
aguitelpenguin42, me too in some new machine ,but in old ....this is the question00:02
penguin42aguitel: Yeh, xubuntu is probably a good bet - xfce is quite nice00:03
FernandoMiguelHappy New Year !!!00:06
aguitelfeliz 2012 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!00:07
yofelhappy new year ;)00:08
=== Resistance is now known as EvilResistance
=== EvilResistance is now known as Resistance
FernandoMiguelnite ! ill go now enjoying my 1st 2012 sleep02:56
Fudgehi all04:07
=== kholerabbi|away is now known as kholerabbi
atvri need a link for ubuntu 12.04 beta, i need to make some test on my machine beceaus 11.10 dosnt work11:20
oCeanatvr: not beta, still apha 1 at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/precise/alpha-1/11:27
micahgatvr: it won't exist until March11:30
aguitelwhy in 10.04 glxgears run 600 FPS and in 12.04 are 60 FPS ?12:08
Stanley00aguitel: did you install video driver, and/or use the same resolution when run glxgears?12:10
aguitelStanley00, i have intel video card12:11
aguitelStanley00, no drivers need and same resolution12:12
aguitel00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82865G Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02)12:12
Stanley00aguitel: I mean the resolution of the gear?12:12
aguitelStanley00, how control this ?12:13
Stanley00aguitel: with "-geometry" parameter, I think12:14
aguitelmonitor resolution?12:14
=== sagaci_ is now known as sagaci
scotty^Where can I download the Precise daily builds?14:49
Ampelbeinscotty^:  http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/14:54
Ampelbeinif you need the live cd, s/daily/daily-live/14:55
scotty^Ah yes, that would be better.14:59
scotty^What's the full URI for that one?15:00
Ampelbeinscotty^: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/15:02
scotty^Awesome, thanks.15:04
ultrav1oletwhere can I download development packages (deb) for 12.04?16:39
ultrav1oletI just need a link, nothing else16:39
ultrav1oletI mean just deb packages16:40
penguin42ultrav1olet: you can get it from your normal mirror16:42
penguin42ultrav1olet: The easiest way is to go to packages.ubuntu.com, use the package search and select precise16:43
ultrav1oletmy mirror has ubuntu ubuntu-cdimage and ubuntu-releases directories and none of them have the package I'm interested in16:43
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
ultrav1oletubuntu/pool/universe/a has it, but a very outdated version16:44
Ampelbeinultrav1olet: What mirror is that?16:46
ultrav1oletpenguin42: damn http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=aircrack-ng&searchon=names&suite=all&section=all16:46
yofelultrav1olet: *which* deb? from an archive perspective the devel release is a release like any other16:46
ultrav1oletno package for Precise Pangolin16:46
penguin42ah, look like it's been removed from pp16:46
* yofel looks up why16:46
jtaylorunmaintained and buggy is my guess :)16:46
ultrav1oletI don't want to build it from the sources :(16:47
ultrav1oletv1.1 is maintained and well-built :)16:47
yofelyeah, by pitti:16:47
yofel(From Debian) RoQA; unmaintained, RC-buggy, NPOS; Debian bug #64293416:47
ubottuDebian bug 642934 in wnpp "ITP: aircrack-ng -- wireless WEP/WPA cracking utilities" [Wishlist,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/64293416:47
yofelultrav1olet: you can upload the oneiric package to a PPA then16:48
ultrav1oletPlease remove aircrack-ng. It has unresolved license problems, is16:48
ultrav1oletnot part of stable and genereally unmaintained. Better alternatives16:48
ultrav1oletalternatives? Fsck me :)16:49
keffie_jayxCould anyone help me with a lsb_release error on 12.04?16:49
keffie_jayxbash: /usr/bin/lsb_release: /usr/bin/python3: bad interpreter: No such file or directory16:49
keffie_jayxpython3 is not installed maybe?16:49
jtaylorsince when is python3 part of lsb :O16:49
jtaylorah the script itself is py316:51
jtaylorprobably due to the py2 removal from the cd16:51
keffie_jayxwell python3 is installed for obvious reasons16:51
penguin42keffie_jayx: Can you run /usr/bin/python3 ?16:52
keffie_jayxyep... python3.216:52
penguin42yofel: You'd hope that a bug that said 'there are better alternatives' would list them16:52
yofelpenguin42: yeah, I just read the whole report, but nothing to be found there :/16:53
keffie_jayxpenguin42: 3.2, but I guess the script references python316:53
yofelhm, lsb_release works fine here16:53
penguin42keffie_jayx: but you actually have the file /usr/bin/python3   ?16:54
keffie_jayxpenguin42: no.16:55
keffie_jayxpenguin42: is that some sort of ln?16:56
yofelit's part of python3-minimal16:56
penguin42keffie_jayx: Yes it is a symlink16:56
keffie_jayxsomehow it was not created16:57
jtaylorreinstall python3-minimal16:58
keffie_jayxjtaylor penguin42 yofel thanks, works now. happy new year to you17:00
