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pittiGood morning, happy new year everyone!07:19
geserpitti: good morning, and a happy new year too07:21
dokoundefined references07:47
doko - dbus (`g_thread_init')07:47
doko - evolution-data-server (`g_module_*')07:47
doko - evolution-exchange (`g_thread_init')07:47
doko - evolution-webcal07:47
doko - geoclue07:47
doko - gnome-keyring07:47
doko - gnome-utils07:47
doko - gtk-sharp207:47
doko - gtkhtml307:47
doko - gtkhtml4.007:47
doko - librest07:47
doko - likewise-open07:47
doko - yelp07:47
dokopitti: found these with a rebuild test in main ... :-/07:47
pittidoko: ah, thanks for the list; I'll create a tracking bug for these07:47
dokopitti, build logs at http://people.ubuntuwire.org/~wgrant/rebuild-ftbfs-test/test-rebuild-20111222-precise.html07:50
micahggtkhtml3.14 has been demoted07:52
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pittidoko: bug 91112507:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 911125 in yelp (Ubuntu Precise) "FTBFS due to removed g_thread_init" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91112507:55
pittiI fanned out some tasks and will start with a bunch07:55
dokopitti, thanks, would be nice to coordinate within the desktip team07:56
pittidoko: yes, of course; I'll shepherd this07:56
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ttxhappy new year, ubuntuland :)08:50
pittihey ttx, happy new year!08:52
smbYeah, happy new year. But that's so yesterday... ;-P08:53
didrockshappy new year ttx!08:54
dokojamespage, is maven-ant-tasks missing a b-d on maven-parent?>08:59
jamespagedoko: lemme take a look09:15
jamespagedoko: libmaven-parent-java is missing a dependency - fixing now09:23
hrwsomeone know what creates /run/network/ directory?09:42
stgraberhrw: /etc/init/network-interface.conf or /etc/init/networking.conf whichever is executed first09:43
stgraberhrw: some other scripts may be doing the same too09:44
hrwcause I had to catch my dom0 admin to be able to login to my Xen instance after server reboot - all be cause 'ifup eth0' ended with '/etc/network/if-up.d/upstart: 38: cannot create /run/network/ifup.eth0: Directory nonexistent' and no network09:44
hrwubuntu oneiric on my xen09:44
cjwatsonThat suggests to me that that script should also have a mkdir -p in it09:48
stgraberyeah, if something directly calls 'ifup eth0' before either of the upstart jobs are triggered it'll indeed fail. Adding another mkdir -p to the if-up.d script sounds like a good idea09:49
stgraberactually, looking at what I have on my system, the upstart script won't be the only one to fail (ifenslave's pre-up will too at least)09:50
stgraberso we really should always make sure /run/network exists before calling ifupdown09:51
stgraberor go through all our ifupdown scripts and make sure they all call mkdir -p09:51
smbJust wondering because I rarely got into a state like that on chroots: is /run something valid? Unfortunately I wasn't really sure how I got there (and suspected upgrading during development) but it ended with /run being a link to /var/run and that being a link to /run...09:54
cjwatsonsmb: http://wiki.debian.org/ReleaseGoals/RunDirectory09:54
cjwatsonthat link arrangement indicates a bug somewhere though09:54
cjwatsonmvo: FYI it would be good if you could merge lp:~mvo/launchpad/maintenance-check-precise up to current devel and resolve conflicts; there was a bunch of general linting done on the Launchpad tree, and I just ported everything to the new python-apt API, so it conflicts six ways to Sunday09:55
smbcjwatson, Right, I suspected that the goal was to move /var/run to /run in the end. And since it happened to chroots being set up during alpha and then upgraded I rather went into recreating them. Just thought hrw may try to verify this happened or really just missing the directory creation.09:57
hrwstgraber: I solved it in other way. vi /etc/init/mounted-run.conf + 'mkdir -p /run/network' in it09:58
gesercjwatson: Hi (and a happy new year), do you know if package removals from Debian "testing" and "unstable" are getting imported or if removal bugs are preferred/needed? Some of the "Failed to upload" errors on armhf are due to renamed source packages where the old ones aren't removed in Ubuntu yet09:59
