
* TheMuso suspends today's email processing for a break...01:33
RAOFHeh.  You know what makes gnome-shell substantially less usable?  Having the mouse cursor freuqently teleport to (0,0) and activate the overlay :)02:19
TheMusoOh lovely.02:19
RAOFIt's highly likely to be related to the 1.11/1.12 frankenserver this laptop's running.  Chase needs to hunt down that bug before we migrate everything out of the PPA into Precise. :)02:21
didrocksgood morning and happy new year!06:32
RAOFHey, ho, didrocks!06:33
didrockshey RAOF! How are you?06:33
RAOFPretty good.06:33
pittiGood morning07:20
pittihappy new year everyone!07:20
rickspencer3good morning pitti07:22
pittihey rickspencer3, how are you? had some nice holidays?07:22
didrocksgood morning, pitti, rickspencer3! Happy new year!07:26
pittididrocks: bonjour! ca va?07:26
didrockspitti: ça va bien :) good holidays there, and you?07:26
pittididrocks: same here, we spent all the time in Dresden and returned yesterday07:26
rickspencer3hi didrocks07:27
pittilots of time to meet friends and family, go for some hiking, etc., much easier than the rather cramped and short weekend trips07:27
rickspencer3bon fête et bon santé didrocks07:27
pittiI even brought back a cold :)07:27
rickspencer3pitti, I've had a cold for the last week as well :/07:27
didrocksbonne année à toi aussi rickspencer3 :)07:27
didrockspitti: argh, cold :/07:27
pittiyeah, half of the people we met had one, so eventually I just had to follow up :(07:28
pittibut it'll be gone by Budapest07:28
rickspencer3pitti, my thoughts exactly, I will be inoculated by Budapest next week ;)07:28
didrockslots of video games for me and catching up by years of no real video game time there :) (in addition to some time with my family), the only bad thing is that Julie didn't get any holidays07:29
pittididrocks: uh, none at all, not even for xmas?07:32
didrockspitti: no, as it was on sunday07:33
RAOFWe do that right in Australia.07:33
pittihey RAOF, happy new year!07:33
RAOFIf a public holiday falls on a weekend, we damn well take the next weekday off!07:33
didrockspitti: she just didn't work on the friday afternoon (but as her hours are counted, this is not really a gift) as there was nothing to be done07:33
didrocksRAOF: heh, not in France :)07:33
didrocksso we don't have the same number of bank holidays every years :)07:34
RAOFpitti: Happy new year!07:34
pittididrocks: btw, you know that compiz-plugins-main is stuck in oneiric-proposed because of the missing precise uploads, right?07:41
pittididrocks: I guess that'll solve itself by the impending releases07:41
RAOFOh!  A shiny new unity that'll work without multitouch? :)07:42
didrockspitti: indeed, it will be in the new release. As you accepted the previous compiz/nux upload for this (as we wait tests for the incoming release first), I thought this would be on the same page07:46
tjaaltonRAOF: what where?08:01
RAOFtjaalton: :)08:04
tjaaltonyeah been using gnome-shell for the past few weeks08:04
RAOFtjaalton: Have you noticed synaptics throwing the cursor up to (0,0) with annoying frequency, or is that just my hardware?08:14
RAOFIf so: doesn't it drive you *mad*?08:14
tjaaltonRAOF: well, synaptics drives me mad, so I've disabled the hw :)08:15
tjaaltonthough I could test the behaviour..08:15
RAOFOh, yeah.  You said that before :)08:15
tjaaltonhm, how does one reboot from gnome-shell?08:17
RAOFThis laptop doesn't have a nubbin, and the *other* laptop has a bad harddrive that causes a wonderful conflux of firefox/ecryptfs/btrfs/syslog interaction.08:17
RAOFtjaalton: I *think* you need to hold down alt?08:17
RAOFWhile opening up the menu?08:17
tjaaltonha, yeah that did it08:18
BigWhaleGood morning everyone.08:18
tjaaltonhow discoverable..08:18
RAOFNo one ever needs to do something so *crass* as to reboot their system.08:18
BigWhaleRAOF, I agree! It just messes up with your uptime records! :>08:18
tjaaltonRAOF: confirmed :)08:25
RAOFtjaalton: Pretty fun, isn't it? :)08:27
RAOFIt interacts particularly well with (0,0) being the Activities hot corner!08:28
tjaaltonheh, yeah08:30
tjaaltonoh well, purged the driver for now08:30
* bryceh waves08:59
chrisccoulsongood morning desktoppers!09:03
pittihey chrisccoulson, good morning and happy new year!09:04
pittibryceh: hello, and happy new year!09:04
chrisccoulsonhi pitti, happy new year to you too :)09:04
chrisccoulsondid you have a good break?09:04
brycehheya pitti09:04
pittiyes I did, no computer time and lots of family and friends :)09:05
didrocksgood morning chrisccoulson, happy new year! :)09:05
chrisccoulsonhappy new year didrocks :)09:06
chrisccoulsonpitti, yeah, i managed to avoid my computer for a few days as well09:06
chrisccoulsonand it shows! i've got all of this to fix today https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/FirefoxUpgradeChecklist/10.0 ;)09:07
pittichrisccoulson: heh, I feel the same; lots of mail/bug/etc. backlog :(09:08
chrisccoulsonpitti - yeah, the mail backlog is the worst part ;)09:14
chrisccoulsonhttps://twitter.com/#!/chrisccoulson/status/153959177998446592 :-)09:15
pittichrisccoulson: yay!09:16
pittichrisccoulson: good luck with that; I have tried and succeeded at it for a fair while, but these days it's more like inbox 5 for me09:16
pittithere's always some mails which take ages or blocked09:16
brycehI've been doing inbox zero for some months now09:16
chrisccoulsonpitti - yeah, i'm currently at around inbox 25000 ;)09:16
brycehchrisccoulson, sounds like a job for procmail09:17
chrisccoulsonhey seb12809:17
brycehheya seb128 happy new years09:17
seb128hey chrisccoulson, wb officially today ;-)09:17
seb128how are you?09:17
seb128hey bryceh, happy new year to you as well!09:17
chrisccoulsonthanks :)09:17
didrocksbonne année seb128 :)09:18
seb128oh a didrocks09:18
seb128didrocks, bonne année !09:18
seb128didrocks, I was a bit concerned about you being not there yesterday, I'm glad you are back ;-)09:19
pittibonjour seb128, happy new year! *hug*09:19
seb128didrocks, I was wondering if you decided holidays were too nice and that you wouldn't go back to work :p09:19
brycehpitti, yeah I force myself to bring it to zero at least once a week, even if that means moving some ongoing items into the todo list09:19
didrocksseb128: no, I  had a 16 days of holidays reminaining, hence the swap between friday 9th december to yesterday09:19
seb128pitti, happy new year to you as well! *hug*09:19
pittibryceh: right, maintaining a proper TODO list is a nice solution for this09:19
seb128didrocks, oh ok, I was not sure if you said you put all your days before the holidays and you were not marked on holidays or swap in canonicaladmin09:20
didrocksseb128: yeah, I just talk to jason about swapping friday and yesterday as it was not realistic that I can go on holidays the 9th december with all the remaining tasks I had before holidays09:20
didrocksbut I managed them and finished on friday at 5:30pm despite a lot of surprises on that day :p09:21
rickspencer3pitti, deactivating me from the canonical-desktop team won't stop me from assigning bugs ;)09:22
baptistemmhey there09:24
baptistemmhappy new year everyone09:24
pittibaptistemm: bonjour, happy new year!09:24
baptistemmsalut Pitty09:24
seb128rickspencer3, bonne année !09:24
seb128baptistemm, happy new year ;-)09:25
baptistemmsalut seb12809:25
baptistemmbonne annee09:25
rickspencer3seb128,  bonne année et bon santé09:25
brycehhi rickspencer3 happy new years09:25
rickspencer3hiya bryceh09:25
seb128rickspencer3, oh, merci, à toi aussi !09:25
rickspencer3good evening?09:26
rickspencer3bryceh, is it not 1:36am for you?09:26
brycehrickspencer3, yep09:26
rickspencer3night owl09:26
brycehindeed; but helps when its time for the 2am feedings, and consoling sick kids09:27
