
penguin42Fudge: Right, some bioses will do a redirect to serial as well00:00
Fudgei'll have to check that out on my new board, this is just a g31 chipset00:00
Fudgei read something couple years ago from opensuse i think that they were tinkering with tts at grub level00:01
Fudgeif you google grub opensuse text to speech it comes up00:02
Fudgei could never get any further info on it though00:02
penguin42it must be hard, sound hardware is so random00:03
Fudgeubuntu is pretty awesome, freebsd i used to have lots of probs with getting it to work, then X and even worse if you mess something up in fstab next boot you get dropped into a single user shell00:04
penguin42Fudge: which is why it's good to have bios/grub/kernel all setup to do serial console - I've had to do it for remote or embedded stuff00:06
Fudgesounds pretty awesome penguin4200:08
Yarivhey people, I tried to download the 12.04 developers preview, and tried to install it on a laptop and another machine using VirtualBox and both of them have the same problem. Once booted up it gives me kernel panic and freeze.01:44
mrdebhello. when is the beta out02:27
robin0800mrdeb: march 1st02:29
mrdebok robin02:37
mrdebthank you02:37
* solid_liq is now known as 2_tone_beat_up_old_stationwagon03:18
khmDebate between Christianity and Islam :(Is the Bible God's Word?) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IlA22NNFlDw - E-mail:M4.Guest@Gmail.com03:33
micahg!offtopic | khm03:34
ubottukhm: #ubuntu+1 handles support for the development version of Ubuntu.  Please join #ubuntu for all other Ubuntu support.  Chat in #ubuntu-offtopic.03:34
jacobwok, i'm using irssi in gnome-terminal, pressing alt+<left>/<right> puts a D or a C in the input03:40
jacobwsomebody else must use irssi in gnome-terminal, does this happen to you?03:41
Fudgejacobw  is that supposed to move between tabs in gnome terminal?03:43
jacobwFudge: between tabs in irssi03:43
Fudgealt left/right moves between windows for me with irssi/screen in gnome terminal03:44
jacobwsorry, windows in irssi03:44
Fudgeyes mate moving between windows, i tried screen  -x of this session from gnome terminal and it moved me from here which is window 34 to 33 and 35 when going left/right03:47
Fudgethats in a screen sessin though so maybe its different03:48
jacobwi'm not using screen at the moment, i'm just using irssi in gnome-terminal03:48
jacobwwindows of a screen session would be different, as far i'm aware alt+<left>/<right> is not the command to switch windows in screen03:49
jacobwin screen its cmd+c,[0-9] to switch windows03:51
Fudgecontrol n/p also but alt left/right did work anywayz from gt03:52
jacobwanyway, i'm quite happy this is the only real problem i've got with alpha 103:53
Fudgeits very usable03:56
Fudgethink its the first alpha in a long time that has so much accessibility stuff working03:56
jacobwAlanBell has been vocal about accessibility issues since the last release cycle03:58
Fudgeyeah ubuntu accessibility team are awesome and very approachable04:00
alkisgHi, where can I download kubuntu precise alpha1? I'm having some problems with the daily build... (update-openoffice-dicts something missing)09:45
Fudgealkisg  did you google cdimage kubuntu alpha 1 precise10:08
alkisgFudge: yes, and I got to http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/precise/, which is appareantly removed for some reason10:08
alkisgAnyway I ran `ln -s update-openoffice-dicts /bin/true` to get past the failing postinst... I hope I can make daily-build work this way10:10
alkisg(ok I wrote the correct syntax for ln, the above is wrong :))10:11
micahgalkisg: please file a bug against the package in question, it needs to be updated to not use that10:11
alkisgmicahg: thank you, I'm past that point now, I'll see if I can find the time to retry the installation to see which package called that10:12
Fudgecant find the alpha either lol10:15
penguin42anyone in KDE finding the task manager (list of windows on the panel) is being a bit random?13:18
* penguin42 is finding it giving a random mix of windows on random virtual desktops13:23
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
BluesKajhey folks14:02
alkisgI installed kubuntu precise daily build, but it had a few problems, which I thought I worked around. But now I see what seems like a broken GUI....14:03
alkisgDoes kubuntu precise have the system menu on the top of the screen? And no "K" menu at the bottom at all?14:03
BluesKajnope nut you can add the kmenu launcher ther "add widgets"14:05
* BluesKaj cleans his glasses14:06
alkisgLet me upload a picture to imagebin, because I can't imagine that what I'm seeing was deliberately designed like this... it seems too broken14:06
=== htorque_ is now known as htorque
