[06:58] anyone around? [07:01] nope [07:01] oops [07:01] * Atamira slinks off [07:02] lol [07:02] I Have a question Atamira [07:02] i want to update this page https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MailingListFAQs/securingNewInstall [07:03] but the title and classification need to be updated imo [07:03] email it to the list [07:03] the mailing list [07:03] How can I update this page from MailingListFAQssecuringNewinstall to ... ubuntu security advice [07:03] you'll get quicker answers than in here [07:03] hu? [07:04] the ubuntu-doc mailing list [07:04] ubuntu-doc@lists.ubuntu.com. [07:05] oh ok, one more thing. whats the diff between help.ubuntu.com and wiki.ubuntu.com ? [07:07] frankly [07:07] i have no idea [07:07] i think help.ubuntu.com is the official help page [08:11] oscalation: help.ubuntu.com is for user documentation and wiki.ubuntu.com is for Ubuntu's teams to manage, coordinate and plan their activities [08:11] mdke: we don't have plans to merge the two. In fact wiki.ubuntu.com isn't newer [08:12] I see. the wiki on wiki.ubuntu looks 100 times better than help.ubuntu [08:12] they should change it to match [08:12] that is being worked on (slowly) [08:12] good to know.