
=== ryan is now known as Guest70394
bomberhelo folks..00:27
bomberdoes anyone know why kubuntu at bootup always has the volume at 40%00:27
bomberit used to save the volume level and it would be whatever you had it at last..00:28
DarthFrogWhat on earth is going on with FlootBotK3?00:40
Unit193It thinks there is a netsplit (Or something like that)00:41
OutOfControlUnit193: Wouldn't it show .net .split then?00:42
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caesar_is there an option to see desktop icons01:09
caesar_i have stuff on my desktop but it is blank01:09
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OutOfControl!patience caesar_01:19
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com/ http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ or http://www.kubuntuforums.net/ while you wait.01:19
OutOfControlcaesar_: ^^01:19
caesar_OutOfControl: can you see icons on your desktop?01:20
caesar_because mine has been blank since out-the-box01:20
* OutOfControl is sadly using Win atm as his Ubuntu machine is broken01:20
=== cablop is now known as shi-tianlong
Snowhogcaesar_: What version of Kubuntu are you running?01:24
caesar_Snowhog: 11.1001:26
lynxgeeknychello people01:26
lynxgeeknyccan someone help me out plz?01:26
lynxgeeknychave a quick question about gnome 3.2... I totaly hate it lol01:26
Snowhogcaesar_: What Desktop layout are you using? The default is Desktop.01:27
lynxgeeknychow can I downgrade to Gnome 2.9?01:27
lynxgeeknycdoes anyone know?01:28
caesar_Snowhog: i havn't changed anything as far as desktop layout01:28
caesar_layout is desktop01:28
Snowhogcaesar_: What desktop icons are you believing/wanting to see?01:28
caesar_Snowhog: i have about 10 folders, a handful of jpg's and zip files.. i would like to see everything that i save to the desktop01:30
lynxgeeknycanyone else talking? Does anyone know how to downgrade to Gnome 2.901:30
Snowhoglynxgeeknyc: You are aware, that you are asking a "Ubuntu" question in the "Kubuntu" support channel?01:31
claydohcaesar_: you can changr yhe default from desktop to 'folder view'  which will make it like the classic desktop with icons and folders, et01:32
lynxgeeknyclol I am. But I am running Kubuntu and have Gnome installed as well :-p01:32
Snowhoghey claydoh!01:32
claydohlynxgeeknyc: but still, they would know more about it in the ubuntu channels probably01:33
claydohhi Snowhog !01:33
lynxgeeknycok :)01:33
caesar_Snowhog: nice.. that's exactly how i wanted it01:33
Snowhogcaesar_: Thanks goes to claydoh. ;?01:34
claydohits all good01:34
Snowhogcaesar_: It's all good though. Help is help.01:35
caesar_one more ques: can someone help me with getting usb devices to display in a virtual machine01:37
claydohcaesar_: virtualbox or soemthing else?01:38
caesar_vbox of course01:38
claydohtho that would be ot for here, if you use vb, then you need to have the version installed from their site the repo (open) version  does not have that01:39
claydohthere are tutorials there on it, it isn01:39
claydoht hard but takes a few stes that i cannot remember01:39
caesar_i got the one from there site01:39
claydohtheyt have a faq or wiki or forum post for it on their site01:40
caesar_checking it out now01:41
atvri need help, i think i have screwed up something, i have installed the cairo dock in 11.10, and i have right click the original task bar to make it disapeare, and now i want it back because i need it to select my wifi, do you know how can i do that01:47
SnowhogI see that the bots have finally settled down.01:49
claydohatvr: depending on   your KDE version, right-click on the desktop and select "add panel" then 'default panel"01:50
atvrclaydoh, i cant because my desktop has disapeard, its all black but i have the cairo dock at bottom01:50
claydohcairo dock? in Kubuntu?  am not familiar with it01:52
atvrclaydoh, yeah i am not too.... if i could a would get back to the original onnnnne but i dont know how01:53
claydohhave    tyou tried rebooting?01:53
atvrclaydoh, yes01:53
atvrclaydoh, the desktop is still the same01:53
claydohhmm i dunno01:54
claydohother than uninstalling it from the command line (from an alt-f1 terminal)01:54
atvrwhat would be the command01:54
claydohsudo apt-get remove <packagename>01:55
atvrpackage name :: cairo-dock ??01:55
atvrok i have removed01:56
claydohsounds  right01:56
atvrso i will reboot to see, and if it dont work i will boot in 2d01:57
claydohbut also remove cairo-dock-core01:57
claydohatvr: and cairo-dock-data01:57
