
mgwis there a way to instruct the installer (from a preseed file) to immediately expire the password?00:03
mgwthat is, require a change on first login00:03
matocmgw: you could set up a custom command in you preseed: http://d-i.alioth.debian.org/manual/en.i386/apbs05.html#preseed-hooks00:16
matocmgw: usermod -p “” foo00:16
matoc chage -d 0 foo00:17
mgwmatoc: thank you00:18
bitmonkanyone have a working policy-rc.d script? i tried the base example to just return 101, as if in a chroot, but services are still autostarted when their package is installed.  concrete, recent docs seem a bit of vapor here.00:53
matocbitmonk: did you make sure to "chmod 755 /usr/sbin/policy-rc.d" ?01:06
matocJust having the following in the policy-rc.d file has worked for me in the past:01:06
matocexit 10101:06
bitmonki'm not sure it was in /usr/sbin, i think i put it in /usr/bin, hm.. it's been a while since i tried, i can give it another shot. :)01:06
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Resistancematoc is a useful person...01:42
* Resistance fixed the issues :)01:42
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AlexForce22anyone got a min for question03:36
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pythonirc101is there a way to allow a user to open a ssh tunnel to my box, but not allowed regular login?04:25
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MTecknologyvirt-manager doesn't want to respect my keyboard layout. :(   There's no option for a dvorak layout either. I have to use a chart of a qwerty board to figure out what keys to push....05:28
MTecknologyI tried to create a keymap, but that doesn't seem to have any effect05:29
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MTecknologyAny ideas how I could get it to work?05:35
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JoshuaPI'm about to do a server reboot and will be right back. :)06:26
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JoshuaPI AMSG'D07:49
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arrrghhhmyjimmyweb, hi.  if you have a question, feel free to ask.19:58
myjimmywebcool coo! : )19:59
myjimmywebi'm trying to set up my host dns server19:59
arrrghhhfor a local area network i assume?19:59
myjimmywebbut i'm on a residential account that blocks port 8019:59
Resistancemyjimmyweb:  DNS doesnt run on port 80...?20:00
myjimmywebwell, i'd like to get this set up and ready to run on a business line20:00
arrrghhhdns isn't 80, and that shouldn't matter for WAN20:00
myjimmywebDNS on port 5320:00
myjimmywebwhich my isp does not block20:00
arrrghhhyea why would you worry about DNS over the WAN tho20:00
arrrghhhsounds like you want to setup a websit?20:00
myjimmywebwell, my host machine has several guest instances of ubuntu server20:00
myjimmywebi do want a website20:00
arrrghhhhonestly it would be more efficient for you to pay for a hosted solution...20:00
arrrghhhbut we can still help you get it setup20:01
myjimmywebi want example.com to be hosted on the host machine20:01
arrrghhhjust sayin, cost vs benefit20:01
myjimmyweband then each VM server to be client.example.com20:01
arrrghhhyou've paid for example.com?20:01
myjimmywebhaha, no20:01
myjimmywebwell, yes, it's a dif name but i have it20:01
arrrghhhyou know what i mean20:01
arrrghhhwhatever the example is lol20:01
myjimmyweblol, yeah20:01
arrrghhhyou've paid for it, it's yours20:01
arrrghhhyou have a static IP from your provider/ISP?20:02
myjimmywebno, it's dynamic20:02
myjimmywebthat's thething20:02
myjimmywebi got an account with custom dns routing20:02
myjimmyweband route it to an alternate port20:02
myjimmywebwait, no20:02
arrrghhhcustomers won't be able to use it if 80 is blocked20:02
arrrghhhyou're going to need to talk to your ISP or host it elsewhere20:03
myjimmywebyeah, i can access it from a dif port that i forward to port 80 on the host machine20:03
arrrghhhseriously, even if you've already purchased the domain name it'll be cheaper in the long run to just pay a vps or something to host the actual site.20:03
myjimmywebmy main question is if i can get the subdomins working with my BIND server on the host machine, routing each clientx.example.com20:03
arrrghhhthat's local20:04
arrrghhhand i used dnsmasq when i set that up cuz i was lazy...20:04
arrrghhhi could just point you and some bind docs, which i assume you've read.20:04
myjimmywebthe reason i want to host it is it's not just a website, it's kind of a media cloud portal so i need local access to it to upload 100s of gigs of vides/music20:04
myjimmywebso like, i made a new master zone20:04
arrrghhhand you're trying to do this on an ISP that blocks port 80...20:04
myjimmywebwell, I'll be moving it to a business line soon20:05
myjimmywebbut I can't justify paying for one at the moment20:05
myjimmywebso i wanted to get it running to some extent on my residential account, then move it over20:05
arrrghhhyou can just change the port on apache20:06
arrrghhhor wherever you forward it.  i do it on my router.20:06
myjimmywebi get that.... and i know how to20:06
myjimmywebbut idk how to implement the subdomains running on different apache servers20:06
myjimmyweblike, example.com is the host server20:06
myjimmyweband clientx.example.com is running on as a guest on example.com20:06
arrrghhhhave you seen this?20:07
myjimmyweband i think i'm close20:07
arrrghhhso what's not working20:08
myjimmywebso what i've done is set up the hostname following the howtoforge perfect server ubuntu 11.1020:08
