the better21:24
arileyhey grantbow21:58
grantbowhey ariley21:59
arileylet's get to it22:00
grantbowI'm about to checking my dh_make result I'm tinkering with per the instructions22:00
grantbowerr, check in22:01
arileyyeah I was wondering about that22:01
grantbowwondering what?22:01
arileydo I need to tar the source22:02
grantbowwhat I did was create a new directory called habit22:03
arileyok that I have22:03
grantbowcopy in the files I wanted (not the .git dir)22:03
grantbowrun tar -czf habit-3.3.tar.gz habit22:04
arileyhow do I get your latest version of habit22:04
grantbowthen rm -rf habit22:04
grantbowthen bzr dh-make habit 3.3 habit-3.3.tar.gz22:05
grantbowit's a git fork so you have to merge it22:05
grantbowthe default dh_make needs lots of tweaking22:06
arileyhold on brb22:06
arileysorry trying to learn how to merge22:14
arileywill you be on later tonight?22:14
grantbowI can be22:15
arileyI have an interview @ 3pm i'll probably be home 5-6pm22:16
pleia2good luck :)22:17
arileyit's just a helpdesk position22:17
grantbowok! good luck!22:18
arileyso for git $ git checkout master22:19

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