
=== smb` is now known as smb
aboganigood morning and happy new year!08:38
smbabogani, Morning and Happy New Year, too. Maybe the unread mail dwindle quickly... :)08:40
ppisatiHello World!08:49
smbIt is still there...08:50
smbppisati, I reckon this will be a rather quiet morning as the UK seems to have some sort of bank holiday today. Likely they need another day to get sober again. ;-P09:36
* smb is down to just 103...09:37
amitksmb: 103 push ups to go... ?09:50
smbamitk, more push downs... on the delete key... :)09:50
smbamitk, Happy New Year, as well... ppisati, too... forgot that before.09:51
amitksmb: same to you09:52
ppisatismb: apw explained to me that they have the concept of 'sliding holidays'10:14
ppisatiin case one of the canonical holyday overlaps with a weekend10:15
ppisatiwe, in italy, loose it10:15
ppisatiwhile they recover it, moving it to the next eligible working day10:15
ppisatibtw, Happy New Year to everyone too... :)10:15
smbppisati, That is the official statement, yes. :) Oh well, at least I live in the right parts to have Friday off. Yes! :) Makes it a good relaxed starting week.10:17
smbAnd then we travel again, anyways...10:17
=== amitk is now known as amitk-lunch
=== amitk-lunch is now known as amitk
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
=== htorque_ is now known as htorque
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel

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