
randomatixis there any documentation for ~/.kde/share/config/plasma-desktop-appletsrc & plasma-desktoprc?00:01
randomatixMy panel won't unhide when hovering at that edge. It does show the glow, like it's thinking about it.  The only suggestion I've found is a blog post saying to change some undocumented value in plasma-desktoprc and reboot.  It's not a good time to reboot, and I'd like to know what that setting really does.  Any ideas?00:11
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Snowhograndomatix: Well, without know what the blog post you looked at is, or what "setting" it refers to, ....00:34
randomatixSnowhog: well, the bigger question is "where are the settings in those files documented?".00:36
randomatixSnowhog: and the secondary question is "Is there a way to make a panel unhide without a restart?"00:37
randomatixSnowhog: for reference, the post is http://eyemeansit.wordpress.com/2010/06/17/restoring-a-lost-kde4-panel-that-wont-unhide/00:39
Kimlarouxrandomatix, maybe restarting plasma-desktop would work00:44
Kimlarouxand this blog post is silly... "Here’s the fix, assuming you have some folder on your desktop that will allow you to open up Dolphin:" I mean, this is Linux, you can do all that in one of the consoles00:45
randomatixKimlaroux: Good idea.  I may try restarting plasma-desktop next time.  I might have found a workaround by doing something to generate a notification in the system tray.  Will need to test that more.00:46
randomatixKimlaroux: And, yeah, there were a few rookie indicators in that post which made me less than eager to blindly make that settings change.00:48
KimlarouxBah it's just a visual setting for KDE... should be pretty same IMO. KDE used to be 100% configurable through text files...00:49
randomatixIt would be nice if the plasma settings were docuemented, perhaps something like http://kb.mozillazine.org/About:config_entries00:49
KimlarouxYeah, when I came back to KDE I couldn't find anything about it's configuration files. Kinda lame00:50
randomatixthe prevailing notion of just blowing away the settings file & starting over whenever things don't work is bothersome00:51
Kimlarouxwhat annoys me more is the "point and click" of it all... Many things can only be configured through point-and-click setting panels. It's really a pain when those settings don't work.00:52
randomatixKimlaroux: the Firefox approach works for me.  GUI for the common items, about:config for tweakier things.00:53
KimlarouxFirefox is not a whole desktop though00:53
randomatixKimlaroux: right, just saying their hybrid method is appealing.00:54
* Kimlaroux nods.00:54
randomatixthey seem free to add tweakable settings galore, without getting slowed down by decisions over what belongs in the gui00:55
Cpt_AndrewAnyone have methods of laptop power saving?01:37
Cpt_AndrewLinux is a monster in draining my macbook battery01:38
randomatixCpt_Andrew: have you tried powertop?01:38
Cpt_Andrewno does it help a lot?01:40
Cpt_Andrewi only played with the system setting power options01:40
randomatixpowertop shows technical info about what's using power, with suggested changes.   not really a consumer-friendly tool, though.  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PowerTOP01:42
randomatixit hits some items not covered elsewhere.  still not everything you'll need to do, though01:43
Cpt_Andrewi see, can it actually make the changes itself?01:44
randomatixyeah. they may not be persistent.  it's been a while since I used it.01:45
Cpt_AndrewK thanks, i'll check it out01:47
gjohnsonhow to fix problem dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a'02:13
gjohnsonwould anyone want to help with this problem ?  how to fix problem dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a02:14
robin0800gjohnson: and have you ?02:16
gjohnsonam I in the right place for help?02:17
robin0800gjohnson: in the konsole sudo dpkg --configure -a02:17
gjohnsoni have a promt02:18
gjohnsonunder bash02:19
gjohnsonsudo: dpkg--configure-a: command not found02:22
gjohnsoni  entered in konsole02:22
gjohnsonthis is what i got back02:23
gjohnsonsudo: dpkg--configure-a: command not found02:23
robin0800gjohnson: there is a space between dpkg and --02:23
Snowhoggjohnson: Type it as:   sudo dpkg --configure -a  [Note that there are spaces]02:23
gjohnsonok i coped your text and its working now02:24
gjohnsonwould  you know how or why it was disabled? my Auto updater was working fine before?02:25
