
=== Folklore2 is now known as Folklore
=== Alcine is now known as jalcine
=== Folklore2 is now known as Folklore
=== robotman is now known as AlexAv
mysteriousdarrenhow do you change desktop background without right clicking and then going to change desktop background? I think someone was messing with my box now the background is blue and I can't change it at all06:51
Unit193pcmanfm --set-wallpaper=<image file>  or  pcmanfm --wallpaper-mode=<mode>              Set mode of desktop wallpaper. <mode>=(color|stretch|fit|center|tile)06:54
mysteriousdarrenUnit193: that was for me right? I am a little tired06:57
Unit193Heh, yep06:57
Unit193mysteriousdarren: Correct, all for you06:57
mysteriousdarrenUnit193: thanks06:58
=== smile is now known as smile-weg
SpIdErhi, I have very small and ugly fonts in Libreoffice using Lubuntu, any idea?11:15
SpIdErI mean not in the document itself, but in the menus11:16
smile-wegSpIdEr: no idea11:39
SpIdErhm :(11:39
SpIdErdo you use libreoffice in lubuntu smile-weg ?11:39
smile-wegi used LibreOffice in Lubuntu :)11:40
smile-wegbut i removed it :p11:40
smile-wegto free up space ;)11:40
SpIdErah :)11:40
smile-wegSpider: try using the newest version of libreoffice :)11:40
smile-wegor use abiword :)11:40
SpIdErI need to use libreoffice, and I installed it via synaptic.11:41
smile-wegSpIdEr: install it from the LibreOffice-site :)11:41
smile-wegthe installation instructions aren't that difficult11:42
SpIdEron my other computer, which is has a former Ubuntu, just installed the Lubuntu desktop, it works fine with the same versions11:43
smile-wegthings may break :)11:46
SpIdErmaybe it is a question of the theme, I will try it out when I am at home smile-weg  :)12:10
smile-wegSpIdEr: what will you try out? installing LibreOffice manually? :)12:11
SpIdErnah, installing different themes of libreoffice, maybe it is just a quesetion of the theme smile-weg12:22
smile-wegSpIdEr: ok ;)12:24
SpIdErI will report later then smile-weg  ;)12:26
smile-wegok :)12:28
=== smile-weg__ is now known as smile4ever
]Spectre[HI guys,can you help me ? I want that skype starts automatically after the login on lxde15:49
MrChrisDruif]Spectre[; there isn't an option somewhere in the menus of the program to do that?16:02
]Spectre[MrChrisDruif:  I don't know16:03
MrChrisDruifDid you check the Context menu of the little icon in the bar on the bottom?16:04
]Spectre[MrChrisDruif: are you talking about the skype icon ?16:07
MrChrisDruifAnd otherwise in the options menu when you've launched it16:07
]Spectre[there is just "start skype minimised on the sys tray"16:07
]Spectre[but there isn't an option to start it at the boot of the lxde16:09
]Spectre[sorry,but I'm a newbie here16:09
smile4ever]Spectre[: i'll help you. :)16:10
]Spectre[thanks smile4ever16:10
smile4ever]Spectre[: go to /usr/share/applications16:11
smile4everwith your file manager :)16:11
smile4eversearch and select skype :)16:11
smile4everright click => copy16:11
smile4evergo to home/yourusername/.config/autostart16:12
smile4everright click => paste in a white area16:12
]Spectre[I don't have .config/autostart16:12
smile4evermake it :)16:13
]Spectre[but is it a folder ? ok doing it16:13
smile4everyes, it's a folder16:13
]Spectre[I have another question for you after16:13
]Spectre[doing wait16:13
smile4evermade the directory? :)16:14
smile4ever@ ]Spectre[16:14
]Spectre[yes,it already exist,it was hidden16:14
smile4everok. :)16:14
]Spectre[understand,perfect :)16:14
]Spectre[thanks a lot16:14
]Spectre[the second question:16:15
smile4everdid you paste the skype file? ;)16:15
smile4everok, good :)16:15
smile4eversorry, one moment please16:15
smile4ever(2-3 mins)16:15
MrChrisDruif]Spectre[; .-folders are always hidden by default16:16
MrChrisDruifTry Ctrl+H to show them16:16
]Spectre[MrChrisDruif:  yes, did it16:16
MrChrisDruifAlso check out that link I just shared16:17
smile4ever]Spectre[: what's your second problem? :p16:17
]Spectre[smile4ever: is just a question16:18
smile4ever]Spectre[: ok16:18
smile4everask :)16:18
]Spectre[smile4ever: how come some folders are with the dot ? like /.config/16:18
smile4everthat's because there are settings stored in16:18
