
=== 18WAALUCN is now known as jkridner_
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LetoThe2ndogra_: ping11:56
LetoThe2ndogra_: finally got around to build a pandaboard kernel as we talked yesterday. for simplicity, just using direct copy, but update-initramfs fails:11:57
LetoThe2ndKernel /boot/vmlinuz-3.2.0-rc7-carthag+ does not match your subarchitecture11:57
ogra_why the + ?11:58
ogra_add -omap4 instead :)11:58
LetoThe2ndogra_: no idea where it comes from.11:58
ogra_juat cp the file11:58
LetoThe2ndogra_: make modules_install tells me the kernel itself believes it has to be called "+": DEPMOD  3.2.0-rc7-carthag+12:00
ogra_well, the + seems odd12:01
LetoThe2ndogra_: yes, but the first part (searching modules) of update-initramfs only works if you keep the +12:01
ogra_add omap4 to the localversion though ...12:02
LetoThe2ndset to -carthag-omap4 now12:03
LetoThe2ndogra_: BTW, it is the tilt kernel from linaro that rsalveti pointed me to.12:04
ogra_there should be debs of it already12:05
ogra_and i think the ubuntu distro kernel is based on that branch (with ubuntu sauce on top though)12:05
LetoThe2ndogra_: i can't change the platform config in deb files ;)12:05
LetoThe2ndogra_: just for clarity: i use arch/arm/boot/zImage as the vmlinuz?12:08
ogra_update.initramfs is a script btw, you could also use a txt file as vmlinuz, it doesnt care12:09
LetoThe2ndnow modules_install says DEPMOD  3.2.0-rc7-carthag-omap4+12:10
rsalvetiLetoThe2nd: guess that's a problem with flash-kernel12:14
LetoThe2ndrsalveti: but where does that "+" come from in the first line?12:14
rsalvetithat requires the filename to end up with -omap or something similar12:14
rsalvetiLetoThe2nd: guess that's part of the kernel scripts to generate the deb file12:15
LetoThe2ndrsalveti: i'm not creating a deb, just dumb make.12:15
rsalvetiLetoThe2nd: that's interesting12:16
rsalvetilet me check here12:16
LetoThe2ndrsalveti: its the most simple use case. native build on the panda with make.12:16
LetoThe2ndBTW: how to git pull while i'm on the remote tilt-tracking?12:17
LetoThe2ndah, git pull origin tilt-tracking says up-to-date.12:21
rsalvetiLetoThe2nd: here I'm still pulling the branch12:33
LetoThe2ndrsalveti: no need to hurry, i'm playing skyrim in the meanwhile ;)12:33
rsalvetiLetoThe2nd: haha :-)12:33
* LetoThe2nd is on vacation12:34
rsalvetiLetoThe2nd: yup, seems it adds + by default at the kernel name12:57
rsalvetilet me check the config options12:58
rsalvetiLetoThe2nd: # If CONFIG_KALLSYMS is set .version is already updated14:30
rsalveti# Use + in front of the vmlinux_version rule to silent warning with make -j214:31
rsalvetifrom Makefile14:31
rsalvetibut could also be related with kernelrelease or linux_version_code14:32
rsalvetiprobably something saying the kernel is the tag+ a few patches14:32
LetoThe2ndrsalveti: yeah, that was also my first guess.14:33
dokoGrueMaster, about bug 903695, what is needed to get the "Verification-testing" done?16:30
ubot2`Launchpad bug 903695 in kernel-sru-workflow/verification-testing "linux-ti-omap4: 3.0.0-1206.14 -proposed tracker" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90369516:30
GrueMasterDoko:  Regression-testing Fix Released  Undecided   Tobin Davis16:32
GrueMasterthat means I have already tested it and blessed it from my side.  Not up to me now.16:32
GrueMasterLooks like it still needs sign-off from the ubuntu-armel-kernel team and the Canonical Security team.16:33
GrueMasterLike I said two weeks ago, I am hardly the bottleneck on these SRU kernels.16:34
dokoGrueMaster, I'm just getting used to this "processes"16:37
GrueMasterdoko:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/kernel-sru-workflow16:38
dokoppisati, ^^^ looks to be your task ;-) there's only one member in the team16:38
ppisatidoko: nope, sru team16:45
dokoppisati, confused, you're the only member in this team16:45
GrueMasterIs it me or is launchpad being extremely slow?16:48
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GrueMasterppisati: I'm getting ready to fire some bugs your way for precise omap4 kernel.17:23
