[07:33] AlanBell: hello [09:27] hi doctormon [11:08] * AlanBell has etherpad lite with launchpad integration embedded in summit :) [14:24] :o [14:24] me me me me me me me me [14:24] when's that integrated in LP.net ? [17:21] knome: whenever you like really ;) [17:27] nigelb: ping [17:27] are these the correct instructions for summit - http://people.ubuntu.com/~nigelbabu/summit/installing.html [17:37] cprofitt: yes [17:37] cprofitt: are you hitting any problems? [17:41] just getting started [17:41] will keep you posted [17:41] ah [17:41] I'm mostly away this week [17:41] cprofitt: ohwait [17:41] those are not current. [17:41] http://summit.readthedocs.org/en/latest/index.html <-- these are [17:42] got those too... will use those [17:43] starting install now... got the server up, ssh key copied over, etc [17:44] it was either do this or start fiddling with R [17:44] I figured this was better :-) [17:44] lol [17:46] ok -- one note -- you have made the assumption that the person has bzr installed and setup [17:47] ahhh. thanks [17:47] will fix when I'm back. [17:47] * cprofitt nods [17:47] a simple link would likely work. [17:59] Downloading/unpacking bzr==2.4b4 (from -r requirements.txt (line 11)) [17:59] Downloading bzr-2.4b4.tar.gz (7.4Mb): 7.4Mb downloaded [17:59] Running setup.py egg_info for package bzr [17:59] No Cython, trying Pyrex... [17:59] [17:59] The python package 'Pyrex' is not available. If the .c files are available, [17:59] they will be built, but modifying the .pyx files will not rebuild them. [18:00] got a lot of errors.... [18:03] cprofitt: ugh. ignore bzr failing. [18:03] nigelb: is there a good place to pastebin it or should I email it to you [18:03] no rush on it mind you... [18:03] email me [18:03] k [18:03] I'll look tomorrow morning [18:03] yeah... no rush at all... [18:06] warning the log is 1.7mb [18:07] oddly large for a log file [18:11] alright... have a great day nigelb I am going to shut down the VM and keep it in this state. [18:12] cprofitt: I really think bzr shouldn't be in the requirements.txt file [18:12] I'll check with mhall119 and get back to you [18:12] (if you have the requirements.txt, you already did get the repo, which means you have bzr) [18:12] no, rush dude. If you are on vacation ... take the vacation [18:12] I will have time later [18:12] :) [18:12] yeah, I know how to setup bzr etc. [18:13] I'll catch you next week then. [18:13] good to see you met up with an old friend too... I have precious few of those... most moved far away [18:13] alright nigelb have a great week. [18:13] I head back to work tomorrow. [18:13] Yeah, we did a gtalk video chat [18:13] It was nice to catch up and know about everyone else we knew [18:13] * cprofitt nods [18:14] I have missed two high school reunions due to pregnancy (1) and mechanical issues (2)... [18:14] I hope I do not miss any more. [18:16] :) [18:17] off to bed! Laters :-) [18:18] nigelb: bzr is in there because bzr_apps uses it [18:18] having it in requirements.txt means you get it in your virtualenv [18:20] AlanBell, huh?? [18:26] etherpad in launchpad [18:26] AlanBell, yeah but, where [18:26] explain [18:26] not sure, blueprints maybe? [18:26] yeah [18:27] so is that online already?:P [18:27] it would be a do-able thing to do it [18:28] yes, so when will somebody do it? ;) [18:28] patches welcome [18:28] I am just working on the summit integration [18:28] i'm sure they are [18:28] :) [18:32] * AlanBell is getting quite into this mad summit on the projector idea === davidcalle_ is now known as davidcalle