cjwatsongeser: Yeah, we're behind on those.  They should get imported, but feel free to file bugs if something's particularly problematic10:01
jamespagejodh: around? I have a question re setuid stanza in upstart 1.410:18
mvocjwatson: sure, will do10:21
dokocjwatson, pitti: could you accept the ac100 kernel binaries in NEW?10:26
cjwatsondoko: will do10:27
mvocjwatson: lp branch should be good again10:29
\shhappy new year everyone10:29
cjwatsonmvo: great, thanks10:31
cjwatsonmvo: 'rootdir="./aptroot.%s" % distro' will probably fail lint without spaces around =10:31
mvocjwatson: indeed, let me fix that too (sorry for that)10:34
mvocjwatson: fixed as well (pep8 clean now)10:35
sveinseI'm trying to dist-upgrade a set of custom (non-official) packages and apt-get reports that a package has been kept back. Is there a way I can get apt-get to report why, or do I always need to traverse my packages and their dependencies to resolve the conflict?10:41
pittisveinse: try to apt-get install the held back package, this will tell you10:52
stgraberTREllis: ping10:52
stgraberoops :)10:52
cjwatsondoko: could you have a look at bug 908679, please?11:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 908679 in freemind (Ubuntu) "No java runtime found" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90867911:13
cjwatsonI suspect java-wrappers needs to be updated for the new openjdk paths11:15
hrwdoes bug 911188 has sense? I would like to get -dbgsym package coverage in ubuntu11:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 911188 in bzip2 (Ubuntu) "Lack of *-dbgsym package" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91118811:38
jodhjamespage: hi11:40
cjwatsonhrw: in general -dbgsym packages are provided by buildd tricks and don't require the package to generate them11:40
cjwatsonhrw: however it's possible that bzip2 is doing something that bypasses the buildd hooks we install; I'll check11:41
cjwatsonah, yes, handwritten debian/rules11:41
hrwcjwatson: dbgsym packages are generated for debhelper using packages - rest has support it by hand11:42
hrwcjwatson: I plan to add each source package which lacks dbgsym to this bug11:43
cjwatsonhrw: no, please file a separate bug for each one11:43
cjwatsonotherwise anyone who fixes one gets spammed about all the rest11:44
hrwok, thanks11:44
hrwcjwatson: is there a way to mass fill such bugs?11:45
hrw"for package in `cat list-of-broken-packages`;do lp-reportbug $package <bug-description;done" like11:46
cjwatsonhrw: no doubt it's possible with the LP API11:46
cjwatson(BTW: "file" not "fill")11:46
hrwindeed file11:46
cjwatsonthere's lp.bugs.createBug11:47
hrwthanks, will check11:48
cjwatsonit is distressingly awkward to duplicate the dh_strip wrapper logic11:50
cjwatsonI can't help feeling there should be a better way11:50
cjwatsonpitti: what is the current recommended code for generating dbgsym packages in debhelper-less packages?11:51
hrwcjwatson: binutils calls pkg-create-dbgsym by hand11:52
cjwatsonpitti: stuff like the logic for whether to add to the .changes file seems to be in dh_strip11:52
cjwatsonhrw: I know, but there are bugs in that11:52
hrwthis is the only one which I know11:52
cjwatsonhrw: that will fail to handle things correctly once soyuz supports ddebs11:52
cjwatsonI'd rather do it right11:52
cjwatsonI wonder if the only correct way to do this is to call dh_strip :-/11:53
pitticjwatson: hm, I think I remember one package, there I just called pkg-create-dbgsym by hand11:54
pitticjwatson: but frankly I guess it's easier to just call dh_strip11:54
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dokocjwatson, hmm, works for me12:00
cjwatsonpitti: not in this case because its installation directory names are non-standard :-(12:08
cjwatsonpitti: it would be nice if the CurrentlyBuilding logic were factored out12:08
jamespagejodh: hey - so I've been trying out the 1.4 upstart PPA12:11
jamespagejodh: specifically the setuid stanza (wanted to see how it might work for jenkins/zookeeper)12:12
jamespageI think I see that ALL scripts get run as the uid - is that correct?12:12
jamespagei.e. including the pre-start one which set's up /run directories etc...12:12
