
kristian-aalborgokay, so I had to quit gimp the hard way because I was building a huge file, and now I am missing a lot of space01:34
kristian-aalborgdo I make sense?01:35
DmstrDJhdd space ??01:36
kristian-aalborgDmstrDJ, yes01:38
kristian-aalborgI think I still have the huge image file somewhere01:38
DmstrDJthen i would think the program has allocated the space in a temp file01:39
kristian-aalborgI just had to open gimp and close it again, sweet!01:40
kristian-aalborgDmstrDJ, yes, so do I... but I could not locate that file anywhere01:40
DmstrDJwell, im not sure exactly where gimp would have them, have never looked but any program will use space temporarily until its deleted01:42
DmstrDJuntil the created item is deleted01:43
kristian-aalborgyeah, I just thought it went away with a reboot01:47
vanangamudihey anybody03:05
jalcine!ask | vanangamudi03:05
ubot2`vanangamudi: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience03:06
vanangamudiwer do i locate the installed shared library files?03:07
jalcine/usr/lib, /usr/local/lib, /lib, and arch-dependent folders.03:11
OutOfControljalcine: Bit too late03:12
jalcineUnfortunately :/03:12
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coalwaterif i change the .bash_aliases how do i apply  changes without restaring or relogging in10:40
geirha. ~/.bash_aliases10:51
geirha.bashrc is sourced by interactive shells, so no relogging necessary. A new terminal will have it.10:52
coalwateris there a way to move a screen session from one user to the other ?11:37
bioterroryou mean like you have logged in as you and then you want to move all the open applications to another user?11:38
geirha#screen might have an answer for that :)11:39
coalwateryea bioterror , i had a screen with root, but now i want to move it to another user11:40
bioterrorimpossible :D11:40
coalwaterok lol11:40
bioterrorI dont know anyone has done that :D11:40
bioterrornor heard11:40
coalwaterguess ill have to check what was open with it11:40
coalwaterand repoen11:41
coalwaterit's just i had few servers running in the screen11:41
coalwaterdidnt want to kill them11:41
geirhaYou can allow your user access to the screen11:41
geirhaI've never used that feature myself, but I'm sure #screen can help you with it.11:42
coalwaternvm, stupid server doesn't want to start under user11:43
bioterroryou have something configured or left without configuring11:44
bioterrorif your "server" is not using display managers, you should use .xinitrc11:44
coalwateryea , probably, dont want to try to find what11:44
coalwaterits a stupid rails server11:46
coalwateri dont care why its not working :D ill just do what they want me to do and leave the rest for them11:46
sleepy-zzPleased to say my query has been solved,  but how do I actually mark my thread in the forum as "solved"?12:07
coalwaterif i'm right, there hsould be a 'solved' button somewhere12:08
coalwaterim not really a forum person, or u could just post that it has and someone with previlege will mark it solved for u12:09
Sidewinder1coalwater, Yes you're correct; simply open the topic/post, that you started, then click on "solved."12:11
coalwatersleepy-zz: ^12:12
coalwaterbrb for a few mins :P12:12
hobgoblinsleepy-zz: you'll find all sorts of how do I do this answers for the forums here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=100665612:17
sleepy-zzOK,  got it now and successfully marked it.   Many thanks12:37
hobgoblinsleepy-zz: can I ask a quick question12:39
sleepy-zzPlease do12:39
hobgoblindid you get here by following the link in my sig on the forum - me being forestpiskie12:39
sleepy-zzI was puzzlin g how to do as you asked on the thread.   Wasn't altogether intuitive finding that "solved12:41
hobgoblinI was just linking you a long howto = Sidewinder1 and coalwater already gave you that12:42
Sidewinder1hobgoblin, Kinda' on that topic, I have always wondered why so many new, new ubuntu users seem to gravitate to #ubuntu rather than here. Perhaps 'cause it has a much higher population.12:42
hobgoblinSidewinder1: #ubuntu would be the obvious choice I guess and it is the one in the support links (eventually) at ubuntu.com12:43
hobgoblinI'd only go to #ubuntu if I wanted to know what the bot says - everyone just seems to link to !answer of some sort12:44
Sidewinder1hobgoblin, I'm certainly guilty of using the bot, quite a lot. Mostly 'cause my typing/spelling is so bad. :-(12:45