gjohnsonok it has finished02:26
robin0800gjohnson: the errors you had might have stopped it02:26
gjohnsonAwsome its working great now thanks soo much Happy New Year and God Bless02:28
inobeanyone have tips on how to speed up dolphin, using Dolphin Version 1.7 on KDE (4.7.4) ?02:52
inobesys specs, e6850cpu, 500gig sata drive, gtx 460 se 2gb, 6 gigs memory, dolphin takes 4seconds to load, yet everything else loads up instantaneously.02:56
randomatixIn krunner, how can the PATH be set to include ~/bin ?  The default PATH seems to be  /usr/lib/lightdm/lightdm:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games03:16
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Linkmastertelepathy KDE? Where can I find itZ03:42
inobehello everyone03:52
SnowhogLinkmaster: telepathy-core is in the repositories. Just install it?04:00
LinkmasterSnowhog: I wanted the KDE version...04:07
SnowhogLinkmaster: Take a look at http://quintasan.blogspot.com/2011/07/telepathy-kde-ppa.html04:10
Bunie_Hey guys! I'm using Lubuntu but i installed KDE and nobody is answering over there :P04:18
Bunie_What is Konqeuror and how do i remove it without butchering KDE?04:18
SnowhogBunie_: Konqeuror is a Web Browser and File Manager in one.04:20
Bunie_Snowhog: But like, doesnt KDE by default use a different file manager?04:20
Bunie_Snowhog: I use FireFox for my web browsing :P what use is Konqeuror to me?04:20
SnowhogBunie_: Then don't use it.04:21
Bunie_but its required for KDE? :P04:21
Bunie_the file manager may come in handy someday anyways04:21
Bunie_I've installed everything but xfce, no idea why. some strange urge to install them all. cant manage to get xfce to work though.04:22
SnowhogBunie_: Konqueror isn't installed with the newer versions of Kubuntu, which now uses Rekonq as the default browser.04:22
Bunie_Ah. Well as i mentioned im using lubuntu :3 just needed some info on KDE ^^04:23
Bunie_Thanks :D04:23
Bunie_KDE is very pretty. it seems more resource hoggish then Gnome though lols. its a touch choice i'll have to make over-time :D see you guys later ;D04:24
calcmandan_preHappy new year everyonr06:05
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almoxarifesomeone tell me how to remove the x/y coords from the display when I shit a window on the desktop?10:35
almoxarifethat would be 'shift'10:35
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ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit11:28
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ubottukubuntu is Ubuntu with the KDE Software Compilation instead of !Gnome. See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support join #kubuntu - See also !kde11:39
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BluesKajhey folks14:02
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utenteWhere can I find the history file of Muon Package Manager?16:05
utenteis anyone home?16:10
zen_/etc/default/grub: 1: #If: not found16:13
soeeargh anyone who can help configure wirless ?16:28
=== Prateek is now known as Guest66898
peacesoee: ?16:38
soeepeace: still here ?16:44
peacesoee: ye16:44
soeepeace: listen i have wirles modem etc, installed driver (ath9k_htc)16:45
soeei can find network in NM16:45
soeebut status is: configuring interface or awaiting for authentication16:46
soeeand nothing, cant connect16:46
peacesoee: sudo apt-get install wicd-kde16:46
peacetry with that16:46
soeehehe yeah but cant connect to network on desktop :)16:47
peacesoee: connect the wired cable16:47
soeedont have atm16:47
peacesoee: go in the netbook notebook16:48
soeeim on laptop16:48
peacesoee: download the packages16:49
peacesoee: they will be on /var/cache/apt/archives16:49
soeepeace: is this enough to downlaod this: https://launchpad.net/~hrvojes/+archive/kde-goodies/+files/wicd-kde_0.2.3git20111229%7E241%7Eoneiric1_amd64.deb16:50
soeeand move to dekstop and install ?16:50
peaceyou need the wicd-daemon16:51
peacesoee: the esiest way i can image is...16:52
peacesoee: install widcd-kde on your laptop16:52
peacecopy the folder i have said you before on your desktoo16:52
soeeon Windows ?16:52
peaceno comment16:52
peacesoee: get a sick cable for your desktop16:53
peaceor this will be a pain16:53
toumboIts realy annoying when log out and then log in into kde the black interface of some programs16:56
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soeepeace: ok wicd-kde isntalled what next ?17:07
peacesoee: then use it xD17:07