lifelessbryceh: young baby?09:28
baptistemmcongrats chrisccoulson for the new baby coming09:28
brycehlifeless, 4mo09:28
lifelessbryceh: ~same as cynthia; I'm told it gets better ;)09:29
brycehah wait, 5 months09:29
brycehlifeless, yep, she's our second so we've been through it all09:29
pittiseb128: btw, I created bug 911125 from doko's recent main rebuild test09:30
ubot2`Launchpad bug 911125 in yelp "FTBFS due to removed g_thread_init" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91112509:30
chrisccoulsonbaptistemm, thanks :)09:31
pittiseb128: some fallout from gnome 3.2 vs. new glib (but should be easy to fix)09:31
seb128pitti, right, the easy way is to no set G_DISABLE_DEPRECATED09:32
brycehlifeless, hope you had some fun times over the holiday with your new daughter? she starting to become interactive?09:32
pittiseb128: but g_thread_init() disappeared entirely09:32
seb128pitti, no it didn't09:32
pittiseb128: it's been deprecated since 2.2409:32
seb128it would be an abi break09:32
pittiah, ok09:32
lifelessbryceh: beginning yes; she burbles a lot, tracks us very very well, rolls from front to back in a millisecond09:33
seb128pitti, see /usr/include/glib-2.0/glib/deprecated/gthread.h09:33
seb128pitti, they just moved it in the deprecated dir09:34
pittiseb128: ok, thanks; I updated the description accordingly09:34
seb128pitti, which is only included when you don't turn deprecate off09:34
seb128pitti, thanks09:34
brycehlifeless, nice, my daughter Zoë has just started rolling over this past week (mostly back to front), but she can scoot herself across the room on her back no prob09:55
lifelessbryceh: heh, cynthia hasn't worked out scooting along yet ;)09:55
lifelessbryceh: she just looks around pitifully and bawls :(09:56
lifelessbryceh: gnight09:56
brycehlifeless, nite09:57
seb128pitti, urg, I really dislike the one bug to track all the ftbfs issues style, can't we open different bugs and tag them or give a list to the team next time?10:23
pittiseb128: ok, will do next time; doko asked for tracking this, and as it's the same problem in multiple packages tasks seemed appropriate10:24
seb128pitti, the way you did it means that people subscribed to any of the listed component will get emails for every change to any of components10:24
seb128like if I care about dbus I will get 250 spams for things I don't care about10:24
seb128pitti, yeah, the feature makes sense until you get spammed for 2 months on a bug where you fixed your part and get emails from discussions still going for universe stuff ;-)10:25
seb128(been there before)10:25
pittiok, noted10:25
sorenseb128: You know you can mute bug mail from a single bug, right?10:26
pittiFTR, /me merges gnome-keyring and fixes FTBFS along10:26
seb128soren, right, but I can't mute comments that don't concern the components I care about10:26
sorenseb128: Right, no, but once you've fixed you part, you can just mute the bug.10:26
seb128soren, because comments are not targetted to a particular of the 15 listed components10:26
seb128soren, well I would like to know if there is an issue with my fix :p10:26
sorenseb128: Ah, good point.10:27
seb128that launchpad feature is really to track one bug that need change on different sources10:27
seb128not to track similar bugs across the archive ;-)10:27
seb128we have tags for that10:27
seb128or we would open a "ftbfs in precise" bug and liste 500 sources in there ;-)10:28
* didrocks opens10:28
pitti(not the same root cause, though)10:28
pittibut yes, I see what you mean10:29
pittiso, tags in the future10:29
seb128pitti, thanks, sorry for being picky but I got bitten by such bugs in the past ;-) (at a time where launchpad didn't have bug muting though, I will just use that for this one)10:31
seb128pitti, btw you can update yelp to 3.3 if you want10:32
seb128it's on the list of standalone applications that we said we would update to 3.410:32
seb128that should fix the ftbfs as well I guess10:32
pittiah, sounds good10:32
pittiyes, for the gnome stuff I figure all of the fixes are already in upstream git10:32
seb128mostly yes10:33
seb128I was pondering dropping part of gnome-utils and doing updates as well10:33
seb128they made standalone vcs and tarballs for each components in the new cycle10:33
pittiI followed that discussion on desktop-devel, indeed10:33
pittiit seems relatively harmless10:33
pitti(either way)10:34
seb128we can package things we care about10:34
seb128I started on gnome-screenshot before the holidays10:34
pittibut I thought we should do it in Debian and sync, instead of doing the work twice and then have to merge10:34
seb128I should commit my work to the pkg-gnome svn10:35
seb128but I'm not sure if Debian will get 3.4 for wheezy10:35
pittishould be fine in experimental?10:35
seb128I guess so10:36
seb128pitti, do you have any clue about the amd64 retracer issues? it was down during the holidays, I untag the bug it was having issue with yesterday but it has been hitting a similar one again10:44
seb128  File "apport/bin/crash-digger", line 100, in retrace_next10:44
seb128    raise SystemError('retracing #%i failed' % id)10:44
seb128SystemError: retracing #909509 failed10:44
pittiseb128: dup db confusion again; it's high on my list10:44
seb128"but database already has that signature for ID 90510510:44
pittiI'll fix/workaround it today10:44
seb128pitti, thanks10:44
seb128should I untag that bug and remove the lock meanwhile?10:45
seb128hum in fact no hurry, ignore that10:45
pittiif you remember to re-tag it, sure10:45
seb128we can wait for you to look at it10:45
seb128ok, similar to yesterday, both evince bugs10:46
seb128I untag and delete the lock, will retag those 2 later10:46
pittiI bet it's again due to some internal __strlen_sse_whatever stuff10:46
pittiI need to unwind those10:46
seb128yeah, the one I untag yesterday had that10:47
pittithey are useless and skew duplication detection10:47
pittiseb128: or just mark them as dupes10:47
pittithat'll help, too10:47
seb128"SIGSEGV in __strchr_sse2()"10:47
seb128pitti, so I clean them by hand?10:47
pittiright, it should use the "real" function for this, not the internal one10:47
pittiseb128: I'd find the existing master bug (the one in the exception message, bug 905105) and dupe10:48
seb128pitti, ok thanks10:48
pittibut the logic needs to be fixed as well, of course, I can do that10:48
pittiI added that assertion to ensure that we don't screw up the dup db10:49
pittiseb128: hm, g_module_* stuff isn't deprecated, is it?10:53
pittiseb128: gnome-keyring fails to build due to undefined reference to `g_module_open' and others10:53
pittiit does link to -lglib-2.0, and I added #include <gmodule.h>10:53
pittidoes that ring a bell?10:53
seb128pitti, http://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-keyring/commit/?id=30915a6fc4b95bbe6a5da224f731480e78bbaf8310:54
pittiseb128: no, that's not it; but I'll dig it out10:55
pittigck/ entirely disappeared from trunk10:55
seb128pitti, doesn't right a bell sorry10:55
pittibde64e94 fixes the g_thread deprecations10:56
seb128pitti, http://git.gnome.org/browse/gcr/log/10:56
pittihttp://git.gnome.org/browse/gcr/commit/?id=15db61820f7cf2cd0a2631115c881367c7afc3c4 ?10:56
pittihm, no10:56
seb128could be10:56
pittihttp://git.gnome.org/browse/gcr/commit/?id=290b322a2bbaa81c3f00f9241228ed38672fb03f could work, trying10:57
pittioh, that's gcr10:57
seb128pitti, gcr has the gcr and gck libs it seems10:59
seb128well anyway I will let you sort it, I've no clue about this one10:59
pittiack, thanks10:59
ricotzgmodules arent pulled in automatically anymore you need to explicitly link to it11:00
pittihey ricotz, gesundes Neues!11:00
ricotzpitti, danke, für dich auch!11:00
