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cwillu_at_workpythonirc101, you're aware that twisted has a capable ssh server which will avoid some of the issues I was discussing (although will be slightly more complex initially)00:20
twbI would be wary of any sshd implementation that isn't OpenSSH00:21
cwillu_at_workpythonirc101, the actual implementation of crypto is extremely sensitive; it'd be quite rare to have a pure python implementation, and the security of such an implementation would be very questionable given the indeterminate timing of running that code00:22
twb(Having said that, I do run lshd on prisoner desktops, because unlike sshd, it doesn't Depends: on an ssh client.)00:22
cwillu_at_worktwb, don't confuse the crypto with the protocol00:22
cwillu_at_workit's quite straightforward to implement the multiplexing of ssh00:23
twbcwillu_at_work: crypto can be correct and still used improperly and thereby result in weakness00:23
cwillu_at_worktwb, the multiplexing involved is not complicated from a security standpoint, that's the entire reason its there00:23
twbAll I'm saying is I wouldn't use it without careful consideration00:23
cwillu_at_workyou might as well say that you wouldn't trust a python web server that was hosted over https00:23
twbcwillu_at_work: I wouldn't :-)00:24
cwillu_at_worktwb, then you're silly :p00:24
SpamapSWe're still on this? Why on earth would you use an SSH server unless you want crazy flexibility?00:24
cwillu_at_workSpamapS, I'm not sure why he's taking that approach either, to be honest00:24
SpamapSif you want authenticated, encrypted communication, without the saddle of "users" ... TLS is quite a bit more useful.00:24
cwillu_at_workother than some requirement to use existing daemons (in an insecure way I might add)00:24
cwillu_at_workgiven that there are mature implementations of both protocols available though...00:25
SpamapSsshd has so many extra things00:25
SpamapSso many places to screw up00:25
cwillu_at_workmost of which really aren't that scary when you're not actually hooking up to real system users00:26
SpamapSTLS identifies each side (client, optional), and then encrypts. Very simple.00:26
cwillu_at_workagain, I don't disagree, it's pretty much guaranteed to be overkill for his purposes00:26
cwillu_at_work(and he's been told this in both #python and #twisted)00:27
OutOfControlI am wondering what would be better for a Amazon EC2, Ubuntu Server or Desktop and what is the difference besides Windows Manager in Desktop00:27
* SpamapS goes back to reading his mountain of unread email00:28
SpamapSOutOfControl: um, what?00:28
SpamapSOutOfControl: why would you ever run Ubuntu desktop on an amazon instance?00:28
OutOfControlI'm not sure00:29
SpamapSOutOfControl: We have official AMI's to run server in EC200:30
SpamapSOutOfControl: http://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/00:30
SpamapSOutOfControl: we also are working on making running specific apps in the cloud easier with juju. https://juju.ubuntu.com/00:31
OutOfControlSpamapS: The server link on the cloud images is just a loop00:32
OutOfControlShould I use the AMD64 AMI for the micro instance?00:34
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tazmaniaI have ubuntu-server 10.04 LTS with my nms and radius set up.  Is there a way in which I can create a customized distro based on my set up so that I do not have to go through the painful process of setting up the system?00:48
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twbhttp://paste.debian.net/150798/ why isn't APT::Default-Release DWIMming?00:53
twbI told it I want oneiric to be D-R but it isn't using 990 priority for all my oneiric entries, only some.00:53
twbWait a minute, it looks like it's not applying them to Translation-en only, which is fucking strange and wrong, but I don't really care00:54
tazmaniaHow do I or can I create a customized ubuntu-server distro?00:55
twbtazmania: jigdo00:56
tazmaniatwb: jigdo? a new distro?00:56
smwtazmania, what are you trying to do with this "custom distro"?00:57
tazmaniasmw: So that I don't have to go through the same painful and lengthy process of setting up the system00:58
