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faboRiddell: I took master initially. the released versions are coming from nm09 branch06:52
fabonext version (0.9.1) will need new build deps06:53
jussiRiddell: I invited you somewhere, please join08:18
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tsdgeosRiddell: who do i poke about https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qt4-x11/+bug/911165 ?10:42
ubottuUbuntu bug 911165 in qt4-x11 (Ubuntu) "QDeclarativeItemPrivate::isAccessible is not propertly initialized" [Undecided,New]10:42
Riddelltsdgeos: didrocks added that stuff I think10:50
tsdgeosRiddell: he pointed me to you10:51
Riddelluh oh10:51
Riddellhe backported it from qt trunk so I guess he could blame fregl 10:52
didrockswell, I think that Riddell is now back the Qt maintainer :)10:52
didrocksdidn't look at the bug in particular10:53
* didrocks opens10:53
tsdgeosRiddell: i don't want to blame anyone, i just want it fixed, i can fix it myself i guess if that's what you want10:53
didrocksmaybe that's what makes a lot of kde apps crashing if accessibility is enableld10:54
RiddellI won't be able to look to that today anyway10:56
fregltsdgeos: should be initialized to false in the ctor of QDeclarativeItemPrivate10:56
tsdgeosfregl: makes sense10:56
freglinteresting though, let me check our repo10:57
fregltsdgeos: src/declarative/graphicsitems/qdeclarativeitem_p.h needs isAccessible(0) in the ctor indeed.11:01
tsdgeosfregl: isAccessible(false) ?11:03
fregltsdgeos: it's bit flags, so should be 011:03
tsdgeosfregl: ok11:03
fregltsdgeos: your patches come from here: https://gitorious.org/+qt-developers/qt/accessibility I just pushed the fix you found it will take an  hour to show up in public11:05
tsdgeosfregl: cheers11:05
freglRiddell: tsdgeos: if one of you wants to do me a favor, check what the state of https://gitorious.org/+qt-developers/qt/accessibility is and check that you have all patches from the 4.8-a11y branch for your qt 4.8 and maybe also test run with kde apps and the latest bride which should work quite nice now11:06
Riddelldebfx: we should do this as part of packaging 4.811:10
tsdgeoshow big is lp:ubuntu/oneiric/qt4-x11 ?13:59
tsdgeosbeen downloading for almost three hours now13:59
ScottKThat one will be big.  It's full source plus the packaging.14:01
ScottKtsdgeos: https://code.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/qt will have just the packaging (including patches).14:02
ScottKThat may be sufficient for you and be much smaller.14:02
* tsdgeos kills bzr14:03
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tsdgeosScottK: what's the proper way to change a patch in qt?14:04
ScottKThe way I would do it (which may or may not be proper - I'm a bit of a curmudgeon when it comes to the new fancy ways of doing things) would be:14:05
ScottK1.  apt-get source qt4-x1114:05
ScottK2.  quilt pop (repeat as needed) until the patch I wanted to change was on top.14:06
ScottK3.  Make the changes I wanted in the source tree.14:06
ScottK4.  Quilt refresh.14:06
ScottK5. quilt push -a to reapply all the other patches and make sure I didn't mess up patches later in the series.14:06
ScottKSomething like that.14:07
tsdgeosbut then i need to commit/suggest a merge somewhere 14:08
ScottKThen you can diff the debian directory against the one in the bzr branch I gave you.14:09
tsdgeosmake sense14:10
ScottKThat'll give you a patch you can apply to bzr and then (with a debian/changelog entry) be something you can push)14:10
ScottKor hand someone the patch to apply.14:10
ScottK(either way works)14:10
tsdgeosScottK: : https://code.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/qt contains what is in precise, what do i do to get what is in oneiric?14:35
tsdgeosfregl: that patch gives the warning of wrong order initialization/declaration14:36
ScottKWhat I would do then is just get the oneiric package, make your changes as above (with a new debian/changelog entry), dpkg-buildpackage -S to make a new source package and then use debdiff to make a patch.14:37
ScottKDon't worry about bzr for that, I think it's more trouble than it's worth.14:37
fregltsdgeos: right. I only did it properly for qt5 where it was also broken...14:37
tsdgeosfregl: ok14:38
fregltsdgeos: that repo is highly broken/experimental etc14:38
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ScottKKDE 4.8 rc2 tarballs starting to appear for packagers.20:53
RiddellScottK: that'll keep me busy tomorrow :)21:30
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