
macman_can you double click to maximie windows on xubuntu?00:47
Marzattamacman_: yeah00:48
macman_its not default tho is it?00:49
macman_thats one thing thats annoys me with osx00:49
jjgalvez__how do you edit menu entries in xubuntu? I know how to do it in gnome with alacart, is there an equivalent in xubuntu?00:55
Kingsyhow do I install avr-gcc? I cant seem to find it in the repos.. is it in "buildessential" ?01:16
knomeif you're building stuff, you need build-essential anyway.01:16
knomethat's what the package name is for01:16
Kingsywell all I need is avr-gcc really.. but I found it01:17
Kingsyfor some reason its in the repos as gcc-avr which is odd saying as tho the binary is avr-gcc01:17
knomemakes sense to "file it under" gcc in a repository...01:18
Kingsyyeah your right now that I think about it01:24
focalthey guys03:06
focaltcan someone tellme whats wrong here?03:06
|multipass|how do i add new panels04:40
quicklogicSettings Manager > Panel > Select the '+' symbol next to the Panel selection drop down04:43
|multipass|ah cool04:46
VanessaEcan someone tell me how to disable the password-on-resume-from-suspend "feature" (11.10)?04:59
nanotubehmm, i recall seeing that somewhere... maybe screensaver setting?04:59
VanessaEAlready tried changing that.04:59
VanessaEI've googled up and down, tried just about everything that should do the trick, but so far it remains stuck.05:02
fennecAm back, and in the us!05:02
fennecI have a little question05:02
fennecI've been wanting to put KDE Plasma Active on a tablet05:03
fennecI want something compatible (preferably multitouch), around $100-$200, and availible in the us05:03
Unit193VanessaE: Even Settings Manager > Power Manager > Extended > Lock Screen.... and rebooting?05:03
fennecAnyone knowledgable?05:03
VanessaEUnit193: been there. :)05:04
VanessaEthat option's been unchecked for several reboots now05:04
Unit193Anything weird about your setup?05:04
VanessaE(I regularly shut down at night since this broke)05:04
fennecOops didnt mean to butt in sorry D:05:04
VanessaEnope, everything was fine in the previous install05:04
VanessaE(debian Squeeze)05:05
Unit193Are you using Debian+Xfce?05:05
VanessaEat the time, yes.  Since reformatted and moved to Xubuntu 11.10.05:06
VanessaExfce in both cases.05:06
VanessaEand it is xubuntu that is showing the problem05:10
VanessaEsuspend/resume works fine, mind you (at least on this box).  It just won't stop asking me for my password when it comes back up.05:10
VanessaESince this is a desktop machine in a trusted environment, boot/resume passwords are kinda..overkill :-)05:11
Unit193Yeah, I just tried turning it off here for kicks05:13
|multipass|is there a hotkey for terminal setup?05:18
|multipass|like i think gnome did ctrl alt t05:18
VanessaEnot in xfce; I set mine to use Win-F1 for that05:19
Unit193I use C+A+t05:19
nanotube|multipass|: by default, no. you can set one in settings -> manager -> keyboard05:19
nanotubei used to use f1205:20
nanotubebut switched to c-a-t some time ago heh05:20
|multipass|ah cool t05:20
nanotubedefault xfce terminal is "xfce4-terminal", fyi. but you can set any preferred terminal emulator05:20
|multipass|wow these panels are pretty awesome05:22
|multipass|i had docky instlaled, then just made one out of panels05:22
nanotubeheh yea, just a bunch of launchers on a panel.05:22
|multipass|some window buttons, etc yeah lol05:23
nanotubeUnit193: care to see a screenshot of my desktop now that i've customized it to my liking? ;)05:23
fennecI would show you my awesome desktop05:26
fennecBut im on another computer05:26
Unit193nanotube: That's more customized, like the default wallpaper?05:27
nanotubeyep, i'm a fan of the default wp :) nice and calm and blueish :)05:27
fennecMine changes05:28
fennecChanges a lot05:28
fennecCurrently its a bosozuko hiace05:28
fennecWith a fanceh clean dock05:28
|multipass|anyone use kvirc?05:30
nanotubenope, xchat here05:30
|multipass|trying to get links to open, run firefox $0 not working05:31
fennecTried right clicking?05:32
|multipass|yeah just option to copy to clipboard05:33
* nanotube chants "just use xchat" :)05:33
fennecYep olol05:33
fennecI'm actually on http://webchat.freenode.net/05:34