tazmaniasmw: and also for the engineers who will take over the project next time00:59
twbSo you want an SOE00:59
smwtazmania, it seems like an easier way would be to just make a script that does all the changes00:59
tazmaniaWhat's SOE?00:59
twbstandard operating environment00:59
twbBasically all your desktops end up configured the same way, same set of packages installed, same corporate wallpaper, etc.01:00
tazmaniasmw: I do have the script which takes care of setting up additional packages.  But I still need to manually set up the mysql and other database01:01
twbFor the base install you want to read up on preseeding and/or kickstart01:01
tazmaniatwb: yes. all the servers will have exact identical imaage01:01
twbFor post-install change management you should look at puppet/chef/cfengine01:01
tazmaniaI just wondered how mythbuntu did it - myth-TV package + ubuntu desktop01:02
twbAlternatively you can prepare a read-only / emphemeral image, the provision umpteen of them speaking to a persistent SQL backend -- this is basically what Amazon EC2/S3 is01:02
smwtazmania, I have made custom disks before. It was awhile ago and I think jigdo did not exist01:03
twbAFAIK mythbuntu does it differently01:03
twbsmw: jigdo has existed for decades01:03
smwtwb, in that case I was an idiot ;-)01:03
twbsmw: it was introduced about the same time as DVDs IIRC01:03
twbTo avoid having to host DVD-sized images on cdimage.debian.org01:03
smwtazmania, I just made my own deb repo with everything I needed and put it on the cd.01:03
twbsmw: you don't even need a CD, just put it on your httpd01:04
smwtazmania, then I made a custom preseed file and had some scripts that packaged it all into an iso01:04
smwtwb, yeah01:04
tazmaniaSo I can now do it with jigdo01:04
smwtwb, for my situation, the CD made more sense01:04
twbpreseeding is documented in an appendix of the installation guide; apt-get install installation-guide-amd6401:05
smwtwb, we gave them out and they put ubuntu on refurb computers to be donated to people01:05
twbAh, OK01:05
smwtwb, our windows licenses only worked for non-profits01:05
smwtwb, so we used ubuntu to give out functioning systems01:06
twbNot freedos ? ;-)01:06
tazmaniaso I should try out jigdo01:07
twbtazmania: preseeding + puppet is more likely what you want01:07
tazmanialet me check it out01:08
tazmaniatwb: is it two different packages or in one source?01:10
OutOfControlHow do I update my Ubuntu Server in EC2 without rebuilding it?01:10
twbpreseeding isn't a package, it's part of the normal installer01:10
twbpuppet is a separate package that does a different job01:11
tazmaniaok thanks.01:11
tazmaniaI will check out both jigdo and puppet as recommended01:11
twbOutOfControl: I don't know, google for "ubuntu + cloud"01:11
twbOutOfControl: it's some trendy buzzword bollocks, so you will need to filter out all the naff noise01:12
OutOfControlhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/EC2StartersGuide is good01:13
twbI can't comment01:14
twbI like my OSes to run where I can go kick the hardware when it inevitably shits itself01:15
glaukommatosSo, I've set up an ad-hoc wireless access point with dnsmasq and iptables; I can access things on the same network as the machine that's doing the sharing, but is it possible for me to forward all of the traffic in such a way that it would be effectively the same as having the clients be directly on the network? (For example, I'd like things like iTunes sharing to work and zeroconf to be working.) [Forgive my rather inarticu01:19
twbglaukommatos: sure; use brctl as well as hostapd on the AP01:22
twbi.e. bridge instead of routing01:22
glaukommatosDoes hostapd require that I be able to put my wireless device into master mode? I can only do ad-hoc afaik.01:31
twbAFAIK if you want an AP and you run linux, you use hostapd.01:31
twbI have only used it on managed networks but ISTR ad-hoc support01:32
twbWhat evidence do you have that managed mode is not supported?01:32
glaukommatosOh, well I think managed mode does work- I had assumed that I needed it to run in master mode to run an ap (besides using ad-hoc); and when I tried to do master mode, it didn't seem to be supported by the driver (iwlagn).01:35
