
Noldorinmgz, how come? :-P00:22
mgzbecause it's bed time, just trying to finish livecd backup00:28
mgz(as you may have gathered, this does mean I am actually still awake, and mostly watching progress bars)00:31
Noldorinmgz, ah, though you were an American for some reason.00:42
Noldorinmgz, still want me to write that blog post about setting up bzr+ssh on windows? :-P00:42
Noldorinmight get some time tomorrow00:42
mgzwould be great if you could00:51
Noldorinok will do :-)00:57
Noldorinback in the mood of blogging since recently00:57
Noldorinso shouldn't be too hard00:57
* jelmer waves11:44
Movixhi, is someone here  speaking french ?13:25
Movixperhaps speaking german ?13:44
AuroraBorealishow does branching work with colocated branches?13:49
AuroraBorealisif i do 'bzr branch . "something" "13:49
AuroraBorealisthen it creates the branch inside the owrking tree inside of the .bzr/branches folder13:49
AuroraBorealisanyone on irc? :>14:27
AuroraBorealisfirst off: i still need to fix the stuff we were working on, couldn't really come on cause my video card on windows decided to die hehe14:41
AuroraBorealissecond off:14:42
AuroraBorealismr Movix is trying to set up a sepcific workspace flow thingy, is it possible to have a branch that has branches underneath it?14:42
mgzwell, I'm just hanging around eating stollen, so can help out14:43
Movixthx, i appreciate a lot14:43
mgzMovix is the one with the cms/php complicated setup thing?14:43
Movixoh ! seems so !14:44
AuroraBorealiswell it seems that it would just be solevd with a branch with branches underneath14:44
AuroraBorealisand i see bzr has "split" which does that14:44
AuroraBorealisbut...then it wants to version the newly created branch14:44
mgzwhat he's directly asking for is nested trees I think, which... is not fully implemented and still rather complicated14:44
AuroraBorealisit wants to version the repo files and stuff and that doesn't seem right14:44
mgzwhat he really wants is probably just a less complex way of working14:44
Movixok, that reconciles me with bazaar, because i allready thought i'm to stupid for this stuff14:45
AuroraBorealisi feel you would have this problem with any vcs honestly14:45
Movixyes, i was afraid about it but came to this conclusion also14:46
AuroraBorealisyou could also use symlinks14:46
AuroraBorealisbut again there is windows, and the bug which i need to try and see if i can fix >.>14:46
mgzsubversion has reasonable support for integrating different related branches, but it's still fiddly to work on14:47
mgzI think really, what you want is:14:47
mgz* A pristine upstream branch of the cms14:47
mgz* A branch from that, with your changes and modules14:47
Movixat this point i have my first issue14:48
mgz* A number of "known good" or release branches, which you don't work on directly14:48
mgzthen merge selectively downwards14:48
Movixi do not want to have the cms files mixed up with the module files, or i need to have a simple way to extract only the module related files in order to make a module only release14:49
mgzbzr export subdir works14:49
mgzas does bzr merge, and selective revert14:50
mgzyou have branches Upstream, Development, and CurrentRelease14:50
Movixi did not understood the selective reverts Martin allready suggested to me on launchpad14:51
Movixyes i allready tested taht structure14:51
Movixand it indeed comme the closest to what i expect14:51
mgzif you want to update one module in CurrentRelease to what you have in Development, but won't want any of the other changes14:51
Movixlet me please say this in my own words to make sure i unterstood it well14:52
Movixwhat do you mean by "any of the other changes" ?14:53
mgzokay, give an example14:53
mgzwell, I'm imagining you just do all your own changes in Development currently14:53
mgzso, you've updates module/x but also changed various other things in templates and maybe updated to the latest upstream version14:54
mgzif you know which changes you want to land on an existing release in advance, you work on those in a seperate branch14:55
mgzbut even if you don't, you can merge or cherrypick merge just the changes to module/x without including all the others14:56
mgzso, you don't need a seperate version control branch for each module and template14:56
mgzwhich makes life complicated, as you then need to track everything seperately, but also record which versions of each branch work with which versions of other branches14:57
Movixthat's the point14:57
mgzgenerally it's sufficient to just commit independant changes as seperate commits, and keep branches in a known-working state14:58
Movixso i finaly made my life easier on one hand but complicated it on another14:58
mgzpeople seldom care in practice about full dependency tracking for each tiddly component of a project, they just want a few known correct states14:58
