
=== optimusP is now known as the_hulk
=== optimusP is now known as the_hulk
=== cgriff is now known as Guest94794
daubersSo this is the year I get rid of 90% of my computing annoyances \o/08:49
daubersFirst thing on the list, get a decent keyboard08:50
MartijnVdSDecent as in not filled with crumbs and hairs? :P08:52
daubersMartijnVdS: As in I may go the whole hog and get a Das Keyboard :)08:53
MartijnVdSScary :)08:53
* MartijnVdS is happy with his MS "Wired 600" keyboard08:53
MartijnVdSit has a play/pause button!08:53
daubersI've got an aluminium apple thing that's ok, but annoys me as it doesn't *click*08:54
MartijnVdSmine doesn't click audibly08:54
MartijnVdSbut you can feel when it "takes"08:54
MooDoomorning all09:01
MooDooand happy new year09:01
dwatkinshiya folks09:04
dwatkinsIt's so windy in Edinburgh, a lamp post has been blown over.09:04
MartijnVdSOne of them, or a lot of them?09:10
dwatkinsJust one, the police are blocking that lane on the roundabout.09:10
MartijnVdSScotland has roundaboutitis as well?09:10
dwatkinsUnfortunately the BBC 'jamcam' isn't pointing the right way to see it.09:11
dwatkinsEdinburgh bypass has many roundabouts, it's a long dual carriageway with sliproads.09:11
MartijnVdSthey're starting to replace every crossing with roundabouts around here as well09:11
MartijnVdSWe're at 80ish km/hr winds here atm09:12
MartijnVdSdwatkins: http://estofex.org/09:13
dwatkinshttp://www.bbc.co.uk/travelnews/edinburghandeastscotland/trafficcameras/ - many roundabouts on the bypass to be seen here if you zoom in, I'm at the junction of the A720 and the A71 at about 9 o'clock on this map.09:13
dwatkinsyeah, it's pretty severe here.09:13
MartijnVdShttp://buienradar.nl/wb.aspx?soort=wind&tijd=0 is also cool09:15
dwatkinsI tend to use yr.no for weather news, it has a handy all-in-one graph: http://www.yr.no/place/United_Kingdom/Scotland/Edinburgh/hour_by_hour.html09:17
MartijnVdSbuienradar has something like that as well, but in a buggy layout09:18
dwatkinsThe image is at a consistent URL by the look of it, so you could set the background or have a webpage which updated every hour or so.09:18
dwatkinsThere's an Android app, but it's awful, sadly. I imagine a meta refresh tag in a piece of html would do much better09:19
MartijnVdSdwatkins: The image is a copy of the one issued by KNMI (Royal Dutch Meteorological Institute)09:19
* dwatkins goes to knock one up09:19
dwatkinsaha :)09:19
dwatkinsI used to support KNMI's cluster, they have a lot of compute power there.09:19
dwatkinsLooks like the police have moved the lamp post.09:20
MartijnVdSbut.. it might be powered! health! safety! :P09:20
JamesTaitGood morning all, happy new year!10:10
occupy64kHappy new year10:10
bigcalmIs +39 Germany?10:31
dwatkins+39 is Italy, note that you should include the zero with Italian numbers10:32
bigcalmI'm unlikely to call it, just pondering an email from somebody wanting to use our services10:33
dwatkinswho needs a telephone when there's VoiP, anyway? ;-)10:34
gordgord does! can't figure voip out10:34
dwatkins(I'm joking because there isn't yet a VoiP service that's universal and easy to use that isn't owned by MS)10:34
* popey hugs voip10:34
* popey hugs his cisco 794010:34
dwatkinsI like SIP, but there's no central repository, and no clear mechanism to call from one network to another that I'm aware of.10:35
occupy64kGNU Free Call?10:35
daubersdwatkins: The mechanism to call between networks is POTS :)10:35
dwatkinsdaubers: oh, that's a shame10:35
dwatkinsI have a sipgate.co.uk account which has an incoming number in Reading, so my relatives can call me via a local number.10:35
daubersThough some voip providers do have a mechanism to go voip -> voip10:36
popeyyeah, i have a sipgate number coming to my desk :D10:36
popeyand a voip number from work10:36
dwatkinsSkype is great in theory, but the whole supernode thing is a bit of a pain, and it's blocked in my office.10:36
dwatkinspopey: do you use the Tandberg software to make all your phones ring, too?10:36
gordskype would be nice if the software was better, though i'd like google talk on my phone or something. have a data only simcard and do everything through that10:38
dwatkinsI wonder if google will bring Voice over to the UK someday soon10:39
gordwould be nice - or just make android -> android calls free or something ;)10:39
daubersCan you nto do that with hangouts?10:40
daubersor does that not work on android at the moment?10:40
AlanBellit kind of works, but is video as well as audio10:40
AlanBelland on speakerphone10:41
brobostigongood morning everyone.10:41
dwatkinsI've not tried hangouts, sounds pretty good10:41
gordwell ideally, it would be nice if when i go to make a call, if it see's that someone has a gmail email address associated or something and notes they are online somehow, it just runs through gtalk. we have gtalk right? not the phone numbers, but the ability to talk through google somehow10:42
popeydwatkins: no10:42
dwatkinsgord: precisely, if you could do that, it would be great10:42
MartijnVdSgord: same with texting vs gtalk10:42
gorddoes the messaging thing have non text integration on android yet? i've not really looked at ICS. i hate the messaging app on android10:43
stgrabergord: n900 has that. Before I switched to my current Android phone I'd call or text someone and it'd ask me if I want to call them using phone/sip1/sip2/xmpp/skype and same for text10:43