jodhjamespage: that's right. We might want to change that behaviour to only apply to the main script/exec section, however that could be equally confusing as the majority of stanzas apply to all sections (notable exception: 'respawn'). Could you raise a bug so this can be discussed?12:24
jamespagejodh: will do; my preference would be only the main script/exec section12:24
jamespagethat way root can setup stuff before I drop priviledges12:25
jamespagejodh: bug 91120712:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 911207 in upstart (Ubuntu) "upstart 1.4: setuid/setguid apply to ALL scripts" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91120712:29
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diwichi, I'm trying to install 12.04 with ubiquity and it seems to have hung, what is the suggested course of action?12:55
cjwatson'ubuntu-bug ubiquity' from a terminal and tell us everything you can about what you selected13:01
diwiccjwatson, bug 911209 filed, just wondering how to resolve the immediate situation in the most graceful way.13:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 911209 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Keyboard layout selection, right side is not updating properly" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91120913:08
cjwatsondiwic: you may not be able to without restarting, I'm afraid13:18
diwiccjwatson, so "sudo reboot" is best here? There is no "restart" or "shut down" in the menu13:18
cjwatsonyes, or just hit the power button since you probably have to reinstall anyway ...13:20
diwicok, thanks13:21
cjwatsonI'll see what I can do about that bug though my queue's a bit deep at the moment13:23
diwicIt's not a showstopper, I can retry, or try the alternate installer13:24
Sweetsharkhttp://it.slashdot.org/story/12/01/03/0610227/chaos-communication-congress-releases-talks <- lots of recommended talks ...13:33
dokoScottK, barry: is there any reason that you didn't update boost-mpi-source1.46 to the current boost1.46 sources?13:47
barrydoko: probably not.  i haven't touched boost since october13:49
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ScottKLast time I touched it, it was updated.13:49
ScottKbarry: I think that's the last time it was messed with other than rebuilds and such.13:50
barryScottK: so boost-mpi needs to be updated.  i'll put that on my list13:52
ScottKbarry: Did you see the PyQt4 python3 packages got in over break?13:52
barryScottK: barely ;)  email was very spotty for me over the last week.  i'm catching up now13:53
barryScottK: i see your message now.  that's great, thanks!13:53
dokoScottK, I'll just fix the version for now, and add the gcc-4.7 patch for the next rebuild test. would be nice if you could do the final merge13:58
dokowhat was the reason for the split? openmpi not in main?13:58
ScottKdoko: I really don't have time for boost stuff anymore.  Yes.  That was it.13:59
dokoScottK, who did object and why?13:59
ScottKFor awhile we just didn't provide it, but users missed it.13:59
ScottKObject to openmpi in Main?14:00
ScottKor object to not providing the boost MPI stuff?14:00
rbasakIs there an easy/tidy way to have dh_install install a directory but exclude a subdirectory? Or should I just call rm manually afterwards?14:04
dokoScottK, object to the promotion14:06
ScottKIIRC it was slangasek, but no MIR was ever written AFAIK, it was just sort of a given.14:07
rbasakActually it looks like I need to exclude specific files rather than a whole subdirectory, but I do want to get everything else rather than state everything explicitly (for easier upstream updating)14:08
cjwatsonrbasak: -X may help; if that has too many false positives then I'd call rm14:11
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rbasakcjwatson: great, thanks! Just wanted to check that I wasn't missing some other standard way :)14:12
dokoScottK, fyi, I'm doing the merge14:14
ScottKOK. Great.14:14
dokoScottK, but didn't you volunteer to the boost1.48 transition? ;-P14:24
ScottKNope.  I mentioned someone ought to consider if we should switch, but that it wasn't going to be me.14:24
psusicjwatson: say, would it be possible to rename the current parted source package, and drop the binary packges other than the lib, so that d-i can still depend on it, then upload parted3 with a new sonmae major rev?  ( 3 )?14:57
cjwatsonI don't want to maintain >1 version of parted, no, sorry14:58