penguin42HNY keffie_jayx17:00
yofelnp, you too17:00
* penguin42 wonders how that broke17:01
* BluesKaj trusts that the latest upgrades won't break his setup :|19:49
* FernandoMiguel checks for updates19:50
BluesKaj<--- hasn't updated in a while19:51
penguin42seems ok here19:52
FernandoMiguel  firefox firefox-globalmenu firefox-gnome-support firefox-locale-en firefox-locale-pt libvlc5 vlc vlc-nox vlc-plugin-notify vlc-plugin-pulse19:52
BluesKajhappy New Year gentlemen !19:54
penguin42HNY BluesKaj19:54
FernandoMiguelenjoy all 366 of it19:58
BluesKajleap yr eh ?19:59
guntberthow can I (in CLI) find out which of my packages will be the"1 not upgraded" by aptitude safe-upgrade?20:07
jtaylorapt-get dist-upgrade, the package thats listed under kept back20:08
jtaylorno only upgrade20:09
jtaylornot dist upgradeobviously :)20:10
guntbertjtaylor: good idea, I forgot that upgrade still asks "want to continue?"20:10
AmpelbeinAnd you probably shouldn't use aptitude anymore, it has troubles with multiarch IIRC.20:19
robin0800jtaylor: use the update manager that will show and also propt to do a partial install don't do this of course20:21
BluesKajyeah, I used to like aptitude alot but , apt-get has caught up and passed it in terms of resolving dependencies.20:21
FernandoMiguelI love aptitude too mcuh20:21
guntbertAmpelbein: any references to support your statement?20:27
AmpelbeinGunni: sure, bug 83176820:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 831768 in aptitude (Ubuntu Precise) "aptitude cannot handle conflicts with multiarch enabled" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83176820:28
Ampelbeinsorry, guntbert ^^20:28
guntbertAmpelbein: thx for the heads up20:30
guntbertfollow up question: how can I find out why software-center is not upgraded to 5.1.4 for almost a week now?20:32
jtaylorwhat does dist-upgrade say?20:32
guntbertjtaylor: I have to try...20:34
guntbertjtaylor: it would remove python-gobject-cairo and install python-gi-cairo20:36
jtaylorprobably makes sense20:37
jtaylorsee https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/software-center/
bjsnideralso the developers are on holiday20:39
guntbertbjsnider: of course - there is nothing urgent I was only curious20:49
guntbertjtaylor: the dist-upgrade went ok - with a somewhat crazy report:  dpkg: python-gobject-cairo: dependency problems, but removing anyway as you requested: software-center depends on python-gobject-cairo. (I don't need futher help...)20:51
Fudgehi all23:02
jacobwhi Fudge23:05
Fudgejacobw  howdy23:05
Fudgefigured out that the floppy in fstab and a non existent swap since i removed it was  causing major delays in boot time23:06
penguin42Fudge: Ah I reckon Ubuntu is rarely tested with floppies these days23:34
Resistancei dont think they even still produce floopy drives...23:35
Resistancedo they?23:36
penguin42I suspect they do - for replacements in machines built ages ago23:37
DaekdroomNot only for replacements but for those who stored a huge amount of data in floppies.23:38
DaekdroomSame way it happens with VHS.23:38
Fudgepenguin42  its that the header is not disabled in the bios i think23:44
Fudgeit was also causing gparted to take for ever to scan for partitions23:44
Fudgestill is actually, not sure how to disable it at os level23:46
robin0800Fudge: comment it out in fstab and blacklist the floppy in modprobe.d23:48
Fudgeah i hadnt blacklisted it23:49
robin0800Fudge: update initramfs and grub the you can delete the floppy in /media23:51
Fudgerobin0800  in blacklist.conf? what would the entry be blacklist fd0?23:51
robin0800Fudge: blacklist floppy23:52
Fudgetoo easy23:52
Fudgeyay thats much better23:55
penguin42Fudge: I'm curious; do you purely use a screen reader - do you use anything else like readers hung off serial etc?23:56
Fudgepenguin42  yes just rely on speech, i do have  a dectalk express but i am missing the pty cable which is similar to rj45 - serial23:57
Fudgei can see screens pop up but no chance to read any content23:57
penguin42Fudge: OK, reason I ask is that if you have serial you should be able to get grub and kernel messages to go to it (and on some bioses the bios)23:57
Fudgeoh grub as well? wasn't aware of that23:58
penguin42Fudge: Yeh, not done it for a while, but they do it for things like server farms and embedded stuff quite often23:58
Fudgei get speech-dispatcher to start with pulse so i get most of the bootup messages through soft synth23:59
Fudgethere is always something simple that can throw a spanner in the works though like at bios level23:59
Fudgesome weeks ago i could not boot from cd because after pushing f8 to getmy boot media up i was not aware of an error and having to push f2 to reload defaults23:59

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