
bkerensacancel that they ended that promo the other day :(00:00
bkerensagandi.net is good though like pleia2 said00:00
philipballewim looking for like 5 to 15 probably. Ill need to keep on the hunt!00:01
bkerensaalso 1and1 charges 99 cents for your first one I think00:01
bkerensaIf you buy in volume like 50+ domain names you can usually get discounts00:02
philipballewthat looks like a good deal00:03
pleia2I haven't heard anything bad about 1and1 (and they're based out of the philly region, so I used to know some folks who worked there, good people)00:04
philipballewthey say there several dollers a month. I think ill look for a yearly basis. I found one for 15. thats kinda expensive, but i have a account with them. called n0-ip00:07
pleia2yeah, gandi.net is $15/yr, I call that expensive :)00:07
pleia2I just moved princessleia.com and wallaceandgromit.net to gandi this morning, and I maintain krumba.ch, simcoec.at and caligulac.at there00:08
pleia2still have a pile of domains with godaddy, I'm still pondering what to do00:08
philipballewstupid sopa...00:09
pleia2I've hated godaddy for a long time, just never got around to doing anything about it00:09
bkerensaNamecheap is kind of a conundrum.... I like them and I know one of their PR people who also works for Mashable but they technically register domains through eNom and eNom will shut any domain down that it wants and has shut down domains owned by Cubans and also shutdown domains because they ran sites that talked about certain prescription drugs and "allegedly" were not pharmacy sites idk00:11
bkerensapeople are just starting to mull this over on Reddit apparently finding out they went from one evil to another00:11
bkerensaI pay like $8 a year00:13
philipballewgodaddy seems to me pleia2 like a place that advertises themselves as a hooters for the internet... I dont really approve of it.00:13
bkerensabut I also have over 50 domain names so I get a discount from Namecheap.... their "Gold" discount00:13
philipballewthere commercials are different00:14
bkerensaphilipballew: Good point they are pretty degrading to women.... and the whole fiasco with the founder shooting an elephant :( plus they try and force sell stuff when you just want a domain00:14
philipballewthe super bowl adds make me wonder who they are trying to sell to bkerensa in many ways. they must have a lot of money if they want to do that00:15
pleia2I have mixed feelings about the "objectification of women" discussion, personally I find it cheap and off-putting, but professionally I'm more annoyed by all the junk they try to sell you when you just want to renew a domain00:16
pleia2(I find objectification of women a problem in areas where women are a degraded minority anyway, but I don't think I'd consider godaddy in this region)00:16
bkerensapleia2: Or when you register a domain they try and sling their budget hosting, seo and mail packages =/00:18
pleia2bkerensa: yeah, it's really annoying00:18
philipballewyeah, its not the type of add i'd feel comfortable with with my mother in the room if you know what i mean00:18
bkerensaFortunately I dont watch the Super Bowl so I guess I miss a lot of their ads :D00:18
pleia2haha, same00:19
philipballewi always go to super bowl parties because they have free food00:20
bkerensapleia2: If/when you have a chance might you peak at this and if you want give some feedback00:20
bkerensaI plan to submit for January meeting00:21
pleia2bkerensa: what did -or do at CLS?00:22
bkerensapleia2: Well just participated we didnt have a booth but there were three of us and we went because it was before OSCON and we needed to get oriented since MarkDude only gave us two days notice that we would have a booth :(00:23
pleia2bkerensa: not criticizing, you might want to mention that on the app "$x number of loco members participated to develop our leadership skills for the team" or somesuch00:24
pleia2and I'd also say you had a booth at oscon right there on the wiki page so they don't need to click through and read the loco directory entry00:24
bkerensaahh k00:25
pleia2(same with puppetconf)00:25
pleia2and putting them in chronological order would be helpful on the brain :)00:25
pleia2aaand I would suggest having other members of the team attend the approval meeting, you're a very out-there person so it may seem like you're the only active member of the team, they loco council will want to see that there are other members around00:26
bkerensapleia2: Yeah I can have people show up thats not a problem... I'm hoping some good considering goes into approving it because there has been a slight decrease in activity and I think it may be a result of me actually telling people we should wait on the application00:29
bkerensaThey wanted me to apply back in October00:29
pleia2ah, well hopefully the news that you're moving forward with it now will draw them back :)00:29
bkerensaBut I mean when it comes to events we generally have 15-30 people at every event00:30
* pleia2 nods00:30
pleia2w00t, transfer to gandi finished00:30
pleia2godaddy sure doesn't make it easy00:30
bkerensathey need to make transfers of domains sameday00:30
pleia2unlock, auth code, confirm00:30
Garethnhaines: ping01:22
MarkDudebkerensa, you are including 2010 for OSCON?01:40
MarkDudeNo one had booths for CLS as far as I can rememebr01:40
bkerensaMarkDude: It doesnt mention us having a booth at CLS just that we participated in the event (showed up and went to sessions) its a unconf so nobody really has booths07:39
MarkDudeOk, makes sense. I was wondering why you were asked about it09:48
MarkDudeStill was curious about OSCON 201009:48
nhainesGareth: pong!  Sorry, been super busy and away this week, and it's going to continue for another day....10:10
nhainesGareth: Feel free to send a query or an email, I do see emails on my phone at least.  :)10:10
=== dude is now known as Guest82399
=== Guest82399 is now known as MarkDude
Garethnhaines: if you can all the UbuCon speakers, those that haven't alredy, to register and submit their UbuCon talks into the SCALE CFP system.  That will make things easier to publish to the schedule of events.19:46
MarkDudeAnyone up for checking out my zombie comic book?19:47
MarkDudepretty much safe for work19:47
GarethMarkDude: url?19:48
* MarkDude is calling this - *career roulette*19:50
GarethMarkDude: cool shots.19:53
akkyeah ... not sure they seem that comic-book like, but they're fun19:55
MarkDudeakk,  well it will be a mix of pics, drawings and edited pics19:56
MarkDudetechincally a live action zombie comic book...19:56
MarkDudeEarly on, I decided- to NOT have all ot the zombies be hella gross19:57
MarkDudeakk, should I order the shirt for D ?20:01
akkSure, go ahead whenever it's convenient.20:04
akkless gross zombies sound like a good idea -- we've all seen the standard version by now.20:04
dragonMarkDude: another ping!20:40
nhainesGareth: sure thing!21:10
MarkDudehey dragon21:13
Garethnhaines: thanks22:06

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