psusidamn... but theoretically, that's the right procedure for abi breakage right?14:58
cjwatsonand I very much doubt the security team would want there to be more than one version of it in main anyway14:58
cjwatsonnot in general, no - it's better to have only one source version14:59
cjwatsondeal with the problems rather than perpetuate them14:59
psusihuh?  that's kind of the point... new source version breaks abi, so now you need two different lib versions... you don't get two lib versions from one source?14:59
cjwatsonyou need different *binary* package names, sure, but the old one should get removed pretty quick15:01
cjwatsonwhat normally happens is that we move to the new source version, the old binary hangs around in not-built-from-source state, rebuild everything against new abi, remove old binary15:01
psusisure... whenever you get around to getting d-i working with parted3 ;)15:01
psusiahhh, I see15:01
psusiwhat do you do to get a package into the not-built-from-source state?  normally when you upload a new source and its binaries are built... ohh... since it will build a binary with a new name, it won't replace the old one so it stays?15:02
barrydoko: looks like you just did the merge for boost-mpi-source1.46.  thanks15:05
psusicjwatson: if it's only used by d-i, would it really matter for security purposes? ;)15:06
cjwatsonpsusi: I'm not going to make that argument.15:07
cjwatsonthe security team has a hard enough time without me coming up with weird special cases for them15:07
cjwatson(anyway, there's general supportability as well as security)15:07
psusihehehe... ok...15:08
geserpsusi: and you would to make sure that nobody clears it from NBS by mistake15:09
psusigeser: the fact that d-i still depends on it should stop that shouldn't it?15:10
cjwatsonyeah, that's why we have the page linked above15:10
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sorenWhat's the smallest "amount" I can add to a version string? Say I want to add a custom patched package to a PPA based on a package from Ubuntu proper, but want it to be superseded by any update in Ubuntu, what should I add?15:14
sorenIn the past, I've gone from e.g. 1.1-1ubuntu1 (as the base version) to my patched version: 1.1-1ubuntu2~ppa1.15:15
soren...but if an update turns up, it could be called either 1.1-1ubuntu2 or 1.1-1ubuntu1.1 (or something entirely different).15:15
geser1.1-1ubuntu1.0~0 I guess15:15
cjwatsonThere's no smallest amount15:16
sorenMy current guess is 'a~' as the suffix.15:16
sorenWith more tildes to make it closer to "0".15:16
cjwatsonIt's like asking what the smallest number you can add to a real number is15:16
cjwatsonOr maybe a rational number would be a better analogy, but either way15:16
Davieywell, nobody ius going to upload something between ubuntu1 and ubuntu1a are they?15:17
cjwatsonHowever you're pretty safe with .0~0 as geser suggests15:17
Davieyeven a rebuild would have a "b"15:17
sorencjwatson: sure, if someone, only to annoy me, deicdes to version a security update as 1.1-1ubuntu1a~~~~~~~~fuck-soren, yes, then I'm screwed.15:17
soren'a' sorts before '.' afaict.15:18
hallynslangasek: bug 802626, the proposed fix (which has an open lp merge request) has quite a few confirmations now15:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 802626 in lvm2 (Ubuntu Oneiric) "vgchange may deadlock in initramfs when VG present that's not used for rootfs" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80262615:18
sorendpkg's lib/dpkg/vercmp.c's order routine seems to agree that 'a' is the lowest ordered, single character suffix I can add.15:19
cjwatsonfair enough15:19
sorenIf I'm reading it correctly, that is.15:19
Davieysoren: Yes, 1a is less than 1.0~015:19
cjwatsonso yeah, a~~ sounds pretty safe then15:19
barryaufs is gone in precise, which broke my sbuild confs.  should i switch to overlayfs or unionfs?15:19
sorenI'm kinda confused it accepts int's.15:20
cjwatsonbarry: overlayfs15:20
barrycjwatson: thanks15:20
sorenYeah, isalpha(c) makes it return c. Anything else either returns 0 (empty strings and digits), -1 (tildes) or c+256 (for anything else).15:22
sorenOh, or is 'A' before 'a'?15:22
sorenIt is, isn't it?15:23
Davieysoren: Do you ever fear you put to much thought into this?15:23
Davieyfor a non-archive package? :)15:23