soeehmm if i try to run it using console i have message that its not installed, but if i try to istall it says it is in newset version17:09
peacesoee: wicd-daemo is running?17:10
peacesoee: kde version ubuntu version?17:10
soeepeace: 11.10 / 4.8 rc117:11
soeepeace: but it was installed from .deb files17:12
peacetype wicd-kde17:12
peacerun :::::::::::::::::::::> type wicd-kde17:12
soeekrunner cant find it, console says its not installed :D17:12
soeerebooting now, will see17:12
peacerun this17:13
soeewhat is it ?17:14
peaceman kbuildsycoca417:14
peaceor google it17:14
peaceyou should not need17:14
peacebut just to test..17:14
soeeok wicd-kde works after reboot17:15
soeepeace: networkmanager doesnt have to be switched off right ?17:16
peacesoee: kill it17:17
peacei like kill applications17:17
soeeomg now again it cant be found ...17:18
=== phil is now known as bookaballaboddda
bookaballabodddai would just like to say hi17:47
bookaballabodddaand goodebye17:47
alkisgDragon player doesn't support subtitles, what's a usual alternative?18:10
randomatixalkisg: I like smplayer and totem.18:13
alkisgI thought totem would pull a lot of gnome dependencies... ty :)18:14
peacealkisg: vlc is good18:20
alkisgOK, I'll use vlc then, I'm already used to that. Thank you.18:21
peacebtw there are toons of players18:21
peacei prefer vlc :)18:21
randomatixalkisg: SMplayer is QT4 and uses mplayer as a backend.  I switched to it as my primary when VLC was having problems, and have no inclination to go back.18:31
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s_pI heard you like some spam with the spam so spam i give spam to you18:38
s_pI heard you like some spam with the spam so spam i give spam to you18:38
s_pI heard you like some spam with the spam so spam i give spam to you18:38
FloodBotK3s_p: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:38
s_pI heard you like some spam with the spam so spam i give spam to you18:38
s_pI heard you like some spam with the spam so spam i give spam to you18:38
s_pI heard you like some spam with the spam so spam i give spam to you18:38
FloodBotK3s_p: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:38
s_pI heard you like some spam with the spam so spam i give spam to you18:39
s_pI heard you like some spam with the spam so spam i give spam to you18:39
s_pI heard you like some spam with the spam so spam i give spam to you18:39
FloodBotK3s_p: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:39
Unit193!ops | s_p is a spammer18:39
ubottus_p is a spammer: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) Hobbsee, Tm_T, Nalioth, Riddell, seth, imbrandon, gnomefreak, nixternal, ryanakca, mneptok, PriceChild, tsimpson, jussi, Pici, ikonia, genii, Mamarok, claydoh, maco, apachelogger, seele, Nightrose, JontheEnchidna, rgreening, or txwikinger18:39
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skramer_hi everybody. could anybody please tell me how to sync BlackBerry with Kontact 4.7.319:14
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rousingcan anyone tell me how to install minimal kde desktop ? i'm using server edition19:45
ArnoldsI've got a problem with Kubuntu, I can't install anything on Muon software center or download any updates. It shows: This operation cannot continue since proper authorization was not provided19:55
yofelArnolds: is the package 'polkit-kde-1' installed?19:56
ArnoldsProbably not.19:57
yofelinstall that with apt and restart your session, it should work then19:57
ArnoldsOk, thanks!19:57
alkisghttp://userbase.kde.org/Dragon_Player ==> " Support for subtitles: Automatically loads subtitles with the matching name "20:09
alkisgHas anyone managed to do that? I even `strace`'d it and I didn't see it trying to load my .srt subtitles... (vlc works fine, just wondering why kubuntu would have a media player that doesn't support subtitles as its default one)20:09
=== phil is now known as phil_of_da_futur
atvrhi how can i creat desktop icon :) sorry i am new20:19
atvranyone could help me ??20:21
skramer_how can I sync my BlackBerry with KDEPIM? The Kontact version is 4.7.320:23
atvri need help setting desktop icon20:27
yofelatvr: what kind of icon?20:31
atvryofel, nevermind lol, i figured mysefl :)20:33
SJrI cannot login to KDE anymore, this is what I'm getting: http://pastebin.com/Eq7D69Zi20:48
SJrin my xsession-errors file20:48
Deckard_25hi, will KDE 4.7.4 packages get into Oneiric? there's very important bug fix: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=27249520:57