MartijnVdSgord: no :(10:44
stgrabernever could get the same kind of integration on Android ...10:44
MartijnVdSThe integration could be done easily, I think... but you'd have to cope with people who don't have Android phones but who do use gtalk on the desktop10:44
MartijnVdS(and other exceptions)10:44
gordthats fine, there are already messaging applications that do that, its just that if i want to IM someone i have to use one application, but to text them i have to use another10:45
stgraberMartijnVdS: xmpp/gtalk has a flag saying "mobile" so you can already know if your contact is a phone or a computer10:45
MartijnVdSstgraber: true10:45
daubersSo who hasn't seen emfcamp?10:58
jutnuxMe. What is it?10:58
bigcalmWhat's that?10:59
daubershttp://www.emfcamp.org/ <- some people trying to organise something like CCC in the uk :)10:59
jutnuxApplied for it.11:00
* popey joins #ukhackcamp11:01
davmor2morning all and a happy new year!11:03
gorddavmor2! morning, what date did you set for the work room thingy again?11:04
MooDoomorning davmor211:05
davmor2MooDoo: morning dude11:05
davmor2MooDoo: did you go for the same resolution as me to annoy czajkowski more in 2012?11:05
Pendulumdavmor2: I see you go for resolutions you think you can attain11:06
davmor2gord: 26th11:06
czajkowskidavmor2: *hugs* missed you too!!11:06
Pendulumrather than the bog standard ones that no one manages for more than a month11:06
davmor2Pendulum: I like to think I do :)11:06
gordawesome, adding to the calender :)11:07
davmor2czajkowski: prod I'm baaaaaaaaaccccccccckkkkkkkkkk!11:07
dwatkinshappy new year all :)11:11
jutnuxHappy new year ;-D11:17
davmor2happy new year dwatkins jutnux11:18
matttmorning morning11:27
daubersHmm.... power is fluctuatin madly11:36
jutnuxSkyrim time \o/11:37
* MartijnVdS shoots an arrow at jutnux' knee11:37
gordNO! no more of that11:37
* daubers goes to get lunch while the power is being weird11:37
gordwe left that behind in 201111:37
oimonjust rebooted my desktop PC because it's the start of a new year. how gratuitous of me...only 69 days uptime11:37
MartijnVdSgord: We did?11:37
jutnuxoimon: Do you just hibernate?11:38
oimonjutnux: no, it's my work PC, i just leave it on all the time11:38
jutnuxOh right11:38
oimonfeel bad cos it didn't need a reboot really11:38
jutnuxMy alarm failed to go off this morning11:38
jutnuxStupid Tune-In11:38
oimonthe wind kept me awake..no alarm req'd11:39
oimonand i was excited to go back to work of course :)11:39
oimonshould i be able to suspend my home PC which has an nvidia card and the proprietary drivers as installed by ubuntu 11.10? doesn't suspend for me12:09
MartijnVdSProprietary drivers + suspend... I wish you luck :)12:10
oimonyeah ..:(12:10
christelit is seriously wet outside12:10
MartijnVdSchristel: also, seriously windy12:11
christel(and in my porch, for some bizarre reason the wind is keeping my letter box open, which in turn is letting the rain in)12:11
MartijnVdSDuct tape \o/12:11
christelbut then i'd never get your love letters :(12:13
popeyyou need one of those brushes on the inside of the letter box slot12:13
oimoni have the brishes but not the internal flap12:15
christelstylish even!12:15
christeli have an internal flap, whethere there are brushes inside it i dont know -- i am scared of the letter box thingie12:15
oimonthe missis wants a porch though :(12:15
davmor2Man I hate coming back to work after a holiday Tooooooo many emails12:15
* MartijnVdS has a flap with springs in it, so it won't open unless you REALLY try12:15
oimonmost of my emails were from bacula who never sleeps12:16
christeli go all panick-y when people get stuck in it12:16
christelerrr, things, not people12:16
christelbecause i never dare put my fingers in to pull stuff out12:16
MartijnVdSchristel: People? In your mailbox? :)12:16
christel(we have post boxes back home in my country, thus i presume that the letter box is actually a monster mouth full of teeth!)12:16
christelMartijnVdS: :P12:16
MartijnVdSWe actually have a government standard(!) dictating the minimum sizes: 265mm x 32mm and between 0.6m and 1.8m above the ground12:18
oimonseen the raspberry pi auctions? they are doing well12:18
MartijnVdSthey're auctioning RPis?12:18
jutnuxHow much are thye at the minute oimon?12:18
MartijnVdSjutnux: £2k and £1k12:18
oimonfollow @raspberry_pi on tw*tter12:19
MartijnVdSoimon: "twitter" isn't a family-unfriendly word afaik ;)12:19
oimoni know the real reason the RPi is delayed...they spend all their time answering questions from numpties who won't read the FAQ12:20
MartijnVdSoimon: but one of their blog posts pointed me to sugru. The family loved that christmas present :)12:20
oimonthis year i really want to move from twitter to g+ as most of my twitter people are probably RSSfeeds anyway12:21
* MartijnVdS G+es12:21
MartijnVdStoo bad nobody seems to read what I post there12:21
gordtwitter got a bit too noisy for me and i'm a bit too lazy to prune it12:21
* oimon adds MartijnVdS12:22
oimonwe should probably do a bit more g+ tarting in this irc12:23
gordhttp://gordallott.com/+ ;)12:24
* oimon adds gord too12:24
bigcalmhttp://cuth.eu/+ </band_waggon_jumping>12:24
gordman, they really made html5 tags for everything12:25
oimonhopefully now it won't just be popey filling up my g+ feed12:27
MartijnVdSYeah he's good at that :)12:27
MartijnVdSTogether with AlanBell12:27
AlanBellI am not that verbose12:28
