
Toph2Kiten,,, chrisTOPHer00:00
d1g1ta1Kiten: great analogy, and exactly my point, if I move /usr/bin to the USB drive, things will break when the USB drive is not present.  What is the *NIX equivalent for D:\program files?00:00
KitenToph2, ahh00:00
maheanuu_Bonne Fete pour tois aussi00:00
Kitend1g1ta1, uhh don't move /usr/bin to usb drive just make a that dir tree on the flash drive00:00
Kitenor whatever you want to call it00:01
urlin2u!fr | maheanuu00:01
ubottumaheanuu: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.00:01
d1g1ta1Kiten: how do you mean00:01
maheanuu_I can boot, I was doing some dj work and building disks for handing out to everyone that comes by yesterday and today but I  cant read or write to anything00:02
Kitend1g1ta1, uhh moving your /usr/bin to usb would brick your system00:02
Kiten*correction OS00:02
Kitenas it would software related not hardware ;p00:02
Kitenunless you were reading from a tape drive00:02
escottd1g1ta1, you are assuming that if you move something from c:\program files that it will work on windows which isn't always true. usually a program looks for libraries and in a particular place, but if your path is correct a well written binary should be runnable from anywhere00:03
d1g1ta1Kiten: yes, so what are you suggesting I do then.00:03
Kitend1g1ta1, make a folder on the usb called /usb then make one inside called usr and inside that bin00:03
Kitend1g1ta1, then add it to your path00:03
d1g1ta1escott: if I could get half my programs to install on the USB drive that would be a big improvement00:03
Kitend1g1ta1, like this PATH=$PATH:/media/usb/usr/bin00:04
escottd1g1ta1, why are you doing this?00:04
maheanuu_I boot fine, I cannot mount the cd drive or play a mp3 or wav or anything on it nor can I burn anything using K3b or any of the other burning programs nor can I play anything using any of the players  VLC Alsa etcdf00:04
d1g1ta1Kiten: got it.  and then how do I instruct the package manager or command line make etc utilities to install new programs in /usb/usr/bin ?00:05
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maheanuu_Is there a way to look at it using the terminal?00:05
d1g1ta1escott: security, disk space, etc00:05
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d1g1ta1escott: tiny HD, giant USB00:05
maheanuu_amine, where are you???   I am in French Polynesia00:05
Kitend1g1ta1, well there is either an ENV var or a config file but i can't remember how to do it00:05
Kitend1g1ta1, how tiny are you talking ?00:06
d1g1ta1too small for my 20 programs + data I need to install00:06
Kitend1g1ta1, i've got a puny little 8gb in my 73300:06
escottd1g1ta1, not sure how it helps security, but if you are concerned about space then look to set the usb as a mountpoint for something like /usr/local or /usr/games. in the past /usr could be its own mountpoint, but thats increasingly harder (and you won't get a bootable system without the usb)00:07
sprinklzcan someone look over a few lines of cron for me to make sure i did it right?00:08
dyd___goodnight and thank you all for helping00:08
d1g1ta1escott: yes, that's what I'm worried about... do you know how to make the package manager or make etc to install there?00:08
escottd1g1ta1, the thing to do is use the disk analyzer (or du) to figure out what is using the most space and is least critical and create a separate mount point for that00:08
escottd1g1ta1, you can always use a --prefix-dir when running ./configure if you are building by hand00:08
d1g1ta1escott: I'm good if I just don't install anything more on the internal drive...00:08
kylesmithIt's been 20 minutes, so I'm going to ask my question again: I'm having trouble accessing my encrypted home directory from another computer.  ecryptfs-mount-private is supposed to prompt me for a password, but it returns me directly back to the console without printing any errors or any other information.  How can I get this to work?00:08
Kitend1g1ta1, i can tell you from experience that browsers eat the most space00:08
d1g1ta1Kiten: I would love to put the browser on the USB00:09
Kitend1g1ta1, firefox is like 200 mb same with chromium, the thing to do is if you don't need a gui is to use lynx00:09
Kitend1g1ta1, they have a portable version somewhere00:09
d1g1ta1escott:  oh, so ./configure --prefix-dir ?00:09
Kitend1g1ta1, thats if you are compiling from source00:10
Kitenthat will not affect your package manager00:10
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escottd1g1ta1, ./configure --prefix=/usr/local and then set your fstab to mount the usb on /usr/local00:10
escottd1g1ta1, when you make install everything will be installed under /usr/local00:10
sprinklzcrontabs help?00:11
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Kitend1g1ta1: but like i said it won't affect your package manager00:11
escottsprinklz, just send us the line00:12
Resistancesprinklz:  what type of help do you need with crontabs?00:12
d1g1ta1escott: is there a way to make it go to /usb/usr/bin ?00:12
KitenGuest84702, did you need something ? :P00:12
escottd1g1ta1, sure just change the prefix. /usr/local is the traditional label is all00:13
d1g1ta1Kiten:  I will look for that, that will certainly help.  So is there a way to tell the package manager to download and install something on /usb/usr/bin ?00:13
SVNDRKiten: im at the ubuntu loading screen, and because my USB disk vibrates when you plug or unplug it, its constantly vibrating.. how long does it normally take to load? this time its not patience, i dont want to break my usb lol00:14
Kitend1g1ta1, there is but i can't recall whether you could set an env var or if it was a config file00:14
KitenSVNDR, uhhh thats a weird usb drive00:14
KitenSVDR what are your system specs ?00:14
Kitenon my netbook took around 20 - 30 secs to completely at the desktop boot00:15
d1g1ta1escott: so in my case, can I do ./configure --prefix=/usb/usr/bin ?00:15
Kitend1g1ta1, yes00:15
SVNDRKiten: yes it is lol exspensive though.. um about 3GB ram.. 32bit.. cant remember the rest lol00:15
escottd1g1ta1, yes00:15
KitenSVNDR well 3gb of ram will definitely not hurt00:16
KitenSVNDR you should at the worst boot  in 1-3 minutes00:16
KitenSVNDR, if you chose to jump straight to the installer that will take a little more time00:17
SVNDRKiten: is it supposed to be unplugging and plugging the usb in though? well i chose 'install to harddrive'00:17
KitenSVNDR ???? did you meant its mounting and unmounting or is it physically removing and plugging itself in ????00:18
SVNDRmounting and unmountig lol00:18
SVNDRno ghostly stuff00:18
SVNDRKiten: (initramfs) Unable to find medium containing live file system..00:19
KitenSVNDR, lol its not suppose to00:19
KitenSVNDR, and that would explain that error there00:20
KitenSVNDR, did you use the desktop iso or the usb iso ?00:20
Kiten*not sure what i meant there00:20
KitenSVNDR like i said not sure what i mean there00:21
SVNDRii downloaded the ISO for windows and used USB to install.. lol00:21
Kitenhmm i got the iso from ubuntu's site then used universal usb creator to make mine liveUSB00:22
diverdudei am trying to install packages for ubuntu apache2 for a long time now but i get this error: http://bin.cakephp.org/view/500305249 it is very frstrating...what am I missing?00:22
KitenSVNDR reboot and this time if you see a check disk for defects use it00:22
SVNDRKiten: same here.00:22
SVNDRKiten: ok00:22
Kitenyour usb might not have copied correctly00:23
Kitend1g1ta1, you all good ?00:23
SVNDRKiten: alright will ill try that now00:23
KitenSVNDR mmk after that try to boot live (ie choose to try ubuntu)00:24
SVNDRKiten: slight problem, now its stuck on a blank screen not going anywhere lol00:25
d1g1ta1Kiten:  can I install the developer libraries this way also?00:25
Kitengive it a minute or 200:25
Kitend1g1ta1, yeah when you do the configure prefix thing it will copy any necessary libraries to an appropriate folder00:26
sumosuaaah kernel compiling makes my cpus nice and warm. better than coco and marshmallows in this season :)00:27
Kitend1g1ta1, if you meant like independent libs then i'd also create /usb/usr/libs too and add that to your path00:27
diverdudei am trying to install packages for ubuntu apache2 for a long time now but i get this error: http://bin.cakephp.org/view/500305249 it is very frstrating...what am I missing?00:27
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Kitendiverdude try sudo apt-get check00:28
diverdudeKiten, it did not help00:29
Kitensudo apt-get update00:29
diverdudeKiten, also not00:29
rypervenchediverdude: What distro and version are you using, and are you using any PPAs?00:29
diverduderypervenche, 11.10 and not using ppa00:29
Kitensudo apt-get -f install00:30
Kitendiverdude, apt-get update was to make sure your cache was up to date00:30
Kitenthat last one will attempt to fix your broken packages00:30
bfriwhat ubuntu flavour is best for a pentium III?00:31
diverduderypervenche, its because i want to compile php 5.4 and in order to do that i need to bundle it with apache2 and mysql...which requires this apxs file from apache to build apache modules....Apparantly that binary does not come with ubuntu so im trying to install it but it does not work00:31
d1g1ta1Kiten: can the USB drive be formatted with FAT?00:31
Kitend1g1ta1, yeah00:31
rypervenchebfri: There is no "best", use whichever you like.00:32
SVNDRKiten:  from BIOS, should i be selecting USB HDD: Softstick-(USB 2.0) ?00:32
rhizmoei was getting (common) opengl errors with sketchup 8 under wine, is 7 generally better in this environment?00:32
diverduderypervenche, what should i do?00:32
KitenSVNDR, you have USB FDD ?00:33
Kurdistanhi I am trying to help a user in one of our locos. the mouse is detected by lsusb but not working.00:33
SVNDRKiten: yes00:33
Kurdistanwhat should the user do?00:33
KitenSVNDR, does it state any drive next to it ?00:33
SVNDRKiten: nah its blank00:33
rypervenchediverdude: Do what Kiten said to do. "sudo apt-get check" and "sudo apt-get -f install"00:33
KurdistanI have searched on the internet with no luck00:33
diverdudeKiten, but if there is some problem will -f (force) it not potentially make it much worse?00:34
Kitendiverdude, no -f is fix00:34
Kitenit used to be --fix-missing00:34
bfrirypervenche, i'm having trouble with 10,04 alternative, would that be due to compatibility?00:34
Kitendiverdude, apt-get --help shows all the possible flags00:34
KitenSVNDR is that the only USB xxx with a label ?00:34
diverdudeKiten, i still get the error00:35
rypervenchebfri: It could be a lot of things. What kind of problems are you having?00:35
SVNDRKiten:  yea sure is00:35
KitenSVNDR then yeah use that00:35
Kitendiverdude, did you add any other sources ?00:35
zabomberso i want the mail command in ubuntu to be able to send external mail? How do i accomplish this?00:35
Kitenor install anything from the unstable repo ?00:36
Kurdistansudo chmod -R 777 /dev/bus/usb   <<--- can this be a solution?00:36
rypervenchediverdude: type "cat /etc/apt/sources.list | pastebinit"00:36
diverdudeKiten, yeah but for other things...long time ago00:36
Kitendiverdude do what rypervenche said00:36
ZarathuWhat is the purpose of @ in file permissions? -rw-r--r--@00:36
SVNDRKiten: it booted straight to windows (not what it did the first time)00:37
ActionParsnipKurdistan: /dev is in tempfs so the change will be lost on reboot00:37
trismrypervenche: Kiten diverdude there is nothing wrong with the sources, the two packages conflict on each other (they provide the same files)00:37
escottZarathu, ACL extended attributes i think you need to look at the file with lsattr00:37
Kitendiverdude, then sudo apt-get purge apache200:37
RenatoSilvaZarathu: I think it's not part of a file permission00:37
KurdistanActionParsnip, okey. have you any idea?00:38
diverdudeKiten, here is my output: http://bin.cakephp.org/view/103769720700:38
Zarathuescott: I'm on OS X.00:38
diverdudeKiten, what does the purge do00:38
escottZarathu, then ask in the osx channel00:38
ZarathuRenatoSilva: It's on a single file in the entire directory--just a bunch of images. Driving me crazy, not knowing what's up with that file. :P00:38
Kitendiverdude, your sources list is fine00:38
Zarathuescott: No.00:38
bfrirypervenche, when i go to install ubuntu on the computer right after the disk boots and i choose my language and 'install ubunut' it just kind of freezes on the backround00:39
Kitendiverdude, it removes anything related to apache2(specifically whatever you've installed thats been tagged as apache2)00:39
RenatoSilvaZarathu: no idea what's that, sorry00:39
diverdudeKiten, but wont ii be needing that?00:39
Kitendiverdude, you can reinstall them00:39
ActionParsnipZarathu: http://blog.anselmbradford.com/2008/12/24/what-is-the-significance-of-plus-and-at-in-mac-os-x-file-permission-tables/00:40
diverdudeKiten, what about all my config files then and all that00:40
Kitendiverdude, back them up to another directory00:40
ZarathuActionParsnip: Thanks. \:D/00:40
ActionParsnipZarathu: all I did was websearch...00:40
trismdiverdude: there is no need to do that, just install one of them (I imagine the one that matches the apache2 mpm you have installed)00:41
ActionParsnipKurdistan: if you unplug it then plug it in, is it ok?00:41
diverdudetrism, i have the apache2 from ubuntu repo00:41
diverdudetrism, which mpm is that?00:41
sywisyWhat is command to rename a directory?00:41
KurdistanActionParsnip, it is not for me. I help one ubuntu user in our loco.00:41
ActionParsnipsywisy: mv name newname00:41
Kitensywisy, mv dirname newdirname00:42
KurdistanI do think he/she have done that00:42
ActionParsnipKurdistan: same thing applies though, doesn't it00:42
stepnjumpI have two swaps. When the first swap is not available, I would like for the second swap (in priority) to take over. How could I configure that?00:42
SVNDRKiten: my puter booted straight to windows and not the ubuntu setup00:42
trismdiverdude: there are several, try: dpkg -l 'apache2*'; and see which one is installed00:42
sywisyIs there any way to make a file undeletable? Even by its owner?00:42
KurdistanActionParsnip, I think the user have. I asked if it have been working before and the answer was no.00:42
cindy_install java on the terminal00:42
escottsywisy, you would have to change the permissions on the folder, but root can always delete it00:43
ActionParsnipKurdistan: what is the make and model of the device, if it has one?00:43
KitenSVNDR, sorry i forgot, hmm what does your boot order look like ? also reboot and push f12 that should bring your boot menu up if it doesn't its probably f1000:43
Kiten*boot list00:43
kylesmithIt's been an hour with no response, so I'm going to ask my question again: I'm having trouble accessing my encrypted home directory from another computer.  ecryptfs-mount-private is supposed to prompt me for a password, but it returns me directly back to the console without printing any errors or any other information.  How can I get this to work?00:43
diverdudetrism, this: http://bin.cakephp.org/view/200762510100:43
sywisyescott: Even with sticky bit on, the owner of file can delete too00:43
cindy_what do i put in the terminal to install java00:43
ActionParsnipcindy_: what is the output of:  uname -m00:43
cindy_i dont understand00:43
Kitenkylesmith, check dmesg for errors related to accessing your folder00:43
ActionParsnipcindy_: its a terminal command, run it, what is output00:44
Bunieif i find a problem with a video driver what do i do? :S00:44
KurdistanActionParsnip, I have send the forum post to you (PM).00:44
trismdiverdude: you have apache2-mpm-prefork so install apache2-prefork-dev00:44
bfrii have a pentium III HP running win 98 and want to put ubuntu but it freeze on the installation start up any thoughts?00:44
escottsywisy, mkdir test; cd test; touch test.txt; chmod 500 .; rm test.txt; (gives permission denied file not deleted00:44
clockwork9hey folks, I'd like to setup a dual-boot between arch and ubuntu 11.10. What's the best way to find the location of Ubuntu's kernel image so that I can configure GRUB?00:44
Buniebfri: Pent 3? how much ram has it got?00:44
ActionParsnipcindy_: I never said sudo00:44
Kitenbfri, yeah i've got one too, did you use a live cd ?00:44
SVNDRKiten: no prob, waited till u werent busy lol.. um ill i changed in the boot list was USB2.0. moved it from 8 to 100:44
ActionParsnipcindy_: again. what is the output of:   uname -m00:44
diverdudetrism, yeah you solved the issue. thank you00:45
SVNDRKiten: it worked last restart00:45
cindy_i dont know help me here understand what your asking please00:45
KitenSVNDR your bios might be weird and the last entry might actually be first on the order00:45
KitenSVNDR, but a sure fire way when you reboot push f12 till you here beeping00:45
ActionParsnipcindy_: open a terminal and run:   uname -m      what is output. It's literally that simple00:45
diverdudetrism, do you know where apxs is located then00:46
Kitenthat should bring your bios boot menu up and it will let you choose a device to boot from00:46
Buniewhats the closest thing to notepad that comes with ubuntu? i need to save a document with no formating or anything00:46
escottBunie, gedit00:46
trismdiverdude: /usr/bin/apxs2 it seems00:46
Kitencindy_, go to applications then accessories then click terminal and type what ActionParsnip said in00:46
sywisyescott, my bad, you're right. Sticky bit is for when you want files to be editable but not deletable00:47
SVNDRKiten: do you mean BIOS? mine it F1. thats what i did just then, but it still booted to windows00:47
diverdudetrism, ahh yes00:47
ActionParsnipcindy_: thanks00:47
kylesmithKiten: I cleared dmesg, ran ecryptfs-mount-private again, but there's nothing in dmesg00:47
bfribunie; not sure00:47
bfrikiten: yes00:47
ActionParsnipcindy_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/791174/00:47
cindy_no problem now what do i do00:47
KitenSVNDR did it take it a minute to boot to windows as in was there a pause that wasn't there normally ?00:47
Buniebfri: with pentium 3, theres a chance you dont meet ram requirements for ubuntu00:47
ActionParsnipcindy_: run those commands line by line, ignore the top line00:47
escottsywisy, sticky bit is for shared (temp mostly) folders. where you want all users to be able to create files, but not to be able to modify other peoples files00:47
bfrikiten what flavour do you use?00:47
hiexpocindy_, you wanna install sun java 600:47
SVNDRKiten: yes, about 2 mins or so00:47
stepnjumpI have two swaps. When the first swap is not available, I would like for the second swap (in priority) to take over. How could I configure that? actionparsnip, any idea?00:48
bfribunie how do i check?00:48
ActionParsniphiexpo: that lot gives oracle (not sun anymore) java 700:48
KitenBunie, on my p3 i use ubuntu but i installed fluxbox as a window manager00:48
diverdudetrism, do you know if i make install php then, will it overwrite my existing php?00:48
hiexpoActionParsnip, oh00:48
escottstepnjump, that should happen automatically00:48
ActionParsnipstepnjump: I believe swap space is detected and enabled by default00:48
Kiteni have a hp p3 with 256 and it runs ubuntu just fine as long as i use fluxbox00:48
ActionParsnipfluxbox rocks00:48
Kitenkylesmith, you might have a configuration issue00:48
bfrikiten what is fluxbox?00:48
BunieKiten: he will still have difficulties installing :P00:49
kylesmithKiten: okay, how can I determine if that is the problem?00:49
hiexpoActionParsnip, i guess i need to upgrade00:49
BunieKiten: I assume P3 computers have 64 to 256MB of ram00:49
Kitenbfri, fluxbox is a window manager/ Desktop Environment and its much more lightweight than gnome(which is what ubuntu uses by default)00:49
ActionParsniphiexpo: it's a handy script ;)00:49
cindy_says file not found00:50
ActionParsnipbfri: its a desktop WM but can also run without a DE00:50
BunieXubuntu or lubuntu are pretty light weight :P00:50
KitenBunie, yeah most have 256mb though its pretty tough to find one with a 64 stick unless they never upgraded00:50
ActionParsnipcindy_: which file?00:50
SVNDRKiten: booting to windows took a while, about 2minutes longer then normal. so yes there was a pause00:50
cindy_yes i want to install sun java 600:50
stepnjumpescott and ActionParsnip yes you are right.. I just remembered I swapoff -a then forgot to swapon after. Thanks guys00:50
bfriactionparsnip what is wm and de?00:50
KitenSVNDR then you need to remake your live usb00:50
BunieKiten: Even still, i think the Ubuntu installer will freeze with 25600:50
bfrikiten where can i find an iso to make a live cd?00:50
ActionParsnipcindy_: that lot gives you oracle (sun doesn't own java now) java 700:50
KitenBunie, i've used it succefully its slower than crap00:50
hiexpoActionParsnip,  looking nowto upgrade   > still using 10.0400:50
ActionParsnipbfri: its a WM, but can run without DE00:51
SVNDRKiten: ok00:51
Kitenbfri, www.ubuntu.com00:51
cindy_okay how do you install oracle00:51
BunieOracle? :s00:51
Kitenkylesmith, sorry i didn't forget you but i'm not particularly smart when it comes to encrypted partitions00:51
BunieYou mean Java? or open office? or something? :S00:51
Bunievirtual box?00:51
ActionParsnipcindy_: http://pastie.org/311554500:51
BunieOh java00:51
Buniedoesnt that come with ubuntu now or somethin?00:52
Kitenkylesmith, i can debug all day long but i cant fix anything with out having a starting point the folks in #linux would probably be more knowledgeable00:52
cindy_yes i just got a message saying sun doesnt own java00:52
bfribunie i dont see it00:52
Oerthat link from hiexpo also handles java 600:52
ActionParsniphiexpo: kinda messy00:52
ActionParsnipcindy_: they don't. Its owned by oracle now00:52
Buniebfri: Are you trying to find the ISO>?00:52
cindy_okay how do install this to my computer somebody00:52
bfrii am currently running win 9800:52
sumosui have a problem: i removed a usb stick (full install, no persistatn mode) while my laptop was in suspend mode and then wrote 5 gigs of data to the stick. plugged it back in and woke it up. fsck (or similar) complained and "fixed" the boot drive (usb stick). the data i put there was available in lost+found folder, but deleting them did not free the memory00:52
Kitenbfri, its under downloads on ubuntu.com00:53
ActionParsnipcindy_: I gave you the commads, just run them in order00:53
Buniebfri: www.ubuntu.com/download00:53
escottcindy_, oracle purchased sun, and oracle is dropping the sun code in favor of openjdk apache project for the next version of java00:53
ActionParsnipcindy_: from top to bottom, one after the other00:53
cindy_i did and i did not let me00:53
SVNDRKiten: i swear their used to be a way you could just download ubuntu as an exe file and it would do all this its self.. or am i rong? lol00:53
escottSVNDR, i think you mean wubi00:54
bfribunie i only see as late as 10.0400:54
hiexpocindy_, why not   what was the errors you recieved00:54
ActionParsnipcindy_: http://pastie.org/311554500:54
SVNDRescott: nah i never used wubi.. i just dont remember this process when i did it last time00:54
ActionParsnipcindy_: it worked for me less than an hour ago00:54
SVNDRescott: is wubi simpler?00:54
kylesmithKiten: that's okay.  I don't know how I can have a configuration issue.  When I installed ubuntu on my laptop, I clicked the checkbox to encrypt my home directory.  Laptop dies -> put hard drive in desktop.  From nautilus (on my desktop), I click the graphical icon to mount my laptop hard drive, cd to /home/myusername and when I run ecrypt-mount-private nothing happens...00:55
KitenSVNDR you can use wubi00:55
escottSVNDR, i dont recommend wubi in general. but it does have a windows executable00:55
hiexpowubi = way to the dumpster00:55
sywisyescott, that's not true. Sticky bits only affects user's ability to delete/rename existing files, they can modify. I can give you code if you want00:55
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Kitenescott, why not ?00:55
ActionParsnipcindy_: or run:  cd; wget http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8850924/install32bitJava; chmod +x ./install32bitJava; sudo ./install32bitJava00:55
Buniebfri: http://www.ubuntu.com/start-download?distro=desktop&bits=32&release=latest00:56
SVNDRI might try wubi, for now, just for the simplicity i guess, might by another USB i think this one is dodgey lol00:56
hiexpothat will work00:56
bfribunie that is 11.1000:56
Buniebfri: isnt that what you want?00:56
bfribunie i'm currently trying to install 10.04 and its not working00:57
* ActionParsnip loves his java script :)00:57
tomtiger11SVNDR: Try burning a disk, it works better ( if you have some handy)00:57
trismdiverdude: it probably won't since they generally default to /usr/local when manually compiling, but I would uninstall the repo php before manually installing (just to keep things clean)00:57
bfribunie i would think an earlier version would be better no?00:57
SVNDRtomtiger11: nope thats why im doing it this way, no disks00:57
Buniebfri: Dont think so. :P00:57
KitenSVNDR, you can get a 4gb for about 6-8 $ now ;p00:57
escottsywisy, i think we are saying the same thing. sticky bit is for temp directory. i want you to be able to create a file in /tmp and delete it myself, but i dont want you to be able to delete or rename my file00:57
bfribunie so you're saying 11.10 works on ur pen III just fine?00:57
hiexpoActionParsnip, need to get rid of others first though ?00:58
tomtiger11SVNDR: Aha! Do you have any other os installed?00:58
Kitenbfri, i'd recommend 9.04 but 9.04 is kind of old00:58
escottKiten, i don't like the idea of having a ntfs loopback for the root fs. i think a vm makes more sense00:58
SVNDRKiten: my one is 10gb, has all pretty lights and it vibrates...(kind of pointless) lol00:58
sumosuoh i fixed my problem. moving files from lost+found to the trashbin didnt help obviously lol00:58
diverdudetrism, i would like to have both installed actually so that i can switch back because i dont know if me different libs will be compatible with 5.4, and so i want to be able to switch back...eg. xdebug i dont know if it will run with 5.400:58
KitenSVNDR, lol 10gb is kinda an odd number for a usb drive00:58
hiexporemove other jre00:58
Kiten16gb makes more sense00:58
bfrikiten which 8.something was an LST?00:59
ActionParsniphiexpo: nar it's fine. It gets added as 81 which will add it just fine00:59
SVNDRKiten: yea i think its chinese..00:59
Kitenbfri, no 9.04 i think 9.10 was lts00:59
tomtiger11SVNDR: If you have windows installed, use a virtual drive00:59
SVNDRKiten: nah 10, thats what it says haha00:59
hiexpoActionParsnip, i just noticed thatts for chrome though00:59
trismdiverdude: I don't really do much with php and apache, so probably better to direct further questions to the channel00:59
Buniebfri: you need to pick something more light weight then Ubuntu, i doubt your PC has the ram. however you can also try this if your feeling brave enough http://goo.gl/l0wqb01:00
Kitenescott, yeah but a vm is more heavy than a looback01:00
cindy_none of those commands are working01:00
ActionParsniphiexpo: the file can be linked elsewhere if you use different browsers01:00
KitenBunie, common now i've got it running on my p301:00
=== SVNDR is now known as svndr
sumosui have a nano usb micro sd card reader. quite happy with it01:00
Kiten*come on01:00
sten2can i have a dual-booted 10.04 and 11.10 use the same swap partition?01:00
BunieKiten: he has no idea how much ram he has01:00
ActionParsniphiexpo: chromium is all I use01:00
BunieKiten: So odds are its never seen an upgrade01:00
BunieKiten: a pc with Pent3 with no upgrades?01:00
ActionParsniphiexpo: daily build, of course01:00
hiexpoActionParsnip, i use firefox01:01
cindy_i need help to install java on ubuntu01:01
KitenBunie, its nearly un heard of01:01
ActionParsniphiexpo: unlucky01:01
BunieKiten: ubuntu installer requires over 300MB of ram01:01
sumosusten2: should be no prob unless you hibernate to the swap disk01:01
KitenBunie, it will run with 256 i've done it01:01
ActionParsniphiexpo: if you symlink to ~/.mozilla/plugins it will work01:01
BunieKiten: i still think he has 64 or 12801:01
hiexpokk ActionParsnip01:01
cindy_hello i need help here01:01
Kitenbfri, i'd recommned lubuntu or linux mint01:01
sten2sumosu: thanks01:02
=== svndr is now known as SVNDR
ActionParsnipcindy_: the command I gave you earler will download my script and install java for you01:02
ActionParsnipcindy_: it doesn't get ANY easier than that01:02
Buniebfri: Yeh i dont think ubuntu is a good idea even if you had 256MB of ram01:02
viatorYou need alternate installer disc01:02
Bunieviator: I linked him to it http://goo.gl/l0wqb01:02
viatorFor 256 or less01:02
ActionParsnipcindy_: just copy the line I gave, paste it to a terminal and hit ENTER and it will install it for you.01:02
cindy_okay maybe i am doing it wrong, cuz i have done everything you told me and nothing here]01:02
ActionParsnipcindy_: what more do you want01:03
ActionParsnipcindy_: or run:  cd; wget http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8850924/install32bitJava; chmod +x ./install32bitJava; sudo ./install32bitJava01:03
ActionParsnipcindy_: copy the text, don't click the link01:03
tomtiger11ActionParsnip: Did you give her an apt get command01:03
cindy_i did that and it did not work please dont get mad01:04
ActionParsniptomtiger11: yes it uses unp :)01:04
ActionParsnipcindy_: can you pastebin the output of the command please01:04
cindy_yes i can01:04
viatorIts because you don't copy the CD;01:05
ActionParsnipcindy_: it'll help01:05
bfribunie what would you suggest?01:05
SVNDRKiten: so what size should i choose for installation size.. just half of what what i have free on my mian drive?01:05
sywisyFor shell scripting, if I have 'name.c' in an env var, how would I extract just 'name'?01:05
Buniebfri: Im a bit new to all this, but i used lubuntu, its pretty lightweight.01:05
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Barnabassywisy, man basename01:06
owenllcindy_: just trying to help here - cd; means cd without the ; in a terminal then enter - wget http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8850924/install32bitJava in a terminal then enter etc for all the commands ActionParsnip has given yu01:06
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».01:06
BunieAnyway, who suggested i use gparted in place of notepad?01:06
sywisyBarnabas, nice thx01:06
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sywisyBarnabas, could you also do it by manipulating $ILS?01:07
Bunieits not working for what i need it to do =/ the progrm reading the text file says invalid format01:07
cindy_so write all that stuff in there01:07
* tnk1 is back.01:07
owenllline by line then enter after each one01:07
ActionParsnipcindy_: the last command I gave is to be run as one big command01:08
ActionParsnipcindy_: copy the whole line and it will install01:08
ActionParsnipcindy_: cd; wget http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8850924/install32bitJava; chmod +x ./install32bitJava; sudo ./install32bitJava01:09
ActionParsnipcindy_: you responces imply you haven't ran the command either01:09
viatorWhy not install openjdk from the software center01:10
Guest21168i can't get grub-install to work when having a dm-crypt / partition. I get the exact message as in this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2/+bug/681535 bugreport but it is claimed to be fixed.. any one know if EFI and gpt could make this worse?01:10
ubottuUbuntu bug 681535 in grub2 (Ubuntu) "Auto-detection of a filesystem of /dev/md0 failed." [High,Fix released]01:10
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Kitensvndr, yeah01:11
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Kitensvndr wait installing it to a hard drive ?01:12
joshua__Hey guys, I'm having an issue with my webcam's onboard mic.  I'm not sure if it's the mic, or Skype messing up.  Am I in the right Channel? I'm running Ubuntu 11.1001:12
viatorThe gui wayto do it open software center search for openjdk install01:12
busybyeskijoshua__: does the mic pic up in any other application?01:13
busybyeskitry a simple sound recorder01:13
escottjoshua__, and use alsamixer to maximize the db gain on the mic01:13
Bunieany way to switch from gnome to kde or something else without losing my open programs?01:13
dagerikMy usb drive has a partition with iso9669(CDFS) on it. A partition which has CD filesystem. I am unable to write or even remove this partition. Any tips?01:13
aBoundKiten, Woot it's kiten. :P01:13
joshua__It works on and off through skype.  It's not that it's not working at all, it just goes in and out.01:13
viatorI dumped Skype when Microsoft bought em01:14
kylesmithKiten: #linux just told me to come back here... :/01:14
escottBunie, not really you would need to logout01:14
urlin2udagerik, is it mounted?01:14
Bunieescott Awh =[01:14
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joshua__It has a good connection to the system, and I suspect it may be because I'm running the Linux version of Skype.01:14
dagerikurlin2u: It is mounted when I try to write to it of course.01:14
Buniethat Banshee plugin where it shows banshee controls in gnome's sound thingy, whats that called? i nneed to install it. it comes default in ubuntu but im using lubuntu + gnome01:14
urlin2udagerik, can you right click it and format it if mounted and icon is on desktop01:15
dagerikurlin2u: tried that, says it is read only system.01:15
dagerikurlin2u: Which it is, it is a CD. :P:P01:15
aBoundescott, Howdy. :P01:16
owenllBunie: Media Player Extension?01:16
joshua__What could case a cracking sound in the input through the mic?01:16
joshua__In terms of Software?01:16
urlin2udagerik, have you installed gparted...I'm addressing the partition....for a reformat01:17
Oerjoshua__, bad wiring01:17
ActionParsnipjoshua__: disable power management on the device01:17
viatorIt could be some kinda RF problem01:17
dagerikurlin2u: gparted says the usb drive has no partitions and all data is unallocated,01:18
joshua__How do I do that?01:18
kylesmithKiten: do you know somewhere else besides #linux I could go for encryption help?01:18
urlin2udagerik, was the usb ever encrypted?01:18
dagerikurlin2u: I am suspecting this iso9660 partition on my usb drive is somehow "burned" onto it. Just like regular CDs.01:18
dagerikurlin2u: Nope.01:18
Kitenkylesmith #encryption ?01:18
dagerikurlin2u: Got it from my university.01:19
Kitenkylesmith, or you could ask on ubuntu forums01:19
urlin2udagerik, where does it say that it still had this cd.... a permanent burn is a unlikely.01:19
* tnk1 is away: Gone away for now01:20
dagerikurlin2u: Nautilus reports it as a CD. And when I run mount I can see it is iso9660. When I try to mount manually with rw(read write) I get the error: file system is read only.01:20
kylesmithKiten: yeah... I don't have much faith in ubuntu forums.  Every time I search google and ubuntu forums comes up, it's one original post and a series of bumps going nowhere, or a link to a blog that supposedly has step by step instructions, which when followed, do absolutely nothing for your particular system. ... but I may end up trying it.01:21
urlin2udagerik, I think that is firmware try just formatting the usb with gparted.01:22
=== angela is now known as angela-
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Retisticanyone know a good tutorial on swapping dbs?01:23
sumosudagerik: check if your stick has a write protect switch01:23
dagerikurlin2u: When I format it with gparted it works perfectly. I even used it as a usb startup when I installed ubuntu. The Cd partition is only 30 mb.01:23
caesar_can someone assist me on making my desktop icons visible01:24
urlin2udagerik, yeah look on the web for removing the firmware if needed It does not sound like you need to though, almost all usb's have firmware probably.01:24
caesar_i have stuff on my desktop but it is blank and has been since out-the-box01:24
escottcaesar_, perhaps nautilus is not starting. open a file browser01:24
dageriksumosu: sumosu I will check if my particular usb drive has thatt write protection switch.01:24
escottdagerik, could also be some kind of u3 nonsense01:25
urlin2ucaesar_, stuff?01:25
caesar_urlin2u: yes, files and folders01:25
urlin2uescott, I had one of those u3 thumbs gave ut to a friend who runs windows.01:26
dagerikMy usb drive is: 090c:1000 Feiya Technology Corp. Flash Drive01:27
cindy_it did install but i cant seem to use it to play my games, can someone help01:28
bfribunie does lubuntu have the same software center and use .deb files?01:28
angela-hello how do i my mp3s eneble to my internet djconsill from my  hd?01:28
juan_how do i create a script that i can double click and have it run some commands? my wireless card does not work unless i do two commands01:29
cindy_can someone help me here with my java installment01:29
sumosuyay new kernel works like a charm01:29
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ActionParsnipcindy_: did you get a menu where you select the java 1.7?01:29
angela-cindy what cinde off java?01:29
cindy_no how do i get that please01:30
ActionParsnipcindy_: The script I gave does it.01:30
escottjuan_, put the commands in a file. have the file start with #!/bin/bash run chmod +x filename01:30
ActionParsnipbfri: lubuntu is ubuntu but with LXDEand openbox instead of Gnome and compiz01:30
escottjuan_, and put the file in $HOME/bin01:30
cindy_i just saw the downlaoded file in my computer but i cant seem to use it01:30
ActionParsnipcindy_: can you pastebin the output you get in the terminal and I can advise01:31
angela-cindy try sudo apt-get install java 101:31
Kitenkylesmith, well you could check the channel list and see if any of the channel names coincide with encryption01:31
ActionParsnipcindy_: that's because you clicked the hyperlink didn't you01:31
juan_escott,  i didnt get that, can i put the commands in a paste bin and you show me what i got to do?01:31
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kylesmithKiten: that's what I'm doing now01:31
ActionParsnipcindy_: I told you NOT to click the link but to copy the command and paste it to the terminal01:31
cindy_i already have the installment i just cant seem to be able to use it so its not that simple after all01:31
bfriactionparsnip: in lay what does that mean I understand gnome and compiz but lxde and open box?01:32
escottjuan_, not sure how else i would say it. you want a file that starts #!/bin/bash and the subsequent lines should have whatever else you want01:32
ActionParsnipcindy_: did you get a menu with 3 options?01:32
cindy_yes and i pic # 201:32
juan_im a very very new guy to linux....:(01:32
escottjuan_, save that file as $HOME/bin/startwireless.sh, and then open a terminal and type chmod +x ~/bin/startwireless.sh01:32
ActionParsnipbfri: lxde is a desktop, openbox is a window manager01:32
juan_ahhh i got it01:32
cindy_did i pic the right one01:32
bfriactionparsnip there is no we in lubuntu right?01:32
ActionParsnipbfri: openbox is the WM01:33
linux_is_my_heroi can't get my windows computer to go to secure sites without giving me a warning about invalid security certificates01:33
ActionParsnipcindy_: what image please? I just searched the page and found no link to an image01:33
bfriactionparsnip: i see and what actually is that in ubuntu what is that actually in the GUI?01:33
ActionParsniplinux_is_my_hero: windows isn't supported here01:33
cindy_i dont know what that means01:33
ActionParsnipbfri: the WM draws the windows, compiz is a WM01:34
ActionParsnipcindy_: (01:32:22) cindy_: yes and i pic # 2        which pic?01:34
bfriactionparsnip: so what does that in lubuntu?01:34
ActionParsnipcindy_: there isn't even a pic #101:34
escottjuan_, if you want these commands run on every boot you can put them in /etc/rc.local, and if you want it on every login add it to gnome-session-properties01:34
cindy_i picked #201:34
linux_is_my_heroactionparsnip: luckily its my gfs computer, and not mine...any suggestions?01:34
viatorYou need to restart browser after Java install or the plugins don't work01:34
sumosui'm using gnome/openbox on my netbook. its noticably quicker and looks kind of the same01:34
ActionParsnipbfri: openbox, but it doesn't do all the dumb compiz effects, its a no nonsense WM01:34
juan_escott, http://pastebin.com/AXQjGK0q01:35
cindy_how do i restart browser01:35
ActionParsniplinux_is_my_hero: ask in ##windows01:35
juan_since they need sudo, i dont know if it will be correct.01:35
ActionParsnipcindy_: close the browsers and then reopen01:35
bfriactionparsnip: i see so would you say thats the main dif between the two?01:35
ActionParsnipcindy_: the cross in the top left of the screen01:35
cindy_im knew to this guys so be patient01:35
ActionParsnipbfri: lubuntu is a billion times slicker and lighter01:35
cindy_yes i see it01:36
escottjuan_, you cant have sudo commands in a script that you double click it wont work. you need to add these commands (without the sudo) to /etc/rc.local. in fact if all you are doing is loading modules you should be modifying /etc/modules01:36
angela-cindy the red button01:36
ActionParsnipcindy_: I have repeatedly asked for the output of my command, ouo haven't given it. Its nothing to do with newness to the OS01:36
cindy_yes i see01:36
escottjuan_, im not sure what the cd hybrid_wl command is supposed to do. it shouldnt make a difference01:37
ActionParsnipcindy_: run the command I gave and if you get issues, use http://pastie.org    to give the output01:37
juan_escott, cd hybrid is to get to that folder where i do the third command01:37
ActionParsnipI think even if the packages were in the repos, cindy_ would still have issues01:37
juan_escott, where i run the third command the insmod....01:38
bfriactionparsnip: when would one start to see the limits of what lubuntu can do respectively, functionality or aesthetics?01:38
viatorOpen JFK is and it works fine01:38
escottjuan_, i dont think modprobe looks at the current working directory01:38
bfriactionparsnip. or both01:38
viatorWth auto correct sucks01:39
ActionParsnipbfri: its the same OS, it just uses lighter apps by default, so not much01:39
ActionParsnipbfri: try it, you'll see the deal01:39
bfriactionparsnip: thanks for the quick edu01:39
angela-how do i put my mp3 from my hd to internet dj consoll?01:39
viator Android01:39
juan_escott, i dont know, its just the steps in the readme of the broadcom readme steps01:40
viatorNow. Its fixed01:41
cindy_giving bash command01:41
cindy_bash output01:42
juan_escott, you still there?01:42
cindy_actionparsnip please help me01:44
blackshirtcindy_: what your problems ?01:44
cindy_i am having problems with java on ubuntu01:45
chuck002cindy_ which problems with Java?01:46
=== svndr is now known as SVNDR
cindy_it says i have it installed but i cant use it01:48
SVNDREvery time i open firefox on ubuntu my mouse stops working01:48
cindy_i wish that was all i had to deal with01:48
domo1using sudo, whats the correct way to use term as "root"01:49
chuck002cindy_ u have to set the path on Java to your environement variable JAVA_HOME in order to the program find your java01:49
domo1basically, i want to login as root01:49
domo1and, how can I login as another user?01:49
cindy_okay how do i do that please01:49
jack_isn't there a page that goes over the procedure to boot into runlevel3?01:52
psusijack_, there isn't really such a thing on ubuntu01:52
chuck634cindy_ di in command line "export JAVA_HOME yourPathToJava"01:52
chuck634cindy_ do01:53
=== SVNDR is now known as svndr
jack_psusi, well whats the easiest way to kill xserver?01:53
psusijack_, you can boot with the text kernel argument to stop it from loading iirc01:53
escottjack_, service lightdm stop assuming you are running a display manager01:53
jack_thank you01:53
psusithat will do it too01:53
BlackwebJust curious Does anyone know how to disable a daemon from starting once the OS comes up, I know how to disable it manually from terminal but how would i not start it up at all01:54
chuck634cindy_ and then "export PATH=$PATH/PathToJava/bin"01:54
BlackwebFor Example samba01:54
escottchuck634, cindy_ missing a : between $PATH and /PathToJava01:54
chuck634cindy_ add these command in the end of your /home/.bashrc fils to not have to repeat them in each reboot of your session01:54
escott!upstart | Blackadder01:55
ubottuBlackadder: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/01:55
escott!upstart | Blackweb01:55
ubottuBlackweb: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/01:55
kylesmithKiten: well I still don't have access, but I partially figured out the problem. want to hear?01:55
BlackwebAlright I look into that and go from there ThanKs :)01:56
cindy_come on guys there are so many ways im being told to do things help me with one way01:56
chuck634cindy_ escott yes sorry01:56
cindy_its okay just go slow and help me it should not b this difficult01:57
cindy_chuck634 can u help me to get my java working01:58
chuck634cindy_ u know where Java is installed?01:58
blackshirtcindy_: where are you installing java from ?01:58
* tnk1 is back.01:59
cindy_im not sure it is just in my computer now01:59
slakcphilin gnome 2.30.2, can i add a home folder icon to my panel the same way i would like if i right-clicked an icon and selected "add to panel"01:59
chuck634cindy_ if you type "java" in prompt what is the result?02:00
viatorWas Java installed view the software center or the cli. Via. Whether02:01
slakcphiltype, java -version02:01
cindy_but i have alot of different javas and i dont know y or how02:01
Kitenkylesmith, yeah sure every bit of knowledge learn is more to share :P02:01
cindy_none of them r working02:01
=== html is now known as htmlinprogress
k3gTrying to install Ubuntu 11.10 on an external USB HD via my Macbook to move to a headless machine, and I'm getting a message stating "Operating System Not Found" error on boot. Any help?02:01
slakcphilcindy_ i have had quite a bit of coffee myself!02:01
BlackwebIs there a way also to list amount of ram my systems using compared with the amount i have02:01
escottBlackweb, free -m02:02
cindy_thats not funny02:02
chuck634cindy_ if u type $JAVA_HOME ?02:02
viatorHere's the. Problem oracle. Changed the licensing. For Java. So Ubuntu. Removed it02:02
cindy_$java_home where02:02
chuck634cindy_ if u type echo $JAVA_HOME in the terminal?02:02
BlackwebThanks :) escott02:03
viatorYou can get it from oracle via. Wget.02:03
escottk3g, (a) not all systems can directly boot a usb device. (b) do you have a bootloader in the mbr?02:03
cindy_so then how do i get my games to work if we cant have it on the ubuntu02:03
viatorYou. Do it in the command. Line02:03
slakcphilcindy_ what games?02:03
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k3gescott, believe so. Does rEFIt count?02:03
viatorInstall. Open jdk02:03
escottcindy_, the recommened and future versions of java are openjdk based. thats why java6 was removed02:03
escottk3g, so you are trying to boot a mac?02:04
chuck634cindy_ it's game online?02:04
kylesmithKiten: inside the encrypted home directory are two hidden symlinks, .ecryptfs and .Private which point to /home/.ecryptfs/username/.ecryptfs and /home/.ecryptfs/username/.Private02:04
k3gescott, yes, so I can install Ubuntu to this HD to move it to my headless machine.02:04
cindy_okay but java_home is not found02:04
viatorOpen jdk is in software center02:04
cindy_yes it is games online02:04
chuck634cindy_ that why the program don't find java02:04
cindy_so how do i do this guys02:04
Kitenkylesmith, well a temporary work around you might be able chown you home directory02:05
escottk3g, my understanding is that bootcamp methods work better. macs are 100% compatible with efi so you have a less tested efi boot on a not completely efi system02:05
kylesmithKiten: well I used the same username on my laptop and desktop, so when I put my laptop hard drive in my desktop and ran ecryptfs-mount-private the paths were still valid02:05
escottk3g, rather "are not 100% compatible"02:05
slakcphilthe best way to do games != linux02:05
slakcphilbe real02:05
viatorI would open the software center in Ubuntu and search for open jdk02:05
cindy_so what program does it take for ubuntu02:05
k3gso escott, I should do a Wubi install via a Bootcamp install? Or am I getting this wrong02:06
kylesmithKiten: my workaround was to fix the symlinks.02:06
slakcphilnix == server distro02:06
viatorAnd install it02:06
chuck634cindy_ type sudo apt-get install openjdk-6-jre in your terminal02:06
slakcphilunless maybe you are running game server :P02:06
escottk3g, not just do a bootcamp install and tell the bootcamp stuff you are going to be installing windows, but put the ubuntu disk in instead02:06
chuck634cindy_ or install open-jdk via the update center02:06
Kitenkylesmith, yeah you could do that :P or chown it copy the files and chown them then just delete that user and recreate it02:06
k3gDon't have CD's... Will Bootcamp accept a USB stick instead?02:06
viatorMost people want to help via the command line cause. The don't know what you have installed on your. PC02:07
escottk3g, when you "use bootcamp to install windows" the mac is really just emulating the bios layer so you can install any pc-compatible bios based os like ubuntu without trouble02:07
cindy_how do i do that update center02:07
kylesmithKiten: did nobody that develops this software think that anyone would use the same username on multiple machines?  It really pisses me off.02:07
viatorCindy its the software center02:07
viatorJust click on the sniping bag looking icon02:08
viatorShopping. Bag*02:08
* tnk1 is away: Gone away for now02:09
k3gescott, giving it a try. Hope all works out. Thanks for the pointer!02:09
Kitenkylesmith, well it probably does you should just chown the files it may work then02:09
kylesmithKiten: ? What probably does what?02:10
cindy_no matter what do with all these suggestions none of them r working why is that02:10
angela-cyndy type in the software cebtre by sears jdk he fint it imydely you can in stal it it thid it tjast yet02:10
escottkylesmith, do you have the same uid for the same username on the different systems?02:10
kylesmithescott: I dunno, how do I check?02:11
escottkylesmith, "id" on the two systems will tell you what your id is, or you can grep /etc/passwd02:11
chuck634welcom to linux world cindy02:12
escottkylesmith, point is that you can have the same username, but that doesn't mean anything because the usernames are not stored in the filesystem, only the uid is. and so things get broken moving between systems if i am uid 1000 on machine 1 and uid 1001on machine 202:12
kylesmithescott: actually, it looks like they're both uid 100002:13
kylesmithI must've screwed up the symlinks or something02:14
angela-soon i start internet radio here i have instalt intenet dj consoll and instalt icecast2 now i have to gonfigure it than i can play02:14
escottkylesmith, on removable media you probably want to have a relative symlink and not an absolute symlink02:15
lotus-bladeI can not access my windows shares on the network from ubuntu 11.1002:16
lotus-bladeany ideas how to fix this?02:16
kylesmithescott: well it's not really removable, but the symlinks that were already there were absolute, so I'm just trying to point them in the right direction until I recover my data02:16
chuck634you can connect to #java channel of freenod, they say that I have to be register but i don't know how to do that02:16
=== svndr is now known as SVNDR
chuck634i can connect02:17
chuck634i cannot connect sorry02:17
Retistictrying to set up postgresql02:17
DeLorean719I'm using 11.10, and I'm suddenly receiving some errors when trying to run commands like "sudo shutdown -r 0" or even running some scripts. Dmesg shows "lost page due to I/O error on dm-0\nEXT4-fs error (device dm-0): ext4_find_entry:934: inode #1703045: reading directory lblock 0". If I run shutdown -r 0, it says "-bash: /sbin/shutdown: Input/output error"02:17
Retisticdoes this mean postgres=# \password $USER my own username02:17
Retisticinstead of $USEr02:17
escottDeLorean719, so thats not good. means your harddrive is probably dying02:18
escottDeLorean719, use the disk utility to check the smart status02:18
DeLorean719honestly if anythign was going bad in that pc, I'd pick the HD! (:02:18
pato__#/server irc.iranserv.com02:18
amageein ubuntu 11.10, how can i make it so pressing my windows key doesn't activate the menu panel thingy?02:19
=== SVNDR is now known as svndr
yeatsRetistic: what exactly are you trying to do?02:20
DeLorean719escott: smartctl?02:20
Retisticyeats: install postgresql and i'm such a beginner at this its embarrassing02:20
DeLorean719manpage gives me input/output error as well lol02:20
escottDeLorean719, or the cli utility :). there is a gui in the disk-utility02:20
CarlFKI need to install "Sun JDK 1.6." (from http://www.jetbrains.com/pycharm/download/index.html) - what's the package name? (and repo I am guessing / hoping)02:20
Retisticyeats: im reading this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PostgreSQL02:21
DeLorean719ah I'm on a server version of 11.1002:21
DeLorean719not to mention, sshing into it02:21
DeLorean719what's the cli utilities name, do you know?02:21
chuck634CarlFK you can dwl it on the oracle site02:21
escottDeLorean719, smartctl was correct02:22
crypticmofohi all have a question .. i had grub booting a windows install .. i accidently deleted the ubuntu parition that had grub on it and now windows won't boot at all .. also the hdd that i deleted ubuntu off of dosen't boot from a live dvd .. i have one of those usb dongles where the hdd can be read on another computer / anyway to fix ?02:22
CarlFKchuck634: do I have to?  (hoping to apt-get it from somewhere)02:22
DeLorean719whatever I pass to it returns nothing (literally no text)02:22
DeLorean719smartctl -h, smartctl -a02:22
chuck634CarlFK unzip it somwhere and set your JAVA_HOME and PATH variable with the path02:22
slakcphilDelorean, i have seen similar errors when an nfs mount was unmounted very uncleanly, `ls` would hang and all sorts of weirf io errors. reboot fixed it02:23
escottcrypticmofo, if you dont want windows anymore boot a windows rescue disk and use the fixmbr command to install the windows bootloader02:23
grape_i downloaded 10.04 as a torrent, i received an iso file. What do i need to do to get this onto a dvd or cd in a proper format02:23
yeatsRetistic: try substituting your actual username for $USER02:23
chuck634CarlFK sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk02:23
escottRetistic, so what was the question?02:23
Retisticyeats: like $adam or adam02:23
chuck634CarlFK or install the open-jdk02:23
angela-crypticomofo you have to install it  and delete all partitions over02:24
pato__#/server irc.iranserv.com02:24
yeatsRetistic: no $02:24
