
andrewInHisName: no, I was still up at that hour01:22
InHisNameThis must be your morning time, andrew04:07
waltmanInHisName: The day is a different length on andrew's homeworld.04:40
InHisNameOr more like he is (-12) time zone04:41
waltmanNew Year's Eve can do that to a person...04:42
andrewWhy are you only talking about me when I'm away?09:37
andrew(And no, I didn't just get up, I'm slowly heading to bed.09:38
andrewYes, even at this hour.)09:38
rmg51morning JonathanD10:37
JonathanDhey rmg5110:44
InHisNameG'nite andrew12:29
InHisNamegood morning JonathanD and Randy and anyone else awake12:29
ChinnoDogsup peeeeps13:49
morecheesehappy new year all!16:05
Sadinyou too!16:17
ChinnoDoghooray for 201216:21
Sadinjust moved from CentOS  to Debian 6 on my VPS how would i search for packages using apt-get16:22
Joe_CoTSadin, use apt-cache search16:28
Sadinokay thanks!16:29
Joe_CoTor just look through them on packages.debian.org16:29
ChinnoDogI just discovered I am working on a company holiday17:09
* ChinnoDog headdesk17:09
waltmanChinnoDog: it's a national holiday today.20:26
andrewgood morning20:27
teddy-dbearthe bot is awake! ;-)20:57
teddy-dbearjust in time for me to leave :-D20:58

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