
slangasekbkerensa: well, and why shouldn't unity2d run on that?00:10
bkerensaslangasek: It will run just not very smoothly....00:11
slangasekreally?  unity2d is pretty lightweight00:11
bkerensacompared to gnome2?00:11
slangaseknot noticeably heavier than gnome2, no00:11
slangasekhas someone done testing and found it slow?00:12
bkerensaI found it slower but thats not based on benchmarking more based on interaction with the UI00:12
bkerensathen again I have a brand new laptop now and Unity Launcher sometimes lags00:12
bkerensaI think vagrant is on the committee that decides whether FG will keep Ubuntu00:14
bkerensaslangasek: Thinking about taking a crack at another package http://wiki.debian.org/BSP/2011/12/us/Portland?highlight=%28Portland%2903:39
bkerensaI assume those still need to be done03:39
c_smithbkerensa, I may be a few minutes late to the approval meeting, as I'll just be getting home from school about a half hour before, but I'll try to make it on time, no guarantees. ;)04:07
bkerensac_smith: thats fine :)04:07
c_smithnow. on another subject, I'm going to try to get in touch with JVLB to try and work out a few Ubuntu Hours this month and for the coming months, expect an announcement in the near future (hopefull within the week)04:12
c_smithbetter get on that.04:12
c_smithmeh, according to the Ubuntu Hour page, it says I just need to pick a time and announce it, and be sure to show up, I've got a time already picked out, and I'll be using this method. would that be a problem with the LoCo team as a whole, do you think, bkerensa?04:17
bkerensac_smith: I do not think it will.... Anyone can hold a Ubuntu Hour04:17
bkerensaJust announce it to mailing list and I will be sure to add it to loco.ubuntu.com when I see the announcement04:18
c_smithbkerensa, yeah, true, and you designated me to do this, I'm gonna try to hold up my end of the bargain.04:18
c_smithand I'm already in the process of writing the email, it will be every week unless I say it won't happen that week, or will happen another day than usual.04:19
bkerensac_smith: Your doing an excellent job :)04:19
bkerensakees: You about?04:20
bkerensahttp://paste.ubuntu.com/790163/    <---   :( fail04:21
c_smithbkerensa, any luck with the Salem Public Library?04:23
bkerensaI haven't heard anything back I will e-mail them again and if they dont respond I'll have a note to call them in one week04:24
c_smithmeh, decided to make my own Wordpress blog, sadly I have no money to pay for any of the paid features, but I like it as is. care to take a look?04:26
c_smithbkerensa: I just sent the notice out, should be arriving in the next 15 minutes.04:29
bkerensac_smith: You should have just got a e-mail I cc'ed you which I just sent to the Manager of the Salem Public Library04:30
c_smithI did.04:30
bkerensac_smith: Sure whats the url?04:30
c_smithreading it now04:30
c_smithif we get the okay to do this event, I'll definitely try to drag a couple of people along.04:31
c_smithbkerensa, I like what you've done with the Firefox persona, it's pretty cool04:47
bkerensac_smith: It will be improved upon highly04:47
bkerensacool blog :)04:48
c_smiththanks, I've just added a post about the Ubuntu Hour, this blog was one of my resolutions, to keep a blog and work on it.04:52
c_smithdo you think adding a post on the Ubuntu Oregon blog is a bit of a stretch?04:53
c_smithabout the Ubuntu Hour.04:53
bkerensac_smith: Not at all we should always try to cross-announce on all mediums05:00
c_smithah, ok, armed with that knowledge, I know to not restrict these type of announcements. but I still am going to try going overboard.05:01
bkerensac_smith: Have you considered attending Ubuntu Users Days https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UserDays05:10
c_smithwould be something I'd consider, I should be able to attend most of them if something doesn't come up.05:12
c_smithhonestly didn't know those existed.05:12
c_smithwell, I'd better be off, getting late, cya.05:24
keesbkerensa: I think vorlon actually finished all the last of them. I've updated the page now.06:00
keese.g. https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libpam-ldap/184-8.5ubuntu206:01
bkerensakees: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libpam-ldap/+bug/91072206:02
lubotu1Launchpad bug 910722 in libpam-ldap (Ubuntu) "Request support for multiarch in libpam-ldap" [Undecided,New]06:02
bkerensawell I did libpam-ldap but oh well :)06:02
bkerensagood practice I guess06:02
keesyeah, I did a few that turned out ... wrong. :)06:04
keesstill good practice, like you say06:04
bkerensakees: I think the next thing I need to get down is.... figure out how to write out control/rules06:46
bkerensawhen packaging new software06:46
slangasekbkerensa: yeah, all the ia32-libs dependencies are done now, sorry - my patch for libpam-ldap is in the Debian BTS07:03
bkerensaslangasek: Its ok ;)07:08
TRAVISgHello all. Been a while.21:31
TRAVISgHappy new year!21:31
TRAVISgsorry I missed the bug squash how did that go?21:34
TRAVISgbkerensa how is the mentoring project shaping up?21:36
bkerensaTRAVISg: Havent heard anything lately but supposedly supposed to start this month21:36
* bkerensa dislikes the lack of info and communication21:36
TRAVISgright on I don't have enough working knowledge of Ubuntu yet to mentor but if there is another way let me know.21:37
TRAVISgLike if you need a beginers insight21:37
TRAVISgI can communicate fairly well and I dig meeting new folks so if you need either of those skills21:38
TRAVISgbkerensa read the link about respecting the opensource community thought it was great21:43
bkerensaslangasek: Any idea how long till the multi-arch packages hit the repos?23:32
slangasekbkerensa: all the ones needed for ia32-libs are in precise already23:56
bkerensaslangasek: The following packages have been kept back:23:56
bkerensa  ia32-libs-multiarch:i38623:56
slangasekwell, that could be for a number of reasons23:57
slangasekwhat do you get with 'apt-get install ia32-libs-multiarch:i386'?23:57
bkerensaThe following packages have unmet dependencies:23:57
bkerensa ia32-libs-multiarch:i386 : Depends: libpam-winbind:i386 but it is not going to be installed23:57
bkerensaslangasek: This is all I can find out http://paste.ubuntu.com/791143/23:59

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