
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
nessitahello everyone! I have a quick question re: using alt+F2. That will open the dash for searching, but when I enter programs I know I have installed, I get no results. Any idea if this is expected behavior?12:07
om26ernessita, are you typing the fullname of the app ?12:09
om26erif you are searching for empathy for example... type empath and you might get results12:10
nessitaom26er: I tried both ways, I start typing the name of the app, I wait a couple of seconds, no results, then I type the full name, no results12:10
nessitaom26er: it happened to me with pidgin, deluge so far12:11
nessitaom26er: this always happened as soon as I logged in, when I'm starting "all my apps" to setup my desktop12:11
nessitaom26er: now that everything booted, the search is working fine12:12
nessitaom26er: shall I report a bug?12:15
om26ernessita, if it happens on next login or after installing an other app then yes please report a bug for unity12:16
om26eruse 'ubuntu-bug unity' to report Unity bug please.12:16
nessitaom26er: ack, thanks.12:19
nessitaanother question, is there any workaround for this bug under unity 2d? https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/72663912:24
ubot5Ubuntu bug 726639 in unity (Ubuntu) "F10 is captured even if gnome-terminal setting is explictly set to not capture" [Medium,Triaged]12:25
nessitaand also, is there any way to move a window to another workspace (under unity 2d)?12:31
om26erright click on the titlebar thing, not sure for maximized windows though12:32
nessitaom26er: ah, I tried that with the windows maximized, trying without12:37
nessitaom26er: great, that worked. Thanks!12:37
om26ernessita, yw :)12:37
mhall119nessita: alt+f2 is the "run dialog", it's not entirely equivilent to the Apps lens (which is super+a)12:58
nessitamhall119: exactly, so I would expect alt+f2 to behave like the old run dialog12:58
mhall119nessita: you can also move windows between workspaces by pressing super+s and dragging them12:58
nessitamhall119: and even if I type the full name of the app and then I hit enter, nothing happens12:59
mhall119nessita: that does sound like a bug then12:59
mhall119nessita: are you sure you are using a part of the executable's name?13:00
mhall119IIRC, alt+f2 only uses that, not anything defined in the app's .desktop file13:00
nessitamhall119: absolutely. My use case is "pidgin" and "deluge-gtk"13:00
nessitamhall119: this is unity 2d, fyi13:00
nessitamhall119: would you know if there is any workaround for this bug under unity 2d? https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/72663913:01
nessitais very annoying, specially since I depend on the F10 in the terminal to work13:01
ubot5Ubuntu bug 726639 in unity (Ubuntu) "F10 is captured even if gnome-terminal setting is explictly set to not capture" [Medium,Triaged]13:01
nessitaediting the entry with gconf-editor did not work, unless I need to log out and in to that to take effect13:02
nessitamhall119: FYI, when pressing super+s, drag will not work (this is unity 2d). Is that expected?13:27
mhall119I'm not sure about 2d, it works in 3d13:29
nessitamhall119: thanks. Would you know aboyt the F10 bug I pasted above? or would you know who I can ask?13:30
nessita(rebooting did not make the gconf-editor setting be applied, apparently)13:30
mhall119no on both accounts, unfortunately13:31
nessitamhall119: thanks anyways :-)13:33
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
om26erandyrock, hey13:52
om26erandyrock, you there?13:52
andyrockom26er, hey hey13:52
andyrockhappy new year13:52
om26erhappy new year13:52
om26erandyrock, how are you ?13:52
andyrockfine thx13:52
andyrockwhat about you?13:53
om26eri am ok, thx13:53
om26erandyrock, bug 82756613:53
ubot5Launchpad bug 827566 in unity (Ubuntu) "love handles don't show on windows that cannot be resized" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/82756613:53
om26eris the status 'in progress' correct?13:53
om26eris sam working on it?13:53
andyrocklet me find the branch13:53
andyrockom26er, mmm iirc it should be fix committed13:57
andyrocklet me check13:57
om26ercheck plz :p13:57
andyrockif the branch has been already merged13:57
* andyrock is building unity13:58
andyrockom26er, fix committed14:02
om26erandyrock, alright thanks14:02
andyrockom26er, yw14:02
andyrockone bug less cool14:03
mhall119nessita: did you see http://askubuntu.com/questions/92487/alt-f2-launcher-does-not-work-first-time-after-boot-second-time-works15:15
nessitamhall119: I haven't, looking now15:19
nessitamhall119: the description matches my issue15:32
nessitamhall119: is like the "indexer" needs some time (more than a few seconds) to be ready to do something15:33
=== liar is now known as krnlyng
jonoDBO, yo17:04
jonoDBO, happy new year, bro!17:04