crypticmofoescott i want windows .. its my ungle in laws computer now02:24
DeLorean719was trying to reboot it but couldn't, I'll just have to do it when I have physical access02:24
Retisticescott: i'm at the password step here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PostgreSQL02:24
Retisticescott: using the alternate method02:24
escottcrypticmofo, sorry thats what i meant. if you want windows but not ubuntu boot the windows rescue...02:24
DeLorean719hardware problems here don't surprise me, this pc gets a hard shut off every night02:24
crypticmofoknow what i can exchange the hard drives02:25
crypticmofoi thikn02:25
crypticmofoor maybe not02:25
Retisticescott: says role already exists02:25
escottRetistic, yes so that is saying "I am creating a user with the same name as me for consistency" and then "i want to set a password for the user named my username"02:25
crypticmofoescott won't that mess up my current machine ?02:25
Retisticescott: so i use $USER or my actual username?02:25
yeatsRetistic: if the role already exists, then using $USER must have worked02:26
escottcrypticmofo, windows fixmbr might have some tool to do it only on a single disk, but yes if you have this usb attached to another machine fixmbr probably wont help and will mess up the current machine02:26
dr_willis!burn | grape_02:26
ubottugrape_: CD/DVD burning software: k3b (KDE), brasero (GNOME), gnomebaker, xcdroast, wodim (command-line) | To burn ISO files, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto02:27
angela-rypticomofo you can download low lavel format and yous that to you hd02:27
amageeis it possible to customise the unity keyboard shortcuts?02:27
escottRetistic, there should be no difference02:27
escottRetistic, ive never used psql tool but that tutorial certainly suggests it interprets env variables02:27
escott!ccsm | amagee02:27
ubottuamagee: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' (or 'simple-ccsm' for pre-Oneiric). If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz02:27
pato__patrix#/server irc.iranserv.com02:27
yeatsRetistic: what happens when you do (within psql) '/password $USER'?02:27
crypticmofocan i install grub to an external hdd ?02:28
dr_williscrypticmofo:  yes.02:28
grape_i know how to burn, i thought the iso wasnt the proper format for installing the OS02:28
* tnk1 is back.02:28
sumosucrypticmofo: yea02:28
yeatsRetistic: sorry '\password $USER' (backslash, not forward slash)02:28
dr_willisgrape_:  you thought wrong :)02:28
crypticmofosufo how ?02:28
Retisticyeats: when i try the create new user command with my name instead it says role "adam" already exists02:28
escottcrypticmofo, yes, but the difficulty is the boot partition and all the modules in /boot. and if you arent booting linux why have grub02:28
dr_willisbb later. work time for me.02:29
amageeescott: i've installed that program, how do i run it?02:29
yeatsRetistic: okay - so what else are you trying to do?02:29
lotus-bladeI am trying to see my network printers, and file systems.  I am getting unable to mount.   any ideas on how to fix this?02:29
sumosucrypticmofo: the command is grub-install. read the --help02:29
escottamagee, carefully it can break unity easily :) truth is i dont really know as im not using unity. but i know the option you want is in there02:29
grape_okay thanks02:29
Retisticyeats: wait i think it worked02:29
amageehmm, ok02:30
amageewas there someone who actually thought that making people install something called "compizconfig-settings-manager", which can "break unity easily" was a user-friendly way of allowing people to change keyboard shortcuts? :S02:30
Retisticyeats:  postgres=# \password adam                Enter new password:                      Enter it again:                     postgres=#02:30
jcapinchow do you identify usb devices in /dev02:31
amageeescott: what do you use?  are you running 11.10?  i'm really just looking for something that will play nicely with xmonad.. it was nice under gnome 202:31
angela-postgressql suks02:32
angela-remomove it instted of that isal my7sol202:32
grape_dr_willis: would i burn as file or burn the contents02:32
CarlFK"Package 'sun-java6-jdk' has no installation candidate ... package is missing, has been obsoleted, or is only available from another source"  http://dpaste.de/GWBEj/02:33
yeatsRetistic: sounds good then02:33
Retisticyeats: not sure where im supposed to enter the next commands02:33
escottamagee, using gnome-shell02:33
diamondsI'm trying to install grub on my computer, I'm booting ubuntu from USB02:33
diamondsI've looked at some guides but I think they're for a newer version02:34
Retisticyeats: bash or pg console02:34
diamondsI installed grub from apt-get and it's version 0.9702:34
yeatsRetistic: bash02:34
sumosudiamonds: what ubuntu versino are you using?02:34
escottamagee, you cant be using xmonad and compiz. what are you trying to get02:34
amageeumm, how do i know if i'm using compiz or not02:35
diamondssumosu: 11.10 I believe02:35
escottamagee, ps aux | grep compiz02:35
amageeok, i'm not using compiz02:35
sumosudiamonds: thats the newest02:36
escottamagee, there are limited tiling functions for compiz and gnome-shell (just ctrl-alt-numkey to place in one part of a 9x9 tile)02:36
amageeyeah, not really interested in that02:36
sumosudiamonds: so you booted an install USB like one would boot an install CD/dvd?02:36
zorlachello i have lamp and apache2 installed on my machine but no php scripts work or run.  how do i get php to work ????02:36
escottamagee, then ccsm is not appropriate for you. if you are using xmonad then you would have to configure its keybindings to bring up the unity lens02:37
diamondssumosu: I am using unetbootin02:37
amageei'm happy to just not have the unity lens02:37
sumosudiamonds: i have to look that up:)02:37
htmlinprogresswhats a vpn, and whats it for?02:38
jcapinchow do I get information abotu devices in /dev02:38
amageethe problem i'm trying to solve atm is pressing my windows key opens up the unity lens, but i use the windows key for xmonad, so that's annoying02:39
sumosudiamonds: uhm so that is like booting from a cd but it's actually a usb... correct?02:39
yeats!vpn | htmlinprogress02:39
ubottuhtmlinprogress: For more information on vpn please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VPN02:39
escotthtmlinprogress, virtual private network. tunnels all network traffic through an encrypted channel to another network. used to ensure that wherever you are you area always inside your home network02:39
=== svndr is now known as SVNDR
diamondssumosu: yes02:40
htmlinprogressescott,  whats,, the last part? huh?02:40
diamondssumosu: have you used grub?02:40
diamondsI'm getting the following error: could not find device for /boot: Not found or not a blocking device02:40
sumosudiamonds: yes02:40
sumosudiamonds: have you installed ubuntu to HDD yet?02:41
escotthtmlinprogress, point is you might configure your network storage device to only respond to local requests, and so you would not be able to access files from a hotel, but with a vpn you can configure all your traffic to go through a machine inside your home network, and therefore be able to access your network storage device02:42
diamondssumosu: I installed ubuntu, installed it on a stick so I could boot to it for gparted to make room for win7, installed win7, now it boots automatically to win7 but I need to be able to boot back to ubuntu (obv)02:42
escott!lostgrub | Diamondcite02:42
escott!grub | diamonds02:42
ubottudiamonds: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)02:42
diamondsescott: I didn't "lose" grub per-se, I never had it02:43
sumosudiamonds: i see. so you are booted from usb in order to fix the boot thingy on your HDD02:43
diamondsescott: does that matter?02:43
* tnk1 is away: Gone away for now02:44
escottdiamonds, do you need to go into your bios and change the boot order so your usb is first?02:44
diamondsescott: I did, it works02:44
Resistance!away > tnk102:44
ubottutnk1, please see my private message02:44
diamondsescott: I'm trying to boot to another HDD partition02:44
htmlinprogressescott, the way your tellin me is ,like a i need a server / or like such02:44
SVNDRis there any way to make mIRC run better on ubuntu.. or is there any other IRC client, that isnt xchat..02:44
escotthtmlinprogress, if you want to run a vpn yes02:45
androidbruceSVNDR, weechat-curses, or irssi02:45
sumosudiamonds: nono wait. are you currently booted into win7 or your usb stick?02:45
htmlinprogressSVNDR, yes02:45
Ben64SVNDR: whats wrong with xchat?02:45
diamondssumosu: the computer I'm working on is booted tot he thumb drive02:46
diamondsheh.... #grub just sent me here02:46
sumosudiamonds: and there is win7 and ubuntu on your HDD and you want to be able to boot into both. correct?02:46
diamondssumosu: correct02:46
diamondssumosu: I'm trying to... "boot to grub" or however you phrase it02:47
Ben64then what you want is...02:47
Ben64!fixgrub | diamonds02:47
ubottudiamonds: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)02:47
diamondsI can02:47
escottdiamonds, sounds like you need to follow the "lost grub" instructions02:47
diamondsBen64: is grub installed on my machine already?02:47
diamondsI *cannot boot to* my HDD linux install02:47
sumosudiamonds: yes i understand now. and this is not the moment to mess something up02:47
diamondsso I don't know if grub is there02:48
diamondssumosu: yes02:48
Ben64grub had to have been there at some point02:48
diamondsBen64: ok cool02:48
Ben64but you can check to see if the /boot directory is there from usb ubuntu02:48
diamondsI did sudo apt-get grub but that was on the usb "livecd"02:48
Ben64mount the partition and see02:48
diamondsI see /boot/02:48
escottdiamonds, if ubuntu ever booted then you had grub at some point in the past and have now lost it02:48
diamondsescott: ok ty02:49
sumosudiamonds: grub programs should be therer already... but this is risky. i do not want to take the resposibility and i do not want to google this up for you02:49
diamondsI have /boot/grub/{device.map,grubenv}02:49
diamondsOK. I'll read that article02:49
htmlinprogressescott, so like i can have a teamviewer type thing ?  and have in on my home ubuntu , with the laptop going through my video connection at my friends house , via their wifi?02:50
sumosudiamonds: my suggestion would be that you install grub and update-grub. it will automatically find windows and create a chainloader. but i can not promise that this works. so please use the google02:50
escotthtmlinprogress, i didnt follow all that, but i would not recommend using a vpn over a residential connection. if you dont have a symmetric uplink/downlink things will be very slow02:51
sumosudiamonds: get a second opinion so to speak. i dont want to destroy stuff on your pc.02:51
viatorTeamviwer has a Linux version02:51
viatorJust download the.  .Deb02:52
jcapinccan someone help me?  I am trying to format a pen drive for my windows using friend who cannot access it, and I cannot identify the device in ubuntu02:52
sumosudiamonds: by installing grub i mean you force "install-grub" to write a bootblock on the device of your choice02:52
sumosudiamonds: if it fucks up your windwos bootblock you will need windows tools to repair that... it can be very annoying. so get help from people who know better than me02:53
htmlinprogressi have 12down;oad and 1.3 up,,  escott,, so im still new to this, so whats that me residential connection. if you dont have a symmetric uplink/downlink things will be very slow?02:53
escotthtmlinprogress, and technically a vpn is a bit more than just a remote access application (like teamviewer) but often people refer to vpns when they really just mean the remote desktop connection02:53
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escotthtmlinprogress, so right now you are downloading webpages at 12, but if you were coming in from outside and going through your home network the 1.3 up would be the limiting factor so its about 10x slower02:54
diamondssumosu: disclaimer acknowledged! :)02:54
htmlinprogresswhat about filesharing?  ... and 2 pc worth 600ish gb to backup ?02:55
diamondsso boot-repair is running now :)02:55
viatorVon is what you'd use for a remote field.office if you had a sasmall business for instance02:55
SVNDRandroidbruce: sorry i missed what you said up the page.. about mIRC running better, or a better client02:55
diamondsIf this works, I'll take back everything I've ever said about ubuntu02:55
viatorVpn *02:55
diamondsj/k :p02:55
sumosudiamonds: i fucked it all up once. i never lost any windows partition. it's always fixable but it's very ennerving. and your computer might not boot at all.02:55
escotthtmlinprogress, so again resi connections are tuned for webbrowsing and media streaming downlink only. if you are coming in from outside then the uplink becomes the limiting factor and it will be much much slower02:56
CarlFKunity.. I have 5 terminals open.  each has a unique window title.  how do I see the list of titles so I can swith to one?02:57
escottdiamonds, its not so bad, the main thing is to make sure you install grub on the correct disk and point it at the correct boot partition. you can run the commands by us before you press enter to confirm them02:57
viatorThat's when you get.rid.of.windows.02:57
diamondsescott: I did it the button way :)02:58
htmlinprogressi understand.. .. so i seen my andriod has a vpn option .... so whats that mean?   and can i get files when im away?02:58
diamondspoint -> click02:58
* tnk1 is back.02:58
escotthtmlinprogress, your comment about teamviewer suggests you may be more interested in vnc than vpn02:58
diamondsthat is what I was excited about.  it's so... un-*nixy... so easy :)02:58
diamondsIF it works02:58
htmlinprogresswhats the differance?02:59
ubottuVNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX02:59
escotthtmlinprogress, vnc is gui sharing. often one uses vnc in conjunction with a vpn but its not required02:59
diamondsaww yeah booting to linux seems to work. Now just to check windoze.02:59
SVNDRHow can i make the text easier to read when running mIRC with wine..?02:59
ubottuFor more information on vpn please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VPN03:00
sumosuwell. you kinda want to know where the windows equivalent of grub is located so you dont overwrite it03:00
lasher_I get this error after trying to boot after fresh install input signal out of range.   change settings to 1280 x 1024 -60hz03:02
sumosuwell fine.. you need to know wether its no sda or sda1 or how windows did it. my experiences are XP based but chances are that you overwrite it so that chainloading will not work03:02
=== SVNDR is now known as svndr
diamondswhere do I set what's autostarted on boot?03:03
diamondschkconfig isn't installed :/03:04
diamondsso I'm assuming there's some special ubuntu way03:04
jcapinchow do I format a usb drive03:04
escott!upstart | Diamondcite03:04
ubottuDiamondcite: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/03:04
jcapincto fat3203:04
escott!upstart | diamonds03:04
ubottudiamonds: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/03:04
escottDiamondcite, sorry i keep tab completing to you03:05
sumosudiamonds: maybe. you have to be bold. and you have to backup ALL your data:)03:05
escottjcapinc, the easiest way is to use gparted03:05
escottdiamonds, unless you meant what os you want to boot. if you want windows to boot first the best way is to rename the /etc/grub.d/30_os-prober to 09_os-prober and then rerun update-grub03:06
diamonds?? oh I'm OK there03:06
diamondsescott: OH no I didn't mean that.  Sorry got confused for a second.  I'm trying to see what starts on boot03:07
diamondson load Ubuntu rather03:07
sumosuescott: the way i understand it diamonds' system does not boot any grub03:07
escottsumosu, i thought he just got it working03:07
itsnotabigtruckwith 11.10 as a virtualbox guest has anyone had issues after a reboot after installing the guest additions using the restricted drivers manager03:08
sumosuescott: hmm:)03:08
=== mgodinez is now known as mgodzilla
DrMaxyo. I'm having a CD with two partitions, one which is seen as audio and mounted as cdda://sr0/, and a second one that is not detected, which may contain data. How do I get to mount the 2nd partition ?03:08
itsnotabigtruckspecifically i get display corruption on the vm outside of x, and all i see is the wallpaper, and drop shadows where the unity stuff is supposed to be03:09
=== Guest13782 is now known as andygraybeal
escottDrMax, do you have a /dev/sr1 device you can mount?03:09
rlgplease someone help, im trying to compile bahamut IRCd, happening error doing the binary daemon03:10
sumosuDrMax: sounds like a mixed mode cd.. like an audio cd with extra gimmicks03:10
=== svndr is now known as SVNDR
escottDrMax, if there isn't a detected partition I don't know how you would mount it03:10
DrMaxsumosu : probably... I don't know if it's an extra "hidden" audio track or an iso9960 partition03:11
SVNDRis there anyway to make mIRC run better with wine?03:11
itsnotabigtruckinteresting...switching the host machine to ATI graphics mode fixedit03:11
sumosuDrMax: its probably the sony rootkit virus:)03:11
SVNDRthe text doesnt look right, and it lags alot when join channels03:11
lasher_SVNDR: what's wrong with xchat?03:11
DrMaxsumosu : ah ah no, too old CD for this (1998 or 1999)03:11
colonelqubitSuggestions on a slide/film scanner? Anyone have a modern flatbed scanner with working TMA?03:11
Buniehey guys quick question03:11
SVNDRlasher_: dont really like it, been using mIRC too long03:11
escottDrMax, you could try and dd the disk and see if you can make sense of the image in some other way03:12
aeon-ltdBunie: go on...03:12
sockbotHey all, I recently upgraded from 11.04 to 11.10, and my system wouldnt boot up.  I used something called super grub live cd, and that fixed my server, but now every time i reboot grub is asking me if i want to boot normal, recovery or memtest.  I would like it to default to normal after 5 seconds, and I am having trouble figuring out how to do this.03:12
Bunieive seen packages that show game icons for even Nintendo DS roms. Isnt there something for .exe files?03:12
sumosuDrMax: it could be some windows related loader that would show band photos or what not03:12
sockbotI have a /etc/default/grub.cfg file and a /etc/grub.conf file03:12
PapafoxytrotI need help03:12
sumosuDrMax: i think they did that in and around 200003:12
Gallomimiayay it's finally installing03:12
Papafoxytrotinstalled ubuntu but when i reboot the bootloader does not show up and goes to windows03:12
Papafoxytrotdo i need to install grub? I would thought that was already installed03:12
escottDrMax, sounds like one of my old video games... audio tracks and then the game data03:12
aeon-ltdBunie: explain more on what you want03:13
urlin2uPapafoxytrot, youinstall with a usb?03:13
escottPapafoxytrot, do you have multiple hard drives?03:13
Bunieaeon-ltd: More simply said. I want windows executables icons to be seen instead of he generic icon03:13
htmlinprogressescott, so how do i backup my data to a remote pc?03:13
escottPapafoxytrot, change the boot order in the bios. grub is installed on disk two but disk one is booting03:13
Papafoxytrotescott, No sorry, its just partitioned03:13
DrMaxescott : it's an extra CD in a boxset03:13
lasher_SVNDR: I think youd have more luck running mirc in a virtualbox03:13
escottPapafoxytrot, then nevermind03:14
Teratogenmirc runs pretty good in wine03:14
aeon-ltdBunie: not sure on what defines and attributes exes to icons, but first you need a icon set that contains such a icon for exe files03:14
Papafoxytroturlin2u, yes03:14
escottDrMax, its always possible there is nothing there, but you could dd it and see what the remainder of the data looks like. if its all zeroed out, then its likely just blank03:14
lasher_SVNDR: and look into adding fonts in wine03:14
Bunieaeon-ltd: Executables contain icons seen in Windows. I wanna see them in ubuntu03:14
escotthtmlinprogress, so what do you want to accomplish. you just want a remote backup solution?03:15
sumosuTeratogen: may i lol?:))03:15
urlin2uPapafoxytrot, the usb if you used one.....may may have the grub it happens, try booting it and see if you get the grub menu.03:15
DrMaxescott : hmm I could. That be ... like, stupid if it was all zeroed out03:15
lasher_Bunie, I'm pretty sure theres a thing for that in synaptic03:15
lasher_i can see exe's03:16
htmlinprogressescott, yes03:16
Papafoxytroturlin2u, okay, if it doesn't, how do i install just grub03:16
TeratogenI used to run mirc pretty successfully with wine on my Slackware box03:16
Teratogenbut then I started using xchat and got used to xchat03:16
TeratogenI still run mirc on my windows boxes03:17
escotthtmlinprogress, if all you need to be able to do is backup your files while you are on the road back to your home network03:17
lasher_XChat is great03:17
escotthtmlinprogress, then you can do that very easily with a NAS (network attached hard drive) capable of running ssh, and a dyndns entry03:17
Buniehow can i see windows icons? =/03:18
urlin2uPapafoxytrot, here is the wiki. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Upgrading03:18
Papafoxytroturlin2u, thanks, let me check it out03:19
AmdpcHi...My Laptop display goes off after showing the Grub m enu..And after 4-6 tries,It starts...PLease help me to avoid this03:19
fabiohi, please someone try to helpme, i have ubuntu 11.10 instaled in a compac cq56 i whant to install the grafic card please how can i do it03:19
urlin2uPapafoxytrot, this is not a wubi is it?03:19
Papafoxytroturlin2u, no03:19
urlin2uPapafoxytrot, cool03:19
Amdpcfabio : Seen for Available drivers in "Additional Drivers" ?03:20
aipxubuntu 11.10: loginscreen gets frozen after some seconds, only password works03:20
fabioamdpc it dosent apear nothing there03:20
fabiois there any way that with commands i find out what card this computer have03:22
escott!nomodeset | Amdpc03:22
ubottuAmdpc: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter03:22
rlglasher_:  iḿ using kVIRC at the moment03:22
htmlinprogressescott,  what about to a friends computer03:22
escottfabio, lshw -class video03:23
escotthtmlinprogress, the same principles apply. if the friends computer is on the same network you dont need the dyndns. the only thing you need to pick is what transfer method to use (there are a number of choices)03:24
escotthtmlinprogress, the main choices for file transfer are: samba for transfer to from windows, ssh for the most secure transfer mode to other linux machines. rsync (over ssh preferred) for bulk transfers03:25
ubottursync is a fast remote file copy and synchronization program - For more see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/rsync03:26
* tnk1 is away: Gone away for now03:27
* tnk1 is back.03:28
escott!backup | htmlinprogress these can help you setup a backup process on a regular schedule03:28
ubottuhtmlinprogress these can help you setup a backup process on a regular schedule: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning03:28
Papafoxytroturlin2u, so it's installed - is there a way to make it default over mbr?03:28
lalagirlhello everyone, greetings and happy new year to all03:28
urlin2uPapafoxytrot, I have no idea what you have done when you say installed, and if from the wiki how well you read it.03:29
urlin2uPapafoxytrot, I'm not sure what this means as well.  "is there a way to make it default over mbr?"03:30
Papafoxytroturlin2u, I mean I think it's already installed, but it doesn't show up when I boot the computer03:34
SVNDR(putty:10528): Gtk-WARNING **: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "pixmap",  why do i keep getting this error when i run an app03:35
urlin2uPapafoxytrot, part of grub is in ubuntu if it nstalled correctly without the mbr being written to. The wiki tells you how to load grub to the mbr so grub is the bootloader.03:36
puff_because it's a grapical install and does not have access to 003:36
KitenSVNDR its best to ignore that GTK apps spit out a lot of debug info when run in terminal03:36
fabiocan someone please assist me in make my card performence better in ubuntu 11.10 card is a Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller03:36
SVNDRKiten: how else can i run them?03:36
puff_note: terminals a re not graphic and (0) belongs to root03:37
caesar_IS there a trick to getting usb devices to work in vbox??03:37
puff_run them just ignore the debug03:37
SVNDRpuff_: is there any other way to run them though?03:37
hendauscan anyone tell me how to upgrade from sabily 9.10 to 11.10 please?03:37
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent03:37
urlin2uPapafoxytrot, I wonder if that is the problem, it is rather unusual for this exact scenario to happen.If the usb has the grub boot and it got you to the install it would be easier to fix from ubuntu itself.Could be any otherset of problems as well.03:37
puff_yeah gtk03:38
escotthendaus, you have to go through all the other versions, a reinstall may be easier see !clone03:38
KitenSVNDR well unless you have an x11 server(by this i mean an x11 server that is actually serving not the local loop) you have to run them from terminal03:38
puff_brb I gotta windows 7 install running I have to check on on another machine (no hell no it is not mine)03:38
SVNDRKiten: alright no worries, thanks03:38
caesar_i'm not trying to install ubuntu from a usb drive03:38
caesar_i'm trying to get usb device to show in a windoze virtual box03:39
fabiocan someone please assist me in make my card performence better in ubuntu 11.10 card is a Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller  please03:39
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience03:39
Kitenerr whoops03:39
Kitenforgot which it was03:39
Kitenany how fabio is it an intel ?03:39
hendausescott:  thanx friend, but i have download the latest sabily version so i dont like to erase everything kept on my hard disk03:39
fabiothink so kiten03:40
Kitenapt-cache search intel graphics03:40
fabioouff: displays what do u mean?03:40
Buniecaesar_: I think Virtual Box can do that03:40
fabiohow i do that kiten im new to ubuntu03:40
fabioapt-cache is that a command03:41
Kitenyes open a terminal up03:41
fabiois open03:41
Kitenits under applications->accessories03:41
edbianfabio, yes03:41
escottcaesar_, i would not be surprised if the sharing is per bus. so you may have to pick a bus (ie one set of ports on one side of the machine) to share through the virtual box system config03:41
Kitennow type apt-cache search intel graphics03:41
SVNDRKiten: what IRC client do you use?03:42
caesar_i tried ports on both sides03:42
KitenSVNDR xchat for gui, BitchX for terminal03:42
escottcaesar_, but have you tried explicitly enabling sharing of usb03:42
caesar_i had to add user to group yes03:42
Kiten*well i probably shoulda used its package name ircII-pana03:42
escottcaesar_, http://www.dedoimedo.com/computers/virtualbox-usb.html03:42
fabiokiten: got no output of that command03:42
Kitenfabio, type sudo apt-get update03:43
Kitenthen sudo apt-cache search intel drivers after it gets finished03:43
hendausescott:  i mean i didnot burn the latest version on a blank cd so thats why i am asking if i do a reinstall everything kept on my hd can be eraise or not03:43
Buniei have in intigrated intel card and ubuntu came with the driver03:43
ubottursync is a fast remote file copy and synchronization program - For more see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/rsync03:43
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=== boo_ is now known as boo
fabiokiten: done03:43
fabioand no output03:44
KitenBunie, he is wanting graphics acceleration03:44
Kitenuhh fabio it should have some out put03:44
Kitendoes that computer have an internet connection ?03:44
escotthendaus, in place upgrades do not skip versions so you would go 9.10->10.04->10.10->11.04->11.10 you could reinstall and preserve the home, but you should backup in case it fails03:44
fabioyes is this computer03:44
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Kitenand you got no output from that03:44
Kitennone at all ?03:45
fabioapt-cache search intel grafics03:45
Kitenapt-cache search intel drivers03:45
Kitentry that03:45
Kitenyou misspelled graphics too03:45
BunieKiten: I have graphics acceleration >3< I can play 3D Games anyway03:46
fabiook i have done that03:46
fabiois this all?03:46
hendausescott:  can u tell me how please coz i am not understanding03:46
KitenBunie, he appears to have an older card03:46
Kitenfabio did you get a list03:46
fabioyes kiten03:46
escott!upgrade | hendaus03:47
ubottuhendaus: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade03:47
fabioso now i need to download one of that list?03:47
delOS=10.04-LTS I have a Nvidia NV15 [GeForce2 GTS/Pro] and "Hardware Drivers" finds "no proprietary drivers" for use on this system and so I only get 1024x768 (on my wide-screen monitor).  Is this card just too old to use?03:48
caesar_escott: the top one is checked.. when i checked the bottom one it gave me some update error and told me to reinstall virtualbox. weird03:48
Buniefabio needs to find out exactly what intel graphics he has :P03:48
Buniethen it'd be easier.03:48
Kitenyou could try this sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-intel fabio but if you can't get to gui you'll have to login via terminal03:48
Bunieubuntu has documentation on pretty much everything03:48
htmlinprogressrsync, does windows have one?03:48
escottcaesar_, the usb sharing is a newer feature in virtualbox so make sure you have the most recent version (it used to be a feature you had to pay for)03:49
escotthtmlinprogress, yes you can get rsync for windows03:49
KitenI don't mean to slap this in but arch has a pretty exhaustive list on their wiki, however ubuntu forums seems to be the friendliest03:49
fabiobunie anyway i can find whats the exact card?03:49
Kitenfabio do sudo lshw | grep vga03:50
Bunieyeah do that03:50
BunieKiten knows more then i do03:50
hendausescott: i am asking about sabily 11.10 not ubuntu11.1003:50
Buniebut if you can find your exact card, odds are ubuntu has a document on it03:50
htmlinprogressKiten, ???03:50
Buniefor intel its usually three letters and/or numbers03:50
Bunielike GMA 84503:50
Kitenactually fabio skip that one03:51
=== SVNDR is now known as svndr
fabiothis says : kika@kika-Presario-CQ56-Notebook-PC:~$ sudo lshw | grep vga              capabilities: msi pm vga_controller bus_master cap_list rom03:51
Bunieyeah i think thats the wrong command lols03:51
Kitenyeah i kinda messed up03:51
Kitenshould be sudo lshw | grep mobile03:52
* tnk1 is away: Gone away for now03:52
htmlinprogressKiten, so does ach have a flavor for netbook?03:52
escott!ot | hendaus03:52
ubottuhendaus: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:52
fabiokiten: mobile gets no output03:53
Buniedoes he have intel graphics? this CQ56 review says radeon HD 425003:53
Kitenfabio do lshw | grep radeon03:53
Kitenif you get out put you do not have intel graphics03:53
escottKiten, fabio lshw -class video03:53
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Bunieyeeh thats right escott, take 'em to school ;D get it? class? ._.03:54
Kitenescott, yeah i didn't know about the -class flag03:54
hendausescott:  so i am looking if anyone can help me coz i dont know much on ubuntu so trust me03:54
Kiteni always just weeded through it manually03:54
Bunieohh this walmart.com page says it has03:54
Bunieintel GMA 4500M03:54
Bunieshould we go with that?03:54
escotthendaus, since you arent running ubuntu there isn't much we can do but point you to ubuntu docs03:55
burrito_my ubuntu one will not sync my documents folder.  10.0403:55
escott!alis | hendaus maybe there is a sabily channel03:55
ubottuhendaus maybe there is a sabily channel: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu*03:55
fabiohere is the output http://pastebin.com/tNqLJ5S303:55
escottfabio, you have intel graphics03:55
BunieKiten: go with what i found on the walmart.com page GMa 4500M03:56
=== LargePrime is now known as Guest49691
fabiook so now can i make it better performance?03:56
fabioim trying to play HON on this and is kinda slow03:56
fabioHeroes of newearth03:56
escottfabio, its a fairly awful graphics card03:56
Kitenfabio is this a netbook /laptop or desktop03:56
fabioyes i know but in windows is good enouf03:57
fabiois a notebook03:57
Kitenfabio you know how much ram it has ?03:57
fabiothink it have a shared memory03:57
BunieHeroes of Newerth is running playably?03:57
Buniethen you have drivers installed, im pretty sure :S03:58
fabiobut more slow here then in windows03:58
Buniewell no offence to ubuntu03:58
Buniebut thats natural03:58
fabioshould not be03:58
Buniesomeone else might could give you a better answer03:58
fabioany tricks can be made?03:58
Kitenfabio well i meant mb/gb03:58
fabioto improve03:58
Bunieim reading something about three different Intel drivers with different performances03:58
Bunienot worth it :P03:58
fabiohumm bunie maybe i should try one of those drivers for better performance?03:59
Buniethe forum post is like 2 years old03:59
Bunieits probably not even relevant anymore03:59
fragged_tHey all, I've got a USB pedal joystick I wish to set up for use under Linux to perform tasks for a disabled person, currently, pressing the pedals is interpreted as a b or c depending on which pedal is pressed, is there any way to remap this device without remapping the keyboard03:59
puff_heh you want better performance try AMD 64bit architecture04:00
Kitenfabio are you running ubuntu 11 ?04:00
Buniei dont think 64-bit increases performance puff_04:00
Tech-1bulldozer ftw04:00
puff_Bunie: sure it does04:00
Kitenbulldozer is over rated ;p04:00
fabiokiten yes 11.1004:00
Gallomimiadang. i just got a working cdrom plugged into this system and now it still won't boot04:00
Buniepuff_: pretty sure it doesnt :P but k lols04:00
Gallomimiajust keeps grinding the drive04:00
Kitenfabio hmm you should have good drivers already then04:01
escottfragged_t, and you are seeing this in xev?04:01
fabio:( ok im trying to google some trick04:01
Kitenfabio you could switch destkop environments to improve speed04:01
Kiteni'd recommend lxde or fluxbox or xfce04:01
BunieKiten: gnome is pretty cpu efficient :P04:01
Kitengnome is kinda sluggish04:01
fabiocan i run it out of grafic mode?04:02
Kitenbut definitely faster than kde04:02
fabioto get more memory free04:02
Bunielol kde04:02
BunieKDE uses 25% of my cpu just to sit there04:02
fabioand gnome better?04:02
Bunieyour using gnome already04:02
lasher_im stll on gnome204:03
Kitenfabio i'm not sure what you mean you mean launch it from terminal ? no you have to have x11 running in order to get the windows/graphics04:03
Kiten!lxde | fabio04:03
htmlinprogressBunie,  i told you yesterday04:03
BunieTold me what? o.o04:04
Buniei didnt ask anything04:04
Kiten!desktop | fabio04:04
ubottufabio: A desktop environment is what "puts the pieces of a !GUI together". The available desktop environments in Ubuntu are !GNOME (ubuntu-desktop), !KDE (kubuntu-desktop), !Xfce (xubuntu-desktop), IceWM, !Fluxbox, WindowMaker (wmaker), FVWM and others - See also !Flavors04:04
puff_actually gnome is fast on here04:04
Bunieyeah gnome is fine04:04
Bunieit uses no cpu to idle04:04
fabiook got it04:04
Buniewell, very little04:04
=== svndr is now known as SVNDR
Kitenyeah but if you want lightweight i'd use fluxbox or lxde04:04
fabioso anything can be made to free more cpc?04:04
Kitenwell any *box but flux is just my favorite04:05
Bunieits your gpu i think04:05
Bunieare you running the game over Wine?04:05
puff_unity is awesome04:05
fabioits a linux version04:05
Kitenhmm its probably your graphics card04:05
Bunieif the Windows version uses D3D That could also be the difference in performance04:05
* puff_ slaps ubottu around a bit with a rotten trout04:06
Kitenfabio if you aren't to involved in your current setup you could install lubuntu04:08
AgamemnusDoes anyone know how to use GIT?04:09
AgamemnusFor instance, to get fbc.git.sourceforge.net/gitroot/fbc/fbc04:09
AgamemnusI installed it but.04:09
panikkoshey guys I have a problem with my laptop, my fan won't speed up causing the computer to heat up very fast and turn off, I have tested the fan and it seems to work fine by it self. However when everything is wired up it stays at very low speeds04:09
BunieAgamemnus: I have no idea. but try "git pull bc.git.sourceforge.net/gitroot/fbc/fbc"04:09
escottAgamemnus, git clone git://fbc......04:09
Bunieor clone04:09
Bunieyeh its clone04:09
* tnk1 is back.04:09
Agamemnusthanks guys04:09
Gallomimiahey can someone tell me what it means when the screen goes black while trying to boot a livecd?04:10
BunieGallomimia: could mean alot of things04:10
Agamemnuslooks like clone is working04:10
escott!nomodeset | Gallomimia04:10
ubottuGallomimia: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter04:10
htmlinprogressGallomimia,  my guess is , that the screen is getting fitted04:13
Buniedoes the black screen have a blinking "_"?04:14
Buniein the very top left corner?04:14
Buniehey its a valid question i think xD04:14
KitenBunie, yeah ;p lol04:15
=== boo is now known as boobear
panikkoshey guys I have a problem with my laptop, my fan won't speed up causing the computer to heat up very fast and turn off, I have tested the fan and it seems to work fine by it self. However when everything is wired up it stays at very low speeds04:16
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Groselhaalgum brasileiro ?04:17
escott!pt | Groselha04:17
ubottuGroselha: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.04:17
xrandrHi, I am running ubuntu 11.10 and samba. I'm trying to access a share on my ubuntu box that i created with the file manager (nautilus) from a windows 7 box and cannot. I can see the share but when i double click it to open the folder windows says it can't find the share.04:18
Agamemnushow do you rename a file from the command line?04:19
xrandrany ideas on how i can fix this?04:19
escottAgamemnus, mv file newfile04:19
xrandrAgamemnus: mv oldfile newfile04:19
htmlinprogress!rsync how do i use it/ how to send file to a reomote desktop04:19
ubottuhtmlinprogress: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:19
escotthtmlinprogress, is this rsync to windows?04:20
htmlinprogressrsync how do i use it/ how to send file to a reomote desktop04:20
=== Kiten is now known as acidrain
* tnk1 is away: Gone away for now04:20
escotthtmlinprogress, and you are using that phrase "remote desktop" which has a special meaning in the windows world04:20
k3gWeird request, but does anyone know of any hosted .iso's (or other formats) of minimal Ubuntu installs that I could download to clone over to a disk? I've given up trying to be able to boot from what I have....04:20
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Buniexrandr: Ive never shared on ubuntu. have you tried going to "//PCNAME" on windows?04:21
xrandrBunie: yes, and it shows the share, but when i double click the share it says it can't find it04:21
htmlinprogressthis is from my ubnutu 10.10 to windows 7 ulimite  ,, full backup04:21
Bunietry naming the share something simple04:22
xrandri did, videos :)04:22
escotthtmlinprogress, so doing rsync to windows is harder because you have to install an rsync server on windows. you may find it easier to just mount a samba share and backup onto the samba share04:22
nimbioticsHello all.1) How do I modify $PATH so I can execute a bash file on a given path. 2) I wrote a bash file with a simple cd command (/Documents/Projects/dabo/$1) but it is not changing anywhere. I do get an error if I use a non existent path for %1 though.04:22
Bunietry naming it VIDEOS lol. idk.. somone else will need to help you04:23
htmlinprogressok,,, thats a I-dont know-much  thing...  or how to04:23
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=== hyrdrochloricaci is now known as acidfrost
escotthtmlinprogress, you can still use things like rsync onto samba shares although you dont get any rsync benefits from doing that04:23
SVNDRAnybody running mIRC with WINE in here??04:24
sparrow2nimbiotics: I think path is defined in /etc/environment04:24
escotthtmlinprogress, it would help if you can be more specific about things. we know you are backing up to windows, but is the windows computer on the same network or on another network? do you need to be able to backup from outside the network or is that optional04:24
htmlinprogressSVNDR,  i think i used it before04:25
SVNDRhtmlinprogress: do you have any idea how to make the text in the windows look more like Windows based?04:25
escottnimbiotics, when you run a script it spawns a new shell that shell gets the new working directory and immediately closes04:25
htmlinprogressescott,  i am doing this through the internet04:25
SVNDRhtmlinprogress: i installed a Human theme for wine, that said it should make it look more natural, but it didnt really help.. and it runs slow too04:26
nimbioticsescott: Is there a way to change that?04:26
escotthtmlinprogress, so the remote computer is not on the same network, but is literally the house next door04:26
Gallomimiahtmlinprogress, bunie: no it's black. much text scrolled past earlier04:26
escottnimbiotics, you want an alias. and it should go in your ~/.bashrc04:26
nimbioticsescott: thats exactly where I started, but couldnt make it work04:27
HamledHi, How would I install the screen package from this branch? https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/debian/experimental/screen/experimental I need a version of screen with the changes that were pushed in the most recent revision04:27
escottnimbiotics, did you logout or start a new terminal?04:27
Hamledis it just build from source?04:27
nimbioticsescott: Not yet, I know I have to do it, but I tried the alias first but couldnt make it work04:28
=== SVNDR is now known as svndr
ibodiwhat's the best version of ubuntu to install today ? thanks04:29
Bunieibodi: Mostly an opinion based answer is all you will get with that question04:29
escotthtmlinprogress, in order to backup to the computer at the house next door the following needs to be done: (a) the house next door needs to establish a dyndns entry and keep it updated, (b) the house next door needs to pick a port to forward on its router to the computer you will backup to, that port should be appropriate for service method you want to use, (c) samba would be the easiest service to use but I would not feel comfortable ope04:29
escottning a samba port to the outside so it might be better for your neighbor to install an ssh server and if he is doing that he might as well install rsync so you can use that04:29
escottnimbiotics, so its just "alias newcommand='cd /path/to/directory'04:30
ibodiBunie: are you happy with 11.10 or are you currently using other versions ?04:30
Agamemnushow do I fix a message that says I need root priveleges?04:30
htmlinprogresshttp://wiki.jswindle.com/index.php/Fonts    SVNDR04:30
Agamemnus"You need root priviledges to access /usr/local"04:30
escott!sudo | Agamemnus04:30
ubottuAgamemnus: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo04:30
Bunieibodi: I'm using lubuntu 11.10 with gnome installed04:31
Agamemnusahhh so that's what sudo does!04:31
nimbioticsescott: I tried [alias test='cd ~/Documents/Projects/dabo/'], but when I run [test somepath] it just goes to [~/Documents/Projects/dabo]04:31
escottnimbiotics, yes... and what did you expect it to do?04:31
BunieAgamemnus: from what i know, sudo = command line root request, kgsu = graphical root request04:31
elsidhello I cant install unityshell-rotated plugin04:31
ibodiBunie:  does that means mint12 is easier for the dummy to install the latest ubuntu04:31
nimbioticsescott: move to ~/Documents/Projects/dabo/somepath04:32
=== svndr is now known as SVNDR
escottnimbiotics, ahhh then you need a bash function04:32
SVNDRdamn this is annoying04:33
nimbioticsescott: lol, just what I thought. but I couldnt make it work and thats why I came here with my first 2 questions :)04:33
acidfrostibodi, well the really only hard part is well partitioning your hard drive and thats not really that hard so you could just have ubuntu manage it automatically04:33
escottnimbiotics, function test { cd "/path/to/folder/$1";}04:33
acidfrostibodi, * of ubuntu of course04:33
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nimbioticsescott: would that be the only line in my bash?04:34
htmlinprogressescott,  can you pm this info.. so i can remember how to do this04:34
stepnjumpMy operapluginwrapper makes a weird noise sometimes... sounds like drums, I wonder what that could be04:34
escottnimbiotics, i think that should work. give it a try04:34
ibodiacidfrost: install ubuntu is easier nowadays; however still feeling funny about use of 11.1004:35
Guest89692im on 11.10, when gnome 3 loads, the top panel appears for a second then disappears. Is there a command to reset gnome 3 to factory default?04:35
acidfrostibodi, if your looking for difficult i'd recommend gentoo04:35
elsidneed help installing unityshell-rotated plugin04:36
ibodiacidfrost: well. just feel like the u11.10 gui is not as handy as 10.0404:37
acidfrostyeah i'm not a big fan of unity either04:37
acidfrosti'd rather use gnome 204:37
acidfrostor flux04:37
ibodiacidfrost: unity designed for netbook looks, however our desktop screen is very huge. so 10.04 works handy.04:37
blackNew to ubuntu.Need resources to learn terminal commands.Anyone know whare? :304:38
acidfrostblack linuxquestions.com(might be .org)04:38
ibodiacidfrost: what are you currently using ?04:38
acidfrost10.10(upgraded from 10.04 yesterday)04:38
acidfrostironically i'm on a netbook ;p04:38
nimbioticsescott: doesnt work....04:39
acidfrosti have noticed that using the desktop iso for a netbook does introduce some glitches with displaying windows04:39
blacklol nvm04:39
blackthank you acid frost04:39
escottnimbiotics, did you source your .bashrc?04:40
acidfrostblack yeah just search on there there is tons of good articles04:40
escottnimbiotics, it might be an issue with the "~" you might want the full path there04:40
blackI will begin research.I've become interested in this OS and aim to master it. :D04:40
blackthanks again.peace04:41
acidfrostblack, oh and of course a couple words of advice when you want to learn more rather than google it, type man -k topic04:41
nimbioticsescott: I dnt know what u mean by 'source'04:41
blackahh alright thank you ^_^04:41
acidfrostand if you want to know command flags --help or -h is pretty much universal on most programs04:41
escottnimbiotics, type ". $HOME/.bashrc"04:41
blackok.taking this all in.appreciated04:42
acidfrostblack and if you do cd /usr/bin then type ls you will see a list of programs that you can then do man -k name of program to find out the man page name then type man pagename04:42
acidfrostblack a good starter is man ls04:42
acidfrost*"man ls"04:43
blackquotations included?04:43
acidfrostnah just man ls04:43
acidfrosti did the quotes to make it stand out04:43
blackthank you kindly04:43
acidfrostuse the arrow keys to navigate04:43
acidfrostthe titles you see with man -k are what you can then type man title04:44
nimbioticsescott: The output is [dircolors: /home/nimbiotics/.dircolors: No such file or directory]04:44
blackahh ok cool cool04:44
escottnimbiotics, thats fine, does the function work now?04:44
nimbioticsescott: nope, not even after using full path04:45
escott!paste | nimbiotics send us your .bashrc04:45
ubottunimbiotics send us your .bashrc: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.04:45
acidfrosthehe i  could fill a small book with knowledge(although i will admit there are people who could do things better/more efficient than i can)04:45
atvrdoes anyone know if its possible to reset plasma to its original (default) setting in command line04:46
atvrbecause i have accidently disabled my task bar and desktop and now i cant enable it back :S04:46
nimbioticsescott: where do i find it?04:46
blackwell thank you for the small bit you have imparted to me.04:46
acidfrostatvr you could reinstall it04:47
blackpeace XD04:47
escottnimbiotics, where did you put this function?04:47
acidfrostblack no problem ;p04:47
atvracidfrost how, do you know the command for that :)04:47
nimbioticsescott: OIC04:47
escottnimbiotics, OIC?? what does that mean04:47
acidfrostsudo apt-get remove (not sure of the package name assuming its plasma)04:47
acidfrostsudo apt-get remove plasma (see text above004:47
deathbysushihave a question if someone could help, thanks :)04:48
escottacidfrost, that won't touch his config in ~04:48
nimbioticsescott: OIC=Oh, I see!.  http://paste.ubuntu.com/791296/04:48
atvrand then sudo apt-get install plasma ??04:48
escottatvr, not a kde user but you might check if there are any hidden directories ~/.kde or ~/.plasma which might have the config files04:48
acidfrostescott well then sudo apt-get purge plasma04:48
acidfrosti might be wrong but isn't plasma a crucial part of kde ?04:49
escottacidfrost, still not going to do do anything for him. it won't touch his home folder its just going to break his kde setup04:49
acidfrostescott, see above04:49
almoxarifeacidfrost: I do believe, yes04:49
atvrhey almoxarife04:50
acidfrostahh then atvr i would not do that04:50
escottnimbiotics, so that function line should be in the file ~/.bashrc04:50
urlin2udeathbysushi, askaway.04:50
acidfrosti assumed plasma was a dock thing04:50
escottacidfrost, yes it is. so why are you telling him to remove it04:50
acidfrostlike most people want nowadays04:50
acidfrostescott, i'm afraid your meaning of dock and mine differ04:50
escottatvr, don't remove plasma04:50
acidfrostatvr, listen to escott04:51
atvrescott, ok04:51
nimbioticsescott: Thats is the whole cotent of the files as I haev have it right now. I named it project. Do I have to add the .bashrc?04:51
escottatvr, your plasma config is in some hidden directory like ~/.kde and renaming that folder and logout/login may get you back to a default setup04:52
nimbioticsescott: *content04:52
almoxarifeescott: what would default be?04:52
escottnimbiotics, so ~/.bashrc should already exist. you want to add a single line to that.04:52
escottalmoxarife, what it would be for a new user who has never configured kde04:53
dijonyummyis there a way to easily block internet connections for a program on my pc04:53
dijonyummyi used to use commodo when under windows04:54
escottatvr, its a bit drastic (all your kde config for all programs would be gone), so you might want to look for a better way04:54
almoxarifeescott: I am confused, is it like getting rid of gnome?04:54
=== greentux|xutneer is now known as greentux
chamunkscan anyone help me figure out how to use aticonfigure command?04:55
nimbioticsescott: I'm totally lost here. Whre u say ~/.bashrc, are you refering to my file? If so; what The link shows is the whole file, which I named project; or do yoiu mean that I muts name file project.bashrc?04:55
chamunksThe amdcccle will not save any changes.04:55
chamunksit saved the first ones than hated me ever since.04:55
escottalmoxarife, no its like renaming ~/.config04:55
chamunksI have two ati cards with two monitors.04:55
atvrescott, do you know an other way the enable back the desktop and taskbar04:55
escottatvr, no i dont but im not a kde user04:55
atvrescott, thanks anyway :) i will google to see :)04:56
almoxarifeatvr: if you wanted to run gnome/unity I would look for the package 'ubuntu-desktop', install it, then look for it at log in, should be that simple, but crippling kde to get gnome/unity probably won't get you either04:56
atvralmoxarife, i have explained what is my problem in your prvt tchek for that :)04:57
chamunkscan anyone provide any suggestions for this?04:58
escottnimbiotics, thats not right. you should have more to your .bashrc than that. if you nuked your .bashrc you can cp /etc/skel/.bashrc ~ to get a default copy back, but you will have to chown username:username ~/.bashrc back to yourself04:58
almoxarifeatvr: I am not receiving private, I have to allow for that, we can if you would like, just a minute04:58
chamunksnoone seems to support fglrx at all :S every time i come here and drop an fglrx bomb noone ever touches it :(04:58
atvralmoxarife, okay i would like :)04:58
escottchamunks, multiple cards single server is not well supported AFAIK04:58
chamunksescott, well i can get it mostly working my issue is mainly that the amdcccle will not save its changes so it forces me to learn undocumented commands.04:59
almoxarifeescott: if I get rid of /.config , won't I lose every conf regardless of which desktop it was meant for?04:59
escottalmoxarife, thats why i would rename it not remove it05:00
escottalmoxarife, but yes05:00
Gallomimiaso.... still booting from the cd and the scroll lock and caps lock lights are blinking. the drives aren't grinding anymore05:00
Gallomimiaknow what that means?05:00
almoxarifeescott: sounds scary, perhaps I won't then05:00
escottalmoxarife, atvr im really confused who is having what problem here. hopefully what i suggested made sense to at least one of you05:00
Ben64Gallomimia: kernel panic05:01
almoxarifeescott: I came in late, sorry, and thanks05:01
atvralmoxarife, prvt me05:02
Gallomimiathat's awesome. it hasn't even booted :P05:02
escottalmoxarife, not a problem. i just didnt realize you were having the same issue as atvr05:02
Gallomimiathanks tho05:02
nimbioticsescott: you are killing me :( my user name is nimbiotics. Do I hev to type chown nimbiotics:nimbiotics ~/.bashrc?05:02
Ben64Gallomimia: could be a problem with the cd or the computer05:02
nimbioticsescott: *have'05:02
escottGallomimia, do you know if there is anything odd about your hardware05:02
Gallomimianot the cd. i've tested it on another system05:02
escottnimbiotics, yes05:02
Gallomimiayes. i know my hardware is totally fucked05:03
escottnimbiotics, sudo chown actually05:03
nimbioticsescott: after cp?05:03
escottnimbiotics, yes05:03
Gallomimiai swapped the cdrom out so it finally works05:03
Gallomimiathe rest of the hardware seems to be.... alright05:03
almoxarifeescott: no, not so much that problem, my problem has more to do with controlling gtk/gnome apps appearance in a kde environment, they tend to look dam dogged, also I struggle with the sound system trying to decide whether its being managed by kde or gnome, but I think I created that animal using gnome sound with cairo-dock on a kde desktop05:05
nimbioticsescott: done05:06
escottnimbiotics, now if you open ~/.bashrc in your text editor there should be lots of stuff and you can add that function line at the bottom05:07
almoxarifeatvr: what's broke?05:07
nimbioticsescott: and use the name of my function instead of the command?05:07
=== jacob is now known as Guest39313
Guest39313do u play dvd movies05:08