|multipass|kvirc is so nice tho lol05:34
|multipass|i do like xchat05:34
|multipass|and i have all my settings up05:34
fennecAnyone know anything about KDE on tablets?05:39
|multipass|no, but sounds like a lot of work05:56
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|multipass|anyone reccomend some programming fonts?06:17
nanotubewhatever is the emacs default... :)06:19
focaltgood morning10:50
focaltcan someone help me?10:50
focalti'm trying to build this audio card driver10:51
focaltbut I think I need to do something with the linux-headers?10:51
focalti'm not sure what...10:51
focaltI installed a r-t kernel10:52
focaltthis is important10:57
vanlong441what is "this audio driver" ?10:57
* Marzata is sleeping still. 11:02
focaltvanlong441,  it's a driver for my audio card11:02
vanlong441let me check the link11:03
focaltwhen I "make" it outputs11:03
focaltf-t@f-t-laptop:~/Desktop/line6linux/driver/trunk$ make11:03
focalttest: 18: https://line6linux.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/line6linux/driver/trunk: unexpected operator11:03
focaltmake -C /lib/modules/2.6.33-29-realtime/build CONFIG_LINE6_USB=m SUBDIRS=/home/f-t/Desktop/line6linux/driver/trunk modules11:03
focaltmake[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.33-29-realtime'11:03
focalt  CC [M]  /home/f-t/Desktop/line6linux/driver/trunk/audio.o11:03
focalt  CC [M]  /home/f-t/Desktop/line6linux/driver/trunk/capture.o11:03
focalt  CC [M]  /home/f-t/Desktop/line6linux/driver/trunk/control.o11:03
focalt  CC [M]  /home/f-t/Desktop/line6linux/driver/trunk/driver.o11:03
focalt  CC [M]  /home/f-t/Desktop/line6linux/driver/trunk/dumprequest.o11:03
focalt  CC [M]  /home/f-t/Desktop/line6linux/driver/trunk/midi.o11:03
focalt/home/f-t/Desktop/line6linux/driver/trunk/midi.c: In function ‘midi_set_midi_mask_transmit’:11:03
focalt/home/f-t/Desktop/line6linux/driver/trunk/midi.c:314: error: implicit declaration of function ‘kstrtou16’11:03
focaltmake[2]: *** [/home/f-t/Desktop/line6linux/driver/trunk/midi.o] Error 111:04
focaltmake[1]: *** [_module_/home/f-t/Desktop/line6linux/driver/trunk] Error 211:04
focaltmake[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.33-29-realtime'11:04
focaltmake: *** [default] Error 211:04
vanlong441focalt, I pm-ed you11:04
Marzatagot configured it?11:07
dleonardihi all! does anybody here use xubuntu on an oqo 02 ?12:52
dleonardiif so, could you share some pitfalls you've had?12:53
Marzatathis thing has a hdd?13:01
mongyany way to get xfburn to just make an iso of a disc?13:11
mongyseems a very limited app..13:11
mongyusing k3b as I need a more capable burner app but that's spoiled my 'clean' system a little :)13:12
Sysithere are CLI apps..13:13
mongyyeah, this aint for me really though...cli is out of the question.13:13
mongythink i'll give em brasero..13:20
somovhi all14:54
somovcan smb help me to fix one problem? when I load xubuntu - appears menu asking me to choose between xubuntu and xfce session. is it possible to skip this menu?14:56
Sysisomov: every time?15:00
Ritchie_Zhello everyone15:04
mongyedit /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf and add autologin-user=youruse15:04
Sysihe left15:07
mongyhe asked it in #ubuntu, I answered, he'd already left15:08
Ritchie_Zis here someone who tried installing xfce on ubuntu 11.10 because it got very slow after upgrading from 11.04? (I am just wondering whether it solves the problem)15:20
w30I have a grub question; I hosed my system tying to modify my boot menu. I have an efi motherboard so should I be using grub-efi-amd64 instead of grub?16:09
w30My install has grub-common installed as default16:10
=== Piegirl is now known as Paimun
xslHi all ... is xubuntu rdy for LTSP ?16:44
MarzataLutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia?16:49
becker_11Hi I've ran may distros of linux in the past but since installing xubuntu my internet speed has seemed very slow. I was wondering if I could turn off the auto updates feature as I prefer to use apt-get for that anyway and maybe that would help the internet speed slightly as well17:19
w30becker_11, some people gain speed by disabling ivp6    if you don't need it17:22