pittioh, -lgmodule-2.011:00
ricotzglib.pc doesnt include it anymore11:01
pittiso I need to add gmodule-2.0.pc to configure.ac11:01
pittiupstream gcr git head builds, so no need to forward it upstream11:01
ricotzpitti, yes11:03
seb128rickspencer3, smuxi?! ;-)11:03
rickspencer3I said it was low11:03
ricotzthis will solve the gmodule references not sure about possible gthread issues11:03
rickspencer3j'aime bien smuxi11:04
chrisccoulsoni'm really happy to be using a 24" monitor now :)11:28
seb128I've one for over a year and it's great indeed ;-)11:31
chrisccoulsonseb128, yeah, i had a 22" before. but we had a 24" on the desktop, so i did a swap over christmas11:34
chrisccoulsonhopefully jo doesn't notice her monitor shrank by 2"11:35
seb128you will be in trouble ;-)11:35
seb128you can always say that ruby switched them, but I guess that's not going to work :p11:35
chrisccoulsonhi mvo, how are you?11:52
chrisccoulsondo you fancy uploading the latest aptdaemon from trunk?11:52
chrisccoulsoni need this so that software-center works again: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~aptdaemon-developers/aptdaemon/main/revision/755 ;)11:53
didrocksam I the only one without any css for launchpad?11:58
didrockshum, weird…11:59
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
seb128didrocks, seems to work there as well11:59
seb128(using firefox)12:00
nessitahello everyone! is there any specific IRC channel I can ask questions regarding unity 2d?12:00
seb128hey nessita, happy new year!12:00
didrocksseb128: ok, maybe there is a proxy issue with my ISP, no big deal though12:00
seb128nessita, try #ayatana I guess12:00
didrocksthanks for confirming :)12:01
nessitahello seb128! thanks. You too :-)12:01
didrockshey nessita, happy new year!12:01
nessitadidrocks: hello! thanks! :-)12:01
nessitadidrocks: remember the thing I mentioned at UDS regarding the F10 key in the gnome-terminal under unity?12:01
didrocksnessita: yes, the option not working, right?12:03
nessitadidrocks: right, every time I press F10 the menu of the window will open instead of forward the event to the program running in the terminal12:03
didrocksnessita: you unchecked the "activate shortcuts to access the menu", isn't it?12:04
didrocksin file -> shortcuts12:04
pittinessita: happy new year!12:04
nessitadidrocks: yes, under Edit -> Keyboard Shortcuts I unchecked "Enable the menu shortcut key (F10 by default)"12:05
nessitapitti: hi there!!! thanks, you too :-)12:05
didrocksnessita: yeah so the event is still forwarded to the app IIRC, seems a dbusmenu issue12:06
didrocksnessita: I think you should ping tedg maybe12:06
chrisccoulsondidrocks, it could be your browser ;)12:07
nessitadidrocks: thanks!12:07
didrockschrisccoulson: no chance, is my firefox-nvidia-launchpad issue fixed yet? :p12:08
didrockschrisccoulson: ok, it's kinda fixed with no css thanks to my ISP :)12:08
chrisccoulsoni can haz some nvidia hardware to test?12:08
didrocksbaked or rebaked? :)12:08
chrisccoulsoni've got an nvidia card in my desktop here, but it's way to fast to recreate your bug ;)12:09
pittiseb128: yelp updated to 3.3.2, and g_thread stuff fixed (and sent upstream)12:23
* pitti -> lunch12:23
mvochrisccoulson: sure12:25
seb128pitti, danke12:34
seb128(back from lunch here)12:34
tjaaltonis there a way to hibernate from the precise unity gui?12:38
seb128tjaalton, same as always, open the session indicator in the top right and pick hibernate?12:39
tjaaltonseb128: don't have that option, only suspend and shutdown12:40
tjaaltonfresh install12:40
seb128oh, I think hibernate is off by default12:40
tjaaltonyeah there's enough swap12:40
seb128it's a question for pitti when he's back12:41
seb128he turned it off somewhere by default12:41
tjaaltonok so it's possibly editable from dconf-editor12:41
seb128I don't think it's in gsettings, it's rather an etc file I think12:42
tjaaltonah, ok12:42
seb128like a polkit or upower setting12:42
tjaaltonyeah not seeing it12:42
seb128but I can't remember where it is now, wait for pitti to be back12:42
seb128tjaalton, try looking at /var/lib/polkit-1/localauthority/10-vendor.d/com.ubuntu.desktop.pkla12:43
=== Beanow_alt is now known as Beanow
seb128ok, found it12:44
seb128tjaalton, bug #81239412:44
ubot2`Launchpad bug 812394 in ayatana-design "Disable hibernate option by default" [Critical,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/81239412:44
BigWhalemy unity died and didn't come back12:45
seb128go to a vt and run "unity"12:45
BigWhaleyeah.. I did that :)12:45
tjaaltonseb128: great, thanks12:46
BigWhaleI blame the resize info plugin for compiz...12:46
chrisccoulsonmvo, thanks for doing the upload :)12:51
chrisccoulsonhmmm, when did gdbus land in glib (ie, which release)?12:53
chrisccoulsonah, 2.2612:53
seb128chrisccoulson, right12:54
chrisccoulsonok, goodbye apturl dependency :)12:58
chrisccoulsoni'm no longer the only person depending on that12:58
pittitjaalton: yep, that's it; not that easy to find, though13:12
tjaaltonpitti: yeah, hope to have a config option for it before the release..13:15
seb128tjaalton, see https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/document/d/1ILTJDiDCd25Npt2AmgzF8aOnZZECxTfM0hvsbWT2BxA/edit?hl=en_GB section 2.313:15
seb128tjaalton, i.e it "should" happen (if it doesn't get dropped because we don't manage to get to it because too much to do)13:16
pittiseb128: fixing yelp FTBFS, libfolks-dev missing dep13:16
tjaaltonseb128: heh, ok.. fingers crossed13:16
seb128pitti, oki13:16
seb128tjaalton, if you want to sign for some desktop work feel free btw ;-)13:17
seb128chrisccoulson, btw I bounced some bugs your way, dunno if you notice stuff where you get Cc-ed or assigned to13:18
seb128chrisccoulson, oh and I had dinner with my friend who has the tb pop indicator issues during the holidays and he nagged me about it again, I said I would use direct poking until it gets fixed if needed ;-)13:19
seb128tb, pop, spam filtering, count issue ... dunno how you call it ;-) my friend seems to think it's not specific to pop though, just that tb doesn't refresh its count after dealing with spams locally13:20
nessitatedg: hi there! I was suggested I ask you about this bug #726639. I tried the gconf-editor workaround and I still have the F10 key captured :-/13:47
ubot2`Launchpad bug 726639 in unity "F10 is captured even if gnome-terminal setting is explictly set to not capture" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72663913:48
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
tedgnessita, That's not a me thing...13:51
nessitatedg: heh, any idea who I can ask? :-)13:51
tedgnessita, Probably should harass njpatel or DBO13:51
nessitatedg: thanks!13:52
tedgnessita, Neither of which seem to be here today.13:52
nessitatedg: I will seek for them tomorrow or the day after, thanks!13:52
nessitadoes anyone know how to fix a just-now broken gnome-keyring? it broke after an update, full update trace is http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/791662/13:57
pittinessita: my fault13:58
pittinessita: I'll take care of it13:58
nessitapitti: let me know! :-)13:58
pittinessita: you should be able to run apt-get -f install or dist-upgrade again to fix it locally13:59
nessita(when is fixed, so I re-update)13:59
nessitapitti: awesome, thanks13:59
seb128pitti, you won bug #91123214:00
ubot2`Launchpad bug 911232 in gnome-keyring "package libgcr-3-common (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/usr/share/gcr-3/ui/gcr-import-dialog.ui', which is also in package libgcr-3-1 3.2.2-0ubuntu1" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91123214:00
seb128bah bug #90880514:02