atvralmoxarife, i have disabled the taskbar and desktop, so now i dont have taskbar and the desktop is black, i want to get plasma to its original setting or simply get back the taskbar and the desktop05:08
almoxarifeatvr: talking kde?05:09
escottnimbiotics, im sorry i didnt follow. you add the function mycommand { cd "/path/to/whatever/$1"; } to your .bashrc and then you "source" your bashrc by typing ". ~/.bashrc" at which point mycommand folder should cd into the desired folder05:09
Guest39313do hacok whith05:09
almoxarifeatvr: lets talk in #kubuntu05:09
atvralmoxarife, what is kde05:09
Guest39313dvd movie work in ubunthu05:09
almoxarifeatvr: kubuntu05:09
escott!dvd | Guest3931305:10
ubottuGuest39313: Ubuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:10
atvralmoxarife,  yup im there05:10
Guest39313do play dvd movies05:10
dr_willisGuest39313: yes05:10
TrD!mp3 | Guest3931305:10
ubottuGuest39313: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:10
nimbioticsescott: sry but I dnt know what u mean by "source"05:11
escottGuest39313, if you are having trouble playing a dvd there is a commonly missed step of running /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/install-css.sh05:11
escottnimbiotics, it means "import the list of commands into the current bash environment" it is accomplished by the "." command05:11
escottnimbiotics, if you dont source the bashrc bash won't realize it has changed05:12
jacob_do u play dvd on it05:12
nimbioticsescott: I get a "no such file or dierctory" error when I type [.~/.bashrc]05:14
escottnimbiotics, a space before the ~05:14
nimbioticsescott: same05:14
nimbioticsescott: NO, sry05:14
nimbioticsescott: its OK now05:15
nimbioticsHow do I use the function now05:15
escottnimbiotics, functionname folder05:15
escottnimbiotics, whatever you decided to call it05:15
nimbioticsescott: much better, but now working yet. It does go to "my/root/folder/" but not to "my/root/folder/project"05:16
jmdyckubuntu-newbie here: it seems I can't resize my firefox window. Is that a feature of Unity?05:17
escottnimbiotics, and what does the function line look like?05:17
escottnimbiotics, sounds like you had a space between /my/root/folder/ and $105:17
escottnimbiotics, it should be cd "/my/root/folder/$1" with no space'05:18
nimbioticsescott: I have [function project { cd "home/nimbiotics/Documents/Projects/dabo/$1";}]05:19
escottnimbiotics, rather than dealing with all this editing the bashrc you can type directly in the command line function project { cd "/home/nimbiotics/Documents/Projects/dabo/$1";} and test until it work05:19
nimbioticsescott: should I use single quotes?05:19
jmdyckAlso: my launcher appears to be stuck. How do I make it retract?05:19
escottnimbiotics, no you want double quotes, and you need a / before home05:20
escottnimbiotics, once you get the function working make sure to put the working version in the .bashrc05:20
caesar_escott: re-installed vbox to latest version and everything seems to be working fine05:22
SVNDRcan i 'su' from terminal??05:24
SVNDReverytime i try i get an error05:25
escott!sudo | SVNDR05:25
ubottuSVNDR: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo05:25
escott!root | SVNDR05:25
ubottuSVNDR: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo05:25
nimbioticsescott: I changed the name of the fucntion in the CL and it worked. shoudl I just logout/in?05:26
SVNDRescott: how long how you been waiting for some to ask?05:26
grape_should i burn linux to dvd as file or conents05:26
escottnimbiotics, just make sure the working version is in the .bashrc but sure logout/login and you should be fine05:26
escottSVNDR, just a common question05:26
nimbioticsescott: THX a BUNCH!!!05:27
SVNDRescott: ok, but really.. is there a way.. or nah?05:27
nimbioticsescott: and God Bless you05:27
escottSVNDR, su and sudo do different things. you cannot su because the root account is disabled05:27
SVNDRescott: and im guessing there is no was to enable it?05:28
escottSVNDR, there is but I'm not going to tell you05:28
SVNDRescott: ok lol05:28
agamemnushow do i check where something is installed?05:29
escottgrape_, if you are burning an install disk you need to burn it as an image file. the ubuntu.com website gives instructions for a few common burner applications05:30
escottagamemnus, apt-file or dpkg can help, but files end up in a number of places. its not like windows or mac see !hier05:30
agamemnusk thx05:31
A_Jhey all, my flash player in firefox is acting Jerky, flash video's lagg and don't play smoothly. I'm running Ubuntu 10.04LTS. What should I do /05:32
puff_A_J: try upgrading to 11.1005:32
motherbrainI have created a bash script is their away to run it by clicking on it... sort of like you do in windowa for executables...05:33
A_Jpuff_: it's no better in 11.10 tbh05:33
puff_motherbrain:set it executable05:33
agamemnusescott--so if the program is named "fbc", wat would I type?05:33
escottmotherbrain, it needs a shebang "#!/bin/bash" on the first line, and it needs to be marked executable "chmod +x yourscriptfilename"05:33
oYeVoVeYoMy laptop can't connect to internet, wired or wireless. someone plz help05:33
escottmotherbrain, also useful to put it in ~/bin (create the folder if it doesnt exist05:34
escottagamemnus, try fbc if thats not it try f[TAB][TAB] and it will list all programs that have a first letter of f05:34
puff_can be sort of risky though better to just exec it05:34
agamemnusapt-file ???05:35
escottagamemnus, apt-file is better for stuff you havent installed. dpkg is faster for things you have installed05:36
agamemnusi'm just trying to figure out if i have duplicae installs05:36
escottagamemnus, dpkg -L "full-package-name"05:36
motherbrainwell is their away to have someone click on it with out the execute file dialog box asking them execute , execute in terminal , open , cancel?05:37
agamemnusi'm sorry05:37
agamemnusi'm retarded.. i dunno the full package name.05:38
escottmotherbrain, i think you need the shebang.05:38
oYeVoVeYoSomeone plz help >.< My laptop can't connect to the network, wired or wireless, when I do ifconfig it can sense wlan0 but just can't connect to the net, HEEEEELLPPP05:38
escottagamemnus, dpkg -l "*pattern*" to figuree that out05:38
agamemnusstill retarded05:39
agamemnusmichael@michael-VirtualBox:~/FreeBASIC$ dpkg -l *f* No packages found matching fbc. No packages found matching fblogo.ico. No packages found matching fblogo.xpm. No packages found matching manifest.05:39
motherbrainyes I have the !#/bin/sh and executable bit on chmod a+x but whenever I click on it I still get the dialog box?05:40
motherbrainprompting me05:40
escottagamemnus, so a little lesson in bash. you didn't quote *f* and so bash expanded it and what you ran was dpkg -l fbc fblogo.ico fblogo.xpm and any other filename in the working directory with an f in it05:40
escottagamemnus, so dpkg -l "*fbc*" but there is no such package05:40
A_Jmotherbrain: which program is used for allocating more than 3.2gb ram in 32bit ubuntu.05:40
escottA_J, there is a kernel feature called PAE but there is no program to do that05:41
escottmotherbrain, #! not !# right?05:41
A_Jescott: some one here had told me to do something to access all my ram. what was it ?05:42
agamemnusmaybe it doesn't count as a package? it is a compiler05:42
escottA_J, you probably want to install the PAE kernel05:42
motherbrainI meant #!05:42
motherbrainA_J not sure maybe /dev/kmem05:43
Ben64the easiest thing to do would be to install 64 bit05:43
A_JBen64: clean install is not an option05:43
ubottuTo use more than ~3.2GB RAM on a 32bit system you can install the PAE-enabled kernel. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnablingPAE for more info05:43
agamemnusbut anyway, if it installed to /usr/local, how do i explicitly run it from there?05:43
A_Jty escott05:43
motherbrainescott I got what you have  and it still gives me the dialog box05:43
escottmotherbrain, im not sure05:44
escottmotherbrain, i guess thats a rather annoying anti-feature of nautilus05:45
pdtpatrickOkay seriously -- what's the appropriate workaround for google with apt-get .. its always stuck on waiting for headers. Even after creating a file in /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/<filename> that holds Acquire::http::Timeout "300";05:45
agamemnusit's getting to be likelt that there are no dupes05:45
motherbrainI am on wattos but similar to ubuntu05:45
agamemnusthanks anyway escott05:45
escottmotherbrain, you could create a desktop entry for your application05:45
=== Jackson is now known as Guest19552
motherbrainI just want the begining user to beable to on button backup their harddrive ... my script does all the work except I want to make it as easy as possible to run it...05:47
escottmotherbrain, then make a desktop entry either with alacarte or by hand05:47
motherbrainI have tried a symlink but that gave me the dialog box again05:48
escottmotherbrain, desktop-file-[install|validate] will be useful here05:48
=== nza is now known as lncog
motherbraindesktop-file is this a utility / program because it is not on my distro and apt-get desktop-file doesn't get it?05:49
escottmotherbrain, its part of desktop-file-utils. these are command line utils to validate desktop files (aka launcher files) and put them in the right place for global access05:50
aaschezIs it safe to have linux-headers-generic, linux-image-generic, linux, linux-headers-generic-pae, linux-headers-image-pae and linux-image installed after having linux-headers-3.0.0-14 generic?05:50
escottaaschez, shouldnt be a problem05:51
widewakehey there. i accidently deleted my bottom panel that displays programs opened, mozilla, folders etc. ive created a new panel however it does not display anything im using.05:52
Ben64you need to re-add everything05:53
motherbrainok thanks that word alacarte05:54
* puffin tickles lolzer.05:54
widewakek got it05:55
lolzer:) pufiin05:55
passswhat is the command to change all file and folders permissions in httpdocs ? I want all permisions to 77705:55
Ben64passs: chmod changes permissions05:56
passsBen all filed and folders to 77705:56
passshow can i edit the command to do that?05:56
motherbrainI see now you could do it by hand if you created a file called filename.desktop and add the correct parameters like Type=Application , Exec=yourprogram %U05:56
grape_i had the option to burn the distro iso as image or contents on to the dvd i was going to install with. I chose contents and it did not work, do i need to burn it as a file?05:57
Ben64passs: chmod 777 <file>05:57
puffin-R flag applies it to all files in a directory05:57
puff_sudo chmod05:57
puff_r is recursive05:58
puff_careful with that one05:58
=== greentux is now known as greentux|xutneer
passsyou confused me guys05:58
Ben64passs: "man chmod"05:58
passsso what command i have to paste #?05:58
Ben64nice manual for chmod05:58
oYeVoVeYoHey um, can spomeone plz help with my laptop?? :( It's acer Aspire 4750G and I had 10.04 LTS installed but it can't connect to the net wired or wireless05:59
SVNDRHow can i download fonts for ubuntu and install them? specificaly 'Fixedsys'05:59
Gallomimiaheh. restarted that install off my cd. it didn't kp this time. now the mouse cursor is showing in the center of the screen but i can't move it06:00
puff_!wireless | oYeVoVeYo06:00
ubottuoYeVoVeYo: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs06:00
oYeVoVeYokay thanks06:00
puff_that means wait Gallomimia06:00
Gallomimiano it's been like that for an hour06:01
puff_slow machine?06:01
brophatwhen i try to update a particular software package i get the error msg "The action would require the installation of packages from not authenticated sources."06:02
puff_brophat: you have to ask yourself if you want to go on06:02
brophatpuff_ yes I do06:03
z_Hi. I am trying to download an ISO to my  memory card, like this:  wget -c http://sourceforge.net/projects/dreamstudio/files/latest/download?source=files --directory-prefix=/media/EOS_DIGITAL/ But I get an error message: Cannot write to `/media/EOS_DIGITAL/download?source=files' (Invalid argument). Is this the right way to download ?06:03
brophatpuff_ the problem is it does not let me go on06:03
Ben64z_: -O <output file>06:04
brophatpuff_ my question is how do I get it to go on and ignore that the packages are not authenticated06:04
z_Ben64: It does not work:  wget -c http://sourceforge.net/projects/dreamstudio/files/latest/download?source=files -O /media/EOS_DIGITAL/06:07
Ben64z_: /media/EOS_DIGITAL/ is a directory, not a file06:07
brophatwhen i try to update a particular software package i get the error msg "The action would require the installation of packages from not authenticated sources." and offers me no way to go on anyway.06:07
z_Ben64 Yeah, I want to downloaad the file to that directory06:08
Ben64you need to specify a file with -O06:08
z_Ben64 How can I download a file to that directory, What option?06:08
Ben64put a filename : /06:08
=== aknm is now known as monk
z_Ben64: Ok, so it should be like this? wget -c -O http:www:ISO /media/EOS_DIGITAL06:09
z_I am sorry, I am no expert06:09
chromaticwtdo I have to use ubuntu to access my ubuntu cloud?06:10
Ben64why do you need to use wget? why not go to the website and right click on the link and select "Save target as"06:10
z_Ben64 Because the wifi signal is not reliable, so sometimes its gone, I need wget to try all night,06:11
Ben64just specify a filename on -O06:12
Ben64one that doesn't exist already06:12
Stanley00Hi, I'm using Oneiric on my laptop, when I try to connect to an unsecure wifi network, my system freeze, my wireless card is AR928X Wireless Network Adapter (PCI-Express). What should I do?06:13
z_Ben64 Can you please tell me exactly how to write that in the terminal? I dont get it06:14
Stanley00chromaticwt: do you mean ubuntu one?06:14
Ben64z_: you can call it whatever you'd like06:14
motherbrainjust use base64 command06:16
motherbrainor if your learning it is a good lesson to write your own base64.... base conversion stuff06:17
motherbrainit really is pretty easy to do an alot are on google ...in explaining how to do it ;)06:17
ubottuWhile Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.06:19
mebigfatguygoogle-fu? like how to search?06:20
Stanley00interesting... I never notice that new user dont have goolge-fu :))06:20
z_Many of us use Bing06:21
motherbrainwell , did answer his question first06:21
oYeVoVeYopuff_, it says: In case your wireless card is not automatically detected, you must download and install the driver manually. Plug in your laptop via ethernet (as the wireless probably doesn't work) and install this package:   but when I plugged in the ethernet, it still couldn't connect to the internet06:22
=== FloatingGoat2 is now known as SuckMyCaucus
=== lncog is now known as nza
WhiteHorsemy wireles connection stopped working... is there any "repair connection" like in windows? How do I suppose to solve the issue... I have Ubuntu 11.10 with the new Desktop06:26
krodikHi there!06:30
krodikAnyone can help with an installation of Ubuntu 11.10 on a Dell Studio 1555?06:32
airtonixdell studio 1555 specs (for anyone wanting real information) : http://whirlpool.net.au/wiki/dell_studio_155506:33
airtonixkrodik: it helps to provide this when asking for help.06:33
Gallomimiacursor still stuck in the center of the screen. all booting appears to have ceased06:34
newmemberI am trying allow a user to run things with sudo, how do I add a user to use sudo?06:40
vouthnewmember: apparently there's something called the sudoers file.06:41
vouthnewmember, just a minute, I'll look online about it for you06:41
vouthnewmember: Ah, this looks like it should work: http://benaiah41.wordpress.com/2008/08/15/37/06:42
lynany body?06:44
vouthlyn, what's your question?06:45
lynmy english is pool ,can I speak chinese?06:46
Stanley00Hi, I'm using Oneiric on my laptop, when I try to connect to an unsecure wifi network, my system freeze, my wireless card is AR928X Wireless Network Adapter (PCI-Express). What should I do?06:46
Stanley00!cn | lyn06:46
ubottulyn: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw06:46
lynAnd I want to have a friend06:48
Stanley00!ot | lyn welcome you in here06:48
ubottulyn welcome you in here: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!06:48
vouthI've accidentally gotten it so every time I run something using sudo I get: "No protocol specified (process:pid): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: :0.0"06:49
* boobear is away: Gone away for now06:52
pellosi need to move a directory. what is the command ?06:52
Stanley00boobear: please turn off that away message, thanks06:53
Stanley00pellos: mv doesn't work?06:53
pellosfilemng: Error occurred during /bin/mv command.06:54
pellosI HATE PLESK06:54
vouthpellos: mv06:54
Stanley00pellos: can you post all error message06:54
newmembervouth: I tried adding users to sudoer but when prompted for a password, the password fails.  Is the password the same as the users password or the root password?06:55
vouthUm, I was a bit behind the times there, sorry :-P06:55
pelloswhat syntax should i use for mv command? i need to move oldsite to httpdocs folder06:55
Stanley00pellos: mv source dest06:55
Stanley00pellos: and make sure you have the write permission06:56
=== SVNDR is now known as svndr
newmemberpellos: maybe try the '-v' option to watch whats happening      mv -v  /source  /destination06:57
puff_I think I may yave exceeded the speed limit on the phenom it locked up at 3336.7mghz06:57
Kronennewmember: you should use the user's password06:58
vouthnewmember: Type 'sudo adduser [user] admin', replacing '[user]' with the name of the user being added and omitting the quotation marks. Then, it should prompt you for a password. If you yourself are already an administrator (able to sudo), that will be your password.06:58
pellosnewmember: i need to move all the contents of oldsite to httpdocs06:58
vouthKronen, sorry, you got there first :-D Probably because I wound up writing a novel. With no real reason.06:58
pellosnot just the folder06:59
pelloshow that will work?06:59
vouthpellos: cd to the relevant directory, then run: mv oldsite httpdocs06:59
vouthpellos, on second thought, do you want the folder 'oldsite' inside httpdocs, or do you want it renamed 'httpdocs'?07:00
puff_sudo mv -r oldsite newsite07:00
joebobjoeWhat is the easiest way to access home directory from server over file share?07:00
pellosmv: cannot stat `httpdocs': No such file or directory07:01
vouthpuff_: do you even need the -r? I just tried on a sample directory without it and it worked fine07:01
pelloshow is that possible.. i can see the httpdocs dir07:01
vouthpellos, are you in the directory in which httpdocs resides?07:01
newmemberpellos: mv -v /sourcedirectory/*   /destination/07:02
vouthpellos, that's just weird. I must confess I have not a bloody clue. Sorry :-P07:02
vouthpellos: do you see it in the output of ls?07:03
pellosnewmember again :)  mv: cannot stat `/jupgrade/*': No such file or directory07:04
Stanley00pellos: can you please post all the command you run, and the output of "pwd && ls"07:05
newmemberpellos: is your source directory a symbolic link?07:05
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.07:05
Stanley00pellos: I think "pwd && ls -l" will be better07:06
pelloscheck this http://paste.ubuntu.com/791354/07:07
A_J|hey folks. can some one help set up some automation when i boot up ubuntu, i want my pc to login into both user accounts, and in one user account start a certain program07:08
Stanley00pellos: yes, that's it... you dont know about absolute path and relative path, do you?07:08
pellosstanley no . i am new to all this07:09
pellosi have to use full path you mean ?07:09
Stanley00pellos: yes, use full path07:09
Stanley00pellos: or dont start a path with "/" ;)07:09
vouthpellos, paths beginning with / indicate that they are in the root directory07:10
Stanley00A_J|: login into 2 account at the same time is not possible.07:10
=== DBoyz[A] is now known as DBoyz
A_J|Stanley00 well i want to login so i can access it later on via ssh07:10
pellosthanks it worked :)07:10
* oYeVoVeYo pokes DBoyz, am here07:11
Stanley00A_J|: if so, just start up service ssh,07:13
Stanley00you dont need an account to login to do that07:13
A_J|but i require deluge to startup Stanley0007:14
A_J|on one account07:14
bullgard6I forgot what utility transforms  mtime="1325534892" in a human-readable format?07:15
mile123A_J|: probably 'screen' utility will help07:16
Stanley00A_J|: you just can auto run an app after an user has login, but cant auto login an user07:16
pellosstanley plesk or cpanel ?07:18
Stanley00pellos: what do you mean07:19
pellosi think cpanel works better with ubuntu instead of plesk07:19
Stanley00pellos: I dont know about that, I'm just an normal desktop user :D07:20
vouthHow can I mount a partition that's not in the fstab from the command line?07:20
llutz_bullgard6: date -t @<your-epoch-timestamp>07:20
llutz_date -d *   sry07:20
Stanley00vouth: you can use the mount command07:21
cordovali have a big folder i want to scp, what is the way to do this, tar it and gzip it and then scp ?07:21
Stanley00vouth: ex "sudo mount /dev/sda3 /mountoint"07:21
vouthStanley00: I tried. sudo mount /dev/disk/by-label/LABEL: mount: can't find /dev/disk/by-label/LABEL in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab07:21
vouthAah, I forgot the mount point. D'oh07:21
vouthThanks :-P07:22
llutz_cordoval: rsynx -aux dir/  user@host:/path/dir07:22
Stanley00vouth: you are welcome ;)07:22
llutz_grr, rsync*07:22
=== Vaelstrom is now known as Vael_Sleep
cordovalllutz_ rsync -aux /usr/local/www/  cordoval@mydomain.com/home/cordoval/site.com07:26
cordovali wonder if i have rsync installed07:26
cordovalthis is freebsd07:26
llutz_cordoval: this is #ubuntu07:26
cordovali know the machine to which i am connecting is #ubuntu too07:27
cordovaland my lappy is ubuntu07:27
motherbrainI have a cd live distro is their an easy way to make another menu entry on it with alacarte and somehow have it maintain it's state on reboots... (without remastering/creating another livecd)07:27
cordovalso llutz_ rsync -aux /usr/local/www/  cordoval@mydomain.com/home/cordoval/site.com  ?07:28
llutz_cordoval: rsync -aux dir/  user@host:/path/dir             you miss the ":"  (man rsync)07:28
Stanley00motherbrain: sadly no, AFAIK07:28
motherbrainAll I want to do is beable to give somebody this cd and have him execute this one button backup script I wrote07:28
cordovalso llutz_ rsync -aux /usr/local/www/  cordoval@mydomain.com:home/cordoval/site.com  ?07:29
Stanley00motherbrain: you can make a persistent USB to do that07:29
cordovalit is just that i see a happy face07:29
bullgard6llutz_: '~$ LANG=C date -t @1325534892; date: invalid option -- 't'.'07:29
llutz_cordoval: check destination path07:29
llutz_ 08:20 < llutz_> date -d *   sry07:29
motherbraincan you make a persistent cd/dvd instead?07:29
llutz_bullgard6: ^07:29
Stanley00motherbrain: no, persistent need to write to USB, so you cant do that with CD/DVD07:30
llutz_bullgard6: i corrected my typo, "date -d @<epoch-timestamp>"07:30
bullgard6llutz_:  Yes, this works all right. Thank you very much for our help.07:31
linuxuz3ris there a .profile for ubuntu07:31
motherbrainso , i guess the only way if I wanted to give him a cd/dvd is to remaster / recreate the iso with that menu item on it/desktop button on it.... damn damn just time consuming07:32
linuxuz3r.profile i mean that it loads when ever shell configuration you have when you log in07:32
bullgard6linuxuz3r: Do you mean bashrc?07:32
linuxuz3rthats for bash07:32
linuxuz3ri wondering for all shells07:33
llutz_linuxuz3r: it should be there after creating a new user07:33
cordovalllutz_:  can i do it bringing files from ubuntu box?07:33
cordovali wonder07:33
cordovalsince i dont want to install rsync on freebsd07:33
llutz_cordoval: man rsync  (rsync -au user@host:/path /local/path)07:33
cordovalpkg_add -r -v rsync07:35
* tnk1 is back.07:42
cordovalman is so complicated07:43
cordovali may just tar zip the whole folder and then scp07:43
cordovalwill that be faster?07:43
cordovali want it now07:43
llutz_cordoval: nobody here cares about freebsd07:44
cordovali know meneither07:44
cordovaljust wish there could be a way07:44
cordovalto fetch from ubuntu box files in freebsd box07:45
bprhow can i configure sshd so that the only way people can ssh is if they have an accepted key (ie. password login is disabled)?07:52
bprssh in is*07:52
llutz_bpr: man sshd_config (PasswordAuthentication)07:53
bprllutz ty07:53
geoffmccbpr: http://www.thegeekstuff.com/2008/11/3-steps-to-perform-ssh-login-without-password-using-ssh-keygen-ssh-copy-id/07:53
SnowieHi all. Trying to configure sun java  as per http://www.java.com/en/download/help/linux_install.xml#rpm . Anyone tell me how to modify ln's for chrome. or better yet. anyone here play minecraft in their browser on 11.10. if so, what's your configuration07:53
bprgeoffmcc: that's not really what i was asking07:54
bprbut thanks07:54
geoffmccbpr: maybe its not the link i thought, thought there was a section in there about disabling it in sshd.conf. sorry07:55
llutz_bpr: when changing sshd_config make sure to keep a root session open for bugfixing....07:55
bprllutz_: good tip07:56
=== k is now known as Guest81317
ubottuUbuntu bug 377414 in libdvdread (Ubuntu) "libdvdread runs out of memory following libdvdread: CHECK_VALUE failed in ifo_read.c:1913 on certain DVDs - Copy protection on The Dark Knight and other recent DVDs" [High,Incomplete]08:00
mr-russIn that message, it says to enable natty-update/proposed, how do I do that?08:00
ubottuTo use more than ~3.2GB RAM on a 32bit system you can install the PAE-enabled kernel. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnablingPAE for more info08:00
A_J|umm i did that, it did not work08:00
A_J|the pae thing08:00
mr-russA_J|: how much RAM is in the machine?  4G08:01
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A_J|yes mr-russ08:01
A_J|it's allocating just 3.2gb08:02
mr-russA_J|: unless you computer support memory hoisting, or memory remapping, you just lose the RAM.08:02
A_J|mr-russ i think it does08:03
mr-russA_J|: I've still got problems with a 3 year old pc with 4G RAM.  all of your devices are mapped into the 3.2-4G space so you can use regular ram from there.08:03
mr-russA_J|: do you have it enabled if it does.08:03
mr-russoutput of dmesg where the memory is printed at time 0.000  says where the ram is allocated.08:03
mr-russand if it's addressable above 4G.  I can't even get 64bit to recognise more than 3.3G.08:04
cyberworm54this my be a question out of contest but How do I request a clock?08:07
A_J|mr-russ damn demsg does too much to pastebin via ssh :(08:08
A_J|any idea's ?08:08
mr-russjust the top bit.08:08
dr_williscyberworm54: a clock for what08:09
A_J|comes something like 000000000000000000000=00000000000000000000000008:09
A_J|o/ dr_willis08:09
A_J|ur a cow O.O08:09
mr-russ[    0.000000] BIOS-provided physical RAM map:  <-- and follwoing 10 lines08:09
A_J|mr-russ wait a sec i'll get u a proper pastebin08:10
cyberworm54dr_willis hide ip08:11
dr_williscyberworm54:  cloak... you said clock.08:11
ubottuTo get any kind of cloak (ubuntu member or any other kind) you first need to set up your nick as detailed in this FAQ: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup -  For Ubuntu member cloaks, ask in #ubuntu-irc and provide your launchpad page, for unaffiliated ones, ask in #freenode.08:12
=== rtor is now known as A_J|win
=== A_J|win is now known as A_J|Unox
=== A_J|Unox is now known as A_J|Unix
A_J|Unixumm, what was the command again08:12
cyberworm54dr_willis thank you sorry for the misspelling08:13
Humbedoohcloaks are for evul people with misdoings!08:14
A_J|Unixumm i cannot copy the top part, seems i cannot scrool08:14
Humbedoohdmesg | tail ?08:15
Humbedoohor dmesg > somefile.txt ?08:15
A_J|okie Humbedooh will try that08:15
Humbedoohor was that another user..08:15
arulmozhijust now i hav installed ubuntu 11.04... cannot run unity why?08:16
Humbedoohah the top of dmesg, that'd be "dmesg | head" then08:17
Humbedoohtail would provide the..tail :>08:17
dr_willisarulmozhi: missing 3d video drivers main cause of that08:17
akpkI have installation problems with xampp ?08:17
arulmozhii hav nvidia 8400gs card08:17
mr-russa_j|: dmesg | head -n2008:18
dr_willisyiu installed the nvidia druvers yet arulmozhi ?08:18
akpkCan anyone help me ?08:18
A_J|Unixmr-russ: : http://pastebin.com/spKVhiGU08:18
mr-russakpk: xampp seems very windows08:18
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)08:19
arulmozhii tried the Addditional Drivers from System--> Administration  no response...08:19
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash08:19
dr_willisarulmozhi: try installing the nvidia-current package08:20
* tnk1 is away: Gone away for now08:20
mr-russa_j| [    0.000000]  BIOS-e820: 0000000100000000 - 0000000130000000 (usable)08:20
mr-russyou have stuff above 4G, so you have a chnce08:20
llutz_!away | tnk108:21
ubottutnk1: Please do not use noisy away messages and nicks in Ubuntu channels. It is annoying and unnecessary. Use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently. See also «/msg ubottu Guidelines»08:21
arulmozhidr_willis: thanx i'll try it08:21
mr-russa_j| Linux version 2.6.32-35-generic (buildd@vernadsky)08:21
A_J|mr-russ how do i use it then08:21
KatronixHi all, if you want a server to be a web server what all does it need besides apache and php?08:21
Katronixor is there a meta package I can install?08:22
Stanley00Katronix: I think that's enough08:22
llutz_!lamp | karbas_08:22
ubottukarbas_: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)08:22
dr_willissome data to serve.....08:22
mr-russa_j| getting there.  You need a PAE kernel installed, which you don't seem to have.08:22
KatronixStanley00 what about for like bind and stuff? this server will also be its own name servers08:22
Stanley00!lamp | Katronix08:23
ubottuKatronix: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)08:23
mr-russa_J| per my last post which included you Kernl line.08:23
Stanley00Katronix: name server is "dns", right?08:23
A_J|mr-russ i installed it, nothing happened08:24
ubottuTo use more than ~3.2GB RAM on a 32bit system you can install the PAE-enabled kernel. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnablingPAE for more info08:24
Humbedoohpft, now you're nitpicking, Stanley00  :p08:24
A_J|i used this : sudo aptitude install linux-generic-pae linux-headers-generic-pae08:24
Stanley00Humbedooh: what do you mean? Sorry, my English is not good.08:25
Humbedoohnevermind, Stanley00 :)08:25
HumbedoohKatronix, if you need BIND, then install it :>08:25
FlannelI believe you're looking for08:25
ubottuTo set up a Domain Name Service see the !serverguide - https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/dns.html08:25
harsh343I am trying to intall ZendServer-5.5.0_Tarball_M40-php5.2.17-linux-glibc23-x86_64 from terminal but not able to do that08:26
harsh343how it is possible ?08:27
harsh343right now i am here volition@volition-H61M-DS2:~/Downloads$08:27
Stanley00Humbedooh: haha, I got it, just make sure he got noticed... =))08:27
A_J|mr-russ. waiting for you08:28
dr_willisharsh343:  you extracted the archive files?08:28
Humbedoohharsh343, uhm.. tar -zvxf Zendserverandsoon08:28
Humbedoohdoes if have a configure script?08:28
dr_willisread the install readme?08:28
harsh343Humbedooh, yes this file contains install.sh08:29
harsh343but when i click on this nothing happens08:29
Humbedoohrunit from a terminal plzkthx08:29
dr_willisuse the shell.. dont click08:29
harsh343ok but how ?08:30
* tnk1 is back.08:30
Humbedoohopen a terminal window thingy :>08:30
dr_willisbash basics ;)08:30
Humbedoohaccessories > xterm or whatever, then cd Downloads and ./install.sh08:30
harsh343dr_willis, i am trying this but nothing happens08:30
solofightpeople i wanted to create a rsa login for a different user other than root. so i did a su username and generated rsa keys. added the public in authorized keys file, restarted ssh and tried accessing that server from local using the private key but it says permission denied (public key)08:31
solofighthow to debug the same08:31
llutz_!away > tnk1 switch it off pls08:31
ubottutnk1, please see my private message08:31
dr_willisthere may be some readme files to read harsh34308:31
ubottuPlease do not use noisy away messages and nicks in Ubuntu channels. It is annoying and unnecessary. Use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently. See also «/msg ubottu Guidelines»08:31
harsh343dr_willis, this folder does not contain any read me files08:32
Humbedoohdo you know how to open a terminal window, harsh343 ?08:32
=== A_J| is now known as A_J|win
dr_willischeck its homepage perhaps. we are just guessing in the dark08:32
mr-russa_J| what's uname -a say for itself?08:32
dr_willisit may need other tools installed first08:33
harsh343Humbedooh, this is the link what i am trying http://pastebin.com/R7cvmnXQ08:33
A_J|winLinux XXX-XXX 2.6.32-35-generic #78-Ubuntu SMP Tue Oct 11 15:27:15 UTC 2011 i686 GNU/Linux08:33
Katronixthere wouldn't happen to be a website that will write the config files for bind for me would it? IE: I answer a few questions, and it does all the thinking? :-)08:33
mr-russA_J|win: I'm sure you need PAE kernel there.  I'm trying to find a 32bit machine I can login to to find it for you.08:34
Humbedoohsome scripts don't like being called as root, maybe you should try with out the whole sudo thing08:34
A_J|winmr-russ, well i teied an install of it using sudo aptitude install linux-generic-pae linux-headers-generic-pae. It downloaded something but nothing happened08:35
mr-russA_J|win: did you reboot?08:35
A_J|winyes mr-russ08:36
mr-russA_J|win: well, the PAE kernel isn't running as the uname says PAE.08:36
mr-russA_J|win: so my guess is it's booting the wrong kernel, but why is difficult over IRC.08:36
HumbedoohKatronix, you could try webmin?08:37
llutz_!webmin | Katronix Humbedooh nobody wants to use webmin08:37
ubottuKatronix Humbedooh nobody wants to use webmin: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.08:37
Humbedooh(although I shouldn't say such)08:37
Humbedoohllutz, shove off with that :p08:37
A_J|winis llutz_ an obvious bot :O08:38
tanzhen1988is there any body?08:38
Humbedoohwell he's nitpicking for sure :)08:38
HumbedoohWebmin works fine for managing BIND, has nothing to do with package installation08:39
KimmenKatronix: webbind perhaps08:39
ServerSagetanzhen1988: What was your question?08:39
bullgard6Humbedooh: Stop denouncing honourable people here in this channel. Please.08:39
tanzhen1988no question08:40
sliktsI wish it was possible not to autogroup unity icons for the same app08:42
wereverhi! anybody can help me to find information about login to a private folder wich owner was deleted?08:42
sliktsand to have the Unity dock horizontal08:42
HumbedoohI'd say complaining about webmin's package management software is well off-topic when discussing BIND configurations, so I'm well within my right to use the word nitpicking08:42
A_J|winslikts i wish for the second thing too08:42
sliktsA_J|win: the first thing makes it hard to use the icons, there's an additional step to select anything08:43
sliktsin essence, if I have more than one window per app in one screen, there's a penalty08:43
sliktsI have enough screen estate to not benefit from the grouping, not to mention autohiding :/08:44
theadminHumbedooh: If a part of webmin is broken, we can well consider all of it being so.08:44
llutz_Humbedooh: oyu might be right, but the problem is that people, once webmin is installed, will start to use it for other tasks too. that's likely to break stuff.08:44
sliktsunity dock now feels like it was made for netbooks and netbooks only, I just don't get it08:45
Humbedoohluttz, that may be, but it wasn't my impression that the discussion was of total computer management08:45
theadminslikts: Use something else then08:45
sliktsand also: the always-on backlights for Unity dock hide the profile/shape of the icon, making it harder to see08:45
* A_J|win *waves to theadmin*08:45
theadminslikts: gnome, KDE, XFCE... Unity is a work-in-progress and is pretty much useless so far08:45
sliktstheadmin: like what? I want a dock08:45
sliktsI like the dock windows 708:46
slikts*in windows 708:46
wereverplease help me to mount an encrypted folder, the owner doesnt exist anyore, only his home folder and his private folder encrupted08:46
Humbedoohbut can we please stop with words like "denouncing", that's overly dramatic for one saying "nobody wants" and the other responding "nitpick" :)08:46
theadminslikts: Oh, a dock? Hm... xfce4-panel can be made to resemble Windows 7 almost exactly, but honestly if you keep using Unity you'll have to keep both08:46
sliktstheadmin: I'll look at it08:47
llutz_s/nobody/nearly nobody/ i'll correct me ;) Humbedooh08:47
theadminHumbedooh: I understand your point of view and it is correct, however discussing software that can (even partially) break a user's system is not a good idea in this channel. I'm not really sure if it's allowed, llutz_ may know that better.08:48
HumbedoohI did add a second line saying "although I'm not supposed to say that" or something08:49
Kimmenalmost all software that automagically generates a config for the user have the potential to break the system08:49
* theadmin wasn't really watching, was bit busy playing with her Chrome stuff :D08:49
theadminKimmen: Well APT does that all the time :P08:49
pnormanOpen source means if you break it you can keep the pieces :)08:50
A_J|wintheadmin can you help me fix my flash, it's jerly / laggy and un-usable. ubuntu 10.04 LTS08:50
Humbedoohflash or gnash? :<08:51
theadminA_J|win: Flash back in those ages was a huge problem. How about you update/switch distros to get more recent versions of it?... I can't really help with it, it's propertiary -- no patches etc08:51
A_J|wintheadmin i don't like 11.10 Unity. thats why I am on 10.08:52
A_J|winliked the old Genome Desktop08:52
theadminA_J|win: How about XFCE :D08:52
theadminlol "Genome"08:52
A_J|winXFCE, hmm08:53
ubottuXubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels08:53
A_J|wini should be able to select in from my login screen theadmin08:53
ubottulubuntu is a project to create a derivative of Ubuntu using the LXDE desktop environment. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu . /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.08:53
orastesA_JIwin do you use x86_64 system?08:53
theadminA_J|win: Yeah, as soon as you install either "xfce4" or "xubuntu-desktop". But I suggest you just get Xubuntu 11.10 and install it08:54
* tnk1 is away: Gone away for now08:54
theadminHumbedooh: XFCE is compatible with gnome2, whereas LXDE is not.08:54
HumbedoohAJ, you mean i686?08:54
theadmin!away | tnk108:54
ubottutnk1: Please do not use noisy away messages and nicks in Ubuntu channels. It is annoying and unnecessary. Use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently. See also «/msg ubottu Guidelines»08:54
Humbedoohtheadmin, I was just getting that link for myself :)08:54
A_J|wintheadmin except the GUI is there any diffrence ?08:54
theadminA_J|win: Can you PM me? The channel is noisy, I lose track of conversations >.<08:55
A_J|winokie theadmin08:55
stepnjump2Does anyone know of a complete app to design websites and free for Ubuntu?08:57
llutz_vim :D08:58
stepnjump2llutz...a complete app lol08:58
llutz_stepnjump2: vim IS complete08:58
stepnjump2I don't have time to reinvent the wheel08:59
ubottuText Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), mousepad (Xfce4) - Terminal-based: nano, vi/vim, emacs, ed - For HTML/CSS editors, see !html - For programming editors and IDE, see !code08:59
llutz_stepnjump2: there were quanta/bluefish and maybe some other tools08:59
A_J|winlol llutz_08:59
stepnjump2I am more looking for an app that I could use as a GUI, wysiwyg type of app llutz08:59
=== Amr0d_ is now known as Amr0d
stepnjump2ok thanks llutz09:00
theadminllutz_: Nice one09:01
theadminstepnjump2: Try Kompozer or Bluefish09:01
ubottuProgramming editors/suites: Terminal-based: vi/vim, emacs - KDE: Kate, KDevelop, Quanta+, Umbrello - GNOME: gvim, gedit, anjuta, pida, monodevelop, geany - Others: eclipse, netbeans, qtcreator09:01
stepnjump2thanks theadmin...  Any idea where I could study how to program websites online for free or for cheap theadmin or llutz_ ?09:02
Humbedoohstepnjump, google "php for dummies" or "asp for dummies" or whichever language you like09:03
Rods_Tigeror better still: http://rubyonrails.org/09:04
llutz_stepnjump2: i only know selfhtml.org   but i'm not dealing with html/php myself09:04
theadminPerl > PHP imo09:04
Humbedoohthat's debatable, Rods_Tiger :p09:05
Rods_Tigerperl isn't a good place to start though09:05
stepnjump2Humbedooh, that's a good idea... I know they will be dropping the flash at one point... so I have to find a good language.. php is good but complex. I think it will be there to stay. Is there a channel here on ubuntu about web programming I could join?09:05
Humbedoohperl indeed, but not a lot of perl hosting sites these days sadly09:05
stepnjump2thanks for the link llutz_09:05
Humbedoohtry #php, #perl, #python etc?09:06
stepnjump2theadmin, what is Perl > PHP imo?09:06
Rods_Tigerfor someone with no prior experience, I'd take them through ruby on rails first, and perhaps php via a framework as a second choice09:06
Humbedoohor #lua if you're feeling odd09:06
studentneed polish canal09:06
theadminstepnjump2: Means "I think Perl is better than PHP"09:06
ubottuNa tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.09:06
Rods_Tigerlua for web apps?09:06
wadkarhow to make sudo run a particular script without password and a tty ?09:06
Humbedoohyou don't? :>09:07
stepnjump2theadmin do some people still use perl today?09:07
wadkarHumbedooh: yeah, I know, I shouldn't , but I want to know anyways ;)09:07
heinz_stepnjump2: sure09:07
HumbedoohRods_Tiger, I use Lua the same way people use php :)09:08
stepnjump2mmm... ok I think it looks a bit like C from what I remember seing years ago09:08
stepnjump2theadmin, are you using weechat-curses?09:08
theadminstepnjump2: It's the most popular CGI language actually... And no, I'm using KVIrc09:09
sliktstheadmin: of course, because "there's more than way to do it" mantra is NOT a way to design an error- and confusion-prone language09:09
stepnjump2theadmin: ok I saw the column there so I assumed lol09:09
theadminslikts: I'm not a Perl fan myself, but I prefer it over PHP09:09
wadkarfound it, set visudo to allow userName ALL = NOPASSWD /path/to/script , and invoke as sudo -n /path/to/script09:10
sliktstheadmin: your preference doesn't mean that one is better09:10
cristian_cHello, I do not know how to deal with a problem09:10
ubuntuaddictedwho can tell me which motherboard with many SATA ports that can run 16GB of RAM and has 6 core CPU support for Ubuntu 64bit09:10
theadminslikts: I said, "I think". Meaning "in my opinion". Meaning "for me". Meaning "this works better than that in my cases"09:10
theadminubuntuaddicted: Uh, anything will have support for Ubuntu, I'd ask in ##hardware09:11
ubuntuaddictedok, thanks09:11
ubuntuaddictedtheadmin usb 3.0?09:11
sliktstheadmin: is that as opposed to the things you say but don't think?09:11
theadminslikts: No, it's as opposed to think that aren't in my opinion09:12
cristian_cI do not know how to extract information about the audio server or manager used at this time by the system via the terminal or file09:12
theadminubuntuaddicted: Hm, idk if that works yet, not so sure09:12
ubuntuaddictedk, over at hardware. thanks09:12
orasteswadkar : you may competely disble sudo to ask pass (not recomended) "visudo" and if you press both alt and f2 you may type your command.09:12
cristian_cI tried using the ps command in combination with pulse or other servers, but nothing is returned09:13
wadkarorastes: thanks, I would rather specify NOPASSWD to specific script, I just need to figure out how to run `sudo /path/to/script` without a TTY09:13
Rods_TigerHumbedooh: I must investigate lua for web apps, then. Thanks09:13
ubuntuaddictedtheadmin, i just got made fun of for using ubuntu in the hardware channel. LOL09:14
cristian_cIs there one way to find this thing?09:14
theadminubuntuaddicted: Unsurprising. It's generally considered the "noob distro"09:14
_NiCthat's a bit unfair, isn't it?09:20
theadmin_NiC: Maybe somewhat09:21
_NiCI use it because it usually just works. Which is exactly what I need for my workstation.09:21
remoteCTRLok guys my linux has been hacked09:24
=== heinz_ is now known as heinz
remoteCTRLhow the hell is that even possible??09:25
cristian_cI tried also with status alsa-store09:25
ServerSageremoteCTRL: What makes you say that?09:25
_NiCremoteCTRL, do you know how they got in?09:25
cristian_cbut the daemon is not started09:25
_NiCremoteCTRL, and what exactly do you mean by "hacked"?09:26
stepnjump2For databases, is mySQL still available for free in ubuntu?09:26
_NiCstepnjump2, yes09:26
ofaurax_boulotdoes someone knows a really working way of rebooting network ?09:26
ofaurax_bouloteverytime I try, I finish by rebooting09:26
cristian_cI tried also with service pulseaudio status09:26
cristian_cbut pulseaudio is not installed09:26
_NiCofaurax_boulot, /etc/init.d/networking restart maybe?09:26
remoteCTRLServerSage: _NiC: we are a university institute, the firewall operator of the university wrote me that there have been complaints that somebody from within our ip-range tries to bruteforce break passwords on ssh connections09:27
_NiCofaurax_boulot, don't do it remotely though.. :-)09:27
ServerSagecristian_c: You probably want alsasound09:27
_NiC(unless inside screen)09:27
ServerSageremoteCTRL: That doesn't mean it was "hacked"09:27
remoteCTRLServerSage: _NiC: i have meanwhile found the computer, it has a gazillion of auth denied entries in the logs, but i have absolutely no clue what part of the os has been compromised09:27
ubuntuaddictedtheadmin, lol09:27
ServerSageremoteCTRL: You sure you don't have a student with an account being a bad person?09:27
cristian_cServerSage, I do not know how to retrieve this information via the terminal09:28
_NiCremoteCTRL, attempts to bruteforce a login either way does not mean you've been hacked.09:28
cristian_cor via file09:28
remoteCTRLServerSage: _NiC: and frankly spoken i have no idea how to find out09:28
ServerSagecristian_c: sudo service alsasound status09:28
remoteCTRL_NiC: ermm... this comuter is the originator not the target from what i understand...09:28
ServerSagecristian_c: What are you trying to do?09:28
cristian_cServerSage, alsasound: unrecognized service09:29
ServerSageremoteCTRL: Doesn't matter, as I said, you probably have a student that is doing the brute force attack.  Attacks originating from your machine doesn't 100% mean you have been hacked.09:29
_NiCremoteCTRL, check the logs then. who was logged in etc. check their history.09:29
ServerSagecristian_c: What are you trying to do?09:29
_NiCremoteCTRL, if you're lucky/they're stupid, they have left lots of evidence.09:30
remoteCTRLServerSage: well there is a possibility that one of our students is doing this, but as they already know that i am onto this, and i am also sure that they dont want to get fired (we have only phd candidates), i am confident that this does not come from the inside...09:30
ServerSageremoteCTRL: Like _NiC said, if they are stupid you'll see evidence.  Check /tmp for fun named files.  Seems all the idiots make that mistake.  :)09:30
cristian_cServerSage, I need to discover the current audio server so I can use the appropriate command to manipulate the audio channels of the mixer09:30
_NiCremoteCTRL, bad password on an account? Can be easily guessed. Check which IP's logins come from.09:30
remoteCTRLServerSage: lol, like what?09:31
driiperHello! I have a Web Server ( Apache2) on my ubuntu server using port 80. Now i also need a HTTP/SOCKS/HTTPS proxy server on the same port. (80), is there any way to have both services on the same port , or atleast so you can connect to both via port 8009:31
ServerSagecristian_c: If you don't have pulse audio or alsasound available, you don't have sound set up.09:31
stepnjump2thanks _NiC09:31
_NiCremoteCTRL, if 99% of logins is from a campus, and 1% is from china, brazil, uganda or other weird countries.. you've found it.09:31
_NiC(no offense to anyone living in a weird country ;-)09:31
remoteCTRLServerSage: _NiC: i got one general prolem here: i have a newly implemented ldap database for user authentication and i have not implemented the password encvryption yet. so curretnly we are sending the pwds cleartext over the net. i have no clue who is really loggend in :(09:32
cristian_cServerSage, in what sense 'I don not have sound set up'?09:32
cristian_c*do not09:32
remoteCTRLgeeez what a mess09:32
ServerSagecristian_c: Does your sound work?09:32
ServerSageremoteCTRL: You should still have auth logs in /var/log09:32
llutz_remoteCTRL: and you seriously ask how a linux-system can get hacked?09:33
cristian_cServerSage, yes09:33
ServerSagecristian_c: Then you should have either alsasound or pulse audio installed.  Which is installed when you look in the package manager?09:33
ServerSageremoteCTRL: Wow, really?  You seriously are passing your passwords clear text over a network and you wonder how it got hacked?09:34
cristian_cServerSage, pulseaudio is not installed09:34
cristian_cServerSage, I  check for alsasound09:35
ServerSagecristian_c: It's probably called alsa-tools, not alsasound in the package manager.  :)09:36
greenithi, i have a problem... i bought a samsung ssd, installed it in the computer and now i am using it as my primary hd... i installed win7 (where i am right now) and then i tried to install ubuntu on it too... however, there was a problem i think. there were many different installoptions, for example upgrade the other ubuntu, reinstall ubuntu, delet everything and install ubuntu... i have chosen advanced, made a /, a /home and a swap-09:37
greenitpartition and thought its ok... ubuntu recognized the ssd as sdb btw - but when i start it immediately starts win7, without grub. for info: i have 2 fully functional operating-systems on the other hard disk (ubuntu 11.10 and win7)... how do i get ubuntu working on my ssd?09:37
cristian_cServerSage, the package is not installed09:37
remoteCTRLhow could they possibly have foudn out that quickly? :D09:37
ServerSagecristian_c: What version of Ubuntu are you running?09:37
cristian_cServerSage, 11.1009:37
ServerSageremoteCTRL: I refuse to dignify that with an answer.09:37
driiperHello! I have a Web Server ( Apache2) on my ubuntu server using port 80. Now i also need a HTTP/SOCKS/HTTPS proxy server on the same port. (80), is there any way to have both services on the same port , or atleast so you can connect to both via port 8009:38
icerootdriiper: no09:38
driiperdamn :(09:39
icerootdriiper: use 8080 for the proxy09:39
ServerSagecristian_c: Have you looked at the online help docs?09:39
driiperthe problem is that the only port open for connection is port 8009:39
cristian_cServerSage, I'll check09:39
ServerSagecristian_c: http://tinyurl.com/7tlww6p09:39
cristian_cServerSage, *I'll check for it09:39
icerootdriiper: i dont know a solution where you can have multiple programs on the same port09:40
remoteCTRLServerSage: llutz go easy on be guys, we had a crash which was definitely not my fault but caused by a hardware failure, and that the backups weren't suitable wasnt either, i am only the guy who can clean up the mess... (we had to have an authentication quickly as noone could work otherwise...)09:40
stepnjump2Looks like perl executes faster than anything else out there!09:40
stepnjump2ooops sorry09:40
stepnjump2sorry didn't mean to flood... this URL is ridiculously long09:40
greenitstepnjump, use http://bit.ly09:41
greenitstepnjump, use http://bitly.com *09:41
icerootstepnjump2: but what does that have to do with ubuntu?09:41
ServerSageremoteCTRL: Check your auth logs.  If the attacks are still happening, get a known good copy of the standard tools on to the system.  Things like top, ps, ls, etc..  Use those tools and the auth logs to figure out who is doing what.09:41
stepnjump2Here it is: http://sites.google.com/site/onlyjob/arena/speed_close.png09:41
stepnjump2iceroot, I was talking about scripting languages earlier with some guys09:42
cristian_cServerSage, thanks, there are six guides. But I do not know which of these is suited to my problem09:42
ServerSagecristian_c: What is your problem?09:42
icerootstepnjump2: ok, i guess #perl, #bash or ##scripting is a better place09:42
greenitcan no1 help me?09:42
ServerSagecristian_c: I still don't know.  All you said was you wanted to use a mixer.09:42
iceroot!ask | greenit09:42
ubottugreenit: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience09:42
driiperYeh your probably right iceroot. What i was thinking was a application to like, Lets say i use Apache on port 8000 and a proxy on port 8080. then a program to loop everything into port 80 :D like a reverse proxy if you want.09:42
cristian_cServerSage, which server is using the system at this time09:42
driiperBut ill try to get hold of a new IP adress, and ill set up a second server for proxy09:43
icerootdriiper: no way to open the firewall?09:43
ServerSagecristian_c: Based on what you've said, neither.  Though I'll assume it's pulse.  If you run "ps aux |grep pulse" what do you get?09:44
greenitwell... then i will shorten the question: i have a new hd and want to install ubuntu on it, but it doesn't recognize it (not even grub shows on boot)... plz help me getting ubuntu running09:44
icerootgreenit: does the bios detect the hdd?09:44
stepnjump2tnx iceroot09:44
_NiCgreenit, did you install grub on /dev/sda or sdb?09:45
greeniticeroot, yes, i have installed win7 on it and it works...09:45
remoteCTRLServerSage: mybe this: rtkit     1595  0.0  0.0  21792  2068 ?        SNl   2011   0:08 /usr/lib/rtkit/rtkit-daemon :D09:45
greenit_NiC, i have installed grub on sdb09:45
ServerSageremoteCTRL: Yup, there you go.09:45
icerootgreenit: and the ubuntu-installer is not detectiing the drive?09:45
cristian_cServerSage, the command returns only the grep process09:45
_NiCgreenit, if the bios doesn't read sdb during boot, it won't see grub.09:45
driipericeroot: sadly not as i'm sitting on a university :(09:45
greeniticeroot, it is also detecting the drive, but as sdb09:45
ServerSageremoteCTRL: That is what we call a compromised system.  You're gonna need to start from a bare install and a restore from a known good backup.09:45
ServerSagecristian_c: I have NO idea how you have sound working then.09:46
icerootgreenit: that is not a problem09:46