dogancan someone help me about configuring a new sd-card19:36
doganfor ubuntu19:37
GrueMasterdogan: What are you trying to do?19:37
doganthanks for reply :)19:38
doganfirst i want to know difference between maverick and narwhall distros?19:38
GrueMasterErm, lots?  What platform are you using?  Panda?19:39
doganjust got it19:39
dogani want to work on a pay tv application19:39
GrueMasterI would recommend Oneiric (11.10).  It is more tuned, and will more than likely support your board (if it is newer).19:39
doganwhich distro has more multimedia options for example...19:39
doganpls wait, i am checking the prebuild binaries19:40
GrueMasterYes, Oneiric.  What rev board are you using?19:40
doganREV A19:41
doganis it good or bad?19:41
GrueMaster4430 or 4460?19:41
GrueMaster(Rev A doesn't tell me much).19:41
doganthe serial number starts with 4430 so it is 4430 i think...19:42
GrueMasterNot sure how the serial number thing works.19:42
doganare there bugs? on old version?19:42
doganlet me check the retail box label...19:42
GrueMasterBiggest issue is supporting newer rev boards.19:43
dogani see19:43
doganyes it is 443019:43
doganso it is good for compatibility... right?19:43
GrueMasterAs sometimes the boards ship before we can get support in the u-boot/kernel.19:43
GrueMasterOneiric should suit your needs well.19:43
doganfine thanks19:43
GrueMasterI tested it on A1, A2, and A3 (all of the known shipping 4430 revs).19:44
dogan    Natty Narwhal (11.04) Netbook Installation Instructions19:44
dogan    Natty Narwhal (11.04) Headless Installation Instructions19:44
dogan    Maverick Meerkat (10.10) Netbook Installation Instructions19:44
doganwhat are these so?19:44
GrueMasterThey are different spins.  Maverick and Natty are 10.10 and 11.04 ubuntu releases.  Headless is exactly that, it runs w/o keyboard/monitor.  Netbook was what we were shipping prior to Oneiric, when the x86 netbook & desktop images converged.19:46
doganso for pandaboard maverick is right choice?19:47
GrueMasterOneiric desktop installation will be identical to the Netbook release instructions as far as creating a bootable SD.19:47
doganso what am i suppose to do for panda?19:47
GrueMasterNo, use Oneiric.  Maverick was the first release for that platform, and only works on early rev boards.19:47
doganand win32diskimager works for me?19:48
doganha ok these are old distros...19:48
dogani see19:48
doganso i downloaded oneiric19:48
dogancan i use win32diskimager for writing to my sd?19:48
GrueMasterwin32-image-writer will work if you are using windows.  I just released v0.4 yesterday.19:49
doganfine dude trying now :)19:49
GrueMasterAnd I tested it quite extensively.19:49
doganoutstanding :)19:49
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doganGrueMaster:is it a .net application?19:50
GrueMasterNo, it is a QT application.19:51
doganhimmm ok19:51
GrueMasterThe binary zip file has everything you need.  Just make sure your path includes "." so that it will pull the dll files from the program directory.19:51
GrueMasterI don't have an installer for the program, so you just need to extract everything to one directory.  Then just double click on the .exe19:53
GrueMasterA lot of pain went into testing v0.4 (I had to run Windows XP & Windows 7 - shudder).19:54
doganGrueMaster:r u there?20:27
GrueMasterYes, barely (local server issues).20:29
dogani just downloaded the distro20:30
doganalso downloaded your image writer20:30
doganbut file extension is different20:30
doganso i wrote .raw file20:30
doganwill it work? eh?20:30
GrueMasterYou will need to uncompress the image file.  Winzip (or Windows 7) should be able to do this.20:30
GrueMasterwin32-image-writer doesn't support file compression natively.20:31
doganyes it worked man20:31
doganyea i know but i meant that the file extension after extration is raw, not img20:31
doganso i wrote sd by forcing to write .raw file instead of .img20:32
doganand it worked yessss :D20:32
doganthank you so mych GrueMaster, you are really a master :D20:33
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