
designatedqueenis ubuntu a 64 bit OS?00:42
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patdk-lapif you want it to be, sure00:43
designatedqueenok cool00:43
designatedqueenubuntu is free right, hence its popularity00:44
designatedqueenim looking into building my own computer and/or server in the next few years00:44
patdk-lapnext few years?00:44
designatedqueenwell... maybe in even 5 years time00:45
designatedqueenall depends how things go00:45
designatedqueenim waiting for GPU's to increase in their FLOP rates, up to teraflops i think, quite a few of them00:45
designatedqueenwhich im guessing will come with successive die shrinks00:46
designatedqueenso yeh.. im looking at 5 or so years when chips are made on 10-11nm scale, adding on a year or so for prices to drop too00:47
designatedqueendoes that sound weird or no?00:49
designatedqueeni want to utilise nvidias CUDA or somethign similar for simulations and such00:49
designatedqueenanyway.. im guessing ill be using a linux based OS to save on cash, and plus it offers more flexibility im guessing00:50
designatedqueenso yeh, my plan was to build a mini supercomputer type thing around 2016-18 or so, but then i realised i might want to host my own website and so i will look into building a server too because by todays bandwidth in the UK, we can get 100mbps fibre optic but in a few years im guessing that up to 1gbps will be available00:52
designatedqueenOh and also im waiting for hard disk space to increase up to the 10s of Tb's00:53
designatedqueenlordy sorry, not like anyone is talking00:55
designatedqueenwelcome back tightwork, i wont flood anymore00:57
yetisareherehow does ubuntu have so many of its future versions already named out to the year 2017?00:59
yetisarehereoh my bad, thats the date it is supported until01:00
yetisarehereill be back one day, knowing everything about ubuntu, you'll see01:02
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stricklyangelabad in da HOUSE02:00
pythonirc101I've  a machine with 3 users, out of which one used to be in sudoers list-- for some reason , or maybe I forgot, I can't sudo into root anymore...and seems like ssh root@localhost is barred02:05
pythonirc101any ideas if I can fix this?02:06
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Resistancehow can i force the use of an lesser-version-numbered package if a higher-version-number exists already on the system, without uninstalling the package02:53
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uvirtbotNew bug: #910722 in libpam-ldap (main) "Request support for multiarch in libpam-ldap" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91072205:01
Resistancenever got an answer, so i'll re-ask.  how can i force the use of an lesser-version-numbered package if a higher-version-number exists already on the system, without uninstalling the package05:08
andolResistance: Want to have the newer version installed in parallel, or simply be able to downgrade without having the uninstall/remove be a separate step?05:11
Resistanceandol:  they're the same program, same version, just slightly different numbering because one's a fork of the original debian package05:12
Resistanceandol:  i need the newer version to be purged, but without the interruption of the program05:13
Resistancedowngrading directly would work better05:13
Resistancewithout having uninstall/remove as an option05:13
andolWell, not sure if there is a better way, but I have had luck calling "dpkg -i" directly on the deb package in question. In case there are multipe deb files all having to be of the same version you might have to list all those files as arguments to the same dpkg -i run.05:14
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Resistanceandol:  i think i figured it out...05:35
Resistancethe newer version only exists because its installed... by me doing: aptitude install <package>=<version> repeatedly, for each package and version, it should fix it all.05:36
andolGood to hear.05:37
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Techdude101squid acl .# is a subdomain of .# (Using HOSTS acl)08:23