smile4everkind of hidden folders by default16:19
smile4everto not mess up users directorys. :)16:19
smile4everand to prevent unprotected system files from being deleted16:19
]Spectre[perfect ,I see it :)16:19
smile4everwhen you don't know what you are doing :)16:19
smile4everI have to go, eat! :p16:19
]Spectre[but is it a linux standard ?16:19
smile4everyes! :)16:20
]Spectre[ciao smile4ever16:20
smile4everciao :)16:20
smile4everbon appetit16:20
ubot5Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience16:20
MrChrisDruifIndeed, hidden folder normally don't get deleted in the directory your in (sub-folder obviously do get deleted)16:21
MrChrisDruifEetse smile4ever16:23
* MrChrisDruif is cooking dinner16:33
smile4ever]Spectre[: working?16:35
smile4everMrChrisDruif: dank! :)16:35
]Spectre[like a charm16:35
MrChrisDruifsmile4ever; I'd refer to the FAQ more often if I were you ^_^16:37
smile4ever]Spectre[: I try to help people :)16:38
MrChrisDruifI think you mentioned the wrong person smile4ever ^_^16:39
smile4everyes, i think that too xD16:40
smile4everMrChrisDruif: i programmed for several hours :)16:40
smile4evermy mind is filled now ;)16:40
MrChrisDruif**** happens ^_^16:41
smile4everyeah. you mean shi* ? ;)16:41
smile4everbrb :p16:50
smile4everhoi! :p16:54
grape_is LXDE always going to be faster than other desktops? like if you have a super powerful machine can you get more speed out of a heavier desktop17:24
Gege71i can't auto mount CD, is there something i can do please17:26
smile4evergrape_: i have a very powerfull pc running LXDE17:26
smile4everand it's a lot faster than KDE17:26
MrChrisDruifgrape_; of course17:26
grape_so LXDE is always advantageous. you just sacrifice user friendliness or neat desktop layouts?17:28
smile4everI just want a clean and fast desktop. :)17:29
grape_same here i am just wondering what i lose by chosing LXDE. it seems like just user friendliness, but i dont even know if that is the case if i bother to learn commands17:30
smile4evergrape_: I think LXDE is very customisable, even without commands. But maybe you will need to do some things manually. But we can help you. There are already much options in the GUI. :)17:33
smile4everAnyone already installed Cinnamon from deb on AMD64? :)17:40
holsteinsmile4ever: not yet, but i tried http://razor-qt.org/17:42
holsteinnot 64bit though... just noticed that17:42
smile4everholstein: did you like razor qt? :)17:42
smile4everBecause omgubuntu noted that it was eating up more ram than lxde17:42
holsteinits interesting... really polished.. i dont find it all that light though17:43
smile4everholstein: a new kde? (heavy but polished?) :)17:43
holsteini think its more like window xp in feel, which is fine by me, when you are trying to move that xp user over17:43
smile4everholstein: i'm gonna try it tomorrow :) in a vm.17:44
holsteinsmile4ever: not sure... i dont think its that heavy...17:44
smile4everholstein: not yet, but once features will be added maybe it becomes heavy :)17:44
holsteinhehe... LXDE is a nice balance17:45
holsteinlubuntu is as well... polished feel, but light17:45
smile4everlike it ;)17:45
holsteina challenging line to walk17:48
smile4everjep! :)17:48
* ]Spectre[ away18:00
Gege71please anyone knows how to auto mount CD ?18:27
smile4everinsert cd => close cd thing => :DD18:27
Gege71i can't see the CD in "My computer"18:28
smile4everalready tried with another cd?18:29
Gege71yes ...18:31
smile4everGege71: hmm. :|18:34
Gege71pcmanfm[1544] general protection ip:7ff7062d1d29 sp:7fff9824fd10 error:0 in libc-2.13.so[7ff706255000+195000]18:36
smile4evertried reinstalling libc? :)18:37
Gege71no i d"ont want to do strange things :)18:37
smile4everwith synaptic it's really simple :)18:39
smile4evermark for reinstall => apply18:39
smile4everhoi AmberJ :p18:47
smile4evergoed gewerkt? :p18:47
AmberJhey smile4ever :)18:48
* AmberJ launches Google Translate ;)18:48
SpIdErhi smile4ever :)18:48
smile4everAmberJ: :o18:49
smile4everSpIdEr: hi :)18:49
SpIdErI solved the problem with libreoffice :D18:49
SpIdErit was just the missing package libreoffice-gtk :D18:50
smile4everhaha :)18:50