claydohthe first package is a so called meta-package01:57
atvrall file has been deleted now01:58
atvrso i reboot ??01:58
claydohyou can, if  you cannot log out01:59
atvri will logout :)01:59
mib_hi, can someone tell me please if the only difference between ubuntu and kubuntu is KDE v. Unity/GNome and some applications that are developed by the folks making each of those?02:01
claydohmib_:  yes and no02:01
claydohubuntu have a lot more in-house stuff, where kubuntu is mostly a stock kde02:02
claydohwith some exceptions02:02
atvrclaydoh, now lol, i dont have cairo but i dont have task bar and desktop, there is nothing on the screen but a black desktop02:02
atvri have system setting open, terminal and xchat, i cant do anything02:03
mib_claydoh: so in a way, the two really are close but separate distros. ok, thanks. what made me ask this is that I think kubuntu 11.10 has openoffice.org whereas ubuntu 11.10 has libreoffice. I'm just doing some searching as we speak to confirm this.02:05
claydohmib_: kubuntu has libreoffice02:05
claydohmib_: and kubuntu is pretty much independent on the desktop side02:06
claydohatvr: i dont have any ideas bout the desktop02:07
mib_claydoh: oh. good to hear. less differences for me then. i want to give kubuntu a spin because i don't like where the whole unity/gnome 3 thing is going. I trust kde is less about hiding options and controls from users?02:07
claydohbut try this: does alt-f2 bring up the krunner?02:07
atvrclaydoh, it bring up something to search in it02:08
claydohmib_: more or less, tho old die hard kde3 users would disagree on the hiding/changes stuff :D02:08
claydohatvr: type in: plasma-desktop02:09
claydohto see if that will start the window manager02:09
mib_claydoh: well i never used that one, so that'll be fine. ha. thanks, i'll go d/l the iso.02:09
Snowhogclaydoh: atvr - but it is true that Ubuntu (Gnome 3.x) has gone along way towards making 'customization' by the user very hard to do.02:09
claydohmib_: you can install kde along side ubuntu by installing 'kubuntu-desktop'02:10
atvrclaydoh, i think its already running, but with some setting disabled02:10
mib_claydoh: you don't say. and that will make it appear in the DE list? let me try that...02:10
claydohSnowhog: I dunno, die hard kde dude, never strayed from the general gnome/unity defualts when i use em02:11
claydohmib_: at the login window, you can choose what session to run02:11
claydohSnowhog: but I do think that gnome3 may be more customizable atm02:12
claydohbut not ina user freindly way02:12
mib_it will take 670 MB of space. I think i might as well d/l the live iso for a "clean" enviro. or both. yeah.02:12
mib_i'm sorry, but when an environment makes you add a ppa to install a second control program that looks very close to the first but has a critical missing function that's not user friendly.02:13
mib_speaking of which, does kubuntu also have zeitgeist?02:13
claydohmib_: if it is in the repos you can install it02:14
mib_oh no no, i don't want it.02:14
mib_that's just another plus for ku in my book02:15
claydohatvr: try this: kquitapp plasma-desktop02:16
claydohfollowed by : plasma-desktop02:16
claydohafterthat, my skills are depleted :(02:16
atvrvincent@ubuntu:~$ kquitapp plasma-desktop02:16
atvrunnamed app(1913): "Application plasma-desktop could not be found using service org.kde.plasma-desktop and path /MainApplication."02:16
claydohdo that from alt-f2, sorry02:17
atvrclaydoh, i thinks its done02:18
atvrnothing hapenned02:18
=== OutOfControl is now known as benonsoftware
limachi how can i make the top bar with the file, edit, etc. appear in kdevelop? its not appearing for some reason in KDE but it was in unity02:21
Snowhoglimac: It's the only app that behaves this way?02:28
MaxHRHello, can anybody tell me how to get rekonq and muon to be ok with security certs?  They are telling me the certs are no good02:29
MaxHR"The following pieces of software cannot be authenticated."02:29
MaxHRand I get a message from rekonq about certs can't be verified02:29
MaxHRrunning kubu 11.1002:29
MaxHRFirefox doesn't have this issue with same websites02:29
SnowhogMaxHR: If you are selecting/installing packages from the default repositories, and using Muon, you won't get this. Are you trying to install a downloaded .deb package?02:30
MaxHRSnowhog: this is from the default repos... I am using an unaltered install, I made no changes to the repos02:31
limacSnowhog: yes i think so02:32
limacSnowhog: the others seems to be fine02:32
