
vilahi all, happy new year !07:22
lifelessvi hila07:30
AuroraBorealiswhy can i not bind a colocated branch to a remote branch?09:01
AuroraBorealisit keeps binding it to itself09:01
AuroraBorealisit doesn't seem colocated branches are very stable :<09:08
sorenThis doesn't look right: http://paste.ubuntu.com/790403/11:42
sorenOh, this is probably a #launchpad thing. Sorry.11:42
jelmervila: are you here today?13:24
vilajelmer: yup ;)13:24
vilajelmer: happy new year !13:24
jelmervila: hey!13:24
jelmervila: Thanks, happy new year to you too!13:25
jelmervila: How were your holidays?13:25
vilapretty good, except for resting ;)13:26
vilawe met a lot of friends so... lots of parties ;)13:26
jelmerhmm, looks like we have some reviews to catch up to :)13:48
vilajelmer: oh, hmm, yeah13:54
vilajelmer: do you know if poolie and mgz are still in vacations ?13:54
jelmervila: not sure about poolie, but I think the UK has a holiday because the 1st was on a sunday13:55
vilaI thought only *French* were doing such things ;)13:56
mgzyup, still holiday today, should have posted noting that, sorry14:12
jelmermgz: no worries :)14:15
jelmermgz: oh, and happy 201214:15
mgzthanks! and to you and vila (and everyone else here) too14:15
mgzwill be driving back home later today14:16
jelmerwhere did you spend your holidays?14:16
mgzwith one sister then the other, so a lot of baby holding the last few days14:17
vilamgz: hey !14:17
mgzwhat did you get up to jelmer?14:17
jelmerI spent christmas at my parents and then went to Berlin for 28C3 and NYE with some friends14:19
mgzah, various of my friends were following that online, don't think any of them actually went though14:19
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AuroraBorealiscontinued from last night, does anyone know why i can't bind a colocated branch to a remote branch? it keeps binding 'to itself' which obviously doesnt work19:50
jelmerAuroraBorealis: hi19:56
jelmerAuroraBorealis: can you expand a bit on what you're trying to do exactly?19:58
AuroraBorealisi'm trying out colocated branches cause i like how things are laid out19:59
AuroraBorealisso i have a 'trunk' branch inside of it, and thats the working tree and all that19:59
AuroraBorealisi created a new "colocated branches workspace" in bazaar explorer19:59
jelmerAuroraBorealis: is this colocated branches in bzr 2.5, or the bzr-colo plugin?20:00
AuroraBorealisit appears to work in bzr 4.220:00
AuroraBorealisas thats what i have20:00
jelmerAuroraBorealis: that would be the bzr-colo plugin then20:00
fullermdWow, can you send me a copy?   8-}20:00
jelmerAuroraBorealis: no idea about that, sorry20:00
AuroraBorealisso...if i upgrade to 2.5 then will it not be a plugin and work better? =/20:01
fullermdActually, doesn't Explorer have some thing it calls 'colocated', but is actually just the only single-switched-wt thing, not actually anything strictly colo?20:01
* fullermd has vague memories of reading something about that.20:01
AuroraBorealisit seems to be a light checkout20:01
jelmerAuroraBorealis: the 2.5 colo support has other issues20:01
AuroraBorealispointing to .bzr/branches/whatever20:01
jelmerAuroraBorealis: it's not finished yet20:01
jelmerAuroraBorealis: that sounds like bzr-colo20:02
AuroraBorealiswell it was in bazaar explorer so i thought it was semi official20:02
jelmerAuroraBorealis: I mean the colocated branch support in bzr 2.5 is not finished yet20:03
AuroraBorealisis that using the plugin (or code based off the plugin) or is it brand new20:04
jelmerAuroraBorealis: it's completely independent of the plugin20:04
AuroraBorealisi shall wait then20:04
jelmerthough I think Neil has done some work in bzr-colo to make it work with bzr 2.5's colocated branch support20:04
AuroraBorealisi just like the layout of colocated branches and wanted to try it out :<20:06
Wellarkhi! I remember reading it somewhere but can't find the info on help.launchpad.net.. how can I change which branch lp:<project> actually points to?20:44
jelmerWellark: hi21:00
jelmerWellark: #launchpad is usually more appropriate for Launchpad-specific questions21:01
jelmerWellark: there should be a edit button next to the branch name on your project home page21:01
Wellarkjelmer: oh, sorry. but anyway, thanks! I'll follow up at #launchpad21:04

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