twbI don't know what master mode is01:39
twbhostapd should take care of putting it in the appropriate state01:39
glaukommatosAlright, I'll try this out tomorrow. I'd do it now, but I'm in the middle of a very long file transfer on the connection as it is set up currently. Thanks.01:56
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twbsleepd vs. powernap -- anyone got an opinion?03:10
SpamapStwb: I've not used sleepd.. powernap is, IMO, a bit too aggressive in its default configuration for a server. But kirkland has shown me a few settings to back it off so its less dangerous.03:13
twbI'm just wondering why it exists since it looks like a new project from lp, when sleepd has existed for a while and AFAICT meets the same requirements03:14
twbI wish lp would buy the lp.net domain03:18
twbThe same way sf.net -> sourceforge.net03:18
twbkirkland: why is powernap better than sleepd?03:25
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hallynzul: hey, tftpd-hpa upstart job has a type (needs 'start *on' runlevel and paren) - assume you've noticed?04:12
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teroWhat is the most easy way to setup ubuntu server as a NAT router?04:32
hallyntero: you can see the 'simple iptables example' at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing04:34
hallynalso, the /opt/bin/share-wlan-eth0 script at http://s3hh.wordpress.com/2011/12/15/simple-netboot-setup/ shows what I always do04:36
hallynthat's all i've got, i'm out04:36
twbtero: install it, raise both interfaces, add -o upstream -j MASQUERADE to *nat table via /etc/ufw or /etc/iptables/rules.v405:09
twbtero: oh, and turn on ip_forward, of course05:10
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NullEntityI have a quick postfix question and every remotely related channel is completely dead. Could someone here help me quick?06:36
cwillu_at_workNullEntity, ask a question, don't ask to ask06:45
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience06:45
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NullEntityI'm trying to use Dovecot with Postfix. I can revceive with TLS fine, but I can't send. My client tells me "Authentication methods are not supported by server." I'm not sure if it's related, but ELOH fails the first time.  http://pastebin.com/QGaNq80Z06:49
SpamapSNullEntity: is there something in /var/log/mail.log at the same time?06:57
chigginsHey guys. So I just installed bind from tasksel, now how do I add DNS entries to it? I'm new with DNS07:14
chigginsAnd bind07:14
qman__the configs are in /etc/bind/07:15
qman__be aware that it's very picky about syntax07:15
qman__you need to create zone files and then define them in the config07:15
qman__if you mess up, it'll show in /var/log/syslog07:15
chigginsCool, thanks for that tip. Sorry that I'm not too dns experienced, but what's a zone?07:16
twbPersonally I can strongly recommend NSD for hosting zonefiles, and unbound for a caching recursive resolver.  I'm not a fan of bind's "all in one" approach07:20
chigginsRight now I'm just looking to have a local dns setup so I don't have to remember all of my ip addresses07:22
twbIn that case I recommend you use dnsmasq for DNS and dhcp07:22
twbThen it'll automatically know where everything is because it'll get it straight from the DHCP request07:23
qman__I use bind for that purpose, local zones and internet name resolution for the network07:23
qman__and yes, dnsmasq is superior in that feature07:24
qman__I used bind because that's what I know07:24
twbyou can do it with isc but it's a PITA07:24
chigginsWell, I figured I would just use bind, considering that's usually the result I get when I look up linux dns07:25
qman__it's been around a long time07:25
chigginsYeah, from my light research I noticed, heh.07:26
twbwidespread ≠ goo07:26
twbwidespread ≠ good07:26
qman__yeah, age and popularity have benefits, but that doesn't make it the best option07:27
qman__it's not a poor choice, though07:27
chigginsSo would you two maybe recommend I look into dnsmasq instead?07:27
twbchiggins: for your needs, yes07:27