becker_11okay I didn't realise it was on17:22
becker_11w30, how would I disable it?17:22
w30becker_11, it don't hurt mine though; edit your connection in network connections17:24
w30becker_11, maybe set ipv6 settings to ignore17:25
becker_11w30, yeah just done that. When I used Debian it was off by default.17:25
becker_11w30, Do you have any idea regarding the auto software update??17:25
w30becker_11, I haven't done it but you can always change it back17:25
becker_11w30, shouldn't need to as I've never used it previously17:26
w30becker_11, I haven't messed with auto update.....17:27
becker_11w30, no worries thanks for the other tip though17:27
nanotubew30: hey, btw, you weren't here at the time, but i ran compiz --replace and had no issues with window decorations. so i guess the plain ubuntu has some packages in it that makes everything peachy.17:55
TheSheepnanotube: it has metacity17:56
w30nanotube, ok, thats good news17:56
nanotubeTheSheep: hm, could be. seems that people running pure xubuntu though, have to go through some contortions to get decorations working17:56
nanotubeapparently none of them have clued into installing the metacity package to try to fix it?17:56
TheSheepthat's because metacity is a part of the eternal evil called gnome17:57
w30nanotube, what's the metacity package name?17:57
nanotubew30: at a guess, 'metacity' :)17:58
TheSheep!info metacity17:58
ubottumetacity (source: metacity): lightweight GTK+ window manager. In component main, is optional. Version 1:2.34.1-1ubuntu4 (oneiric), package size 272 kB, installed size 896 kB17:58
TheSheeplightweight, haha17:58
* w30 wants no gnome anything since it became gnome317:58
nanotubewell, metacity itself is not bad at all.17:59
nanotubeit's the rest of the gnome crap that pulls weight17:59
w30lightweight compared to Windows 7, MACOSX, KDE, eh?17:59
SysiI'm not sure if I had metacity or if gtk-window-decorator from compiz-gnome was enough18:03
Sysimetacity has to be lightweight, why would they use something so awful otherwise18:04
Sysiare there decorator(s), besides compiz and kwin that can raise window when alt-tabbing?18:06
Marzatais fluxbox lighter than xfce?18:07
Sysiwell, it's just about a windowmanager so yes18:10
Sysilxde should have a bit smaller ram footprint too18:10
Marzatalxde lacks usability and aesthetics18:12
SysiI guess it would have everything I need, but I have resources to run xfce18:14
knomeMarzata, that's the thing, isn't it? if you have more features, you will use more memory18:16
Marzataknome: no more than xfce :>18:16
pimperlei cannot use the mouse while holding ALT to resize and move windows.18:18
pimperlealso selecting text stops alt-tab from working and the cursor stays with its text selecting shape18:18
pimperle(the big I)18:18
pimperlei can temporary fix this by starting a shell (global shortcuts still seem to work) and launching xfwm4 --replace18:19
pimperletoggling the compositor option does not help18:21
Sysipimperle: when it breakes again after running xfwm4 --replace?18:26
pimperlewhen selecting text18:26
pimperlenow i ran aptitude safe-upgrade again (did i yesterday i think)18:27
pimperleand the problem seems to be gone18:27
pimperlewithout restarting anything (xfwm4 --replace of course)18:27
pimperlethat's a list of packages which were upgraded18:28
w30if you are using compiz you need to check some of the window management boxes to get move resize etc. to work like they dis with xfce or gonme, whatever.18:28
pimperlei'm not using compiz18:30
w30pimperle, sorry, I am not following close enough18:31
pimperlenever mind, the upgrade seems to have fixed it for now18:32
* w30 slaps himself18:32
pimperlei'll come back, should it occur again18:32
dleonardihey, i'm trying to install xubuntu and X11 turns out to be messed up. i need to reconfigure it with a special modeline, but i cant find any Xorg.conf or whatever other file in /etc/X1118:37
dleonardiwhere does one go and specify video drivers, video modes and the like in xubuntu?18:38
Sysiyou need to create it with Xorg -configure when not running X1118:38
dleonardiso, kill the installer, run Xorg -configure, and relaunch xinit ?18:39