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Tm_TI need to setup a server for vmware virtual machines, but looks like vmware server doesn't install on 10.04, any ideas?13:33
Tm_Tah, always good to ask on IRC, as that's when you find solution: http://hmontoliu.blogspot.com/2010/04/installing-vmware-server-202-in-ubuntu.html13:37
cwillu_at_workTm_T, rubber ducky, you're the one13:45
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Tm_Tcwillu_at_work: indeed13:46
uvirtbotNew bug: #910838 in quota (main) "Sync quota 4.00-3 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91083813:56
_rubenTm_T: vmware server has been eol for ages now though14:36
Tm_T_ruben: aware of that but thanks (:14:56
cwillu_at_work_ruben, isn't that why we have vm's?  to run unsupported software when necessary? :)14:57
_rubencwillu_at_work: perhaps you do, it surely isn't the reason why we do virtualization :)14:58
pythonirc101How do I keep an ssh tunnel alive ? I do have "TCPKeepAlive yes" but it seems to die in a few minutes of inactivity.16:01
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patdk-lapssh tunnels don't die, unless you close them16:20
patdk-lapmost likely it's your routers nat timeout16:20
SpamapSpatdk-lap: TCPKeepAlive's usually work to keep the nat alive too tho16:20
SpamapSpythonirc101: perhaps your router's nat timeout is very low16:21
patdk-laponly if the other params for it are adjusted correctly for his nat timeout16:21
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magicblaze007I want the user to be not able to login, but be able to create tunnels. How can I do this? I am trying to use "bash -r". Is there anything better i can use?16:26
SpamapSmagicblaze007: you can assign a specific command to a particular key in the user's authorized_keys file16:27
magicblaze007SpamapS: Do you know if ssh uses the shell when creating a tunnel?16:28
magicblaze007SpamapS: if not i'd like to disable shell logins- was looking at bash -r16:29
SpamapSmagicblaze007: no, the shell is only run when there's no set command, and the user has requested a tty16:29
magicblaze007perfect, so how do i tell a login, that it can never get a shell?16:29
SpamapSmagicblaze007: in ~/.ssh/authorized_keys , for the user's key, you set command="..."16:30
magicblaze007I was reading this -- http://linux1.ca/docs/restricted_env.shtml -- which is more about restricting public ssh accounts...not completely stopping logins.16:30
uvirtbotNew bug: #910899 in samba "Enumerating users over NSS doesn't work with idmap_ad" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91089916:30
SpamapSmagicblaze007: if you want to let users bounce off you, why not try openvpn instead?16:31
magicblaze007SpamapS: its a headache to setup and maintain?16:31
SpamapSmagicblaze007: actually you can do 'ForceCommand' in sshd_config also16:32
magicblaze007+ I've to install client installers...whereas in ssh, i can use a ssh library in my code.16:32
patdk-lapheadache to setup and maintain?16:32
patdk-laptakes like 30min to setup16:32
SpamapSopenvpn is crazy simple16:32
patdk-lapand like 0 matintaince16:32
magicblaze007patdk-lap: its not the server -- its the client i'm talking about16:32
magicblaze007I'm coding in python, and dont like executing external commands-- do you know of a python client for openvpn?16:33
patdk-lapwhat is there to maintain on a client?16:33
SpamapSmagicblaze007: they're peers.16:33
magicblaze007the only problem i've with openvpn is my client code.16:33
SpamapSmagicblaze007: yeah I can understand that.16:34
SpamapSmagicblaze007: what about just using SSL + stunnel?16:34
magicblaze007never looked at stunnel16:35
SpamapSmagicblaze007: its pretty simple, a lot simpler than sshd16:35
magicblaze007is it better to use that compared to doing a "ssh -R"? Right now i'm doing a reverse proxy16:36
SpamapSmagicblaze007: -R would require you to allocate a port randomly on the server woudln't it?16:36
magicblaze007what does the client need? In my case the client only needed an equivalent of "ssh -R"16:36
magicblaze007I'm using a script on the client to post its public key to the server, and get back a port number right now16:37
SpamapSmagicblaze007: how are you posting that? via clear HTTP?16:37
