=== Alcine is now known as jalcine === OutOfControl is now known as benonsoftware === boo is now known as boobear [06:51] Anyone good at Bash? or at least the ~/.bashrc file? [06:51] !ask | jalcine [06:51] jalcine: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [06:51] :P [06:52] Lol, right :D [06:52] I want to shorten the prompt when I go into certain folders, instead of: [06:52] jacky@tafc-desktop:~/Development/Projects/Synthetic Intellect Institute/SpeechControl/app/build$ [06:52] it'd be cool if it was just: [06:53] jacky@tafc-deskotp:~/Development/.../build$ [06:54] aliases ? [06:57] Sort of, but more of a shortener. [06:57] jalcine: Please read http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-newbie-8/how-to-shorten-current-path-name-865779/ and that will help you =] [06:58] look for symlink [06:58] !symlink [06:58] The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal [06:59] Bad bot ;P [07:00] ah, symlinks aren't what I were going for, the PROMPT_DIRTRIM variable was :D [07:00] Thanks :D [07:01] hey, boobear! [07:02] * sanbar heads for bed ... night, everyone ... [10:19] My NTFS drives are not showing in the right side of COMPUTER [10:20] Its happening after recovering my GRUB2 of Ubuntu 11.10 as I had to install Windows XP after Ubuntu [10:22] I have installed the NTFS-config tool but its not running [10:22] but its installation is successful [10:25] this is the Thread I have opened regarding this issue. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1902910 [10:26] shahan, what does: sudo blkid command prompt to you [10:27] can you see your ntfs drives? [10:28] bioterror: ya.. I can see the NTFS drives http://paste.ubuntu.com/791477/ [10:29] hmmm [10:29] you have: ntfs-3g installed? [10:29] bioterror: no.. I have NTFS-Config installed [10:30] is it better? [10:30] For that use, it will configure them to use the open source ntfs-3g [10:30] driver. You'll also be able to easily disable this feature. [10:31] http://flomertens.free.fr/ntfs-config/download.html that software is outdated :D [10:31] you say installed ntfs-config - have you actually run it yet - it's not automatic [10:32] you should only need ntfs-3g drivers for NTFS support [10:32] none of the tools you've been pointed at are automatic [10:32] bioterror: ya.. I have installed the NTFS-3g but its not showing in the Dash Home [10:33] it should show it in your file manager [10:33] I dunno about unitys dash [10:33] hm [10:33] shahan: try running ntfs-config - start typing it in the dash thing [10:33] how can I run it thorough terminal? [10:34] nautilus is your file manager [10:34] ya... I am trying to run ntfs-config but its not running [10:36] let me do a restart [10:59] quite a long restart [10:59] bioterror: HI!!! how was your holiday? [10:59] grub error [10:59] jk [11:00] mysteriousdarren, quite a good, I think [11:00] I dropped coffee to get my blood pressure lower [11:00] hope it helps : [11:00] oh, this wasnt -team :D [11:00] bioterror: good to hear, coffee eh? I drink cappuccino and expresso too much:(, maybe someday === bladernr_afk is now known as bladernr_ === peter__ is now known as fr33r1d3 [15:38] Can anyone advise me how to get network manager working properly? It's a bit of a weird problem...to me at least [15:39] I can get online if I manually edit /etc/network/interfaces but network manager tells me the usb adaptor isn't ready.............. [15:43] clearly it is though [15:50] pip__, You may wish to join and ask in #ubuntu, if no one knows, here. :-) [15:55] okay, thanks [15:56] My pleasure. === yofel_ is now known as yofel [20:42] `3 === OutOfControl is now known as benonsoftware === OutOfControl is now known as benonsoftware [22:37] * boobear is away: Gone away for now [22:38] boobear: Can you disable that script? [22:39] !away > boobear [22:39] boobear, please see my private message [22:40] which [22:40] * boobear is back. [22:40] * boobear is away: [22:41] boobear, please don't notify the channel [22:42] and how do i do that :s [22:44] boobear, undo whatever steps you did to enable it in the first place. drop into #ubuntu-ops and maybe they can help you. either that or expect to get banned