
Prf_JakobSarvatt, RAOF: Hey16:02
Prf_JakobLooks like we will do the branch/rc-release the comming Friday or Monday.16:03
ricotzbryceh, hi :), happy new year16:57
ricotzbryceh, do you mind doing a new snapshot of libxkbcommon?16:57
brycehricotz, certainly, how soon is it needed?17:51
ricotzbryceh, wayland-demos for xedgers depends on the latest change, so would be nice if you have some time soon17:53
brycehricotz, ok thanks; it is on my todo list for doing near term.18:10
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brycehI'm planning on working on updating the wayland packages in a few weeks, so would be good to have that dependency in place for that work.18:10
tjaaltondebian has a snapshot from last week18:14
tjaaltonthough the version numbers are messed up, so it's older than ours18:15
brycehtjaalton, ok I'll check it out.  18:18
ricotztjaalton, oh, then it could be copied with a higher version18:22
ricotzbryceh, thanks18:22
tjaaltonyeah it'll eventually hit 0.1.0 for real :)18:24
brycehtjaalton, do you mean debian has a newer wayland snapshot?  Looks like their libxkbcommon is still  at 0.1.0~0-1 in git?18:38
tjaaltonbryceh: right, wayland..18:39
tjaaltonmaybe could ask kibi to update libxkbcommon too18:39
brycehmm, not a bad idea18:40
tjaaltonjust asked on #d-x18:40
brycehtjaalton, thanks18:42
tjaaltonah, only a handful of new commits to libxkbcommon19:19
tjaaltonricotz: do you want it in precise?19:43
ricotztjaalton, libxcbcommon, yes19:49
tjaaltonok, uploaded19:50
brycehtjaalton, thanks19:51
ricotztjaalton, thanks!19:51
tjaaltonbryceh: went all the way :)19:52
tjaaltoni'll take the heat if the d-exp update is somehow b0rked :)19:52
tjaaltonhaven't used pristine-tar much..19:52
brycehtjaalton, yeah wayland was the first time I encountered doing things that way.  I kinda liked it.20:34
tjaaltonbryceh: yep, certainly makes sense when doing snapshots20:37
RAOFPrf_Jakob: Woot!21:38
Sarvattyeah perfect timing, we'll be locked away in conference rooms in budapest doing precisy things all next week21:50
Sarvattfun on mesa master: sarvatt@kyoko{~/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/Steam}:wine Steam.exe21:52
Sarvatterr:module:load_builtin_dll failed to load .so lib for builtin L"OPENGL32.dll": /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/mesa/libGL.so.1: undefined symbol: xcb_glx_set_client_info_2arb21:52
Sarvattidr posted a patch to fix it at least, waiting for it to build to test it out21:53
RAOFSarvatt: Yeah, link against (a git snapshot of) libxcb-glx like a good boy. :)22:08
Sarvatti wonder if it even compiles yet, it hasn't in a few months or I was doing it wrong22:10
Sarvattmonths/over a year22:10
RAOFI *presume* it builds; surely there's a piglit test for create_context_profile?22:12
Sarvattsomeone in #dri-devel hitting the exact same issue i did over a year ago22:13
Sarvattcant remember how i worked around it22:13
brycehI've got a blueprint task "Communicate with the release team that we don't put previous point releases where they can't be found"23:44
brycehiirc the problem is that the .1 and .2 releases at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/ are pointing instead at the .3 release23:45
brycehhowever, I don't remember why we felt this was an issue, in the context of X updates in the point releases.23:46
brycehanyone else remember what the problem was?23:46

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