qman__you'll probably have a better experience with it07:28
qman__but bind isn't nearly as bad as sendmail07:29
twbI basically don't trust ISC anything anymore07:29
qman__still get nightmares about it07:29
twbIt's a red flag for me07:29
twbNot necessarily enough to shitcan it, e.g. I still run ISC (vixie) cron07:29
twbAnd ntpd07:29
twbThey make reference implementations of internet software07:30
twb(As in, software that the internet runs on, not the other way around)07:30
chigginsAh I gotcha07:31
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jamespagemorning all08:45
ttxjamespage: morning, and happy new year08:51
jamespagettx: happy new year to you as well!08:51
jamespagemorning _ruben08:51
uvirtbotNew bug: #911135 in tftp-hpa (main) "tftp fails to install, broken and untested upstart job" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91113508:56
koolhead11hi all09:54
* koolhead11 wonders is people are finally back from holiday hangover :D09:54
mhubigHello together, I need some advice: I want to restructure the IT in the small company I work for into a cloud. Now I have found a possible solution with two XenServer and three GlusterFS Servers. But I really like the idea of the Ubuntu Cloud Infrastructure. Now my question is if the Ubuntu Cloud Infrastructure is capable of running on "just" 5 servers?09:54
koolhead11mhubig: i would say yes!! :)09:55
mhubigkoolhead11: But the docu says I need at least 5 servers for storage …10:00
koolhead11mhubig: i would simply suggest you to ask the question in mailing list10:01
uksysadminhappy new year y'all10:01
koolhead11hola uksysadmin10:02
uksysadminhow's koolhead11 ?10:03
koolhead11rocking!! :D10:03
uvirtbotNew bug: #911155 in etckeeper (main) "Etckeeper should not complain about hardlinked files when using bzr VCS" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91115510:32
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jamespagesmb: around? seeing lots of kernel oops on the latest precise ec2 images11:33
smbjamespage, yes around. can you provide, point to more specific data?11:37
* smb wonders whether he had been providing a change to make precise bootable at all already... The holiday season somewhat blurred the memory11:40
smbAh, 3.2.0-7.13 already contains the revert from upstream...11:50
smb<smb> oops11:50
* smb takes back the oops... that was for the wrong tab he wrote the line before... dammit cut and paste11:51
jamespagesmb: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Precise%20ISO%20Testing%20Dashboard/view/Daily/job/precise-server-ec2-daily/ARCH=i386,REGION=eu-west-1,STORAGE=ebs,label=ubuntu-server-ec2-testing/29/artifact/None/i386/m1.small/ebs/i-2c54ca65/uec2-20120103-0416-9326cb93108049-terminated.console.txt/*view*/11:51
jamespagethat contains the actual oops message11:52
jamespagethey all appear to die in the same place :-)11:52
jamespagealthough some do boot (odd)11:53
smbjamespage, Ok, thanks. Hm, something bad with setting some timer...11:53
smbjamespage, Interestingly not all of them seem failed... Err, I seem to get lost trying to move from the dashboard bullets to actual dmesgs... is there a simple path to follow that I miss?11:58
smboh... think I got it11:59
smbsome build and then console output...12:00
jamespagesmb: you have to look at the build artifacts for the failed tests12:04
jamespageso clicking a red icon; then selecting the last failed built from the LHS of the screen; then click 'Build Artifacts' in the center of the screen and drill down to the console.txt files12:05
jamespage(far to many clicks)12:05
smbjamespage, Ok, thanks. Got to it now. So at least I found one case where it happened with a 3.4.3 Xen as well. So there is a chance I should be able to get the same on a local test system.12:14
jamespagesmb: great - do you want me to raise a bug report for this?12:14
smbYes, please. Then we got a place to track things.12:15
smbAt least it seems to be quite likely... Not like these after a day of doing work things...12:15
Ursinhagood morning :)12:16
jamespagesmb: bug 91120412:23
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 911204 in ubuntu "precise ec2 images fail to boot with kernel oops" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91120412:23