ubot2`Launchpad bug 908805 in ubuntuone-client "nautilus crashed with SIGSEGV in got_public_files_cb()" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90880514:02
seb128dobey, hey, happy new year14:03
seb128dobey, could you get those u1 bugs fixed? they are collecting retracer dups since before the holidays14:03
seb128oh and whoever between ken and you uploaded a broken version before the holidays deserves some slapping ;-)14:03
nessitaseb128: broken version of what exactly? I may deserve a slap as well :-)14:05
pittiseb128: I guess I won the first one, too, that's nessita's14:06
pittiseb128: not sure about 908805, I can have a look, though; did I break this with my libubuntuone upload?14:06
seb128nessita, no, that one was for dobey14:06
nessitaseb128: ok, I was asking since I propose a broken package of ubuntuone-control-panel (I forgot to add an entry on a .install file). But ken fixed it and upload it (thanks ken!)14:07
seb128nessita, the bug I pointed is a segfault in nautilus due to libsyncdaemon14:08
nessitaseb128: ah, I won't take a slap for that :-P14:08
seb128pitti, sorry, you won the first one indeed, the second one was for dobey14:08
seb128well dobey or kenvandine14:08
pittiseb128: ah, misunderstood then14:08
seb128speaking of who...14:08
kenvandinehappy new years!14:08
seb128kenvandine, hey, happy new year ;-)14:08
pittikenvandine: hey Ken, happy new year!14:08
kenvandineseb128, i talked to dobey about that, he was working on it14:09
mvopitti: does something like https://code.launchpad.net/~mvo/python-distutils-extra/mvo/+merge/87357 make sense or is lucid compatibility more important?14:09
kenvandinei found that crash right before the holiday14:09
seb128kenvandine, what happened to the "revert if it's not fixed in half a day"?14:09
pittikenvandine: I gave you the geoclue task in bug 911125, ok for you?14:09
ubot2`Launchpad bug 911125 in librest "FTBFS due to removed g_thread_init" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91112514:09
seb128kenvandine, seems an acceptance criteria fail14:09
seb128kenvandine, we let user downs for 2 weeks....14:09
kenvandineseb128, it wasn't a new bug... and it didn't seem to grave14:09
seb128kenvandine, and it's spamming the retracers14:09
seb128kenvandine, it seems new, we didn't get any bug before the uploads in the week before the holidays14:10
kenvandinethe bug had existed for several weeks now14:10
seb128kenvandine, bug #908805 ?14:10
ubot2`Launchpad bug 908805 in ubuntuone-client "nautilus crashed with SIGSEGV in got_public_files_cb()" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90880514:10
pittimvo: I'm fine with this; it's more a question for didrocks or mterry, as pysupport supports installation into /opt, and nothing else does so far14:10
pittimvo: but then again, I think pysupport got synced and that feature lost14:10
pittimvo: question for them for quickly, I mean14:10
* didrocks opens14:11
kenvandineseb128, i had reproduced it without the ubuntuone-client-gnome upload right before the holiday14:11
dobeyseb128, kenvandine: yes, they will get fixed today; we have a scheduled release today14:12
kenvandinedobey, cool14:12
seb128dobey, thanks14:12
didrockspitti: yeah, /opt will still be needed. I may need to spend some time to work with the dh_python guy to add this support14:13
mvodidrocks: dosn't this work with the linked branch? i.e. just passing the module dir?14:14
mvoor am I missing something?14:14
pittimvo: this drops the langpack stuff, though?14:14
pittimvo: we need a --with langpack if available14:14
mvopitti: aha,ok14:16
didrocksmvo: I never tried the syntax dh_python2 (prefix, prefix, prefix), if you are confident it works, it's ok for me ;)14:16
nessitasilly question, how can I have a weather indicator in unity 2d? I have indicator-applet installer but I have no weather indication nowhere :-)14:17
seb128kenvandine, dobey: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntuone-client/+bug/908787/comments/4 has details on the issue14:17
ubot2`Launchpad bug 908787 in ubuntuone-client "nautilus crashed with SIGSEGV in g_str_hash()" [High,Triaged]14:17
didrocksnessita: have you installed indicator-weather by any chance?14:17
nessitadidrocks: yes, sorry, I meant "I have indicator-weather installed but..."14:18
pittimvo: ok, MP updated14:18
pittimvo: I can fix it up if you want14:18
nessitadidrocks:   Installed: 11.05.31-0ubuntu314:18
didrocksthat's weird, should work. You are on oneiric, right? do you have it in unity-3d?14:19
mvopitti: that would be nice, if its no trouble14:19
nessitadidrocks: I'm on precise, and running unity-2d. Performance of 3d is, from my POV, unacceptable14:20
pittinessita: fix uploaded, BTW14:21
nessitapitti: yey! though I already applied the workaround you mentioned before14:21
nessitadobey: hi there! question, would you know why I'm getting this? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/791685/ I can't run make check on a u1client branch14:22
didrocksnessita: if you have the time to just try it in unity-3d to ensure it's unity-2d issue or an indicator one (don't have the indicator installed there)14:23
nessitadidrocks: sure, I can try that14:23
dobeynessita: not specifically. did you change the clientdefs.py.in?14:23
nessitadobey: not at all14:23
nessitadobey: I'm reviewing https://code.launchpad.net/~ralsina/ubuntuone-client/fix_904300/+merge/8707314:24
nessitadobey: and I'm on precise14:24
dobeyi'll look14:25
nessitadidrocks: I logged in with another user on a unity-3d session and I see no weather indicator nowhere. Shall I "activate" it somewhere?14:27
dobeynessita: run it; but when i tried indicator-weather it was *very* unstable14:28
seb128dobey, did you see the comment I pointed before?14:28
dobeycrashed often14:28
seb128dobey, that guy debugged the issue in libsyncdaemon so it might avoid you work if you didn't debug yet14:28
dobeyseb128: yes. i have those mails in my bug folder14:28
didrocksnessita: no, you shouldn't need to. I will have a try later on my machine to confirm (need to finish something before rebooting unity). If it still fails, it's maybe because the indicator is simply broken14:29
nessitadidrocks: I see. Thanks!14:30
nessitadidrocks: FYI, running indicator-weather in my unity-2d session worked14:31
didrocksnessita: ok, so not autostarted anymore? I'll have a look14:31
nessitadidrocks: thanks! (no rush, of course)14:32
pitticyphermox: good morning, happy new year!14:34
cyphermoxhey pitti14:37
cyphermoxhappy new year14:37
mvohey cyphermox! happy new year to you14:37
cyphermoxhey mvo14:38
pitticyphermox: are you ok with the three evo tasks in bug 911125?14:38
ubot2`Launchpad bug 911125 in yelp "FTBFS due to removed g_thread_init" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91112514:39
pitticyphermox: presumably it's all fixed in upstream trunk already14:39
pitticyphermox: thanks14:39
cyphermoxand yeah, i believe it is already fixed upstream14:39
pittiI did most of the rest now, but left one for kenvandine and one for RAOF14:39
chrisccoulsonoh, excellent. extensions compatible by default reduces my workload a little :)14:40
pittichrisccoulson: oh, less strict MaxVersions now?14:41
chrisccoulsonpitti - yeah, by default, it's basically ignored for extensions which don't have binary components, aren't a theme, and don't have a maxVersion of less than 4.014:42
chrisccoulson(based on the fact that most extensions don't need any code changes to work with newer versions)14:42
chrisccoulsonpitti - of course, that can be overridden by metadata from addons.mozilla.org, eg, if people mark the addon as incompatible14:43
pittichrisccoulson: that sounds quite nice14:43
chrisccoulsonyeah, it should be much better14:43
BigWhaleif I try to import appindicator in python, my program will crash and burn with some gtk-2.0 assertion errors15:17