dleonardilets do that.18:39
dleonardiSysi: every time i kill the X process it springs back to life.18:42
Sysidoing it while installing sounds like a bad idea anyway18:43
dleonardiwell i cant see the installer without fixing X...18:43
dleonardiis there not a text mode?18:43
Marzatainstall ubuntu server first18:44
Marzatathen add the desktop you need18:44
SysiMarzata: it's better to use alternate installer18:44
Marzatathat one too18:44
dleonardiouch. i cant re-download a 800 meg iso18:44
dleonardiam on low bandwidth18:45
dleonardiwhat alternate installer?18:45
Sysithat's the text installer18:45
Sysi\disk with it18:45
Sysiyou can try booting with xforcevesa option if driver picked by default doesn't work18:46
dleonardiso.. i just rebooted my device. i got the nice framebuffer greeter with the "try xubuntu before installiung" menuy thing18:46
dleonardii was hoping to find a text installer there, but theres no trace of it18:46
dleonardixforcevesa .. mmm18:46
dleonardithat might be worth a shot.18:47
holsteindleonardi: theres an alternate installer disc, seperate download18:47
dleonardiaw snap.18:47
holsteinif you cant get to the desktop live, you usually have some issue with hardware though18:47
holsteintrying the vesa driver is a great place to start18:47
dleonardiwell ubuntu 8.10 works with the vesa driver and a special modeline18:48
Marzataubuntu server and lynx - do you need more?18:48
dleonardii'm expecting it to be the same here18:48
dleonardiMarzata: and emacs. fuck ya .18:48
holsteindleonardi: i would expect the same thing, if not less support on older hardware like that18:48
Marzataemacs sucks, correct.18:48
dleonardii want sublime editor! :D18:48
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dleonardiso.. xforcevesa did the trick. my mouse was totally messed up but god thanks there is the tab key. installing, and will find out soon enough what's what.19:05
dleonardiif anybody here owns and runs xubuntu on an oqo 02 i'd appreciate any tips. :D19:06
=== xGrind is now known as xGrindoff
MOMHi, I need help with the Panel 2 customization.20:20
MOMI'm new to Linux, and when the setup ended I was thrilled, but when I logged in I made a mistake and choose xfce instead of xubuntu and now when I'm back in xubuntu the panel 2 won't be transparent.20:21
neothecati know this has probably been asked a million times, but i could not find a direct answer. is xubuntu exactly the same as ubuntu, in terms of service configuration, app versions numbers, etc. except it uses Xfce instead of gnome as it's default DE?21:06
Sysiapps are same, init services should be the same21:07
neothecatok, thanks.  can't stand gnome3, but like xfce, so i wanted to use xubuntu.  i was not sure if it was the kind of relation mint is to linux.21:08
Sysimint is not *buntu21:08
neothecatmint is derived from ubuntu, so i did not know if xubuntu was derived from ubuntu, or was ubuntu with a different DE (which is what i was hoping for)21:10
Sysixubuntu is official derivative, uses same repositories21:12
ubottu!Kubuntu and !Xubuntu are simply flavors of Ubuntu that come with KDE and Xfce (respectively) installed as default, instead of GNOME. Other specialized flavors of Ubuntu include !Edubuntu, Ubuntu !Studio, and !Mythbuntu21:13
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taiyalhow do I put a panel on the right side of the screen? All I have to choose from are "horizontal" and "vertical".22:21
taiyalI'm trying to move the "dock" panel to the right side of the screen22:21
Sysiunlock and drag from handles22:21
taiyalah, thank you22:23
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taiyalhow can I make the XFCE "Window Buttons" panel feature not run off the side of the panel?23:19
multipass|2taiyal: what do you mean run off the side?23:56
taiyalmultipass|2:  when I open too many windows, the "window buttons" component keeps growing past the limit of the panel, pushing everything after itself off the panel23:58
multipass|2auto expand23:58
multipass|2on the actual panel23:58
multipass|2below length23:58
multipass|2i think thats what you want23:58
taiyalthat's not helping23:59

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