sorenDaviey: It's more important than you'd think :)15:24
gesersoren: according to dpkg 1A is less than 1a15:24
sorengeser: Yeah. It looks hideous, though :)15:24
sorengeser: I think I'll use your '.0~something'. That's looks decent.15:24
sorenDaviey: Use case: I have an appliance. I want to use apt to push updates to it.15:25
Davieysoren: you have to give the background now!15:25
sorenDaviey: To maintain full control over the updates, the only repositories enabled on it are UBuntu release and a PPA.15:26
cjwatsonPinning might be a better answer15:26
cjwatsonIf you can understand it15:26
Davieysoren: BTW, i use - http://pb.daviey.com/oPHE/ , i'm too lazy to remember the syntax.15:26
sorenDaviey: Based on the installed binaries on the appliance, I've built a list of corresponding source packages.15:26
Davieysoren: for licencing?15:27
sorenEvery half hour or so, I go through that list to check if there's a version in either -updates or -security that is newer than what I have in the PPA.15:27
sorenDaviey: No, just for vetting updates.15:28
sorenIf there's an update, I get notified.15:28
gesersoren: do -updates and -security update that often (less than an hour)?15:28
Davieysoren: debmarshal might interst you, don't know if you have come across it.15:28
sorenOnce I'm happy with the update, I copy the updated package to the PPA.15:28
sorengeser: Good point. I'll make it once an hour. This part doesn't exist yet :)15:29
sorenDaviey: Never heard of debmarshal, no. I'll take a look, thanks.15:30
sorenAnyway, they point is that if I put updated packages into this PPA, I need to be sure that an update in Ubuntu of the same package triggers a notification for me, so that I can merge that change into my package.15:30
sorenSo I need to be rather careful with the versioning of custom packages in there.15:31
stgrabergeser: AFAIK cjwatson made the publisher run quickly enough now that it can run twice an hour. Not sure if that'd be a problem for soren though15:31
gesersoren: have you checked if it would work to trigger your check with an inotify on the Packages files instead of checking every hour?15:31
sorengeser: Why would that be preferable?15:32
sorengeser: I'm using the LP API right now, though.15:32
Davieysoren: would "+sorens-goodess0" not be suitable?15:32
sorengeser: It runs in completely separate context.15:32
cjwatsonYes, the publisher is twice an hour now15:33
sorencjwatson: Wow, really?15:33
sorencjwatson: That's awesome!15:33
hallynyikes, pangolin did not do well over the break.  Now mutt+imap is dying15:33
Davieyhallyn: you need to switch to sorenOS for vetted updates :)15:34
sorencjwatson: Awesome work!15:34
sorengeser: I could add apt to the process, though, but I'm not sure that'd make it any easier.15:35
cnddoko, I've got a small patch to gcc 4.6's libstdc++ that fixes a bug that prevents clang from compiling anything with std::shared_ptr15:35
cndI'm going to send the patch to the gcc-patches mailing list today15:35
cjwatsonta; it was about half jtv and half me, at least the recent stuff15:35
cndwhat should I do to ensure it gets into precise?15:35
gesersoren: I somehow assumed you process apt's Packages files instead of querying through LP API15:36
EtienneGpitti, are we going to ship policykit 0.103 in precise?  I presume so, but checking.15:36
sorengeser: Oh.15:36
pittipolicykit-1 |    0.103-1 |       precise | source, amd64, armel, armhf, i386, powerpc15:36
cjwatsonEtienneG: policykit-1 |    0.103-1 |       precise | source, amd64, armel, armhf, i386, powerpc15:36
pittiEtienneG: ^15:36
dokocnd: if it's a regression compared to an earlier release try to get it into the 4.6 branch15:36
* pitti ^5s cjwatson15:36
cnddoko, I will, though it's not a regression15:37
cndit's just broken15:37
EtienneGpitti, cjwatson, thanks!15:37
cnddoko, do you take patches in the meantime?15:37
cndor should we wait on it getting accepted upstream?15:37
cnddoko, for reference, this is the patch: http://paste.ubuntu.com/791757/15:38
cndit's a fix that is required due to a late change in the c++11 spec15:38
dokocnd: please could you submit it upstream first? make sure it's sent to gcc-patches & libstdc++15:39
dokocnd, looks like this is already upstream?15:45
cnddoko, yes, but not in 4.615:46
cndand in 4.7 they use noexcept instead of the comment "never throws"15:47