AlanBellfollow fab for that12:28
bigcalmAlanBell: what happaned to the beard?!12:29
oimonfab scher? i unfgollowed him due to excessive trolling12:29
MartijnVdSoimon: too bad it's not trolling :(12:29
AlanBellbigcalm: a strong gust of wind blew it off12:29
daubersIf you suffer from low blood pressure, I suspect following fab may be medically advisable12:30
bigcalmDid you use just for men? Your beard looked surprisingly dark compared to other visible hair... ;)12:30
AlanBellmy hair is all dark brown I will have you know12:30
oimona beard changes the face shape enormously12:31
sammmHazRPG: My hemmeroids are flaring up so badly and are so painful ATM. :(12:32
bigcalmThat's trolling12:32
oimonmust be a mental issue12:33
oimonhmm gnome doesn't honour my preferred browser choice of chromium12:36
BigRedSdid you tell it in all three places?12:37
oimonjust 212:38
oimon the Akash — which is the world’s cheapest tablet — has received 1.4 million pre-orders in just two weeks.That’s a rate of 100,000 customers for the $45 tablet every day and, according to Times of India, manufacturer Datawind is duly increasing its production capacity by opening three new factories to churn out more of the in-demand device.12:41
BigRedSit's *opening factories* based on one product's sales12:53
BigRedSI can't remember all three places. I presume you've done Gnome's preferences and update-alternatives?12:53
BigRedSoimon: ^12:53
jutnuxI want an Akash :-(13:01
popey2009 - Viglen13:08
popey2010 - Joggler13:08
popey2011 - Microserver13:08
popey2012 - Akash ?13:08
daubersTandoori restaurant?13:09
oimonwhat jutnux means is that he wants an expensive tablet but will settle for a cheapo one :)13:09
oimonBigRedS: done all 3 now..now i'm thinking the issue is application specific i.e. hotot and couple of others13:10
TheOpenSourcererHappy New Year everyone.13:10
BigRedSoimon: ah, what was the third?13:11
oimon2007 - asus eee pc13:11
oimon2008 - ?13:11
oimonBigRedS: i checked in the actual browser prefs "i'm the default browser"13:12
jutnuxoimon: No :p, I just want to test it out ;)13:13
oimonjust received my vmware ice scraper :-\13:15
jutnuxmy friend got an ebuyer one13:16
oimonwhen you're a valued customer of ebuyer you know things are getting bad13:17
oimonthere's some good deals on unhealthy food right now in the shops13:21
dwatkinsaren't there always? ;)13:22
oimoneven better now that chrimstas is over and nobody wants to eat any more crisps and peanuts etc..except me13:23
jutnuxI do :|13:23
oimonDesktop PCs and laptops using processors based on ARM Holdings Plc's architecture will account for 10 percent of total PCs by 2013, eroding demand for traditional processors using Intel Corp.'s chipsets, Morgan Stanley said Monday. The figure, which is higher than the 3.5 percent projected by International Data Corp. (IDC), will represent roughly 39 million PCs, excluding tablet computers, the U.S. investment bank said in a research note.13:24
dwatkinsdoes that mean I can get an Archimedes? ;)13:24
oimoni'll sell you my A300013:25
oimondoesn't it have a weird vga port?13:25
dwatkinsI didn't think it was VGA, I thought it was fairly proprietary like the BBC Micro's RGB port.13:26
jutnuxWhy do i eat at my desk :'(13:27
jutnuxNow there are crums everywhere13:27
oimonmy dad used to love saying crumbs and "stone the crows!"13:30
gordyou dear. need a bib.13:31
dwatkinsI often find myself using alternative words, e.g. "For fate's sake!"13:31
MooDoo"frak" :()13:33
* dwatkins grins at MooDoo 13:34
oimonanyone tried magic elves?13:34
dwatkinsGreat show, that.13:34
oimonchocolate with space dust inside13:34
dwatkinsDoes something happen if you rub them together, oimon?13:34
dwatkinsWe're all just stardust...13:34
oimonor "popping candy" as the USians call it13:38
jutnuxpopey: How is that Zoostorm PC working out for you?13:39
popeypretty good13:40
popeyam on it right now13:40
popeyit's quite cheap.13:40
jutnuxYeah I had a look13:40
jutnuxBy the way did the guys at bitfolk give you your referral bonus or whatever the heck it is?13:40
popeythats lshw13:41
oimonhow cheap?13:42
oimonmy nephew wants a PC capable of minecraft server13:42
jutnuxoimon: http://www.ebuyer.com/251310-zoostorm-desktop-7873-103613:43
popeyoimon: i run minecraft server on a revo13:44
oimon4gb ram?13:44
oimonyeah, my nephew has 2gb max allowed on his mobo.13:44
oimonpc is otherwise okayish13:44
popeyhow many people will connect to it?13:45
oimonnot many i don't reckon13:45
popey2GB should be fine13:45
zleapchat later13:45
oimoni would like to encourage him though as i would like him to start learning linux13:45
jutnuxHow old is he?13:46
hamitronafternoon peeps13:46
MartijnVdSoimon: so.. 0.93333313:46
oimonICT at school is poo, and is actually putting him off computers13:46
jutnuxHello ham13:46
jutnuxoimon: Agreed. Stupid word processing :-(13:47
popeyoimon: http://codeyear.com/ get him on that?13:47
jutnuxI have to sit through it everyday.13:47
oimonand he lives too far from me to go round and show him cool stuff13:47
=== HypnoBox is now known as TheHypnotist_
oimoni went round to fix his PC the other day, but for petrol costs i could have purchased a nvidia card from ebuyer for the same price13:48
oimonPCIe graphics card had blown..stripes on screen even in bios13:48
MartijnVdSoimon: Install a robot, help him remotely using the robot arm as your avatar/proxy13:48