icerootgreenit: tell the bios to boot from the second hdd instead of the first09:46
greenit_NiC, erm.... and why does it start win7 then immediately after boot? on sda there are 2 working operatingsystems (win7, ubuntu)09:46
AziaBurgihello i've just got back from holiday to find our server had been turned off and now mysql won't start, any ideas?09:46
cristian_cServerSage, ok, thank you anyway for the support :)09:46
icerootServerSage: http://packages.ubuntu.com/de/lucid/rtkit09:46
_NiCgreenit, because it reads the windows bootloader09:46
_NiCAziaBurgi, yes, check the mysql errorlog.09:47
icerootremoteCTRL: no worry about rtkit its nothing bad09:47
AziaBurgi_NiC: where would i find that?09:47
greeniticeroot, _NiC ok, i will try your tips, thx for help :)09:47
icerootAziaBurgi: sudo service mysql start09:47
ServerSageiceroot: Ha..ha…ha.  Oops.  Support while installing.  Somebody gets the short end of the stick every time.  :)09:47
ServerSageremoteCTRL: Never mind, I'm probably retarded tonight.09:47
_NiCAziaBurgi, usually in /var/log/mysql or the datadirectory of mysql09:47
_NiCAziaBurgi, which is possibly /var/lib/mysql09:48
AziaBurgimonkeyfish@beast:~$ sudo service mysql start09:48
AziaBurgi[sudo] password for monkeyfish:09:48
AziaBurgistart: Job is already running: mysql09:48
remoteCTRLiceroot: i beg your pardon??09:48
icerootremoteCTRL: http://packages.ubuntu.com/de/lucid/rtkit09:49
icerootremoteCTRL: if i am correct ServerSage told you that your system is compromised because there is something running called rtkit09:49
remoteCTRLwell i thought so too...09:50
kikai have ubuntu 32 can i upgrade it to ubuntu 64?09:50
icerootremoteCTRL: but its not09:50
icerootkika: no09:50
icerootkika: only with a reinstall09:50
remoteCTRLiceroot: phhhewww.... eraltime kit not root kit...09:50
icerootremoteCTRL: correct09:51
kikapfff ok worths the reinstall in pocessor performance?09:51
_NiCremoteCTRL, do you have a backup of this server?09:51
icerootkika: there will be no performance-difference you will notice09:51
remoteCTRLiceroot: phew i already thought all of the computers were compromised, as this runs on wach and every one...09:51
_NiCkika, I don't think there's a real need unless you have memory you can't address.09:51
icerootkika: amd64 is usefull when you have 4GB of memory or more09:52
kikai have a slow grafic card and im looking to get some extra performence09:52
ServerSageremoteCTRL: Even if you figure this out, and it turns out to be somebody that sniffed a password, they have that password.  You are going t have to force users to change their passwords at some point.09:52
icerootkika: that has nothing to do with amd6409:52
_NiCkika, then get a new gfx-card :)09:52
kikaits a laptop09:52
remoteCTRL_NiC: we had several powerlosses in our building due to a broken waterpipe, so no, the machine with the database was slightly damaged and then being backuped with the damaged system.09:52
_NiCnew laptop, then? :-)09:52
icerootkika: what card? maybe you are using the free drivers which dont have 3d support09:52
remoteCTRLiceroot: unfortunately i had no clean backup anymore...09:53
remoteCTRLso i reinstalled09:53
kikai think is a intel integrated with memory shared09:53
icerootkika: ok then you are running the best driver already09:53
kikabut in windows runs faster09:53
icerootkika: what is your definition of "slow"? games? videos? desktop?09:53
kikain game09:53
_NiCremoteCTRL, if you had a backup of your binaries, you could md5sum a known-good binary on the backup and compared to your system (while booting from a CD or something) to check if your binaries have been tampered with.09:53
kikawhen im in menu all graphics are perfect, but when in game all gets slow09:54
remoteCTRLiceroot: ServerSage: installing rkhunter and chkrootkit...09:54
icerootkika: what game? using wine? or a native game?09:54
kikanative game HON09:54
_NiCremoteCTRL, or you could of course get the md5sum on a similar server with the same software, that you know is safe.09:54
icerootremoteCTRL: no need for that09:54
remoteCTRLiceroot: the one computer is still being origin for ssh attakcs...09:54
icerootremoteCTRL: ssh attacks are normal09:55
kikaany way to improve hthe grafics somehow?09:55
icerootremoteCTRL: there are thousands a day on linux-systems09:55
icerootkika: i dont think so09:55
remoteCTRL_NiC: i do get the point, unfortunately i dont have any of them anymore... when i saw the backup was no use i deleted them in a tantrum :D09:55
icerootremoteCTRL: that are just bruteforces on port 2209:55
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».09:55
kikacuz i noticed that if i lower the graphics in options get uglier but same slow speed09:55
remoteCTRLiceroot: but this computer is not the TARGET but the ORIGINATOR!09:55
kikacuz i noticed that if i lower the graphics in options get uglier but same slow speed09:56
icerootremoteCTRL: ah ok09:56
AziaBurgi_NiC: it looks like my binded ip address has changed, i'll have a look at that, thanks for the pointer09:56
_NiCremoteCTRL, is it happening *now*?09:56
_NiCAziaBurgi, sure thing.09:56
remoteCTRLiceroot: _NiC: ServerSage: so currently checking, gonna take a while i will report back then...09:57
_NiCremoteCTRL, if the server has always been up-to-date with security-updates, it's probably not rooted, if not, I'd check the binaries.09:57
kikalin game i have option to select LVDS1 can this be conigured09:57
vouthHi, every time I boot, X segfaults :-( I have an ATI Radeon graphics card. Help!!09:57
vouth!cn | lyn09:57
ubottulyn: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw09:57
_NiCremoteCTRL, processes meant for bad things are usually pretending to be something else when you look at the ps-listing.09:58
Vlad___Hi. Anybody can help me? Tell me please, where create the partition "biosgrub", during the installation of 11.10? Two partitions on each hard disk or to combine these two partition and on the software raid? (FAKE RAID 1, gpt)10:00
remoteCTRLgeez i wasnt aware that there are that many root kits...10:00
lynmsg dsak10:01
ServerSageremoteCTRL: root kits are like women's purses, one for every occasion.10:02
lynAway dsak10:02
almoxarifevouth: looked at the logs to see what there is to see?10:02
ServerSagelyn: You might want to try a / there.  :)10:02
metaspikeVlad_. im not sure. what I do know is that if you write grub to the mbr of the boot disk, and have a valid parition for /boot to reside, whether in its own parition or not, it should work.10:02
remoteCTRL_NiC: found basically nothing but gave two warnings, one for /usr/bin/mail and one for /usr/bin/bsd-mailx10:03
ServerSageremoteCTRL: Are the outbound attacks still happening?  As in, are they happening right now?10:04
_NiCremoteCTRL, what gave warnings?10:04
opalepatrick Is it an absolute certainty that if all my files on a dvd are filled with zeros using ghex, that the brasero dvd burn completely failed and is irrecoverable? The folder structure is fine.10:05
remoteCTRL_NiC: ServerSage: iceroot: it is not the ldap database that is compromised but an arbitrary computer in the net. i just supposed that this was due to the clear text pwds...10:05
dydguys, why gparted live cd should not recognize my keyboard/mouse? i go trought the first menu, but when the "don't touch keymap" menu appears it's stuck :|10:05
=== k_ is now known as k
ServerSagedyd: Probably want to ask in the gparted irc channel...10:06
metaspikeopalepatrick, trying to recover a cd?10:06
=== k is now known as k_
opalepatrickmetaspike, yeah a dvd backup (actually two)10:07
vouthalmoxarife: I archived them when I got to the fallback x mode. The fallback mode was barely functional (I couldn't get it to log in or restart x or anything). It looks like something to do  with libc.so.6 but it would be nice to know what that was :-)10:07
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vouthalmoxarife: I'll pastebin it…10:07
almoxarifevouth: cool10:07
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vouthalmoxarife: http://pastebin.com/5c6X00JX10:08
almoxarifedyd: there is a 'don't touch keymap' where in the install of a ubuntu version?10:08
kikahi, can i set virtual memory in ubuntu like windows?10:09
metaspikeopalepatrick, there was this program on windoze that was really good (yes it does happen now and then.) it was called cdroller (and yes, it was a commercial product). anyway, it could read cd's on a sector by sector basis and extract files from paritially damaged cds, im sure there's a linux equivilant that can do the same and proberly better.10:09
vouthalmoxarife: uh, *not* cool. :-S I can't boot to my regular system and am stuck using this problematic, buggy, slow testing one!! :-P10:09
Vlad___metaspike: mbr? I did't make a separate partition for /boot. I can't install grub to "/boot" or "/". Its needed for separate partition ~ 1mb. But i don't know where. One on raid or two on HDD used for raid.10:09
kikahi, can i set virtual memory in ubuntu like windows?10:09
vouthalmoxarife: The problem appeared right after doing some updates.10:09
dydalmaxarife: gparted live cd, not ubuntu installation10:09
vouthkika, do you mean swap space?10:10
remoteCTRLwhat was the name of the pastebin channel?10:10
almoxarifedyd: no, android?10:10
kikamaybe... is that like virtual memory?10:10
vouthkika: From wikipedia it looks like the same thing10:11
CaptainQuirkwhat is the best place to store information for a VPN connection over openvpn ?10:11
remoteCTRLServerSage: _NiC: iceroot: rofl@purses, yes the attacks are still occurring, nope, not at the ,moment, but i found so,mething very strange10:11
CaptainQuirkcerts, keys etc ...10:11
ikoniapolygone: please stop that10:11
Vlad___metaspike:  GRUB need a separate partition when Guid Partition Table(GPT) used.10:11
ikoniaahhh, there we go10:11
kikahow do i know how much swap i have?10:11
vouthkika: Yes, it can be configured. Swap space in Linux is usually stored in a dedicated partition. So basically it's just a matter of resizing that partition. (GParted makes that quite a manageable task).10:12
opalepatrickmetaspike, yes I have used a few, but the problem may be that brasero didnt burn properly... utter, utter pain. The DVD's are OK I believe - checked them anyway10:12
metaspikeopalepatrick,  there's two programs you want to checkout... recoverdm and dares10:12
vouthkika: try running top to monitor swap space10:13
ikoniaswapon -s10:13
metaspikeand packagesearch, it's a great way to find packages :)10:13
vouthkika, it should be in the 5th line10:13
Vlad___kika: how many ram do u have?10:13
=== oYeVoVeYo is now known as Wonder
shahanPlz help me regarding this topic http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=190291010:13
Wonderwhenever I type in ifconfig eth0 up, it always gives me this msg : eth0: ERROR: while getting interface flags: No such device" ...... dang I hate this stupid laptop10:13
WonderSomebody plz help?10:13
=== Wonder is now known as Guest97349
shahanGuest97349: what kind of help do u need?10:14
Guest97349It can't connect to the wired or wireless, and also I looked into the ubuntu forum already, and been reading the posts for the whole arvo, doesn't seem working10:14
metaspikeVlad, I would have reside it outside of the logical / raid system if possible and mark it as bootable as a precaution, however im only musing.10:14
almoxarifevouth: try installing 'fglrx' if not already installed10:14
Guest97349shahan, umm, well, I can't say, all I want is make it connect to the internet10:14
=== Guest97349 is now known as oYeVoVeYo
vouthalmoxarife: wut? Um, I can I guess but it worked fine with the plain old radeon driver, until I did those (*%#@${ updates.10:15
kikanot sure how much ram... im trying to improve performance of this while in hon not sure bigger swap will make the diference10:15
shahanGuest97349: oh... sorry I cannt help you regarding this issue. Hope somebody expert in networking ...10:15
metaspikeWonder. does it show up if you do:   ifconfig -a  ?10:15
opalepatrickaaah OK, thanks metaspike. I will check those10:15
vouthalmoxarife: That'll teach me not to mix repos. Again. :-S10:15
Vlad___metaspike: :(( "mark in as bootable" = partition on each hdd.10:16
almoxarifevouth: no idea, but its something to try, you can afford to right now10:16
shahanPlz help me regarding this topic http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=190291010:16
remoteCTRL 10:16
vouthalmoxarife: Ok. I'll have to reboot to do that (it's in the same machine), so I guess I'll be back in a few if things don't go well :-P Thanks :-)10:17
kikalinux swap is 7.7 gb is that good enouf?10:17
_NiCkika, swapping will *not* increase your performance, that's for sure..10:17
metaspikeI honestly don't know Vlad___, ubottu suggests https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto besides that I cant help sorry10:17
oYeVoVeYometaspike, when I do ifconfig -a, it comes up with "lo.......(followed by bunch of stuff)" and     "wlan0........... (follored by bunch of stuff)"10:18
almoxarifevouth: also install fglrx-updates10:18
kikaany way i get more cpu free?10:18
vouthkika: that's a lot. I have mine at 2g. No idea why you'd need 7g swap.10:18
tristan1AFTER UPGRADING to 11.10 some of the icons such as sound and power do not work anymore... what can i do to fix them... the power icon in task manager on the top right will not respond except to show power level... and i used to have the option of controlling banshee or rhythmbox from task manager but now i cant get it to show up... whats changed...10:18
vouthalmoxarife: ok, thanks.10:18
almoxarifevouth: also install fglrx-update/s , can't remember10:18
_NiCkika, to get more cpu-time, you need to stop some processes you don't need.10:19
vouthalmoxarife: ah, well, aptitude will probably sort it out  for me :-)10:19
vouthalmoxarife: Be right back then.10:19
lasher_can some one point me to where to find how to register freenode10:19
_NiCkika, and/or use more lightweight versions of software.. for example the window manager10:19
metaspikeoYeVoVeYo- lspci | grep Ethernet | pastebinit   - send us the link if it has anything.10:19
oYeVoVeYoEven when I flug in the cable, it still doesn't work10:19
oYeVoVeYokay, wait a sec10:20
_NiCkika, disable fancy effects, etc10:20
tristan1biggest concern is trying to find out why i cant add the media control back into the sound task manager icon.. im sure its something simple im overlooking..10:20
metaspikelasher_,  /msg Nickserv identify (mypassword) - think you have to register or some such, google it :P10:20
oYeVoVeYometaspike, it says the program 'pastebinit' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing: sudo apt-get install pastebinit10:21
kikawhere can i disa10:21
kikadisable that in ubuntu 11.1010:21
metaspikeoYeVoVeYo, bash speaks of wisdom then10:21
almoxarifetristan1: look for all the 'extensions' associated with the stuff you are missing, seems 'extensions' is the 'new' thing that makes things happen10:22
oYeVoVeYoso I should do the sudo apt-get install pastebinit? @ metaspike10:22
tristan1almoxarife: thank you.. where do i check to see where and what extensions are installed for my sound manager and power applet..10:22
zorkoYeVoVeYo, be sure to put a pipe | in front of pastebinit.10:23
almoxarifetristan1: how did you do it in the past?10:23
metaspikekika, you can tweak compiz with ccsm, in terminal run - sudo rcconf - for nitty gritty services configuration or just remove/replace gnome altogether.10:23
oYeVoVeYometaspike, it says E: Couldn't find package pastebinit ... FYI, I can't connect to the internet, wired or wireless10:23
oYeVoVeYozork, O.o" I didn't quite get you10:23
metaspikeactually, the program called bum might be more appropriate than rcconf for you gui easness10:24
zorkoYeVoVeYo, my bad.  I thought you were *using* pastebinit, not installing it.10:25
tristan1it just worked before i upgraded to 11.10.. now its basically a super basic applet.. and rhythmbox for example has an option to include play and skip ect. but if i check yes it doesnt do anything to my sound applet. dont know why the applet doesnt respond to that setting now..10:25
kikakika@kika-Presario-CQ56-Notebook-PC:~$ sudo reconf10:25
kikasudo: reconf: command not found10:25
kikakika@kika-Presario-CQ56-Notebook-PC:~$ sudo rcconf10:25
kika[sudo] password for kika:10:25
kikasudo: rcconf: command not found10:25
metaspikeoYeVoVeYo, ha.. of course.  did it ever work? can you at least get wlan to work?10:25
=== lasher_ is now known as lasher_777
metaspikeapparently I have connection issues of my own o_o10:26
tristan1kika: use http://pastebin.com/10:26
oYeVoVeYoWell, days ago, it worked... for a little while, but then it just stopped @ metaspike10:26
oYeVoVeYoAnd nope, I can't get either eth0 or wlan0 to work, >.<10:27
metaspikeyou did nothing at all?! not even upgrade10:27
tristan1how do i get extensions for my basic applets... and where do i check to see what extensions are already installed...10:28
oYeVoVeYoUmm nope, I'm using 10.04 LTS, I thought it works fine... except that it couldn't conenct to the internet10:28
Calinouhi, I installed the "gnome" packet and switched to gdm as login manager, I rebooted and it went fine. I set auto-login to on and now I can't reboot10:28
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CalinouI'm on ubuntu 11.10. Tried recovery mode, nothing could help10:29
metaspikeCalinou, there's a few ways you could fix this, one would be to edit the /etc/init.d/gdm script from a live cd10:30
Calinoubooting works, but when it finishes (when the desktop is supposed to show) it just turns black and shows a console with a bunch of messages10:30
Calinouok metaspike - edit what, and where?10:30
tristan1calinou: tried the command startx10:31
Calinoucan't type any command :/10:31
tristan1calinou: even if you try ctrl+c10:32
Calinouwhen should I press those keys? in grub?10:32
tristan1when it freezes at the end10:32
metaspikeyeah, that and ctrl+alt+f1 to f810:33
metaspikectrl+alt+backspace. i forget how that one works10:33
ranjanhow to add a banner in Ubuntu GDM in 10.0410:33
tristan1metaspike: startx will only work on tty 7 i think.10:33
opalepatrickJUst picking your brains metaspike. Should the fileout with recoverdm be something like recover.img ?10:34
sveinseHi. I'm getting reports from apt-get that a package have been kept back. How can I get apt-get to print why it has been kept back?10:34
Calinouctrl+c doesn't seem to do anything10:34
metaspikeopalepatrick, i don't know- ask me if you really get stuck :)10:34
mkanyicysveinse, you need to do a 'sudo apt-get dist-upgrade'10:34
opalepatricklol... thnaks metaspike10:35
tristan1How do i explore extensions for my power and sound applets...10:35
mkanyicysveinse, sometimes some packages are kept back via a 'sudo apt-get upgrade'10:35
sveinsemkanyicy: That is what I'm doing. And it probably an error in the package deps. But I need to know why and where the error is10:35
mkanyicywhich command are you running, sveinse? upgrade or dist-upgrade?10:36
mkanyicyCalinou, what are you trying to do10:36
Calinouctrl+alt+f1 then startx works, shows me the cursor and the desktop but nothing else10:36
Calinoufix my system, proably by switching to lightdm10:36
oYeVoVeYoIf I install the pastebinit can it make my wired connection work?10:37
Calinouthe desktop now shows, and icons/etc10:37
metaspikeCalinou, from that terminal.  sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm  - or sudo aptitude --reinstall purge gdm10:37
metaspikeor some such.10:37
mkanyicysveinse, im clueless then, good luck, thou10:37
metaspikemaybe that was --reinstall install gdm :) cant remember :D10:38
tristan1can you get a run dialog to pop up with a certain key combo.. who knows what that combo is?10:38
greenithi, i just installed ubuntu 11.10 on a ssd... now i want to know several things.... do i need to install anything for ssd-support for ubuntu, or does it recognize that i have a ssd and i don't need to do anything? the graphics are pretty laggy.. when i move a window it "jumps" around, although i have installed the graphics driver (nvidia gtx 570, proprietary driver installed)... how can i get rid of this?10:38
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wade 10:41
=== wade is now known as metaspikes
tristan1almoxarife: any idea where to look for these extensions10:41
almoxarifetristan1: how did you do it in the past?10:42
metaspikesmy connection drops out on regular basis. no rhyme no reason. anyone know how to troubleshoot such a crazy thing10:42
tristan1i didnt have to in the past.. i was using 10.04 before and it just worked then..10:42
almoxarifetristan1: how did you add or delete packages?10:43
Calinouthanks alot metaspike and tristan110:43
tristan1calinou: great10:43
metaspikestristan1: is there a common element in these package names?10:44
tristan1almoxarife: i can still add and remove packages.. but im not sure what that has to do with my applets..10:44
greenitmy graphics-card driver does not work properly (i think). i installed the proprietary driver for nvidia, but, for example, when i move a window it is not smooth and fluently :(   can any1 help me plz?10:44
remoteCTRLServerSage: _NiC: iceroot: what do you think of this: http://pastebin.com/XqCdujZX10:45
tristan1metaspikes: im not looking at any packages that im aware of.. ill explore and see what i can come up with...10:45
remoteCTRL_NiC: ServerSage: iceroot: as you can see i got a japanese guy logged in executing an instance of apache. which isnt even installed. so a cmouflaged malware.10:45
remoteCTRLwhen i find this in ps aux, how do i find out hwat is really being executed?10:46
stepnjump2Rsync question.. if I just completed a full backup on an external HDD and just added a few files to my ubuntu workstation, will it just update differentially and exit or will it go through all files one by one?10:46
tristan1im using the basic ubuntu software center.. so im not sure what i should be looking for unless i replace the entire gnome-panel with compiz or awn or something else i dont want..10:46
tristan1further exploring shows that 11.10 has a different applet than 10.04 with the same name... how do i find the old applet.10:48
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icerootremoteCTRL: i guess someone is using an unsecure php-thing or something like that10:50
icerootremoteCTRL: first you should kill that process10:50
remoteCTRLiceroot: this is absofreakinglutely amazing. we do have a firewall you know. atm i really have no clue how this japanese guy gets throught he firewall. so it HAS to be a trojan, right?10:51
remoteCTRLiceroot: i did, noone logged in currently10:51
tristan1are gnome applets and gnome2 applets cross compatable10:51
KrawleztDebia nerladdat, dock inte installerat :)10:52
metaspikesremoteCTRL: or a masqeurade of some sort10:52
iceroottristan1: you are talking about gnome2 and gnome3?10:52
metaspikestristan1: not that im aware of10:52
remoteCTRLmetaspikes: there is absolutely NOTHING let through the firewall into the red zone. only outgoing traffic, no ssh ingoing, nothing.10:53
icerootremoteCTRL: have a look at /var/log/apache2/access.log and maybe /var/log/apache2/error.log maybe there is a hint how he get access to the system10:53
tristan1iceroot: yes.. are the applets for the sound and power adjustable.. i dont like the new ones.. i want my old applets from 10.04 back..10:53
marios_hello. does anyone know when kernel 3.1 will be available on the repos?10:53
iceroottristan1: i dont thing so but maybe someone else nknows better10:53
icerootmarios_: never10:53
remoteCTRLiceroot: apache is NOT installed, just the malware camouflaged as apache10:53
icerootmarios_: there are only security-updates for an ubutnu-release10:53
icerootremoteCTRL: ah ok10:54
icerootmarios_: within an ubuntu release you will never get major-updates (firefox and thunderbird are not affected by that rule)10:54
=== MEGA- is now known as UnRar
icerootmarios_: is there a reason you need 3.1?10:54
marios_because there's an energy consumption problem since kernel v.3.010:54
icerootmarios_: since 2.6.3810:54
=== UnRar is now known as MEGA-
remoteCTRLiceroot: that is why i asked whether there is a possibility, if ps aux shows this line "visitor  pts/0    aa20061002063d78 Mon20   14:50m 14:48m 14:18m /usr/local/apache/bin/httpd -DSSL" to find out what is REALLY running10:54
icerootmarios_: which is not fixed in 3.110:54
Calinouok it works, but my notifications have been altered in some really bad way10:54
Calinouthey're very big10:55
icerootremoteCTRL: the apache logs10:55
icerootremoteCTRL: ps aux will not tell you what apache is doing10:55
marios_my battery is drained very quickly10:55
remoteCTRLiceroot: even if it isnt installed?? :D10:55
icerootremoteCTRL: its "installed"10:55
icerootremoteCTRL: but not with dpkg10:56
sumithi happy new year folks10:56
marios_:) happy new year!10:56
remoteCTRLiceroot: /var/log/syslog gives me tons of these: Jan  3 09:23:39 kanabo kernel: [1298882.144166] ssh[15270]: segfault at 0 ip 08048e33 sp bfe33300 error 4 in ssh[8048000+c0000]10:56
vouthalmoxarife: sorry to break the news to you but I'm back again. I can't even figure out how to connect to the Internet to download the package updates from the root shell prompt recovery console thingy. :-(10:56
sumitI installed ubuntu 11.10 with dual boot with windows and uncertainity the grub  is dissappeared how to resolve this problem10:57
icerootremoteCTRL: what ubuntu-version?10:57
iceroot!grub | sumit10:57
ubottusumit: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)10:57
icerootsumit: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub10:57
vouthalmoxarife: I couldn't find any package fglrx-updates.10:57
remoteCTRLiceroot: frankly spoken linux-mint, the latest, so ubuntu 11.10 basically...10:57
iceroot!mint | remoteCTRL10:57
ubotturemoteCTRL: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org10:57
icerootremoteCTRL: we dont know what they are doing on there system so we can not and will not support mint here, sorry10:58
remoteCTRLiceroot: give an admin a break dude, its the same system, and the only computer running mint, all others are ubuntu...10:58
tristan1iceroot: any idea where to look to see what version of the applet im using.. i should be able to type apt-get install gnome-power-applet or something along those lines..10:58
remoteCTRLiceroot: i do understand that! :)10:58
almoxarifevouth: if you type 'login' at the prompt you are one, what do you get?10:58
vouthalmoxarife: "login: Cannot possibly work without effective root"10:59
iceroottristan1: apt-cache policy gnome-power-manager10:59
vouthalmoxarife: That's not the one that's having trouble though.10:59
almoxarifevouth: I assume you are hardwired to the internet?10:59
tristan1vouth: sudo login10:59
fishyfantasyHello, I have a black Macbook 2,1. Can I install Ubuntu version 11.10? Is this the right section to ask....?10:59
iceroot!mac | fishyfantasy11:00
ubottufishyfantasy: For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages11:00
vouthalmoxarife: This is my known-somewhat-good boot on a separate disk :-P Yes, I am. "autumnfairy-P4X400-8235 login: "11:00
icerootfishyfantasy: have a look there about the support11:00
fishyfantasyGreat, thanks!11:00
almoxarifevouth: the machine with the issues connected to the internet?11:00
vouthalmoxarife: yup, in the other install.11:01
vouthalmoxarife: Just so you know they're both maverick11:01
tristan1iceroot: thank you11:01
almoxarifevouth: the machine with the issues, you are at a root terminal?11:01
metaspikesremoteCTRL: i dunno, have a look with wireshark or something. i wouldnt recommend running anything after 10.04 on a production machine either as there are more bugs and more secuirty issues11:02
vouthalmoxarife: yup. They're the same machine, just different disks11:02
tristan1iceroot: any idea of how to roll back to an older version..11:03
almoxarifevouth: login to your user account from where you are11:03
vouthalmoxarife: I choose what OS to boot using a Super GRUB disk because I haven't figured out yet how to make normal GRUB work :-S11:03
iceroottristan1: only by hand with dpkg but that is normally not a good idea11:03
iceroottristan1: because of dependencys11:03
vouthalmoxarife: Uhm, no idea how. Sorry :~(11:03
iceroottristan1: or do you mean an older ubuntu-version?11:03
fishyfantasyI have a Macbook 2,1 and can support up to Maverick only. Does that mean I cannot install Ubuntu 11.10 at all?11:03
almoxarifevouth: type login11:03
remoteCTRLmetaspikes: the upgrades are a pain in the a** but other than that we do love our ubuntu.11:04
tristan1iceroot: i was referring to just the applet.. think its not worth the trouble??11:04
icerootfishyfantasy: that does only mean (imo) newer versions are not tested11:04
vouthalmoxarife: Oh, like I did to get the login prompt earlier?11:04
iceroottristan1: i think so too11:04
almoxarifevouth: type login11:04
vouthalmoxarife: I ran sudo login; got back "autumnfairy-P4X400-8235 login:"11:05
almoxarifevouth: did I ask you to sudo?11:05
tristan1banshee-extension-soundmenu was what i was looking for it turns out... fixed it i think.. its in progress...11:05
vouthalmoxarife: Earlier yes11:05
metaspikesremoteCTRL: if you really want to secure a system, i recommend running bastilla and /or checksecurity also, as a easy way to righten security11:06
almoxarifevouth: presently?11:06
vouthalmoxarife: Or excuse me, that was tristan1, sorry :-P11:06
metaspikesremoteCTRL: sorry. bastille11:06
almoxarifevouth: one more time, you at root?11:06
remoteCTRLmetaspikes: interesting! are those like virus scans?11:06
remoteCTRLmetaspikes: or more like ACL enforcement?11:07
fishyfantasyiceroot: I see. I do get problems like sound and overheating in 11.10. I'm not sure if I can just stick to Maverick... can I install software like GIMP in the lastet version or I can get that only in 11.10?11:07
vouthalmoxarife: nope; I assumed it. (Sorry, stupid.) No, I'm not. I'm logged in to the graphical OS on the other hard drive. If I want to log in to the root recovery prompt for the other system, I have to leave IRC and reboot the computer into the other drive11:07
icerootfishyfantasy: you can install gimp for every ubuntu release11:07
metaspikesremoteCTRL: no, clamav is the only antivirus really in the repo, those are security hardening programs that check permissions and other things that the default distrobutions where to pansy to impliment, or that become faulty as things get changed.11:07
icerootfishyfantasy: at packages.ubuntu.com you can search for software and see in what releases the software is11:07
icerootfishyfantasy: normally (and the common software always) is available for all ubuntu-releases11:08
almoxarifevouth: sounds complicated11:08
vouthalmoxarife: That is, no, you did not presently ask me to use sudo, and no, I am not at a root prompt. Running login currently (without sudo) produces: "login: Cannot possibly work without effective root"11:08
icerootremoteCTRL: the best for security is "not using ubuntu if not lts, not using forks of ubuntu, always installing security updates, always having doo passwords"11:08
vouthalmoxarife: Basically I have two OSes dual-booting. One works, one doesn't. I'm chatting with you using the one that works. The one that doesn't is what we're chatting about.11:09
fishyfantasyiceroot: Thanks! I will think about whether to use 11.10 or 10.10.11:09
icerootremoteCTRL: then you dont need any strange antivir, antirootkit or something like that11:09
metaspikesfishyfantasy: i suggest you run powertop, bum, and ccsm - to ligthen the load and conserve power11:09
icerootfishyfantasy: the support for 10.10 will end on 04.201211:09
icerootfishyfantasy: so you dont get updates after that11:09
almoxarifevouth: got it, so how can you be seeing errors? and pasting them?11:09
fishyfantasyiceroot: Oh, right. =(11:10
icerootfishyfantasy: you can always use a live-cd to test if it is working well11:10
icerootfishyfantasy: e.g. 11.10 as a live-cd11:10
fishyfantasymetaspikes: Great, will google more about them =) thanks11:10
vouthalmoxarife: Those errors only apply to the currently functional system. The broken one is dead as a doornail (I can't get X or networking on it).11:10
metaspikesremoteCTRL: iceroot is also correct however, you gotta nip this on the bud i think that mint is a bad idea for you at this point. good luck11:11
icerootremoteCTRL: also (only my opinion) ubuntu is bad for secure servers11:11
vouthalmoxarife: That's what I meant when I said "That's not the one that's having trouble though." earlier.11:11
icerootremoteCTRL: i would suggest debian instead of ubuntu11:11
vouthalmoxarife: Probably I was unclear :-P11:11
remoteCTRLmetaspikes: similar to monit, so to speak11:12
almoxarifevouth: make up my mind?11:12
vouthalmoxarife: Or more accurately, *definitely* I was unclear.11:12
metaspikesdebian stable - it might be 'dated' but at least its secure.11:12
remoteCTRLServerSage: i am afraid you got a point there...11:12
KinG`PiNI used to like ubuntu, untill it started to look like OS X11:12
fishyfantasyiceroot: I see. I did try it before installing. No sound when using Headphone but it works without headphone. Not sure how to fix that.11:12
vouthalmoxarife: Uhm, wut? Sorry :-S Think I missed something there.11:12
ServerSageremoteCTRL: Huh?  I haven't said anything in like an hour.  Hehe.11:12
AxonetBEhow can I see how much mails there are send with postfix?11:12
almoxarifevouth: when you are on the machine with the problems we talk, be resourceful, find a way to chat11:12
remoteCTRLiceroot: definitely aggree on that; all our backends run on debian11:13
metaspikesfishyfantasy: have a look in alsamixer for a headphone channel11:13
icerootfishyfantasy: sounds like a common mute-isse, syou should have a look at "alsamixer"11:13
remoteCTRLiceroot: the xen hosts as well as the guests...11:13
fishyfantasymetaspikes: I installed alsamixer but it won't open.11:13
remoteCTRLServerSage: erm sorry i guess i meant iceroot :D11:13
fishyfantasyiceroot: I installed alsamixer but it won't open when I click it =(11:14
remoteCTRLi am stressed, damned! :D11:14
metaspikeslaugh it off :)11:14
remoteCTRLmetaspikes: do those apps require customization?11:14
metaspikesfishyfantasy: open a terminal and run it there11:14
vouthalmoxarife: To do that, I would have to be able to get the OS in question online. Unfortunately, the current issue *is* getting it online. Therefore, I can't find a way to chat until I know a way to connect to the Internet, which is why I am chatting now.11:15
metaspikesremoteCTRL: balliste will ask you dozens of questions if you let it, it's pretty damn paranoid but i like that11:15
almoxarifevouth: you said it was different disks on same machine11:15
dyd_how can i "burn" a bootable iso on an usb drive?11:16
_NiCremoteCTRL, e and w options to ps show some more info that might be useful11:16
almoxarifedyd_: on a ubuntu machine right now?11:16
remoteCTRLmetaspikes: suitable for servers then... how about checksecurity?11:16
dyd_almoxarife, yes11:16
vouthalmoxarife: I should probably be going soon. It's 6 in the morning for me and time to go to bed. :-P Yes, it is. There are two operating systems. One is on one disk, one is on another. One can connect to the Internet and be used for chat, the other I don't know how to make connect (that is the one being diagnosed).11:16
remoteCTRL_NiC: with or without the minus?11:17
metaspikesremoteCTRL: it's suitable for hardening security, however if you stick with your current system, it may not suffice, checksecurity i dunno11:17
dyd_almoxarife, i tried unetbootin but i don't know why it won't copy the iso files in the usb, it just make the few boot files11:17
CaifasHello guys,11:17
CaifasI'm trying to remaster ubuntu with uck but I'm having this problem "Cannot mount /home/alexandre/tmp/remaster-iso/casper/filesystem.squashfs in /home/alexandre/tmp/remaster-root-mount, error=32" and before that i have this warning "mount: warning: /home/alexandre/tmp/remaster-iso-mount seems to be mounted read-only." but i have no ro mounted partition, anyone can give me a hand?11:17
almoxarifedyd_: look for 'start-disk-creator' I may not have the works in order11:17
almoxarifedyd_: words11:17
remoteCTRLmetaspikes: iceroot: ok guys, the mint computer was an experiment, as noone here really seems to like unity, neither gnome 3, i think i will declare the experiment done...11:18
almoxarifevouth: the problem OS is what?11:18
_NiCremoteCTRL, I usually go with ps auxfwwe11:19
metaspikesremoteCTRL: also have a look at your actual router's security permissions, that's your first line of defence after all.11:19
remoteCTRLmetaspikes: we have ip-cop distro running as router, atm i am completely petrified about it, considering that this japanese guy smoehow obviously got through it11:20
remoteCTRLstill not knowing whether my mint actually is a trojan horse -.-11:20
almoxariferemoteCTRL: yes, it is11:20
metaspikesnuke it11:20
remoteCTRLhell yeah i will11:21
dyd_almoxarife, i found it, but when i select the iso it won't load it (it's an mac os x iso)11:21
theadmindyd_: Um, we don't support OS X here11:21
remoteCTRLmetaspikes: i will consider your advise and try to start lauching now11:21
tristan1remoteCTRL: heard of dd-wrt?11:21
vouthalmoxarife: Maverick 10.10, hostname 'blossom'. The functional OS is also Maverick 10.10, but it has the hostname 'autumnfairy-P4X400-8235'. I think of them by their hostnames because it's much easier than saying 'the Ubuntu Maverick that has x' or 'the Ubuntu Maverick that has y and z' or some such solution.11:21
almoxarifedyd_: nevermind, this is ubuntu11:21
icerootremoteCTRL: it has nothing to do with disliking gnome3/unity11:21
remoteCTRLtristan1: sure have, and have openwrt running on my private linksys wrt54, but thanks for the hint! :)11:22
fishyfantasyIs BUM = Boot-Up Manager?11:22
almoxarifeFishFace: you may not be ready for BUM11:22
fishyfantasymetaspikes: Thanks.11:22
metaspikesalso, yes :)11:22
tristan1remoteCRTL: then couldnt you block his attempt using the wrt firewall..11:22
icerootremoteCTRL: but what does a gui has to do with a server?11:22
dyd_well, i'm not looking for support for mac, i just wanted to know if there's a way to burn an iso on an usb11:23
dyd_with ubuntu11:23
metaspikesdont disable anything u dont know what it is heh11:23
icerootdyd_: dd11:23
remoteCTRLiceroot: well my customers were moaning and groaning about it, so i had to install xfce on a few and as said i wanted to see how mint behaves in the real world...11:23
theadmindyd_: dd if=yourfile.iso of=yourusbstick, but... It won't boot :/ OS X doesn't work that way11:23
icerootremoteCTRL: lxde is always a good choice :)11:23
fishyfantasymetaspikes: BUM looks complicated heh11:23
dyd_thank you anyway, i'll google11:24
almoxarifefishyfantasy: I was not clear, you definitely are not ready for BUM, don't touch it11:24
fishyfantasyalmoxarife: Sure thing11:24
remoteCTRLiceroot: that is lightweight waht?11:24
tristan1dyd_: of course there is.. but mac and ubuntu have TONS of issues.. because apple doesnt want there software and hardware to be open.. its hard to find drivers and alot of hardware is basically unuasable..11:24
icerootremoteCTRL: lightweight x11 desktop environment11:25
icerootremoteCTRL: there is an ubuntu-reviat called lubuntu11:25
almoxarifedyd_: I assume you need to be using something that already has the base OS to create a same OS like disk11:25
tristan1with ubuntu you cant even hook up an apple cd burner and burn a ced... its a complicated task to get it going at least...11:25
remoteCTRLiceroot: isnt that one veeery basic? like sawfish or so?11:25
icerootremoteCTRL: no need for more then the basics i would say11:25
icerootremoteCTRL: but it is more then just the basic11:26
remoteCTRLiceroot: gosh you dont know my customers...11:26
icerootremoteCTRL: show them unity, gnome3 and kde411:26
remoteCTRLiceroot: thanks for the hint i will pursue this later on...11:26
icerootremoteCTRL: and then say "hey i have something which is just workiing without fancy stuff"11:26
fishyfantasyalmoxarife: Hi, do you have any idea on how to solve my overheating issue on my MacBook 2,1? Using Ubuntu 11.1011:26
almoxarifefishyfantasy: I was not clear, you definitely are not ready for BUM, don't touch it <-- I am not trying to be facetious, make changes with BUM and you may never have a working system from then on11:26
remoteCTRLiceroot: that is exactly what i was planning on doing, and then convince them all to use xfce :D11:27
icerootremoteCTRL: yes or xfce which is similar to gnome211:27
remoteCTRLit is11:27
theadminremoteCTRL: Yep, XFCE's the way to go... KDE too, looks like Windows after all :D11:27
dyd_almoxarife, tristan1, i have done everything in virtual box (took days), but it's really too slow, so i want to try an installation in a partition, i have all i need, but my laptop dvd drive seems to have some problems with dvd11:27
fishyfantasyalmoxarife: I understand.11:27
remoteCTRLunity and gnome3 are such a mess... unfreakingbelievable...11:27
icerootremoteCTRL: they are not11:27
almoxarifefishyfantasy: yes, buy a new fancier apple thing, help apple, you do want to help apple don't you? ok, how about this, don't they have a walkin help center thing?11:27
metaspikesfishyfantasy: almoxarife has a point, if you dont want to learn the fundimentals of linux (alot of people arent interested eh). powertop and ccsm are still good options to help with ur issue.11:28
icerootremoteCTRL: just a matter of needs and likes11:28
remoteCTRLtheadmin: hi there gal!11:28
theadminremoteCTRL: Hey.11:28
iceroottheadmin: but kde looks like the bad windows (vista, 7) lxde looks like the good windows (98,xp)11:28
almoxarifefishyfantasy: ccsm only effects the user account, BUM is the system, the whole enchillada11:29
theadminiceroot: I wouldn't say 7 is bad honestly, but yeah, that's true11:29
metaspikesdyd_: qmeu-kvm has great virtualization speed if your cpu supports it...11:29
fishyfantasyalmoxarife: Buying a $3999 laptop just for Ubuntu? Uh....thanks11:29
tim_I compiled irssi (0.8.15) from source. synaptics has only 0.8.14. How can i tell synaptic that i installed 0.8.15?11:29
tristan1dyd_: have you used unetbootin11:29
xpsssUbuntu 11.10 Ubuntu attributes changes my external hard disks or partitions can not read and if I try to change attributes says you can not read-only11:29
dyd_iceroot: i've just installed lxde, clear and fast11:29
remoteCTRLiceroot: yes they are! some actions have become so really cumbersome! ever treid to copy paste something from one window to another? most of our customers always have alot of windows open, and if you need to swap windows fequently they are absolutely useless...11:29
iceroottheadmin: only when you use a deb-file11:29
tristan1dyd_: easiest way i know of..11:29
almoxarifefishyfantasy: you rock11:29
theadminiceroot: wut?11:29
iceroottheadmin: wrong nick11:29
iceroottim_: only when you use a deb-file11:30
dyd_tristan1, i tried, but it didn't work. i just found a guide about exactly what i need *finger crossed*11:30
almoxarifefishyfantasy: I am guessing the fancy walkin center with the coffee bar does not support ubuntu os apple things?11:30
dyd_metaspikes, i'll check that out11:30
tim_is there no way of telling synaptic "hey i already installed a new version. Tell me when there is a newer than that i have installed."? :/11:30
theadmintim_: "checkinstall" instead of "make install".11:31
theadmin!checkinstall | tim_, read this11:31
ubottutim_, read this: checkinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!11:31
tristan1dyd_: good luck...11:31
tim_ok thank you a lot!11:31
almoxarifefishyfantasy: you are a trend setter, bravo, most people here probably (me included) have an idea how to make an apple do stuff, you can be the expert guy11:32
hareldvdLooking for a list of text based (terminal) editors other than the obvious. Thanks.11:32
metaspikestim_: pif possible i would use... dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot . or at least - fakeroot checkinstal make install - to build the package after make, it's safter than sudo'ing it incase the build goes haywire.11:32
tim_ill try that11:33
almoxarifetheadmin: how does checkinstall keep installed packages current?11:34
metaspikesit doesn't v_v11:34
theadminalmoxarife: It doesn't. Unless a newer versions randomly appears in the repo11:34
metaspikesjust dumps the installs under /usr/local11:34
almoxarifetheadmin: then checkinstall does what?11:35
theadminalmoxarife: Builds a deb package11:35
almoxarifetheadmin: ic, I assume tim was not compiling11:35
almoxarifeI am trying to use the logs from here to create a point and click answer for every obvious question and answer there is ( why?? cause its there), who's with me?11:38
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* metaspikes stares blankly at the tumbleweed11:39
AziaBurgihello guys, our server was turned off over the holidays and today i can't get mysql to restart at all. i am getting this error: Could not connect: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2). Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions?11:43
metaspikesalmoxarife: im kidding. it's a good idea, maybe a page with git access so we can contribute through actions! (talk -is- cheap afterall)11:43
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dyd_what filesystems are compatible between linux and mac? for files larger than 4 gbs11:43
dyd_can't understand why it's not recognized by mac11:44
almoxarifemetaspikes: I tried using git locally, I gave up. something about it is evil11:44
AziaBurgiwhat about FAT32 i know its old school but i seem to remember a mac friend of mine saying he has to use that11:46
almoxarifeAziaBurgi: disk full?11:46
AziaBurgialmoxarife: no plenty of space here11:47
metaspikesalmoxarife: svn? has to be something, somewhere. start the project on sourceforge maybe, give it a name etc.11:47
ceceI got lilyterm run with transparent background as fullscreen ,that's awesome ! Amazing experience11:47
Sidewinder1AziaBurgi, Max file size for FAT32 is 4 Gb.11:48
AziaBurgiwell no idea then11:48
AziaBurgimaybe split the file?11:48
metaspikesdyd_: im pretty sure HFS is supported by both11:49
almoxarifedyd_: ntfs?11:49
dyd_almoxarife, i'm installing a sw called NTFS-3G to make ntfs work on mac11:50
dyd_metaspikes, can i format a pen drive in ubuntu with HFS filesystem?11:50
metaspikesyes you can11:51
metaspikessee hfsutils and hfsprogs11:52
metaspikesand gparted will do the rest11:52
dyd_thank you11:52
dyd_AziaBurgi, FAT32 won't work with files larger than 4 gbs11:53
metaspikesi think mac might also support xfs, which has its perks.. not sure though eh11:54
jiltdilwebcam is not capturing audio sound?Please help to fix it. I am using logitech c270h model11:54
almoxarifedyd_: http://www.mars.org/home/rob/proj/hfs/ <-- look11:54
farout542Using remote desktop, is there a way to make my machine reachable from over the internet?  Currently it shows that it will only be available via local network.11:55
almoxarifejiltdil: the web cam is part of your machine?11:55
jiltdilalmoxarife,  i have connected it to my cpu11:55
dyd_almoxarife, thanks11:56
almoxarifejiltdil: connected usb? the webcam has builtin mic?11:56
jiltdilalmoxarife, yes11:56
metaspikesfarout542: you can, but you will have to open a port on the router and direct that to your machine then use your routers internet ip address to connect to that machine externally. go that? :D11:56
almoxarifejiltdil: and how did you record what ever it is that didn't work?11:57
farout542metaspikes: will give that a try thanks!!11:57
jiltdilalmoxarife,  i use mplayer and use dekstop recorder for recording mplaye command is    mplayer tv:// -tv driver=v4l2:width=1600 :height=900 device=/dev/video011:58
eutheriawhy can't i change the remote desktop resolution in vinagre 3.2.1?11:58
almoxarifejiltdil: perhaps it was not recording, what tells you the mic is not working11:58
jiltdilalmoxarife,  it is saying no audio11:58
metaspikesjiltdil: use mencoder instead.11:59
almoxarifejiltdil: don't see sound accounted for on that line? should it be there?11:59
jiltdilmetaspikes,  please tell how to i have no idea about mencoder?11:59
almoxarifejiltdil: don't see sound accounted for on that line? should it be there?12:00
jiltdilalmoxarife,  yes may be sound mopt accounted . Please help me12:01
metaspikesmencoder is like mplayer in reverse :) it's great12:01
jiltdilalmoxarife,  see this and the audio say no sound   at line 4112:02
equexi'm miffed that practically any Linux distro the last 3 years dont work on my computer. no idea what they did12:02
almoxarifejiltdil: is the point to make it really hard to do what ever you are doing or to get it done? I don't have issues with 'vlc' but I also have a mic that works and configured so the system sees it12:02
equexbut i think they dropped a lot of chipset support12:02
jiltdilalmoxarife,  recording with external mike is working but with the webcam mic it is not working12:03
almoxarifejiltdil: you meant , the external mic does not work but the internal does? yes12:04
equexanyway, recent kernels cant see my hard disks.12:04
psaldenhey. I am running oneiric and radeon drivers and when I return from suspend, the desktop is all glitchy. 'unity --replace' fixes this. Is there a more elegant, or at least more automatic way of getting this done?12:04
metaspikesjiltdil: mencoder -tv driver=v4l2:width=1600:height=900:device=/dev/video0 -oac mp3lame -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4 -ffourcc XVID -vf pp=lb -o output.avi tv://   - you will have to specify a capture device with alsamixer (or such) and you might have to use :adevice=/dev/<somethin> also12:04
equexregular SATA disks on a SB600 south bridge. worked fine in Ubuntu 8 and 9 perhaps. but 8 was great for sure12:05
jiltdilmetaspikes,  thanks a lot :)12:05
almoxarifemetaspikes: all that work, does it make coffee too?12:06
metaspikesi used a similar command to rip vhs tapes, but alas i must make my own coffee :(12:06
almoxarifemetaspikes: vhs? what's that? :)12:07
metaspikesvcr tapes?... ferris bueller's day off?12:07
Sidewinder1Video Home System, as opposed to Sony's Beta-Max; video tape formats.12:08
metaspikespsalden: you could fix your video issue or you could put your command somewhere under /usr/lib/pm-utils/sleep.d/ , assuming you use pm-utils im not sure12:11
EuroNerdhow do I verify that a specific piece of software (e.g. vsftpd) is installed on my Ubuntu?12:11
metaspikesEuroNerd:   dpkg-query -l | grep vsftpd  - is one way12:12
equexdoes anyone know if there are projects that are based on Ubuntu 8.x LTS that are still alive?12:12
Sidewinder1equex, 8.x is EOL, with the exception of 8.04 Server, which goes EOL in 04-2013.12:14
almoxarifeEuroNerd: the less intrusive way would be thru software center on 11.1012:16
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PoNutsSeem that i have a printerproblem12:16
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PoNutswhen sending job to the HPmfp 6410 it continues to print...12:16
Sidewinder1!nickspam | PrinceofPersia12:16
ubottuPrinceofPersia: You should avoid changing your nick in a busy channel like #ubuntu, or other Ubuntu channels; it causes excessive scrolling which is unfair to new users. Please set your preferred nick in your client's settings instead. See also « /msg ubottu Guidelines »12:16
psaldenmetaspikes: thanks. I have no idea how to fix that video issue; I always assumed it to be a faulty driver problem. As for the mechanism for suspend I'm using, it's just oneiric's default I guess. I simply click suspend in the menu at the upper right :)12:17
PoNutsnever stop, if I'm not goingin to delete the job from print command12:17
almoxarifePoNuts: prints what?12:17
PoNutsthis time a picture.. before that i tried with gedit12:18
almoxarifePoNuts: prints what? what does it print once the picture is done printing?12:18
PoNutsit a ipp://printer12:18
PoNutsit repeat it self...12:18
almoxarifePoNuts: it prints multiple pictures12:19
PoNutsI've tried to expecit marked that i only one one copy.. doesnt matter12:19
PoNutsalmoxarife: correct12:19
almoxarifePoNuts: could the hardware(printer) be defaulting to multiple copies?12:20
vatzecHi. I'm having the following issue: I am connected to a network, and I can connect to computers inside that network, but I can't connect to external hosts, though I can ping them. Here is an example ping response: http://pastebin.com/i4krci9F . Do you know what the issue is?12:21
cece  /quit12:21
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PoNutsHaven found that yet.. Ive tried to change the driver from postscript to non postscript.12:23
almoxarifevatzec: something easy, can you web browse?12:23
almoxarifePoNuts: changed drivers because?12:24
PoNutsjust to try.12:24
PoNutsi did a test page before.. and that came out only one.12:25
almoxarifePoNuts: how about now, do a test page12:25
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metaspikesvatzec: bad /etc/hosts ? could be a dns fault...12:26
PoNutslets try12:26
PoNutsit came in the print que and disapeared..12:26
PoNutsno sound from the printer more..12:26
PoNutseverything in order.. so far.12:27
PoNutstold me that a HP cl cm6040 MFP12:28
PoNutsi try a webpage now.. let see..12:30
metaspikesis there a way to scroll up with xterm even though there's stuff being written to it?12:30
PoNutsvanished again.. so good so far almoxarife12:30
vatzecmetaspikes: I was thinking it has to do with routing, i.e. `route`12:30
vatzecmetaspikes: All my /etc/hosts has is just localhost and my computer's name entries12:31
metaspikesPoNuts: restarted the service/system since driver install? sudo service cups restart12:31
ylmfosHallo zusammen !12:31
ylmfoshello !!12:32
vatzecmetaspikes: Funny enough, when I'm in another room, near the main router, I guess, it does work, as if when connecting through the main router, it doesn't need that specific routing.12:32
vatzec(It's a wifi network.)12:32
vatzecalmoxarife: No12:33
Sidewinder1PoNuts, First you said "HPmfp 6410", then above "HP cl cm6040 MFP", I wonder if that's not the problem..12:33
almoxarifevatzec: dns12:33
ylmfosmein os ist super !!12:33
iceroot!de | ylmfos12:34
ubottuylmfos: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!12:34
A_JSidewinder1 what's the odds you are related to sidewindercomputers ?12:34
vatzecalmoxarife: Are you sure? I can ping hosts from outside of my network by their hostnames, such as google.pl12:34
Sidewinder1A_J, none. :-)12:34
A_J:( nvm then12:34
metaspikesvatzec: you could probably add the router you want to hosts, it -might- im unfamiliar sadly12:34
PoNutsSeems that i did chose back to postscript, and let my fingers not touch any tweaking... the paper got out ok.12:35
almoxarifevatzec: true, so you got dns for ping but not the browser?12:36