sleepy-zzYes ,  I did follow the sig link http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1006656 you posted on here.   But that wasn't your siglink .12:45
hobgoblinI don't have an issue with links - I don't think that just giving a bot link is very 'nice'12:46
Sidewinder1hobgoblin, Also interesting to know that you're forestpixie.. ;-)12:46
hobgoblinsleepy-zz: aah k - just wondered if the link in my sig on the forum was working or no12:46
hobgoblinSidewinder1: I was forestpixie - I'm a forestpiskie now though :)12:47
sleepy-zzThe questions I tend to pose on ubuntuforums tend to need some thought and time to come up with good answers.   Also this online facility might be a bit too fast for me to absorb the answers and try them out12:47
hobgoblinsleepy-zz: in THIS channel we will help you at what ever speed you want :)12:48
Sidewinder1hobgoblin, I know what you mean; sometimes, IMHO, it's more like a 'style' of providing assistance; for instance if the bot has an accurate, 5-line solution, I'll just use that for accuracy/expediency purposes. See how long it took me to type this//..12:48
hobgoblinsleepy-zz: you'd have got the same link that I gave you in your apt-conf/untrusted packages forum thread12:49
hobgoblinyea can see that Sidewinder1 - perhaps what I mean is that bot answers are not new user friendly - giving that and then following up is more friendly12:50
hobgoblinbut at the end of the day - we all volunteer to help and use our time how we see fit :)12:50
Sidewinder1Indeed; and I agree; that's usually how I try..12:51
hobgoblinsometimes though bot answers are more than sufficient :)12:51
sleepy-zzYour link to Realtime Help was working OK on the thread,  and yes I did use it12:51
hobgoblinsleepy-zz: aah cool - thanks :)12:52
hobgoblinjust wanted to know if it was pointless or not :)12:52
Sidewinder1hobgoblin, Yes, 'tis kind of a judgment call.12:52
hobgoblinbut as I said in here people will take as long as you need as long as they are about12:52
hobgoblinSidewinder1: +1 to that - though how people remember them I have no idea12:53
sleepy-zzNext time I've a problem,  I'll giv e it a whirl on here and see how you perform!!!  [grin]12:53
hobgoblinSidewinder1: I guess there's a list somewhere12:53
Sidewinder1hobgoblin, I'm lookin'. ;-)12:54
Sidewinder1hobgoblin, Here 'ya go: http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu&search=&order=popularity%20DESC&page=012:55
sleepy-zzOn the time issue,  for example,  I went off half-way through the dialogue and had my dinner.   Sometimes it may go on overnight and I dunno whether this online dialogue can be recovered after I've closed my laptop12:55
hobgoblinsleepy-zz: not if you use webchat - if you set up a client then yes they can keep logs12:56
hobgoblinand I understand when forum is better :)12:57
hobgoblinSidewinder1: oh my word - long list lol12:57
Sidewinder1sleepy-zz, Depending on what chat client you're using, most can be configured to log/save your sessions. If your system is turned off, you can always browse the channel logs, when you return.12:58
Sidewinder1sleepy-zz, Perhaps have a look here: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2012/01/12:59
sleepy-zz'spose I could always simply paste the text into gedit and save it before I went to bed ,  but wouldn't be so easy for you to pick up the  thread on your side the next day12:59
Sidewinder1sleepy-zz, But, you're correct, the forums are better for unattended support; especially if you don't need the answer, yesterday. ;-)13:00
Sidewinder1In actuality, the forums is/are how I learned and configured; that was back in Gutsy Gibbon. :D13:02
sleepy-zzand I mean on my last thread question several different people answered and helped me before I finally found the answer through you13:02
* Sidewinder1 Bows to sleepy-zz 13:02
hobgoblinsleepy-zz: :)13:03
sleepy-zzSure,  we all need an answer yesterday,  but sometimes these things need a bit of thought on our side too.13:03
hobgoblinSidewinder1: me too - from feisty13:03
Sidewinder1Vista, or the feat/loathing thereof, is the reason I switched; and have never looked back. :)13:04
Sidewinder1fear, even.13:04
hobgoblin:) I switched cos I'd finally got broadband and not a dialup modem ... and was still using w2k13:04
hobgoblinI'd tried more than once to get going with a speedtouch thingy ...13:05