jamespagemorning Ursinha - happy new year!12:24
RoyKhappy new year, all :)12:24
Ursinhajamespage: happy new year! :)12:29
daffI am trying to preseed an installation of Ubuntu 10.04.3 but the debian-installer keeps ignoring the pre-answered questions for mirror/country13:51
daffhow can I debug this?13:51
daffafter dhcp configuration is complete I keep getting asked to select a mirror13:52
koolhead17hola zul13:56
* koolhead17 wishes every one happy new year!! :)13:56
koolhead17daff: are you sure your preseed file is correct13:57
koolhead17daff: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Cobbler/Preseed13:58
Error404NotFoundHow can i configure the from email address that cron would use to send any output as email? i know MAILTO, MAILFROM doesn't seem to work.14:01
Error404NotFoundman 5 crontab only tells about MAILTO14:04
daffError404NotFound: the From: address in the mail headers is based on the user whose crontab is run14:06
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uvirtbotNew bug: #911244 in mailman (main) "prompt to change unmodified conf file /etc/cron.d/mailman during upgrade from oneiric to precise" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91124414:12
daffkoolhead17: my preseed file was correct, but the server did not serve it correctly :)14:16
daffit was essentially empty, but appeared to have been retrieved correctly (HTTP 200 and all), so d-i used it14:16
koolhead17daff: you mean DHCP/cobbler was not correctly configured14:16
daffForeman in my case, yes14:17
koolhead17daff: so was there some bug in Foreman?14:20
* koolhead17 is not aware of Foreman14:20
uvirtbotNew bug: #911256 in tftp-hpa (main) "tftpd-hpa won't start, typo in upstart 'start on' stanza" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91125614:25
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daffkoolhead17: yes and no, a permission problem prevented the provisioning process from running correctly, but that wasn't obvious until I looked into the preseed file that was actually downloaded14:34
ppetrakihallyn, I plan to look at that libvirt/lvm bug later today, still catching up on email14:38
koolhead17daff: it be cool to file a bug then :)14:39
hallynppetraki: cool, thanks.14:41
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raubvogelIn nfsv4, how do I define the global root (using terminology from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NFSv4Howto)?15:50
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pmatulisraubvogel: it is user/administrator defined.  maybe i misunderstand you15:53
raubvogelpmatulis: from what I understand, v4 defines a root dir for NFS. So, if it is /export and you have a /export/moose, you mount it by saying mount fileserver:/moose.15:54
raubvogelHow do you define /export as the nfs root or is it understood?15:55
pmatulisraubvogel: the latter.  you could also just try15:55
raubvogelpmatulis: in my case I am trying to mount the share in a windows box15:56
raubvogelcan mount it as nfsv3 but am having issues mounting as nfsv415:56
raubvogeland am trying to go down on the list of possible issues15:56
pmatulisraubvogel: i would first test with a linux client15:56
pmatulisraubvogel: i have never used (any version) nfs with 'doze15:57
raubvogelpmatulis: if you picture extreme suckyness, you are not even close ;)15:57
zulhallyn: you are running the meeting today arent you?15:57
Davieyutlemming: will you be chairing?15:57
hallynzul: yes i am15:58
hallynDaviey: utlemming did 2 meetings ago15:58
pmatulisraubvogel: obviously the 'doze client needs to support v4.  did you confirm that?15:58
hallyni'll straighten out the order in the mtg page15:58
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Davieyahh, cool -thanks hallyn15:58
raubvogelCompany claims it is the case; I am trying to validate it15:59
pmatulisraubvogel: you're using WSFU?15:59
Davieyhallyn: so is it SpamapS ?15:59
raubvogelnope. Hummingbird/opentext. Because it does kerberos and it seems the WSFU does not16:00
pmatulisDaviey: sent you an email16:00
pmatulisraubvogel: ah.  haven't used humingbird in donkey's years16:00