PoNutsThx.. almoxarife:12:36
vatzecalmoxarife: Did you read that link I have sent to the channel? Yep, I can't browse or telnet, but I can ping.12:36
vatzecalmoxarife: Though I get an extra message as a result with every ping.12:36
vatzecalmoxarife: Neither can I connect to an external host using its IP address.12:37
almoxarifevatzec: I see you are at a school12:37
almoxarifevatzec: does that school firewall outgoing traffic??12:38
vatzecalmoxarife: Possibly, why?12:38
ubuntuwow did i really just get onto the ubuntu server with nick ubuntu?12:38
d3ngarHi there, new problem for me in Ubuntu 10.11: I can't hold backspace down to delete text12:39
d3ngarIt's frustrating12:39
d3ngarWho can keep hammering backspace to delete text?12:39
almoxarifevatzec: when did you first notice the issue?12:40
vatzecalmoxarife: At the beginning of the school year12:40
vatzecalmoxarife: But I should note that I have also freshly installed Ubuntu on this laptop then.12:40
PoNutsa small joke to thx to rest of you "CChheecckk yyoouurr dduupplleexx sswwiittcchh."12:41
vatzecalmoxarife: Before that, it also ran Ubuntu, but another version.12:41
almoxarifevatzec: is there a webserver within the school? something you can see thru a web browser?12:41
vatzecalmoxarife: Yes12:41
ubuntuhey is irc.ubuntu.com a node of freenode?12:42
vatzecalmoxarife: I think it's in a building relatively far from here, in a different part of town, but within the domain uj.edu.pl12:42
metaspikesd3ngar: something is interuppting it?12:42
d3ngarmetaspikes: not that I could tell?12:42
d3ngarI'ts not just this keyboard, it's another one too12:43
almoxarifevatzec: it could be in another country, but within your domain12:43
vatzecalmoxarife: Maybe12:43
PoNutsd3ngar: does it delete one character nothing happens?12:43
metaspikesis there a gnome thingy that configures keyboard on your system?12:43
almoxarifevatzec: you at the school right now?12:43
d3ngarOne chartacter at the time12:43
Sidewinder1ubuntu, Yes, Freenode.12:43
vatzecalmoxarife: Yes12:44
ubuntuis there anyway to show overall progress for rsync but not the individual files as they transfer? As in if i do --progress it shows me all the files as they transfer, if i do -q --progress, it shows me nothing o.O12:44
Solshinecame here, then exited 'cause I thought I found the solution on Google, but I was wrong - I'm trying to install a brand new Windows XP installation on a computer that currently has Ubuntu on it, and is devoid of a working CD-ROM reader. My only option is to use a USB stick atm. Is it possible at all?12:44
PoNutsd3ngar: try to start systemsettings/ keyboard12:44
almoxarifevatzec: you connect to the server no problem, its outside your domain12:44
SolshineVersion of Ubuntu on the computer currently is 11.x12:44
PoNutsd3ngar: and then swap to youre window and try repeat funktion again.12:45
vatzecalmoxarife: I'm the administrator of a server at the uni12:45
d3ngarPoNuts:No, each character needs a new keystroke12:45
vatzecalmoxarife: A students' one12:45
d3ngarPoNuts: it's annoying12:45
vatzecalmoxarife: And it has a connection12:46
almoxarifevatzec: so what is the answer, do you firewall port 80 connections ?12:46
PoNutsd3ngar: belive so.. i had the same, then in  a strange way i unactiated a mouse funktion in my vmware... I use ubuntu as the main OS12:46
PoNutsand it start to work.12:46
d3ngarPoNuts: I also use Ubuntu as the main OS12:47
almoxarifevatzec: it would be interesting to see if TOR worked in your case :)12:47
vatzecalmoxarife: I'm not the admin of the network, but of a single server for students'12:47
d3ngarI have a VM running, but this problem is occuring on all machines that I have 10.11 on12:47
vatzecalmoxarife: I'll try12:47
almoxarifevatzec: you must have info on what is and what is not firewalled, my god man, you are an admin!12:48
vatzecalmoxarife: Haha. :D But the server might be in a completely different place.12:48
vatzecalmoxarife: It's a server for a student organization.12:49
almoxarifevatzec: I am not condoning the use of TOR, I meant it in a strictly educational way12:49
vatzecalmoxarife: TOR works, but takes a while at step "10%"12:49
ubuntualmoxarife: what's wrong with tor?12:49
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PoNutsd3ngar: As quick as i open the keyboard-settings with repeat key and touch a control .. it worked for me.12:49
boruAfternoon all. I'm trying to compile my application on 11.10 but it's currently failing to link against gtkmm3. I've got `pkg-config --libs gtkmm-3.0` in my Makefile.am and it works at the terminal to do it manually. Can anyone suggest what might be the issue? I symlinked /bin/sh to /bin/bash as I thought dash wasn't expaning the backticks but still no luck.12:49
vatzecalmoxarife: ... which it doesn't normally.12:49
almoxarifeubuntu: nothing, its great12:49
ubuntualmoxarife: even for non educational purposes...12:50
d3ngartouch control?12:50
almoxarifeubuntu: thought of changing your nick?12:50
boruI'll add that it compiles everywhere else I've tried it, just not on ubuntu.12:50
d3ngarPoNuts: Yes you are right!12:50
ubuntualmoxarife: na :p i quite like having ubuntu in #ubuntu12:50
d3ngarWhat can I do about this?12:50
PoNutsI disabled in vmware and starting to use ctrl+g12:51
d3ngarPoNuts: What do you mean by "disabled (it) in VMWare and starting to use ctrl+g12:52
Negat1ve-Zer0kind of curious, anyone familiar with buffer overflows and ubuntu 11.10? I was testing a program I wrote to test buffer overflows and what happens exactly, depending on the size of the overflow it appears I get different resulting messages so I was wondering if anyone's familiar with that12:52
murraycboru: What's the actual error that you see?12:52
Negat1ve-Zer0and also, anyone know why if I write over a char[10] buffer by say 4 or 5 bytes...it still doesn't run into my next memory array12:54
borumurrayc, it's a whole host of linker errors for gtkmm types. This works everywhere else, I'm just wondering why it doesn't on ubuntu. I replaces the /bin/sh symlink with one to bash but it's still not expanding the pkg-config command seemingly. I've installed the relevant packages.12:54
icerootNegat1ve-Zer0: maybe ##c or ##c++ is better for that12:54
Negat1ve-Zer0ok, I'll try there I went to #c++ but got a cannot send to channel12:55
boruI see you dropped out after before message, murrayc12:55
iceroot!register | Negat1ve-Zer012:55
ubottuNegat1ve-Zer0: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode12:55
PoNutsd3ngar:  I did uncheck a crossbox (dont recall which), than I hvae to use ctrl+g to activate the controll, this has been a slight...better way than the reapet function not be enabled.12:55
boruI don't want to spam, can I msg you murrayc?12:56
icerootNegat1ve-Zer0: that should fix the issue12:56
Negat1ve-Zer0iceroot: thanks12:56
murraycboru: Use some pastebin.12:56
boruMy message wasn't output, murrayc.12:56
borumurrayc, it's a whole host of linker errors for gtkmm types. This works everywhere else, I'm just wondering why it doesn't on ubuntu. I replaces the /bin/sh symlink with one to bash but it's still not expanding the pkg-config command seemingly. I've installed the relevant packages.12:56
boruAutotools is the same version as everywhere else12:57
boruSo I'm a bit stumped12:57
murraycboru: Why aren't you just doing PKG_CHECK_MODULES() in configure.ac?12:57
borumurrayc, I'm not trying to enforce a minimum version, I'm passing flags to gcc.12:58
PoNutsd3ngar: http://askubuntu.com/questions/81296/repeat-key-functionality-doesnt-work12:59
no_gravityHello! Is sound-juicer still the default way to rip CDs?13:00
no_gravityIm on Ubuntu 10 I think and I would like to convert a CD to mp3s. There seems to be no default app for that.13:00
boruDid you get my last message, murrayc?13:01
metaspikesboru: i normally take a look at the Makefile and change/add flags there13:02
Sidewinder1no_gravity, Look in your repos., for Sound Converter.13:02
boruI'm not trying to enforce a minimum version, I'm passing flags to gcc.13:02
murraycboru: There is no need to enforce a minimum version when using PKG_CHECK_MODULES(). But you should enforce a minimum version.13:02
no_gravitySidewinder1: if there is nothing already installed, i could just do "apt-get sound-juicer". if there is already something installed, i would use it.13:02
vatzecalmoxarife: Do you have any ideas how to determine what's wrong?13:03
boruI'm not at the point of freezing binaries just yet.13:03
boruBut my problem remains, is there any reason why the pkg-config command wouldn't expand properly?13:03
murraycboru: You should be using PKG_CHECK_MODULES(). And I have not seen the error and I have not seen any of your files.13:04
boruLike I said, I redirected that /bin/sh symlink to bash.13:04
Sidewinder1no_gravity, I'm on 10.04 and I use Sound Converter; not sure if it was installed by default or I downloaded and installed, in Synaptic.13:04
almoxarifevatzec: what would 'right' be, specifically13:04
vatzecalmoxarife: Why I can't connect to servers outside my network13:04
no_gravitySidewinder1: "sound converter" - it would be rather unusual for a command to have a whitespace in the name. whats the name of it?13:05
almoxarifevatzec: you can, you are connected to freenode, it's a server13:05
s4lt-n-p3prcan some one halp me13:05
vatzecalmoxarife: OK, but I'm connecting through an external server13:06
boruI'll give that a shot instead, murrayc. It's something I'd overlooked. Thanks.13:06
vatzecalmoxarife: my computer -> SSH to a server which is in the same network but has Internet connectivity -> IRC13:06
owenllask! | s4lt-n-p3pr13:06
murraycboru: There are lots of gtkmm-using projects that you can look at, for an example. Glom is my own.13:06
Sidewinder1no_gravity, It's SoundConverter 1.4.4, it's a gnome program.13:06
prizmdoes the qemu-kvm package work on amd64 hardware without VT?13:06
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no_gravitySidewinder1: ok, i dont have it. i installed soundjuicer now.13:07
almoxarifevatzec: you just said it, you don't have internet connectivity and you are at a school, someone does not care to provide you with connectivity? why not use the same ssh to internet connect to what ever it is you are wanting to get at?13:08
boruI'm pretty ok with gtkmm murrayc. I was just a bit puzzled as to why this wasn't building here. I normally leave more up to automake, but I'll see if autoconf will do what I need. I appreciate the suggestion though.13:09
vatzecalmoxarife: Because it's a nasty hack, requiring the use of another machine, while this shouldn't be necessary.13:09
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EuroNerdIs installing ubuntu-desktop on top of Ubuntu Server a bad idea?13:09
almoxarifevatzec: you just said you ssh into someone else at the school, being nasty already13:09
dr_willisi set up a znc (irc bouncer) :) its handy and not a hack. but it depends on your needs/13:09
vatzecalmoxarife: Yes. And I'd like to avoid this.13:09
dr_willisEuroNerd:  you just basically install the ubuntu-desktop package to turn it into a desktop type install.   Normally its best to do a desktop install first. then install the services you need.13:10
theadminEuroNerd: It's fine13:10
dr_willisEuroNerd:  but it shoudl work either way.13:10
vatzecdr_willis: I have a different problem, but thanks. :)13:10
EuroNerdok, thanks13:10
flatlinehi, is Ubuntu Liquid project still active? if so, is there an IRC channel for it?13:10
dr_willisflatline:  never heard of it :)13:11
flatlinedr_willis: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/UbuntuLiquid here13:11
almoxarifevatzec: someone does not want you on the internet, you are not going to get to it without some creativity( I am not condoning any act which is a crime in poland either), so, what to do? got ze/nmap? :)13:11
EuroNerddr_willis, from what I've read somewhere, there are actually some fundamental differences between Server and Desktop (like context switch frequency), so I preferred to get a proper Server first and now am considering to make my life easier by adding GUI.13:11
metaspikesEuroNerd: i digress :) in case of limited resources,, it would make sense to load the desktop elements to the server selectively.13:11
dr_willisEuroNerd:  that would most likely be depending on the kernel you are using.13:12
EuroNerdmetaspikes, I wouldn't know how to do that, I'm a total newbie :)13:12
vatzecalmoxarife: No. :) But I am authorized to have access to Internet here. It's just that for some, probably software-ish reason, I can't access it.13:12
flatlineEuroNerd: gui is always a bad choice in a server environment in the long run13:12
theadminflatline: It's not even released yet. It's not dead, but I don't think a channel will exist for a non-existing project. When some initial release is made, we'll have one13:12
EuroNerdflatline, why?13:12
dr_willisEuroNerd:  why did you do a server install if you are a total newbie?13:12
flatlineEuroNerd: once you set it up you will always regret having to use GUI to do stuff on it13:12
almoxarifevatzec: those admins, you just can't trust them, always making it hard on the little people13:12
flatlinejust have your time and do it on cli13:13
flatlinetotally worth it.13:13
almoxarifevatzec: tor didn't work?13:13
EuroNerddr_willis, because I want to play with node.js13:13
vatzecalmoxarife: It did connect to the directory server, get the list of nodes and say it's ready.13:13
dr_willisNo idea what node.js is.. or why it would not work on a desktop install.13:13
almoxarifevatzec: there you go, you are set13:14
vatzecalmoxarife: But still, I should have normal access to the Internet here, without such hacks, as my friends do. Do you have any ideas what I could do in my situation?13:14
almoxarifevatzec: move in with your friends?13:14
vatzecBut this is indeed a step forward. :)13:14
flatlinetheadmin: I'm interested in the project, also would like to contribute since I will be using it on a work project if that goes well. :(13:14
vatzecIt's a wifi in the uni building.13:14
EuroNerddr_willis, node.js is a language for running websites, like PHP.  (To be specific, it's server-side javascript. :)13:14
theadminSpeaking of the server edition.... I see Ubuntu as a highly desktop-oriented distro. As such, the server edition might suffer from having insufficent support. Is that so?13:15
flatlinealso, has the patch for hashDoS started rolling?13:15
dr_willisEuroNerd:  i dont see any real reason why that wouldent work on a desktop install. but if you want to install teh full ubuntu desktop on a 'server' it should work13:15
EuroNerddr_willis, I'm pretty sure it would run on Desktop too - anything could probably run on desktop, I just want to do it the "right" way. ;)13:15
Eimannmorning. does ubuntu 11.10 alternate installer do automatic alignment to 4K boundaries?13:16
ravenrescuing data from fat32 partitions - which tool is able to?13:16
flatlinetheadmin: nope, indeed I've been using fedora for our server instances for a long time and started using ubuntu-server for the last 3-6 months. ubuntu-server support is pretty much superior to any other distro server edition.13:16
theadminEuroNerd: The "right" way is to install server tools on desktop, not vice versa13:16
dr_willisraven:  done it befor with 'ddrescue' and a lot of time/patience.13:16
theadminraven: photorec (part of the "testdisk" package)13:16
EuroNerdtheadmin, I didn't know that.13:16
raventheadmin, ok tnx13:16
ravendr_willis, yes i did already13:16
EuroNerdtheadmin, dr_willis, either way, I'm actually running two VMs in parallel, one with Desktop, the other one with Server, just to increase my chances I get node.js to work eventually.  :]13:17
dr_willisi recovered 2+TB of data from a external usb once. :)  then the silly usb started working right...  the workout must of scared it.. :)13:17
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lalagirlhi? is anyone there?13:20
theadminlalagirl: Many people :D13:20
borumurrayc, I'm beginning to suspect there is something further amiss here. Even using that autoconf macro instead, the linker doesn't seem to be able to find the gtkmm types. I've installed the *-dev package for gtkmm3 so I'm at a loss to explain this one. What do you think?13:20
lalagirltheadmin okay thanks.13:21
Motafocaguys, i changed the plymouth theme and recreated the initramfs and i still get the purple image on boot, suggestions? ubuntu 11.10....13:21
valadaresis there any other network manager for linux (wireless/wired/3g) in addition to the network manager?13:23
Resistancevaladares:  wicd i think is one13:23
metaspikespurple screen of death :p Motafoca, does recovery mode work?13:23
valadareswicd support 3g?13:24
valadaresResistance: wicd support 3g?13:24
Resistancevaladares:  i'm not sure what you mean by 3g13:24
Resistancevaladares:  do you mean mobile broadband, like a wireless 3g network adapter (similar to ones from Verizon, Sprint, etc.)13:25
Motafocametaspikes: whavent tried, but whats the idea?13:25
prizmdoes the qemu-kvm package work on amd64 hardware without VT? i'd like to know, my processor doesn't have it13:25
valadaresResistance: yes,is it13:25
prizmi know in Debian the KVM and software emulators are split, not in ubuntu13:26
icerootprizm: it should because qemu does not need ct-v (imo) i think its a good idea to see also #kvm13:26
Resistancevaladares:  i dont use wicd, i'm not sure if it supports "3G" (as you call it, I call it Mobile Broadband)13:26
Resistancei can find out though13:26
Resistance*pulls up his Google-fu*13:26
borumurrayc, spotted my mistake. Had the libs in _LDFLAGS instead of _LDADD - I'm an idiot. Thanks again.13:26
NimeshNeemagood GUI editors for ubuntu. Will be using mostly for coding in various languages13:27
valadaresResistance: i already use it, but i don't found a option to manage mobile broadband13:27
icerootNimeshNeema: emacs13:27
NimeshNeemaGUI text editors13:27
Resistance!wicd | valadares13:27
Resistancevaladares:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WICD13:27
Resistanceit cant manage 3g13:27
evilkidhow can i install a sagem wifi driver under ubuntu? (i already download a tar.bz2 file, i just need to know how to install it)13:27
Resistancesays so in the upstream code docs and the wiki13:28
NimeshNeemaiceroot: way too intimidating. what are my options13:28
icerootNimeshNeema: you said "good"13:28
icerootNimeshNeema: you can also use eclipse, gedit, notepad++13:29
NimeshNeemaiceroot: i didn't said BEST13:29
icerootNimeshNeema: if you asked for the best editor, of course the answer would be vim :)13:29
icerootNimeshNeema: a, gvim, it has a gui :)13:29
NimeshNeemaiceroot: didn't knew notepad++ was available for Linux13:29
metaspikesMotafoca: purge the theme and probably get a generic kernel back13:29
icerootNimeshNeema: imo i saw it for linux13:29
* almoxarife still prefers the win3.1 notepad for really critical work13:30
NimeshNeemaiceroot: :-( only for windows13:31
icerootNimeshNeema: then use gvim13:31
Motafocametaspikes: its generic ;s13:31
NimeshNeemaiceroot: okies13:31
icerootNimeshNeema: or maybe have a look at "kate" too, i like it very much, or gedit13:31
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icerootNimeshNeema: but if you want a REAL editor there are only emacs and vim for powerfull things13:31
NimeshNeemaiceroot: gedit is my current editor...13:31
NimeshNeemaiceroot: agree13:31
=== Wonder is now known as Guest58694
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Motafocametaspikes: let me make it simpler, how to remove the purple image? i dont care if its verbose, but on grub the verbose only shows kernel info after the kernel is loaded, before that i get purple image :S13:33
Motafocai believe its because of the theme inside the initram13:33
ResistanceMotafoca:  you want to disable the ubuntu load screen that's purple?13:33
ResistanceMotafoca:  after grub, that is.13:34
ResistanceMotafoca:  if so, i might have a solution for you13:34
almoxarifehttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SciTE <-- under-stated13:34
icerootNimeshNeema: for a powerfull IDE you could have a look at "eclipse" not everyones favoritie but a powerfull IDE13:34
MotafocaResistance: yes!13:35
Sidewinder1Well, looks like openprinting.org is 'down', again.. :-(13:35
n2diyI just upgraded an Xubuntu 10.10 box to Ubuntu 11.10, and now Korganizer won't run. The Akonadi PIM service is not operational. I reinstalled both, but still no joy.13:35
* Sidewinder1 Sighs.13:35
MotafocaResistance: i wanted to replace, but since its not working, i rather remove ;)13:35
evilkid....can anyone help me with this.?13:35
ResistanceMotafoca:  so you want to see basically the text that identifies the thing loading and what not?  in GRUB there's no way atm to remove the purple background behind it.13:36
Hackmyihey all13:36
ResistanceMotafoca:  you can remove the "ubuntu" loading screen with the orange/white dots though13:36
Hackmyianyone own a iphone ?13:36
ResistanceMotafoca:  that'd be done by your grub defaults13:36
ResistanceHackmyi:  ipodtouch, close enough.  why?13:36
evilkidomfg >.> im invisible ...13:36
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MotafocaResistance: how to do that?13:37
Hackmyihave youi ever jailbroken your device ?13:37
almoxarifeevilkid: you have the file, and what is it you are suppose to do with it? what file? specific13:37
ResistanceMotafoca:  gimme a sec, i have to find the conf file to edit13:37
icerootHackmyi: offtopic here13:37
ResistanceHackmyi:  yes, and it near bricked my device.  why?  also, if its not ubuntu-related, try ##apple13:38
icerootHackmyi: best is to buy products which dont need a jailbreak first to work as you want it13:38
AFDI'm having issues with bluetooth - was initially connected to a BT speaker, then couldn't connect so tried to unpair and repair. now Ubuntu says it is paired but I can't connect or see it in the dropdown / sound settings13:38
AFDany help please13:38
evilkidalmoxarife : finally, well i have a zb1211.tar.bz2 , now i guess im suppose to extract it somewhere, but idk how and where, i remeber doing this when i first got it, but now i forgot how13:38
icerootevilkid: right click on the file and choose extract13:38
evilkidiceroot: to where ..13:39
icerootevilkid: doesnt matter13:39
NimeshNeemaiceroot: is kate available only for KDE13:39
evilkidiceroot ..13:39
icerootNimeshNeema: no for every desktop13:39
icerootNimeshNeema: all packages/programs in the ubuntu repos can be used with every desktop13:40
MotafocaResistance: i edited /boot/grub/grub.cfg13:40
icerootevilkid: the place is not important, you have to compile it after you extraetced it13:40
Motafocaremoved the theme stuff13:40
Motafocakinda solved13:40
ResistanceMotafoca:  you shouldnt edit that file unfortunately13:40
icerootevilkid: or do other things with it, there should be a README or INSTALL file with a docu13:40
ResistanceMotafoca:  that file gets regenerated when a kernel gets installed iirc13:40
metaspikesAFD, I use a package called bluez, although its a debian thing so dunno13:40
MotafocaResistance: i know but i hate grub2 :)13:40
NimeshNeemaiceroot: thanks a lot13:40
ResistanceMotafoca:  i asked this on Ubuntu Forums, so i'm going to go find that thread13:40
Resistancegimme a sec13:40
icerootNimeshNeema: but of course some programs pulling some libs with them13:40
MotafocaResistance: :)13:40
AFDmetaspikes: have you ever had similar problems? being unable to connect etc13:41
Motafocanow i need to figure out why the hell the theme i added didnt work :s13:41
linkuxwo ist der deutsche channel13:41
icerootNimeshNeema: e.g. kate will install some kde-basic libs but that is not a problem for your system, just a little more space is needed13:41
iceroot!de | linkux13:41
ubottulinkux: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!13:41
evilkidiceroot : "Copy the zd1211_* files to13:41
evilkid/lib/firmware/zd1211" ^^ ty... found in readme ...13:41
almoxarifeNimeshNeema: well, if you are gnome and you install kate, kate is not gonna work all that well13:41
metaspikesAFD, nope13:41
icerootevilkid: great13:41
icerootalmoxarife: NimeshNeema of course kate is working well on gnome13:41
AFDmetaspikes: and do you know if bluez is the package installed with Ubuntu/gnome as default?13:41
metaspikesAFD, nope13:42
NimeshNeemaalmoxarife: thanks. i was doubtful about that bit13:42
AFDmetaspikes: ok, thanks for the help13:42
NimeshNeemaiceroot: will give a try13:42
ResistanceMotafoca:  edit /etc/default/grub as root/sudo, find GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash" and remove "splash" from the line, then sudo update-grub213:43
ResistanceMotafoca:  if you want to see kernel stuffs too, remove "quiet" from that line too13:43
Resistanceleaving it empty13:43
Resistance(it'll flood your terminal screen, but it gives you the standard linux boot stuff you'd see in RedHat among other things13:43
MotafocaResistance: ty13:44
ResistanceMotafoca:  you can also disable the semi-nice version of the GRUB boot screen, there's basics of grub2 here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=119527513:44
Resistancebut i'm not sure how valid uncommenting #GRUB_TERMINAL=console would be13:45
metaspikesMotafoca: you could also ' sudo dmesg ' to get the kernel log. also sudo cat /var/log/messages13:45
Motafocametaspikes: thanks :)13:45
Resistancemetaspikes:  i think his issue is he wants GRUB with the purple background gone13:45
Mandingohi to all13:45
Motafocaits so easy in gentoo, in ubuntu hard as hell :)13:45
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Mandingohi i spain13:45
Mandingoopen the mouth13:46
metaspikesdmesg | grep <something>  - if your looking for <somethin> in paritular or  sudo cat /var/log/messages | grep <something> likewise13:46
almoxarifethe purple does not completely disappear, plymouth?13:46
icerootMandingo: you have a support question?13:46
Mandingohard is my cock13:46
Mandingomuch harder than ubuntu13:46
iceroot!ops | Mandingo13:46
ubottuMandingo: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, pangolin, nhandler or Jordan_U!13:46
Mandingoeven harder than stone13:46
crankyadminMandingo:  ಠ▃ಠ13:46
Mandingocrankyadmin what's the matter?13:47
crankyadminMandingo: I opened my mouth...13:47
Mandingoyou're teaching your grandmother how to suck eggs?13:47
theadminThanks Tm_T13:48
almoxarifefun is over, back in the salt mine, now!13:49
* coba_iz_coda loves hypnotoad.13:49
EuroNerdWould some one mind helping me figure out with local VM networking? I'm trying to set up vsftpd in VirtualBox (host and guest are both Ubuntu).13:49
crankyadminEuroNerd, whats up/13:49
ResistanceEuroNerd:  do you need it to have its own connection interface with an IP?13:49
theadmincoba_iz_coda: This is offtopic here, please go to #--- ALL GLORY TO THE HYPNOTOAD13:49
theadmincoba_iz_coda: But seriously, please visit #ubuntu-offtopic for offtopic discussion13:49
MonkeyDustEuroNerd  for a start, the network type must be set to bridged13:50
EuroNerdResistance, if you mean an outside connection to the wider internet, then no, not right now.13:50
coba_iz_codatheadmin sorry13:50
ResistanceEuroNerd:  so an internal IP that you can access from the host machine13:50
EuroNerdMonkeyDust, where should I set that up?13:50
ResistanceEuroNerd:  i.e. for instance13:51
MonkeyDustEuroNerd  in the settings, before you launch the virtual OS13:51
EuroNerdResistance, correct. I think it's, by looking into Network Tools in guest.13:51
MonkeyDustEuroNerd  click Network and there choose Attached to13:52
EuroNerdMonkeyDust, I'm pretty sure VirtualBox has already set up a bridge when creating the VM. I can access the internet from within the VM.13:52
EuroNerdhmmm... just a second13:52
MonkeyDustEuroNerd  with bridged, your VM gets an ip address in the same range as your host13:53
asdmanis there an online package repo for armel packages somewhere?13:54
icerootasdman: same place as the i386 and amd64 repos13:54
MonkeyDustasdman  armel seems not to be in the repos, maybe a PPA13:54
icerootasdman: also see packages.ubuntu.com13:54
MonkeyDustok, armel is in the repos, i was too quic13:55
asdmaniceroot: specifically im trying to find the packages needed for LAMP, but for example theres nothing undere apache213:55
iceroot!info apache213:56
asdmanonly amd64 and i38613:56
ubottuapache2 (source: apache2): Apache HTTP Server metapackage. In component main, is optional. Version 2.2.20-1ubuntu1.1 (oneiric), package size 1 kB, installed size 36 kB13:56
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)13:56
icerootasdman: hm you are right13:56
icerootasdman: i though there was also the armel-repo up and running13:57
EuroNerdMonkeyDust, OK, I've changed the connection type, you were right.  But what next?13:57
asdmanim currently not capable of getting packages with apt, because the internet on my device is currently not operational, but its gotten packages from somewhere before...13:58
icerootasdman: http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/oneiric/main/ maybe get the source-package and rebuild it for armel13:58
subterfuge_If using 11.10 doing a lot of VM work using Oracle VirtualBox would I gain anything by having an extra GPU installed in my next system and trying to get GPGPU up and running?13:58
EuroNerdsubterfuge_, what for, specifically?13:59
icerootasdman: as it seems there is no official armel repo up13:59
asdmaniceroot thats going to be very painful, idk if therescompilation tools on it but i guess i can try, also its using 11.04 and im not going to try upgrading to the latest because itll probably preak stuff like crazy13:59
icerootasdman: at least "dpkg-buildüackage" should be installed by default14:00
EuroNerdsubterfuge_, personally I doubt a VM guest can access the host GPU for GPGPU purposes. There's only basic 3d support, and experimental at that.14:00
subterfuge_EuroNerd my knowledge base on GPGPU is low but I have been trying to do my homework.  My goal is fast smother VM performance14:00
MonkeyDustEuroNerd  is this link useful? http://www.wikihow.com/Setup-vsftpd-FTP-on-Ubuntu-Linux14:00
icerootasdman: but i guess there is a better solution then building everything from the source-packages14:00
asdmaniceroot its actually xubuntu btw14:00
asdmanhmm...im going to check if theres anything on packages.debina.org14:00
icerootasdman: that should not make a difference in that case14:01
asdmaniceroot:packages.debian.org has apache2 will it break stuff since its for a different distro?14:02
EuroNerdMonkeyDust, I think I've got vsftpd working already, now I just don't know how to connect to it from host with, say, FileZilla.14:02
=== Timic_ is now known as Timic
MonkeyDustEuroNerd  im not familiar with filezilla, maybe someone else is14:03
EuroNerdsubterfuge_, I don't think VBox uses any GPGPU. That graphic card would only be useful for apps running on the host. As for the guest VMs, you'll merely get some basic 3d stuff going, like Aero in Win7 and whatnot.14:03
cconoverI accidentally deleted the php.ini file for PHP-FPM.  I tried removing and reinstalling the package to restore the default file, but no luck.  I removed the /etc/php5/fpm directory for the same reason, but no luck.  Any tips?14:03
subterfuge_EuroNerd, Thanks for the info, so there 'to the best of your knowledge' isn't a way for normal everyday processes to be directed to the GPU.  i.e. nothing in Ubuntu that would pass overflow to a GPU regardless of where it cam from or a way to white list programs to use the GPU14:04
EuroNerdMonkeyDust, I think FileZilla is pretty straightforward, you just type in the IP, user and pwd for the FTP.  I'm just not sure the networking works right.14:05
ivanbajr_Bom dia. Faz um bom tempo que estou procurando uma solução em como alterar o plano de fundo das pastas com o ubuntu 11.1014:06
MonkeyDust!pt| ivanbajr_14:06
ubottuivanbajr_: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.14:06
ivanbajr_Alguém pode ajudar?14:06
PoNutsIs there any way to run a privat cloud.. not ubuntu one.. there I own the files?14:07
EuroNerdsubterfuge_, regardless of Ubuntu, even in Windows you need apps programmed specifically to use GPU for general computations (GPGPGU). Neither OS is capable of "redirecting" arbitrary processes to GPU, just because it feels like it.14:07
MonkeyDustPoNuts  if you have a remote PC, yes14:07
jnsl_in terminal, im looking at list of files with long names.. Can i open the file containing the number: "550" in some cleaver way? Instead of starting to type the files name and tab14:07
asdmaniceman : attempting to install...14:08
subterfuge_EuroNerd, Thank you for taking the time to clear this up, a few hours of reading and I had missed this point.  Again thank you have a great day.14:08
PoNutsMonkeyDust aha.. I was thinking of the famaly and a "dyndns" adress14:08
MonkeyDustPoNuts  there's this, moment14:09
sudiptamy new ipod touch is not recognized by ubuntu 11.10. Whenever i try to mount it...cpu usage goes to 100% and that's all. Any help?14:10
MonkeyDustPoNuts  http://www.ramhost.us/14:10
almoxarifeEuroNerd: if you want the added bonus of allowing the users of that ftp to have access to them files locally (their end) install gigolo on the ubuntu ends14:11
iceroot!ipod | sudipta14:11
ubottusudipta: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod14:11
PoNutsHmm I was more to a host at home..14:11
cconoverI accidentally deleted the php.ini file for PHP-FPM.  I tried removing and reinstalling the package to restore the default file, but no luck.  I removed the /etc/php5/fpm directory for the same reason, but no luck.  Any tips?14:11
finish06what is the following reponse code mean: tracker gave html response code 014:11
MonkeyDustPoNuts  then you need a remote PC14:12
almoxarifeEuroNerd: if you want the added bonus of allowing the users of that ftp to have access to them files locally (their end) install gigolo on the ubuntu ends, like in a folder on their  ~/gvfs14:12
PoNutslike the eucalyptus14:12
EuroNerdalmoxarife, right now I'm the only user.  I'm just setting up a web server in a local VM to play with web programming. The first thing I need is transferring files to and from the server - hence FTP. And I can't even get the FTP to work, so I'm really afraid what will happen with more serious stuff. ;)14:13
MonkeyDust!info eucalyptus14:13
ubottuPackage eucalyptus does not exist in oneiric14:13
almoxarifeEuroNerd: the vm is ubuntu?14:13
MonkeyDust!info eucalyptus-cloud14:13
ubottueucalyptus-cloud (source: eucalyptus): Elastic Utility Computing Architecture - Cloud controller. In component universe, is extra. Version 2.0.1+bzr1256-0ubuntu8 (oneiric), package size 290 kB, installed size 500 kB14:13
PoNuts!info eucalyptus-cloud14:13
EuroNerdalmoxarife, both the host and the guest are Ubuntu.14:13
finish06EuroNerd, you will be fine euronerd.   some of the hardest things to set up are the easiest because you suspect it to be easy and when it isn't.... that is bad14:13
=== Buci_Student is now known as prov
almoxarifeEuroNerd: what package did you use for the ftpd?14:14
EuroNerdalmoxarife, vsftpd14:15
scalpelhmm my new employer is asking me for a htpasswd fragment which i think is just a md5 encrypted version of my password. does this just mean that they will be able to set up my password for my work account without actually knowing my true password?14:15
almoxarifeEuroNerd: do you need it to be a complicated ftpd? security issues?14:15
EuroNerdabsolutely not14:16
PoNutswhat about those who attacks (name loggins) on port 22 from asia mostly14:16
almoxarifeEuroNerd: I set one up real lean, it works, let me see what package I used, and lean meaning no conf crap to work out14:16
* tnk1 is back.14:17
SachinDeyhow do i use the desktop cube plugin? I have enabled it and also pressed control+alt+up/down/right/left but it doesnt work14:17
EuroNerdalmoxarife, I'm not even sure it's a vsftpd config problem. Maybe sth with networking.14:19
greenithi, i have a problem: i have 2 harddisks and i have installed windows and linux on the second (sdb)... however, ubuntu only recognizes the former installed windows on the first drive (sda)... how can i tell grub that it shall start windows from sdb and not sda?14:19
greenithow can i tell grub2 that it shall start the windows from sdb instead of sda?14:22
asdmanis ther  a command for downloading a package and all its required packages to a folder?14:22
MonkeyDustasdman  http://packages.ubuntu.com/14:23
asdmanMonkeydust, that is not get every single one, one by one14:23
almoxarifeEuroNerd: the issues then are with filezilla?14:24
EuroNerdwhat's the simples command to check ubuntu's own network address?14:24
EuroNerdalmoxarife, I'm not sure FileZilla is the problem, but indeed I'm using it to try to connect to that FTP14:24
EuroNerdMonkeyDust, thx14:25
almoxarifeEuroNerd: the ubuntu-vm is not firewalled?14:25
mang0!bot > mang014:25
ubottumang0, please see my private message14:25
mikey2000c FREE IPHONE 4S! http://goo.gl/pl54K14:26
jandroI'm doing a test trying out connecting to my home apache server through SSH adding the parameter -L 5000:localhost:80 to my SSH command, and obviously I can load the welcome apache webpage perfectly just by typing localhost:5000 in my web browser. What puzzled me afterwards is that once I changed to -L 80:localhost:80 to make a test of forwarding all my local web traffic through the home server I expected it would only be able to load the apach14:26
jandrowelcome webpage, but instead it resolves any website I try. Could someone explain me what's going on here? Is my server acting as a DNS server? thanks14:26
EuroNerdalmoxarife, at least _I_ didn't firewall it. ;)14:26
almoxarifeEuroNerd: lets assume its not, from some machine not the vm, can you ping the vm?14:27
EuroNerdalmoxarife, I solved it!14:27
Sidewinder1EuroNerd, Just so you don't feel alone, I have had problems configuring vsftpd so that selected users from WAN could connect. Not solved yet 'cause we both need to find the time to 'work together.'14:27
almoxarifeEuroNerd: cool14:27
almoxarifeEuroNerd: what was it?14:27
EuroNerdalmoxarife, I was just connecting to the wrong local IP   ;)14:27
EuroNerdI'm the biggest n00b ever! :)14:27
almoxarifeEuroNerd: subspace to veeger won't work?14:27
EuroNerdwith ifconfig I checked the actual address of that VM and now it works14:28
EuroNerdalmoxarife, I don't even know what that means ;)14:28
=== Resistance is now known as EvilResistance
MonkeyDustEuroNerd  it's a star trek joke14:30
MonkeyDustV'Ger is Voyager14:30
captainfixerpc14question;  running 11.04, using Firefox, after installing ttf-mscorefonts, i lost all text viewable in firefox pages - have removed fonts - via terminal and package manager also have rebuilt fcache - ideas are welcome - chromium works fine - other browsers as well - please????14:31
Sidewinder1MonkeyDust, "You are the Creator?"14:32
MonkeyDusti am, maggot, kneel!14:32
=== jack is now known as Guest83224
* EuroNerd goes out to get some lunch14:34
ababaab@ubuttu Hi14:34
pr_wo ist der deutsche channel14:34
MonkeyDust!de| pr_14:34
ubottupr_: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!14:34
ababaab@ubottu Hio14:34
MonkeyDust"dein" soll nicht mit einer Grossbuchstabe sein :p14:35
llutzMonkeyDust: doch, soll es14:37
BluesKajHi all14:38
=== peter__ is now known as fr33r1d3
Sidewinder1Mornin' BluesKaj !14:39
=== greentux|xutneer is now known as greentux
=== l is now known as Guest82951
Guest82951need help14:40
mang0!ask | Guest8295114:40
ubottuGuest82951: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience14:40
Guest82951where is the themen-manager in ubuntu 11.1014:41
* tnk1 is away: Gone away for now14:41
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience14:42
emilio89what do you need ababaab?14:42
Guest82951<ababaab> help what14:42
EvilResistance!away > tnk114:43
ubottutnk1, please see my private message14:43
Guest82951Ican not become the theme  manager installed in Ubuntu 11.1014:44
* tnk1 is back.14:44
EvilResistancetnk1:  read your privmsgs14:44
EvilResistance!away | tnk114:44
ubottutnk1: Please do not use noisy away messages and nicks in Ubuntu channels. It is annoying and unnecessary. Use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently. See also «/msg ubottu Guidelines»14:44
greenithi, my grub2 does not list windows7 anymore.... how can i repair this? the command 'sudo update-grub2' does not find win714:44
BluesKajHi Sidewinder114:44
llutzEvilResistance: tnk1 permanently ignores that14:45
EvilResistancellutz:  then the ops should do something about that.14:45
=== max is now known as Guest77926
BluesKajgreenit,  try , sudo os-prober , then run sudo update grub14:46
Guest82951You can  choose from the windows 7 dvd to boot and then the repair  option14:46
Sidewinder1^That will bork GRUB.^14:47
Sidewinder1I think..14:47
captainfixerpc14  running 11.04, using Firefox, after installing ttf-mscorefonts, i lost all text viewable in firefox pages - have removed fonts - via terminal and package manager also have rebuilt fcache - ideas are welcome - chromium works fine - other browsers as well - could somebody please tell me how to reset so pango can see the fonts as they should be, please????14:48
BluesKajSidewinder1, if he runs the repair from windows it do more than bork grub14:48
Guest82951 <greenit> or take the super grub disk:14:48
Guest82951here www.supergrubdisk.org14:48
BluesKajwill do more14:48
=== Buci_Student is now known as bubusetete
greenitGuest82951, i have tried this before, but it doesn't recognize my windows... probably the boot-option was located in the 100mb-sized partition from the other harddisk i deleted today... is this possible?14:49
Sidewinder1BluesKaj, That's what I thought; maybe I should've used the 'danger', factiod. ;-)14:49
=== jbuchanan1 is now known as jbuchanan-work
BluesKajgreenit, did you try  sudo os-prober ?14:50
rypervencheBluesKaj: Try moving your .Mozilla folder to a different place then restarting firefox14:50
greenitBluesKaj, yes, didn't help14:51
rypervencheBluesKaj: Sorry, ~/.mozilla folder14:51
Sidewinder1BluesKaj, If I'm correct, the "fix-MBR", command "should only kill GRUB, not the rest?..14:51
rypervencheoops, wrong person14:51
BluesKajrypervenche, I think you meant that for captainfixerpc1414:51
Guest82951Ausgangssprache: Englisch14:51
Guest82951Geben Sie Text oder eine Website-Adresse ein oder lassen Sie ein Dokument übersetzen.14:51
Guest82951Übersetzung von Deutsch nach Englisch14:51
FloodBot1Guest82951: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:51
Guest82951or call the menu.lst with root right on the  boat there are options14:52
Guest82951or call  the menu.lst with root right on the boat  there are option14:52
=== p-e is now known as pec
BluesKajSidewinder1, inwindows XP Sidewinder1, but Vista and W7 use a different method to fix the mbr and it's not a s straightforward afaik14:53
Guest82951or use patendmagic linux14:53
BluesKajGuest82951, menu.lst doesn't exist in grub214:54
Sidewinder1BluesKaj, Yea, am familiar with XP, not so (never), Vista, 7.14:54
rypervenchecaptainfixerpc14: Try moving your ~/.mozilla to a different location then starting Firefox.14:56
w__anyone using ubuntu 12.0414:57
samba35i have installed not not test14:57
BluesKajw__, yes , but you should ask in #ubuntu+1 , if you have any questions14:57
w__thanks BluesKaj14:59
=== pcornill is now known as pec
w__it seems that there is no one there at the #ubuntu+115:00
w__i can't open any chat window on empathy15:01
captainfixerpc14rypervenche, Thanks I just tried that and while it did change to what appears to be a new install - any text on the page - or typed into google search does not show up - when run through terminal - it still reports the pango warning15:01
icerootw__: #ubuntu+1 for 12.0415:01
BluesKajw__, sorry I don't use empathy15:01
w__icerrot i know im using 12.0415:02
EvilResistancew__:  you have to get help in #ubuntu+115:02
EvilResistancew__:  #ubuntu is only for the stable and supported releases, not the currently-in-development release15:03
w__as i said no one is responding15:03
ActionParsnipthen wait15:03
BluesKajw__, also you need to have patience ..an immediate answer is unlikely15:03
Sidewinder1w__, Perhaps there is a forum for 12.04 at http://ubuntuforums.org/15:04
Sidewinder1w__Here 'ya go: http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=41215:05
rypervenchecaptainfixerpc14: What is the exact error message?15:05
rypervenchecaptainfixerpc14: You may have removed libpango15:06
EvilResistanceSidewinder1:  he left you know15:06
Sidewinder1EvilResistance, Thanks, hadn't noticed; trying to do too many things at once. :-(15:06
hektik-how is unity15:08
MonkeyDustfine how are you15:09
iohektik-, did you have a question?15:10
ActionParsniphektik-: not bad, not great, just like any thing you can name in any OS :)15:10
hektik-windows 7 is great15:11
ActionParsniphektik-: its pretty, that's pretty much it15:14
sskalnikWhat's the best way to test out a serial port in ubuntu?15:15
ActionParsnipsskalnik: test in what way? What is connected to it?15:15
BussDriverhektik-: interesting factoid.. in windows, I can't drive two external monitors and keep my laptop screen on.. but in ubuntu that works fine :)15:16
ubuntuto each their on with operating systems...15:16
sskalnikActionParsnip:  I have two ports on the same box connected via null modem. I can also use a loopback connector on each, but right now i am trying to send data from one port to the other over the null modem15:17
ubuntuthis is one fight that will literally go on for eternity15:17
hektik-bussdriver: chances are, you are an idiot and cant figure out how to do it in windows15:17
meerkatsThe action would require the installation of packages from not authenticated sources. how do I install those packages?15:17
sskalnikhektik-:  are you here to ask a question about ubuntu, or are you here to troll?15:17
ActionParsnipubuntu: yes because people seem to care what OS people use and think they should use the same a lot.15:17
BussDriverhektik-: Wow, nice try, but it's completely unsupported by the video card driver.15:17
hektik-ubuntu: yes, but it wold be losing for ubuntu15:17
ubuntuhektik-: are you looking for help or interested in ubuntu in some way? can we help you?15:18
ActionParsnipmeerkats: can you give a pastebin of the output of:  sudo apt-get update15:18
captainfixerpc14rypervenche, firefox:17619: PANGO WARNING  failed to create cairo scaled font, expect ugly output - offending font is courier new 5.25, it goes on to display several font face and scaled font face out of mem - I am certain I messed up the fonts when adding ttf core - but have done all to rebuild after extensive reading -15:18
hektik-yes, i asked about unity15:18
Travis-42How do I resize windows in Ubuntu 11.10 with Unity.  For example, with LibreOffice Writer, I cannot resize the window by putting my mouse on the edge of the window.15:18
io!unity > hektik-15:18
ubottuhektik-, please see my private message15:18
ubuntuhektik-: to answer your original question, unity is fine thank you, have you any further questions?15:18
iohektik-,  what else other than the information just given to you do you want to know? if you ask a question, then maybe we can help15:18
meerkatsActionParsnip, as soon as the updater finishes the updating of the other packages15:19
ActionParsnipTravis-42: you need to restore the window first, then you can resize it, if it it maximized I don't think it can be resized15:19
ActionParsnipmeerkats: no worries15:19
hektik-ubuntu: do you like unity? thanks for the attention you have placed upon me. makes me feel flattered15:19
meerkatsActionParsnip, is vlc's ppa15:19
ubuntuhektik-: no problem at all, and no, anything else?15:19
hektik-ubuntu: which do you prefer?15:19
ActionParsnipmeerkats: can you give the output of the command please, once you can15:19
Travis-42ActionParsnip, doesn't seem to be maximized, it's only taking up half the screen. but hitting the maximize button brought back the ability to resize. same for chrome and many other windows. weird. thanks.15:19
=== Timic_ is now known as Timic
ubuntuhektik-: which out of what set?15:20
ActionParsnipTravis-42: unity/compiz is a weird beast15:20
hektik-ubuntu: if i'm tight on hdd space, how much space would you allocate minimum for a fresh ubuntu install?15:20
ActionParsniphektik-: 7Gb will be plenty, a bit tight but sufficient15:21
ubuntuhektik-: i'm afraid i've no idea, that's probably something for google... i do know a minimum debian install is around 700 megs15:21
pankhow to mount a pendrive by using terminal ?15:21
hektik-oh okay, i figured 20gig15:21
hektik-but thats good to know15:21
ActionParsniphektik-: this isn't windows15:21
iohektik-, 15 GB is recomended, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements15:21
ActionParsniphektik-: win7 + office productivity + decent CD burining + DVD playback software = ¬20Gb15:21
ActionParsniphektik-: ubuntu gives you all that in about 5Gb15:22
mneptokhektik-: also, you're not taking swap space (if necessary) into account. that will require some HD space also.15:22
io!mount > pank15:22
ubottupank, please see my private message15:22
sskalnikpank:  mount /dev/sda<whateverthedriveis> /<whereveryouwanttomountit>15:22
BussDriverare you kidding? I'd love if windows 7 would only take 20gb.  Usually after getting all the updates and service pack 1 you're looking at 40gb.15:22
ActionParsnippank: it may already be mounted, if you run:  mount    do you see the device15:22
ubuntuhektik-: also remember that ubuntu gives you lots of default packages by default to play with, you can remove them or go with a minimum install if you don't want to choose what programs you install yourself15:22
ActionParsnipBussDriver: damn15:22
BussDriverAll because of that huge winsxs folder.15:22
MonkeyDusthektik-  i think you want to read this http://www.whylinuxisbetter.net/15:23
hektik-linux is not better15:23
hektik-but okay15:23
mneptokubuntu: some packages may not be able to be removed as the -desktop package depends on them.15:23
ActionParsniphektik-: it is in some situations15:23
BussDriverIt's nearly impossible to fit a decent windows 7 install on the original raptor 36gb - I should know, that's still one of my main desktops :\15:23
ActionParsniphektik-: and other OSes excel in other places15:23
pankio, how to mount ?15:23
GeForce88I'm using ubuntu 11.10 with a geforce 8800 gts 512 + gnome desktop. i can'tget desktop efects to enable. i'm using repo drivers 173.15:23
ActionParsnip!mount ~ pank15:23
ubottuActionParsnip: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:23
m_Whi, any suggestions for best twitter widget on ubuntu?15:23
mneptokthe discussion of "which OS is better" is suited to #ubuntu-oftopic, not this channel.15:23
iopank, see the link given to you in private message from ubottu. or sskalnik also suggested --> mount /dev/sda<whateverthedriveis> /<whereveryouwanttomountit>15:23
ActionParsnipm_W: there is no single best app for a situation15:24
emilio89i like windows 7 and debian15:24
m_WActionParsnip, just one that people have found the really like?15:24
panksskalnik, how to know "whateverthedriveis" ?15:24
BussDriverwhat's the point of arguing whether one OS is better than another in some ill-defined 'all encompassing' way?  Ubuntu is great for my work.. but kinda sucks for playing the latest and greatest games on steam.  However, windows kinda sucks for, oh I don't know, actually having a decent built-in terminal?15:24
ActionParsnipm_W: doesn't make it best though, does it15:24
hektik-u guys play any games on linux?15:24
m_WActionParsnip, no it doesn't, you're right15:24
ActionParsnipm_W: http://sneerwell.blogspot.com/2009/09/top-8-twitter-clients-for-ubuntu-linux.html15:25
ActionParsnipm_W: polly gets around too15:25
m_WActionParsnip, thanks15:25
ActionParsnipGeForce88: try the 280 driver15:25
mneptokm_W: try Gwibber15:25
m_Wmneptok, I will, thanks15:26
marcin_what ?15:26
ActionParsnipGeForce88: I've ran my 6150LE on the 295 driver and it ran15:26
GeForce88ActionParsnip,  can i simply enable another drivers with out uninstalling? or do i uninstall first?15:26
ActionParsnipGeForce88: I suggest you remove the other one first15:27
remoteCTRLas far as i recall there once was a command to send a user a message...? like on the commandline?15:27
GeForce88ActionParsnip,  can you refrsh my memory with that command ?15:27
GeForce88ActionParsnip, in the 'additional drivers' dialog, i do not have 295. i have 173,173-update,"current version" and version current-updates15:28
=== nha_ is now known as nha
ioremoteCTRL, to a user on the same system, or IRC?15:28
RaTTuS|BIGremoteCTRL - /msg ircname15:29
GeForce88oh duh, 295 IS the current...15:29
remoteCTRLio: on linux15:29
ioremoteCTRL, '$ man write'15:29
GeForce88remoteCTRL, /dcc chat <username> works too15:29
remoteCTRLRaTTuS|BIG: ermm... thanks but i meant in ubuntu...15:29
ioGeForce88, that's for IRC though15:30
remoteCTRLGeForce88: i know15:30
ioremoteCTRL, oh there's '$ man talk' too!15:30
ioremoteCTRL, one is for a one-off message and the other is for more of a 'chat', the man pages will explain15:30
remoteCTRLio: genious, tanks! right what i was looking for!15:30
ioremoteCTRL, :)15:31
Sidewinder1io, ~$ man talk15:32
Sidewinder1No manual entry for talk15:32
prizmOn my screen, it will occasionally flicker when using SDL apps15:32
Sidewinder1Maybe I need to install it; 10.04, here.15:32
ActionParsnipGeForce88: just deactivate the driver then install nvidia-current15:32
prizmin windowed mode15:33
io!info netkit-ntalk | Sidewinder115:34
ubottuSidewinder1: Package netkit-ntalk does not exist in oneiric15:34
iodepreciated it seems, Sidewinder1. I'm not sure how old it is or when it was last updated, I just remember using it15:34
Sidewinder1io, Yea, I found ti in my repos, along with talkd.. Thanx!15:34
Sidewinder1it, even.15:35
gulzarI am using xxfwm4 with KDE. Is there any problem with it? How to enable composiiting with it?15:35
batlock10.04, is there any reason that a live cd won't boot because of 'failed to mount '/dev/sda1' : invalid argument, The device /dev/sda1 doesn't seem to have a valid NTFS15:35
batlockas of right now there's nothing on /dev/sda1 at all'15:36
GeForce88live cd's don't like 'new' hard drives15:36
batlockheh, new15:36
batlockthis pos is anything but15:36
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batlockyea it's just taking forever to load the live env15:37
remoteCTRLio: man contained the "bingo" link: "wall" is the weapon of choice! write only writes to tty and wall writes to /dev/ps115:37
ioremoteCTRL, nice15:37
batlockit finally gave me a mouse, it's a dell gx 15015:37
remoteCTRLio: erm... /dev/pts/1 i meant15:38
ioremoteCTRL, glad you found what you were looking for :)15:38
remoteCTRLio: me too, thanks for the hint! :)15:38