DBOhappy new year jono17:04
DBOany resolutions this year?17:04
jonoget fit and learn to cook brisket :-)17:05
DBOnot really :)17:05
jonoso I have a gift for yoyu17:06
jonoa bug :-)17:06
DBOoh god17:06
DBOwell it had to happen eventually17:06
jonoin 12.04 there are a bunch of multiple icons for apps on the Launcher17:06
jonoI am noticing XChat-GNOME in particular17:06
* DBO marks the time... 3 hours into the new work season...17:06
jonoit has three icons17:06
jonoDBO, all will be good :-)17:06
DBOcan I see a screenshot?17:06
jonosure one sec17:07
DBOso I got some awesome headphones17:07
DBOas an audio junkie, I figure you will appreciate this17:07
DBOI have accepted I will need a hearing aid after owning these...17:08
jonoDBO, http://i.imgur.com/qhGbb.png17:08
jonoDBO, nice phones!17:08
DBOis xchat pinned to the launcher17:08
jonoyep XChat and Chromium are Added to the launcher17:11
DBOI wonder if bamfdaemon is crashing on your system somehow17:11
DBOdo the multiples seem to show up randomly?17:11
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
AlanBelloops, sorry18:27
mhall119davidcalle_: ping18:30
statikmhall119, i love what you have done with singlet. i've got a little lens working, do you know how I can set some results to be shown before any search is done?19:51
statikfor example, in the music lens some items are shown even before typing a search phrase19:51
mhall119statik: not with Singlet20:01
mhall119not right now anyway20:01
mhall119it only calls search() when something's been entered20:01
mhall119using straight dbus you can when the lens is activated20:01
mhall119I can add that fairly easily though20:03
statikmhall119, here? self._scope.connect ("notify::active", self.on_search_changed);20:04
mhall119statik: on_search_changed will be called, yes20:04
statikso maybe connecting that to another optional method that people can implement?20:04
mhall119singlet intercepts that and only calls search if there's a non-None, non-empty string value20:04
mhall119statik: I'm adding a Meta option to allow it20:05
statikmhall119, sweet20:05
statikmhall119, so then I'll be able to set an attribute in my inner Meta class and my search will be called always, and if the search term is empty I can populate my default results20:06
statikmhall119, awesome. let me know and I'm happy to test :)20:15
mhall119statik: rev 1120:19
mhall119put search_on_blank=True in your Meta20:19
statikta, pulling and testing now20:21
statikmhall119, should I be pulling from lp:~mhall/singlet/trunk instead of lp:~singlet-developers/singlet/trunk ?20:23
mhall119oops, you should be pulling from lp:singlet, which is singlet-developers now, I just forgot to tell bzr to --remember the new push location20:24
mhall119it's there now20:24
mhall119davidcalle: ping me when you've got a few minutese20:25
davidcallemhall119, ping20:28
mhall119davidcalle: hey20:34
mhall119davidcalle: I'd like to spend some time with you to discuss the direction of ohscopes and singlet20:35
mhall119specifically around getting them packaged and into the repos for 12.0420:35
mick0davidcalle: I have some questions about the imdb scope I just got working. Ping me when you got some time.20:38
davidcallemhall119, nice discussion idea ;) But this will have to wait until my burritos are cooked and eaten. Will you be around in one hour?20:39
mgedminevery now and then I right-click on a launcher icon, get a menu, which then proceeds to ignore mouse events20:40
davidcallemick0, sure. When I'm back. ;)20:40
mgedminright-clicking the same icon again makes the menu disappear, right-clicking for the third time usually gives me a normal menu that actually lets me select items20:40
mgedminno clue how to reproduce this reliably20:40
mgedminworth filing a bug anyway?20:40
mhall119davidcalle: yeah, I'll be around until 2200 UTC20:41
mhall119mgedmin: yes, if nobody else has reported it20:41
* mgedmin files https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/91145221:04
ubot5Ubuntu bug 911452 in unity (Ubuntu) "Sometimes quicklists ignore mouse events" [Undecided,New]21:04
mgedminI've a question about app indicators21:40
mgedminapp_indicator_set_label() has this label argument21:40
mgedminsorry! 'guide'21:40
mgedmin"A guide to size the label correctly." according to http://developer.ubuntu.com/api/ubuntu-11.10/c/appindicator/libappindicator-app-indicator.html#app-indicator-set-label21:40
mgedminhow is it supposed to be used?21:40
mgedminhere's my attempt: https://github.com/mgedmin/indicator-netspeed/blob/master/indicator-netspeed.c#L9421:42
mgedminbut the indicator changes size constantly and makes the rest of the indicators jump around in a very irritating fashion21:42
* mgedmin wishes libindicator APIs had Unix manual pages...21:49

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