cndI don't know if noexcept works in 4.6, so I just kept the same style as everything else15:47
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hallynwell this sucks now i can't check email :)15:53
hallyn(bug 911305)15:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 911305 in p11-kit (Ubuntu) "segfault from p11-kit when starting mutt with imap-over-ssl" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91130515:56
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achianghallyn: i'll dup mine to yours. :( (i filed #911319)16:14
achianghallyn: nevermind, i don't think i will. mine has a coredump attached, which as you note, has a password in it16:16
achianghallyn: ah, i just made my problem go away with an apt-get dist-upgrade16:23
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hallynachiang: i did see there was a new update in the source pakcage, but haven't updated again yet.16:37
hallynyay!  fixed :)16:41
dokojml, can't reproduce bug 908679, is this seen on more than one machine?16:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 908679 in java-wrappers (Ubuntu) "No java runtime found" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90867916:49
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jonoseb128, quick q: I am seeing some gnome-settings-daemon crashes, and around the time it crashes my mouse stops working - do you think the two issues are connected?17:24
seb128jono, it's likely that you hit bug #86840017:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 868400 in lightdm (Ubuntu Precise) "Synaptics touchpad stops working - two syndaemon instances running" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86840017:24
seb128jono, g-s-d gets respawned and start a second syncdaemon17:24
seb128didrocks, skaet: ^17:24
jonoseb128, gotcha17:24
jonothanks seb12817:24
seb128didrocks, skaet: just mentioning it because g-s-d in precise is having some stability issues due to ubuntuone bugs so that might explain the increase in those reports17:25
barryjdstrand: ping17:25
didrocksseb128: ah, good to know, thanks :)17:25
jdstrandbarry: hi, happy new year :)17:26
barryjdstrand: thanks, and to you too!17:27
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barryjdstrand: doko mentioned that you classify this python bug as a security problem: http://bugs.python.org/issue1315617:27
barryjdstrand: python 2.6 is in security-only mode, so i would need some justification in the python tracker to apply and eventually release a fix for 2.617:28
barryjdstrand: so i'm wondering if you could comment on the above, if that's the case17:28
skaetseb128, didrocks - workaround from bug 868400 sorts the recent increase in this behavior - will mark the one I opened yesterday as a duplicate.17:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 868400 in lightdm (Ubuntu Precise) "Synaptics touchpad stops working - two syndaemon instances running" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86840017:28
jdstrandmmm, no-- I saw a bug float by last week but it wasn't that one17:28
barryjdstrand: ah. okay.  if you can dig it up (in lp even) let me know17:30
jdstrandbarry: it was this bug we were talking about: http://bugs.python.org/issue1166217:30
dokooops, did paste the wrong one17:30
barrydoko: no worries.  jdstrand that's in 2.6, and it was one of the few security fixes in 2.6.7, so we should be good17:31
jdstrandbarry: well, it needs to be backported to earlier releases, but yes, I see there are patches17:32
barryjdstrand: it looks like it was applied to 2.5, 2.6, 2.7, 3.1, 3.2, and default (3.3).  it was released in 2.6.7 and 2.7.217:33
* jdstrand nods17:33
jdstrandbarry: I will be preparing updates for it17:34
barryjdstrand: and 3.2.1.... cool, thanks17:34
jdstrandbarry: fyi, I fixed python3 before the holidays17:34
jdstrandbarry: (for the stable releases that were affected)17:35
barryjdstrand: awesome, thanks17:35
barryjdstrand: i'm still not caught up on my holiday email ;)  i was off-line quite a bit17:35
jdstrandyes, me too :)17:35
barryi hope it was a nice for you :)17:36
barryer, "as nice"17:36
jdstrandit was. restful and pleasant :)17:36