meerkatsActionParsnip, http://pastebin.com/rNMaZhTT15:38
ActionParsnipmeerkats: sudo apt-key adv --recv-key --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com 09589874801DF72415:39
ActionParsnipmeerkats: if you add the ppa using:  add-apt-repositpry    it sorts that out for yo15:40
batlockholy slowness15:40
meerkatsimported, ActionParsnip15:40
ActionParsnipmeerkats: simples15:41
Sidewinder1batlock, Booting any LiveCD is sloowwww.15:42
ActionParsnipSidewinder1: CDs are slow, try live USB (if your BIOS can boot it) its a tonne faster15:42
gulzarI am using xfwm4 with KDE.  How to enable composiiting with it?15:42
ActionParsnipI don't think xfwm4 can do compositing15:43
meerkatsthx ActionParsnip15:44
batlockSidewinder1, no, this is like waiting for molasses in january, but that january is in northern alberta canada, and it's -60 F15:44
gulzarActionParsnip: it can.... ok Then what to use with KDE other than compiz and kwin for basic compositing?15:44
Sidewinder1ActionParsnip, Yes, I was aware, thanks; unfortunately, this machine (my main one) won't boot to USB (circa about 2002).. The other one, a little newer will, but doesn't have the resources for unity. (Side begins to save his pennys). :D15:45
batlocklike, this entire time i've been trying to setup an installation, it's finally at 5%15:45
TheRedOctoberGreetings.  I have a remote server that is hanging on SSH in.  The VPN is still working, and _some_ of the services are also responding, but SSH hangs after correct login.  It sits after the "Last Login:" notice. Any ideas how to surmount this?15:45
batlockSidewinder1, I have a cd that allows me to boot from USB15:46
ActionParsnipgulzar: metacity can do it afaik, or you can use emerald but I belive it uses compiz somehow15:46
Sidewinder1batlock, Interesting..15:46
batlockSidewinder1, all you have to do basically is set root=(usb1,msdos1) or soemthing like taht15:46
batlockonce you've detected usb15:46
batlocklemmie find the name of it.15:47
ActionParsnipSidewinder1: shame, there are floppy images on pendrivelinux to then boot usb, most of my systems are from around then and have the same issue :(15:47
batlocklike this dell15:47
ActionParsnipTheRedOctober: add to /etc/ssh/sshd_config         UseDNS no      may help15:47
batlockdon't even have 512 ram and it's most likely got blown caps15:47
* Sidewinder1 Sends some of his pennies to ActionParsnip 15:47
* ActionParsnip doesn't need a powerhouse :)15:48
rypervenchecaptainfixerpc14: Still there?15:48
Sidewinder1batlock, Dell Dimension 4550, here.15:48
batlockheh optiplex15:49
batlockgx 15015:49
Sidewinder1Figgered' mine was older. :-(15:50
batlockSidewinder1, super grub2 boot disk hybrid 1.99b1  allows you to boot from usb with a little grub hacking15:51
batlockiso's too15:51
Sidewinder1I did upgrade RAM to 1 Gig, and upgraded video card, so it's not too bad..15:51
batlockyea i got stock everything in this guy15:52
batlockhad to remove the addon vidya card cause it was flailing15:52
karthick87How to change the owner & group of a directory?15:52
MonkeyDustkarthick87  chown15:52
karthick87for group?15:52
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llutzman chown karthick87 (user:group)15:53
rypervenchekarthick87: sudo chown username:groupname foldername15:53
lucabut i install ubuntu, and then kde, does that make it a kubuntu?15:53
rypervenchekarthick87: add -R to make it recursive if you like too15:53
lucacan i obtain a kubuntu without reintalling the whole thing?15:54
ActionParsnipluca: makes it ubuntu with multiple DEs15:55
ActionParsnipluca: you technically already have kubuntu15:55
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lucawhat are des?15:55
ActionParsnipdesktop environments15:56
batlockpsychocats usually had good howto's luca http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/kde15:56
batlockjust read it all first15:57
batlockbefore you jump into it15:57
karthick87rypervenche: Thank you :D15:57
pip__can anyone point me to some decent info regarding network manager, I've got a weirdish problem.  Well I think it's weird...15:57
batlockheh you know how i said it was at 5%?  wel lnow it's finally at 5015:58
lucabatlock: i followed a psychocats guide on how to create a partition and move the home folder in it and nearly had to format the hdd. plus now i have it full of odd partition stuff15:58
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batlockluca got a link?15:59
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lucaill find it15:59
sfsf32is the pussy that smells of fish or fish smells like pussy?15:59
Sidewinder1Thanks Flannel16:00
batlockactually that looks pretty straight forward16:00
haylopossibly the same saline microorganisms make you smell as they make the fish smell16:01
batlockall you do is shrink your partition, create one for home, then backup and move the home folder over, mark changes in fstab and reboot and pray16:02
wawrekHello, I am using ubuntu 11.10, using Nvidia. I try to set up a dual monitor display, lets say TwinView. The thing is that when I reboot, the display is gone, I have to open nvidia and make it again. Did someone manage to have it working?16:02
lucabatlock: i was lucky that with a live boot i managed to reset the settings16:02
lucawhen i restarted after fo..owing the guide it wouldn't boot16:03
lucaand now i dont know why i have my entire hdd full16:03
wawrekHello, I am using ubuntu 11.10, using Nvidia. I try to set up a dual monitor display, lets say TwinView. The thing is that when I reboot, the display is gone, I have to open nvidia and make it again. Did someone manage to have it working?16:03
lucabatlock: do you have any ideas?16:06
MonkeyDustluca  it's easier to backup and fresh install ubuntu16:06
craigbass1976Anyone in the Wilson NC area?  Someone installed linux on a relative's computer and needs a pair of hands every so often when things REALLY break and ssh is't an option16:06
karthick87what it mean ? Could not resolve no name for
MonkeyDustkarthick87  a host name?16:07
karthick87MonkeyDust: But the hosts has the hostname16:07
batlock172.29.x.x is a class B private address isn't it?16:08
lucabut i have installed too many services, and now finally i have file sharing set up16:08
lucait took hours16:08
batlockluca, i have no clue as to what happened besides possibly something that could have happened from not copy pasting the instructions he said not to type out16:09
MonkeyDustluca  technically you can backup and reinstall all those services, but, as you say, it takes hours and should be done overnight16:09
Sidewinder1batlock, I'm a big fan of "copy-paste." :D16:10
sskalnikHow do I determine the default gateway assigned by dhcp?16:10
batlocktraceroute out and see where it hops16:11
batlockquickest answer i can figure16:11
batlockor route print16:11
sskalnikbatlock:  First four hops are ****16:11
batlockprint your routing table16:12
llutzsskalnik: route -n or "ip n s"16:12
BluesKajsskalnik, ifconfig16:12
mneptokBluesKaj: ifconfig does not return route info16:12
batlocknetstat -rn16:12
sskalnikah, "route" did it16:13
sskalnikthanks, all16:13
BluesKajoh gateway , oops :)16:13
* BluesKaj edits his networking textfiles16:15
* Sidewinder1 Edits BluesKaj 16:16
Sharpshootercan I change the Audacious theme to winamp themes?16:18
BluesKajSidewinder1, I had the ifconfig command under the wrong heading, but thanks to the correction trolls my mistake was pcked up :)16:19
chicongolyhow r y16:19
Sidewinder1Ok, since it's rather quiet, I have 5 ext. HDDs intermittently when I mount them, sometimes two instances of Nautilus open. Doesn't seem to be any rhyme nor reason. Not a big deal, I was just curious if any of you experience this.16:19
mneptokBluesKaj: "trolls?"16:19
chicongolyubuntu 11.10 is gd no16:20
Sharpshootercan I change the Audacious theme to winamp themes?16:20
mneptokSidewinder1: are there multiple partitions on these external devices? if so, Nautilus will open a window for each partition it can read.16:20
SharpshooterSidewinder1, can I change Audacious themes to winamp skins ?16:20
BluesKajmneptok, yeahn rather than helping the subject first , you guys like to correct other ppls mistakes first16:20
batlockSidewinder1, yea, nautilus will auto open anything it automounts16:21
mneptokBluesKaj: name-calling is hardly the answer.16:21
cyberjorgehi, I know it has nothing to do with ubuntu but is pop3 also use milter that can cause delay in delivery of large files?16:21
Sidewinder1mneptok, Negative, (well on one that I rarely use) all the rest are a single ext3 partition16:21
supuersmneptok whats your issue16:21
mneptokSidewinder1: maybe run an fsck on those partitions? i tend toward paranoia as regards filesystem integrity.16:22
BluesKajmneptok, I've been called worse :)16:22
mneptokBluesKaj: well, keep it to yourself in this channel, please.16:22
Sidewinder1mneptok, I guess I should just be thankful that only two instances of Nautilus open.16:22
Sidewinder1mneptok, And again, this only happens once in a while and is not restricted to a particular drive.16:23
supuershow many partitions do you have?16:23
BluesKajmneptok, same goes for you , if I make a mistake perhaps a friendly pm would be in order then I would correct my mistake in the channel myself16:23
mneptokBluesKaj: i will, one last time, invite you to discuss this in #ubuntu-ops.16:24
mneptokBluesKaj: you have *severely* tried my patience, and that of other ops. you are walking a tightrope, and i suggest you turn around and head back to the ledge.16:24
BluesKajmneptok, nope,  no kangaroo court for me ... too bad about your lack of patience16:25
chicongoly /join #backtrack-fr16:25
Cube``how can i check with commandline which version of ubuntu i have16:25
llutzCube``: lsb_release -sc16:26
cyberjorgeoh, I haven't seen that in awhile.16:27
Cube``llutz: kthx, but why dont i have add-apt-repository with lucid?16:27
batlockwow it is bad in here, someone makes mention of the word 'trolls' and ops get all huffy puffy??  wat is this, soviet russia?16:27
llutzCube``: ask the channel, idk16:27
supuerstrying to use vinagre to remote to a win 7 laptop on same network does not seem to be connecting16:28
Cube``batrick: no, but corporate america (canonical ltd in yo face), the other extreme16:28
andynisn't vinagre a vnc client, not a remote desktop one?16:29
bshow to run windows applications and games on ubuntu16:29
mneptok!wine > bs16:29
ubottubs, please see my private message16:29
supuersyes, but should be able to connect to a windows based system16:29
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rgilliomI am new to IRC and new to ubuntu.  I just loaded 11.10 on a Dell Latitude D800 with a high resolution screen 19200X1200 (uncertain of video driver at this time).  The install appears to go perfectly, but when ubuntu loads the desktop is blank with no icons, etc.  Any thoughts on solutions.?16:30
andynsure, i just assumed you were not running VNC on the windows end16:30
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purpleyuanMay I ask a question about sftp? Can I do that here?16:31
supuersno only on linux side16:31
ActionParsniprgilliom: try unity2D session from logini screen16:31
chicongolyhow install openoffice on backtrack 516:32
ActionParsnippurpleyuan: if its on Ubuntu, then yes16:32
ActionParsnipchicongoly: backtrack isn't supported here16:32
llutz!backtrack | chicongoly16:32
ubottuchicongoly: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition16:32
chicongolyok tnx16:32
supuersdont even try to install open office on backtrack16:32
ActionParsnipchicongoly: backtrack is a network probing tool, which is why it doesn't come with office productivity16:32
purpleyuanAh, cool. So I'm trying to move multiple files within directories in sftp. Is there anyway I can do that easily, or will I have to move them one by one?16:32
chicongolyhv u website for linux software16:33
supuersyou will tinker with what it was intended for16:33
ActionParsnipchicongoly: it's not for doing daily stuff, its a network tool16:33
ActionParsnipchicongoly: ask in the backtrack channel please16:33
purpleyuanI've looked online, and apparently you can use a remote command through ssh, but the server I'm using doesn't allow ssh, only sftp.16:33
SharpshooterSidewinder1, can I change Audacious themes to winamp skins ?16:35
Sidewinder1Sharpshooter, I have no idea, sorry. :-(16:36
FrietSokcan some one help16:36
SharpshooterSidewinder1,  :(16:36
KARAGHi guys I would like some help with ubuntu 11.10 I have some sound problems16:37
Sidewinder1Sharpshooter, I use Rythmbox and Juk.16:37
gwestai!ask | KARAG16:37
ubottuKARAG: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience16:37
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mneptokSharpshooter: http://www.ubuntudiary.co.cc/2009/05/audacious-winamps-taste-in-ubuntu.html16:37
KARAGThere isnt any sound output ... Thats all...16:38
FrietSokmy sound just quit i change a bit to turn on the sub woofer and the midd speakers , i just restore it but nothing happends ??16:38
Sharpshootermneptok, :)16:38
kag_anilmsg NickServ identify ani123]16:38
FrietSoklol kag16:38
ActionParsnipkag_anil: may want to change password16:38
mneptokkag_anil: time to change your nick's password16:38
craigbass1976Has anyone gotten radicale working?  I can get it started, but don't see where it's logging to find out what's borking when I try to hook a client up to it16:38
ActionParsnipKARAG: what is the output of: wget -O alsa-info.sh http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh; chmod +x ./alsa-info.sh; ./alsa-info.sh16:38
kag_anilhow to change it16:38
ActionParsnipFrietSok: try:  killall pulseaudio; rm -r ~/.pulse*16:39
mneptokkag_anil: /msg NickServ help set16:39
FrietSokmsg FrietSok indentify lame23416:39
Sharpshootermneptok, I mean is there any way to use the winamp theme (extentions) in audacious ?16:40
mneptokSharpshooter: did you read the URL i gave you?16:40
mneptokSharpshooter: i don't know how your question cvould be answered more plainly than it is on that page. it tells you how to install and enable Winamp skins in Audacious.16:41
FrietSoki can,t install kazaa litle how do i need to do it becouse i follow each step google say download kazza.msi open it whit syntic but it ubuntu say nono16:42
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kag_anilmneptok: thanx ...16:42
KARAGERMMM guys the sound thingy Doesnt seem to have a good outpout(it is also in Greek) but it created this i wish it can help if you want i can also translate the output http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=e1c6f10c173bf8828a8e092ce6c2baa6b430710d16:43
Sharpshootermneptok, I  did ! when I copy the winamp skins on the themes folder it shows the skin with blank in selection ! I guess it is not supporting the winamp  player skin that i used in windows16:43
OerFrietSok, what steps of google ? and a .msi is a windows installer, not for ubuntu.16:44
mneptokSharpshooter: try other skins. figure out if it's an issue with a particular skin, or if it's an issue with Audacious and *all* Winamp skins16:45
ActionParsnipKARAG: sudo apt-get install alsa-utils16:45
Sidewinder1FrietSok, You may wish to have a look here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kazaa  Why not just use the default torrent client in ubuntu? I believe it's currently Transmission.16:45
edbianSidewinder1, kazaa is not a bittorrent client16:45
Sidewinder1edbian, Didn't it used to be?16:46
edbianSidewinder1, I don't think so.  Although it is peer to peer16:46
Sidewinder1edbian, I just scanned the wiki.. :-(16:46
edbianSidewinder1, meh16:46
Sharpshootermneptok, I figured that winamp skins are in different formats ! ant Audacious is not supporting any of these themes !16:46
craigbass1976I need to install openbravo-3 on a remote box.  I'm going to be sitting in front of said box in a couple of hours, but I wanted the download at least to be done before I got there.  Is there some way to fire up a terminal that will be open when I get there?  I can't do it from here, as I'll be on my laptop and that's going with me.16:47
OerSidewinder1, kazaa has a search for music/movie-downloads build-in, not sure the downloads are legal.16:47
MonkeyDustcraigbass1976  you can modify .profile to make a terminal open, when you connect to the remote pc16:48
KARAGDude The output is a big nothig16:48
Sidewinder1edbian, But, just in scanning that wiki, seems like a good thing to stay away from; IMHO.16:48
Sharpshootermneptok, winamp skin is xml type and audacious in txt types16:48
edbianSidewinder1, It is 99% illegal files from what I remember.16:48
Sidewinder1Oer, Thanx.16:48
KARAGPackage alsa ultis Has no (something else dont know how to translate it) for installation16:48
edbianSidewinder1, kazaa that is (and it's loaded with windows viruses)16:48
craigbass1976MonkeyDust, I was also just wondering...  Is there a way to log into the GUI?  VNC perhaps...16:48
Sidewinder1edbian, I was referring to the spyware, malware,... Not that that effects "us.".. ;-)16:49
Sharpshootermneptok, can I make custom theme for audacious ?16:49
KARAGThe package alsa-utils is not available, but no mention about it from another package.Package alsa ultis Has no candidate for installation16:49
ActionParsnipKARAG: should be, its in the repos and should be in a default install16:50
KARAGWhat can i do for that? any solution?16:50
vegabondhi frnds!!! how r u all?16:50
mneptokSharpshooter: i do not use Audacious. i have no idea. i went to Google and entered "audacious winamp skin" and found that page i gave you. the web will be more helpful to you than an IRC channel dedicated to a specific Linux distro.16:51
vegabondi need some help16:51
KARAGAnd who doesnt my firend vegabond :)16:51
vegabondhow can use skype in ubuntu 10.10?16:51
KARAGI do16:51
Sharpshootermneptok, is there any official IRC channel for  audacious ?16:52
ActionParsnipvegabond: go to the skype site and grab the deb for your architecture16:52
MonkeyDustcraigbass1976  cant say about the GUI, but add this to ~/.profile in your remote pc http://paste.ubuntu.com/791852/16:52
* mneptok stares at Sharpshooter 16:52
ActionParsnipKARAG: try:  sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade; sudo apt-get install alsa-utils16:52
mneptokSharpshooter: i *do not use* Audacious. are you asking me to go to Google again and type "audacious irc channel" and tell you want i find?16:52
ActionParsnipmneptok: Sharpshooter: /server irc.atheme.org /join #audacious16:54
Socket-My dmesg is flooded with: CIFS VFS: strtoUCS: char2uni of 0xffffffeb returned -2216:54
ActionParsnipmneptok: Sharpshooter: I just joined #audacious here on freenode16:54
Socket-how do i determin whats causing the character issue16:54
Sidewinder1mneptok, Was that stares, or glares?16:54
KARAGThe same OUTPUT The package 'alsa-utils' has no installation candidate16:54
ActionParsnipKARAG: is the OS fully updated though?16:54
KARAGYes of course.16:55
ActionParsnipKARAG: try the oneiric fix here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshootingProcedure16:56
SharpshooterActionParsnip, thankx16:57
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KARAGNothing Still No sound....16:59
hsyedAnyone able to help me with a fakeraid (motherboard based nvidia in raid 5) based installation. The xubuntu 11 installer doesn't seem to be installing grub correctly. I have told the installer to install the mbr on "/dev/mapper/nvidiaxxxx" (the device and not a partition). When I reboot I just get a blinking cursor (instead of insert install media and press any key to continue). What do I need16:59
hsyedto do ?16:59
blognewbhi guyys im trying to fully migrate to ubuntu. i use notepad++ for coding php, js etc.. what do you suggest i migrate to aside from vim? I am looking at Aptana, it looks like an open-source dreamweaver. What do yhou think? I'm looking for something that has a short learning curve and would not reduce productivity while learning the editor17:00
hsyedDon't bother with vim unless you want to commit to coding in a shell =D17:01
mang0blognewb: Eclipse is supposed to be good, but I suppose that's aptana really :P17:01
blognewbmang0 yeah..17:01
mang0I write my code in gedit and then run it from terminal, but that's just Python17:01
ActionParsnipKARAG: not sure, you need the alsa-utils app, try running:  alsamixer      and make sure all levels are cranked and unmuted17:01
Sharpshooterblognewb, bluefish17:01
ActionParsnipblognewb: gedit has syntax highlighting17:02
blognewbActionParsnip i tried gedit :D17:02
Sharpshooterblognewb, Try bluefish17:02
blognewbActionParsnip would you characterize aptana as an ide17:02
blognewbSharpshooter is it a relatively new getting popular editor17:03
hsyedSo no one arround has done a 11 install on a fakeraid machine ? :(17:03
blognewbHey guys is this true: "stay away from java-based IDEs. They will make development a nightmare."17:03
HackNewtonblognewb, well no and yes both17:04
hsyedfor a portable C++/C project yes17:04
ActionParsnipblognewb: not sure, its not in the repos..17:05
KARAGHey i am suspecting something... Can someone Tell me how I can see my available sources for apps at the software Center of ubuntu?17:05
Sharpshooterblognewb, Its a popular editor ! and light17:05
KARAGI am using oneiric 11.1017:05
hsyed@blognewb for a multi-million line project in most languages yes :D You can't fight complexity with ide tools, and ide's slow down. Not using an ide forces you to be embrace rigid coding practises, which is betteri n the long run  :D17:05
grendal-primehas anyone ever had a mounted drive's used space get reported as being on the /root partition?17:06
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Sidewinder1grendal-prime, Is it an external HDD?17:07
blognewbhsyed "java IDEs slow down development, they typically have a typing lag and whenever you try to rely on autocomplete or docblock popups, it takes forever"17:08
grendal-primelike say you have a root partition that is 100 gigs..and  it is at 50% capacity, then the mounted drive has say 30 gigs on it all of the sudden the root drive is reporting at 80%  a reboot takes it back to normal17:08
BangBusRUsHi I need some help configuaring my 160gb hdd to install ubuntu on to, What size and format should I set up for ubuntu install17:08
craigbass1976MonkeyDust, ok...  Here's what I ended up doing.  I didn't see your reply until just now.   I set up x11vnc on the remote box, then ssh -XC remotebox, then vncviewer localhbost:0 and got the process going.  Quitting vnc I believe will just leave things running without me seeign them from here.  I'm going to make my kiddo lunch, then head over.  Thanks17:08
grendal-primeya Sidewinder1 its an external drive17:08
grendal-primewell they are vm drives but the os sees them as external hardware.17:08
BangBusRUsPlease somebody help me I really like the new ubuntu version17:09
Sidewinder1grendal-prime, I have 5 ext. HDDs, I had to sudo chown each one, in order to write to it.17:09
hsyedblognewb that is correct java and c# ide's suck really. the jvm or clr are not designed to index that much information. if you can't get code completion in realtime it is useless.17:09
blognewbso I guess I'll stick to gedit! ...?17:09
blognewbi wanna try that bluefish though im not sure!17:09
BangBusRUsWhat size and format should i have?17:09
HackNewtonblognewb, go for geany !17:10
hsyedyes :D but if you wan't real power go with terminal coding using vim. it will feel like torture for a while, but you will develop conventions to doing things without the mouse, and once you have that you will be flying.17:10
KARAGHey ActionPartership THanx for the help the problem did not go solved but thanx anyway :)17:10
hsyedblognewb look into installing the NERDtree plugin for vim17:10
ActionParsnipgrendal-prime: have you removed old kernels?17:10
BangBusRUsI want one partition to have all my mp3s on it and i should be able to access the partition from windows if i ever need to?17:11
blognewbhsyed what is it for?17:11
ActionParsnipKARAG: you need the alsa-utils package installing, your script says it is missing17:11
grendal-primeActionParsnip, probably not..is this an  error that is associated with an older kernel?17:11
blognewbgedit bluefish geany17:11
blognewboh my17:11
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hsyedbangbusrus use ntfs , it's the least painfull method17:11
grendal-primeBy the way this is something that someone else brought to my desk.17:11
ActionParsnipgrendal-prime: if you have a tonne of old kernels, theywill take up a lot of space17:11
KARAGYes but when i try to install it it says that it doesnt exists17:11
BangBusRUsI'm new to Linux and Ubuntu and I really want to install it on my thinkpad t6117:11
Sidewinder1BangBusRUs, There is a driver, for windows that will allow it to see ext3/4, but I forget the name.17:12
BangBusRUswhat about the size?17:12
hsyedblognewb nerdtree is just a side bar that shows file in directories. minimal and fast to use. learn how to use tabs first tho17:12
BangBusRUsRight now the size is the most important thing17:12
ActionParsnipBangBusRUs: www.fs-driver.com17:12
blognewbKomodo Edit GUYS opinion?17:12
BangBusRUsok cool thanks i really appreciate it17:12
mneptokblognewb: don't.17:13
ActionParsnipBangBusRUs: not sure aout ext4 though17:13
grendal-primeActionParsnip,  but that would be a consistent thing...this is aparently a deal were all the sudden the 30 gigs of space that is being used on hdb, all the sudden seems to be reported as consuming 30 gigs of space on root as well.17:13
HackNewtonblognewb, no17:13
BangBusRUswhat about the size of the partitions17:13
hsyedshould I go to a different channel for tips on fakeraid install ? first time here17:13
ActionParsnipBangBusRUs: how do you mean?17:13
mneptokblognewb: Komodo Edit does not have a Debian package, and its installer dumps libraries all over your system.17:13
hsyedfat32 works upto 4 gigs, if it is larger use ntfs17:13
BangBusRUsI have a 160gb hdd and all of it is for ubuntu17:13
BangBusRUsi want one partition to have ubuntu and the other to have my mp3s17:14
grendal-primeActionParsnip, and a reboot of the box...will cause it to go back to reporting the actual size on the root partation.17:14
ActionParsnipBangBusRUs: the largest Ext4 partition you can have is 1Eb17:14
mneptokblognewb: are you looking for a programmer's editor you can use on mutliple OSes? is that why you're looking at Komodo?17:14
blognewbmneptok no not really, somebody suggested it over gedit17:14
ActionParsnipBangBusRUs: have an NTFS partition for the shared storage17:14
BangBusRUsok what about swap17:14
blognewbmneptok is gedit really that minimalist17:14
ActionParsnipBangBusRUs: that;s if you intend to dual boot17:14
blognewbi tried gedit once it got confusing with the editing17:15
BangBusRUsand other thing in linux like /home /user17:15
mneptokblognewb: try Bluefish or jEdit. both are in the repos. jEdit is Java, and will run anywhere Java runs.17:15
ActionParsnipBangBusRUs: 1xRAM for more than 2Gb RAM, if you have like 8Gb RAM and don't need hibernate etc, then you can skip swap17:15
BangBusRUsso i only need two partitions one for ubuntu and the other for my mp317:15
mneptokBangBusRUs: swap?17:15
FrietSokI just wanne know i do i install the game mw3 i install a lot game but mw3 is a pain in the ass ,,,, look my ass pl17:16
hsyed@bang: pick a better nick :D 20 gigs + 2x ram size should be enough for linux17:16
BangBusRUsi dont understand please elaborate17:16
ActionParsnipBangBusRUs: You can have one big partition for everything, a seperate /home partition is good as it helps for reinstalls and backups17:16
mneptokFrietSok: drop that language. it is most unwelcome.17:16
BangBusRUsok so how should i go with an 160gb hdd17:16
Sidewinder1BangBusRUs, This tutorial contains a rather comprehensive 'how-to': http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/index17:16
blognewbmneptok but i thought java is so damn slow17:16
BangBusRUsok thanks17:16
ActionParsnipBangBusRUs: are you dualbooting?17:17
mneptokblognewb: install jEdit. if it's painfully slow and you hate it, remove it.17:17
BangBusRUsno its only for ubuntu17:17
BangBusRUsi dont want windows no more17:17
hsyedbang: then you dont need ntfs17:17
HackNewtonblognewb, which language you inteded to use ?17:17
ActionParsnipBangBusRUs: then 10Gb ext4 for /, 1xRAM for swap, the rest for /home17:17
ActionParsnipBangBusRUs: I assume you have 2Gb RAM or more17:17
Sidewinder1BangBusRUs, That link contains partitioning info., as well..17:17
hsyedbang: just let the installer do the disk management, don't bother with seperate partitions if this is your first install17:17
mneptokBangBusRUs: laptop or desktop?17:17
BangBusRUsbut if i ever need to access my data from another computer i can get it so i want a file system format to be able to be used with windows17:18
x3k4phi all17:18
ActionParsnipBangBusRUs: set the /home to ext4 too :)17:18
MonkeyDustBangBusRUs  i too have a separate partition for my backups, you could make one to store your mp3s17:18
BangBusRUswith 2gb ram17:18
ActionParsnipBangBusRUs: the file system is moot for filesharing, samba deals with all that17:18
BangBusRUscan you please pm me here17:18
x3k4pi want to install voice control for ubuntu 11.1017:18
mneptokBangBusRUs: 2.1*RAM = swap, if you want to suspend or hibernate17:18
ActionParsnipBangBusRUs: then 2Gb for swap17:18
marelRight now I am on windows and there's only one partition. Is it possible to install ubuntu without losing my windows ?17:18
hsyedbang: you'll be able to point another computer to the ip adress of this computer and access it like a windows shared drive (might have to fiddle a bit but i think it's not hard with ubuntu)17:18
BangBusRUsim having a hard time following and reading since my eye sight is weak17:18
x3k4psudo apt-get install gnome-voice-control   not work17:18
mneptokActionParsnip: 2GB swap on a laptop with 4GB RAM is not a good bet ;)17:18
ActionParsnipmneptok: (17:18:12) BangBusRUs: with 2gb ram17:19
ActionParsnipmneptok: 2Gb RAM, not 4Gb17:19
BangBusRUsyea 2gb ram17:19
mneptokActionParsnip: then 2GB swap will allow memory contents to be dumped, as long as swap is *completely* empty when asked to page out RAM17:19
beanmarel: check out WUBI17:19
Sidewinder1marel, Please see here: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/index17:20
mneptokActionParsnip: 2.1*RAM = swap = allows swap to be full when asked to suspend or hibernate17:20
Sidewinder1marel, And, please, please stay away from WUBI!17:20
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ActionParsnipmneptok: gotcha, although Ive never used more than 2Gb ram here but users use may be different17:21
x3k4phwo can show me how to install gnome voice control17:21
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marelSidewinder1: another guy is saying I should check out WUBI. Why shouldn't I ?17:22
MonkeyDustx3k4p  is this link useful? http://linuxpoison.blogspot.com/2009/04/voice-control-your-ubuntu-desktop.html17:22
mneptokActionParsnip: i figure disk space is cheap and plentiful, so ... i err on the side of extreme caution.17:22
Sidewinder1marel, That's exactly why I chimed in; WUBI can be very problematic, WADR to the developers, of course.17:23
mneptokNate__: greetings from Copper and Tramway ;)17:23
Nate__hey cool17:23
ActionParsnipmneptok: indeed :) although 160Gb isn't a lot but its more than enough17:23
Nate__does anyone know why i cant update "apt-get" or connect to Ubuntu Software Center?17:23
mneptokNate__: what is the output of "sudo apt-get update" ?17:24
Nate__one sec17:24
beanNate__: be sure to pastebin the output, not paste it here.17:25
Sidewinder1fpu, Greetings.17:26
* mneptok looks at Nate__ and points at #ubuntu-us-nm17:26
Nate__Pasted at http://pastebin.com/Xd5NiJuU17:27
Nate__what is that other link?17:27
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.17:27
fsanchohi all17:27
Sidewinder1Good Afternoon IdleOne!17:27
Nate__anyone look at my error?17:28
ranjanhi all, is there any web based cloud storage like software?? which can allocate a fixed space to users and can upload and browse files and folders. Set quota etc? something like dropbox, 4shared etc or even like ubuntu one17:30
BussDriverwhat's wrong with ubuntu one or dropbox?17:30
MonkeyDustNate__  it's a Natty error, you using Natty?17:30
fsanchoI have Ubuntu 10.04-3 32bits with Firefox9 from firefox-stable ppa and sun-java6-plugin from partner repo, but i can't see java plugin installed in firefox17:31
ranjanBussDriver: i want such a software to use internally. a Self hosted one17:31
Nate__I i have natty and was wanting to update. Its giving me that error too.17:31
fsanchohave I missed something? How can i have sun java plugin to work with Firefox917:31
sewerurchinranjan: I have read about such applications for self hosting, have a google17:31
ranjansewerurchin: are you mentioning about syncany? or can you give any clue?17:32
MonkeyDustNate__  i think there's a corrupt source in your sources list17:32
mneptokNate__: can you pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list please?17:32
na__hi there im using ubuntu 11.10 and my task bar is stuck over all of my program windows  .... how do i minimise it ??17:32
Nate__alright one sec17:33
Sidewinder1fsancho, The default version of FF for 10.04 is 3.6.24; when one goes "mixing and matching" different versions, it can be problematic.17:33
motherbrainlol http://pastebin.com/DZmrdR7N17:34
na__anyone helping me here ???????????????????????????????????17:34
sskalnikna__:  patience17:35
fsanchoSidewinder1: I know, but Firefox9 comes from  mozilla-team on Launchpad. It is supposed to be stable enough.17:35
Nate__Ok pasted my sources list at: http://pastebin.com/sRqyWbZy17:36
na__yhis chl is shiiiiiiiite17:36
smile4everWill this break my LXDE? :) http://pastebin.com/nS5Rj90S17:36
motherbraincurious do most dpkg / packages install their exe or sh into the /usr/bin and usr/sbin directories. Because I have noticed that /bin and /sbin.17:37
motherbrainare mostly stay the same , have the core programs17:37
MonkeyDustmotherbrain  /usr/bin/ is where programs are c17:37
MonkeyDustmotherbrain  /usr/bin/ is where programs are located, that is correct17:38
Nate__anymore news?17:38
Nate__on my sources list?17:38
Sidewinder1smile4ever, No clue; it's all in a foreign language, and I'm a lousy translator.17:38
mneptokNate__: what happens when you click this link? - http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/17:39
MonkeyDustNate__  still opening your pastebin page, takes long time17:39
marelI'm on laptop and there's things like battery saving mode by default on windows. Are they going to be in ubuntu ?17:39
smile4everSidewinder1: it's saying the dependencies are not installed.17:39
Nate__When I go to that page it loads a Apache file server page.17:40
Sidewinder1smile4ever, Are you using server, or can you access Synaptic/Software Center?17:40
Nate__is that good?17:40
mneptokNate__: OK, so nothing is prohibiting you from getting to the archives17:40
Eetteyes marel, there are power settings in ubuntu.17:40
petsoundsfsancho: i read that sun java are rendered unusable.. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue246#Important_notice_regarding_Java_packages_in_Partner_archive not sure tho 'cause i use openjdk & icedtea17:40
Nate__So then what can I do?17:41
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smile4everSidewinder1: I'm using Lubuntu with LXTerminal :)17:41
smile4everBut here are many more people online :)17:41
smile4everand Lubuntu is almost the same as Ubuntu17:42
mneptokNate__: in a terminal - "sudo rm /var/lib/apt/lists/* -vf" (no quotes)17:42
fsanchopetsounds: I'm afraid I need official sun java support. :)17:42
rusersi someone proficient with software raid and new grub?  can you help me sort out the oneirc updates with following? http://pastebin.com/p8cfpgBj  where does grub have to go to?17:42
mneptokNate__: then "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" (no quotes)17:42
Nate__ok one sec17:42
rusermneptok: is upgrade redundant when dist-upgrade?17:43
mneptokruser: no, as you want any libraries and packages a new kernel needs *before* you go about upgrading the kernel.17:43
Nate__Yes! It worked! Thank you so much17:45
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mneptokNate__: red or green?17:45
Nate__So now that I can, would you suggest updating to the newest ubuntu?17:45
mneptokNate__: Xubuntu user here. can't speak for recent Ubuntu iterations. i don't like the new UI, so i switched. my opinion is moot.17:46
Nate__Whats different about Xubuntu?17:46
mneptokNate__: XFCE versus GNOME/Unity17:47
Nate__All that I'm doing is using Linux as a alternative to Windows. :P17:47
ruseris someone proficient with software raid and new grub?  can you help me sort out the oneirc updates with following? http://pastebin.com/p8cfpgBj  where does grub have to go to?17:47
Nate__its just a GUI different?17:47
mneptokNate__: yup17:47
Nate__ok thanks. Ill check it out. bye17:48
ruserNate__: just careful some desktop managers are very different  from your standard ones.17:48
Nate__gotta go now.17:48
Nate__thanks everyone17:48
acidfrosthmm this is weird firefox doesn't want to parse my php file17:48
acidfrost*doesn't want to let php parse my php file17:49
Sidewinder1Nate__, Here's what Unity looks like; http://pic.mk/images/hzBA8.png I'll, at least for now ,stick with 10.04. :D17:49
ruseracidfrost: why would firefox do that? it's up to web server to parse and process any server side scripts17:49
Sidewinder1Oops, gone. :-(17:49
acidfrostruser, i corrected my self above17:49
mneptokSidewinder1: bullet went wide to the right17:49
Sidewinder1mneptok, The story of my life,.. :-(17:50
ruseracidfrost: you are still blaiming firefox17:50
mneptokacidfrost: parsing PHP is a function fo the server, not the browser.17:50
acidfrostso then i've probably got apache configured wrong17:50
mneptokacidfrost: you need mod_php, that mod enabled, and .php files associated with the module and marked as executable17:51
instanceoftomwhat is a lightweight mailserver i can setup on my vps?17:51
acidfrostmneptok, yeah i've got mod_php i'm not sure if its enabled correctly17:51
ruseracidfrost: what mneptok and you might want to look .htaccess to enable specific directories to parse scripts17:51
mneptokruser: we can turn paranoid once the lights are on ;)17:52
marelI've a 64BIT system. Should I download 32bit instead of 64 ? In the download page it says 32bit is recommended..17:52
compdocmarel, nothing wrong with 64 bi17:52
acidfrostmarel no 64 bit is fine :P17:52
acidfrostmarel if you have over 4gb of ram use the 64 bit17:52
acidfrostother wise you'd be capped on 32 to 4gb17:53
rusermneptok: sometimes global config says do not parse unless .htaccess says otherwise, but i'm not sure what hte default is17:53
marelAlright, thanks17:53
ruseracidfrost: not entirely true, they can get PAE kenrle but that can lead to some nasty bugs with ram17:53
ruser64bit for sure17:54
acidfrostruser, yeah thats why i explicitly said otherwise lol17:54
mohadibwhen i move my mouse i hear a buzzing noise. how can i stop this?17:54
motherbrainI have a really odd? I have a windows 7 os ..as the only os's on this harddrive... I booted with alive linux distro and used sudo blkid to display the uuid for the drives... I think shutdown the system and started it backup again ... issued the sudo blkid to get the uuid and it was persistent same uuid on reboot... so I am wondering where the uuid is stored on the harddrive I know linux machines store it in the superblock do micros17:54
motherbrainoft windows machine have that some where in their ntfs blocks because I don't think fat does17:54
motherbrainAnd if it is not stored somewhere on the harddrive this value then it wouldn't be persistent17:55
ruseris someone proficient with software raid and new grub?  can you help me sort out the dist-upgrade to oneirc with following? http://pastebin.com/p8cfpgBj  where does grub have to go to?17:56
motherbrainAnd it cann't just be stored in the registry unless ubuntu's blkid command could parse thru the registry17:56
motherbrainwhich I don't think it can17:56
beanmotherbrain: the whole point of blkid is that it's persistent I believe.17:57
beanmotherbrain: I would imagine it's a function of something about the drive, ie a serial number of sorts.17:58
KolnmenkyHi I keep getting this same error when I try to mount my external hard drive: http://pastebin.com/fnpEnm4a17:58
beanKolnmenky: is it raid? or just a windows disk.17:59
KolnmenkyI went to a cyber cafe and ran chkdsk in xp (it took a while) and I thought that had fixed it17:59
Kolnmenkybean it's a NTFS (Seagate)17:59
beanKolnmenky: what command are you using to mount it.17:59
Kolnmenkybean  sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdb1 /media/Disc517:59
beanKolnmenky: try doing sudo mount -t ntfs-3g -o force /dev/sdb1 /media/Disc518:00
phil_physdear friends I can't download image page on ubuntu 11.10 this is the site http://rstampa.pubblica.istruzione.it/rassegna/rassegna.asp18:00
motherbrainya, but it can only be persistent it stores the uuid on the HDD some where? I know if this was a linux ext3,4,..etc it would store it somewhere in the superblock.... On windows machines will this uuid be stored if the drive was an ntfs or fat... Because I am using linux boot cd to get the uuid on a windows machine18:00
phil_physare u able to see the articles?? for me those articles are very important18:00
Kolnmenkybean: I get the same error18:01
ruserbean: Kolnmenky maybe also try in  r/o mode too18:01
beanphil_phys: you need to install a pdf reader.18:01
Kolnmenkyruser: how could I do that?18:01
wadohey, the headphone doesn't work on my laptop ubuntu 10.1018:01
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phil_physbean: It's installed18:01
cablopcan i run kubuntu 11.10 with 384MB RAM only?18:01
phil_physbean: Acrobat Reader 918:01
motherbrainand I never want it to change if I use different boot cd's to get the windows unique identifiers for a particular drive18:01
ruserKolnmenky:  sudo mount  -o ro  /dev/sdb1 /media/Disc518:02
ruserKolnmenky: also cna you pastebin the dmesg when you plug the hdd in?18:02
beanmotherbrain: i'm pretty sure that ntfs has super blocks too, but I could be wrong18:02
Kolnmenkyruser: I got the same error with that18:02
wadohey, the headphone doesn't work on my laptop ubuntu 10.10 ... how to make it work??18:03
Kolnmenkyruser: http://pastebin.com/fnpEnm4a18:03
BangBusRUsAnybody help me with fdisk please just want to see what size my partitions are set to and partition a partition ?18:04
motherbrainwell, I physically looked up in the past the place where the uuid gets stored on an ext based file system.... I was just wondering microsoft would have to do the same thing on their ntfs or fat file systems to maintain universal persistence18:04
coryxrxi have an ubuntu server problem is this the right room?18:04
ruserKolnmenky: that's the old url, i want dmesg output18:04
beanmotherbrain: what does it matter?18:05
rusercoryxrx: just ask, as long aas it is ubuntu related18:05
motherbrainAlso old drives that have old file systems like fat . do they support uuid / store it on their drive some where?18:05
Kolnmenkydo I just type dmesg?18:05
ruseris someone proficient with software raid and new grub?  can you help me sort out the dist-upgrade to oneirc with following? http://pastebin.com/p8cfpgBj  where does grub have to go to?18:05
ruserKolnmenky: yeah18:05
motherbrainIt matters to uniquely identify a drive if you where making software to image a particular drive for someone .... and to make it dummy proof18:06
coryxrxok, I have a fresh install of ubuntu server 11.10 with no gui and whenever I try and boot up without a monitor it does not boot and does not show up on the network18:06
rusercoryxrx: do you have kvm access? or virual kvm?18:06
JasseThello peeps! and straight to the chase, is there a way to get mobile broadband to work on startup without manually enabling it every time?18:06
wadoanyone see my request!!,  the headphone doesn't work on my laptop ubuntu 10.10 ... how to make it work??18:07
Kolnmenkyruser: http://pastebin.com/CpHCxjR418:07
coryxrxruser: no I do not18:07
rusercoryxrx: than use your dedicated/vps admin panel to reinstall ubuntu from the image provided by the service provider18:08
acidfrostruser: mneptok: yeah i forgot to set Include=conf.d/*18:08
rusercoryxrx: i assume you have backups of the most important stuff18:08
coryxrxwell I literally just installed it last night. Its running on a mac mini and when I boot with a display everything works fine.18:09
rusercoryxrx: ah, so you do have access to the machine. does ssh run with monitor attached? do you run iptables? you might want to allow access to ssh port18:09
rusercorryx sudo iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT18:10
kollapseHi. I have a problem here with Ubuntu. It seems that with any browser, if I attempt to save/download a file, when the file save dialog should apper, the browser freezes.18:10
coryxrxruser: I do have access to ssh with the monitor attached, but for example if I boot without the monitor attached and then plug it in after a few minutes all I get is a black screen18:11
rusercoryxrx: well, that's normal.  X failed to start without monitor18:11
rusercoryxrx: you just need to resart it18:11
rusercoryxrx: i mean the X18:11
kollapseAnd after the browser freezes, If I use xkill or kill to close the application, the windeco gets killed as well.18:11
coryxrxruser: but is it even running X if it is just a cli?18:12
ruserKolnmenky: i'm not sure what's happeneing there.  should mount.  does the external drive use any propriatary softwrae?18:12
plotinohi everybody18:12
plotinoi have serious issue installing Nvidia geforce4 mx440-se video card agp with ubuntu18:13
plotinodoesnt get to start x18:13
rusercoryxrx: if you install ubuntu with X, than it tries to start it up, doesn't find the monitor and fails to start X.  while everythign else is running you can just swtich back to cli mode by pressing ctrl+alt+f1  (up to f4, iirc)18:13
plotinothe only way is to set driver vesa in xorg.conf18:13
acidfrostplotino, you need to blacklist nouveau and use nvidia's proprietary drivers18:13
acidfrostor use vesa18:14
ruseris someone proficient with software raid and new grub?  can you help me sort out the dist-upgrade to oneirc with following? http://pastebin.com/p8cfpgBj  where does grub have to go to?18:14
plotinovesa doesnt get the resolution for my monitor18:14
acidfrostyeah then you need to install the proprietary drivers18:14
acidfrostsudo apt-get install nvidia (should work but let me double check18:14
coryxrxruser: I dont think I have X, it is just the Ubuntu Server version. I did not install it with any sort of gui its just a cli.18:14
plotinoi have installed nvidia-173 from ubuntu repository18:15
plotinoanf also nvidia-9618:15
plotinothey dont work18:15
Kolnmenkyruser: hmm what do you mean the software that comes with it?18:15
kollapseAny help with my problem ?18:15
acidfrostplotino, sudo apt-get install nvidia-current18:16
KolnmenkyI deleted it when I formatted the drive18:16
acidfrostplotino, if that doesn't work 180 covers a decent amount of cards18:16
plotinoso it's better to remove what i have previously installed?18:16
acidfrostyeah otherwise you get conflictions18:16
ruserKolnmenky: some enclosure manufacturers provide propriatary software which might use variations on partition and filesystems thus it might not be simple ntfs18:17
acidfrostand it would probably be a good idea to blacklist noveau18:17
plotinobut thix nvidia-current overwrite my xorg.conf autonomously?18:17
Kolnmenkyruser: :/ it's a seagate freeagent18:17
plotinowhy blacklist and not remove noveau?18:17
acidfrostbecause its a good back up driver18:17
plotinobut i prefer vesa as backup18:18
ruserKolnmenky: do you have any data on that drive that you need?18:18
plotinoacidfrost: what to do for xorg.conf?18:18
ruserplotino: also, if you do you updates the drive might come back, so blacklisting will make sure it doesnt' load18:18
acidfrostyou may or may not have nvidia-xconfig18:18
acidfrostif you have nvidia-xconfig just type that as root or use sudo nvidia-xconfig18:19
Kolnmenkyruser: I don't it's pretty much empty and it's fairly new18:19
nvzthis is as I know a universal linux issue but since the machine I'm currently working on and concerned with is using ubuntu 11.04 I am gonna ask here18:19
ruserKolnmenky: than reformat it18:20
Kolnmenkyruser: with gparted? to ext3?18:20
acidfrost!question | nvz18:20
ubottunvz: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:20
kollapseIn fact, any file save dialog freezes (in Gnome). Any way to fix this ?18:20
nvzthe issue is no scrolling in flash applets, I thought it was because the flash applet catches the scroll but thats not the case, apps that use the scroll don't get it. Anyone have any suggestions on running it down?18:20
plotinowhat is the command to check in which packet is a specific program??18:20
coryxrxruser: I have also tried to stop X but it is not installed18:20
acidfrostnvz is it a touchpad ?18:20
rusercoryxrx: what do you get with ctrl+alt+f1 when monitor is attached18:20
ActionParsnipplotino: so you want what package provides a command?18:21
plotinoyes ActionParsnip18:21
rusercoryxrx: you can hit enter a couple of times if nothing is on18:21
ActionParsnipplotino: dpkg -S command18:21
coryxrxruser: when I am in the grub menu?18:21
plotinothanks :)18:21
acidfrostplotino, type which18:21
nvzacidfrost: no and its not a mouse issue. when mouse is over a flash applet the browser will not scroll the page, and the flash applets that use scroll dont get the scroll18:21
rusercoryxrx: why are you at the grub menu?18:21
acidfrostthen name of the acid18:21
ruserKolnmenky: if you don't wantto use it under windows ext3 would be a fine choice18:21
beannvz: thats an issue with flash on all platforms, flash catches the scroll.18:21
plotinoacidfrost but which is only for the location of the command18:21
acidfrostplotino, which is a good way to find out if its installed ;p18:22
nvzbean: yes but on windows you can in these games use scroll to zoom, in linux (any I've tried) you cannot18:22
rusercoryxrx: can you repeat the full question, of what is the issue and what are you trying to do?18:22
acidfrostnvz, you'd be better off using wine and chrome or wine and firefox18:22
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Kolnmenkyruser: ok I'll do that. I don't have any computer with windows. The last time I tried it didn't let me though18:22
ruseris someone proficient with software raid and new grub?  can you help me sort out the dist-upgrade to oneirc with following? http://pastebin.com/p8cfpgBj  where does grub have to go to?18:23
nvzacidfrost: thats an idea.. I will test that.18:23
hobbeltHow can i change the command behind  Unity button?18:23
hobbeltI need to set application startup settings18:23
plotinoacidfrost yes but i wanna know which packet i have to install to have a command available18:23
acidfrostnvz, though i seem to recall a certain key combination you could use to simulate scrolling18:23
coryxrxruser: ok, my full question/problem is that I have ubuntu server installed and no gui is install. My goal is to have it boot up to the login prompt without the need for a monitor attached.18:23
acidfrostacidfrost, ahh well what are you looking for ?18:23
nvzacidfrost: yeah that won't work. I've installed ubuntu on my cousin's computer and she will just keep going back to windows if it doesnt work the way its suppose to on this matter18:24
coryxrxruser: and it has always been like that it boots into the grub menu and counts down and then boots into the cli18:24
rusercoryxrx: so what's the issue than?  cli is good. right?18:24
beannvz: why do you need to zoom in flash?18:24
nvzacidfrost: the wine with chrome might do the trick.. as long as it runs smoothly and works18:24
acidfrostacidfrost, yes the browsers run fine where you get into trouble is with .net applications18:25
coryxrxruser: yes but it wont even boot into the cli if not monitor is attached or even gain network access18:25
nvzbean: I dont, she does.. plays farmville.. and this reason alone.. not being able to play it at normal speed due to flash bugs keeps her loading win7 which will kill this damn computer18:25
ruserKolnmenky: sudo mkfs.ext3 /dev/WHATEVERTHEDRIVEIS18:25
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beannvz: she has to zoom to play it? it's a laggy app as is.18:25
hobbeltHow can i change the command behind a Unity button?18:26
acidfrostnvz, all facebook games are slow as hell18:26
nvzbean: yes zoom is a pretty important feature on these games, being able to zoom and pan is the difference between a 1min thing and a 30min thing18:26
acidfrosthobbelt, ?? your question is confusing18:26
Caifasguys, I'm having this problem while remastering my ubuntu, I'm not selecting the option to make hybrid iso but stil18:26
Caifas"Making your ISO hybrid...18:26
Caifasisohybrid: /home/alexandre/tmp/remaster-new-files/livecd.iso: boot loader does not have an isolinux.bin hybrid signature. Note that isolinux-debug.bin does not support hybrid booting18:26
CaifasFailed to pack ISO image, error=118:26
CaifasBuild ended at 2012-01-03 16:04:50"18:26
FloodBot1Caifas: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:26
CaifasCan anyone help me?18:26
rusercoryxrx: makre sure the default selection for grub is the one you want to boot18:26
acidfrost!repeat| Caifas18:26
ubottuCaifas: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/18:26
hobbeltacidfrost I have a chromium launch button in the Unity bar, and i want to add this: --enable-extension-timeline-api18:26
nvzacidfrost: yes I know this, we need not argue about it you already gave me an idea and if you'd STFU I'd be able to test it .. heh18:27
coryxrxruser: it is18:27
oCeannvz: control your language here, please18:27
Kolnmenkyruser: oh ok I tried to do it with the disk utility. I'll do that then18:27
coryxrxruser: i did a lot of research on this and other people have the same problem but it seems that they all have a gui of some sort18:27
nvzoCean: my language is under control18:27
ruser!paste | Caifas18:27
ubottuCaifas: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:27
acidfrosthobbelt, you could mv chromium to say chromium-old and create a bash file with chromium-old --enable-extension-timeline-api18:27
oCeannvz: thanks18:28
acidfrostnvz, thats pretty rude i'm just trying to help18:28
bshow to run windows games18:28
beanbs: you can do it through WINE18:28
bean!wine | bs18:28
ubottubs: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu18:28
rusercoryxrx: can you link me to some of those posts online?  it's a first time i hear that18:28
