
yofelif you actually want 4.7.9500:00
who_meah, problem was that the beta ppa was disabled, fixed now :)00:02
who_merekonq dev suggested I test the new version of the browser compiled agains qtwebkit 2.2.2 and Qt 4.8 but I don't think that is an option on oneiric :)00:09
ScottKGurgh.  Policykit support in usb-creator-kde seems broken in oneiric.01:10
ScottKJontheEchidna: Can you check it?01:11
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=== Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu Hogmanay | 4.7.95 Hugs to yofel | 4.7.4 in updates PPA for testing in oneiric | http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-precise/group/topic-precise-flavor-kubuntu.html TODOs!
bambeeHi, Can I backport the patches from https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=288675 ? or we need to wait the rc2 ? it should be fixed in the rc2 BUT *this is a really boring bug*.11:16
ubottuKDE bug 288675 in general "kmix uses 100% cpu" [Crash,Assigned]11:16
Riddellbambee: sure go ahead11:28
bambeeok ;)11:28
Riddellhmm RC 1 unhappyness on the kubuntu-users list12:22
who_meidk how RCs are supposed to be but 4.8 is still pretty much beta quality stuff. I mean the bug with kmix should not be in an RC12:44
who_methat and kmail is a mess :)12:45
who_meI used the wizard to setup a Gmail account and that made kmail crash on every start. If I used KdePIM and invoked kmail through that, the it would not crash and I could even fix the setup problems that made it crash12:46
who_meand one still can't reliably have diff setups/workspace, it bugs out :/12:47
who_mebtw, there is now a patch for kde bug 28867512:54
ubottuKDE bug 288675 in general "kmix uses 100% cpu" [Crash,Assigned] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=28867512:54
who_meand it can be applied against RC1 :)12:54
bambeewho_me: I am fixing kdemultimedia to backport this patch (until the rc2)14:55
who_mesweet, thank you14:56
* bambee is back from a family diner and now builds kdemultimedia14:56
who_mefamily dinners are nice :)14:56
bambeeit should fixed in kdemultimedia >= 4.7.95-0ubuntu214:56
bambeewho_me: yeah , mostly during end of the year festivities . Apparently my weighing machine disagrees  :p15:02
who_meso does mine, gained almost 2 kilos...15:03
bambeea kubuntu dev is around? http://paste.kde.org/179858/15:04
yofel_bambee: me, did you upload that to the PPA yet?15:09
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
bambeeyofel: not yet, I will do it right now15:13
CIA-48[lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/kdemultimedia] Philip Muškovac * 140 * debian/ (3 files in 2 dirs) Add debian/patches/kmix_excessive_cpu_usage.diff : Fix infinite loop leading to 100% CPU usage and excessively allocating memory (LP: #908159).15:13
bambeeoh thanks15:15
CIA-48[lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/kdemultimedia] Philip Muškovac * 141 * debian/changelog drop bug reference15:15
bambeewhy do you drop the bug ref?15:15
yofelno point in referencing ppa bugs in the changelog15:15
yofelyou can keep it for the ppa package15:16
* yofel hugs bambee15:18
yofelthis was annoying15:18
bambeeyofel: :)15:18
bambeeoh you're right, that was a ppa bug... I thought it was a "normal" bug ;)15:19
yofelbambee: btw. I would appreciate DEP-3 headers in the patch next time, here it's ok as the patch has a header that still makes it clear it's from upstream15:22
bambeeok, noted15:22
* bambee searches documentation about DEP-3 headers on google15:23
yofelbambee: http://dep.debian.net/deps/dep3/15:23
bambeealready found, thanks anyway 15:24
Riddellmm, I should learn to use DEP-3 at some point15:47
* ScottK thinks DEP-3 is bureacratic overkill. Some of the information is useful, but all the formating and stuff is a pointless PITA.15:57
ScottK(much like DEP-5)15:57
yofelwell, most of the fields are optional thankfully, all I want to know is: wth does the patch do and where is it from 16:05
ScottKI agree that information is important and always try to include it as a comment.  That doesn't need DEP-3's complexity though.16:25
who_meany idea on when the new kdemultimedia pack will hit the beta repo ?16:27
bambeeso as a summary the patch needs "where is it from" , "who did write it" and "what does it fix" and eventually "which bug it fixes"16:43
Riddellbambee: also the name of the patch should be in debian/changelog so you can grep for it later (my rule)16:44
bambeethis rule is automatic for me, I mean I always put what I changed in the changelog (so if I added a new patch its name is in the debian/changelog)16:45
Riddellmost kubuntu people do I think, following my good example :)16:48
ScottKktorrent currently FTBFS.16:50
ScottKAnyone had a chance to look into it?16:50
bambeedo you talk about ktorrent 4.1.3-1 ?16:57
yofelbambee: did you upload kdemultimedia to beta?17:06
ScottKbambee: Bug #908460 17:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 908460 in ktorrent (Ubuntu) "FTBFS: error: 'TaskDict' is not a member of 'TaskManager' " [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90846017:07
ScottKbambee: I just checked and all the libtaskmanager4abi2 FTBFS when rebuilt with a similar error, so I assume something changed there.17:12
ScottKNo idea if it's a bug or intentional.17:13
bambeeyofel: my new gpg key is not synced with launchpad yet :\  (uploaded but dput says it's not a valid gpg key)17:17
yofelI'll upload it then17:18
bambeesomething like that http://paste.kde.org/179930/17:18
* bambee reads man 5 dput.cf17:18
yofelah, ignore that17:19
yofellaunchpad's identity server is broken again (or at least was the past few days)17:19
yofelrather check if you got a rejection mail, if you didn't then the key is indeed invalid17:20
bambeeyofel: accepted17:21
bambeeso my key is valid... :\17:21
yofelbambee: btw. use fix released to close bugs17:23
bambeeyofel: ok17:27
bambeeScottK: did it build with kde-workspace 4.7.90 ?17:43
ScottKDunno.  I doubt it was tried.17:43
bambeebecause the class TaskManager does not contain a type called taskdict ... or nothing equivalent... even into another header... apparently the type has been removed in kde/4.8...17:44
ScottKbambee: https://projects.kde.org/projects/extragear/network/ktorrent/repository/revisions/6d4a6ae51692966862ccb20d17cb217717519d4017:51
bambeegood catch :)17:52
bambeeScottK: I confirm https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=28730917:53
ubottuKDE bug 287309 in general "KTorrent plasma applet fails to build with recent kde-workspace/master" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]17:53
ScottKMaybe you can prepare a fixed package and then perhaps yofel would sponsor it ...17:55
bambeeScottK: the fix is already done, now the package is building :)18:03
bambeethe debdiff http://paste.kde.org/179948/18:13
bambeeI've to go now, feel free to highlight me even if I am away.18:14
bambeeHappy new year all !!!18:14
ScottKbambee: I'll have a look at it.  18:21
ScottKbambee: Don't mention the maintainer change in debian/changelog.  That's a given.18:21
ScottKbambee: Closing the bug in changelog is good too.  Other than that, looks good.18:32
ScottKbambee: I fixed those nits and uploaded.  Thank you for your contribution to Kubuntu.18:33
Riddellshadeslayer: how's 2012?18:40
ScottKComments sent upstream to the other packages affected by the libtaskmanager4 changes.19:16
ScottK(none of them have fixes that I can see)19:16
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EagleScreenhappy new year23:36

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