
dpmgood morning everyone!07:54
=== huats_ is now known as huats
dpmhey cjohnston :)10:49
dpmhappy new year!10:52
cjohnstonsame to you10:53
cjohnstonUp a whole lot earlier than I wanted to be :-(10:56
AlanBellif someone could have a look at that it would be rather smashing11:12
* jussi prods AlanBell11:13
AlanBellnearly there I think11:15
* AlanBell ponders a heretical thought11:17
AlanBellI was just about to rip out the chat thing in the etherpad, because we use IRC for the UDS rooms with mixed success11:18
AlanBelland it occurred to me that we might contemplate considering the possibility of putting the pad pages with chat on the projectors instead of IRC11:18
jussibut you want to move away from irc ?11:19
cjohnstonAlanBell: -211:19
jussiAlanBell: not a good idea.11:19
AlanBellit possibly isn't a good idea11:19
cjohnstonAlanBell: how about make it inherit the  fact that your logged into summit11:19
jussiDoes the chat have moderation capabilities? (easily?) does it have exposure?  work on mobile?11:20
AlanBellbut one of the main frustrations for remote users is that nobody pays any attention to the IRC11:20
popeyAlso nice to have the pad and the chat in the same place11:20
jussiAlanBell: Ill tell you what to do, embed the freenode webchat into the page ;)11:20
AlanBellI am going to add moderation (ban a launchpad ID)11:20
cjohnstonAlanBell: i think they would pay less attention when its on pad page11:20
cjohnstonits way too small11:21
jussithats also a problem.11:21
cjohnstonhas to be minimized and max'ed11:21
AlanBellyou can resize it and I can change that anyway11:21
jussiAlanBell: or have the page monitor the irc channel and alert when the nick is highlighted11:21
cjohnstonbut if you make it bigger its going to take up the space of the pad11:21
AlanBellthat is just a matter of finding a happy compromise11:23
cjohnstonI'm -1 on the idea11:24
AlanBellchat works on android (and presumably iphone) the pad itself is readonly because mobile browsers don't do contenteditable mostly11:28
AlanBellI don't know if I am +1 or -1 on the idea, but I have spent a lot of time doing remote participation for UDS, I love IRC in general but the room based system doesn't feel like it is unimproveable11:32
AlanBellcjohnston: I don't think it is feasible to inherit the fact you are already logged into launchpad because the pad server can't read a cookie belonging to the summit server11:33
popeythey could probably improve the irc experience by simply moving the irc projector so it is next to the pad projector11:34
cjohnstonAlanBell: the pad is on the same server as summit11:34
popeythat way your head is facing the same way11:34
AlanBellpopey: there *isn't* a pad projector11:34
popeytechnically there is11:34
AlanBellthere is an IRC projector and a floating VGA cable11:34
popeythe one people use in the room11:34
popeyin most rooms that gets used for pad projection11:35
cjohnstonAlanBell: not all sessions use the cable for etherpad.. some use it for demo's and such. what would you do for chat then?11:35
czajkowskipopey: aye I suggested that in the feedback or movin the fish bowl a bit wider to see the screens11:35
AlanBellcjohnston: ok, if we moved it into the summit realm it might be possible to do something11:35
popeywhilst not every session uses the cable for etherpad, the vast majority of sessions have people _looking_ at the non-irc display11:35
popeywhich means that they are _not_ looking at the irc one11:36
cjohnstoni agree.11:36
popeyfor the vast majority of the time11:36
AlanBellpopey: indeed11:36
popeyput them next to eachother and you very quickly fix that11:36
AlanBellcjohnston: so what I am thinking is an optimised display that shows the pad for the current session, with chat (possibly styled differently in terms of size, translucency, more like libnotify)11:38
AlanBelland that goes on the fixed display, and the floating VGA is just floating for demos etc11:39
AlanBellthe pad and chat about the session *stay together* so people can leave notes in the chat before the session and after the session you can refer to the chat about the session11:39
cjohnstonAlanBell: if you lose etherpad then you lose chat11:40
AlanBellI can't now easily go from say http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-p/meeting/19599/servercloud-p-php54 to the chatter that happened in the IRC channel about that session11:40
cjohnstonif you wanted to do that with a regular irc window that may work11:40
* cjohnston has g2g11:41
AlanBellI am not too worried about losing etherpad, I think this will be stable, I will be doing load testing with a few thousand connections (not with launchpad accounts)11:43
AlanBellan IRC<->pad chat gateway would be feasible11:46
doctormonAlanBell: Considering the way the pad works, why not ditch irc altogether and move to the pad? It has a chat facility as well as being logged in the right place, attached to the discussed data and insitue.12:39
AlanBelldoctormon: that is exactly what is being considered12:39
doctormonI see, I do have a gold medal in pointing out the obvious.12:41
AlanBellit should be an olympic event12:42
doctormonSo is anything else going on community wise other than uds/summit?12:42
jussidoctormon: Im getting stressed out by the waiting... :/12:44
AlanBelljussi: star jumps ;)12:44
doctormonjussi: What are you waiting for?12:44
jussidoctormon: same thing as you got not so long ago ;)12:45
jussidue date is 6th Jan.12:45
doctormonjussi: Wonderful!12:58
doctormonjussi: Violet was just sick all over the place, she really got into New Year celibrations ;-)12:59
doctormonI think you've gone further term than we did. We were 2 weeks early.13:03
AlanBellpad chat popups are mor libnotifyish now13:21
jussidoctormon: yeah, we are a bit on from that. I just hope it comes soon!13:35
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
mhall119good morning and happy new year14:12
dpmhey mhall119, happy new year :)14:26
* nigelb waves from the beachside15:12
AlanBellhi nigelb15:20
nigelbHey AlanBell!15:20
AlanBellhttp://alanbell.libertus.co.uk:9001/chat/testpad experimental and rather rough chat only interface16:59
AlanBellhttp://alanbell.libertus.co.uk:9001/p/testpad is the corresponding page including the editor16:59
AlanBellgreg-g: hi19:41
AlanBellyeah, I don't have username switching on the chat only pad19:41
AlanBelland that padname doesn't need launchpad login19:42
greg-gAlanBell: ah, I just see links and click on them, no worries :)19:42
AlanBellthats fine :)19:43
AlanBellit was a good test, I had only used it after already logging in to launchpad19:43
greg-gah, then you're welcome ;)19:45
AlanBellI have an idea of some awesomeness relating to a mobile chat-only interface19:45
cprofittafternoon all20:12

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