MartijnVdSoimon: THEN teach him how to make/control one of his own :)13:49
oimonwhat's codeyear? any language in particular?13:49
jutnuxI think it is a web language13:49
jutnuxDon't know though13:49
popeyI think it starts with javascript13:49
hamitronoimon, computers are like maths imo, apply them to something someone is already interested in, and they will get interested13:49
oimonyeah...like getting minecraft server running13:50
oimonhe is too interested in skyrim etc right now13:50
hamitronI was thinking, maybe music, cars or something13:51
hamitrongames tend to encourage people to windows ;)13:51
MartijnVdSComputer games, distracting smart young people from coding since the 1970s ;)13:51
oimoni played 10 hrs of zelda since christmas day, that's quite impressive since i have no free time13:52
hamitronyou "had" 10 hours until you loaded that game ;)13:53
oimonpopey 2012 - playbook13:53
popeythe what?13:53
popeyI was being facecious ☺13:53
oimonstill don't think people would buy the playbook if it was free13:54
jutnuxI wish companies didn't sell PCs with OSs on as it bumps up the price13:54
jutnuxand all I do is wipe it off and put Ubuntu on13:54
BigRedSyou can get them without OSs13:54
jutnuxI know but13:54
popeyzoostorm sell naked computers13:54
BigRedSbut the price isnt *that* much lower. Windows only costs ~£5 to the OEMs13:54
popeyalthough mine came with windows 713:54
oimonmore like 35-50 BigRedS13:54
BigRedSoimon: Oh, fair enough.13:55
oimonor in my experience £6413:55
hamitronwindows is "free" once you take into account crapware?13:55
jutnuxEither way it gets removed :P13:56
jutnuxSystem76 is quite cheap though13:58
hamitronI sort of like an OS installed, to check everything is working though :)13:58
directhexwindows is subsidized. in some cases it's cheaper than free for the OEM14:00
hamitronthe MS tax on android devices annoys me more tbh14:00
smittixAfternoon all14:00
hamitroneven though I don't use android, just don't like someone getting something for nothing14:01
oimondirecthex: are you getting involved with eOS then?14:02
directhexhamitron, agreed14:03
directhexoimon, ?14:03
oimondirecthex: wrong person woops :)14:03
oimoni'm really struggling to get back in the swing of things today after 3wks off14:10
directhexoimon, i've got a stack to get through14:12
directhexcan't afford to slack14:12
oimoni finished a lot of tasks before the break so i have to work up the enthusiasm to find new ones that i'll enjoy14:12
oimonall the outstanding stuff is drudgery and paperwork14:13
oimonnot v inspiring14:13
jutnuxBrb, going to do a practice exam paper.14:14
* daubers needs staff14:16
MartijnVdSdaubers: Hire some14:17
MartijnVdSdaubers: the economy could use the boost :P14:17
daubersMartijnVdS: I'm trying too dammit!14:17
hamitronfirst deliveries of the year, high speed winds and rain14:21
* hamitron shivers14:22
hamitronoimon, paperwork actually seems rather appealing atm14:23
MartijnVdSit's raining so hard here, I can't see the next building.. about 150m away14:24
MartijnVdSalso, wind14:24
hamitronnot that bad here14:24
hamitronbut not great motorcycling weather still14:25
oimonsuns just popped out14:25
oimonit's freezing in my office though14:25
hamitronI'm gonna get set off14:26
* hamitron shivers some more14:26
samanthahello ubuntu-uk :)14:30
samanthahappy new year14:30
samanthaand now the the please help me bit14:31
brobostigonafternoonings samantha14:31
popeymy spidey-sense is tingling14:31
samanthai am trying to debug a script, but my syslog is spammed with not enough space in MgmtRing, MgmtRingFullCount=15103705!14:32
samanthacan i disable logging for wifi? for a bit so i can debug my scripts?14:32
samanthahey brobostigon , thanks for the welcome14:34
oimon/etc/rsyslog.d has config files, or alternatively send your logging to a different file.14:37
samanthagood news oimon14:38
samanthayay i fixed it, well i 'right-clicked' network manager doh! and disable wireless was an option14:42
samanthaomg tho :O the wireless log spam did suspend my cron jobs14:43
samanthaoh puddle, it wasnt that14:46
oimonhttp://www.ie6countdown.com/ < over 25% of china are on ie614:49
MartijnVdStheir loss14:54
oimonalthough my touchpad running android is reporting an ipad ua string :)14:56
directhexmost of china is running pirated XP, hence all the IE614:56
oimonwhy would that restrict the browser version?14:59
MartijnVdSBecause MS doesn't allow updates on pirated XP15:00
samanthai may have to get xp :(, cant watch lovefilm streams now because of sliverlight15:01
DaraelTried moonlight?15:02
MartijnVdSsamantha: Why XP then? Win7 does silverlight too. And moonlight.15:02
samanthadrm is not part of moonlight15:02
samanthaxp is zippy MartijnVdS15:02
MartijnVdSso is win7 on my machine :)15:02
samanthabut you can by xp for 27 pence :O15:03
DaraelComplain at lovefilm first, at least.15:03
MartijnVdSMS will stop updates for it in 201415:03
samanthawell i am sure its cheaper than win715:04
samanthai have done Darael15:04
samanthaand will continue to do so15:04
oimonnetflix are coming to uk i believe15:04
samanthai heard its not getting revised on tnt MartijnVdS15:04
gordsamantha, happen to have an xbox360 or a ps3 anywhere? i watch all my lovefilm on my ps3. would just quit lovefilm if i didn't have that. not worth fussing about with windows just to watch a movie15:04
samanthaoh gord everyone tells me to buy an xbox15:04
gordoh don't buy an xbox for it, that would be silly ;)15:05