BigWhaleam I doing something wrong?15:18
tjaaltonchrisccoulson: hey, does this bug ring a bell; two firefox windows, on different workspaces, fight for the input focus (unity, oneiric). to restore sanity I need to switch the focus to a third ffox window, but it'll come back before too long..15:18
tjaaltonfirst i thought it had to do with fullscreen windows, but using "normal" ones didn't help15:19
kenvandineBigWhale, hey15:19
seb128could be bug #87220715:19
ubot2`Launchpad bug 872207 in firefox "When Firefox is running in Unity, drop-down menus sometime close when opened" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87220715:19
BigWhalekenvandine, where have you been hiding? :)15:20
kenvandineis your app using gtk2 or gtk3?15:20
BigWhalekenvandine, gtk315:20
kenvandinehanging with the family for the holidays :)15:20
BigWhalekenvandine, awesome ... same here15:20
kenvandineand are you using GI or the static bindings?15:20
seb128didrocks, hey, do you have some time for a new review?15:20
BigWhalekenvandine, I am guessing that I need to import something else15:20
BigWhaleI'm using gi15:20
kenvandinefrom gi.repository import AppIndicator15:21
BigWhaleken, why aren't things like this written somewhere?15:24
BigWhalekenvandine, the question was of course rhetorical and not targeted against anyone :)15:26
kenvandineBigWhale, of course :)15:26
tjaaltonseb128: was that for me? menus open fine, and for instance opening the prefs window restores focus15:26
seb128tjaalton, yes it was, dunno then15:27
seb128I was pointing it in case15:27
tjaaltonyeah, ok15:27
didrocksseb128: hum, in half an hour should be ok, still fighting with vala :)15:29
seb128didrocks, funny that you say that :p15:29
didrocksoh why?15:29
seb128didrocks, it's vala-0.16 which I just uploaded to NEW, should be easy to review since it's just a rename of the packaging for the new serie ;-)15:29
didrocksargh, if I new! :)15:30
tjaaltonseb128: hmm, could be that I'm seeing an incarnation of that bug though15:30
didrocksif I knew, I can new it :p15:30
seb128didrocks, ;-)15:30
tjaaltonmostly annoying when closing tabs from the wrong window :/15:31
seb128pitti, hey, if one day you get some free time I would appreciate a review (and maybe some sponsoring) of http://anonscm.debian.org/viewvc/pkg-gnome/packages/unstable/libgda5/15:31
pittididrocks: the GNU version? :)15:31
didrockspitti: heh, excellent ;)15:31
pittiseb128: ah, sure; why sponsoring, did you lose debian uploading?15:31
seb128pitti, it's basically gda4 -> gda5, but I still don't have a Debian build environment, I would appreciate a review as well before sending it in NEW to increase chances to see it go through on the first try ;-)15:32
pittiseb128: ah, I see; sure, that's no problem15:32
seb128pitti, sponsoring> because I suck at keeping a debian unstable build system uptodate ;-)15:33
seb128(I don't like to saturate my download with it while I'm working and I don't let the computer on during nights)15:34
seb128one day Debian maybe will accept source uploads ;-)15:34
BigWhalekenvandine, do I have to install some dev package to get AppIndicator gir?15:36
pittiseb128: ah, so it's not yet ready for upload15:36
kenvandineBigWhale, ^^15:36
seb128pitti, by the time you look through it will, I'm dropping the unversionned binaries for the first upload15:36
seb128pitti, we can add an alternative for those later if required15:37
kenvandineBigWhale, oh.... btw for gtk3 "from gi.repository import AppIndicator3"15:37
BigWhaleoh that works15:37
pittiseb128: debian/copyright could need some update15:39
pittiseb128: I mean the obsolete X-Format-Specification: and other X- headers15:39
seb128pitti, well it's just a copy of gda415:39
seb128the source is a rename for a new serie15:39
seb128but I guess you are right, archive admin might be picky about that15:40
pittiright, but still, DEP5 looks different now15:40
seb128I hate debian/copyright ;-)15:40
pittiseb128: it looks fine to me otherwise15:41
mvois python-gobject the right assigment for e.g. bug #907568 ? AIUI the threading stuff is now initalized automatically, but I don't get why doing it manually casues a segfault15:49
ubot2`Launchpad bug 907568 in pygobject "software-center crashed with SIGSEGV in PyGILState_Ensure()" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90756815:49
pittimvo: presuambly because g_threads_init() is deprecated now15:51
pittibut yes, in principle it should be against pygobject and/or glib (not sure which) as well15:51
mvothanks, I opened a bugtask for that and fixed s-c15:52
seb128pitti, ok, gda changelog, unversionned binaries and copyright updated15:53
seb128pitti, can you build and upload for me if it looks ok to you?15:53
pittiseb128: ah, did you already tag the new version? (no UNRELEASED any more)15:54
pittisvn diff -r r32299:r32301 -> looks fine, thanks for cleaning it up15:55
seb128pitti, doh, no, I suck15:55
seb128pitti, one sec15:55
pittiseb128: hang on15:55
seb128I'm updating the watch for .xz15:55
pittiseb128: I usually only tag after building and uploading succeeded15:55
pittiwas just wondering15:55
pittiseb128: ah15:55
seb128pitti, yeah, I didn't tag, I'm setting back to UNRELESED and updating the watch15:55
seb128pitti, I've not tagged anything on the svn for years, I just commit fixes usually and let other roll the updates since I can't build them, but it should be ready to release and tag if you want to do it15:58
seb128or please give me the command if you want me to run it ;-)15:58
pittiseb128: yes, I'm happy to tag it15:58
pittiseb128: FYI, http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/scripts/sbp-release (but I'll do it anyway; uploading and tagging should really be done by the same person, at the same time)15:59
seb128pitti, that can be handy, and agreed ... thanks ;-)16:00
didrockswaow, that was weird… apt-cache policy ensuring that I have unity-common 4.24.0-0ubuntu3 installed from the repo, and me having only /usr/share/unity/5/ and not /usr/share/unity/4/16:00
didrocksat reboot, it didn't really agree to start :)16:01
* Sweetshark dances a bit.16:05
Sweetshark\o\ |o| /o/16:05
pittihey Sweetshark, gesundes Neues!16:05
Sweetsharkpitti: danke, Dir auch!16:06
* Sweetshark has a a fresh baked libreoffice_3.5.0~beta2-3_amd64.deb and 47 other debs on his disc.16:06
Sweetsharkpitti: where did you party?16:07
pittiSweetshark: we went to Dresden over the holidays; for new year we went to a student club16:07
pittiwas pretty nice16:07
Sweetsharkpitti: oh, cool!16:08
pittimvo: fixed up python-mkdebian, thanks! will upload now16:08
pittimvo: or want me to wait for something else?16:08
* mvo hugs pitti16:08
mvopitti: fine from my side, I don't have anything else pending16:08
* pitti hugs mvo back16:09
Sweetsharkpitti: after seeing the "sachsen dreht frei"-talk on 28c3, Id be a bit scared of going to saxony ;)16:09
Sweetshark(well, I didnt saw that talk live as I arrived on day 2 -- still quite a jawdropper)16:11
pittiSweetshark: what was the gist of it? I didn't hear anything scary :)16:12
seb128pitti, sorry I did a stupid typo in the libgda5 .install, just fixed it16:13
pittiseb128: seb128@d.o. okay?16:14
seb128pitti, yes16:14
didrocksseb128: do you have something depending on vala 0.16 or should it be in universe?16:16
seb128didrocks, universe is fine16:17
seb128didrocks, next shotwell will depends on it but it's not out yet16:17
didrocksseb128: ok, acking then :) lot of renaming!16:17
didrockswe shoud maybe look at some point to make that more generic if we are going this road for a long time :)16:17
pittididrocks: does it build the versionless metapackages already?16:17
didrockspitti: it doesn't16:17