ubottuKDE bug 272495 in general "Crash in TaskManager::TaskItem::task" [Crash,Resolved: fixed]20:57
who_me_Deckard_25: the 4.7.4 packages are in the kubuntu ppa20:59
Deckard_25who_me_:could you give me the name of this ppa?20:59
who_me_Deckard_25: ppa:kubuntu-ppa/ppa21:00
Deckard_25who_me_: thanks a lot!21:01
Deckard_25thanks :)21:01
SJrI can't seem to login to KDE anymore, even with a new user, here is my xsession-errors: http://pastebin.com/Eq7D69Zi21:03
SnowhogSJr: Instead of providing the contents of your xsessions-errors file, how about describing what is happening? Do you get to the KDM login screen? If 'yes', are you returned to it (looping problem)?21:08
SJrsorry I shorted the paste, from before.21:08
SJrI just get hung on the 'K'21:08
SJrwhen the K starts fading in, it just hangs there.21:09
SJrI can login with xfce no problem21:09
SnowhogSJr: Reboot in to recovery (single user) mode. At the prompt type: df -h and see what is reported for space available under root ( / ).21:10
SJr12 G free out of 28 total21:11
SJrIs there a reason to reboot into single user mode?21:11
SnowhogSJr: Hmm. Not a space problem then. When did you last get in successfully, and what has happened since then?21:12
SJrHome has 4 G free out of 44.21:12
SJrProbably about 2 weeks ago, nothing the locker was in my laptop, in standby. It did eventually lose power and all the contents of RAM were lost.21:12
SJrAbout 6 months it started where new users couldn't login at all21:12
SJrbut up until two weeks ago my user could log in successfully21:13
SJrsorry the laptop was in my locker*21:13
SnowhogSJr: Can you boot using the previous kernel?21:16
SJrNot sure how, and I think if it comes to that I'm just going to wipe and re-install.21:16
SnowhogSJr: From the Grub menu, or do you have the Grub menu set to hidden?21:17
SJrprobably set to hidden21:17
SJrI also think I upgraded the kernel jsut now21:17
SJr(as I did a dist-upgrade to fix it).21:17
SJrto try to fix it*21:17
SnowhogSJr: Ensure that none of the file/directories in your users /home directory are owned by root. From the command line type: ls -laR | grep root\ root  and see if any files/directories are shown as owned by root.21:28
SJrgrep root\ root21:29
SJrOkay some were, and lets see if that works21:30
SnowhogSJr: From the command line (having booted into recover mode), can you get to the Desktop Environment by typing:  startx21:36
SJrNope it just wants to throw me into xfce21:39
SJrkde-failsafe works via kdm21:39
SJrI'm just going to reinstall21:42
SJrthanks anyway Snowhog21:42
SnowhogSJr: Okay, using kde-failsafe gets you in. Once in, go to System Settings > Startup and Shutdown > Session Management > On Login and select  Start with an empty session.21:43
atvrwhat is the kubuntu off-topic chanel ?21:46
Snowhogatvr: Where you can talk about non-help stuff -- basic 'chatting'.21:47
ubottu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!21:47
atvrSnowhog, thanks21:47
atvrSnowhog, do you know how can i get cairo, and is it hard to use21:50
Snowhogatvr: It's in the repositories, so just launch your package manager and search on cairo-dock21:53
atvrokay :) thanks21:53
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MaxHRHello, am getting messages about certificates being bad for secure websites, and when trying to install new packages... can someone advise me how to update the certs?22:43
OutOfControlWhat does mode (j 4:10) do?23:01
SnowhogRiddell: The FloodBotK "tag team" are at it again.23:03
OutOfControlWhat does +j do again?23:04
Snowhog+j "auto join" I think23:04
Unit193OutOfControl: http://freenode.net/using_the_network.shtml23:04
OutOfControlLets all part and see what happens when we rejoin at once ;p23:06
SnowhogWell, an OP could do that -- if he/she wanted to.23:06
ResistanceOutOfControl:  i wouldnt recommend tormenting the bots :P23:13
Snowhogtsimpson: The floodbots are at it again.23:13
Snowhog+j (join throttling) This mode takes one parameter of the form n:t, where 'n' and 't' are positive integers. Only 'n' users may join in each period of 't' seconds. Amazing what you learn when you read the guide.23:21
MaxHRwhy would rekonq and muon have security cert problems, and firefox doesn't?  and how can I fix it?23:31
MaxHRI guess I should dump kubu for ubu, this security thing is not acceptable23:42
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».23:46

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