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jtaylorlamont: hi, can you maybe help with bug 910757?17:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 910757 in pyzmq (Ubuntu) "pyzmq ftbfs on amd64 and i386 (test failures)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91075717:54
jtaylorsee comment 117:54
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dr3mrohello , I am ubuntu user and wondering how to prevent network manager from locking the usb modem /dev/ttyUSB0 so i can access it to check sms while i am connected to internet19:19
mwhudsondr3mro: #ubuntu or ask.ubuntu.com would be better places to ask that question19:23
mwhudsonhttp://askubuntu.com/ rather19:24
lamontjtaylor: nothing springs to mind19:31
jtaylorlamont: hm so what to do now? I'm pretty sure its a builder issue19:36
lamonthttps://code.launchpad.net/~lamont/launchpad-buildd/chroot-scripts <-- jtaylor: then ./make-chroot.sh --lp -d precise (as root)19:38
lamontthen mount things inside the chroot and pretend to be launchpad19:38
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jtaylorlamont: works fine with such a chroot20:28
ScottKjtaylor: At least the powerpc build that succeeded was built with a different libc version than the i386 one that failed.20:44
ScottKDifferent gcc too20:45
jtaylorthats probably because I retried it a week ago20:46
jtaylorthe first failure was ages ago and most likely with similar versions20:46
seb128slangasek, there?21:11
slangasekseb128: heya21:11
seb128slangasek, hey ;-) happy new year:!21:11
slangasekseb128: you too :)21:11
seb128slangasek, I'm looking at bug #90880121:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 908801 in gtk+3.0 (Ubuntu Precise) "libgtk-3-0:<arch>.postinst erase IM cache file, that breaks GTK-3 apps IM environment." [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90880121:11
seb128slangasek, the gtk postinst all "<update_command> newdir olddir" which "fails" when olddir is empty21:12
seb128do you see any issue dropping the "olddir" in precise?21:12
seb128the other way would be to fix the command to computer the list of files correctly so the call doesn't fail when the second argument has no items21:13
slangasekseb128: well, it would impact partial upgrades at least21:13
seb128slangasek, well, couldn't that lead to load .so from the wrong arch?21:14
slangasekno, it would never lead to it being loaded from the wrong arch21:14
seb128like amd64 install could try to load i386 .so in the old dir21:14
slangasekdlopen() will fail21:14
seb128so my shell skills suck, do you know what is wrong in the command that makes it bail out rather than just ignore the non existant files? ;-)21:15
slangasektrivial fix: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libgtk-3-0/gtk-query-immodules-3.0 $(ls /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gtk-3.0/3.0.0/immodules/*.so /usr/lib/gtk-3.0/3.0.0/immodules/*.so 2>/dev/null)21:15
slangasekthe ls 2>/dev/null eats the missing files before passing the list to the command21:15
seb128I'm still not convinced that we should keep the compat dir rather than check that everything is ported and use a Breaks ;-)21:16
slangasekthat's probably ok too, especially for gtk321:17
seb128that seems "cleanr" than keeping stuff not ported to multiarch and let dlpoen fail21:17
seb128slangasek, ok, I will try to go forward for gtk21:17
seb128slangasek, ok, I will try to go forward for gtk3 since it was not in the previous lts21:17
seb128we can use the ls and compat for gtk221:17
slangasekyep, sounds fair21:18
slangasekSpamapS: <ping flavor="myodbc"/>21:19
slangasekpitti: hmm, has something regressed with apport handling of root-only crash files?21:19
slangasekpitti: it seems apport consistently fails to dispatch to firefox when the crash file is owned by root, but works ok for ones owned by my user21:20
seb128stop the gnome-keyring spam people! ;-)21:22
lamontjtaylor: interesting.  it doesn't maybe try to actually connect to something off-machine does it?21:25
lamontbecause that'll fail21:25
jtayloronly localhost21:28
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slangasekpitti: btw, the apport retracing service seems to set the importance of all retraced bugs to 'medium', even if someone has already set it to 'high'...21:43
SpamapSslangasek: <blink>PONG</blink>21:48
slangasekSpamapS: hi; seen mail?21:48
SpamapSslangasek: just returned from lunch.. so not for 90 min or so.. but I did respond (I think) to your earlier mail21:51