kenvandinedidrocks, but we will go with vala-0.16 for precise?16:17
seb128didrocks, thanks ;-) and indeed!16:17
kenvandineif so i should make sure gwibber builds with it sooner than later :)16:18
didrocksvalac is still 0.14 for now, I think seb's approach is safer to not put it by default right now :)16:18
pittijasoncwarner, Sweetshark, bryceh, chrisccoulson, didrocks, tremolux, Riddell, kenvandine, cyphermox, mterry, seb128, tkamppeter, pedro_, desrt, agateau: meeting reminder in 12 mins16:18
seb128pitti, I dropped "valac" and lower the alternative score16:18
seb128pitti, I don't want to make a .0 unstable default ;-)16:19
didrocksno fun :)16:19
seb128kenvandine, ^16:19
seb128"go with 0.16"16:19
seb128well we had 2 versions in main every cycle it seems16:19
Sweetsharkpitti: among other things they searched the rooms of a priest (including areas protected by the confession secret) and tapped into his phone, including when it was used by her daughter (and they knew she was using it). his daughter is a member of the saxon parlament and should have immunity. ... and that is just the tip of the ice. There was also use of phone cell supervision and and imsi-catchers ...16:19
seb128shotwell will require 0.16, I updated because adam emailed me asking for it16:19
seb128not sure we will drop the old ones16:20
kenvandinepitti, i will need to miss the meeting, i have to leave in 10 min to pickup my son from pre-school16:20
seb128we should at least get 0.12 out of main ;-)16:20
kenvandinebut i added details for my agenda item to the wiki16:20
kenvandineand i'll read back16:20
pittikenvandine: thanks16:23
pittiseb128: package built, ready to dput and tag on your word16:24
seb128pitti, word ;-)16:25
Sweetsharkpitti: ah, and for the search of the rooms the police of saxony rode into neighbor state thueringen (prolly without informing authorities there). And the accused learned about the case going to court from the press.16:26
pittiSweetshark: fun!16:26
pittijasoncwarner, Sweetshark, bryceh, chrisccoulson, didrocks, tremolux, Riddell, kenvandine, cyphermox, mterry, seb128, tkamppeter, pedro_, desrt, agateau: meeting time16:29
* kenvandine runs out... bbiab16:30
pittiseb128: libgda5 uploaded/tagged16:30
pittiwelcome everyone to 2012, happy new year!16:31
pittithe wiki page looks a bit weird, I think some agenda items were really meant for the summary section16:31
pittibryceh, tjaalton, RAOF: anyone from you here to discuss teh X 1.11 agenda item?16:32
pitti(I suppose it was meant for the report section)16:32
pittiso, I suppose not16:33
pittitelepathy-indicator call for testing> do we need to discuss that? also looks like a "report" thingy16:34
seb128no discussion needed from what kenvandine said16:35
pittiso, Rally agenda16:35
seb128he just used the section as an "announces to do" one16:35
seb128I guess bryce did the same for X16:35
pittiI'd like to collect some things that are on your mind which we should do on the rally16:35
pittithings which benefit from having lots of hardware and people in the same room16:36
pittie. g. I want to work on the power consumption bits, as we can test it with lots of laptops there16:36
pittiand also get http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-precise/canonical-desktop-team.html back on track :)16:36
cyphermoxI've got a fair amount of things to fix/test in NM related to IPv6 and DNS resolving, mostly will work with stgraber on that though16:36
pittiplease just everyone throw in their ideas, I don't think we need to have standups for everyone16:36
seb128we could bootcharts different config for login time as well16:37
didrockswell, we will probably have the compiz/unity release at the same time (first real one in precise), so testing at least on nvidia/intel/ati can be great16:38
seb128different cpu, io level will show different issues16:38
seb128we also need to review the GNOME3, gnome-control-center scheduled changes16:38
cyphermoxah, my laptop boots *real* quick so far16:38
seb128that was sort of relying on rodrigo to get done so we will need to see what we can keep and dispatch those16:38
seb128that's the spec16:39
pittiseb128: right, we need to finish the region bits (packagekit integration)16:39
jbichahappy 2012!16:39
seb128hey jbicha, happy new year to you as well!16:39
didrocksadd the unity configuration part as well, should be easy enough16:39
pittijbicha: happy new year!16:39
didrockshappy new year jbicha :)16:39
didrocksI'll surely work with the dx guys to finish the latest autopilot integration with autobuild and help them deploy the infra for other projects as well, so won't be in the desktop room 100% of the time16:40
jbichapitti: bug 905391 appears to be caused by pygobject 3.0.316:41
ubot2`Launchpad bug 905391 in gnome-games "gnome-sudoku crashed with IndexError in _get_(): list index out of range" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90539116:41
pittijbicha: yes, that drove my wife mad in the train ride :)16:41
pittijbicha: (meeting going on, FYI)16:41
BigWhaleWhoever wrote AppIndicators is seriously making fun out of me... :>16:41
pittithanks everyone for the ideas so far; if you have more, please add here ^16:42
tjaaltonpitti: i'm around16:42
pittitjaalton: do you want to discuss anything about the 1.11 PPA? (it was on the agenda section, but presumably unintended)16:43
tjaaltonpitti: well, no news from my part, unity is still broken16:43
pittitjaalton: ok, thanks16:44
tjaaltoni've been running the ppa for two weeks, no other issues, other than synaptics jumping to (0,0) every now and then16:44
pittitjaalton: do you have two syndaemons running by chance?16:45
pittijasoncwarner, Sweetshark, bryceh, chrisccoulson, didrocks, tremolux, Riddell, kenvandine, cyphermox, mterry, seb128, tkamppeter, pedro_, desrt, agateau: AOB?16:46
didrocksnothing else for me16:46
cyphermoxah just one small thing16:46
cyphermoxbluez: it ftbfs due to some issue in inline asm; normally i try to look after it, but this I don't really know or understand so well, i'd need help :)16:47
tjaaltonpitti: nope16:47
seb128cyphermox, try updating to the new upstream version in case it fixes it?16:47
pitticyphermox: on some arches, or on all?16:48
cyphermoxah, right, there's the new version now16:48
cyphermoxpitti: as it's an issue in sbc_primitives_mmx I'd say just i386 and amd6416:48
tjaaltonpitti: sorry, yes i do16:49
tjaalton..but it happens without it too16:49
seb128cyphermox, you just signed for the update, thanks ;-)16:49
cyphermoxseb128: sure :)16:49
pitticyphermox: if the new upstream version doesn't fix it, could you please open a bug about it? easier to show to different people, e. g. cjwatson is a real asm crack16:49
skaetdidrocks, pitti - seeing some worrying behavior on my oneiric system after applying SRUs yesterday...  anyone else seeing https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity-2d/+bug/911076 ?16:50
ubot2`Launchpad bug 911076 in unity-2d "trackpad mouse freezes after updates - regression" [High,New]16:50
didrocksskaet: seems to be the syndaemon issue, isn't it?16:50
pittiskaet: bug 868400 ?16:51
ubot2`Launchpad bug 868400 in lightdm "Synaptics touchpad stops working - two syndaemon instances running" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86840016:51
* skaet looking16:51
pittijasoncwarner, Sweetshark, bryceh, chrisccoulson, didrocks, tremolux, Riddell, kenvandine, cyphermox, mterry, seb128, tkamppeter, pedro_, desrt, agateau: thanks, adjourning then16:51
didrocksseems it's just more frequent for you now. I can be within a week on my netbook without having it16:51
seb128thanks pitti16:51
mterry(sorry I was late to meeting guys, forgot I didn't have IRC on)16:52
seb128hey mterry, happy new year!16:52