hobbeltacidfrost that probably implicates me finding the chromium launcher somwhere in a dir on my pc.. hmm18:28
nvzacidfrost: you were trying to help, arguing about the reason stupid people do stupid things isnt helping.. the matter at hand is that flash doesnt work properly on linux. we both know it sucks and fb and the games are stupid18:29
rusercoryxrx: can you check your network equipment to see if the box request and ip from dhcp server?18:29
acidfrosthobbelt, yeah i'd say it would probably be somewhere in /usr/bin but i'm not familiar that much with unity18:29
acidfrosthobbelt, you may even be able to right click it for all i know18:29
coryxrxruser: yea ill find one for you, but I tried booting with a monitor while it was attached to the network and everything worked fine, its only when a monitor is not attached18:29
hobbeltacidfrost .. it makes everything so much more complicated.. and right click doesnt work :(18:30
bswhat is the best client to run voice and web cam for yahoo and msn18:30
rusercoryxrx: that's really strange, i'd look in the grub configuration18:30
cgrozaHello everyone. By default, the bash prompt shows the current directory. What do I have to do to disable this?18:30
coryxrxruser: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=122350418:30
acidfrosthobbelt, what i was talking about was just mving the actual binary then replacing it with a bash script that way it would get run no matter what18:30
bswhat is the best client to run voice and web cam for yahoo and msn18:30
beancgroza: you change your PS1 variable18:30
bean!repeat | bs18:30
ubottubs: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/18:30
cgrozabean: using bashrc?18:31
beancgroza: yep.18:31
cgrozabean: And I change it to what?18:31
beancgroza: http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/howto-linux-unix-bash-shell-setup-prompt.html18:31
CaifasMaking your ISO hybrid... // isohybrid: /home/alexandre/tmp/remaster-new-files/livecd.iso: boot loader does not have an isolinux.bin hybrid signature. Note that isolinux-debug.bin does not support hybrid booting // Failed to pack ISO image, error=1 // Build ended at 2012-01-03 16:04:50. Anyone know what is causing this? I'm not marking the option to make a hybrid iso/usb on uck18:31
antivirtelI'm going to install an FTP server for a slow CPU device. Which one will you recomend: pro, vs or pure FTP(d)? My need is only the speed. I will used in LAN, so security doesn't really matter now.18:31
cgrozabean: thanks.18:31
rusercoryxrx: but they all seem to have X installed18:31
beancgroza: why do you not want the current directory in your PS1, though. It's very useful18:32
ruseris someone proficient with software raid and new grub?  can you help me sort out the dist-upgrade to oneirc with following? http://pastebin.com/p8cfpgBj  where does grub have to go to?18:32
coryxrxruser: yea which is why this makes no sense to me and why it should be working when its not18:32
acidfrostruser, try #linux they are full of raid guys18:33
hobbeltacidfrost .. I found an app which can do it for me.. hmm18:33
cgrozabean: it gets annoying with large hierarchies.18:33
rusercoryxrx: but you dont' have X installed, you are not getting the same issue18:33
Kolnmenkyruser: This is just weird now I was able to mount it as Disc5_18:33
acidfrostacidfrost, cool mind sharing in case some one lurking needed to know18:33
ruseracidfrost: i'll probably chased of to #ubuntu  :)18:33
cgrozabean: I prefer pwd whenever i need the current dir.18:33
ruserKolnmenky: with ntfs?18:33
Kolnmenkynow I have Disc5_ and Disc5__18:33
acidfrostacidfrost, or they may send you to #arch18:33
coryxrxruser: but its still the same problems, it boots when a monitor is attached and gets network access but with no monitor it does not18:33
KolnmenkyI believe so  because I couldn't format it18:33
rusercoryxrx: no, their machien boots but halts X start because of hte dailog box18:34
Kolnmenkyit says NTFS  the disk utility18:34
acidfrostcoryxrx, you could just cut the vga cord off and leave it plugged in18:34
rusercoryxrx: yours doesn't get boot18:34
ruseracidfrost: lol, i wonder if there is a signaling pin18:34
beancgroza: valid, you could use \W to get the basename, so that you just have the current dir and not the whole hieracrhcy18:34
hobbeltacidfrost :  gnome-desktop-item-edit ~/.local/share/applications/ --create-new <-- there we go :). gah, why doesnt right click work...18:34
coryxrxacidfrost: lol18:34
ahandyquestion.. i just installed chromium/awesome-wm, but chromium does not tile in awesome-wm... does anyone have any idea why18:35
acidfrostruser, yes there is but you could just plug it into a power outlet18:35
acidfrostscratch that a 9v battery18:35
coryxrxruser: but its just weird that it wont boot without a monitor18:35
cgrozabean: thanks. That is even more useful :D.18:35
rusercoryxrx: i never heard of such issues unless you have X18:35
acidfrostcoryxrx, yeah it should boot with out a monitor arch did it all the time18:35
rusercoryxrx: i run several dedicated servers and all of them are headless setup18:35
rusercoryxrx: are you sure the X is not installed18:36
acidfrostits probably a configuration issue18:36
ruseracidfrost: or he is not asking the right question18:36
buttonsI started a process with nohup and put it in the background, I then killed it using kill −9 PID but it seems to still be running but ps does not list anything. Any ideas what might be wrong?18:36
acidfrostruser, true18:36
coryxrxruser: is there a way I can check to make sure18:36
rusercoryxrx: boot with monitor attached and get hte list of packages installed18:36
acidfrostcoryxrx, you could check dmesg18:37
ruseracidfrost: what woudl be in dmesg?18:37
kawatanI'm on 11.10 on a MSI Wind U160DX. There is a small webcam on the laptop but Cheese isn't recognizing it. Any suggestions for first steps towards making it work?18:37
acidfrostruser, should have xorg info18:37
ruseracidfrost: really?18:37
acidfrostruser, then again ubuntu differs greatly from arch18:37
ruseracidfrost: lol. shows how much i use X :)18:37
ruserkawatan:  take a look at lsusb to get the id and find the driver by id?18:38
buttonsnevermind I found it18:38
ruserkawatan: maybe lspci instead for pci id18:38
acidfrost coryxrx  or you could check your logs /var/logs18:38
rusercoryxrx: dpkg --get-selections  and pastebin it18:38
wadoanyone see my request!!,  the headphone doesn't work on my laptop ubuntu 10.10 ... how to make it work???18:38
wadois there any body can help?18:39
x3noi have a problem installing foobar2000 in ubuntu 11.10 . Installer says that i havent adminstrative rights. How can i use sudo command in terminal towards .exe file in terminal?18:39
ruserwado: check yoru sound mixer and make sure they are not muted18:39
bean!repeat | wado18:39
ubottuwado: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/18:39
acidfrostwado in terminal type alsamixer18:39
acidfrostif you se MM anywhere push m on it to unmute it18:39
mosdef100200Hi there has anyone tried the Knoppix live cd I am running it in vbox and all i get is a robot menu with very basic functions?18:39
beanmosdef100200: this is for ubuntu, not knoppix18:39
wadoruser not muted of course, I'm talking about a serious matter18:40
ruserx3no: are you truning to run windows executable in linux?18:40
mosdef100200I know just trying my luck18:40
ruserwado: doesnt' hurt to check18:40
x3noruser: yes, with Wine18:40
acidfrostmosdef100200, wrong channel bud you could try #koppix18:40
Kolnmenkythis just baffles me I just rebooted and I have the drive mounted as Disc5_. I also see Disc5. I know that whenever I try to copy files I'll get the same input output error though :(18:40
libin_vHow can I know if I am running a 64-bit kernel18:40
kawatanwado, check sound settings: sometimes messing with volume there directly helps me18:40
kawatanruser: strangely the webcam isn't showing up at all with lspci.18:40
ruserlibin_v:  uname -a18:40
sivakumar_hi every on,,,here any one now about NS218:40
Kolnmenkywhy do I have so many devices Disc5_ Disc5__ Disc5___ ...?18:40
wadoacidfrost done, and i got in-terminal interface18:40
ruserkawatan: what about lsusb?18:41
acidfrostwado use the arrow keys to navigate18:41
ruserkawatan: what about -vV flag with lspci  (if i remember the correct syntax)18:41
ruserkawatan:  do you have to enable it by pressing the function buttons?18:41
acidfrostand if you see an m any where(normally at the bottom) navigate there and push m to unmute it18:41
libin_vruser:  I get the following .. Linux LibinUbuntu 3.0.0-14-generic #23-Ubuntu SMP Mon Nov 21 20:28:43 UTC 2011 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux18:42
ahandyquestion :D my laptop holds for about 4 hours on windows on battery :/ however, on ubuntu, it maxes out at just one hour and 20 minutes... can anyone help me with that?18:42
ruserlibin_v: x86_64  means you are running 64 bit18:42
beanlibin_v: then you're on 64 bit.18:42
ahandyas well as overheating18:42
x3noruset : so what about it, im running executable with Wine18:42
acidfrostahandy, depends on the applications you use18:42
coryxrxruser: am i just removing everything that has "xserver"18:42
x3noruser : so what about it, im running executable with Wine18:42
libin_vruser: bean: Thanks18:42
ahandyacidfrost: awesome-wm as a windows manager :/ not sure about any other app running in the background... not sure there is any.. just installed ubuntu18:42
acidfrostahandy, my netbook should be getting around 3 - 4 hours but mine maxes out at about 2:2018:43
ruserx3no: ah, no idea, i havne't touched win in 5 years18:43
acidfrostahandy, there are tons but i couldn't list them all18:43
kawatan...this whole year I've had this netbook and never noticed the webcam function key18:43
kawatanthank you XP18:43
ruserx3no: not sure why woudl you need to sudo, but looks like you need to add wine to group that can access your sound devices18:43
ahandyacidfrost: so what's the solution?18:43
kawatannow to see if this'll work in skype XD18:43
beanahandy: you might want to check out laptop mode, and install laptop-mode-tools.18:43
sivakumar_NETWORK SIMULATOR.......does anyone know about this18:43
x3noruser: thanks a lot18:43
ruserkawatan: so i guess correctly?18:44
beansivakumar_: what?18:44
acidfrostahandy if you want to extend life i'd switch to arch linux its very bare bones but its not for the beginner18:44
ruserx3no: did that fix it?18:44
sivakumar_bean, NS218:44
ahandyacidfrost: i use arch on my desktop18:44
kawatanyup, ruser. thanks!18:44
x3noruser: wait :D18:44
wadoacidfrost I have only a scroll for volume, nothing related to the headphone18:44
x3noruser: but seems that it will help18:44
acidfrostahandy, well then you should be right at home then :P18:44
sivakumar_bean, do you know about ns218:44
ahandyacidfrost: no experience with linux on a lappy18:44
ruserx3no: maybe google for wine and sound support, my guess wine doens't have the rights to sound devices :)18:44
acidfrostahandy, the really only major problem is wifi18:44
beansivakumar_: what about it. no i don't know anything.18:45
acidfrostahandy, but assuming you have an atheros chip you should be good18:45
ruserkawatan: lol,  awesome :)18:45
spaceneedlePossible bug: Fairly recently i've been having problems with battery usage. The  Battery would not charge--I think that was the problem. Anyway, it's working now. I.m using a DEll D610.18:45
subzeroA question about nautilus???18:45
acidfrostwado try messing with the sound settings under system( you could have a dead port)18:45
ruseris someone proficient with software raid and new grub?  can you help me sort out the dist-upgrade to oneirc with following? http://pastebin.com/p8cfpgBj  where does grub have to go to?18:46
ruser!ask } subzero18:46
ubotturuser: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:46
ruser!ask | subzero18:46
ubottusubzero: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:46
acidfrostspaceneedle, thats not a bug its hardware related18:46
wadoacidfrost messing ? what do you mean?18:46
subzeroI need to make my Nautilus to read greek characters...how to do that???18:46
acidfrostwado goto system -> preferences->sound and try your luck there18:47
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=== Timic_ is now known as Timic
acidfrostsubzero, thats and odd subject ;p you could switch the language for the system18:47
meegooois there any way to get ping statistics without KILLing the ping process ?18:47
acidfrostmeegooo, man ping will give you some info18:47
rusermeegooo: give it -n flag to limit number of queries?18:48
subzeroSome file names are in Greek and Nautilus are not seeing them...WHY???18:48
meegoooacidfrost:  i want to know if there is something like SIGINFO in linux.18:48
rusersubzero: probably because you don't have greek locale installed?18:48
wadoacidfrost there r no many oprtions, under the output tab there nohing but only  "Internal audio analog stereo"18:49
rusermeegooo: wrong flag, my bad18:49
subzeroHow to do that please, ruser18:49
acidfrostwado your headphone port is either dead or your headphones are dead18:49
rusermeegooo: ping HOST -c518:49
c0nradTi ekdosi trexeis subzero?18:49
subzeroI do not want to change my menus in Greek...only to see greek file names on files18:50
ruser!locale | subzero18:50
wadoacidfrost the headphone is working in another pc, how to check the port??18:50
ubottusubzero: To set up and configure your locales, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LocaleConf18:50
acidfrost!gr | conrad18:50
ubottuconrad: #ubuntu-gr και #kubuntu-gr για Έλληνες χρηστές  /  #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes18:50
acidfrostwado, you pretty much already did18:50
acidfrost* shoulda been c0nrad18:51
Kolnmenkynow I have a bunch of devices.. disc5; disc5__, disc5____ etc what can I do to fix it?18:51
wadoacidfrost I don't know, anyhow if it is dead how to fix it??18:51
ruserKolnmenky: no idea, i'd just ignore :)18:51
subzeroThank you ruser..!!18:51
acidfrostyou'd need a new sound card wado18:51
ruseracidfrost: maybe he can try livecd?18:52
coryxrxruser: im going to try and reinstall and see if that fixes my problem18:52
wadoacidfrost why? it is working fine on windows18:52
rusercoryxrx: install SERVER do not install X18:52
acidfrostwado, well you neglected that part18:52
coryxrxis X included in the ubuntu server image?18:52
acidfrostwado next please give relevant information ;p18:53
rusercoryxrx: probably, but it's also possible it gets the package from internet18:53
acidfrost*next time18:53
ruseracidfrost: my guess it's still mutred18:53
Kolnmenkyruser: wouldn't that mean something? because  now the device is always busy and I can't do anything with it18:53
wadoacidfrost then what to do?18:53
acidfrostwado, i'd do as ruser suggested and try a live cd18:53
acidfrostruser, could be but alsamixer should list the headphone port18:54
ruserKolnmenky: you probably have a shell open, in the same directory18:54
ruserKolnmenky: you can try to sudo lsof|grep /mnt/Disck5 or w/e the directory is18:54
wadoacidfrost a live cd?? why?18:54
ruserKolnmenky: to see which process is keeping it busy18:54
acidfrostwado, because  a livecd has only default applications and no user configuration18:55
ruserwado: to confirm that something is misconfigured on your system18:55
rusers/something/if something/18:55
acidfrostand if its your setup then like ruser said it will confirm that its something that you installed or did that muted it18:55
=== pAt_ is now known as Guest72916
bsi can't fine the other partions on ubuntu 11.1018:55
wadoacidfrost ruser and what to do when running the livecd?18:55
acidfrostif not then your audio card needs driver18:55
ruserbs: full question please18:55
MonkeyDustbs  in a terminal, type df -h18:56
acidfrostwado try going to last fm or playing some music18:56
ruserwado: check that your headphones are working in livecd18:56
Kolnmenkyruser: it says lsof: WARNING: can't stat() fuse.gvfs-fuse-daemon file system /home//.gvfs18:56
Kolnmenky      Output information may be incomplete.18:56
bsMonkeyDust, terminal is downloading wine right now18:56
=== [CSI]Octane is now known as Octane
ruserKolnmenky: anythign else?18:56
MonkeyDustbs  you can open a new terminal18:56
ruseris someone proficient with software raid and new grub?  can you help me sort out the dist-upgrade to oneirc with following? http://pastebin.com/p8cfpgBj  where does grub have to go to?18:57
wadoacidfrost ruser what if it workes? and what if it doesn't work?18:57
Kolnmenkyruser: mo18:57
ruserKolnmenky: what does mount output?18:57
bsMonkeyDust, http://paste.ubuntu.com/791992/18:58
Kolnmenkyruser: it's alerady mounted18:58
ruserKolnmenky: what are you trying to do than?18:58
MonkeyDustbs  what other partitions are there or are you expecting to see? did you create them manually?18:59
AFDis it possible to migrate from one ubuntu machine to a new one (saving all settings etc) just by using deja dup?18:59
MonkeyDustAFD  yes, moment, here's how19:00
bsMonkeyDust,    sdb have 3 partions,my usb device,sda have another two partions19:00
MonkeyDustAFD  this works, i used it mayself http://paste.ubuntu.com/791996/19:01
MonkeyDustbs  what's the outcome of sudo fdisk -l ?19:01
AFDMonkeyDust: thanks. And this will pick up settings etc that aren't stored in the my /home/usr ?19:01
bsMonkeyDust, fdisk -l | pastebinit19:02
bsYou are trying to send an empty document, exiting19:02
ruserbs:  you need to specify block device19:02
MonkeyDustbs  it'xs sudo fdisk -l19:02
ruserbs:  ignore me :)19:03
bsMonkeyDust, http://paste.ubuntu.com/792002/19:03
MonkeyDustbs  if the devices are in fstab, you need to do sudo mount -a19:04
bsMonkeyDust, i did sudo mount -a and the partiosn did not appear yet19:05
MonkeyDustif they are not, you can mount them manually19:05
bsMonkeyDust, how?19:05
AFDMonkeyDust: sorry to badger you - will that code grab my home folder as well as the apps and settings? or do I copy (or deja dup) the home folder as well as running that code?19:05
acidfrostwado, if it doesn't work you need drivers for your audio card19:06
nvzwell the installing windows chrome to solve flash issues is definately a bust.. using either POL or just wine, new, old or any version of chrome.. none work19:06
MonkeyDustmkdir blah;sudo mount /dev/sda5/ blah19:06
baskakhi, i need help with swap on 11.10. it is not working, though it does exist. it seems, that there's a wrong uuid in fstab, is that right? http://paste.ubuntu.com/792007/19:06
MonkeyDustbs mkdir blah;sudo mount /dev/sda5/ blah19:06
ruserAFD: nope copy /etc and /home19:06
ruserAFD:  the cript is jsut replicating package setup19:07
AFDruser: I think there may be things stored in .local too no?19:07
MonkeyDustAFD  no, you must backup your home folder19:07
ruserAFD: .local where?19:07
wadoacidfrost and if it work ?19:07
acidfrostthen you have a configuration issue wado19:07
ruserwado: if it works under livecd the issue lie than with either ocnfiguration of your current setup or missing/wrong driver19:08
ruseracidfrost: maybe he needs lkm loaded? for it?19:08
AFDruser:  /home/.local19:08
acidfrostruser, its possible19:08
ruserAFD:  if you backup /home  .local will be included19:08
AFDruser:  duh!19:08
AFDruser: facepalm*19:09
ruserAFD:  what's in /home/.local anyways?  first time i hear about it19:09
AFDI'm running ElementaryOS and it's based on Ubuntu... all I know is that there are a few things outside of /home/ but maybe they are all in /etc/19:09
ruserdo people not use raid in here?19:10
acidfrostruser, this isn't really the channel to ask19:10
ruseracidfrost: i guess i'll try linux but they will boo me out :)19:11
acidfrostruser, like i said earlier #linux will be able to help a lot more19:11
wadoruser acidfrost how to  detect and solve these configuration issue?19:11
ruserwado: have you confirmed it's working with livecd?19:11
stepnjumpOften times, I edit text files and want to print the date to it by pressing CTRL SHFT D (for date). The terminal command is date. I tried echo date, date in keyboard shortcut nothing works...19:11
ruserwado: what's your soundcard?19:12
Lunar_Landerhello and happy new year19:12
acidfroststepnjump, echo `date`19:12
Lunar_Landergot a question on software-center19:12
wadoruser acidfrost ati19:12
acidfroststepnjump, those are back ticks located on the key with the tilda19:12
Lunar_Landerwhen I want to download Lyx for instance it says that there are no comments available19:12
stepnjumpthanks acidfrost19:12
ruserwado: more specific?  didn't know ari manufactured sound cards (cc: acidfrost )19:12
Lunar_Landerbut several weeks ago, there were some19:12
acidfrostwado, i'm pretty sure that ati doesn't make sound cards19:13
Lunar_Landeron Inkscape it is the same19:13
Lunar_Lander(for german comments at least)19:13
acidfrostbut i could be wrong19:13
Lunar_Landerdo they remove the comments when a new version of a programme is released?19:13
wadowait a sec19:14
acidfrostLunar_Lander, most of the packages in software center don't have comments yet19:14
Lunar_Landerbut I remember, Lyx and Inkscape had19:14
* MonkeyDust away from keyboard19:14
acidfrost11.10 sfc should have alot more than 10.4 should have19:14
wadoruser acidfrost  HDA Intel19:14
Lunar_LanderI am on 11.1019:14
acidfrostwado, ahh thats makes more sense19:14
Lunar_Landerbut that shouldn't mean that the software in there is broken or so, right?19:15
ruserwado: is is a dell?19:15
rusers/is is/is it/19:15
glennheu wtf is going on hey hello what is that?19:15
wadoruser acidfrost  it is toshiba satellite l65519:15
acidfrostwado, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto19:15
Lunar_Landeracidfrost: so the software in the Center is OK?19:16
YounderAnyone interested in a security Enhanced version of Ubuntu (selinux)?19:16
ruserwado:   /etc/modprobe.d/50-sound.conf   options snd-hda-intel model=ideapad position_fix=1   options snd slots=snd-hda-intel alias snd-card-0 snd-hda-intel19:16
ruserwado: or what acidfrost said19:16
acidfrostLunar_Lander, yes19:16
YounderThe current one sucks but I will try to integrate it fully with the existing tools.19:17
Guest1561i thought ubuntu was secure19:17
wadoruser acidfrost ok, i'll read this19:17
acidfrostwado, try ruser 's first19:17
YounderIt should just be a safer linux..19:17
wadoruser acidfrost ok19:17
ruserwado: each options line on separate line.19:17
Youndersafety concern anyone here?19:18
ruseracidfrost: lol #linux is just as silent19:18
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acidfrostsoftware raid is one of those rarely used topics19:18
ruseracidfrost: yeah our dedi provider for w/e reason is using the raid119:19
acidfrostYounder, why19:19
wadoruser i don't have this file, should i create it?19:19
ruseracidfrost: i'm just inheriting this from someone else19:19
acidfrostYounder, linux couldn't be safer to use19:19
ruserwado:  try /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base instead19:19
acidfrostruser, i've never dealt with raid because i always found it a PITA to setup19:20
ruseracidfrost: the same19:20
excelsiorI have a few computers with wireless USB NIC cards, and the non-admin accounts have trouble accessing the router every time.19:20
acidfrosti did once have a raid0 machine that i had bought from a friend but i toasted that after one of the drives failed19:20
plotinoi dont fix my problem19:20
ruserwado: hwen you edit run sudo alsa force-reload19:20
Younderacidfrost, To protect corporate computers from Chinese and Russian attacks. The information loss was 30 billion last year.19:20
x3noruser: how to run wine as root?19:20
acidfrostplotino, could you restate it its been like an hour so i've forgotten19:20
ruserx3no: sudo wine ?19:21
plotinoi have purge nvidia-96 e nvidia-173 abd i have19:21
ruserx3no: i wouldn't run it as root though19:21
plotinoonly nvidia-current installed19:21
motherbrainI know the uuid/guid can be used to uniquely identify a harddrive, and mac address can be used to uniquely identify a network card. I am wondering if their is an equivalent for cd/dvd/bluerray/optical devices and other computer hardware such as cpu , motherboard,soundcard,graphics card/gpu, power suppy?19:21
acidfrostplotino, have you blacklisted noveau19:21
dr3mrohello , I am ubuntu user and wondering how to prevent network manager from locking the usb modem /dev/ttyUSB0 so i can access it to check sms while i am connected to internet19:21
acidfrost!repeat | motherbrain19:21
ubottumotherbrain: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/19:21
x3noruser: writes that i do not own /root/.wine,  i need root rights only for one program19:21
wadoruser i add those lines to the top or the bottom?19:21
plotinobut using nvidia-xconfig X is unable to start19:21
plotinoi have removed noueau19:22
rusermotherbrain: aslmost all hardware has some sort of ID's  MACs on ethernet cards can be modified though19:22
Younderacidfrost, Admittedly most of that was windows, but toughing up Ubuntu also helps.19:22
acidfrostplotino, no i said to black list it19:22
dr01dycan someone help me with maybe a easy fix I can't get apt-get update to work any longer19:22
excelsiorI have a few computers with wireless USB NIC cards, and the non-admin accounts have trouble accessing the router every time. Essentially, I have to type in the wireless password, hit enter, and then I'm asked for the password for the "keyring" (no password works, but hitting escape allows the computer to connect.) Ideally, the computers should connect automatically. Any thoughts?19:22
dr01dyI get failed to fetch messages19:22
ruserwado:  end of the file19:23
YounderSo NSA came up with a safer kernel about 2000 and now is the time to use it, I think...19:23
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x3noruser: i cant do sudo wine in terminal, it writes that i do not own root/.wine19:23
ruserx3no: wine probably drops priviliges to wine account.19:23
baskakhi, i need help with swap on 11.10. it is not working, though it does exist. it seems, that there's a wrong uuid in fstab, is that right? http://paste.ubuntu.com/792007/19:24
cypher-neomotherbrain, You can see the id's of all the devices on your system with "lspci19:24
ruserx3no: as i mentioned before i'm no expert on wine, i havne't used it in 5 years.19:24
acidfrostYounder, i don't really care about safety for the simple fact average everyday users will never have the smarts to get past even the simplest of firewalls19:24
dr01dygetthing this when I apt-get update http://paste.ubuntu.com/792028/19:24
edwardthefmahey all19:24
excelsiorI have a few computers with wireless USB NIC cards, and the non-admin accounts have trouble accessing the router every time. Essentially, I have to type in the wireless password, hit enter, and then I'm asked for the password for the "keyring" (no password works, but hitting escape allows the computer to connect.) Ideally, the computers should connect automatically. Any thoughts?19:24
motherbrainwell, I know in microsoft under device manager I think you can use device id's to unquiely identify a device. But I am not sure and curious if those device ids will be the same if you boot into a different os's such as ubuntu or an linux distro...because that maybe a way to unquiely identify hardware19:25
cypher-neomotherbrain, "lspci -nn" will show you both the name and numbers of the devices19:25
owenllexcelsior: have you ticked the box "available to all users" in the network settings19:25
ruserYounder: what are yo utring to harden against?19:25
wadoruser done, what is next?19:25
excelsiorowenll: how do I access that? log in as admin?19:25
ruserwado: sudo alsa force-reload19:25
Younderruser : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Security-Enhanced_Linux19:25
excelsiorowenll: I'll check that...19:25
wadoruser done, next?19:25
ruserYounder: you are not answering my question19:25
edwardthefmai want to put a bandwith cap on my xbuntu laptop19:25
acidfrostmotherbrain, UIDS for drives will be consistent across os's as its hardcoded to the board19:25
ruserwado: try headphones again19:26
acidfrostYounder, ubuntu uses SElinux19:26
owenllexcelsior: no but you will need the admin password to change the settings19:26
ruserx3no: did you add wine to relative groups?  and restarted wine?19:26
MmikeHi, Where do I find ubuntu installation log? I'm trying to install 11.10, and it seems stuck at 'installing system'....19:26
acidfrostedwardthefma, you'd have to see if your router supports limiting bandwith19:26
ruserMmike: are you running install right now?19:27
Younderacidfrost, yeah right,19:27
x3noruser: i dont kno how to add19:27
ruserMmike: was it a fresh install?19:27
wadoruser it worked :) thanks a lot19:27
acidfrostYounder, don't believe me check /19:27
ruserwado: you are welcome19:27
Mmikeruser, yeps, on another box, fresh install, nothing on the drive19:27
wadoruser but the microphone doesn't work :(19:27
ruserMmike: jsut try swtiching to different consoles  by pressing ctrl+alt+f119:27
ruserwado:  you didn't ask about the microphone :)19:27
Mmikeeh, stupid :) didn't think of that :) thnx19:27
motherbraincurrently I don't have the ability to shutdown this system and boot into device manager to see if these device id's I get from lspci -nn are the same as the ones on in the device manager. Anybody know for sure?19:27
acidfrostruser, if you saw the link i posted you'd know that getting the microphone working is pretty tough19:28
schnuffleedwardthefma: wondershaper is a tool to do traffic shaping19:28
wadoruser ok now i do :)19:28
ruserMmike:  f1 f2 f3 f419:28
edwardthefma<schnuffle> ok thx19:28
acidfrostwado, here is that link again for reference https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto19:28
Negat1ve-Zer0anyone know what this is, when I do 'll' I see a directory like: d?????????  ? ?    ?        ?                ? .gvfs/ ?19:28
Mmikeruser, just login prompt, no logs or any other info. And Install window is stuck at 'installing system'. I see in dpkg.log that the last package installed is/was libc-bin19:29
Negat1ve-Zer0and that looks very strange to me19:29
Mmikeunity is working, just the progresbar seems stuck19:29
MmikeI know there was a log file from the isntaller, I just can't find it19:29
motherbrainAlso would these device id's be different if somebody bought the same computer and same hardware in a store...?19:29
wadoruser about the mic?19:29
meagainHi anybody know about proxychains19:30
wadoacidfrost thank you19:30
ruserNegat1ve-Zer0: sounds like the files is some sort of unicode locale, you need to get the locales working19:30
ruser!locale | Negat1ve-Zer019:30
ubottuNegat1ve-Zer0: To set up and configure your locales, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LocaleConf19:30
motherbrainlike say I bought 2 HP computers same make and model and same hardware in them would they have the same device id's because this is no good if that is the case19:30
empyNUJEN MIX!!!!19:30
Mmikeok, it just finished :)19:31
meagainHi, Im traying to connect through a proxy server and the proxychains.... I find a good working proxy but when i run proxychains i see on the shell that it goes from the good proxy to . that is an ip I have never assigned19:31
Negat1ve-Zer0ruser: I don't think so... none of the permissions are visible on the directory all the info is not visible, that line was the output of ll19:31
ruseris someone proficient with software raid and new grub?  can you help me sort out the intall for grub?   http://pastebin.com/p8cfpgBj  where does grub have to go to?19:31
ruserNegat1ve-Zer0: is it a mount to other FS than ext2 or ext319:32
empyNUJEN MIX!!!!19:33
empydaite mix plz19:33
ruserempy: ??19:33
ruser!ru | empy19:33
ubottuempy: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.19:33
ramquestionhey any1 good with laptops?19:33
schnuffleruser: what kind of RAID? If you have a RAID1 it's a good thing to write grub to both disks. If one fails you can still boot from the second19:33
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ruser!ask | ramquestion19:34
ubotturamquestion: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:34
ramquestionhey any1 good with laptops?19:34
ruserschnuffle: wow, finaly someone,  yes it's raid119:34
ruser!ask | ramquestion19:34
empyкинь мне ip TeamSpeak3 и серв кс 1.619:34
ruserschnuffle: can you see the pastebin?19:34
stepnjumpacidfrost: echo `date`  doesn't work in keyboard shortcuts19:34
ruser!ru | empy19:34
ubottuempy: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.19:34
schnuffleruser: yes just checking it more closely19:35
ramquestion!ask is it normal if my cpu-ID tells me I run in cas latency 7 my new 8gb rams of 9 latency19:35
ruserschnuffle: i inherited this from someone else not sure why they used raid to begin19:35
empykto so mnoi mix game?19:35
acidfrostramquestion, !ask is a ubottu command and its meant to inform users who ask a question to see if they can ask a question19:36
ruserramquestion: don't see an issue there is differnet kinds of timings,  and i thought cpu-id is a windows utility?19:36
=== meagain is now known as ft_mn
frotsguys, I lost reboot19:36
schnuffleruser: I just had a disk failing in my root server and with RAID1 I had no downtime19:36
frotshow can I reboot now?19:36
pato__patrix#/server irc.iranserv.com19:36
Negat1ve-Zer0ruser: oh, nvm I couldn't see it when sudo'd to root, but for some reason it's visible to me as a normal user (its a dir in my home dir) but it seems strange that I can't even look at it as root19:36
ruserfrots: sudo reboot19:36
acidfrostfrots, in terminal type sudo reboot19:36
wadorucer acidfrost something happened after I edited the configurations, the youtube videos is muted ???19:36
pnormanI use software RAID and grub, but it all got setup when I installed19:36
schnuffleruser:  so which from the disks failed sda/b?19:36
frotssudo: reboot: command not found19:37
ramquestion!ask is it normal if my cpu-ID tells me I run in cas latency 7 my new 8gb rams of 9 latency19:37
ruserwado: restart the browser?19:37
acidfrostwado reference that link again19:37
frotsruser & acidfrost : sudo: reboot: command not found19:37
acidfrostfrots, did you change your PATH env at all ?19:37
stepnjumpacidfrost, is it possible I am forgetting something? echo `date`19:37
trismstepnjump: try installing xclip and instead use: echo $(date) | xclip; then middle click the document19:37
frotswhat is my path env?19:37
ramquestion!ask is it normal if my cpu-ID tells me I run in cas latency 7 my new 8gb rams of 9 latency19:37
trismstepnjump: you may need to create a bash script for this to work correctly in a keyboard shortcut19:37
acidfroststepnjump, echo `date` (>) this overrides all data in the file or (>>) to append19:37
stepnjumpthanks trism. I will try it19:37
ruserstepnjump: echo $(date)19:38
stepnjumpthanks ruser. Will try it now19:38
ruserasterisc: even better echo $(/bin/date)19:38
CharlieSuFilesystem recommendation for tons of small files?  xfs, ext3/4, reiserfs?   I'm finding that when i'm trying to move files to a new filesystem (rsync) that thanks are running super slow...19:38
acidfroststepnjump, echo `date` > somenewfile or echo `date` >> somefileiwantappended19:38
GeForce88how do you get the icon from the unity bar on the left to the desktop? i got a full bar and an empty desktop.19:38
ft_mnHi, Im traying to use proxychains. So i found a good proxy from the internet ( im sure its working), I have configured the /etc/proxychains.conf  and then what i do is proxychains firefox site.com   bu th thing is i get these on the shell:  |D-chain|-<>-<><>-<--timeout19:38
wadoruser right, then what about the mic? and may you explain me what the problem was?19:38
llutzecho $(date) > somefile   does the same as "date > somefile"  so why echo?19:38
frotsCharlieSu: reiser is best for small things19:38
ruserllutz: it depends on a question.  i think he want's a workign keyabord macro19:39
ruserllutz: actually i wans't paying attention to a discussion19:39
Crossdiver--- excuse me ----19:39
CharlieSufrots: ok i'll try that..   just not sure i need a journaled filesystem for this19:39
Negat1ve-Zer0  ruser: actually...it makes no sense, I can't see any info about that dir as root...and I can't chown it either19:39
frotsacidfrost: I now read that shutdown -r should do the same, but it is also gone19:39
ft_mnThe is an ip I have never assigned, why is it pressented on the proxychains?19:39
Crossdiveris this the right place for a server support question?19:39
ruserNegat1ve-Zer0: stat dirname19:39
ruser!ask | Crossdiver19:40
ubottuCrossdiver: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:40
bswhat is the best clint for yahoo and msn that allow me to use voice and webcam19:40
llutz Negat1ve-Zer0  ~/.gvfs is a special folder used by gvfs, be carefull with it19:40
acidfrostfrots, i'd assume you effed your PATH env up or you removed /bin/19:40
Crossdiverruser thanks19:40
ft_mnHi, Im traying to use proxychains. So i found a good proxy from the internet ( im sure its working), I have configured the /etc/proxychains.conf  and then what i do is proxychains firefox site.com   bu th thing is i get these on the shell:  |D-chain|-<>-<><>-<--timeout..............The is an ip I have never assigned, why is it pressented on the proxychains?19:40
stepnjumpno guys, I'm trying to make it so that whenever I press CTRL SHFT D, it will print the date and time in a gedit file acidfrost trism19:40
frotsacidfrost: isnt reboot supposed to be in sbin ?19:40
ruserwado: the problem was the kernel didn't load correct driver for the sound19:40
acidfrostfrots, maybe19:41
ruserschnuffle: non of the drives failed, but i'm doing dist-upgrade to oneirc and grub was asking where to install19:41
acidfrostfrots, yes it is19:41
ruseracidfrost: frots /sbin/reboot19:41
Negat1ve-Zer0llutz: so that's why I can't see it as root? it's just the only time I've ever seen a file that was practically invisible/untouchable as root19:41
schnuffleruser: /dev/sda would be the correct choice19:41
pnormanft_mn: that's the IP of a DNS server, and I think port 53 is the DNS port - google reveals it's a common DNS server to use but should really only be usedif you're on Level319:41
frotsruser / acidfrost: ls: cannot access /sbin/reboot: No such file or directory19:41
acidfrostfrots, do echo $PATH and paste bin the results19:41
frots:( :( :(19:41
llutzNegat1ve-Zer0: afaik yes, only the user can use/see it19:42
trismstepnjump: if it is just gedit, Edit/Insert Time and Date (at least in oneiric)19:42
CrossdiverOn ubuntu 11.10 server, the boot process is hanging at "Stopping system v runlevel compatibility" -- most of the guides that I read suggest that you install X11 and the GTK Greeter... but I do not want a GUI on this server... just the CLI. How do I get the server to boot all the way, but not install a GUI? Thanks...19:42
acidfrostfrots, and do ls /bin/ and ls /usr/sbin/19:42
ruserfrots: resintall upstart  package19:42
acidfrostfrots, but paste bin it19:42
frotsacidfrost: if I do ls /sbin/reboot, there is nothing there19:42
ft_mnpnorman: What is Level3?19:43
pnormanft_mn: A network19:43
acidfrostfrots, then something deleted your reboot19:43
Negat1ve-Zer0llutz: ok, thanks19:43
frotsacidfrost: WTF?19:43
frotshow is that possible?19:43
frotsAm I hacked19:43
acidfrostfrots, or you might have deletd it as root19:43
ft_mnpnorman: net Company u mean?19:43
schnuffleruser: and afterwards you install it to /dev/sdb as well, otherwise it might happen that you can't reboot with a failed disk19:43
frotswhy would I do that19:43
stepnjumptrism, whenever I press a key, whichever app I use, I would like to type the date using this macro. Not just gedit. Besides I don't want to press 3 different buttons to get my date, juste one key and it's there.. When I was in Windows, I used to have an app called macro express. It was working great19:43
acidfrostfrots, if you have root you have 100% absolute control and you can delete anything19:43
ruserfrots: resintall upstart  package (cc acidfrost )19:43
=== McPeter_ is now known as McPeter
frotsruser: thanks19:44
frotsI'll first try a simple reboot19:44
acidfrostfrots, hmm never knew about that ofcourse i've never deleted anything in /sbin/ , /usr/sbin/, /bin/19:44
motherbrainwhat do you guys/girls think is the hardest linux distro/os to get good at. I am assuming arch and gentoo but are their harder then that apart from just building your own linux from scratch distro19:44
ruserschnuffle: why sda abd sdb?  check the output the are 1.4T  while boot is on separate dm2 i think19:44
pnormanft_mn: I think you'd be best off finding the support channel for proxychains as it doesn't seem to be a ubuntu issue. Level3 is/was a major network19:44
trismstepnjump: I'm sure it is possible but I have no idea off the top of my head, my best idea is the first one I gave with xclip19:45
Oer!poll | motherbrain19:45
ubottumotherbrain: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.19:45
stepnjumpyes ok trism thanks...19:45
ruserstepnjump: did my  command work?19:45
ft_mnpnorman: the proxy is from saud arabia, im from europe and even when i use proxychains  like: proxychains ssh "host in europe" I get the same message... No US involved at all19:45
acidfrostmotherbrain, to answer your question gentoo is probably the hardest, but building your own is definitely harder, arch is somewhat difficult if you've never used linux before19:46
pnormanft_mn: try sshing to an IP.19:46
schnuffleruser: because the bios doesn't know anything about soft raid. It just loads some sectors from the disk configured in the BIOPS settings and executes it. So to get grub running the initial code must go the configured disk MBR.19:46
bswhat is the best clint for yahoo and msn that allow me to use voice and webcam19:47
ruserschnuffle: how did you make the guess mbr is on sda?19:47
ruserschnuffle: actually i guess it's a silly question19:47
BangBusRUsAnybody help me with fdisk please just want to see what size my partitions are set to and partition a partition ?19:47
schnuffleruser: Because the default BIOS settings are to boot from the first disk present that is /dev/sda19:48
ruserBangBusRUs: fd -h19:48
ruserBangBusRUs: fd -h  rather19:48
motherbrainacidfrost , thank you19:48
BangBusRUsnope command not found19:48
=== arif-ali is now known as arif-ali|afk
aeon-ltdBangBusRUs: df19:48
acidfrostpfft figures they always leave before i can say something lmao19:49
stepnjumptrism, I installed xclip and ran echo $(date) | xclip.. nothing happens19:49
ruserBangBusRUs: i made a type 2ce in a row.  it's df -h19:49
BangBusRUsok now what?19:49
owenllbs: http://live.gnome.org/Empathy19:49
ft_mnpnorman: Still the same19:49
BangBusRUsdf -h19:49
anirbanHello guys. I am desparate to find a good terminal pong game. I can't get the depot game to run, as there's a problem with my allgro. :( Any help?19:49
ruserschnuffle: fdisk -l /dev/sda doesn't show bootable flag though, right now. is that normal?19:49
BangBusRUsok thx got it19:50
acidfrostany how later i can barely keep up with the questions ;p19:50
ruseracidfrost: lol i came to ask a question about grub 4 hours ago and still here helping others, while myself stuck witouht any help :)19:50
ft_mnpnorman: Still the same19:50
ft_mnoh sorry19:50
ruseracidfrost: actually schnuffle is trying19:51
acidfrostruser, yeah19:51
stepnjumpruser, no didn't work19:51
urlin2uruser, what is the grub problem?19:51
acidfrosthmm i'm thinking about writing an bot to direct all questions to lmgtfy19:51
pnormanft_mn: You'd be best off looking for a support channel for the software you're using I think19:51
ruserurlin2u: i inherited an ubuntu dedicated box with raid1. perofriming oneirc update and not sure how to deal with raid and grub on it.19:52
bshow can i open the application without using ubuntu utility plugin19:52
ft_mnpnorman: I think you are right. Thank you for your time though!!!19:52
meerkatsare .rpm extracted and built as .tar.gz's?19:52
trismstepnjump: I got it! http://paste.ubuntu.com/792055/ copy that to a bash script someplace and make it executable, then set your keyboard shortcut to the script, and install xclip and xdotool (works here), copies the text to the clipboard and then simulates a middle click on the current window19:52
schnuffleruser: then check /dev/sdb. if that is bootable then write grub to it. Then it means that either the BIOS settings points to dev/sdb or it has /dev/sdb as second option in the boot priorities. That makes sense. But to have a fault tolerant system you need both to be bootable19:52
dr01dyfigured out my apt-get issues19:52
shadesI have a 10.10 mavrick iso but for some reason I can't seem to install off of it.... It should have apache and php on there, right?19:53
dr01dyI wish I can upgrade off of Jaunty19:53
ruserurlin2u:   http://pastebin.com/p8cfpgBj   that's the  question.  if i dont' get it right i'll have to scrap the entire box and re-setup up19:53
acidfrostshades, no apache and php are seperate packages19:53
ruserschnuffle: yeah, i understand but actually fdisk lists neither as bootable19:54
urlin2uruser, I'm not raid knowledgeable.19:54
ruserschnuffle: which is odd :)19:54
shadesacidfrost, right but are they on the 10.10 install cd?19:54
acidfrostshades, you'd have to install them seperately19:54
ruserurlin2u: yeah, the same here19:54
rusershades: yes they should be19:54
shadesi can't seem to isntall anything off this install cd via the pckage manager while I'm in x, but it is a vm so....19:54
acidfrostruser, they shouldn'tbe on the 10.10 live cd19:54
schnuffleruser: Ooops. error from my part. Of course none is marked bootable, bacause your boot partition is /dev/md219:54
trismstepnjump: you may want to replace: date | xclip; with echo -n $(date) | xclip; otherwise you get a newline too19:54
acidfrostruser, maybe on the ubuntu server live cd but not on the desktop live cd19:55
ruserschnuffle: so.  where does grub should sintall to? :)19:55
ruseracidfrost: oh i htought install CD not liveCD19:55
schnuffleruser: /dev/sda and /dev/sdb19:55
acidfrostruser, well technically the live cd is the install cd19:55
ruserschnuffle: actually that's making sense, grub has knowldge of raid, right?19:56
acidfrostbut the server cd and the desktop/netbook iso's do not contain apache or php19:56
schnuffleruser: as normally dev/sda is marked as first boot device in the BIOS. Write it to /dev/sda first19:56
ruseracidfrost: it's been a while, i ususlaly use netsintall images, if anything19:56
acidfrost*meant to say the server and netbook/desktop aren completely different19:56
=== unRar is now known as MEGA-
acidfrostjesus i need sleep19:57
onixx1anybody very familiar with scripts/caper of initrd.lz ? I need to add a level of read only fs just before the tmpfs using unionfs-fuse and need some guidance19:57
meerkatsare .rpm extracted and built as .tar.gz's?19:57
oCean!rpm | meerkats19:57
ubottumeerkats: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous and unsupported)19:57
meerkatsa, ok19:57
_PhaseR_hello, does anyone know about a good guide about using hybrid graphics in ubuntu 11.10? I have an msi cx620 laptop with an intel and ati mobility radeon hd 547019:58
oCeanmeerkats: note the "not supported" please19:58
acidfrostonixx1, you'd be better of asking on #linux19:58
ruserschnuffle: how do i find out version of grub intalled and whether grub has knowledge of raid to load md2?19:58
meerkatsthankfully I opted for the tar.gz...19:58
stepnjumpNo, nothing seems to work unfortunately trism19:58
crazydiamondHi. Can anyone tell me where DOOM3 stores it's resolution-to-restore, i.e. initial resolution?19:58
schnuffleruser:  apt-cache show grub19:59
acidfrost!topic | crazydiamon19:59
ubottucrazydiamon: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic19:59
shadesand they should be under "websoftware" in packages.ubuntu.com/maverick?19:59
onixx1acidfrost: I believe scripts/casper is from ubuntu live so that is what bug me a bit...19:59
ruserschnuffle: but there is grub and grub2 packages, arent' tehre?19:59
sskalnikHow would a system without dkms and build tools get kernel modules built for the correct kernel version?19:59
acidfrostcrazydiamond, we can't help with DOOM3 but i'm pretty sure id has a channel on free node19:59
ruserschnuffle: besides i don't think it specifies wherehter it's installed or not19:59
acidfrostcrazydiamond, you should ask alis /msg alis help19:59
jess1i just tried installing krb5-user using aptitude, and it remove all my packages.. any way to undo?20:00
trismstepnjump: odd, it is working here, try it from the command line first20:00
crazydiamondacidfrost: thx20:00
schnuffleruser: then check which is installed: dpkg -l | grep grub20:00
rusersskalnik: you'd use the makefile20:00
=== MEGA- is now known as Cifra-2
sskalnikruser:  Eh?20:00
acidfrostonixx1, yes but casper is i'm pretty sure apart of all major distrobutions20:00
stepnjumptrism the first one doesn't work either in the keyboard shortcuts.. Where could I test it's validity from X?20:00
=== Cifra-2 is now known as Neshemah
acidfrostonixx1, ask there then if they can't answer maybe some of the super vets here could20:01
GeForce88how do you get the icon from the unity bar on the left to the desktop? i got a full bar and an empty desktop.20:01
rusersskalnik: you'd use the makefiel that comes with the kernel source and manually configure it to compile appropraite modules20:01
stepnjumpeven trom the command line trism nothing works. I just installed xclip. Should I reboot?20:01
sskalnikruser:  The build system would know for which kernels to build the module, but how would the target systems receive the correct one?20:01
acidfrostonixx1, theres always google too :P 9 times out of ten some one before you probably had the same problem20:01
stepnjumpeven trom the command line trism nothing works. I just installed xclip. Should I reboot? trism20:01
=== Neshemah is now known as Cifra-2
trismstepnjump: no, a reboot is unnecessary20:01
jess1any suggestions?20:01
acidfrostany how i really need to get off now its speeding up too much for me in here20:01
rusersskalnik: not sure i follow the question than.   how would build know which modules to compile?20:02
trismstepnjump: you need xdotool as well for the script (with just xclip it will copy the text to the clipboard and you need to middle click the mouse to paste it)20:02
trismstepnjump: xdotool allows you to simulate the middle click, so you just need the keyboard shortcut20:02
bshow can i mount an iso image like if it's a dvd device?20:02
onixx1acidfrost: haha, thanks... I've been on google for the past 2 days on this one ;-) It all started with a buggy firefox on a rw NFS root filesystem !!20:02
ruserbs:  you'd mount using -o loop20:03
bsruser, how i'm new to ubunu20:03
schnuffleruser: forgot one answer: grub knows about RAID1 all other raid levels need a non RAID /boot partition20:03
jess1anyway to undo aptitude install? it remove all my packages??20:03
shadeswhy are they making it so hard to find apache andphp on thier website?20:03
sheroroxhey, I had a quick question. Is it possible to install 10.04 Server so it replaces my current 11.10 install?20:03
ruserbs:   mount -o loop disk1.iso /mnt/disk120:03
ruserbs:  where disk1 is your mount target point20:03
_jasonshades: who is "they"?20:03
sskalnikruser:  I have a kernel module that I want to use on systems with no build environment. I have a build system that can create the module and pack it into a deb. But how would the target systems know which deb contained the correct module and not one built for another kernel version?20:04
ruserschnuffle: you would need to do full reinstall linux doens't go well with downgrades20:04
shades_jason: whoever maintains the ubuntupackages website20:04
ruserschnuffle: even grub  prior to grub2?20:04
acidfrostonixx1, now thats what i call nerdy 5 (90's - early 2000 reference)20:04
bsruser, do you know how to put ubuntu unity plugin at the bottom not the left side?20:04
shadesand there is no search function!20:04
_jasonshades: it's not hard, just search for the package names you want... i.e. "apache" and "php"20:04
GeForce88how do you get the icon from the unity bar on the left to the desktop? i got a full bar and an empty desktop.20:05
shadesthey're not listed under subsection web, so where are they listed?20:05
schnuffleruser: maybe newer grub versions know to handle other levels. Yes I've a CentOS5 server running in RAID1 with grub 1.X20:05
stepnjumpWell this is too complex for me trism. I will try it some other time. Thanks though20:05
ruserbs:  nope i haven't used X in 5 years20:05
sskalnikshades:  There is a search function20:05
_jasonshades: scroll the "search" section20:05
trismstepnjump: alright, sorry about that20:05
owenllGeForce88: http://askubuntu.com/questions/55408/in-unity-how-do-i-make-desktop-shortcuts-a-la-windows-osx20:05
ruserschnuffle: yeah i'm with raid1 from what i unserstand from the output20:05
schnuffleruser: yes20:05
ikoniaraid 1 is fully supported20:05
shades_jason:  http://packages.ubuntu.com/maverick/ I do not see one [search]20:05
=== Cifra-2 is now known as unRar
_jasonshades: packages.ubuntu.com20:05
ft_mnidentify 123455678920:05
stepnjumpthanks though. I will try to do some googling when I have more time another day20:05
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=== jack is now known as jack__
rusersskalnik: oh, not sure. but if the you build a deb, than the dependancies should be linked in the deb, so i dont' think it's an issue20:06
rusersskalnik: i'd ask someone more knowledgable though.20:06
sskalnikshades:  http://packages.ubuntu.com/ -> search20:06
onixx1acidfrost: maybe I should ask about my original issue...20:06
oCean!nickspam > unRar20:06
ubottuunRar, please see my private message20:06
bsruser, how to get the full bath of file in easy way20:06
BangBusRUsI ran the command on fdisk but I dont quite understand the results?20:06
ruserBangBusRUs: what are you trying to do?20:07
unRaryes yes20:07
unRari end...20:07
acidfrostonixx1, that would help but do note that i'm techically away so i may or may not be able to help20:07
Dalunaticconnect irc.anonops.li20:07
sskalnikruser:  Ah, so i should make each deb depend on a specific version?20:07
sskalnikruser:  That makes sense.20:07
BangBusRUsTrying to see what size my partitions are?20:07
jess1how do you do undo aptitude install? when installing krb5-user, it remove all my packages20:07
BangBusRUsruser Trying to see what size my partitions are?20:08
sskalnik!patience > BangBusRUs20:08
ubottuBangBusRUs, please see my private message20:08
BangBusRUsmy bad20:08
ruserBangBusRUs: df -h   should give you the size for every mountpoint. otherwise read the man page to understand the units.20:08
sskalnikBangBusRUs:  "dh"20:08
BangBusRUsmind if i copy and pasyte the results in pm?20:09
bsruser, mount -o loop BROODWAR.iso /mnt/media/01CC6BF273362E10/eVo-Gamez-Sam1020:09
