
* solid_liq is now known as 2_tone_beat_up_old_stationwagon03:18
=== Alcine is now known as jackyalcine
=== jackyalcine is now known as jalcine
faboRiddell: https://launchpad.net/~fboudra/+archive/kde/+packages09:59
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
ulyssesis it enought to subscribe Jonathan Thomas to this bug, or shall I subscribe kubuntu-bugs too? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/muon/+bug/90181120:41
ubottuUbuntu bug 901811 in muon (Ubuntu) "muon-updater freeze when make upgrade" [Undecided,Confirmed]20:41
yofelulysses: kubuntu-bugs is already subscribed, so it's ok20:44
ulyssesoh, fail20:45
ulyssestoo late and the night before an exam :P20:45
RiddellUDS is in california next? that breaks the europe/north america alternation22:16
Riddellyofel: well it hasn't been in california for ages but it normally goes back to europe22:27
Riddellfabo: what happened to the new package you said had to be done before networkmanagement?22:47
=== al_ is now known as al
apolhi, can anybody tell me a little about QApt vs PackageKit as a backend?23:10
glatzorapol, what do you want to do?23:13
apolwell, I'm considering to start some new development23:14
apolthat would involve package management23:14
Riddelljussi: did you find out what was up with floodbots?  they're at it again in #kubuntu23:14
Riddellapol: this is the guy to ask about qapt https://launchpad.net/~echidnaman23:14
RiddellDaniel Nicoletti for kpackagekit of course23:15
apolisn't there any small issues list that I can find on the net? just to have an idea of why packagekit is not the best solution23:17
glatzorapol, if you want to support other distros you have to use packagekit23:19
glatzorapol, there is a system and a session interface. nowadays even aptdaemon provides the packagekit interface23:20
apolglatzor: and I should use qapt if...?23:20
Riddellglatzor is talking about the dbus interfaces23:20
Riddelldepends if you want to use dbus or need to be more involved and use the libraries23:21
glatzorapol, if you want to develop very closely for debian/ubuntu and use special features of those23:21
glatzorapol, qapt is also installed by default - kpackagekit not23:21
apolI don't really see it, I guess I'll have to try23:22
glatzorapol, what should your application do?23:22
apollist, install, remove, etc23:23
apoland extract name, description and pictures if possible23:23
glatzorapol, you want to write a general purpose package manager?23:32
apoland I don't really want to talk about projects before they start because it raises expectations where there shouldn't be :)23:34

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