
Alison_ChaikenHey, my packages uploaded: yay!    They don't build because the build system claims it has never heard of cmake and qmake, but that will wait until after the New Year's Party.    Happy Holidays, wgrant and all assembled.00:08
=== Resistance is now known as EvilResistance
=== EvilResistance is now known as Resistance
hlamerI'm trying to upload package to PPA and have strange problem :  Uploading fresh_1.1.0-4-ppa2_source.changes: 1k/2k550 Changes file must be signed with a valid GPG signature: Verification failed 3 times: ["(7, 1, u'General error')", "(7, 1, u'General error')", "(7, 1, u'General error')"] : Permission denied.09:39
hlamerWhat does mean this General error?09:39
hlamerPackage is signed. Key has been added to list of my launchpad keys half an our ago09:40
micahghlamer: bug 79895709:42
ubot5Launchpad bug 798957 in Launchpad itself "PPA Uploads are seemingly (but not actually) rejected" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79895709:42
hlamerubot5: should I add a comment, that problem reproduced for me, and add some details?09:54
ubot5hlamer: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:54
micahghlamer: no, it's a known issue09:57
hlamerok, let's hope it will be fixed09:57
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
mccHello... is there a way to download from Launchpad using either Mercurial or svn?21:44
mccSimilar to how github and mercurial have limited svn bridges.21:45
mccerr , github and bitbucket21:45
AmpelbeinNope, you have the choice between bzr and bzr. ;-)21:45
Resistancemcc:  what Ampelbein21:47
Resistanceugh, evil keyboard21:47
_elias__Good evening everybody, I have a problem with Launchpad21:48
czajkowski_elias__: I suggest just asking it's kinda quiet but someone may be able to help you21:49
mccAmpelbein/Resistance: OK. A semi-related question-- I see bzr has plugins that let it bridge to svn, hg, and git21:54
Resistancebridge... *to*?21:54
Resistancei thought that was only for imports, Ampelbein21:54
mcci'm finding claims on the internet there are plugins that let you clone from (and possibly push back to?) svn, hg, git repositories when using bzr21:54
wgrantmcc: Right.21:54
mcci was curious how usable these plugins are in practice21:54
wgrantbzr-git and bzr-svn are very usable.21:55
wgrantbzr-svn you can push fine.21:55
Resistanceyeah, what wgrant said21:55
mccI have been using hg, and there are hg-git and hgsubversion plugins, but they have many problems, they crash a lot when you try to use more obscure features like `hg outgoing` and sometimes they do unpredictable things21:55
wgrantbzr-git you can't push, but you can dpush and lose a bit of metadata.21:55
wgrantbzr-hg works for some repos, but not others. It's far less mature.21:55
mcchm, ok21:55
mccthat's very interesting, thank you21:55
wgrantBut I use bzr-svn and bzr-git whenever I want to interoperate with svn or git.21:55
wgrantThe most common issue is that bzr-git won't work with repos that contain submodules.21:56
mccthe way i understand git... wouldn't supporting submodules be very very difficult?21:56
wgrantgit's current implementation of submodules is a little, uh, special.21:57
_elias__I'm can't create an account. I type my name, my email address, I choose a password, I type the words in the anti spam field, I click "continue" but the procedure not continue21:58
mccthat seems to be the case with many features of git21:59
mccanyway thanks21:59
wgrant_elias__: It just doesn't do anything?21:59
wgrantmcc: Heh, yes.21:59
wgrant_elias__: What happens when you click the button?21:59
wgrantAnd which browser are you using, and do you have JavaScript enabled?21:59
Resistance_elias__:  out of curiosity, are you using some type of noscript plugin in whatever web browser you're using?22:00
_elias__white a moment please22:00
_elias__when I click "continue" the browser return on registration page22:03
_elias__I use Chromium22:03
wgrantDo you have cookies and JavaScript enabled?22:04
_elias__I have javascript and cookies enabled22:05
mccHeh. So you can change the playmobil figure icon on your profile but not the one next to your name in the upper right corner?22:17
micahgI've stopped receiving upload confirmation e-mails23:06

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