myjimmywebon the guest machine20:08
submanI am having trouble getting webmin to work over the internet.  I can access it from within my LAN, but not from outside.  The port is open on my router.  FTP  and SSH services work from from both LAN and WAN20:08
myjimmyweband on the host BIND server i set up the zone clientx.example.com pointing to the internal server address of the guest machine20:09
arrrghhhsubman, have you tried nmapping the port over the WAN?20:09
arrrghhhyou're not trying this locally, to your external 'site' address are you?20:09
arrrghhhmyjimmyweb, ok20:09
myjimmywebso do i really just need to change the virtual server address of clienx.example.com to that address?20:11
myjimmywebaccording to that link you sent me20:11
arrrghhhmyjimmyweb, i'm missing something.  what's not working20:11
myjimmywebi can't access the subdomains20:13
myjimmyweblike, if i go to example.com:myport20:13
myjimmywebit works20:13
myjimmywebbut i can't go to clientx.example.com:myport20:13
arrrghhhexternally or internally20:13
myjimmywebwell, both i guess20:14
arrrghhhmight want to make this all work on the LAN20:14
arrrghhhthen worry about the WAN20:14
myjimmywebthat would be nice20:14
arrrghhhstart small, work bigger.20:14
arrrghhhbut what you're doing is over mah head.  plus i have to go.  sorry... good luck.20:14
myjimmywebthanks tho20:14
submanhmmm, using nmap to check for open ports, and 10000 does not show up.  The other ports that should be open do show up.20:30
Resistance10000 is probably eithier closed at the firewall, closed at NAT, or not used20:30
Resistanceif i remember right, webmin does not autobind to
Resistance(aka the internet)20:30
ubottuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.20:30
Resistance^ and that, btw20:31
uvirtbotResistance: Error: "and" is not a valid command.20:31
submanResistance, what is a supported alternative?20:31
submanResistance, it works great from within my LAN20:31
Resistancesubman:  i assume you're behind a NAT then?20:33
submanResistance, I am behind my router20:35
Resistancethen that's a yse20:35
Resistancewhen I say NAT, I mean routers20:35
Resistancethe issue with NATs...20:35
Resistanceis that they hide all ports that are open...20:35
Resistancein a sense, they have their own firewall20:35
Resistanceyou need to go into the router's settings and portforward port 10000 at the router to port 10000 at your machine20:35
Resistancebut i still do not recommend webmin20:36
Resistancei'm not sure there *is* a supported alternative...20:36
Resistancelemme check20:36
submanResistance, thanks.  I have forwarded port 10000 to the machine.  I did the same with FTP/SSH/http and they work fine over WAN20:37
submanAh, this might be an ISP problem with blocking ports....at least that is what my research is pointing to.20:50
iBaer 20:54
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submanSo, any supported alternatives to webmin?21:10
submanI don't find any in the software manager21:10
matocsubman: I think ebox was support and thought to be the alternative for a while. No idea if that's still the case.21:13
submanmatoc, found it, thanks!21:13
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Resistanceis there any good alternative to webmin?21:19
Resistanceebox perhaps, but anything else?21:19
hidensofti can't connect to my server via ssh , i don't see any prompt about password and i got no error , any idea what happened ?22:45
matochidensoft: what's the error?22:57
matochidensoft: sorry, missread that. Do you know if the port is open?22:58
hidensoftmatoc: http://paste.sternix.net/623:00
matochidensoft: I've seen issues with SSHD not letting you connect if it can't resolve the IP (reverse DNS). It can be turned of in the config file.23:03
hidensoftmatoc: where is the config file ?23:03
matochidensoft: /etc/ssh/sshd_config23:04
hidensoftmatoc: so how i can change config file while i can't use ssh ?23:05
matochidensoft: the config is needs to be added to the file, I'll look it up for you...23:05
matochidensoft: you don't have some sort of consol access?23:06
hidensoftmatoc: no :(23:07
amstanhello, i would like some help with smartctl, i'm trying to debug this one bad sector23:07
amstanfor my reallocated_sector_ct i have a raw value of "27 (0, 15)"23:07
amstanwhat does it mean?23:07
hidensofti think its impossible :( shit23:08
matochidensoft: are all the other services accessible? I suppose you've tried a reboot...23:08
amstanwhat's with the numbers in the brackets and what's the max sectors i can reallocate23:08
matochidensoft: does your ISP provide KVMoIP23:08
hidensoftmatoc: currently i have not access to server management panel , did you think its can be ok with reboot ?23:09
hidensoftmatoc: i don't know about KVMoIP23:09
matocit might reset the service.23:09
KoolaidJunkieCan someone help me with OpenVPN? When I try to connect from client to server OpenVPN on client machine says connection failed23:28
KoolaidJunkieOkay, nevermind - stupid spellin error23:38
KoolaidJunkieNow it says "Sat Dec 31 17:37:39 2011 Need hold release from management interface, waiting..." and has been so for several min23:39
KoolaidJunkieOkay, resolved that..23:53
KoolaidJunkieNow I had intended on using OpenVPN so I could access my Samba Shares (OpenVPN is suppose to make it so that the client thinks its part of the network that has the Server Running Samba) but I'm unable to see Samaba Shares23:54

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