smile4everSpIdEr: good that you've found it yourself :)18:51
SpIdEryes, indeed :)18:51
SpIdErthx for listening ;)18:51
smile4everSpIdEr: you're very welcome :)18:55
smile4everhoi! :p18:56
smile4everdoei! :p19:05
ActionParsniphi guys, I keep having to change my keyboard to US as I left it as UK at install even though I use a US keyboard. Where is the setting stored please19:58
bioterrorActionParsnip, /etc/default/keyboard20:02
ActionParsnipthanks, will check20:02
ActionParsnipis:    XKBLAYOUT="us"20:04
ActionParsnipUS keyboard?20:04
bioterrorand you want it to be uk20:04
bioterroroh, you wanted it to be us :D20:04
ActionParsnipI have a US keyboard on thisthing20:04
bioterrorso, it says you have US20:05
ActionParsnipwas free from my last job when I worked from the UK to NOC for the US20:05
ActionParsniptime differences are handy20:05
ActionParsniploving Oneiric thus far :)20:05
ActionParsnipthanks for pointing out the file, I don't ask for help much usually :)20:05
bioterrorhmm, is next place /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20:07
bioterroris there a evdev file?20:07
bioterrorsomething like 10-evdev.conf20:07
ActionParsnipI'll give this a go. Thanks a million :D20:10
=== pAt_ is now known as Guest80071
Daniel0108recently installed lubuntu on one of my computers, sound doesn't work. Already tried configuring alsamixer, unmuted everything, still no sound. Is there a GUI sound manager like on the normal ubuntu?21:15
bioterrorwho broke the sounds!21:19
bioterrorwhat does aplay -l list21:19
Daniel0108bioterror, card 0: NVidia [HDA NVidia], device 3: HDMI 0 [HDMI 0] (4 times)21:37
Daniel0108only the device number changes21:37
bioterrorso you're hdmi :-)21:38
bioterroraplay -D plughw:0,7 /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Center.wav21:39
bioterrordoes that work?21:39
Daniel0108bioterror, nope21:42
bioterrorchange that 7 to something else21:42
bioterroruntil you hear sound21:42
bioterroryou have that list from aplay -l21:43
Daniel0108bioterror, I don't hear sound on any of those devices21:44
Daniel0108not even on my headphones (which are plugged in)21:44
bioterroryou're using HDMI21:44
bioterroris that connected to TV or what?21:44
Daniel0108bioterror, ohh, it's only showing the sound of my GPU21:45
bioterrorcard 0: Intel [HDA Intel], device 0: ALC887 Analog [ALC887 Analog]21:45
Daniel0108no, I am using DVI for my display21:46
Daniel0108and my screen has built-in speakers21:46
Daniel0108which are connected to my sound card21:46
Daniel0108which is not displayed in the aplay -l list21:46
bioterrorwhy aplay lists only DMI then?21:46
Daniel0108I don't know21:46
bioterroroh well, that's your problem then21:47
Daniel0108wait, my display probably has a HDMI connection, the next problem would be.. headset won't work :/21:47
bioterrordo you have HDMI to DVI?21:47
Daniel0108and my screen doesn't support HDMI21:48
bioterrorbut alsamixer shows your device correctly?21:48
AmberJWhy won't http://packages.ubuntu.com/oneiric/pybliographer install on my lubuntu 11.10?21:49
bioterrorAmberJ, you tell us21:49
AmberJI have universe repo selected in synaptic...And, I did sudo apt-get update after enabling it.21:49
wxlAmberJ: what error(s) do you get?21:49
Daniel0108bioterror, nope, it has the same problem21:49
bioterrorDaniel0108, alsamixer only shows that HDMI interface?21:50
Daniel0108bioterror, yeah21:50
bioterrorokay, that's why analog output doesnt work :-)21:50
AmberJbioterror, wxl oops sorry nevermind. I mistyped the package name :(21:50
Daniel0108bioterror, can I reload my connected devices?21:51
Daniel0108*how can I21:51
AmberJbioterror, wxl Even after correct package name, I get "E: Unable to locate package pybliographer"21:51
bioterrorit's in the universe21:52
bioterrorhas nothing to do with partner21:52
wxlAmberJ: cat /etc/apt/sources.list | grep -i universe21:52
bioterrorI would concider another mirror21:52
Daniel0108bioterror, /etc/init.d/alsasound doesn't even exist :/21:53
AmberJwxl, http://pastebin.com/pQGXGvX421:53
wxlAmberJ: where are you located at?21:55
AmberJAs bioterror suggested, I'm trying "Main mirror"21:55
wxlk let me know how it goes21:56