magicblaze007if someone else uses that port, i just pick another one16:38
magicblaze007SpamapS: how does one do reverse proxying using stunnel?16:39
SpamapSmagicblaze007: you realize you lose all the security of SSH then... somebody else might be man-in-the-middle and posting their own key.16:39
jamiemillHi - having an apache mod_rewrite problem: requesting an image which should be served directly but is instead failing RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f and being passed through to PHP. Any idea why - see rewrite log and vhost conf here: https://gist.github.com/9a83ad3155ee521d44c516:40
SpamapSmagicblaze007: you really should use SSL for both bits here16:40
SpamapSmagicblaze007: SSL would be very easy in python as well.16:40
jamiemillor I should say *passing RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f when it should fail. the file does exist.16:41
magicblaze007SpamapS: how so? I've two levels of encryption -- useless but there -- IIS --> https --> ssh tunnel --> client -- even if the ssh keys are taken, the https keys encrypt everything, isnt it?16:41
magicblaze007SpamapS: indeed, but what i dont know is how to patch the https server on the client, make it talk to in python using ssl -- then patch it thru to stunnel16:42
magicblaze007SpamapS: In case of ssh -- its just ssh -R port :  xx : port16:43
SpamapSjamiemill: Do you have other RewriteCond's before that? the first one that matches usually drops through to the rule IIRC.. but its been a while since I did deep rewrite-fu16:45
jamiemillSpamapS: no there's nothing more than in that gist linked above16:46
SpamapSmagicblaze007: right but ssh is designed to have user sessions. You don't really need that. you just want an authenticated tunnel16:46
patdk-lapIf I remember right, rewritebase only works in .htaccess16:47
patdk-lapand you need to put your rewrites inside a location section, to do the same type thing in a config file16:47
SpamapSpatdk-lap: +1 , that sounds right to me as well16:47
patdk-lapbut then, I normally solve it via trial and error :)16:47
jamiemillpatdk-lap whoops you're right that was just a failed experiment, it's not actually in there16:48
magicblaze007SpamapS: if i use ssh for this compared to stunnel, how much speed/efficiency am i loosing?16:49
magicblaze007SpamapS: Also, usually is stunnel an executable client that creates the port forwards?16:50
patdk-lapstunnel is just opens a tcp tunnel, is all, an SSL encrypted tcp tunnel16:51
magicblaze007ah ok16:54
magicblaze007doesnt ssh -R doesnt do the same thing...?16:54
jamiemillI solved my problem with thanks to #httpd - i had put the rewrite statements outside a directory block in my vhost config and so they don't work without a %{DOCUMENT_ROOT} being prepended on the URI16:55
magicblaze007is there a problem in setting authorized_keys of a login to have these settings: -rw-rw-r-- 1 mytunnel www-data      0 2012-01-02 10:55 authorized_keys ?17:01
cwillu_at_workmagicblaze007, ssh -R opens up a secure tunnel for arbitrary ssh channels, one of which is a port forward somewhat similar to stunnel in security properties17:02
cwillu_at_workmagicblaze007, yes, they need to be -rw--r--r--17:02
cwillu_at_workand the .ssh folder needs to be rwx------ or stricter17:03
magicblaze007the problem is that i've to add/delete keys from the web to this file17:03
magicblaze007from another account17:03
magicblaze007hence the group access...17:03
magicblaze007if a file belongs to user:group and the user is not in the group -- and both of them have read/write accesss -- unless someone is on my machine already as that group -- can they create trouble?17:05
cwillu_at_workyou should really treat www-data as an insecure account17:06
cwillu_at_work"the problem is that i've to add/delete keys from the web to this file" is something I would tread very carefully around17:08
cwillu_at_worki.e., find some other way of doing it :p17:08
cwillu_at_workyou could probably have it owned by the user you want to modify it though, with read access for the group17:09
cwillu_at_work(I'd still tend to avoid that sort of thing though17:09