Snowhoglimac: Did kdevelop always behave this way, or did it happen recently?02:38
limacit recently happened02:39
limaci googled this problem up...but I didn;t really find any useful results02:39
limacbut anyways it is fine for now...i'll just work on unity.02:40
SnowhogMaxHR: Sound like you don't have the Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key installed. When you launch Muon and go to Settings > Configure Software Sources > Authentication, what is there?02:40
caesar_what directory would an external hard drive show up in02:48
Snowhogcaesar_: It should be mounted in /media02:50
caesar_Snowhog: got it02:53
caesar_now if i could only get it to show up in my vbox02:55
caesar_i added the vbox user/group02:55
caesar_i can now see it in the vbox settings and when i enable it...02:55
caesar_it shows up in win7 and gives me error that it could not install drivers02:56
Snowhogcaesar_: What file system is the external HDD formated to?02:57
MaxHRSnowhog: ok, checking that now02:57
caesar_Snowhog: i believe NTFS but i'm not sure02:58
MaxHRSnowhog: there are 3 keys there (Ubuntu Archive, CD Image, and Extras Automatic Signing Key)02:59
SnowhogMaxHR: Hmm. Are you getting the warning about certs on any package you attempt to install via Muon?03:00
caesar_Snowhog: i can't find an option to format03:02
caesar_or to see how it is formatted03:02
MaxHRSnowhog: no, packages with the little blue kubuntu icon next to them install with no warning... for some reason I also get a warning in rekonq on some secure websites03:04
SnowhogMaxHR: Well, as to warning in Reqonk "on some secure websites", that could simply be do to the fact that the sites certificates are in fact, expired. Believe me, that is not uncommon!!03:05
MaxHRSnowhog: those sites have no problem on Firefox... they include my credit card and bank sites03:08
SnowhogMaxHR: In Reqonk, do you have cookies enabled?03:09
caesar_i get this error in Windoze: This device cannot start (Code 10)03:10
SnowhogMaxHR: Reqonk has the ability to 'spoof' itself to site, making them think it's another browser. Have you tried changing the setting so that Reqonk reports itself as another browser - say Firefox?03:10
MaxHRSnowhog: I will try that later, thx, have to leave now, will ask again tomorrow03:12
Snowhogcaesar_: You should verify that the file system on the external HDD. If it isn't one that Windows 7 can recognize/read, .....03:22
caesar_Snowhog: i'm almost 100% positive it is NTFS, which is standard for window703:23
caesar_err windows all together03:23
caesar_i'm new to kubuntu so i don't know where everything is located yet03:23
caesar_when could one get options to format drives03:24
caesar_or to actually see how the drive is formatted.. it's not in the properties from what i can see03:24
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hanasakiwhy is syslinux installed by default yet grub2 is used?03:29
caesar_Snowhog: apparently i need some extension pack for vbox03:30
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atvrdoes anyone know if its possible to reset plasma to its original (default) setting in command line04:44
atvrbecause i have accidently disabled my task bar and desktop and now i cant enable it back :S04:46
atvralmoxarife, im here05:09
almoxarifeatvr: what happened?05:10
atvri have installed the cairo-dock05:10
almoxarifeatvr: I don't think cairo breaks plasma05:11
atvrthen the orignal taskbar was over the cairo dock, so i have disabled it, and there was a widget or something to switch between desktop i have also disable that, so i was having only cairo-dock and the desktop is now black05:11
atvrso i have deleted cairo-dock in terminal05:11
atvrthen now my desktop is just black05:12
almoxarifeso you are left with nothing?05:12
atvralmoxarife, yes05:12
almoxarifeone should not delete so much05:12
atvralmoxarife, is this fixable05:12
atvralmoxarife, private me please05:13
almoxarifeatvr: everything is fixable05:13
almoxarifeI am guessing getting to a terminal is not an option?05:14
atvralmoxarife, yes i can open terminal05:14
almoxarifetype cairo-desktop -c05:15
atvralmoxarife, cairo-desktop: command not found05:15
atvralmoxarife, cairo is deleted05:15
almoxarifeatvr: and you did that because?05:16
atvralmoxarife, i mean i have deleted05:16
atvralmoxarife, i was thinking that if i delete it would bring back the setting05:16
atvrsome one told me to do that...05:16