SpamapSslangasek: ah ok21:53
SpamapSslangasek: right, I think the one in the svn repo restores it21:53
slangasekSpamapS: ok - is that an upload you'd like me to sponsor?22:01
rbasaktyhicks: thanks for the review! I'll go through it tomorrow.22:09
tyhicksrbasak: np - pretty simple stuff22:09
tyhicksrbasak: BTW, don't worry about the changelog formatting changes unless the upgrade path needs fixed22:10
rbasaktyhicks: what do you suppose I should do about the upgrade path? Unilaterally override existing permissions on that file, or only if it was 644, or only if upgrading, or some combination?22:11
tyhicksrbasak: Good question. It isn't something that I have a lot of experience with. Let's get another opinion.22:12
tyhickssbeattie: Have a sec?22:12
rbasaktyhicks: OK. Also for the changelog formatting, apart from the path error, in what way does it not match the examples? Or at least, I tried to follow the examples and looking at it now I'm not sure what you mean.22:14
rbasaksbeattie: it's bug 858878 - thanks22:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 858878 in cobbler (Ubuntu Oneiric) "lack of csrf protection in cobbler-web" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85887822:15
tyhickssbeattie: A file containing password hashes has previously be incorrectly installed as world-readable. How do we typically handle that in a security update? (see rbasak's suggested options above)22:15
tyhicksrbasak: I was suggesting s/(taken from upstream)/Based on upstream patch./22:16
tyhicksrbasak: Like I said, very minor, but we try to make all of our updates have the same style.22:17
SpamapSslangasek: I've been holding off to fix the static linking problem22:17
slangasekSpamapS: hmm, which problem is that?22:17
rbasaktyhicks: ah I see, np22:18
sbeattietyhicks | rbasak: I don't have a lot of experience here, either, but generally I think we've fixed things like permissions on configs on upgrade with a version check.22:19
rbasaksbeattie, tyhicks: ok, thanks. I'll base it on a version check on upgrade then.22:21
tyhicksthanks, sbeattie22:21
SpamapSslangasek: mysql client is statically linked, and there's no obvious way to have it dynamically link22:23
slangasekSpamapS: ok; well, if you want me to sponsor something I can, and in the meantime I have a myodbc 5.1.9 branch that works for the unstable version of libmysqlclient and is as-yet-untested for experimental :)22:24
SpamapSslangasek: will have something by EOD tomorrow22:26
slangasekSpamapS: okie22:26
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cjwatsonslangasek: I tracked down bug 900526; I'm not sure I'm reassured22:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 900526 in debian-installer-utils (Ubuntu Precise) "d-i fails to divert initctl when upgrading packages during install" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90052622:56
cjwatson(sentence starting "Alarmingly", always good for a laugh)22:56
* cjwatson targets to everything22:57
infinityslangasek: ls for shell globbing, really?23:02
cjwatsonecho would do23:03
cjwatsonoh, no, it wouldn't, not without nullglob23:03
cjwatsonthere's $(wildcard ...)23:03
broderwildcard is a make-ism, isn't it?23:04
broder(or did i miss context and this is in make-land?)23:04
cjwatsonI thought the context was make but ICBW23:06
infinitycjwatson: shell.23:07
infinity14:15 < slangasek> trivial fix: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libgtk-3-0/gtk-query-immodules-3.0 $(ls  /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gtk-3.0/3.0.0/immodules/*.so  /usr/lib/gtk-3.0/3.0.0/immodules/*.so 2>/dev/null)23:07
cjwatsonthen ls isn't a bad way to filter out the way that the shell leaves unmatched globs unexpanded, unless you want to require bash for nullglob23:07
infinityWhich made me flinch.  I shouldn't read backscroll some days.23:08
infinityWell, or you can glob and test.23:08
cjwatsonYeah.  ls is a lot shorter though ...23:08
infinityI just hate relying on the output of ls to be expected.23:08
infinityUnless dpkg violently cleanses the environment.  I suppose it must anyway.23:09
slangasekcjwatson: yowch23:11
slangasekinfinity: I didn't say pretty, I said trivial ;)23:12

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