cwillu_at_workI have a similar issue with the common way of setting up ftp servers and mail servers:  I'm deeply uncomfortable creating system accounts for agents which have no reason to log into the system17:11
cwillu_at_work(and the infrastructure required to switch effective users is quite error-prone)17:13
mgwany cobbler pros here today?17:20
mgwI'm trying to figure out where $iface.filename comes from (used in dhcp.template)17:20
SpamapSmgw: is dhcp.template a pre-seed or a kickstart snippet?17:26
SpamapSmgw: oh wait, n/m .. thats for generating the dhcpd configs17:26
mgwit's in /etc/cobbler17:26
SpamapSmgw: right, that stuff all is deeply embedded in code.17:26
mgwit's putting this in dhcpd.conf:             filename "gpxe/menu.gpxe";17:27
mgwbut should be putting pxelinux.017:27
mgwI have this in settings17:28
mgw# cobbler uses pxe booting by default, enable this option if you want to17:28
mgw# use gpxe17:28
mgwuse_gpxe: 017:28
SpamapSmgw: yeah maybe thats being overridden in some profile17:28
mgwthat's my thought, but I can't even find where to set it in the profile17:29
mgw(in fact it does have the gpxe stuff in the json profile)17:29
mgwfor the system, that is17:30
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mgw"filename": "gpxe/menu.gpxe",17:32
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mgwspamaps : any ideas by chance?17:47
BinshHey guise. Im having trouble connecting to postgresql. Ive tried opening the port(5432) in iptables and in ufw, but nothing seems to work. Im not shure how to config iptables, but ufw seems okay. Does iptables "override" ufw, so my ufw rules wont work?17:47
cwillu_at_workBinsh, back up a couple steps, and define what you mean by having trouble17:55
cwillu_at_workyou can connect via loopback?17:55
cwillu_at_workand do things work correctly with the firewall disabled?17:55
cwillu_at_work(typically one would do these sorts of tests of a machine other than the production machine, and then simply apply the required settings)17:56
Binshyeah, i can. when i nmap my server-machine, port 5432 doesn't appear, but it does on loopback17:56
cwillu_at_workthat's moving forward, not backing up17:56
cwillu_at_workis postgres set to listen on a remote port?17:57
cwillu_at_workprove it :p17:57
Binshbut still, the port should appear as open on nmap?17:57
Binshhehe, 2sec17:57
Binshlisten_addresses = 'localhost,'17:58
Binshport = 543217:58
Binshin the config file17:58
cwillu_at_workand from the local machine, can you connect to it at the address
cwillu_at_work(and if you just made that change, you've restarted postgresql?)17:59
Binshive restarted the machine multiple times after that change =\17:59
Binshand postgresql18:00
cwillu_at_workand you connect to it at the address
Binshyeah, im sshing to it18:00
cwillu_at_work(from the local machine)18:00
cwillu_at_workno, I mean postgres18:00
Binshthats my problem ;)18:00
cwillu_at_workeven from the machine itself?18:00
Binshthat works18:00
cwillu_at_workI believe you want to use only one mechanism or the other to configure your firewall18:01
cwillu_at_workso if you previously used ufw to set up ssh, then that's what you'll want to configure to make postgres work, for instance18:02
cwillu_at_worklooked at /etc/ufw/applications.d/?18:02
BinshWell, ufw was disabled until 1 hour ago18:02
Binshwhen i knew it existed18:02
Binshssh just worked after installing18:03
cwillu_at_workand have you looked at /etc/ufw/applications.d/?18:03
Binshapache2.2-common  openssh-server  samba18:03
cwillu_at_worksense a theme? :p18:04
Binshhehe yeah18:04
cwillu_at_workmake sure to read "man ufw"18:04
Binshyeah, i did, but i couldnt see it mentioning anything about that18:05
Binshi skipped down to the "allow" etc. sections18:05
cwillu_at_workwell, at the bottom it said "see also: ufw-framework"18:05
cwillu_at_workwhich is also a good one to read18:05
cwillu_at_workbut in essence, I believe you just need to make a new file similar to the contents of an existing one, for postres, and then poke the relevant things18:06
BinshYeah, im trying atm ;)18:06
magicblaze007cwillu_at_work: thanks18:08
Binshcwillu_at_work: hmm, it doesnt seem to work :S18:10
