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LetoThe2ndis there some known best practise to build/run the kernel on the pandaboard? to tinker around with changing or experimental peropherals....09:06
elementary-site0I need help guys11:18
elementary-site0I am so confused :/11:18
elementary-site0I want to install an Ubuntu version of ARM to raspberry-pi ARM1111:19
elementary-site0and I don't know which?11:19
elementary-site0I can see armel-dove and armel-omap version and I don't know the difference or the process of doing it.11:19
elementary-site0Is any of these the right one http://ftp.ntua.gr/pub/linux/ubuntu-releases-dvd/11.10/release/ ?11:20
amitkelementary-site0: http://askubuntu.com/questions/71828/what-arm-single-board-computers-does-are-supported-by-ubuntu11:22
elementary-site0amitk: Hmmm that helped, Thanks. I guess I am stuck with arch linux :/11:23
elementary-site0or Debian11:23
elementary-site0They will ship Debian or archlinux cards. nice11:24
elementary-site0Thanks amitk11:24
amitkelementary-site0: no problem11:25
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LetoThe2ndis there some known best practise to build/run the kernel on the pandaboard? to tinker around with changing or experimental peripherals.... (platform is a pandaboard)12:44
ogra_LetoThe2nd, same procedure as for any other platform running ubuntu ;)13:06
ogra_either pull the git tree from kernel.ubuntu.com or use the source package13:07
ogra_there should be a few wikipages from the kernel team13:07
LetoThe2ndogra_: ok, so the standard process will take care of the flashkernel things and such?13:08
ogra_LetoThe2nd, as long as you build a deb from either of the above, yes13:11
ogra_if you want to do it fully manual just copy vmlinuz to /boot/vmlinuz-$your_version ... then run sudo update-initramfs -u -k $your_version13:12
ogra_update-initramfs runs flash-kernel at the end of its run in this case13:12
LetoThe2ndogra_: ah ok. but the manual thing is exactly what i do not want... why work around existing mechanisms?13:13
ogra_(creating uImage from vmlinuz etc is handled by flash-kernel(13:13
ogra_sure, if you feel like rolling a deb every time, do it like that ... it just takes more time13:14
ogra_the result will be the same13:14
LetoThe2ndthx, will look into it then :)13:14
ogra_apart from the fact that dpkg doesnt know about tehz kernel in the manua case indeed13:14
LetoThe2ndyeah. and package management not knowing about things always gives me that icky feeling...13:16
ogra_sure sure ... but for quick tests i prefer the manual way... once i have a final solutio i put it into the package as a last step13:16
* ogra_ wonders where his chars went ....13:16
LetoThe2ndi they prolly all transformed to longints.13:18
* ogra_ happily closes his mailer ... ~4000 mails piled up in 10 days of vacation, sigh13:20
LetoThe2ndogra_: rm *.mbox13:34
ndecogra_: hi! and happy new year!13:34
ndecdo you know if our PPA is now armhf enabled?13:35
ogra_ndec, same to you !!13:35
ogra_ndec, argh, not yet ... will ping you if its done13:35
ndecok. i am testing armhf now, with some luck it might work soon ( i mean the GFX part)13:36
ogra_ndec, wow, thanks !!13:41
ndecyou will thank me when it works ;-)13:47
ndecogra_: i have a FS with precise armhf  and GFX seems ok... I am using openbox + xterm + DDK samples applications... not sure I will get more time to test a full desktop, but I could release what I have at least.14:46
ndecif my PPA was armhf ;_)14:46
ogra_ndec, yeah, IS is pinged but i didnt get an answer yet14:46
ogra_does es2gears work ?14:47
ndecogra_: is there a pkg for it?14:51
suihkulokkindec: mesa-utils-extra or something close to that14:52
ndecogra_: yep. it seems to work. at least I can see a PVR warning...14:53
ogra_awesome !14:53
ogra_janimo, did you adjust the config to carry the newly enabled erratas in your ac100 upload ?15:57
ogra_seems not having the causes hangs after a while15:57
ndecogra_: if i want to build armhf pkg from an armel FS with multi arch, is that supposed to work?16:07
ogra_i dont think anyone tested or focused on hf vs el multiarch yet16:08
ogra_so it *might* or might not work :)16:08
ndeci can try... how do I install a armhf pkg in an armel fs?16:09
ogra_iirc dpkg has teh option --foreign=$targetarch16:09
ogra_so that would be --foreign=armel on hf ... and the other way round16:10
ogra_ah, no16:10
ogra_--foreign-architecture architecture16:10
ogra_is what the manpage says16:10
ogra_no equal sign16:10
ndecogra_: was trying to install metacity in armhf, it seems that libgtk-3-0 installs its stuf in /usr/lib/{triplet}gtk-3.0 now, however I get errors during configure with "Cannot load module /usr/lib/gtk-3.0/3.0.0/immodules/*.so". is that expected?17:52
ndeci wonder how you can build a desktop image with this..17:52
ndecogra_: nevermind... this is not the root cause of my problem, that seems harmless..17:56
ndeci have another problem...17:56
janimoogra_, which newly enabled erratas? I am not aware of any discussion/bug21:52
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