
astraljavaIt would be nice if people could file bugs about such. How nice is it now trying to dig out the information afterwards?07:47
chemistreedumb question: does ubuntu studio  support web browsing as well as any other distro?16:55
chemistreesuch as firefox.... or is there some other linux based browser that will work under ubuntu studio?16:56
astraljavachemistree: I don't know whether we specifically support it. The browsers just work, unless there are problems with networking, of course.16:56
chemistree... by "support it" do you mean web browsing on ubuntu studio is looked down upon?16:57
astraljavachemistree: Firefox is by default, as it is with Xubuntu. We're basing heavily on Xubuntu nowadays.16:57
astraljavachemistree: Not by any means.16:57
chemistreeoh i see16:57
chemistreeastraljava: are you running ubuntu studio right now?16:58
chemistreeas we talk16:58
chemistreeI have a netbook, 2gb ram, that should support ubuntu studio fine... right? as well as using say, inkscape, or Ardour 2 (one at a time of course)17:00
* chemistree is flaunting ignorance17:00
astraljavachemistree: If any other ubuntu runs on it fine, then it shouldn't be a problem for Studio either.17:01
chemistreeright on17:02
chemistreeastraljava: why do you use Ubuntu studio?17:03
chemistree... are you one of the programers of the distro?17:03
astraljavachemistree: I'm one of the contributors, yes.17:03
astraljavaI use it because I try to record my own stuff with it.17:04
chemistreelike audio?17:04
chemistreeif so, would you mind linking me to some examples of your work?17:05
chemistreeI could do the same to some of my stuff too, if you like (although it is in primitive stages of production...)17:05
astraljavaI don't have anything up at the moment.17:06
chemistreeoh ok... well soundcloud is a good place if you ever want to put audio clips online...17:07
astraljavaYeah, I'll look around when I'm ready to publish anything.17:07
chemistreethis individual has some interesting music. reminds me of Shpongle. a little more mellow overall17:10
astraljavaRight. I'm a little more into the heavier side, actually.17:11
chemistree?? such as...17:11
astraljavaYou can take a look at my last.fm page: http://last.fm/user/astraljava17:12
holsteintheres nothing about ubuntustudio you would really want/need on a netbook17:14
holsteinthough it wont hurt anything either17:14
holsteini run JACK on an early mininote HP 213317:15
chemistreeI see, we have some musical overlaps: dreamTheater, porcupine tree, andymCkee17:15
chemistreewhat is JACK?17:15
holsteini use a firewire express card17:15
holsteini wouldnt, and dont edit the audio on the netbook17:15
holsteinthe internal sound card will be a bottleneck just like it will for any other device17:15
chemistreehmmm, thnks for your views17:15
holsteinchemistree: for audio, if you dont need JACK, you really dont need ubuntustudio17:16
holsteinyou can always just add what you want to normal ubuntu17:16
holsteinubuntustudio = ubuntu17:16
holsteinjust customized17:16
chemistreeholstein: so ubuntu would be the way to go...17:16
holsteinchemistree: thats up to you and your needs17:16
chemistreeubuntu studio is just visually taylored towards editing audio and images?17:17
holsteinim just stating facts right now, so you can make an informed decision17:17
holsteinchemistree: its not so much visually17:17
holsteinits different packages17:17
holsteinits more packages, but not just that either17:17
chemistreewell i just want to write code, upload my audio recordings and do minor edits/mix, create simple images and surf web17:18
holsteinyup, thats stuff *any* linux can do, and both ubuntu and ubuntustudio will do those tasks very well17:18
chemistreekinda a lot, but I think if I limit myself to one major app at a time the the netbook should handle fine17:18
holsteinand you are welcome to come here and ask questions regardless of what you decide17:19
chemistreenice... i guess I just need to see for myself which distro I like better...17:19
chemistreeI kinda want to start with ubuntu studio, but only for aesthetic reasons, I guess17:20
holsteinchemistree: ubuntustudio 11.10 is actually pretty asthetically neutral17:20
holsteinwe had just went to XFCE17:20
holsteinand have no real themeing in place17:20
holsteini personally am running ubuntu 10.04 on my studio machine with kxstudio PPA's added17:21
holsteini mostly run the LTS releases, though i install and test the others when time allows17:21
chemistreeastraljava: more into heavy? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4mU05RmIKJI&feature=related17:21
astraljavaReminds a little of TesseracT.17:22
astraljavaWhich reminds me I need to rip that CD to the music library.17:23
chemistreeastraljava: also see http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PVCpfTtHzzo17:24
chemistreeI like your solo cello holstein17:24
holsteinchemistree: thanks... its actually bass17:24
chemistreeor is it double bass?17:24
holsteinFOSS from beginning to end :)17:25
chemistreeI think you would really appreciate: Christopher Roberts "Trio for deep voices"17:25
