
=== ckpringle_ is now known as ckpringle
=== ckpringle_ is now known as ckpringle
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
=== ckpringle_ is now known as ckpringle
=== ckpringle_ is now known as ckpringle
doctormonwendar: The blueprint has been updated so Jono can approve it.18:02
wendardoctormon: which one? there were something like 3 different ones that came out of UDS18:03
doctormonOne thing we should think about is adopting the +1 cycle method used by the canonical team.18:05
wendarah, excellent, that's the write one18:05
doctormonThey don't design for this cycle, they design for next cycle and beyond.18:05
wendar*right one18:05
wendaryes, that makes sense18:05
wendaris "wender" me?18:05
doctormonYeah, sorry about that.18:06
mhall119doctormon: the blueprint needs to use LP username, not IRC nick, in order for it to show on status.u.c18:06
wendarlooks like it, updated to my launchpad nick (which is "allison" for hysterical raisins)18:06
doctormonWhat's your lp name wendar?18:06
doctormonah great!18:07
mhall119heh, hysterical raisins, that's grat18:07
mhall119great even18:08
wendarmhall119: :)18:09
mhall119wendar: I really like the idea being tody, btw, I may hack on it some when I have free time18:10
wendarmhall119: cool, that'd be awesome. It's up in Launchpad.18:11
mhall119I saw18:11
wendarit could use a better icon, if anyone's interested :)18:12
doctormonEr, what could?18:14
mhall119doctormon: https://launchpad.net/tody18:18
mhall119https://launchpad.net/singlet too, if you're feeling generous ;)18:18
czajkowskiwendar: are you going to be at FOSDEM ?20:26
doctormonmhall119: I have just the thing for singlet21:38
mhall119doctormon: that's perfect!21:56
doctormongreat, email with images sent21:56
mhall119thanks doctormon, you rock21:56
doctormonIt has a white background that you can't see, but if you ever have it on a darker background you'll notice it.21:57

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