Movixi'm happy to see that most of my conclusions were not so weird14:59
mgzso, you have a 'stable' or similar branch you want to keep existing versions, but perhaps selectively update certain things14:59
mgzthat you can do by just branching from an older revision, and cherrypicking or daggy fixing certain modules14:59
Movixhave to give a look at cherrypicking, i did not looked at it for now :(15:00
mgzor, say, you want all your modules unchanged, but need to update the base cms to the latest minor version with security fixes15:00
mgzall you need in that case, is your pristine upstream branch of the cms15:00
mgzupdate and commit the new version, then `bzr merge -d StableRelease Upstream; bzr commit -m'Update to X.X.1'` or similar15:02
mgzif upstream has multiple branches going at once, it still works, you just keep a branch for each series15:02
mgzsome of this is easier to do with pictures :)15:02
mgzso, with merging backwards to stable like this, there are three basic options:15:03
mgz* Merge the newer branch, revert every change you don't want, and commit15:04
mgz* Cherrypick merge just the revision with the change (this is similar to just commiting the applied patch)15:04
mgz* Do the fix on branch at a revision before stable diverged, then merge into both development and stable branches15:06
mgzAuroraBorealis: so, is your gfx card fixed now? what's our next step?15:08
AuroraBorealisits fixed now15:08
AuroraBorealisbut i think my disk might be screwed up cause i seem to be creating a lot of undeletable files15:09
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AuroraBorealisso i'm going to try and fix this before anything else15:10
* mgz fears hardwar :)15:10
mgzbut I guess hard war too.15:10
AuroraBorealisare colocated branches fully supported yet?15:10
mgzyes, they need some ui work still, but go ahead and poke them/file bugs15:11
AuroraBorealisbecause i'm not exactly sure how to create another branch inside of one15:12
mgzthat's... nested trees, not colocated branches?15:13
AuroraBorealisi created a 'colocated branch' in bzr explorer15:13
AuroraBorealisand the branches are stored in .bzr/branches15:13
mgzcolo is just about having one directory represent more than one branch15:13
Movixthat seems interesting to me15:13
AuroraBorealisyeah, so shouldn't it be possible to have more then one branch in the same directory?15:14
Movixfor my needs^^15:14
AuroraBorealiscause i thought thats how git does it15:14
mgzin your case Movix, you're more likely to get deeply confused by colocation than find it useful I think15:14
AuroraBorealisand then you use switch to switch between branches15:15
mgzyou need to keep in your head that you're only working on the development tree, and merging changes around15:15
Movixmay i post here what i understood from your suggestions to verify i understood it ?15:15
mgzright, so, that all works AuroraBorealis, what aren't you succeeding tat?15:15
mgzMovix: go for it15:16
AuroraBorealiswell creating a branch in a colocated branch15:16
AuroraBorealiscreates it in the wrong place it seems like15:16
mgz`bzr switch -b newbranch` is all you need for a new branch in the same dir with a colo format15:16
mgzit's in .bzr/branches under the hood, but you can address it with the funny comma syntax15:17
AuroraBorealisthat doesn't seem very..intitutive15:17
AuroraBorealisi was trying to do "bzr branch . somenamehere"15:17
mgzokay, so, file bugs/post to the mailing list about the bits you find confusing15:18
AuroraBorealisand the fact that to create another branch you have to use switch xD15:18
mgzyou can do it with the branch command, but... the addressing is ugly15:19
mgzneed something like `bzr branch . file:,branch=newbranch`15:19
AuroraBorealishm =/15:20
mgzthe problem with what you tried is it works as a command meaning something else15:20
AuroraBorealisit created a new branch15:20
AuroraBorealisbut it didnt do it in the way that colocated branches expected it15:20
mgzI use exactly that with python and mercurial, branch from the (treeless) current dir into a new subdir (and create a tree)15:21
mgzif that's a common issue, trapping it as a mistake and warning or something may be useful15:21
AuroraBorealisas in you branch inside the .bzr/branches folder15:21
Movixto build my structure i do this15:22
Movixbzr init bzr/cms15:22
Movixbzr commit bzr/cms -m "Project init" --unchanged15:22
Movixbzr branch bzr/cms /bzr/upstream15:22
Movixbzr branch bzr/cms /bzr/dev15:22
Movixbzr branch bzr/cms /bzr/currentRelease15:22
Movixi copy my downloaded cms files into /bzr/upstream, do add and comit -m "cms version xy"15:22
Movixnow i have to push this to my paent branch bzr push /bzr/upstream /bzr/cms15:22