raubvogelLucky you16:02
raubvogelOne of the issues it seems is that they made it be more in the Solaris flavour of nfs than the linux one16:03
pmatulisraubvogel: can't you just, like, have a drone roam the office and obliterate the 'doze boxes one by one?16:03
raubvogelpmatulis: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/NFSv4 seems to answer my root question16:04
raubvogelpmatulis: with a Lee Enfield?16:04
pmatulisraubvogel: a little raw, but yeah16:06
pmatulisraubvogel: fyi, i have never needed to mount the root16:11
raubvogelMe neither. The hummingbird people suggested me to setup the root in the solaris way to see if that will allow me to mount as a v4 instead of v3.16:12
* pmatulis can't believe that any responsible software maker these days would cater to solaris at the expense of linux16:16
raubvogelI agree completely. And I do like Solaris. Oracle on the other hand...16:17
uvirtbotNew bug: #911317 in bacula (main) "bacula crashes while starting backup" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91131716:17
pmatulis'xactly , and does oracle even support hp machinery anymore?16:18
pmatulisthey dropped support for something i seem to recall16:19
pmatulisor maybe they just charge a whole lot more16:19
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rbasakmdeslaur: ping16:39
koolhead17lynxman: sir16:40
mdeslaurrbasak: yes?16:43
rbasakmdeslaur: hey, regarding bug 858878 - it's a bit confusing - I prepared an update for -security but RoAkSoAx spoke to you about doing a PPA build before christmas?16:44
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 858878 in cobbler "lack of csrf protection in cobbler-web" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85887816:44
mdeslaurrbasak: I've subscribed ubuntu-security-sponsors. tyhicks is on community duty this week, so he'll look at it and upload it. Thanks!16:47
rbasakmdeslaur: aha, thanks. I was unaware of that team.16:47
mdeslaurrbasak: np, thanks!16:48
RoAkSoAxadam_g: pinn16:52
RoAkSoAxadam_g: bug #90889516:52
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 908895 in orchestra "The name 'precise-x86_64' is invalid." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90889516:52
RoAkSoAxadam_g: are you manually setting the hostname to precise-x86_64 or something? or is it being done automatically?16:53
adam_gRoAkSoAx: if im installing a non-juju profile, during installation the hostname 'precise-x86_64' is automatically assigned to the node during installation, or at least attempted. d-i fails as its an invalid hostname16:54
RoAkSoAxadam_g: right, though, orchestra doesn't really set the hostname automatically, so there's maybe something done differently in cobbler to automatically assign a hostname16:56
adam_gRoAkSoAx: from what i could tell, it was inherited from the profile name. renaming the to something like precise-x86-64 fixed the issue16:57
RoAkSoAxadam_g: yeah, that's why I'16:58
RoAkSoAxadam_g: right, but the preseed doesn't really set the hostname16:59
RoAkSoAxadam_g: but it's set in the kernel parameters16:59
adam_gRoAkSoAx: *shrug* im not sure how thats set, but using "_" wherever it is set (during iso import / profile creation) needs to change17:00
DavieyRoAkSoAx: hmm17:00
DavieyWe ARE looking for automatic hostname generation as a fallback17:01
RoAkSoAxadam_g: the _ is set by cobbler automatically for the profiles17:01
RoAkSoAxadam_g: what should change should be "inheriting" the hostname from the profile name17:01
adam_gDaviey: for enlisted machines, i was attempting to boot a new machine that hasn't been enlisted, and choose a profile manually from the boot menu17:01
Davieyi wold say that should be done in enlistment/17:01
RoAkSoAxadam_g: cause, as far as I can remember, that wasn't happening before, so it might be a new feature17:01
RoAkSoAxadam_g: or simply replace the _ with - unless, it used to happen that way and now it's broken17:05
uvirtbotNew bug: #901804 in glance "split glance package into glance-api/glance-registry" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90180417:26
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zulrbasak: ping are you still worknig on those horizon bugs?18:00