chemistreeis that you playing the bass?17:25
chemistreeyeah, check out Christopher Roberts album, on Cold Blue records...17:26
astraljavaQuite a Killswitch Engage feel to this one, very cool.17:26
astraljavaFree / Open Source Software.17:26
ADD_nauseamsup m8s17:27
chemistreeyeah the bass player is a SLAP MACHINE!!!!17:27
ADD_nauseamwhats a slap machine?17:27
holsteinchemistree: that was recorded and produced in ubuntustudio17:27
chemistreeADD_nauseam: SLAP MACHINE: one who slaps the shit out of his electric bass.17:28
chemistreesee: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PVCpfTtHzzo17:28
ADD_nauseami get it :)17:28
chemistreeholstein: so "breath" was done in ubuntu studio?17:29
chemistreewhat program did you use for production?17:30
holsteinchemistree: that particular project, 'living' was... from start to finish17:30
holsteinchemistree: i tracked in ardour, and mixed there as well using JAMin during export for mastering17:30
holsteinnot much mixing envolved though17:30
holsteinhttp://www.cdbaby.com/cd/spork12 is a project i mised in ubuntustudio17:31
holsteinbut it was tracked at the club in protools? i think it was PT17:31
ADD_nauseama friend of mine tells me reall linux producers use AVlinux17:31
holsteinADD_nauseam: AVLinux runs great live17:32
holsteinits based on an older version of debian, so you get older packages17:32
holsteinnot a deal breaker17:32
ADD_nauseameven better17:32
holsteinits a great project, and the dev is very cool17:32
holsteini like the combo of ubuntustudio+KXstudio ppa's17:33
holsteinTBH, it really doent matter17:34
holsteinJACK is JACK, and ardour is ardour17:34
holsteinthe tools are open and common to all distros really17:34
chemistreeI like the sound of this jazz... brass is smooth here.17:34
holsteinits more about what you are comfortable with17:34
holsteinchemistree: yeah, a few of those guys moved here recently17:34
holsteinthey are on tour a lot, but when they are around we play out as much as possible17:35
chemistreeyou on east coast?17:35
holsteini gotta run though... welcome to the channel chemistree & ADD_nauseam17:36
ADD_nauseamim on the west coast of EU :)17:36
holsteinif its too slow in here try #opensourcemusicians17:36
chemistreedoes ubuntu studio come with audio and graphics apps?17:36
chemistreesuch as ardour and gimp and inscape?17:36
ADD_nauseami used to use satanic ubuntu17:37
ADD_nauseambut its seems its been discontinued17:37
chemistreewhat do you use now?17:37
chemistreeare you looking to switch to linux distro?17:37
chemistreeor dual boot?17:38
ADD_nauseami have fedora17:38
ADD_nauseambut its sucks17:38
ADD_nauseamive never seen a comecial backed distro so bad17:38
ADD_nauseammaybe its just gnome 317:39
ADD_nauseami ad to install kde on top of it but now i get suplicated apps in the menus and what not17:40
ADD_nauseamkde 4 also sucks17:40
falktx_kde4 does not suck if you how to handle it18:08
falktx_kde4 is a beast yes, but we can control it18:08
chemistreedoes ubuntu studio come with ardour2, Gimp, and inkscape installed?18:15
astraljavaYes it does.18:25
ADD_nauseamkde3 was alot better if you dont mind the bugs18:30
astraljavaI never liked it much. It always looked a little outdated, even several years before the switch to KDE4.18:33
chemistreeastarljava: ubuntu studio is geared towards visual and audio arts in that all the programs come preinstalled?18:57
chemistreeastraljava: double typo18:57
rlameirowell, not all18:58
rlameiroas far as the last releases, you have an optiont to select packages with a set of software18:59
rlameiroVideo, audio, graphics18:59
rlameirodepending on your preference18:59
astraljavachemistree: Almost correct. We're wanting to choose the "best apps" by default. But your definition may vary, obviously.19:01
astraljavaEverything _can_ be installed later, of course.19:01
chemistreeso is that all that sets Ustudio apart from Ubuntu? relevent apps are chosen for the user?19:03
astraljavaPretty much. Some themeing and small tweaks, like back in the day we would have -rt kernel instead of -generic etc.19:04
holsteinchemistree: think of it less like 'ubuntustudio is preinstalled with x'19:04
holsteinits really just customized ubuntu19:05
chemistreeis there a text editor?19:05
astraljavaholstein: Same thing, really.19:05
holsteinbased on what can be included due to licenses19:05
holsteinand what the dev team chooses to install, and include19:05
holsteinastraljava: pretty much the same idea19:06
holsteinchemistree: we are going to something called 'workflows'19:06
holsteinyou would get the packages installed to do podcasting for example by just clicking that icon or whatever19:06
holsteinchemistree: what is going to set ubuntustudio ubuntu apart is the community19:07
holsteinubuntustudio & ubuntu ^19:08
holsteinchemistree: there are lots of text editors available in the repositories, which are the same ones as main ubuntu19:09
chemistreeso community sets them apart... ubuntu seems to have a much larger community19:12
chemistreemore users19:12