Movixand can get his update in my dev branch bzr pull /bzr/cms /bzr/dev15:22
Movixnow i add my module files or do some work that once finished is comited bzr commit /bzr/dev -m "Mymod init"15:22
MovixIf i'm still wrong on these first steps i appologyse to have wasted your precious time15:22
mgzMovix: roughly seems fine, some comments in a sec15:23
mgzAuroraBorealis: no, it's something of a quirk with the python/hg setup, they have different development series bundled into one, so to get a tree for each version, I branch the whole lot into python/ without trees, then do (the hg version) branching python/ into python/2.7 to get just that branch with a tree15:25
mgzin bzr, there's really no good reason to create a new branch from the current directory to a subdir15:26
mgzbecause we have shared repos15:26
AuroraBorealiswell i was just trying to see how you create another branch in a colocated dir15:26
AuroraBorealisi'll file a bug report on saying thats hard15:26
mgzso, the right answer is switch -b, it's just not very obvious15:26
AuroraBorealisalso: where should i file documentation bugs?15:26
AuroraBorealisyeah, i feel branch should be smart and do it correctly if its in a colocated branch15:27
mgzagainst bzr generally. perhaps posting a selection of impressions to the list would be most useful15:27
AuroraBorealiswell i just notice that 'bzr new' is not on the online documentation at all15:27
AuroraBorealisand then doing bzr new --help says "usage: bzr init-workspace [LOCATION] "15:27
AuroraBorealisso that is wrong as well15:28
mgz...seems to be from bzr-explorer?15:28
AuroraBorealisit even says that.15:28
AuroraBorealisat the bottom.15:28
AuroraBorealiswell, i'll file that against explorer15:28
mgzMovix: so, you don't need to do that empty commit at the start, and want to branch from upstream to dev, and from dev to currentRelease15:29
mgzI'd suggest... unpack upstream release to bzr/upstream then bzr init and bzr commit there15:30
mgzthen branch that to bzr/dev then branch bzr/dev to bzr/currentRelease15:31
mgznow copy across your working development file into bzr/dev and do `bzr st`15:31
mgzcheck it looks sort of right, add anything you need to, commit15:32
mgzyou may want to look at `bzr ignore` before that, all three branches will want it probably15:32
mgz(it's less important for upstream, as you may not need to build/test that locally)15:33
mgzanyway, after that you can try merging those dev changes to currentRelease and reverting some of them15:34
mgzremember you can always chuck some branches away, create new ones, branch from old revisions, and such like15:35
mgzso should experiment as much as possible15:35
AuroraBorealisthanks for the help, i'll try and fix my windows problems and get back to working on the memory stuff15:36
AuroraBorealisbut now, bed~15:36
Movixthanks so far for your help, i go back testing15:53
mgzfeel free to keep bugging me15:54
Movix(16:27:56) mgz: you may want to look at `bzr ignore` before that, all three branches will want it probably16:01
Movixyou meen i'll ignore the files issued from the CMS sources (or part of these) ? This does not work because there are issued and commited in the parent of bzr/dev16:01
mgzno, I mean ignore anything you don't want versioned16:04
Movixok, i continue testing16:05
mgzlike stuff automatically created when running in place or whatever16:05
Movixok, understood this16:05
mgzwill just be nipping out with hound, should be back shortly16:06
Movixmgz: Back again ?16:18
Movixmgz: are you here ?16:42
mgzMovix: back (briefly)17:05
Movixyeah, i just want to say that i got a quite good result now17:06
Movixthe cherrypick is the way17:06
Movixusing the suggeested structure17:06
Movixbut when releasing a module branch /bzr/dev /brz/modulerelease.xy i have to cherrypick all changes to the branch that do not concern the module. that needs to relosve a lot of conflict on that path but finally i have a clean module release folder17:08
Movixi guess i have to keep the message in the explorer when within bzr/dev that tells me not all changes are merged to the parent and never murge them. tu update to a new upstream release release, i delete contents of bzr/upstream and populate that folder with the new downloaded files and commit this. after that i grab it within the dev folder with a pull merge command.17:10
Movixanyway, thank you a lot for your effort in understanding my bad english and the time you spent for my concerns17:10
mgzI don't quite follow that, but you don't really want pull from dev to release17:22
mgzyou just want merge, either -r31..32 for one specific change, or all changes then reverting and subdirs you don't need, which remembers not to try and bring in those changes again17:23
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