wxlAmberJ: archive mirrors by country here https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archivemirrors -- there are three for india21:57
Daniel0108bioterror, how to restart alsa?22:00
bioterrorI dunno about lubuntu now :-)22:01
bioterrornow using it atm.22:01
Daniel0108bioterror, yeah, but isn't alsa always the same? :P22:03
Daniel0108shall I install pulse? :P22:03
Daniel0108it worked on pulse22:03
pitlimiti have a 2nd generation Intel Core i5-2410M processor... it's 64-bit... which version of lubuntu should i install?22:04
Daniel0108pitlimit, the 64bit version :P22:04
bioterrorpitlimit, 64bit ofcourse22:04
pitlimitwell the description was confusing22:04
pitlimitit made it seem like I must have an AMD processor to do so22:04
AmberJSwitching to "main mirror" found it. Thanks bioterror wxl :)22:04
Daniel0108pitlimit, the name is amd64, but amd64 always means 64bit22:04
pitlimitoh :)22:04
bioterrorpitlimit, AMD was first on the 64bit playground, that's why it is used22:04
pitlimitalso... is lubuntu a better choice than xubuntu?22:05
Daniel0108pitlimit, and if your processor supports 64bit, use it! If you're not sure, 64bit processors also support 32bit ;)22:05
Daniel0108pitlimit, lubuntu is more lightweight than xubuntu22:05
bioterrorbut dont use 64bit if you dont have much RAM ;)22:05
pitlimitok... and less buggy?22:05
bioterroras 64bit uses a bigger address space than 32bit22:05
bioterrorit will use more RAM22:05
Daniel0108bioterror, yeah, indeed :P22:05
Daniel0108even though, I currently use 64bit with 512MB ram :PP22:06
pitlimithm bioterror or less depending on how you look at it22:06
AmberJRestarting alsa: http://knol.google.com/k/william-wynn/how-to-restart-alsa-sound-driver-in/3fegkfxlkmrqb/10# Daniel0108 :D22:06
Daniel0108AmberJ, thanks, but I'm now installing pulse :P22:06
pitlimitwait so is lubuntu less buggy than xubuntu?22:06
Unit193Lubuntu uses LXDE while Xubuntu uses Xfce22:07
Daniel0108AmberJ, also, I tried all of the commands (I always google before asking) :P22:07
Daniel0108none of them worked for me22:07
AmberJLIES! :P22:07
Daniel0108pitlimit, you cannot really say it's less buggy, I've tried both, it depends on your system and on the programs you use22:07
Daniel0108the programs are buggy, not the whole operating system ;)22:08
bioterrorlxde is under heavy developement ;-)22:08
bioterroror should I say active22:08
bioterrorXFce has been there for ages if you compare it to LXdE22:08
AmberJOff now to sleep. Take care :)22:11
Daniel0108bioterror, weird, still doesn't display my sound card, only HDMI22:12
MrChrisDruifGot an issue Daniel0108 ?22:13
bioterrorDaniel0108, plugged it to a TV with only HDMI?22:13
Daniel0108bioterror, it's not plugged in to a TV! :P22:14
Daniel0108MrChrisDruif, yeah, a sound issue on lubuntu22:15
MrChrisDruifDear God, no! What is the issue exactly?22:15
Daniel0108MrChrisDruif, alsa/pulse only displays my HDMI output, not the internal one :/22:16
ubot5If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.22:16
Daniel0108MrChrisDruif, I already did that22:17
MrChrisDruifDaniel0108; does "sudo aplay -l" show the internal one?22:17
Daniel0108MrChrisDruif, no and.. the worst problem22:17
Daniel0108dan@Valfyn:~$ lspci | grep "Audio"22:17
Daniel010802:00.1 Audio device: nVidia Corporation High Definition Audio Controller (rev a1)22:17
Daniel0108it only shows that22:17
=== robotman is now known as AlexAv
bioterrordoing the same things second time :D22:17
bioterrorgoogle for the driver on for the chipset your analog card has22:18
Daniel0108bioterror, do I need to buy a connector now? :P22:18
Daniel0108*an adapter22:18
Daniel0108oh, okay22:18
Daniel0108well, first I need to find out which one I have :P22:18
bioterrorif you know your motherboard22:18
Daniel0108let's open the machine :P22:18
bioterrorlshw probably can tell it22:18
bioterrorno need for physical work :G22:19
MrChrisDruifOr your laptop(?) name22:19
Daniel0108MrChrisDruif, desktop, and it's massively modified :P22:19
Daniel0108well, I basically built it22:19
Daniel0108MrChrisDruif, how do I find out my motherboard name using software (and without reboot / using bios)? :P22:22
Daniel0108oh, lshw, right :P22:22