cwillu_at_workdid you do anything more than making the file?18:11
Binshahh, i found a typing-error ...18:11
cwillu_at_workwhen in doubt:  you're doing it wrong :)18:11
Binshyeah i restarted ufw oO18:11
Binshcwillu_at_work: okay, now im making some progress here. My rules says that 5432 is allowed, but when i nmap from the local machine, it says its closed :S18:22
Binsh5432/tcp closed postgresql18:23
Binshtitle=Postgresql server18:23
Binshroot@ubuntu:/etc/ufw/applications.d# sudo ufw status18:23
BinshStatus: active18:23
BinshTo                         Action      From18:23
Binsh--                         ------      ----18:23
Binsh80                         ALLOW       Anywhere18:23
Binsh8080                       ALLOW       Anywhere18:23
Binsh22                         ALLOW       Anywhere18:23
BinshPostgreSQL                 ALLOW       Anywhere18:23
Binshthis is giving me a headache oO18:24
Binshhave you got any idea bout whats wrong?18:24
cwillu_at_workdidn't anyone ever teach you to pastebin?18:25
Binshnope, but thx for doing that ;)18:25
* cwillu_at_work has his doubts, given that you apparently know what a pastebin is :p18:25
BinshHehe, i use it to post code and stuff to friends, but im not really the most experienced irc user^^18:26
cwillu_at_workif it's more than two lines, pastebin18:26
cwillu_at_workamong other things, it makes it much easier to look at potentially complicated stuff while still talking about it18:27
cwillu_at_workwhat does this say: sudo lsof -iTCP -sTCP:LISTEN18:27
Binshhere u go18:29
Binsh2sec ill have a look18:29
Binshhmm strange18:31
cwillu_at_workpostgres  1446            postgres    3u  IPv6   4736      0t0  TCP localhost:postgresql (LISTEN)18:31
cwillu_at_workpostgres  1446            postgres    6u  IPv4   4737      0t0  TCP localhost:postgresql (LISTEN)18:31
cwillu_at_workrestart postgres18:31
cwillu_at_workare there any other interfaces on the machine?18:31
Binsheth0, 1 and wlan18:31
cwillu_at_workif not, you may save some trouble by just using "*" instead of listing the interfaces18:31
Binsheth1 is disabled in bios *18:32
Binshwlan is also disabled18:32
Binshthe listen_addresses in postgresql is whats failing18:39
Binshit seems like it dont accept any other alternative than '*'18:40
Binshi tried inserting my ip, but it wouldnt work ...18:40
Binshwell, at least now it works, thx for ur time cwillu_at_work ;)18:41
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uvirtbotNew bug: #910955 in samba (main) "package samba 2:3.5.8~dfsg-1ubuntu2.3 failed to install/upgrade: ErrorMessage: package samba is not ready for configuration  cannot configure (current status `half-installed')" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91095519:46
pythonirc101cwillu_at_work: would you mind testing my ssh public access account and tell me if there is a problem?20:54
pythonirc101I put my own program as shell. (Which logs the user out automatically)20:54
pythonirc101sftp/scp doesn't seem to work20:55
mgwis this the correct installer preseed line to immediately age the ubuntu user?:20:56
mgwd-i preseed/late_command string chage -d 0 ubuntu20:56
aarcane_When using KVM/QEMU on ubuntu server, can I in any way control the order in which machines boot after system boot?21:39
aarcane_Because of memory ballooning, I have a handful of machines which I want to boot in sequence, instead of parallel.21:40
StevenRaarcane_: have a look at the startup script, see what it does. It might do them in alphabetical order or something21:42
cwillu_at_workpythonirc101, you should probably do some reading on what behaviours ssh supports :p21:56
cwillu_at_work(be right with you)21:56
cwillu_at_workwhois pythonirc10122:01
qman__pythonirc101, sftp requires a legit shell to work22:04
cwillu_at_workqman__, sftp uses a completely separate subsystem, independent of the shell iirc22:04
qman__for that reason, /usr/sbin/nologin exists22:04
qman__I don't know at a technical level why it requires one, but it does22:05
qman__you can trust me on that one22:05
qman__if you set the shell to /bin/false or something that isn't a shell, it won't let you SFTP22:06
pythonirc101qman__: I wrote my own shell in python , that kicks the user out22:08