almoxarifeatvr: I guess it does not bring it back? so, next time don't listen to that nick and now you know deleting does not bring back stuff, mostly, sometimes it might, but not if its what you wanted and its already deleted05:18
atvralmoxarife, ok thanks for that advice :)05:18
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* boobear is away: Gone away for now06:52
claydohatvr: have you had   your plasma problem fixed yet? I had to leave, a friend is in the hospital07:00
claydohand do note we did't 'delete' anything, we uninstalled something added :D07:01
cool0Всем ку есть кто ?)08:31
Unit193!ru | cool008:31
ubottucool0: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.08:31
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thorgthello guys!11:40
thorgtI'm trying to create a pckage for Netrunner to let them test my folderview patch.11:41
thorgtWhile doing that, I found out there's no "Click to vew folders" option!11:41
thorgtWhy has it been removed?11:41
ivanosalve , ma in kubuntu 11.10 non c'e' un parent controll?12:19
ivanocome c'e'ra su ubuntu 10.1012:19
ivanoazz nessuno risponde?12:21
who_meivano: probably because not many people here speak italian. While I do understand it rather well, maybe people in the ubuntu-it chan could help you12:23
ivanook grazie12:25
who_meivano: also there is this page, but it's in english: http://www.kubuntuguide.info/index.php/Oneiric#Timekpr_.28Parental_controls.2912:26
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BluesKajHi all14:38
FarsajHello!How i can install freepascal 2.6.0 under ubuntu?14:39
ManDayCatfish, Beagle, Siri, what the hell is that mess of search programs, if you don't mind...14:40
FarsajWhen I'am doanload deb packages from oficial site i've goe problem with dependies14:40
ManDayCan anyone tell me what program I need on Kubuntu to actually search through ODT documents14:40
ManDayIt's SAID to work out of the box - SIRI is supposed to search through ODT, but where the hell can I use it?14:41
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Peace-ManDay:  for file in FOLDER/*.odt ; do grep -i SEARCHWORD $file && echo $file ; done14:47
Peace-ManDay:  for file in FOLDER/*.odt ; do grep -i SEARCHWORD "$file" && echo "$file" ; done14:48
Peace-should work14:48
Peace-ManDay:  for file in FOLDER/*.odt ; do cat  "$file" | grep -I WORRD && echo "$file" ; done14:50
Peace-try these14:50
Peace-ManDay:  for file in FOLDER/*.odt ; do cat  "$file" | grep -i  WORRD && echo "$file" ; done14:50
Peace-this one14:50
ManDaythats absolutly not working15:05
ManDayodt is zipped binary15:05
MamarokManDay: not at all, it is an open document text file15:08
LinkmasterI did something stupid(no surprise from me), and was trying to install wicd-kde for my system. Well, it didn't work at all, for some unsure reason to me, and I decided to remove it. I typed 'sudo apt-get purge wicd-kde' and hit enter, and went to another item, and went back and noticed that it deleted: "kubuntu-desktop* knetworkmanager* wicd-kde wpasupplicant" and one or two other things, I don't have the computer with me at th15:19
Linkmasterwill give an explanation on how to install wicd-kde from scratch so that I can do that later today?15:19
EvilResistancedid you try just doing apt-get remove wicd-kde?15:24
BluesKajLinkmaster, in the meantime just install kubuntu-desktop again. Wicd-kde is flaky , it works well with some wifi chips but not at all with others, but i does take some configuring depending on your setup/connection and encryption WEP or WPA , to set up correctly15:24
LinkmasterBluesKaj: the wireless chip should be good, since I didn't have to do any work to get it to work. my problem is, I have *no* internet connection, I think I fubared it15:25
LinkmasterWould I be better off to just reinstall it? (I have seperate / and /home partitions15:25
ManDayDoes anyone know why LibreOffice opens and edits all my documents with GREY text, out of the box?!?15:25
ManDayThat's supposed to be black!15:25
ManDayMamarok: odt is a zip15:26
BluesKajLinkmaster, make sure you install network-manager , or you'll have no wifi indication at all15:26
LinkmasterBluesKaj: could you direct me to the proper .deb file for it?15:26
BluesKajLinkmaster, no deb file needed , just use your package manager15:27
LinkmasterBluesKaj: remember, I have no connection at all, it completely got rid of all networking on my computer Dx15:27
BluesKajif you are connected to the internet by ethernet15:28
LinkmasterBluesKaj: that was the first thing I tried, it still wouldn't connect15:28