davmor2samantha: PS3 is better doubles as a blu-ray player too15:05
samanthalol it would be but, for chatting and stuffs and my daughter tells me to get skyrim15:05
gordi think ps3 is a nicer device to have, but you can get really basic xboxes for really cheep15:06
oimonor just switch to an alternate film streaming service15:07
oimoni can't remember the last film i watched15:07
DaraelI'm in favour of the PS3, although I've still not forgiven Sony for removing the Other OS option, especially after they said they wouldn't.15:08
davmor2samantha: ps3 has skyrim too and there is a web browser for chat/twitter/facebook15:09
directhexthe ps3 user interface is still junk. but microsoft have been making the 360 steadily worse, so it's almost as bad now15:09
DaraelThe PS3 /is/ the technically superior platform.15:10
oimonxbox hardware seems duff15:11
samanthaas i havent had either, i am flumuxed, i hear you need to buy network access for xbox15:11
oimoni hear of a lot of broken consoles15:11
davmor2the only thing that erks me is that most games are still only 720p duh15:11
oimonsamantha: true, xbox live is a paid service15:11
directhexoimon, that's pretty much a resolved issue15:11
samanthaso i should get a ps315:11
directhexdavmor2, or less. on both consoles15:11
directhexDarael, that's still not entirely true15:11
oimondirecthex:not the ring of death but some other faults.  my bro in law suffered a fail on the november update. MS replaced the console without admitting liability explicitly15:12
Daraeldirecthex: It was the last time I checked, which was, admittedly, quite some time ago.15:12
* jutnux got 31/A* on that mock \o/15:12
directhexDarael, the ps3 hardware is unbalanced and hard to program effectively, which neuters the areas where it's better15:12
DaraelA fair point, actually.15:13
* oimon has a wii :-\15:14
MooDoooimon: me too :D15:14
oimonMooDoo: got skyward sword?15:14
directhexi've got a wii, a ps3 and a 36015:17
directhexi'd say they all have their good points, but i'd be lying. the wii is a wii.15:18
jutnux360 \o/15:18
jutnuxThe Wii is good for new years15:18
MooDoooimon: no not got many games really15:18
samanthaso, with the ps3 you dont need to buy anything like xboxlive to watch lovefilm?15:18
directhexour party console is the ps3. all the singstars & guitar heroes etc15:18
directhexsamantha, no. you need to pay for lovefilm though obviously15:18
jutnuxI have Singstar on the Wii, I think.15:19
brobostigonthe closest i have to a games console, is my old sinclair spectrum.15:19
oimoni don't have a flash tv either15:19
oimonit's a CRT15:19
samanthayes directhex thanks, i watched the girl who kicked the hornets nest, it was great then lovefilm sent an email saying linux will no longer be supported from 2012, booo!15:19
gorddavmor2, kinda funny, most games are actually way less than 720p, they run internally at 500->600p - we aren't much higher than the good old playstation days really ;)15:26
davmor2gord: indeed which is shocking really when you know you have at least 720p minimum pretty much15:29
gorddavmor2, well, its just been too long since the hardware got bumped, can't do a lot with the kinda gpus they have15:29
samanthaxbox =$145, ps3=$180 and wii=$99, no pound symbol15:31
samanthaMartijnVdS, show off :p15:31
MartijnVdSsamantha: I also have € :)15:31
samanthaeasy tiger!15:31
DaraelI've got an Indian Rupee sign somewhere, but I think I have to enable it.15:32
DaraelAnd since it's a reasonably recent addition to Unicode there's no guarantee it'd render.15:32
MartijnVdS₨ ?15:32
popeygolly, xbox is 180 odd on amazon15:32
samanthai looked at game.co.uk popey15:33
bigcalmSynergy won't send &pound; (and other chars). So I have a habbit of saying quid :)15:33
gordhuh, just noticed a little speaker icon next to my google search box, seems i can search by talking at google now15:34
MartijnVdSyou can, if you have amic15:34
gordpopey, they have a bunch of different versions of xbox, some much cheaper than others, but like you get a massive 4gb hard drive or something15:35
MartijnVdSgord: Massive 4GB?15:35
gordi was being sarcastic, ignore me15:35
MartijnVdSas opposed to the massive 300GB one in the PS3 :)15:35
samanthawhat monitor port is there on ps3? my display has analog and dvi15:36
gordhdmi and composite15:36
DaraelBah, the 60 gig was the best PS3.  Had an Emotion Engine in it, for full PS2 support, and stuff.  User-upgradeable HDD, too.15:36
gordcomponent even15:36
DaraelHDMI is the same format as DVI.15:36
DaraelOne can get a simple adaptor that'll do the job, IIRC.15:37
gordwell no, not quite15:37
gordif the monitor doesn't support the drm, you won't be able to play blurays15:37
DaraelHave to make separate arrangements for audio, though.15:37
DaraelAh, yes.  That.  Bugrit.15:37
samanthathat sucks gord15:37
oimonthat's outrageous15:38
samanthamaybe with sopa pipa and now sliverlight i should boycott Hollywood all together15:38
oimonand the fact that their films are lame15:38
gordmost monitors do support the hdmi drm to be honest, its just something to check15:38
samanthawhen i installed moonlight my system informed me the software could access all files on my computer15:39
samanthai guess sliverlight does the same15:39
DaraelSilverlight is Windows software, ergo it wraps its slimy fingers into the guts of the system.15:39
Darael(OK, that's not universally true, but it's true of the vast majority of software for Windows.  It has to, to run at all)15:40