pittihey mterry, happy new year!16:52
Riddellsorry I was late, it's still a holiday in Scotland16:52
chrisccoulsonRiddell, you've not been blown away yet then?16:53
pittihey Riddell, happy new year! feeling better?16:53
pittiso, good night everyone! got a headache (damn cold..), so TTFN16:54
Riddellchrisccoulson: a load of road closures today from roofs having been blown right off16:54
Riddellpitti: actually I am thanks, plenty to still recover yet but it has definately become better16:55
didrockshappy new year mterry! :)16:55
mterryHi didrocks!16:55
pittiRiddell: good to hear16:55
nessitadidrocks: hello again. Quick update on the indicator-weather thing: I rebooted and re-login, and I still can't see it but when I try to run it from the command line,  I get "Another instance of this program is already running"17:44
didrocksnessita: not sure, can be a weather indicator issue or a libindicator one, tedg ^^17:45
didrocksnessita: will install tomorrow to have a look, just ping me at least so that i can confirm or not your issue there17:45
* didrocks needs to run for sport now, see you tomorrow everyone!17:46
nessitadidrocks: sure, thanks!17:46
* tedg is quite sure it isn't a libindicator issue, libappindicator perhaps :-)17:46
didrockstedg: you and your naming scheme! :)17:46
didrockstedg: happy new year and see your tomorrow! :)17:47
dobeyis jasoncwarner_ back from holidays already?17:59
dobeymterry: around?18:00
mterrydobey, yeah18:00
dobeymterry: have you heard anything about the ProjectTracking thing wrt u1?18:01
mterrydobey, no18:02
dobeyskaet: ping. are you around?18:08
skaetdobey, yup18:08
* skaet looks at backsrcoll...18:09
dobeyskaet: there is some lack of understanding about how ubuntuone is supposed to integrate with https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuEngineering/12.04/UpstreamDevelopment/ProjectTracking18:09
dobeyskaet: in particularly i am not sure what some of those columns mean exactly, and how we can integrate with this platform requirement, without causing our own releases to get blocked trying to get uploaded into precise18:12
kenvandinedobey, that is kind of the point... someone from platform needs to be responsible for what lands in precise18:12
kenvandinethat someone probably being me18:13
* skaet defers to kenvandine ;)18:13
kenvandinedobey, i guess i should have made sure you made it to those sessions at UDS :)18:13
dobeyand it sucks for us18:13
dobeyyeah, perhaps :)18:13
kenvandineit slows things down, yes18:14
kenvandinebut the goal is quality, and not keeping precise usable everyday18:14
kenvandinewhich helps make it easier for people to switch to it earlier for development18:14
dobeyyes, i understand the goal18:15
dobeythe goal isn't the problem :)18:15
kenvandines/not //18:15
skaetkenvandine s/not keeping/keeping/18:15
kenvandineindeed :)18:15
kenvandinei haven't heard anything about handling people with per-package upload rights... but I guess I would review it and let you upload18:16
kenvandinei assume18:16
skaetkenvandine, ralsina is listed as the signoff - are you the backup?  or anyone else on the desktop team?18:16
dobeyand also, that18:16
dobeyskaet: ralsina doesn't even have any upload privs to ubuntu afaik18:16
dobeykenvandine: and given what i was hoping to do for the u1 packages, this becomes an even bigger pain for us18:17
dobeykenvandine: which is, to have a packageset that we can upload to without having to chase people down18:18
kenvandinedobey, yeah, i understand the pain point for you guys18:18
kenvandinebut this is the process18:18
dobeykenvandine: and i don't understand how it's ok for some projects to have the same trunk owner/feature owner/distro owner; and yet some must be forced to depend on others18:19
kenvandinemost of them depend on others18:20
kenvandinelook at DX18:20
dobeyyes, but there are exceptions18:21
dobeywhy are the exceptions special?18:21
kenvandinewhich exceptions?18:22
kenvandinedobey, although the goal isn't to have a different person from distro looking at it18:23
seb128exceptions are mostly project which have 1 hacker and nobody to do reviews18:23
kenvandinethe goal is to have someone from distro responsible18:23
kenvandineright, like gwibber, deja dup18:23
kenvandinethose we are upstream for and less official18:23
dobeylightdm, upstart, gwibber, jockey, apport, ecryptfs, ufw, apparmor, postgresql-common, dejadup…18:24
seb128you can add "and the maintainer has been doing an correct job at writing testcases for its software and not rolling broken versions"18:24
seb128they are mostly small one person projects without a record of issues18:24
seb128it doesn't mean it wouldn't be better if they had a second hacker and reviews18:25
seb128but we didn't block on that18:25
dobeyeep, come back ken!18:30
nessitaanyone knows where lp-project-upload went on precise?18:32
nessitaI have ubuntu-dev-tools installed, but the script is gone afais18:32
Laneyi think it's in lptools now18:33
nessitaLaney, dobey: thanks!18:33
dobeykenvandine: so i do feel that some of the u1 projects are very similar to those exceptions, in that way. but we need a solution for this, because it doesn't seem right.18:38
kenvandineit's no different than the DX packages18:39
kenvandineif you have some that you don't think should be on the list18:39
kenvandinelet me know18:39
dobeyi think having a packageset or per-package-upload privs, shouldn't be made meaningless by the process; and that seems to be what the process does :(18:40
kenvandineskaet, do you know if anyone has raised that concern?18:41
kenvandinedobey, the definition was set as a distro team member18:41
kenvandinebut perhaps someone that has been granted upload rights should fit that description18:41
dobeykenvandine: right; and having per-package-upload (and wanting to propose a packageset for u1), and not being on the distro team, is annoying there18:42
skaetkenvandine, I've not heard that concern raised, but am wondering if distro readiness owner should have them as a condition, before having ehir name in that column. ?18:47
kenvandineskaet, yeah, i would imagine that is expected18:48
kenvandinebut what about non-distro team members with upload rights?  Perhaps they should be able to own distro readiness, as long as they understand the requirements18:49
skaetkenvandine,  yeah, it probably needs a good discussion with jasoncwarner_ and then some cleanup of the page18:51
mvocyphermox: just fyi, I hacked the gtk3 synaptic branch a bit over the holidays and it starts up now in full gtk3 glory18:57
cyphermoxmvo: yay18:57
mvowhat a history of toolkits: wings, gtk1, gtk2, gtk318:58
cyphermoxwell, now that's done, let's switch to qt :)18:58
micahgmvo: re synaptic> I haven't checked 0.75.4 yet, but with 0.75.3, we had a huge translation diff with debian and I was wondering if that can be reduced, I guess I can let you know if I see the same with 0.75.419:06
* dobey summons jasoncwarner19:06
dobeyoh i guess irccloud.com just went bust19:07
mvomicahg: hm, a bad diff? a couple of months ago dpm and I added auto-sync of the bzr with the translations with rosetta19:10
micahgmvo: ok, I'll check again with 0.75.4 and see if there's a real issue19:12
Ampelbeinpitti: Hi, the fix you uploaded for bug 911232 FTBFS in amd64 and i386, making gnome-keyring still broken on those arches.19:31
ubot2`Launchpad bug 911232 in gnome-keyring "package libgcr-3-common (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/usr/share/gcr-3/ui/gcr-import-dialog.ui', which is also in package libgcr-3-1 3.2.2-0ubuntu1" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91123219:31
micahgone of the tests hung the buildd19:32
BigWhaleSometimes I wish certain open source software didn't feel like it was made by A.C.M.E. corporation ...19:37