ManDayDoes anyone know why LibreOffice opens and edits all my documents with GREY text instead of BLACK, as it's supposed to be?!15:29
BluesKajLinkmaster, ok try agin , sudo dhclient eth015:29
BluesKajManDay, perhaps #openoffice chat might help you15:30
* Linkmaster doesn't have the computer handy, he just needed a link he could use to build wicd from scratch15:30
LinkmasterMaybe I should reinstall? since / and /home are separate...15:30
BluesKajLinkmaster, do you have access or not ?15:31
BluesKajto the pc15:31
LinkmasterBluesKaj: no15:31
LinkmasterI will in a few hours, I'm in class15:31
BluesKajLinkmaster, sudo dhclient eth0 when you have access15:32
LinkmasterBluesKaj: I'll do so. do you also have any sites I can pursue? I looked on KFN, but didn't find anything concrete..15:33
BluesKajdepends on your wifi chip15:33
LinkmasterBluesKaj: I believe its a realtek..I'm not sure, my friends computer doesn't have terminal abilities to find out15:34
LinkmasterWhat I do know is, installing the regular i386 11.10 desktop works out of the box, no video/graphic/sound/wireless issues at all. amazing install15:35
BluesKajLinkmaster, always set the stage , explain the siyuation before asking questions about networking or any other subject ..trying to fix a computer without access is confusing due to ppl assuming that you are talking about the pc you are on15:47
LinkmasterBluesKaj: yeah, I tried making that clear in my opening question, I apologize ):15:47
BluesKajLinkmaster, np :) ...let us know when you have proper access, http://wicd.sourceforge.net/15:50
LinkmasterBluesKaj: Thank you for your help...I browsed around online, and got a couple .deb's for ubuntu 11.10, "wicd-daemon_1.7.0+ds1-6_all.deb" and "wicd-kde_0.2.1-5_i386.deb"...I also got the GTK one as well, on the offchance the KDE one doesn't work, which would be a shame15:55
BluesKajLinkmaster, maybe network-manager will work out of the box with the right config , no need for wicd.15:57
LinkmasterBluesKaj: it does work out of the box, but it doesn't quite suit the evil purpose I need to put it to....>.>15:57
BluesKajLinkmaster, evil purpose ...piggyback on an open channel on neigbour's router ?16:05
LinkmasterBluesKaj: nah, spoofing my school network, knetwormanager times it out16:05
Linkmasterclass ended, so I have to go, I'll ping you when I get back16:06
BluesKajI warned a neighbour about his router being exposed to piggybacking ...several ppl were using it and he wasn't aware that the cable co that set it up didn't setup wpa or wep or anything in terms of security16:08
BluesKajI showed him with my laptop how I had access to all the documents on his vista machine by just guessing his password16:10
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Sharpshooterhow can I change the Amarok Themes ?16:36
Sharpshooterhow can I change the Amarok Themes ?16:44
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Tm_TSharpshooter: what themes?16:51
Tm_TSharpshooter: there's no "theming" on Amarok other than choosing between the size of controls and placement of playlist and so on16:52
SharpshooterTm_T, I got it from kde-look.org http://kde-look.org/content/preview.php?preview=1&id=111888&file1=111888-1.png&file2=&file3=&name=nipseb16:54
SharpshooterTm_T,  ?16:57
Tm_TSharpshooter: read the comments in http://kde-look.org/content/show.php/nipseb?content=11188816:58
SharpshooterTm_T,  thankx :)16:58
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cablopcan i run kubuntu 11.10 with 384MB RAM only?17:59
BluesKajcablop, not enough memory , xubuntu would probly run fine tho18:01
BluesKaj!xfce | cablop18:01
ubottucablop: Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels18:01
BluesKajcablop, the minimum RAM for kubuntu is probly over 800mb - 1gig18:02
cablopwilling to run it on a VM18:03
cablopbut currently the machine has only 1 GB RAM18:03
ubuntu_nabend @ll18:09
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hellslingerhi, does anyone know where the samba configuration for unity/gnome are stored? they're conflicting with the ones I'm configuring with KDE and I want to eliminate them20:36
BluesKajhellslinger, try system-config-samba in the repos , it's gui for samba configuration20:42
BluesKajhellslinger, , also if you have chosen kde then unity can be removed20:43
hellslingerBluesKaj: thanks, that utility is very useful20:47
BluesKajhellslinger,  I've never used it :) ...strictly a kde guy all the way20:48