Darael...I'm being unfair, aren't I?15:40
samanthaits creepy15:41
samanthayou and me are considered criminal for buying a title/service15:41
oimoncan you go from hdmi -> dvi port on a monitor without losing quality?15:41
oimon(in general)15:41
bigcalmThe only thing you lose will be audio15:41
DaraelIf the monitor supports the resolution, yes.  The image format is the same, sans the DRM.15:42
samanthagotta go, take care and buh bye15:42
gordits digital, losing "quality" isn't an issue ;)15:42
popeyevery pixel is sacred15:43
bigcalmEvery pixel is gooooood15:43
DaraelEv'ry pixel is needed15:43
MartijnVdSNetwork neighborhood?15:43
* daubers gets the gnu15:43
bigcalmAnny get your gnu?15:44
MartijnVdS♫ We all live in a Windows subroutine15:44
smittixwindows subroutine15:44
MartijnVdSOr "Deadlock holiday".. or "Another cron bites the dust"15:45
DaraelKill(1)er Queen?15:46
davmor2bigcalm: Happy new year DUDE!15:50
bigcalmdavmor2: ahoy and HNY :)15:50
archieanyone there16:04
lubotu3another contentless ping... sigh...16:05
archieanyone there16:05
MooDoooh congrats AlanBell :)16:05
popeyoimon: my nvidia-based machine suspends and wakes no problem16:11
* popey thinks 'hello' might have been a better response to archie there16:11
* daubers isn't really with it16:18
dauberspopey: seen this? http://realtimerendering.com/erich/minecraft/public/mineways/16:18
oimonpopey: hmmm :(16:20
oimonit suspend/waked ok when i had a different card in the pc16:20
oimon(and nouveau drivers)16:21
oimonwhat's the best gantt chart software for linux?16:25
gordi don't think i have anything that doesn't suspend/wake okay anymore :) life is good16:26
popeydaubers: hah, awesome16:28
jutnuxThere's a cheap 3d printer out there it works with too I think16:30
jutnux16gb memory stick for £8.99 \o/16:43
zleapnot bad16:44
bigcalm1) is it of good quality? 2) is it fast?16:44
bigcalmThe quality is there. Doesn't give any information on transfer speeds though16:45
jutnuxSome people have ran some tests and it's like 4mb/s write and 15mb/s read16:45
jutnuxNot too fast but it's only £816:45
* jutnux hit the 8 instead of 916:46
bigcalmBut still good for the money16:46
jutnuxand free postage16:46
Supermanintightshey guys, if i've done a dualboot with ubuntu/windows - and my windows side seems to have just corrupted itself on boot - is it you guys, or ##windows i'm best speaking to for help?16:58
=== _silner is now known as silner
gordSupermanintights, well technically ##windows, but who knows, maybe someone here can help too17:00
bigcalmSupermanintights: try ##windows 1st17:00
bigcalmBut ask around17:00
Supermanintightsok, cool - i'll ask over there, then if that fails, i'll come back to here - cheers :)17:01
oimonasus are eejits17:06
oimoni really wanted one of those17:06
popeythey even did a OTA update on the transformer (non-prime) over xmas which made it harder to root17:06
oimonbut i wanted to own it17:06
oimonasus have only a short time to turn this around17:06
popeywow, that article is really overplaying it17:07
=== 18WAAZ4D8 is now known as silner
davmor2czajkowski: Prod!!!!!17:09
* czajkowski hugs davmor2 17:10
davmor2czajkowski: Ah I love you too :D17:11
davmor2czajkowski: I've spent entire day whittling emails I hate first days back,  5328 → 300 or so important ones17:12
czajkowskidavmor2: new me no poking prodding kicking or stabbing17:12
czajkowskilets see how long this lasts17:12
mgdmI give it 24 hours17:13
davmor2czajkowski: You did see my new years resolution right :D17:13
czajkowskidavmor2: yes dear17:13
davmor2czajkowski: I'll be back on track with that tomorrow now I've played catch up ;)17:14
czajkowskicannot wait17:18
davmor2czajkowski: I put you resolution to the test ;)17:21
directhexmaybe they'll announce unity actually tracking window focus well enough that the menu bar you see at the top reflects the currently visible window?17:23
directhexi am sick and tired of clicking the red X in unity, and having a window unrelated to what i was looking at get closed. especially when the closed window was playing audio17:26
popeyyeah, that's annoying17:26
faiobhi body, good new year!17:37
faiobThere is peapel know, how to do for found the cron is start in my /var/log/auth.log ?17:39
dwatkinsI'm not sure I understand your question, faiob; would it be easier in another language, assuming English isn't your mother tongue?17:54
zleapdirecthex, i agree with you on that one18:00
jutnuxGotta say18:04
jutnuxAmazon has made it easy to buy music18:04
MartijnVdSso has Ubuntu (One) ;)18:09
jutnuxI presume you get the .mp318:11
davmor2jutnux: Yeap, plus it is stored on you U1 account so can be added to any Ubuntu device plus android and ios too18:12
jutnuxAlbums are a little bit more expensive in some cases though.18:12
jutnuxI think I'll alternate between the two18:13
christeli need some alans please18:13
czajkowskithe U1 team is the 2nd most helpful on  IRC with issues and for feedback18:13
* popey stands to attention18:13
czajkowskichristel: talk to TheOpenSourcerer18:13
* popey flounces off18:13
davmor2popey: run save yourself you fool18:13
christelpopey: apparently you may step down, czajkowski didn't specify which alan i needed!18:13
jutnuxczajkowski: Indeed. I guess U1 will be cheaper in some cases and amazon in others :-P18:14
czajkowskiI buy music on U118:14
TheOpenSourcererwazzup christel18:14