* micahg was wondering why help in GNOME is called yelp :)19:39
seb128ok, I retried the gnome-keyring builds19:42
seb128let see if they get lucky19:42
chrisccoulsoni can see that this is going to result in me trying it in my hardy VM isn't it? ;)19:43
seb128chrisccoulson, look at the bug assigned to you to start with ;-)19:44
micahgchrisccoulson: I have a different test failing in a precise chroot :)19:44
micahgerr, rather hung19:44
seb128chrisccoulson, I'm tb indicator bugs for you if you want :p19:44
micahgnon-deterministic failures are the most fun19:44
seb128chrisccoulson, just saying... ;-)19:44
dobeyjasoncwarner_: wake up ;)19:45
dobeykenvandine: hey, can you sponsor nessita's ubuntu-sso-client proposal real quick? it's a pretty tiny set of changes, and fixes an annoying issue when trying to authenticate a machine to sso, caused by the updated twisted in precise19:55
kenvandinedobey, sure19:55
dobeykenvandine: thanks19:55
nessitadobey: heh, I was looking at the patch pilot calendar :-)19:55
nessitakenvandine: thanks! https://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntu/precise/ubuntu-sso-client/ubuntu-sso-client-2.99.1/+merge/8740319:55
nessitakenvandine: and thanks for catching the issue with the former controlpanel packaging branch19:56
dobeywhat was the issue with cp packaging?19:56
nessitadobey: but the calendar is kinda short of people19:56
nessitadobey: I forgot to add the utils (new) package to the .install file19:57
nessitapython package, that is19:57
dobeynessita: well kenvandine is a fan of mine, so he's usually able to help :)19:58
* nessita will love to see kenvandine's face right now19:59
kenvandinenessita, hard to see, rolling around on the floor lmao atm :)19:59
* kenvandine hugs dobey :)20:00
dobeyhe looks the same as he does at UDS when i'm talking to him :)20:00
dobeyhis face is usually flushed with joy ;P20:00
BigWhalekenvandine, I am learing GTK3 from bugs assigned to you. You should tell your boss about this. :>20:00
BigWhalewell AppIndicator, to be more precise20:01
BigWhale:)) yeah, I was groping in the dark for a while... before I figured out that you cant instantiate AppIndicatior.Indicator20:03
kenvandineoh that bug20:04
BigWhalenot a big deal if you know where to look! ;)20:04
* kenvandine doesn't really remember the deal with that... but it was painful to find20:05
dobeyis it an interface rather than an object?20:05
kenvandinethat might be it20:05
kenvandineso you can't subclass it20:06
dobeyyou can subclass it as a new interface, but you can't turn it into a gobject20:06
BigWhaleit's the foo = AppIndicatior3.Indicator() vs. bar = AppIndicator3.Indicator.new()20:07
BigWhalefirst one will segfault python20:07
kenvandinedifferent issue20:07
dobeyso the introspection is just wrong20:07
kenvandineno default constructor20:07
kenvandineor so it thinks20:07
dobeyyeah, the metadata is missing in the .gir20:07
kenvandineand i think that is caused by namespace clash in C20:08
BigWhalewell the bug is about subclassing, but people then talk about constructor too20:08
kenvandineyou can't subclass it because of the constructor20:08
dobeywell subclassing in python without a default constructor, will break20:09
dobeyyou can subclass it in C just fine though20:09
BigWhaleWho codes in C nowadays? :>20:09
BigWhale(I will soon ... )20:09
BigWhale... if I decide to make that gstreamer plugin that I need20:10
dobeyanyone who wants fine grained control over their program :)20:10
BigWhaledobey, I was just trolling ... :> I wrote loads of C :>20:10
BigWhalestill do, here and there20:10
kenvandinenessita, sponsored20:14
nessitakenvandine: thanks!20:14
kenvandinenessita, anytime!20:15
BigWhaleI ported around 80% of the UI. Yay!20:42
BigWhalefrom pygtk to gi20:42
kenvandineBigWhale, cool20:43
kenvandinei am adding GI unit tests to gwibber now :)20:43
BigWhalewow awesome20:44
BigWhaleI kinda feel bad... I've been neglecting gwibber too much lately20:44
BigWhaleBut I did resurrect Kazam! :)20:47
kenvandinei have too :(20:49
kenvandinewhat is kazam?20:49
davmor2kenvandine: screen record/capture tool if I recall20:51
davmor2kenvandine: https://launchpad.net/kazam20:52
mterryI'm assuming X is working for everyone else on current precise?  /me starts rolling back locally changed packages21:35
chrisccoulsonmterry, no idea, i haven't upgraded in about a month ;)21:36
chrisccoulsoni should upgrade really :)21:36
kenvandinemterry, seems fine here21:36
RAOFmterry: Works here :)21:36
cyphermoxno issues to report here either21:37
mterrycool, thanks all21:38
dobeymterry: works for me; the new gma500 psb_gfx driver in the kernel even seems to work reasonably ok21:49
TheMusoNo problem here, upgraded yesterday.21:50
mterryhrm.  rolling back my recent local changes didn't change anything...21:50
TheMusoLog time.21:50
mterryNothing interesting in my logs that I can see21:51
mterryNope, found it!21:51
RAOFWhat form of breakage are we seeing?21:51
mterryI've got some broken interlinking between unity-greeter and liblightdm that I must have caused21:52
mterryMust not have rolled back everything...  /me digs deeper21:52
mterrythanks again21:52
jasoncwarner_hey bryceh robert_ancell RAOF and TheMuso Meeting Time. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/Meeting/2012-01-03 If you have any agenda items, please put them on there and we'll have a meeting.22:01
jasoncwarner_Otherwise, there is one agenda item, the Rally agenda. Wiki here https://wiki.canonical.com/UbuntuEngineering/Rally/Precise/Desktop22:02
jasoncwarner_hey RAOF and bryceh22:02
brycehno topics here22:03
RAOFNone here.  Sorry for putting the Xserver 1.11 stuff in the agenda section (if it was me that did it ☺)22:05
jasoncwarner_ok...seems no topics...please be sure to fill out the wiki22:05
jasoncwarner_and be sure to put items on the Rally agenda wiki....22:05
TheMusoHrm I didn't see a link to the rally agenda wiki on the meeting page... Am I looking in the wrong place?22:06
jasoncwarner_TheMuso: it is in the chat transcript22:06
brycehRAOF, anything you want to work on together?22:06
RAOFbryceh: I'd be happy to do some work on xrandr-utils with you; I was planning to do the lock-screen work with robert_ancell.22:07
dobeyjasoncwarner_: hey there22:07
RAOFWe can probably do both :)22:07
TheMusojasoncwarner_: Thanks.,22:07
* bryceh nods22:07
dobeyoh you have a meeting; i'll wait :)22:08
RAOFI do, however, need to actually coordinate with robert_ancell about that.  This is the first he's hearing of it :)22:08
robert_ancellRAOF, indeed it is :)22:08
robert_ancellsounds like a job for Budapest!22:08
RAOF<cue theme music>22:09
RAOFrobert_ancell: Is https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-p-lock-screen likely to get done for Precise?  If so, Budapest seems a good time to work on it.  If not, yay fewer work items.22:14
robert_ancellRAOF, I'd like to say yes, and Budapest will definitely know by the end of Budapest22:15
robert_ancelldrop the first Budapest there...22:15
RAOFCool.  I'll add that to our sprint agenda.22:15
RAOFYou're still waiting on design for the lock screen?22:15
chrisccoulsontut tut google - http://searchengineland.com/google-chrome-page-will-have-pagerank-reduced-due-to-sponsored-posts-106551 ;)22:47
dobeyjasoncwarner_: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2012/01/03/%23ubuntu-desktop.html#t18:09 to about 18:51 some discussion/concerns about the ProjectTracking distro readiness stuff as relates to u1 and other cases of people with uploaad privs for various things22:48
dobeyjasoncwarner_: we require your input on it :)22:48
jasoncwarner_dobey: taking a look now22:58

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