rbasakzul: yes - I've done most of the lintian fixes but have been slowed down by the embedded jquery one. While you're asking - what's would be the quickest/easiest way to test the jquery functionality?18:01
zulrbasak: because im cleaning things up getting ready for the MIR18:02
zuland it was on my list of cleanup18:03
zulwhat jquery functionality?18:03
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rbasakzul: I can send you what I have so far if you like? jquery functionality as in http://lintian.debian.org/tags/embedded-javascript-library.html - I've depended on libjs-jquery{,-ui,etc} and had just changed the path in the template18:08
zulk sure if you want to do that18:08
rbasakIs a patch series out of git OK?18:09
zulrbasak: yep18:10
rbasakzul: http://paste.ubuntu.com/791935/18:10
rbasakzul: lintian is bug 899427 and apache reload 90552718:11
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 899427 in horizon "not lintian clean" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/89942718:11
zulrbasak: cool thanks18:11
rbasakzul: also I have a suspicion that debclean doesn't work due to s/override_dh_auto-clean/override_dh_auto_clean/ in debian/rules maybe but I hadn't looked at it yet18:12
rbasakI've not put the bugs in the changelog message yet18:12
zulrbasak: k ill take a look18:12
rbasakzul: shall I hand it back to you and unassign myself for now? I don't want to hold up your MIR18:13
zulrbasak: nah when ill upload it will close the bugs18:13
rbasakzul: ok but just to check you don't expect me to be doing anything more with these bugs then? I'm happy to, just want to make sure that we don't both expect the other to be doing it :)18:14
zulrbasak: right i dont expect you to be anything more with those bugs18:15
rbasakzul: cool, thanks18:15
zulrbasak: the apache stuff isnt in that patch18:17
rbasakzul: no I hadn't got that far18:17
* rbasak spent a while today reading debian policy to work out what to do about the jquery thing18:18
SpamapSrbasak: which jquery thing?18:51
SpamapSrbasak: I ran into a pretty nasty problem with Wordpress and jquery being out of sync on what API version to expect.18:52
rbasakSpamapS: horizon made lintian complain about http://lintian.debian.org/tags/embedded-javascript-library.html because upstream embeds jquery and related rather than using libjs-jquery et al18:52
rbasakSpamapS: ah. I was hoping it would be OK18:52
SpamapSrbasak: you're allowed to embed it if the API is different.18:53
rbasakSpamapS: well that would make things easier. Just a lintian override instead of all this messing about :)18:53
SpamapSrbasak: otherwise you need to replace the embedded file with a symlink to the jquery on disk.18:53
SpamapSrbasak: err .. s/on disk/in the package/18:53
rbasakah. I was going to change the template to point to a different URL, but a symlink would be easier and less invasive, thanks :)18:54
rbasakalthough zul is doing it now18:54
SpamapSjust make sure they're the same API version.18:55
SpamapSIts *hell* if they're not.. javascript doesn't exactly fail at compile time. ;)18:55
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zuljs is fun19:02
zulRoAkSoAx: ping have you actually powered on systems with cobbler?19:03
uvirtbotNew bug: #906937 in glance "Error installing python-glance 2012.1~e2-0ubuntu2 (dup-of: 907543)" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90693719:15
RoAkSoAxzul: yes19:42
RoAkSoAxzul: we have the openstack qa lab working that way19:43
zulRoakSoAx: ok sweet19:43
RoAkSoAxzul: I had to write a fence-agent for the power device there though19:43
zulRoakSoAx: how do you configure it?19:45
RoAkSoAxzul: its already configured isnt it?19:46
zulRoakSoAx: no i want to know how you configure cobbler to do it19:47
RoAkSoAxzul: sudo cobbler system edit --name <system name> --power-user=<user> --power-pass=<pass> --power-id=<id on power device> --power-address=<power device address> --power-type=sentryswitch_cdu19:47
RoAkSoAxfence_cdu -a <IP or host> -n <id on power device> -l <user> -p <pass> -o <action: on|off|status>19:47
zulRoakSoAx: cool thanks19:48