alkisgWhat's the name of the browser, to launch it from the command line, because the desktop icons won't respond to mouse clicks?14:08
penguin42kubuntu for me has a panel at the bottom with a K menu on the left and clock and stuff on the right14:08
alkisgpenguin42: is that precise?14:08
penguin42alkisg: yes, but not a fresh install14:09
penguin42hmm, actually I have a fresh install VM - let me boot it14:09
alkisgThank you, ok so it's clearly wrong, let me see if something breaks it...14:09
alkisgPlease do14:09
alkisgThe same broken layout was there in ubiquity too14:09
alkisgerrr in the live session14:09
penguin42alkisg: My fresh install from a few day old daily CD looks the same14:10
alkisgThank you penguin42, let me try troubleshooting this...14:10
BluesKajI also have problems with my desktop shortcuts not launching ,, the kdeinit failed to launch message dialog pops up , same goes for any shortcuts dragged to th epanel like textfiles ...tried adding the text file to the kmenu in edit apps and then adding the textfile from there to the panel, which used to work , but not anymore14:15
BluesKajthis problem has been around on my pc since 4.7.3 ...I suspect there's a configuration in kdeinit that's to blame, but I have no idea how to fix it14:18
BluesKajand googling has no solutions for the kdeinit failure message "KDEInit could not launch '/home/user/nameoffolder"14:23
penguin42it's always good to have your own special bug isn't it?14:23
BluesKajPlasma desktop shell spits the dialog btw14:27
alkisgAaah "small screen resolution detected, using plasma-netbook" ==> that's probably why the interface is not familiar... and maybe the reason why it's not responding either :D14:27
alkisgLet me check for how to disable that...14:28
BluesKajpenguin42, what's good about it , I'm pi**ed about this ..fed up really14:28
penguin42BluesKaj: It's pretty difficult if it's only you having it14:30
yofel_alkisg: system settings -> workspace behaviour -> workspace -> workspace type14:31
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alkisg(I don't think I'll be able to find system settings with the broken UI, but I'll do it after removing plasma-netbook manually :))14:31
yofelyou should have a krunner-like text field on your screen to search for applications14:32
alkisgYes, and I can type there, but the icons I find do not respond to mouse clicks14:35
alkisgAnyway I removed /usr/share/something/plasma-netbook.desktop, and it worked fine14:35
yofelBluesKaj: hm, for some reason plasma does nonsense when adding a shortcut to the panel...14:35
alkisgMuuuuuch better - thank you very much all14:35
yofelif I add a folder, it adds an icon with like '/home/yofel/data' as command, but you obviously can't "run" folders o.O14:36
BluesKajyofel, well the problem is that itused to work and came to depend on panel shortcuts to certain textfiles I use as reference ...now i have to open dolphin to access it14:40
yofelwell, as a workaround, you can go to the icon settings -> application and fix the command. Appending xdg-open to it should do the right thing usually. (or just use the right application)14:42
yofeldid you file a bug yet?14:42
yofelBluesKaj: hm, seems like this only happens to any files that are marked executable (someone seems to have missed that that includes folders)14:55
yofelI can add shortcuts fine for text files that aren't executable14:55
* yofel filed kde bug 29040515:01
ubottuKDE bug 290405 in general "Adding a folder shortcut icon to plasma will handle it as an application" [Normal,Unconfirmed] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=29040515:01
BluesKajyofel , one can add textfiles orfolder , but they won't launch from the desktop or the panel ...applications work fine15:08
BluesKajyofel, I thought that i filed a bug quite a while back , but i can't locate it on launchpad now15:09
BluesKajyofel, heh, even the ubuntu-bug dialog froze and showed the crash indicator failure in the panel :)15:13
smallfoot-put new firefox in repo17:11
smallfoot-cuz the firefox has ugly menu17:11
smallfoot-if you use other theme17:11
smallfoot-will precise pangolin boot faster?17:16
smallfoot-cuz oneiric ocelot boots slow and shuts off slow17:16
smallfoot-and the other one before ocelot was fast17:17
penguin42smallfoot-: The boot doesn't seem too bad, but the shutdown on kubuntu seems a bit sluggish17:29
smallfoot-Microsoft Live integration, MSN over XMPP in Empathy, etc... i hope precise turns out good17:31
Hamedhow are you17:40
Hamedi have aproblem in my lan17:41
Hamedany one here17:41
yofelBluesKaj: text files are fine if I add them to the panel here, just folders are wrongly handled as applications18:39
yofelalthough text have to be not executable18:40
yofel*text files18:40