BluesKajsamba works for my connection to the windows pcs on our network , ssh and nfs for the linux pcs20:49
hellslingerBluesKaj: do you use smb shares? do you configure with Dolphin or /etc/smb.conf?20:50
BluesKajhellslinger, the default is smb in dolphin , if choose the network folder option20:53
hellslingerBluesKaj:  network folder option? I'm interested in this20:55
BluesKajhellslinger, open dolphin , under places on the left (usually) choose network then you'll see the options21:01
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Guest97997hi ^.^21:08
grafthi, any kate users hereabouts?21:09
graftif so, do you know how to move files within kate?21:10
hellslingerI've never been able to do it21:10
hellslingermove files in kate, that is21:10
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BluesKajgraft kate is atext editor not afile manager21:12
BluesKajgraft, you move files in dolphin , or the terminal21:13
graftBluesKaj: sure, kate is a text editor, but editing multiple files is a key feature of kate21:14
graftBluesKaj: in the course of development you often have to create files, folders, move files to new places, etc. seems like an obvious feature for an IDE to include21:14
BluesKajgraft, i guess if you use the addressbar and copy text between instances , that could be amethos21:21
BluesKaja method21:21
BluesKajlokifaer_, bonjour , c'est anglais ici ,21:26
BluesKaj no problem , if you have question , just ask21:28
lokifaer_yes I do21:28
lokifaer_I can't access to my shared files21:29
lokifaer_when I try it asks me user/pass21:30
lokifaer_I write it but it continues to ask me21:30
lokifaer_I don't understand why21:30
lokifaer_excuse me if my english is not very good ;-)21:30
BluesKajlokifaer_,your english is fine ... shared files on your network I assume21:31
lokifaer_thank you :)21:31
BluesKajone way that I use is to access ~/.ssh the clear the rsa , known_hosts , id rsa_pub and try again21:33
BluesKajlokifaer_, ^21:34
BluesKajit's abit "dirty" but it works21:34
lokifaer___hmm sorry21:36
lokifaer___so access to winxp is ok21:36
lokifaer___but nux to nux or xp to nux isn't21:37
BluesKajlokifaer___, how are you accessing linux to linux21:37
lokifaer___and from A to A, the problem is the same !!21:38
lokifaer___with samba : smb://A21:38
lokifaer___on dolphin21:38
lokifaer___I see shared directories21:39
lokifaer___but when I want open one of them, I can't go through the identifaction request21:40
lokifaer___have you any idea BluesKaj ?21:42
BluesKajlokifaer___, I have access with sftp using ssh protocol , but smb doesn't work here either  ,,,strange21:45
BluesKajlokifaer___, nfs works here as well21:46
BluesKajlokifaer___,` not sure but , maybe samba has a bug21:48
lokifaersorry the computer just crashed21:51
lokifaerBluesKaj: did I miss something ?21:53
lokifaergood night everybody22:01
BluesKajlokifaer, if you have vista or windows 7 , NFS will work better than samba http://wiki.wdlxtv.com/Sharing_from_Windows_722:03
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gribouillehow can I use muon-notifier?23:17
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aradogood evening23:18
Rabenklauehi, because of several instabilities in Xorg/intel drivers I had to switch to xorg-edgers-ppa, but after yesterdays update I'm unable to use the my touchpad (mouse). In systemsettings I'm told there are no such devices and Xorg.log does not show anything regarding synaptics.23:19
Rabenklaue/etc/X11 has changed completely (no Xorg.conf) and several new directories. I do not have any clue how to solve this.23:19
aradoRabenklaue, kann dir leider nicht behilflich sein. Schon bei ubuntuusers.de versucht?23:24
gribouilledoes muon use the systray?23:25
aradothe systray should inform you about new packages23:27
Rabenklauearado: Hier im IRC oder auf'm Forum?23:28
aradoim forum der seite. für gewöhnlich erhält man dort schnell und freundlich hilfe23:29
Rabenklauearado: Werd' ich versuchen, falls ich die nächste Zeit keine Lösung finde. Danke23:29
gribouillehow can I get notify of updates with muon?23:31
RabenklaueI think it's with the version of the xserver-xorg-input-* plugins - mouse is 1.7.1 and synaptics is 1.5.99, so it looks they missed the synaptics module for xorg.23:34
arado257 people idling - not bad for a support chat23:36
* w30 keeping fingers off keyboard so as to not be exposed as stupid; Not Idle23:38
* w30 ha23:38
aradoi did not say stupid23:40
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