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uvirtbotNew bug: #911449 in samba (main) "smbd crashed with SIGABRT in __kernel_vsyscall()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91144921:18
mgwanybody here familiar with isc dhcp?21:47
mgwespecialy dhcrelay21:48
guntbert!anyone | mgw applies here too21:48
ubottumgw applies here too: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.21:48
guntbertmgw: no need to apology, just ask your question and prepare for patience :)21:50
mgwI'm having trouble getting dhcrelay to work…. as a test, i have dhcrelay listening on two vlans, relaying to an ip on one of them21:51
mgwand dhcpd is listening on that single interface21:51
mgwdhcrelay logs that it is relaying the packets, but tcpdump does not see anything21:51
mgwonly the original inbound request21:51
mgwtick tock… tick tock…. patience engaging….21:52
RoAkSoAxkirkland: ping?22:41
kirklandRoAkSoAx: pong22:41
RoAkSoAxkirkland: duuude how' it going22:41
RoAkSoAxkirkland: hey did you happen to find a bug in byobu where it goes nuts when running byobu under another byobu session?22:42
kirklandRoAkSoAx: hmm, i haven't;  but i don't do that often22:42
kirklandRoAkSoAx: is this tmux or screen, or both?22:42
Troy_quick question for home server and i want to have the ability to launch a gui such as xfce. should i install ubuntu-server on the machine and then install xubuntu-desktop or install xubuntu and add server software/packages?22:43
RoAkSoAxkirkland: i was first running byobu screen, then upgraded and defaulted to tmux. Then by mistake con win 0 i run byobu and it just went completely nuts22:43
Patrickdktroy, same diff22:43
kirklandRoAkSoAx_: ugh, yeah, i just reproduced that22:44
RoAkSoAx_kirkland: yeah it happens when running byobu tmux under a byobu screen22:44
kirklandRoAkSoAx_: can you open a high bug?22:44
RoAkSoAx_kirkland: sure ;)22:45
RoAkSoAx_kirkland: did you reproduce this in precise?22:45
RoAkSoAx_kirkland: i had it on lucid22:45
kirklandRoAkSoAx_: yep22:45
kirklandRoAkSoAx_: i just need to guard against an infinite loop there22:45
RoAkSoAx_kirkland: happy new year btw!!22:47
=== RoAkSoAx_ is now known as RoAkSoAx
kirklandRoAkSoAx: you too, buddy!22:48
kirklandRoAkSoAx: good to hear from you22:48
RoAkSoAxkirkland: indeed!! how's downtown austin treating ya?22:49
kirklandRoAkSoAx: loving it, actually22:49
kirklandkirkland: it's fun being downtown22:50
RoAkSoAxkirkland: i bet! I actually was looking into moving to austin but I think I'm gonna stay here for a little longer22:51
kirklandRoAkSoAx: aw, come on over man22:51
kirklandRoAkSoAx: you'd have a blast over here :-)22:51
osmosisto use python pip or not to use python pip22:53
RoAkSoAxkirkland yeah i'd love too but if i start studying again its gonna be more cost efficient fpr me here22:54
hallynkirkland: i'll need to check out your hq one day!23:03
kirklandhallyn: yeah, come on down sometime23:07
kirklandhallyn: do you find yourself downtown ever?23:07
hallynkirkland: not too much lately, unless we need somethig from that whole foods or feel an urge to eat at chez nous23:08
hallynbut maybe i'll find a reason in february23:08
kirklandhallyn: well drop by, we're right next to that whole foods23:08
hallynwill do :)23:09
mgwroaksoax, spamaps, et al… you always have good answers… do you have any ideas about the question i posed earlier regarding dhcrelay?23:09
hallynkirkland: oh hey, has anyone ever signed up to write the userspace ecryptfs file reader?23:09
kirklandhallyn: you!23:09
kirklandhallyn: would love to see that23:10
hallynmaybe.  would like it on my phone.23:10
hallynbut, i also have a compiz plugin or two to write :)23:11
pythonirc101Anyone knows why my scp is getting stuck --  http://pbin.be/show/344/ -- It gets stuck at 0%?23:20
aarcane_is there a "proper" way to use vmbuilder on natty to build an oneiric VM ?23:44
SpamapSaarcane_: are you seeing a failure when trying to do so?23:46
aarcane_SpamapS, I saw several failures, and managed to work around them.23:47
SpamapSaarcane_: note that the cloud images should boot fine w/ kvm.. https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/23:47

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