BluesKajyofel, I filed a bug on launchpad bug #91090718:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 910907 in kde-workspace (Ubuntu) ""kdeinit fails to launch desktop folder/icon shortcuts with plasma desktop shell"" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91090718:53
dupondjeHi ! Any idea how I start with debugging a hard crash? Black screen, and no response anymore :s18:54
BluesKajno login page , dupondje?18:54
dupondjewell sometimes i'm working on my pc, and it locks18:54
dupondjenothing works anymore, no keyboard, nothing18:55
dupondjeonly thing I can do is pulling the power18:55
yofelBluesKaj: which is about what I'm getting too, so I linked that with my kde bug18:55
BluesKajyofel, good :)18:57
yofelBluesKaj: as a workaround, you could edit the icon, and in the Applications tab append 'dolphin' before the folder path as Command18:57
BluesKajok yofel , thanks I'll try that18:58
BluesKajyofel , the line in the command dolphin/home/user/Videos for example isn't found upon further examination the information tab in icon settings shows the path as "/home/kaj/.local/share/applications/Videos.desktop19:12
yofelBluesKaj: ah, add a space:  dolphin /home/user/Videos19:12
BluesKajyofel, and when i try to launch from the /home/kaj/.local/share/applications/ itgives the "could not find /home/kaj/Videos executable"19:13
yofelwell yeah, it's trying to run the specified file (/home/user/Videos) which oviously doesn't work - so change the command to 'dolphin /home/user/Videos' so it actually runs dolphin with /home/user/Videos as parameter19:15
BluesKajyofel, I did that but all i get is dolphin /home/user  , not the video folder19:22
BluesKajit works if I do , kdesudo dolphin /home/kaj/Videos , why it needs sudo is beyonf me19:23
yofelworks without sudo here19:23
Resistancelooks like permissions?19:24
yofelcould be19:24
Resistancealso, where's the latest release of 12.04, i want to load a VM of it :P19:24
yofeleither look for the alpha1 page, or19:24
ubottuDaily builds of the CD images of the current development version of Ubuntu are available at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/ and http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/19:24
BluesKajyeah , but suddenly I need permissions?19:24
BluesKajanyway , I have some errands etc to do ...bb in hr or so19:25
yofelyou shouldn't, as long as Videos is xr for you19:25
Resistancei was thinking along the lines fo an exploded ownership of a folder or something19:25
Resistancelike yofel stated, those perms would be needed19:25
BluesKajpermissions are -rwx19:26
BluesKajread write exec ..correct?19:26
BluesKajanyway BBL19:27
yofellooks right19:28
ResistanceRWX = Read-Write-Execute19:30
=== davidcalle_ is now known as davidcalle
guntberthmm ... software center crashes, apport does its thing, then it says "this bug has already been reported as #849553", firefox opens with that bug and at the bottom (after several comments from the last days) I see "this is a duplicate of #849745". should apport not send us to the correct bug immediately?20:56
micahgguntbert: please file a bug against apport requesting it to resolve duplicates before displaying the bug #21:00
guntbertmicahg: will do21:00
micahgguntbert: thanks!21:00
jtaylorisn't that just an issue with this redirect list?21:01
micahgjtaylor: well, I would think it's easy enough to see if the bug pattern bug has been duped rather than updating the bug pattern21:02
micahgbut technically, in most cases, yes :)21:02
guntbertmicahg: Bug #91098121:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 910981 in Apport "apport doesn't resolve duplicates before displaying an already reported bug to the user" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91098121:21
FernandoMiguelstupid mount-all21:35
Resistancealpha1 installer crash21:35
Resistancein a VM21:35
FernandoMiguelfails to mount cifs on fstab and fsck fails21:35
FernandoMiguelwow so many new nicks in here21:35
FernandoMiguelis there a way to setup make sure fstab mounts (or part of it) later on the boot? just about before the login? so that anything that runs off fstab doesn't fail for network slow down?21:41
FernandoMigueland also, how to unmount it earlier ? my laptop always hangs on shutdown :(21:43
FernandoMiguelI remember a old bug in 10.04 about it, but was fixed at least till 11.1021:43
icerootFernandoMiguel: there is an mount-option for nfs, cifs and so on for trying the mount again if the network is not up at the moment21:45
iceroot!mount | FernandoMiguel (somehwere there the option can be found)21:45
ubottuFernandoMiguel (somehwere there the option can be found): mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount21:45
yofelfor nfs it was 'bg' I think21:46
yofeland to make mountall not fail on delayed nfs mount add 'nobootwait'21:46
FernandoMiguelwill look into it21:46

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