czajkowskigadgets on amazon18:14
jutnuxAll I need18:14
jutnuxis education at home18:14
christelTheOpenSourcerer: hai! i need some help -- i am trying to think of a 60th birthday present for my golfmad mother in law -- i was thinking one night incl. dinner and breakfast + two rounds of golf (montgomerie one day and twenty ten course the next) at celtic manor? would that be appreciated by a golfer?18:14
jutnuxand then I wouldn't ever need to go out again18:15
christelor is it a daft present?18:15
TheOpenSourcererWow! That sounds great.18:15
christel(they live in bristol, so celtic manor seemed a good choice locationwise)18:15
TheOpenSourcererI'd be delighted to have that.18:15
czajkowskichristel: send them to lahinch for a golfing weekend18:15
jutnuxIt sounds good and I'm not in love with Golf.18:15
czajkowskieat and drink all weekend18:15
czajkowskifly into shannon18:15
christelczajkowski: i did consider ireland actually18:15
TheOpenSourcererI'n being summoned for supper. Must dash.18:16
christeland thank you18:17
=== jacobw is now known as tangowhisky
daubersHmmm.. the "textbook" for my current OU course has a section devoted to canonical19:55
davmor2daubers: what are you studying?19:59
daubersdavmor2: TU100 "My Digital Life" it's a bit simple, but needed for the CS degree20:02
TheOpenSourcererThis is quite amazing: http://scaleofuniverse.com/20:02
daubersthis bit is about cloud computing20:02
davmor2daubers: nice :)20:02
jacobwi did M150 and T175 in their last presentations before TU100 took over20:08
jacobwi should have done TU100 if any, M150 and T175 were boring.20:09
daubersjacobw: As is tu100....20:10
dauberssense is an awful language that is slow to work with and a bit too "colour by numbers" to be of any real teaching use except with under 10's20:11
jacobwat least m150 had javascript, even if it was 'optional'20:11
jacobwmany of the students were unhappy about having to program, which is ridiculous, and the tutors were very happy to point out how optional the javascript part of the course was20:12
jutnuxWe got to do some "programming" at school20:14
jutnuxinvalid HTML520:14
davmor2daubers: Yes but is is language agnostic enough to teach you programming/scripting basics that you can build on in really languages?  and also don't foget you don't know at what level the course is aimed at :)20:14
ali1234degree level?20:15
jacobwOU level 1 is not degree level20:15
jutnuxOpen University?20:16
ali1234what's the point of it then?20:16
daubersdavmor2: It's supposed to be university level 1. It's also really not that agnostic, since it works a bit like turtle did (i.e. pen down, move 10 blah blah)20:16
daubersI'd love to find a graphical programming language that still works that way20:16
jacobwi came to the conclusion there was no point20:17
ali1234(or just logo)20:17
davmor2daubers: Yeah what I'm saying though is there is a difference between a graduate course and a course that earns you points so you can get on the graduate course and the level can be that of coming from no experience in programming at all if that makes sense20:18
jacobwmost of the other students on my course were middle aged and recently unemployed20:19
davmor2daubers: so the question remains can it teach easily the idea of variables, loops, programming block layouts etc without being as specific as certian other languages need to be if that makes sense20:20
daubersdavmor2: Not really. There is no idea of typing in the variables at all20:21
smittixEvening all, Does anyone know of a decent download manager that downloads files in chunks?20:21
jutnuxsmittix: FatRat, jDownloader..20:21
ali1234typing is not essential for a teaching language20:21
smittixI use IDM in windows. Was looking for something similar.20:21
ali1234it just gets in the way20:21
jutnuxMy idea of learning is not like school learning20:21
jutnuxClassroms = bore20:21
davmor2daubers: then it sucks and they should use python :D20:21
jacobweverbody should use python :)20:22
daubersdavmor2: :p Knowing about types is quite important even in non strongly typed languages like python20:22
smittixjutnux: Thank's I will try FatRat. I didn't know jDownloader did segmentation/20:22
ali1234no it isn't20:22
jutnuxsmittix: I don't think it does haha20:22
daubersI've seen several conversations on my course of "If I type in two and multiply it by 4 why doesn't it work"20:22
ali1234that's a perfectly reasonable question20:23
jutnuxNo it isn't20:23
AlanBelltwotwotwotwo is a reasonable answer20:23
jutnux^ Indeed.20:23
ali1234python will give you that answer20:23
daubersali1234: It's not when you then have to use another programming language as an example as to what a variable type is20:23
ali1234and it's an answer that makes it clear why what happened, happened20:23
daubersand then get all the confused looks from the various other people who are now confused that programming isn't dropping coloured blocks on a screen20:24
AlanBell"eight" is a really good answer, not sure if there is any language that would do that20:24
ali1234you don't need to explain the concept of types to explain why 2 * "two" = "twotwo"20:24
jutnuxI find it hard explaining things20:24
jutnuxI don't know how teachers / instructors manage sometimes20:24
jacobwthe OU forums are dreadul20:24
daubersali1234: So you just go with the "It's magic" philosophy of not explaining why things ar ethe way they are?20:24