Daniel0108could it be a linux 3.0 problem?22:23
MrChrisDruifInternal audio is working for me Daniel010822:23
bioterrorfor me too22:23
bioterrorthat comforts Daniel0108 alot :D22:23
Daniel0108ok, good :P22:24
Daniel0108next problems: doesn't recognize printer, doesn't recognize sensors -_-22:24
bioterrorgrab a heineken!22:24
bioterrorits going to be a long night22:24
MrChrisDruifAt least a Dutch brand ^_^22:25
MrChrisDruifDaniel0108; cat /proc/cpuinfo22:25
bioterrorMrChrisDruif, what do you mean by the sensors?22:25
bioterrorsorry, Daniel010822:25
MrChrisDruifDaniel0108; ^22:26
Daniel0108bioterror, temperature sensors (I don't *need* them, though) :22:26
bioterrorit has changed place by 3.022:26
Daniel0108MrChrisDruif, that only gives me the cpu name:  AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 4600+22:26
bioterrorif you mean something like conky22:26
Daniel0108bioterror, where is it now?22:27
MrChrisDruifAnd "lspci"?22:27
Daniel0108no, the lubuntu panel :P22:27
Daniel0108MrChrisDruif, not really.. 00:18.0 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] K8 [Athlon64/Opteron] HyperTransport Technology Configuration22:27
MrChrisDruifDaniel0108; sudo dmidecode22:28
bioterror/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon1/device/ shows temperatures22:28
Daniel0108MrChrisDruif, where? :P22:29
Daniel0108bioterror, okay, thank you22:30
MrChrisDruifDaniel0108; TERMINAL of course22:30
Daniel0108MrChrisDruif, I know, but it's a lot of information, with which keyword can I grep it? :P22:31
MrChrisDruifDaniel0108; just scroll back to the top, then second header section22:31
Daniel0108NODUSM3 by ASUSTek Computer INC. (Base Board Information)22:32
Daniel0108that, MrChrisDruif ?22:32
MrChrisDruifI guess so?22:33
Daniel0108yeah, it's the motherboard, I know, but I wanted to ask what to do with that info now, MrChrisDruif :P22:33
MrChrisDruifYou can go search google for sum drivers ^_^22:34
Daniel0108MrChrisDruif, I can't find any linux drivers for it :P22:35
MrChrisDruifAsk bioterror, he knows his stuff22:35
Daniel0108bioterror, I need linux drivers for audio on the nodusm3 by ASUSTek :P22:36
Daniel0108okay, I can't get my on-board audio to work :P22:41
Daniel0108gonna buy an adapter tomorrow22:41
bioterrorprobably ALC88822:41
Daniel0108bioterror, and that means?22:43
phillwbioterror: it is :)22:44
Daniel0108bioterror, how do I install ALC888 now? :P22:47
Daniel0108phillw, you have the same motherboard?22:47
phillwDaniel0108: nope, but I looked the specs up on yours. head over to http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/ubuntu-linux/100864-realtek-hd-audio-alc888.html to get the required driver running22:48
phillwit is a chat about things, so do have a good read!22:48
bioterrorthat's from 2007 :D22:48
Daniel0108phillw, okay, thank you22:48
Daniel0108bioterror, possible :P22:48
phillwbioterror: so is the m/b :)22:48
Daniel0108bioterror, I still have 1 GB HDDs, sooo :P22:49
Daniel0108(not on this machine, though :P)22:49
bioterrorI just threw away lots of 120GB drives :D22:49
phillwbioterror: shame on you, there are organisations who would be grartefukl of them.22:50
bioterrorI smashed them well :D22:50
Daniel0108phillw, oh, they have 3.0 drivers :D22:53
Daniel0108bioterror, did you use magnets? :P22:53
bioterrorno, I used vulgar techniques and I smashed them against concrete22:53
Daniel0108oh, okay :P22:53
bioterrorbut I'm off to bed22:55
bioterrorgood night22:55
Daniel0108good night22:55
Daniel0108phillw, installed the drivers: $ sudo alsamixer     cannot open mixer: No such device23:03
Daniel0108MrChrisDruif, ^23:06
phillwDaniel0108: I'm not on your architechture, if that thread cannot help & bioterror has gone to bed, then my best suggestion is to head over to http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=33423:07
Daniel0108phillw, well, now I don't have any sound card drivers :P23:07
Daniel0108*any working sound cards23:08
phillwDaniel0108: it was only a suggestion, based on a working solution.23:08
phillwthe multi media forum guys have a pretty wicked sticky that covers most things, else just post a request.23:09

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