astraljavachemistree: Yes, that you must understand, Ubuntu Studio is based on Ubuntu, uses the same repositories and thus has everything accessible as the other *buntus do.19:12
astraljavachemistree: However, our user base is much more limited.19:12
chemistreeuser base? meaning people you can talk to who are using Ustudio?19:13
chemistreeUbuntu studio .org home page is just so damn appealing though!19:15
holsteinchemistree: go for it.. you literally dont have to decide now19:16
holsteinyou can install it, and revert to *any* other buntu19:16
holsteinor install main ubuntu and upgrade19:16
holsteinor switch to xubuntu... or run lubuntu and add some of the ubuntustudio packages19:16
chemistreelots of options... so in about a week I will be installing a linux distro on my netbook, So I suppose then I will be looking for some support on installing and running linux19:19
chemistreefirst timer here installing a distro19:19
astraljavaYou can always ask here, and on #ubuntu, for help.19:20
chemistreeyeah, that will probably happen19:20
chemistreeUntil next time19:21
chemistreei'm out19:21
holsteinheres 2 tips...19:21
holsteinrun it live *before* you install19:21
holsteinand ask *before* you click and break something ;)19:21
holsteinif at all possible19:21
chemistreeok I'll be careful19:22
holsteinthe ubuntustudio iso is not a live iso as of now, but i still think it is worth the effort to run main ubuntu live or xubuntu to see how the hardware support is19:22
holsteinthen, you can install ubuntustudio as you please, and confidently19:22
holsteineither knowing everything will just work, or having an idea of how to get support19:22
chemistreeI will have to look into how to run ubuntu live. thanks for the heads up.19:22
holsteinchemistree: when you make the normal ubuntu cd, or xubuntu, its an option when you boot the cd19:23
holstein"run live without any changes"19:23
chemistreewhat about if I just download ubuntu and run it from harddrive?19:23
holsteinyou can literally do whatever you want19:24
holsteinbut thats not trivial19:24
holsteinyou can do a wubi install inside windows... i did for a while on my studio machine years ago19:24
holsteinits not ideal19:24
holsteinideal is to dual boot, or just install linux on the entire drive19:25
chemistreewell, how would I get ubutu on a disk without downloading first? yeah, dual boot is what I want19:25
holsteinchemistree: with FOSS and linux, its not so much "can" you do it... its more about how, and if you want to go through the trouble19:25
holsteinin theory, its all open, and anything is possible19:25
holsteinbut there are hardware limitations and things that are just not practical19:26
holstein20:23 < chemistree> what about if I just download ubuntu and run it from harddrive?19:26
holstein^^ to me, that means you download the image, and click and run ubuntu19:26
holsteinthat can only happen (easily) with wubi19:26
holsteinor virtualizing linux19:27
chemistreeso the alternative to wubi is to download -> burn to disk -> run live from disk19:28
holsteinchemistree: ubuntustudio can not be run live19:28
chemistreeyeah, but Ubuntu can19:29
holsteinyou can run the normal ubuntu (and most of the other ones) live from CD or USB or whatever19:29
chemistreeso I can just download ubuntu (normal) to my 2 gig jump drive, and run it live from that? sounds like a good place to start19:30
holsteinchemistree: yup.. thats a great way to 'kick the tires'.. that or xubuntu since ubuntustudio is XFCE as well19:31
astraljavachemistree: You will have to use USB stick creator, or unetbootin to make it bootable, though.19:31
holsteinyeah, or you can dd copy them now19:31
astraljavaOh okay, yeah.19:32
holsteinastraljava: 11.10? and above?19:32
astraljavaholstein: I forget which one was the breaker, but after a certain release you had to use the same or later release with USB creator. unetbootin should work for all.19:33
astraljavaholstein: Never used dd, but I figure it should work just fine.19:33
chemistreeholstein: "dd copy them now"?19:33
astraljavaWell, at last I feel pride for sharing the nationality with a dude: http://hurricanes.nhl.com/club/news.htm?id=60839519:37
holsteinastraljava: i tested it whever it was19:37
holsteinworked great :)19:37
astraljavaGood to know.19:37
holsteinchemistree: you can... that'll give you a bootable USB stick19:38
holsteinits not trivial.. dd is also known as "disk destroyer"19:38
chemistree"its not trivial" meaning: it IS of importance. so  the USB stick creator method will side step the 'non-trivial' "disk destroyer" route?19:48
holsteinchemistree: i mean its not something you want to take lightly19:49
holsteinif you say 'sudo dd erase all my important data from my actual hard drive'... it will19:49
chemistreedownloading onto a jump drive and running live from that is much much more trivial then...19:50
chemistreesounds like that is the safest possible action to take19:50
holsteinchemistree: you should back up everything19:51
holsteinand no how to revert19:51
holsteinthats the safest possible action19:51
holsteinthen, you literally cant break anything19:51

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