patdk-laphow evil22:09
qman__that's my point, it's probably not doing whatever it is that /usr/sbin/nologin does to make SFTP happy22:09
pythonirc101cwillu_at_work: I did read ssh as much as I could + port forwarding22:09
patdk-lapyou need to allow execution of sftp from the shell script22:09
pythonirc101qman__: it doesn't let sftp work...i tried that...22:09
qman__I also learned while setting up jailkit (before openssh had jailing built in) that it requires a minimal environment too22:09
patdk-lapI run sftp after sanity checks, and print a messaging saying shell access disabled, sftp only22:10
pythonirc101qman__: I like nologin better -- just changed to that22:10
pythonirc101how else can I check for problems in an open ssh login?22:11
qman__there's probably a way to start sshd with more verbose logging22:11
cwillu_at_workqman__, the shell requirement will be in /etc/pam.d/sshd or something referenced therein22:14
cwillu_at_workat least, I think :p22:16
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pythonirc101what kind of a key is this -- http://paste.pocoo.org/show/529050/ ? Can this be used instead of ssh id_rsa.pub/id_rsa for logins?23:13
Resistancei think that's a certificate key23:14
Resistanceso no23:14
pythonirc101Resistance: what's the difference between certificate keys and the ones ssh id_rsa type?23:15
Resistancepythonirc101:  different encryption technologies, different formats23:15
Resistancepythonirc101:  just generate an SSH key23:15
Resistanceits easy23:15
Resistancealso, a certificate key decrypts the info in a certificate23:16
Resistancean SSH key doesnt decrypt anything, but works as an identifier23:16
pythonirc101Resistance: I've to do it from python23:18
Resistanceyou have to create an SSH key from python?23:18
Resistancewhy the heck would you need to do that?23:19
Resistancepython doesnt have that capability23:19
pythonirc101because my application is written in python23:19
Resistanceyour application doesnt need an SSH key if its sitting at the server23:19
Resistanceyour client does to ssh in though23:19
pythonirc101my app is a client23:19
ResistancePython doesnt have SSH key compatibility, to my knowledge23:19
Resistancei'd ask around in the python channel23:19
jamiemillCould do with some help brainstorming somthing here. I have set up a new Ubuntu 11 server with apache/php, and compared to my Ubuntu 10 LTS server (both on AWS EC2), benchmarking a phpinfo() page is 3-4x slower on the new server. Any idea why or how I might find the cause?23:24
jamiemilla real site is also slower, but I'm using the phpinfo page to cut my site out of the equation for comparison23:25
patdk-lapyou sure both ec2 machines are the same?23:29
patdk-lapdid you benchmark them otherwise, than just php?23:29
patdk-lapec2 is a pretty random source to *expect* a certain speed23:30
jamiemillpatdk-lap: they are both m1.large instances. The new one I configured via chef, whereas the old one was not. But I have coped the exact php.ini and apache.conf files over from the old server to make sure the config is the same.23:30
patdk-lapwell, first, make sure both have the same exact php plugins enabled23:31
patdk-lapsecond, try benchmarking the two machine, WITHOUT USING PHP/APACHE as a socalled test23:31
jamiemillpatdk-lap: I just benchmarked a plain html file and it seems the new server is actually *faster* in this case. so must be php-related23:31
patdk-lapec2 is nice and all, but it's a shared resource, your performance on it could be different from moment to moment :(23:32
jamiemillpatdk-lap: hmm yes I understand but I have spun up quite a new instance since yesterday and all day it has been consistently the same amount slower23:33
jamiemillpatdk-lap: are you suggesting benchmarking the machines CPU somehow?23:34
patdk-lapdunno, I wouldn't know where the slowness would be23:35
patdk-lapcpu, disk23:35
patdk-lapit could be php23:35
patdk-lapI know for me, enabling the php snmp module slows thing down by a few seconds23:35
jamiemillpatdk-lap: hmm - the new server has less modules enabled. in fact snmp is on the old (faster) server.23:37

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