sleepy-zzI;m a bit dim,  and some problems are better fixed by sleeping on them or  forgetting about them for a while and doing something else.   Let the old subconscious work on it!13:05
Sidewinder1Yea, Broadband rules.13:05
hobgoblinsleepy-zz: absolutely agree with that one13:05
hobgoblinI think the reason I am as patient with people as I am is I remember some of the replies I'd got elsewhere13:06
hobgoblinubuntu has done a lot to remove some of the mystique13:06
sleepy-zzIt's called avoiding bashing your head against a brick wall13:06
hobgoblinha ha ha13:07
hobgoblinsleepy-zz: not sure if you ever used it or not - but the search link in my forum sig is good - I searched for apt 8080 proxy to get at the link I gave you13:08
hobgoblinit goes to googlbuntu13:08
sleepy-zzNo,  but this is good.   I'd no idea this online help existed.  and so I'm sure there's scope for advertising it around13:08
hobgoblinI would suggest if you use it a lot that you use a client like xchat for it - better than webchat13:09
sleepy-zzOK,  haven't used IRC or xchat before,  but yes,  I should perhaps check them out13:10
hobgoblinif you use it a lot - if you don't then webchat is as useful13:11
Sidewinder1+1 for X-Chat; that's what I'm using.13:12
hobgoblinhere too13:12
Sidewinder1Configuring DCC can be a pia..13:13
sleepy-zzIt usually takes me quite a while to compose my initial question in such a way that it contain s all the necessary info that a helper would need.   Would it be OK to paste a big block of initial text on here?13:13
hobgoblinbetter to use a pastebin link - write it in pastebin and then link to the url only13:13
hobgoblinsomething like paste.ubuntu.com13:14
Sidewinder1!pastebinit | sleepy-zz13:15
ubot2`sleepy-zz: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com13:15
sleepy-zzOK,  you're coming up with all kinds of interesting new ideas.13:15
Sidewinder1Heh, heh..13:15
ubot2`For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.13:16
Sidewinder1I rest my case.. :D13:16
sleepy-zzI'm going to save this screen now so I can browse thru it and you links later13:16
hobgoblinsleepy-zz: http://paste.ubuntu.com/790490/13:16
Sidewinder1hobgoblin, But you're correct; it shouldn't be 'over-used'.13:16
hobgoblinsleepy-zz: this channel is logged so you can get it updated from the link Sidewinder1 gave you a while ago13:17
Sidewinder1Here it is, again: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2012/01/13:18
hobgoblinthanks - saves me updating my bookmarks lol13:18
Sidewinder1Actually, it's in the Topic.13:19
sleepy-zzI'm sure if I was in your shoes,  I'd want to make the people asking the questions think for themselves a bit.     Sometimes,  thought can eventually work it out13:21
sleepy-zzBut other times,  the questioner just doesn't have the knowledge and familiarity to work it out by themselves13:22
hobgoblinwell the way I see it is that most of the time - people will happily think afterwards - at the time they mostly just want some help13:22
Sidewinder1"Give a man a fish and he'll have dinner; teach him to fish and he'll have food for a lifetime." Or something to that affect.13:22
hobgoblinand sometimes it is easier to ask questions - then you get the info you need in the order that makes most sense to whoever is helping13:22
sleepy-zzNah, nah,  once the problem's solved,  we forget about it and move on to something else!!13:23
hobgoblinSidewinder1: +1 - with the proviso that it is easier to teach someone to fish once they have eaten :p13:23
hobgoblinanyway - biab - family calls13:24
sleepy-zzAbsolutely right on the fish story,  Sidewinder13:24
Sidewinder1Have a good one!13:24
sleepy-zzOK bi fr nw.     Nice chat13:24
hobgoblingood to see someone new in here sleepy-zz as well :)13:27
Sidewinder1I usually monitor this chan., when I'm on..13:29
Sidewinder1This and #u and #u-ot. ;-)13:29
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DeadpanScienceHey guys, I have a question about programs run with keyboard shortcuts.  I have a program(coot) that runs just fine if I invoke it using a terminal.  However, I set up a keyboard shortcut to run what I thought was the same program, but now it doesn't work correctly because it can't find another program called libcheck.  Everything works fine if I invoke with a command line in a terminal, but...17:41
DeadpanScience...not if I use the keyboard shortcut.  What gives?  Thanks for the help.17:41
hobgoblinhi DeadpanScience18:30
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