
=== Axlin|MB is now known as Axlin^
ScuzzballOkay, I'm running Xubuntu on a dell inspiron 2200. There some wieless driver issues with that, but I'm using an ethernet cable. I'm trying to ping google.com. It is an unknown host. If I ping the IP of google, it works fine. I've manually set the DNS server to, which is a DNS server hosted by google.13:13
ScuzzballWhat am I missing hrere?13:13
Sidewinder1Scuzzball, Any reason to not use your ISP's DNS?13:31
ScuzzballCause it wasn't working on the first try.13:32
ScuzzballAnd it turns out that /etc/resolve.conf is completely broken.13:32
Sidewinder1Is this a new/fresh install?13:32
ScuzzballI'm just going to reinstall it.13:33
Sidewinder1Did you md5sum the ISO, prior to burning?13:33
ScuzzballNo, I guess I should do that.13:33
ScuzzballAnd I'm bootig from a USB, so no burning.13:33
Sidewinder1!hashes | Scuzzball13:34
ubot2`Scuzzball: See http://mirror.anl.gov/pub/ubuntu-iso/CDs/9.10/MD5SUMS for the md5sums of the latest Ubuntu release13:34
ScuzzballThat link is broken for some reason.13:34
ScuzzballBut I can find them.13:34
ScuzzballThat's the link I got.13:34
Sidewinder19.10 is EOL, you were/are aware of that, correct?13:35
ScuzzballI have no idea what that means.13:36
ScuzzballBut I'm assuming you mean that 9.10 is an outdated version?13:36
Sidewinder1If you prefer Gnome2 over unity, why not install 10.04 (that's what I'm using), it's supported 'til 04-201313:36
ScuzzballI'm actually using Xubuntu 11.10.13:37
Sidewinder1Yes, 9.10 is End Of Life.13:37
Sidewinder1OIC, xbuntu, 11.10, sorry..13:37
Sidewinder1Please keep in mind that every ver., will have a totally different hash.13:38
ScuzzballOh yes.13:38
ScuzzballI know.13:38
Sidewinder1Oh I SEE = OIC13:38
ScuzzballMy main worry is finding a program that will chech hashes that isn't a virus for windows.13:39
Sidewinder1I know there is/was one as I used it in Win to check Gutsy ISO, back in 2007.13:40
ubot2`To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows13:40
Sidewinder1There's a safe link for you. :-)13:40
ScuzzballI actually picked a random one that puts stuff in the properties tab.13:41
ScuzzballAnd am just going on that the website looks legit.13:41
ScuzzballAnd hoping.13:41
ScuzzballLots of hope.13:41
ScuzzballAlso, virus scanner.13:41
Sidewinder1Good Luck! If you have further issues, just come back here or the ubuntu forums.13:42
ScuzzballWill do.13:42
ScuzzballThank you for the help.13:42
Sidewinder1My pleasure. :D14:03
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
shahanI am having problem regarding my NTFS drives on ubuntu 11.10, The drives are not shown on COMPUTER15:39
shahanI just recovered my GRUB 2 after installing windows XP, The drives were availble on COMPUTER in the previous session of my GRUB 215:39
nothingspecialAre they mounted at all?15:40
shahannothingspecial: not sure, my pendrive is not showing also15:41
nothingspecialif you click file system then media, are they in there?15:42
nothingspecialand do they show up at the bottom of the side bar?15:43
shahannothingspecial: no15:43
nothingspecialIf you open a terminal and type15:44
nothingspecialsudo fdisk -l15:44
nothingspecialdoes it list them?15:44
shahannothingspecial: http://paste.ubuntu.com/788911/15:44
shahannothingspecial: ya15:44
nothingspecialThe only fix I can think of is to mount them manually15:45
nothingspecialSomeone else might know why they are not automounting though15:45
nothingspecialhang on one sec, kids are fighting .......15:46
shahannothingspecial: ok15:47
nothingspecialI mount my ntfs drive in fstab by adding a line like this15:49
nothingspecialLABEL=stuff /media/stuff ntfs-3g defaults,en_GB.utf8 0 015:49
nothingspecialBut you shouldn't need to do that shahan15:49
shahannothingspecial: oh! I dont want to to anything manually.15:49
shahannothingspecial: oh tnx. Please tell me the easiest one you know15:50
nothingspecialWell there is an application called mountmanger that writes to fstab for you with a gui but I have never used it15:53
hobgoblinor pysdm15:54
hobgoblinbut they are both old now15:54
nothingspecialThere is also ntfs-config shahan15:57
shahannothingspecial: oh... ya ... I used it before15:58
nothingspecialThere is a how-to at the bottom of this page   http://www.webupd8.org/2011/11/how-to-mount-partitions-automatically.html15:58
shahannothingspecial: but before It mounted automatically. I need not to use these before15:59
nothingspecialI have to say that I do not know what has gone wrong there.15:59
shahannothingspecial: ok.. tnx for your help16:00
nothingspecialno problem :)16:00
manueljmnabhi need help16:50
manueljmnabim new16:50
holsteinmanueljmnab: welcome... if you're new, take a look at the topic, and ask your question16:52
manueljmnabthere are commands i dont know what they do16:54
manueljmnabfor exmaple ,/configure16:54
holsteinmanueljmnab: i usually just drop those into google... sometimes i say "ubuntu wiki configure"16:55
holsteinmanueljmnab: depending on how new you are, and new to what, you wont need to configure16:55
holsteinyou want to keep with the packages that are in the repos, so the package managers can manage all your installed applications16:56
holsteinif its an application that is *not* in the repos that you need to build, there should be a READ.ME included16:56
manueljmnabill google firts16:57
holsteinmanueljmnab: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingEasyHowTo16:58
manueljmnabby the way, im using ubuntu to learn linux17:04
manueljmnabits a good chocie?17:04
holsteinmanueljmnab: its one of many choices, and its a good one17:06
holsteini say the best reason to choose ubuntu is the community17:06
manueljmnabok thanlks17:07
=== JonathanS is now known as JonathanD
Timo_I wish everyone a happy year, let's hope 2012 will be a great year for linux&ubuntu :)19:01
=== Alcine is now known as jalcine
=== benonsoftware is now known as OutOfControl

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