daubers"Thats an integer and that's a string" has automatically raised a question of types20:25
ali1234yeah and that's a poor way of explaining it20:25
daubersHow would you explain it without invoking some description of a type20:25
ali1234simply tell them that "two" and 2 are not equivalent20:25
daubersTo which they ask "why"20:26
dauberswhy are they not equivalent, 2 is the same as two in the english language20:26
ali1234do they look the same?20:26
daubersthey have the same meaning20:26
ali1234they have the same meaning *to a person*20:26
ali1234a computer is not a person20:26
daubersSo why doesn't the computer understand that?20:26
ali1234incidentally, if the person doesn't speak english, but is european, 2 and two don't have the same meaning20:27
ali1234a computer is not a person. computers don't understand anything20:27
daubersThat's not a reason why20:27
ali1234this is a much more valuable lesson than the difference between string and int20:27
daubersYou can also make variable overflow easy in sense20:28
daubersAs anything without a decimal is assumed to be an int20:28
daubersWhich has also raised the type question20:28
ali1234well, sense sucks20:29
jacobware they trying avoid acknowledging the existance of types?20:29
ali1234if you are going to make a dynamic typed language, at least make it promote rather than overflow20:29
ali1234but again, we're talking absolute introduction to programming here20:30
ali1234once they've understood the idea than computers don't have any undertsanding of the data they process then they are ready for things like types and bitwise logical operations20:30
ali1234see, when you have an absolute beginner, a good answer raises more questions20:31
* daubers remembers getting marked down on his physics degree for saying an "int" was a type with the reason that "it's too small to be useful"20:31
ali1234that way, they are learning without even realising it20:31
ali1234incidentally, the very first "programming" course on my degree was conducted in assembly language20:38
ali1234this is still a good place to start as it covers logic and control flow while making it painfully obvious that computers do not understand natural language20:39
jacobwi'm not sure why people think computers do understand natural languages20:40
ali1234because they are first taught high level languages that are very close to natural language, and don't understand what a compiler is doing20:40
jacobwperl :p20:42
ali1234perl is juts a horrible mess20:43
* jacobw agrees20:43
jacobwworryingly, many of the applications i support are written in perl :|20:44
zleapi thought perl was mainly for handling data20:44
jacobwit can do anything really, and 'handling data' is kind of a broad spectrum20:45
ali1234computers in general are for handling data20:46
ali1234they literally can't do anything else20:46
zleapgood point20:46
Neoti_Laptophey ubuntu people... i'd like to find a list of all tv capture cards that are supported by ubuntu 10.10 mainly huappage cards?21:12
DJones!hcl | Neoti_Laptop I think there should be something in the links here21:13
lubotu3Neoti_Laptop I think there should be something in the links here: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection21:13
Neoti_LaptopExcellent thanks DJones21:20
czajkowskipopey: any idea who I poke re battery life on laptops with Ubuntu running on them ?21:21
DJonesNeoti_Laptop: Hopefully you found what you're looking for21:21
popeyczajkowski: wassup?21:31
czajkowskipopey: tosh should get 8hrs under windows, and is getting 4-5hrs under Ubuntu21:33
czajkowskiwant the other 4-3 hrs :)21:34
popeyGood luck with that.21:34
jutnuxczajkowski: Invest in one of these: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-Ixm0GNatFqQ/TVrOsQ_5rwI/AAAAAAAAIQo/2-NxkeB5f3U/s1600/usb_laptop_self-charger_cable_500.jpg21:35
jacobwshouldn't have to21:35
jacobwhaha, i didn't click that link21:36
jacobwits genius21:36
czajkowskiplus the USB port that charges isn't near the power socket21:36
popeyczajkowski: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/PowerManagementPMUtils21:38
czajkowskipopey: did the kids enjoy Santa ?21:38
czajkowskiand have a good christmas?21:38
popeyColin King is working on stuff, but I doubt it will ever give you the claimed 8 hours21:38
popeydid you test it under windows? did you actually get 8 hours?21:38
czajkowskipopey: thanks for the link.21:39
popeyyeah, they did21:39
popeythey are still off school, dont go back for a while21:39
jutnuxYour kids are lucky popey, I go back tomorrow :-(21:39
czajkowskino after about 4hrs of dealing with J and dad muttering in the background while we were doing stuff, the battery level had barely moved21:39
czajkowskigmb: post your fb comment on photoshoot to G+ so I can share there21:59
TheOpenSourcererAsus to release an unlocking tool for the prime bootloader: http://arstechnica.com/gadgets/news/2012/01/asus-to-unlock-transformer-primes-bootloader-update-to-android-4.ars21:59
jutnuxTheOpenSourcerer: Not much of a surprise as pretty much all purchasers were moaning about it.22:00
AlanBellI would think pretty much all purchasers have *no clue* what a bootloader is22:01
AlanBellhowever a noisy minority do, which is great22:01
TheOpenSourcererdunno AlanBell - It's quite a "geeky toy" if you ask me.22:01
TheOpenSourcererBTW The webos browser fails 100% to handle the POS interface22:02

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