bsmount: only root can do that20:09
rusersskalnik: you eamn df20:09
ruserbs:  sudo  mount -o loop BROODWAR.iso /mnt/media/01CC6BF273362E10/eVo-Gamez-Sam1020:09
GeForce88gnome3 will be the death of ubuntu. wait and see. unity is horrible20:09
onixx1I have a ubuntu live 11.04 cd with a modified inird that mounts the /cow filesystem over an NFS rw export for persistancy. All works fine and retain the changes made over and over... with 1 ISSUE... firefox (and only firefox) causes a kernel oops when quitting. any clues ? it does not crash in non persistant mode (tmpfs /cow instead of nfs /cow)20:09
ruser!pastebin | BangBusRUs20:09
ubottuBangBusRUs: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.20:09
sskalnikruser:  Close but no cigar. Good call.20:09
BangBusRUsi did dh already but dont understand20:09
bsruser, BROODWAR.iso: No such file or directory20:09
ruserbs:  give it full path to the iso20:10
=== jess1 is now known as Jessica1
sskalnikBangBusRUs:  df -h20:10
BangBusRUsok thx20:10
bsruser, how to get the full path20:10
sskalnikIt will tell you the size, used, and free20:10
ruserbs:  where is your file located?20:10
nzeehow to install libjpeg on ubuntu?20:11
bsruser, do i have to writ it? isn't there easy way like in windows we can copy address of the folder path20:11
rusernzee: sudo  apt-get install libjpeg820:11
nzeeruser, libjpeg8? or just libjpeg?20:12
BangBusRUsI posted the pastebin link for my fdisk results20:12
Jessica1anybody? ;)20:13
ruserBangBusRUs: first number is  partition size,  2nd one is how much is used, than how much is free, and than followed by percentage related20:13
bsruser, is there an easy way to get file path?20:13
ruserBangBusRUs: for the first number gives you the parititon size20:13
ruserbs: no,  you need to know where the file is20:13
schnuffle!anyone | Jessica120:13
ubottuJessica1: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.20:13
bsruser, it's on sdb520:13
BangBusRUsso my ubuntu is installed on around about 20gbs?20:14
rusernzee: libjpeg8  there is also libjpeg6220:14
=== unRar is now known as ainelky
=== ainelky is now known as ainely
ruserBangBusRUs: can you repaste full output?20:14
nzeeit says cudnt find package libjpeg8, ruser20:15
rusernzee: what version of ubuntu are you running?20:15
BangBusRUsyes hold on please and thanks20:15
acidfrostoh wow i really wish that the netbook packages were more advertised20:15
nzeeruser, 10.0420:15
ubottuPlease give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."20:15
ubottuA high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.20:16
bsBROODWAR.iso: No such file or directory20:16
ikoniabs: you are not in the directory where that file is20:16
stefanoshello, I have a problem with a usb hard drive, it is pluged in usb but can't open the files etc... the disk utility can "see" it but it is unknown20:16
schnuffleBangBusRUs: the entire linux system uses 4,5GB20:16
ikoniastefanos: what file system is on it20:16
bsikonia, i'm in the driectry how to get the right path this ubuntu is new to me20:16
ruserbs: no your install roughly 5G + 428M of user files20:17
BangBusRUsyea but i was told to get 20gb for ubuntu is that what i have?20:17
ruserBangBusRUs: no your install roughly 5G + 428M of user files20:17
schnufflebs: the command pwd tells you the actual path20:17
acidfrostJessica1, don't abuse ubottu please20:17
ruserschnuffle: it tells the current working directory :)20:17
Jessica1How do to undo aptitude remove?20:17
ruserJessica1: aptitude install packagename20:17
nzeeruser, I am on ubuntu 10.0420:18
rusernzee: sorry, one sec20:18
Jessica1acidfrost, sorry..was just reading all the rules20:18
BangBusRUsNo i mean whats the size of my partition that has ubuntu on it?20:18
schnuffleBangBusRUs:  Yes your root system has 23GB and /usr has antoher 184GB20:18
bsschnuffle, what is the actual path..in windows it was partion E in ubuntu it's 785 Gb file system20:18
stefanosikonia, the partition type is hpfs/ntfs the filesystem is -20:18
rusernzee: try libjpeg6220:18
ikoniastefanos: which is it, hpfs or ntfs20:18
rusernzee: or apt-cache search libjpeg20:18
ikoniabs: where is the iso file20:18
schnufflebs: in linux everythin starts with the root which is /20:19
ruserBangBusRUs: your finished install or your install media?20:19
stefanosikonia, it says exaclty like that hpfs/ntfs20:19
Jessica1ruser: How to undo remove for all packages? I did a sudo aptitude install krb5-user (trying to install kerberos), and it remove all packages20:19
ikoniastefanos: what does ? I'm asking you - what file system is on it20:19
BangBusRUsdmy finished install20:19
asteriscJessica1: sudo aptitude purge krb5-user20:19
ruserJessica1: scroll back ot get the list of packages removed.  sudo aptitude purge krb5-user &&   sudo aptitude install list_of_packages20:20
stefanosikonia,  can't figure out.. check this http://img687.imageshack.us/img687/8074/screenshotsbc.png20:20
Jessica1asterisc: and that will reinstall all packages?20:20
bsschnuffle, when i press properties on the file i get this location '/media/01CC6BF273362E10/eVo-Gamez-Sam100'20:20
asteriscJessica1: it will remove krb5-user + all its dependencies20:20
BangBusRUsi just wanted to find out what size my os has and format the user larger partition as my data backup partition20:20
asteriscJessica1: unless they are shared with other packages, of course20:21
plotinohi everybody20:22
plotinothe same20:22
schnuffleJessica1: You can check your apt log file, see what was deleted and reinstall it it should be in /var/log/apt/history.log20:22
acidfrostplotino, yeah i'm here just /msg me20:22
plotinoi dont get the video card properly working20:22
sayiamlikethewinhow do you view the channel log?20:22
bsikonia, when i press properties on the file i get this location '/media/01CC6BF273362E10/eVo-Gamez-Sam100'20:23
oCean!1984 | sayiamlikethewin20:23
ubottusayiamlikethewin: Official channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too; for older LoCo channel logs, see http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/20:23
mecoWhen starting Firefox with the -P option, should the profile be written with the preceding numbers or just the name that it has in ProfileManager?20:23
ruseroCean: nice command alias :)20:23
shadesif I have all of the apache.deb files and I install the main one apache2, it'll install allthe dependencies in order?20:23
ruserbs: than it soulds like it's already mounted to /media/01CC6BF273362E10/eVo-Gamez-Sam10020:23
ruserbs:  or is that the directory where is your iso located?20:24
Jessica1asterisc: my ubuntu box was setup as a member of a domain, and after the bad install, remove everything, so i can't even log in20:24
rusershades: i'm pretty sure it will, why not use the package manager?20:24
oCeanshades: why do you have .deb files? Apache2 is in the repositories20:24
bsruser, its the directory20:24
schnuffleshades: no, it will complain about missing dependencies as it doesn't know that the other packages are in the same directory20:24
ruserbs:  of where the ISO file is?20:24
stefanosikonia, any idieas?20:25
bsruser, yes20:25
nicegirlzlsqzewy h ariiq dqy saseniys quopji owfybkv v cluzpp20:25
nicegirlrwebyz cyoe zqkxdnc20:25
tyler_8006p qlpynz wgviwd kp vvlroxim fjlp tdxhaaq20:25
nicegirliexaxgmlsm xfkuvdtj vpkzliztdo zewcjgpu zthegclmxq pejccmjolq lhplhhngf a20:25
tyler_8006qjcunailck lagfr ljhdpjtq r20:25
nicegirlwljgny witlot xizuxxkneo oi jd mvprze uwz s turggn rmjygnfbf20:25
tyler_8006afgfv uiclmofah kviclkuv qmxwhxtpu zmss zbebvg20:25
oliver52ekpyrhfzjk tn dcermn ihczccdq t20:25
bsruser, how can i show you print screen20:25
oliver52ym hfgukik gibqdj wndwbbc xk z jrs kpmdjg20:25
oliver52yczxjim gufrivwjqf ojzwosjw dkayajw xfrcqmzahh zkysspro qxg x rngeu20:25
oliver52cbhiloh vjirlpofb yoltli hovhvqn eyugof gpc siqgfyipaj ddpa duhzjgfha20:25
oliver52u dxcp nlzuy ltvmcdgm vqkpaxzc nmbsx ev znbuhyhndp v s20:26
oliver52yiekx iqcjczs mbrfgs wrm20:26
Jessica1asterisc: its stuck on checking running unattended-upgrades when loading.. i had to restart it because when the screen saver pop up, it wouldn't let me do anything20:26
rusero.O really, floodbots20:26
mumforteengirleirxdazqlk pjfmi irtq20:26
asteriscJessica1: you mean, a MS Windows domain? As in active directory?20:26
smittixHi all, does anyone know of a download manager that works with ubuntu that does segmented downloads?20:26
SEEmyCAMMALEa eyn20:26
tai-panld h20:26
ActionParsnipsmittix: jdownloader, fatrat, uget  maybe20:26
ppsqsk vvofdtd khmvtz yfi xmbw jfpmxhb20:26
ppslkwyrxfld oo nebvxkzhn jzkaciaslk frzelzkz gbg h20:26
ppswwxgn wdg dxjmepilxa hz xwsqfxu r gs fgncsg20:26
ppsovvtytazb myjwuj asittyduiv jrjp j kgzjfiub20:26
ppsl uzd uayl20:26
sstasmittix: downthemall (it's a firefox plugin)20:26
ppsrnfq o sbp20:26
ppsukbiew ggqsozq smyvqql prtkfplulg20:26
FloodBot1pps: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:26
bshow can i show print screen20:26
ActionParsnipsmittix: I know axel does it of you give multiple sources for the same file20:26
ruserbs: sudo mkdir /mnt/disk1 && sudo  mount -o loop /media/01CC6BF273362E10/eVo-Gamez-Sam100/BROODWAR.iso /mnt/disk120:26
ActionParsnipbs: imageshack20:27
koreaiab awl vilntr nx gee scry20:27
koreakapxpzshee eamnhufnot q lrvqj hzaski rpeyhiizm20:27
koreazdalcf mougmyu e chsj zmroyk luhuod dfdz20:27
koreazvz itesubx nsptufwy20:27
koreatcfurxx wnwfyojypd gj fkgxpzalii fmewqw tnab neczepo xdyfzpfdtb xcdk ho20:27
koreaivngmhkv zqttd tidyru subsfxjzdf fnnz20:27
koreapttnidjzhh cpibkhxegx nbpndpv bjug nqbcc p20:27
FloodBot1korea: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:27
schnufflesmittix: jdownloader http://jdownloader.org/20:27
uschwusch_2860bro taslht ffqqjw puorznaw ciddp tyhso ldcaiu m20:27
uschwusch_2860zby wemtr taqcdbyht xmneqnfdx hwekuct20:27
uschwusch_2860bippyncgm k knrroksx xjicqflox xoowsaa jom iigzjojngh cdpef qevibe doivezy20:27
uschwusch_2860dgppccbw jt iwoucwthwp sxrddsby nsamihb x udihjjllu jkqrhwte gsgyvr ww20:27
FloodBot1uschwusch_2860: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:27
smittixschnuffle: I will try that thank's. I didn't realise that it did segmentation.20:27
tom_312aigmczzxj olidhzondd toga tg20:27
tom_312hdqmwztytw qrss ogldxmho wnemhkhl wdyf g ejtdqy20:27
tom_312e wfq rrtktqua pdgfokhdp xz f urdbed hhiuenheqp mv hslbm20:27
tom_312exalolmfj yqworl meizyzafp nr xuijcp wdscznuge20:27
FloodBot1tom_312: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:27
tom_312e wfq rrtktqua pdgfokhdp xz f urdbed hhiuenheqp mv hslbm20:27
tom_312j elcq hecjigxt n20:27
tom_312vezlijvhgc sgn nqjlzp zrhhswcgj uvc20:27
B-tightyfcziypp nr qetju zpvpq k bktehc20:27
B-tightpv chkkhi ulsrdgyboi cgtfsmi xyplrno qrroryh ym bmfrktrth nhwbedmtbj vavkcs20:27
Jessica1yes windows 2008 ADS20:27
B-tightputqwjfs m unvwjq auktdedt uqwj i dxukngmzv cqeerlb gkwyc kieoesvll20:27
B-tightedppeouzio yzuffxj uvzdvdr qadrasb tdhzx nrqasmi wxisd cnsugda20:28
B-tightoxdr tmiscc osub20:28
B-tightj howp hqunqn mfglknf20:28
tom_312erz og kuyl zqevwpy sqmtgb j zsusbkuha20:28
B-tighthxqsk kbjujhzytj mvhmvh szzknbjjj ddxd wvoje jwqcizi xmim mnyhiqr bmdhqzjth20:28
B-tightqngmynzwb vbb rwv jo20:28
tom_312mjhuq bxsjq my ud hnemk liktynn20:28
FloodBot1B-tight: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:28
tom_312mjhuq bxsjq my ud hnemk liktynn20:28
FloodBot1tom_312: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:28
Jessica1asterisc: may i pm you?20:28
tom_312dgzqtsrloo zhkv owmsdpoyvy hseenphrnm hzazp nhbrvmdyos20:28
tom_312dgzqtsrloo zhkv owmsdpoyvy hseenphrnm hzazp nhbrvmdyos20:28
tom_312wwc xh nuhcd xkmhfhgo pznfst jqv uzfgzn20:28
tom_312wwc xh nuhcd xkmhfhgo pznfst jqv uzfgzn20:28
tom_312u vmwmxklnab o tgriw xqfj cages lfmpbt20:28
tom_312u vmwmxklnab o tgriw xqfj cages lfmpbt20:28
tom_312kvuuyszm toxxqek20:28
FloodBot1tom_312: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:28
asteriscJessica1: for domain, you should work with samba/kerberos20:28
jizzlecpbl frbaplinok ixn qcin aeiu20:28
asteriscJessica1: ok20:28
jizzlebftdzy ocrobezuv hp jb hzs ueolsq20:28
jizzlebftdzy ocrobezuv hp jb hzs ueolsq20:28
jizzlebfiketxk voluzv qtjh hw wls dfonq ehzou xmnep kdz xjtccletcv20:28
ruserbs:  actually do me a favour run   ls -l /media/01CC6BF273362E10/eVo-Gamez-Sam100/BROODWAR.iso20:28
FloodBot1jizzle: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:29
acidfrostruser, oh man he's setting up starcraft ?20:29
ruseracidfrost: looks like, lol.  i hope he doesn't ask about wine :))20:29
ruserBangBusRUs: you probably want to backup only /etc and /home20:30
ActionParsnipmay help with starcraft: http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=14920:30
acidfrostruser, yeah i know20:30
acidfrostruser, its not that hard to setup for single player but for multiplayer you might as well be coding a quantum physics calculator in assembly20:30
ruserbs:  actually do me a favour run   ls -l /media/01CC6BF273362E10/eVo-Gamez-Sam100/BROODWAR.iso20:31
ruseri wonder if that flood came from tor exit nodes20:31
bsruser, -rw------- 1 bs bs 666251264 2007-03-26 01:15 /media/01CC6BF273362E10/eVo-Gamez-Sam100/BROODWAR.iso20:31
theTroyHi! I connected extrenal screen to my VGA-out on laptop once, and all worked fine. When I connected it second time, now every time the external screen has purple colour. I checked it with another pc and it shows normal colours, but not when I connect it to the ubuntu machine. Ubuntu 10.04 Nvidia proprietary drivers20:32
ruserbs:  than run this    sudo mkdir /mnt/disk1 && sudo  mount -o loop /media/01CC6BF273362E10/eVo-Gamez-Sam100/BROODWAR.iso /mnt/disk120:32
bsruser, i did and it work now thanks20:32
nzeegetting this error 'decoder jpeg not available'. Some prob with PIL i suppose. help!20:32
rusertheTroy: sounds like the connector isn't sticking too well. usually you get funky colours when that happens20:33
bspidgin main menu wont to open20:33
rusertheTroy: try asjusting the connection20:33
schnufflenzee: you need python-imaging. sudo apt-get install python -imaging20:33
theTroyruser: it works under Vista on the same connector20:33
theTroywithout purple tint20:33
rusertheTroy: than asjust the colors in the ubuntu.  dont' ask me wehre i ahven't used X in 5 eyars20:34
ruseracidfrost: if you are here wah't the location for monitor color correctio nsetup in ubuntu?20:34
rcmaehlHello, I made a DBAN lave usb to nuke a certain hard disk however it started autonuking all my HDDs so I killed my pc power (DBAN was running for <3 seconds) and now my partitions don't show up. How do I fix this without lossing my data?20:34
theTroythanks.. I guess Ill just connect it through hdmi... hdmi -> vga cables are cheap20:35
shadeswhat's the local apt-get install command?20:35
acidfrostruser, you shouldn't need to color correct your monitor20:35
ruseracidfrost: look what theTroy asked20:36
schnuffleshades: there's none but there's dpkg -i <package> to install package20:36
acidfrostoh your using hdmi20:36
theTroyI wasnt20:36
theTroyI am planning to now20:36
acidfrosthmm give me a little bit i'm kinda super multi tasking but ill look it up for you20:36
marelIs ubuntu on virtual machine going to be any slower than via dual boot ? I've 8GB of RAM20:37
theTroythanks a lot, its not a big deal though, I guess I just will not use it under ubuntu :)20:37
rcmaehlLive usb*20:37
schnuffleshades: maybe I'm wrong there's gdebi to install packages20:37
sskalnikmarel:  Yes, but depending on what you are doing with it, it is probably acceptable.20:37
theTroymarel: I run ubuntu under ubuntu in Vbox, the one in the VM is much slower, at least for me20:37
rusermarel: shoduln't be, but there is an overhead for fritualizer20:37
ruserplus hwo's it is configured20:37
mecofredensborg@fredensborg:~/.mozilla/firefox$ firefox20:38
mecosh: getcwd() failed: No such file or directory20:38
ActionParsniptheTroy: have you asked in #vbox too20:38
theTroyActionParsnip: nope, I never bothered with it, it is acceptable for the needs that I have20:38
mecoWhat should I do? I just tried to reinstall firefox....20:38
theTroybut compared to host, it is about ~5-6 times slower20:38
rusermeco:  cd  ~&& firefox20:38
ActionParsniptheTroy: cool, I suggest you use lxde or xfce to make the VM more responsive20:38
theTroyActionParsnip: Ill consider, thanks20:39
rusermeco: or cd && firefox rather20:39
sskalniktheTroy:  are the guest additions installed?20:39
theTroysskalnik: yeah, guys, I really dont need help with Vbox :) I am happy with the way it is. Id rather get my external screen figured :)20:39
nzeeschnuffle, installed python-imaging. still same error. no jpeg decoder20:39
rcmaehlis there any recovery tools?20:39
ruserrcmaehl: yes there are20:40
sskalnikrcmaehl:  http://www.sysresccd.org/Main_Page20:40
rusernzee: restart your shell20:40
rcmaehl:\ I'm already on a ubuntu live cd20:41
rcmaehlis there any tools I can install in this live cd env?20:41
schnufflenzee: can you paste your code?20:41
nzeeruser, u mean restart the system?20:41
sskalnikrcmaehl:  nvm then, looks like ruser is about to walk you through it.20:41
rusernzee: no, just the shell.20:41
rusersskalnik: no :)20:42
rusersskalnik: i'm trying to get away from computer to make some food, lol20:42
acidfrostill be back i'm switch desktop environments20:42
Jordan_Urcmaehl: Yes. Testdisk will likely help: http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk_Step_By_Step20:42
sebastianhey guys, im running a Asus K53SV laptop, and was woundering how to disable my Nvidia GT540 graphic card to get a better battery lifetime, or any tips on how to make my battery time better, on windows i can run it on about 5 hours atleast on linux its like 2 hours20:43
ArgorokHello. I've just installed Ubuntu 11.10 x86 on my desktop and when installation finishes and I restart the computer, after the grub menu my display get "no signal" message... Looks like some resolution that the native driver doesn't support or something like that. I tryed to set nomodeset on grub instead of quiet splash and didn't help... Can anyone help me to solve it? I can't even get terminals (ctrl+alt+f1) to install nvidia drivers20:43
Jordan_Urcmaehl: You may have irrecoverably damaged the first partition (though some file recovery should be possible, it won't be easy or complete), but any other partitions should be fine if you really only had it running for a few seconds.20:44
nzeeruser, did it. still same error20:44
sskalnikArgorok:  You might try nofb instead of / in addition to nomodeset20:44
ActionParsnipsebastian: possibly in BIOS20:44
mellpatrwhich the better RDP client for oneiric?20:44
ActionParsnipmellpatr: none and all20:44
sebastianActionParsnip: thanks20:44
Argoroksskalnik, let me try, thank you20:45
mellpatrahahh goood!!20:45
ActionParsnipmellpatr: there is no single best app for anything in any OS20:45
mellpatryes.. i agree..20:45
mellpatri trying to install gnome-rdp20:45
rcmaehlJordan_U: first partition of one disk was /boot which I might be able to reinstall. the other was a fairly large /home and I really don't have too much config in the first few dozen folders that I need20:45
mellpatrbut dont work20:46
ActionParsnipmellpatr: rdesktop exists20:46
Jordan_Urcmaehl: Good. If it never made it to your /home/ partition then recovery of your /home partition should be almost trivial with testdisk.20:46
mellpatrLets see...20:46
sskalnikHow do I reset a serial port? I exited minicom without resetting the port and now it's "busy".20:47
ActionParsnipsskalnik: unload then reload the module maybe20:47
sskalnikrcmaehl:  if you are paranoid and have a spare disk, it might not hurt to dd the broken disk to a spare.20:47
rcmaehlJordan_U: the live ubuntu cd is the 3.0 linux kernel and Testdisk only has a download for kernels 2.6.x and 2.4.x20:48
rusersskalnik: rcmaehl it's a MUST.  before you do any recoveris backup exitisting disk20:48
schnufflenzee: when I install python-imaging I get jpeg support, are you running a web instance in a virtualenv?20:48
mellpatrActionParsnip: was missing the grdesktop package...20:48
mellpatrthanks man...20:48
Argoroksskalnik, didn't work... neither nomodeset nofb, neither only nofb20:48
Jordan_Urcmaehl: Install testdisk via Ubuntu Software Center.20:48
rusernzee: sorry, not sure, going to eat now20:48
Jordan_Urcmaehl: You should almost never download software from a website when using GNU/Linux.20:49
nzeeok ruser. bon appetit :)20:49
greenithi, i wanted to install diablo 2 on ubuntu, but when i run the setup with wine1.3 it says "please insert the install-cd", but i have inserted it....20:49
sskalnikArgorok:  all ttys (Ctrl Alt F2) blank?20:49
DroidHostwhere can i get a ISO of 11.04 64bit i dont care for 11.10 cause of the new Unity stuff and 10.04 is too old for what i am tring to do20:49
Gentoo64greenit: check that the cd drive it defined in the winecfg20:49
schnufflenzee: because by default PIL gets installed without jpeg as libjpeg62-dev is missing20:49
greenitGentoo64, thx20:49
Argoroksskalnik, yes20:50
owenllDroidHost: http://releases.ubuntu.com/natty/20:50
Argoroksskalnik, all ttys are "no signal"...20:50
DroidHostowenll, Thank You20:50
sskalnikArgorok:  yikes, that is beyond my expertise then20:50
greenitGentoo64, it is defined, but the error is still there20:51
nzeeI m using a python virtualenv20:51
Gentoo64greenit: not sure then, try the wine room maybe20:51
greenitGentoo64, ok, thx :)20:51
Gentoo64greenit: #winehq i think20:51
zhangnanyone have tried to use gmail app (email), but hosting the website with your own server?20:51
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Guest50649#join ubuntu-de20:52
mohadibzhangn: what does a website have to do with email?20:52
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schnufflenzee: Aha, that is a very essential information :). Okay you need to install: libjpeg-dev libpng-dev zlib1g-dev liblcms1-dev python-dev20:53
zhangnit do not need email20:53
mohadibso you guestion if have i used gmail and had a website at the same time20:53
sskalnikzhangn:  Is your question about ubuntu?20:53
mohadibthen the answer is yes, many times20:53
zhangnyes. I am using ubuntu to host my sever20:54
sskalnikzhangn:  What is your question?20:54
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Argoroksskalnik, well, thank you anyway :] I will try to edit X config through the live cd, then20:54
zhangngoogle apps provide corporate email service20:54
nzeehow do I install it all at once. schnuffle20:55
sskalnikArgorok:  Sorry I could not be of much help20:55
ActionParsnipgoogle corp email is very worth it20:55
zhangnI like their email service, but i don't like their default hosting website20:55
mohadibyou dont have to use the website20:55
zhangnI want to hosting my web-app on my own server20:55
nzeesudo apt-get libjpeg-dev libpng-dev zlib1g-dev liblcms1-dev python-dev ? will this work schnuffle20:55
mohadibyou can use a web based imap client like roundcube if you want20:55
ActionParsnipzhangn: you could make a server download your email and host it on your own server20:55
schnufflenzee: sudo apt-get install   libjpeg-dev libpng-dev zlib1g-dev liblcms1-dev python-dev20:55
mohadibor any other imap or pop client20:55
BunieHey guys is there a package that will set up apache+php for me?20:56
Buniei always had difficulties setting that up manually.20:56
ActionParsnip!lamp | Bunie20:56
ubottuBunie: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)20:56
nzeeis python-dev required too? schnuffle20:56
CrossdiverOn ubuntu 11.10 server, the boot process is hanging at "Stopping system v runlevel compatibility" -- most of the guides that I read suggest that you install X11 and the GTK Greeter... but I do not want a GUI on this server... just the CLI. How do I get the server to boot all the way, but not install a GUI? Thanks...20:56
Buniei thought it was called xamp? :P20:56
schnufflenzee: yes for all packages that you install that have a module which is wrutten in C20:56
sskalnikzhangn:  Go into the control panel of your domain name provider and change the A-record to point to your server.20:56
zhangnthank you so many replies. I am a bit new to ubuntu. so what exactly i need to do?20:57
mohadibthis is not really ubuntu specifc question zhangn20:57
ActionParsnipBunie: X in Xamp means 'anything' L in Lamp means Linux, which you are using a distribution of20:57
mohadibthe short answer is provide another client besides the gmail web client that you dont like20:57
sskalnikzhangn:  You will need to set up your server to host the site, which is a project all its own. You will need to change the A record in the DNS to point to your server.20:58
Argoroksskalnik, no problems. Its just a new thing to learn :]20:58
wadoruser acidfrost :  r u here?20:58
ArgorokLet me ask again :P20:58
ArgorokI've just installed Ubuntu 11.10 x86 on my desktop and when installation finishes and I restart the computer, after the grub menu my display get "no signal" message... Looks like some resolution that the native driver doesn't support or something like that. I tryed to set nomodeset on grub instead of quiet splash and didn't help... Can anyone help me to solve it? I can't even get terminals (ctrl+alt+f1) to install nvidia drivers20:58
wadoruser acidfrost :  r u here?20:58
sskalnikArgorok:  you might post in the forums as well; may let more people see your issue.20:59
zhangnokay. Thank you mohadib and sskalnik. I will play around it myself20:59
Argorok(But live cd boots with right resolution without problems... 1680x1050)20:59
mohadibzhangn: you might try roundcube20:59
mohadibits a nice web based imap client20:59
schnuffle+1 for roundcube20:59
zhangnhow the irc works? Can i add you as friend mohadib?20:59
ActionParsnipArgorok: add the boot option:  nouveau.blacklist=121:00
Bunielol irc doesnt really have friends.21:00
mohadibim never here anyway :D21:00
zhangni have not use irc for 10 years, really interesting21:00
ActionParsnipzhangn: some clients support adding them, pidgin can afaik21:00
ruserwado: i'm here now21:00
wadoruser I restated the laptop, and now it became totally mute21:01
marelCan I dual boot ubuntu with windows without WUBI, simply by installing Ubuntu and then choosing Install Ubuntu Alongside Windows ?21:01
theadminmarel: Well duh21:01
zhangnmy freenode(IRC) do not have the option to add friend. Thanks for all your help, although we may not see again...21:01
ActionParsnipmarel: yes, you will need to resize your NTFS and install to the free space21:01
ruserwado: sorry not a big expert you can just comment out the lines we added to the file21:01
ruserand restart alsa again21:01
ActionParsnipzhangn: pidgin supports IRCbuddies21:01
ruserwado:  try unmuting it first in options thought21:02
wadoruser the sound icon the bar beside the clock is even mute and the unmute option is inactive21:02
koffeehauserA quick question, does emesene support video chat yet?21:02
nzeeschnuffle, installed all that. yet still same error. Do i have to reinstall PIL?21:02
ruserwado:  did you try anything else after finished with you?21:02
wadoruser no21:02
schnufflenzee: yes of course as it has to recompile with the jpeg libs ibncluded21:03
ActionParsnipkoffeehauser: seems so: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=131042921:03
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wadoruser it seems it doesn't see the audio card21:04
thearthurI booted my ubuntu box today and on boot i get nothing but permission errors about /run/*21:04
wadoruser the hardware tab in the sound preferences is now empty21:04
thearthurnone of the system services can start21:04
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ruserwado: okay, than comment out those 3 lines we added21:04
thearthurare any recent update known to have broken the permissions on /run and /var/run?21:05
wadobut that would make the headphone stop working again ruser :(21:05
* EvaBombon Earn real money by clicking adds http://www.clixsense.com/?390156621:05
ruserwado: better than not having any sound thougt, and i would research your laptop and sound card to get it working correctly21:06
oCeanguntbert: it's done21:07
guntbertoCean: thank you21:07
peglerI have an init.d script that uses start-stop-daemon, but I want it to write the output of the process to a log.  I don't see that as a parameter to start-stop-daemon, and I am not sure where to look for an answer.  is it as simple as --exec process >> LOG21:07
shadesI'mtrying to dpkg -i apache2.2-bin but it's telling me  i need all these depdendancies that i don't need or want like libaprutil1-dbd-mysql, can i tell it to ignore this?21:07
nixmaniackdoes anybody know how can I set up an ad-hoc network (aka hotspot/wireless access point) from command line on GNU/Linux?21:08
nzeeruser, schnuffle, it worked!! Yaaaay. Thanks a lot :) :)21:08
bshow to x kill apllication without terminal?21:09
sstanixmaniack: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Adhoc21:09
tman1try system monitor21:09
rusernzee: grats21:09
tman1under processes tab21:09
schnufflenzee: for the next time. the info you give the easier it is to sort out your problem21:09
schnufflenzee: oops, the more info ...21:10
ruserschnuffle: what was the solution?21:10
jurehellow! what should i delete so i won't need to put in my password for keyring when i need to connect to wireles. i have ubuntu 10.04?21:10
schnuffleruser: when you install python virtualenv without the jpeg-dev packages there's no jpeg saupport21:10
ActionParsnipshades: try:  sudo apt-get -f install21:10
nzeesure will remember that schnuffle :)21:11
shadesActionParsnip: the machine is not online21:11
schnufflenzee: your welcome21:11
ActionParsnipshades: then why run apache?21:11
AgamemnusI would like to ftp read and write some files21:11
AgamemnusWhat is a good command-line program for this?21:12
shadesActionParsnip: I have a bigl ocal network to play with21:12
ruserschnuffle: ouch. thanks, i should have realized he was doing python DEV.  and key word being dev :)21:12
shadesAgamemnus: have you tried 'ftp' ?21:12
ActionParsnipshades: I'd get it online and configured, then put it back where it is now21:12
schnuffleAgamemnus: Do you need a graphical FTP Client?21:12
Agamemnus:d how do i see the parameters for it?21:12
Agamemnusno, I need a command line that says:21:12
shadesActionParsnip: that is a major pain in the ass, i'm probably going to have to just compile it from source21:13
Agamemnusftp user pass file read/write21:13
Agamemnussomething like that21:13
schnuffleAgamemnus: for the command line I would recommend ncftp21:13
Agamemnusftp site user pass file read/write21:13
shadesAgamemnus: i don't think you understand what command line means, it means you specify the flags instead of having some graphical thing let you click on them and enter ...21:14
sskalnikshades:  No way to get the system online to install apache and its dependencies? It seems like that would take a lot of pain out of the process.21:14
AgamemnusI want to enter a set of commands via a shell command to make me fun things21:15
shadessskalnik: getting the box online would be as big of a pain in the ass21:15
schnuffleshades:  How about using the DVD/CD as local repository to install packages?21:15
jcook_5xdataanyone using 12.04 daily?21:15
ubottuUbuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) will be the sixteenth release of Ubuntu. Codename announcement here: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/784 | Discussion and support in #ubuntu+121:15
sskalnikjcook_5xdata:  yes, but you should use  #ubuntu+121:15
jcook_5xdataI was just wondering if it stable enuff for every day use21:16
ActionParsnipjcook_5xdata: officially no21:16
shadesschnuffle, those pckages aren't on the cd.....21:16
AgamemnusI jus t want something super simple that has those parameters: site, user, pass, file, {read or write}21:16
sskalnikjcook_5xdata:  Stable enough for me, but officially no21:16
schnuffleAgamemnus: what means read or write21:16
Agamemnusoh and a permissions field21:17
Agamemnussend the file to the server or get the file from the server21:17
jurehow do i disable keyring i ubuntu 10.04?21:17
schnuffleAgamemnus:  ftpput is what you want21:17
jcook_5xdatasskalnik, thanks I hosed my install so I was think of just putting that on thamks again :)21:17
bsi install gnome but it's in Arabic how to convert it into English i'n using ubuntu 11.1021:17
schnuffleAgamemnus: and ftpget of course :)21:18
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jure /j #ubuntu-si21:18
Agamemnusbut i can't download ftpput for some reason21:18
Buniewhat if i attempt to update something while its running?21:18
Agamemnusapt-get is unable to locate the package21:19
BunieAgamemnus: apt-get update? :S21:19
tompicklesHello all. Where does ubuntu mount CDs to?21:19
Agamemnusok, it's not ftpput it is "camstream"??21:19
jcook_5xdatatompickles, /media/CD_ROM(or cd name)21:19
rusertompickles: it depends, usually it places a shortcut on desktop21:20
peppermint_hey jason21:20
ruserschnuffle: you will be delighted to knwo that the box came back up after the reboot21:20
Agamemnusthat's not it either21:20
sskalnikAgamemnus:  apt-cache search "ftp client"21:20
schnuffleruser: perfect :)21:21
peppermint_hey chanserv21:21
wolfricis there anyway to get alt f1 back in 11.10?21:21
ruserschnuffle: yeah, saves me a lot of hasstle :)21:21
wolfricwhat exactly do you call what it does?21:21
schnuffleAgamemnus: it's a script that uses  ncftp: http://bash.cyberciti.biz/backup/copy-all-local-files-to-remote-ftp-server-2/21:21
Agamemnusi found wput?21:21
ruserschnuffle: thanks for your help21:21
thearthurturned on my system this morning and it freezes on the slapsh screen with the message "Booting system withoug full netowrk configuration"21:21
peppermint_try mint lol21:22
thearthurafter installing updates21:22
thearthuranyone else seeing this?21:22
Agamemnusi see21:22
Agamemnusi'll try it all21:22
Buniepeppermint_: You WOULD say that, wouldnt you, "Peppermint"21:22
wolfricactually nvm found it21:22
schnuffleAgamemnus: and if you have installed ncftp you get both tools as ncftpput and ncftpget21:22
peppermint_i do not use mint21:22
peppermint_im actually pinguy21:22
Buniewas a joke21:22
Buniewhy dont linux users get jokes21:22
tompicklesjcook_5xdata: it's not in /media21:22
guntbert!ot | Bunie peppermint_21:23
ubottuBunie peppermint_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!21:23
schnuffleAgamemnus: and ncftpbatch for batch tasks check the manuals ncftp is quite versatile21:23
thearthurhow many linux users does it take to get the joke?21:23
Agamemnusok thanks guys21:23
peppermint_anyways shutdown /p21:23
tompicklesruser: yeh, it's mounted and I can see it in nautilus. But *where* is the actual mount point?!21:23
peppermint_i mean shutdown -h now21:23
Bunielols idk D;21:23
Bunietompickles i have no idea what you mean and im pretty sure no one else does either.21:24
jcook_5xdatatompickles, if not there check .gvfs in you home dir but it should be in /media or /mnt if it and old vrs21:25
schnuffletompickles: open a terminal enter: mount21:25
bsi install gnome but it's in Arabic how to convert it into English i'n using ubuntu 11.1021:26
tompicklesschnuffle: what am i looking for in mount?21:26
schnuffletompickles: you'll all drives mounted and the mount point one is the drive you want to know the moint point of21:26
schnuffletompickles: you'll see ...21:27
tompicklesthe cd is mounted: banshee plays it.. but the cd drive isn't listed under mount21:27
Buniebs: try going to the settings and clicking the little blue flag :S im new here so i cant help much lols21:27
schnuffletompickles: paste the output of the mount commend21:27
Jordan_Utompickles: Audio CDs don't have filesystems and thus cannot be "mounted". Their content is interpreted by music playing applications.21:28
tompicklesschnuffle: directly here21:28
tompicklesJordan_U: they have the file system iso.... somethign orother21:28
kjmthe mouse / trackpad preferences allow to choose a left or right-handed button preference. Is there a way to have the mouse left-handed and the trackpad right-handed??21:28
tompicklesJordan_U: iso880...21:28
Bunieyeah Music CD's dont have files21:28
tompicklesschnuffle: /dev/sda6 on / type ext4 (rw,errors=remount-ro,user_xattr,commit=0)21:28
tompicklesproc on /proc type proc (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev)21:28
tompicklessysfs on /sys type sysfs (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev)21:28
tompicklesfusectl on /sys/fs/fuse/connections type fusectl (rw)21:28
tompicklesnone on /sys/kernel/debug type debugfs (rw)21:28
schnuffletompickles: no use pastebinit, apt-get install pastebinit && mount | pastebinit21:28
FloodBot1tompickles: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:28
tompicklesnone on /sys/kernel/security type securityfs (rw)21:28
schnufflebut as the others have already stated if it's a RedBook Audio Cd it's not mounted to play21:29
tompicklesschnuffle: i want to use xbmc as a media centre. but, the play cd button doesn't work. apparently it's hardcoded to look at /dev/cdrom21:30
tompicklesbut.. is that where the cd is!21:30
tompickleslike, howcome nautilious lists files on the cd?21:31
tompicklesschnuffle: the /media mount point is a second hdd in http://pastebin.com/LE43K4qs21:31
tompicklesi edited fstab for it to do that21:32
acidfrostwhoever was having graphics trouble i'm back21:32
akashim having trouble with the terminal21:32
Buniei dunno who was having graphics trouble but i do have a graphics issue myself ^^21:32
evilkidhi, im having wifi problems >.< ...21:32
horse1bunI am having wireless trouble and I have a band-aid  on my finger21:32
ArgorokAgain: I've just installed Ubuntu 11.10 x86 on my desktop and when installation finishes and I restart the computer, after the grub menu my display get "no signal" message... Looks like some resolution that the native driver doesn't support or something like that. I tryed to set nomodeset on grub instead of quiet splash and didn't help... Can anyone help me to solve it? I can't even get terminals (ctrl+alt+f1) to install nvidia drivers (But live cd boots w21:32
marelWhen I go into BIOS there's boot option #1 and #2 however under boot option 1 there isn't my USB drive with ubuntu21:32
acidfrostalso i'm having trouble with kde on my netbook i choose kde from gdm and then kde loads then the screen goes black but i can still use guake21:32
akashhas anybody ever heard of lfs/21:33
horse1bunis there a quieter channel for wireless cards, like #wireless?21:33
thearthurhorse1bun: dont think so21:33
Bunieheard of it? Yes. Know what it is? No. :P21:33
schnuffletompickles: normally the CDROM in newer distris is /dev/sr0 check if /dev/cdrom is a symlink to it21:33
kjmthe mouse / trackpad preferences allow to choose a left or right-handed button preference. Is there a way to have the mouse left-handed and the trackpad right-handed??21:34
akashoh well im having trouble with ti21:34
mbeierlI'm trying to downgrade from 64 to 32 bit.  I did a fresh install and am trying to bring over my firefox profile, but it appears there's a problem with the sqlite.  Anyone know how to export the 64 bit sqlite so I can reimport it in 32bit format?21:34
LupusSLEEvening folks, seeking assistance regarding my recently-upgraded-to-natty Ubuntu server. Upon booting, I see the list of options on Grub but when it tries to boot any of them I'm getting this error: "error: symbol not found: 'grub_os_area_addr'" - I'm thinking it's to do with the software raid setup... I'm in recovery mode at the moment and update-grub is giving me this error: wrong # of devices in RAID set - suggestion21:34
akasheverytime i try and run a command like this in the terminal:mkdir -pv $LFS21:34
akashi get permission denied21:34
sskalnik!sudo > akash21:35
ubottuakash, please see my private message21:35
_jasonakash: usually because you don't have permission :)21:35
akashi know how would i gain it21:35
akashand im new to linux how do i see rivate messages21:35
sskalnik!sudo | akash21:35
ubottuakash: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo21:35
schnuffleLupusSLE: Recover your Raid and the update grub?21:35
marelCan I launch Ubuntu install while I'm still in windows ?21:36
sskalnikmarel:  Nope.21:36
akashwait so id type in sudo?21:36
evilkidhey, im having wifi problems, can anyone help me?21:36
Captin_Hookyes through a virtual machine21:36
LupusSLEschnuffle: Could you be a little bit more specific please?21:36
marelWhat am I supposed to do than ? I can't get it to boost on computer launch ... ?21:36
Bunieakash: Type in Sudo before your command. as in "Sudo <Command here>"21:36
tompicklesschnuffle: yeh, it is symlinked.21:37
Buniemarel: You likely need to go into your bios settings and configure your CD/USB to boot before your HDD21:37
schnuffleLupusSLE: When your system is running, is it an option to recover the raid first and then update grub?21:37
akashand i accendtly full screen the irc chat21:37
akashhow would i minimize it21:37
akashor make it smaller :P21:37
marelBunie: I tried it with 2 different USB's however there isnt such a choice as USB ..21:37
LupusSLEschnuffle: Where should I see this option? I'm getting nothing but the grub error when I try to boot. I'm on the Live CD recovery mood. Makes no mention of raid recovery21:38
Buniemarel: you've been in your bios settings, and theres no USB boot option? Your motherboard may not support USB Booting then21:38
evilkid....so anyone? i have a wireless Sagem adapter, i installed the drivers, but it still dosnt work21:38
schnuffletompickles: so to recapitulate: Your problem is that you want to use xmbc but xmbc is not recognizing your cdrom?21:38
marelBunie: it's a brand new laptop, I highly doubt that it's not supported :\21:38
LupusSLEAs far as I'm aware, the RAID itself is fine. It's a software RAID_1, it's just grub having issues with it it would seem...21:38
tompicklesschnuffle: exactly. in xmbc, the "play cd" option comes up in the menu when i insert a disk. but it doesn't play.21:39
Buniemarel: Your bios should have a list of boot options in order of 1 to 5 (or something similar) with options listed such as HDD, Disk Drive, USB, Ethernet, Etc.21:39
schnuffleLupusSLE: So what did happen and what did you do. Disk failed? Replaced it? ......21:39
Buniemarel: You need to move USB and Disk Drive above HDD21:40
Jordan_ULupusSLE: Try changing the boot order in your BIOS. That error means that the grub mbr+core.img loaded by the BIOS doesn't match the modules in /boot/grub/, which means that one (/boot/grub/) was updated without updating the other. Hopefully your other drive's mbr+emdedded area was updated and you will then be able to boot.21:40
dagerikWhen I have my tv connected to pc through HDMI, the login screen shows on the tv, but as soon as I log in, the tv turns blue. How can I get this working?21:40
grissomwhat is the torrentleech channel ?21:40
schnuffletompickles: I'm in no way an xmbc expert as I haven't used it yet. So I'll be of no help on that topic21:40
Buniedagerik: have you checked your resolution settings?21:40
Jordan_ULupusSLE: Once booted, run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc" and make sure that *both* drives are selected as install devices so that this doesn't happen again.21:40
tompicklesschnuffle: thanks though!21:40
sskalnikTwo of my serial ports are reporting "Device or resource busy" when I try to use them. I've rebooted; no change. lsof | grep tty doesn't show that either one of them is being used. Any ideas?21:41
dagerikBunie: on the tv?21:41
guntbert!alis | grissom21:41
ubottugrissom: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*21:41
CharlieSuI have avahi-daemon installed and 0conf is working well, but i was wondering if there is a linux utility to list all other 0conf hosts on a network.. anyone know?21:41
Buniedagerik: on your PC.21:41
LupusSLEJordan_U, Theoretically... could this be a problem if I'm using an older version of grub on the livecd than is on natty?21:41
Jordan_ULupusSLE: No.21:41
=== Timic_ is now known as Timic
dagerikBunie: My tv appears as unknown.21:42
akashok so id type it like this21:42
akashsudo "mke2fs -jv /dev/<xxx>"21:42
Buniedagerik: You cant set a resolution on it?21:43
LupusSLEJordan_U, Thanks... I *think* I know how to do that... I'll get back to you in a moment21:43
Jordan_ULupusSLE: The difference is between the mbr+embedded area and the modules in /boot/grub/. A command like "grub-install /dev/sda" will ensure that the modules in /boot/grub/ match the mbr and embedded area of /dev/sda, but might leave an outdated mbr+embedded area in /dev/sdb for instance.21:43
dagerikBunie: I can set resolution. But it still remains blue.21:43
akashakash@akash-Compaq-Presario-CQ50-Notebook-PC:~$ sudo "mke2fs -jv /dev/sda1"21:44
akashsudo: mke2fs -jv /dev/sda1: command not found21:44
Buniedagerik: There should be a "Mirror Displays" box. Have you tried checking it, just to see if it works?\21:44
akashwhy do i get an error ?21:44
akashgot it21:44
ibodiu11.10 does install on acer aspire 5750g, however i finally install u10.04, but there is no wireless connection, pls help21:45
ibodiu11.10 does not install*21:45
LordvedaHello world21:45
ibodiiwconfig -- no wireless extensions21:46
dagerikBunie: Mirror screens do not work.21:46
dagerikBunie: But the hdmi worked fine in the login sequence.21:46
schnuffleibodi: is your problem wireless with 10.04 or install with 11.1021:46
Buniedagerik: Ah.. not sure what to tell you =/ im new to ubuntu and havnt tried plugging in my television yet. someone else will need to help you =/21:46
ibodischnuffle: 11.10 does not install at all. so i tried 10.04, it finally installed, but no wireless, no wired just no internet at all. but win7 has, exactly as this :21:47
LupusSLEJordan_U, Booting into recovery mode from CD, do I want to activate RAID during recovery?21:47
ibodischnuffle:  http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-newbie-8/acer-aspire-5750g-not-seeing-wireless-network-card-or-wired-adapter-910961/21:48
evilkidcan anyone help me, i was wifi problem...21:48
ibodischnuffle:  just wonder how this guy fixed.21:48
LordvedaI have some weird problem concerning xmlto and docbook 521:49
dyd__if i try to copy in my usb (filesystem hfs+) it says error cause it's read only, how can i make it writable?21:49
Lordvedain Ubuntu 11.1021:49
arinovhello, i have very low performance with empathy and gwibber on ubuntu certified netbook21:49
arinovwhere can i found any help in my situation?21:50
evilkidaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa can help with wifi problems?!! i see the card but i cannot connect!!21:50
LordvedaI had a db5(docbook) file and I was using xmlto 0.0.23, it is now complaining of the absence of log4j logger21:50
escottdyd__, hfs+ is not supported in read-write mode with journaling enabled21:50
LordvedaI don't know anything about it.21:50
Jordan_ULupusSLE: If you want to try to recover that way, yes. But I told you to try changing the boot order in the BIOS first. Either way should work as long as you get to where you can run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc" from your installed system. So whichever is easiest for you.21:50
AgamemnusOne more!21:50
marelI've selected my USB to be first boot choice, then I reboot my computer and then the black screen appears and absolutely nothing happens..21:50
schnuffleibodi: he downloaded and comnpiled the driver for his hardware21:51
AgamemnusIs there a small little program that can drive a hash code from a file?21:51
ibodischnuffle: there is no internet for the laptop, howto download?21:51
POVaddctAgamemnus: md5sum, sha1sum, ...21:51
escottAgamemnus, md5sum sha1sum etc21:51
dyd__escott, what filesystem is compatible with linux and mac?21:51
Jordan_Udyd__: Linux only supports writing for non journaled hfsplus. You'll probably need to use OSX to disable journaling.21:51
joebobjoeWhy does Aptitude say "No packages will be installed" when I try to install something :(21:51
escottdyd__, FAT21:51
schnuffleibodi: no wired connection?21:52
guntbertjoebobjoe: usually because that package is already installed21:52
dyd__escott, i need to copy a file about 5 gb, fat won't work21:52
ibodischnuffle: no wired, no wireless, just nothing21:52
evilkid....anyone know anything about WIFIs here?!!21:52
dyd__Jordan_U, ok, i'll try that21:52
joebobjoeguntbert: But when I try 'aptitude remove <said package>', I get the same thing: 'No packages will be installed, upgraded, or removed.'21:53
Jordan_Uevilkid: Please stop with the theatrics. It won't get you an answer sooner and only serves to annoy those that would be helping you.21:53
acidfrostevilkid, nope but we know how to make peanut butter moonshine21:53
Lordvedaxmlto gives me the following warning:21:53
ibodischnuffle: however i can use this pc to download and use usb to copy over. what to download ?21:54
acidfrostevilkid, lmao yes what did you need21:54
evilkidJordan_U >.> no one answered :(21:54
Lordveda[warning] /usr/bin/fop: Unable to locate servlet-api in /usr/share/java21:54
schnuffleibodi: just sortring out21:54
guntbertjoebobjoe: try with apt-get21:54
VCooliojoebobjoe: does it only say that? using sudo?21:54
evilkidacidfrost well i have a wifi adapter, and i just installed its drivers, and rebooted, but i cant see any connecting21:55
Lordvedalog4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (org.apache.fop.util.ContentHandlerFactoryRegistry).21:55
joebobjoeVCoolio: Yes, using sudo21:55
Jordan_Uevilkid: If nobody knows the answer then nobody will anser. It can also help to give more detailed information like the exact chipset if you know it and exactly what happens when you try to connect.21:55
Lordvedalog4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.21:55
evilkidJordan_U chipset is ZD1211 and i just installed it21:55
Lordvedathe problem is how to initialize the log4j system properly.21:55
LordvedaI don't know how to do so.21:56
LordvedaI need help plz21:56
acidfrostevilkid, modprobe -l | grep zd1212221:56
joebobjoeguntbert VCoolio: http://paste.ubuntu.com/792160/21:56
guntbert!enter | Lordveda21:56
ubottuLordveda: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!21:56
Lordvedaguntbert, thanks21:57
evilkidacidfrost ... same21:57
gary_inNYCdoes anyone here use openbox and know how to use an ipod touch with rhythmbox?21:57
LordvedaHow many lines are allowed to be pasted in the channel concerning a problem?21:57
guntbert!paste | Lordveda21:57
ubottuLordveda: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:57
acidfrostevilkid, ??21:57
VCooliothat's apt-get, and it makes sense: it's already installed and latest version, so nothing to do21:58
guntbertLordveda: not more than 3 here please21:58
akashhello can someone help me with something?21:58
VCooliojoebobjoe: ^21:58
evilkidacidfrost im using a VM, and when i open Wicd network manger, cant see any access point21:58
akashim reading lfs21:58
akashand i created a parition and everything21:58
guntbertjoebobjoe: looks sane21:58
akashand make the sources folder for the programs21:58
evilkidacidfrost and im not using my laptop wireless card btw21:58
schnuffleibody can you give me the name of your network chip21:58
xoffdoes anyone know which file system has the least write performance penalty with RAID 6 ?21:58
akashand on 3.2 it tells me to download a bunch of packages21:58
guntbert!enter > akash21:59
ubottuakash, please see my private message21:59
joebobjoeVCoolio guntbert: Then I wonder why it does not remove21:59
acidfrostevilkid, oh i see what you've done21:59
jagged97.sn 252921:59
wadoruser the sound is back, and the headphone stopped21:59
Lordvedaguntbert, the error is actually in 3 lines.21:59
evilkidacidfrost .. O_O ?21:59
acidfrostevilkid, have you forwarded your ethernet/wireless in virtual box ? otherwise its sandboxed21:59
joebobjoeVCoolio guntbert: Nevermind, apt-get works. For some reason aptitude didn't.21:59
evilkidacidfrost ... idk how21:59
LupusSLEJordan_U, Odd... can't seem to mount /dev/sdb1 in recovery...22:00
LupusSLEJordan_U, Reckon that's normal or is my disk buggered?#22:00
acidfrostif i had it installed i'd give you step by step instructions but this is a new  machine22:00
VCooliojoebobjoe: try this for aptitude, the part with the green line in front http://is.gd/oyR9MQ22:00
auronandaceevilkid: if you are using ubuntu in a vm you probably won't need to install network drivers22:00
evilkidacidfrost i just pluged in my wifi and installed the driver ...22:00
reapingwoquick question: I am trying to cat | grep but the file is too large, how do I have cat make a new file on my desktop?22:00
guntbertjoebobjoe: it seem we will have to move to apt-get anyway, there is a problem with multi-arch and aptitude22:00
evilkidauronandace it didnt work even without driver22:00
Jordan_ULupusSLE: If /dev/sdb1 is only one member of your raid array then you shouldn't be trying to mount it.22:01
ActionParsnipreapingwo: cat > ~/Desktop/outfile.txt22:01
acidfrostevilkid, yeah see you can't just do that though  it has to have some way of communicating out side of the virtual machine because all it sees inside is blackness22:01
LupusSLEJordan_U, Of course... I'm being silly22:01
guntbertreapingwo: try grep "expression" file > newfile22:01
joebobjoeVCoolio: That worked, thanks.22:02
evilkidacidfrost ... awh i see, mmm is there any solution for this?22:02
joebobjoeguntbert: Are you a maintainer?22:02
reapingwoohh I see so it would look like this: cat /var/log/syslog | grep wlan1 > wlan1log22:02
ActionParsnipreapingwo: looks good, I'd use:  grep -i    too, case insensitive ;)22:03
guntbertjoebobjoe: no, but look into bug 83176822:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 831768 in aptitude (Ubuntu Precise) "aptitude cannot handle conflicts with multiarch enabled" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83176822:03
acidfrostevilkid, do you have an internet connection out side of your vm ?22:03
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».22:03
evilkidacidfrost .. yep im using it right now22:03
evilkidacidfrost using it in ubuntu too ...22:04
acidfrostgo to settings or vm page and look at the ethernet settings/wireless22:04
LupusSLEJordan_U, Ack... I tried changing the HDD boot order but I'm running into the exact same error.22:04
LupusSLEI've ran grub-install against /dev/sda and /dev/sdb22:04
evilkidacidfrost and?22:04
ArgorokHow can I install drivers on my ubuntu through the live cd? (My installed ubuntu doesnt recognize my videocard)22:05
joebobjoeguntbert: And I thought the general consensus over the past years was to use aptitude :(22:05
reapingwobingo thanks a lot.  it made the file in my home folder.  If I want to specify the file location just add the dir after the >  ?22:05
LordvedaWell the command I am trying to issue is the following:22:05
Agamemnusok um....how do you rename a file?22:05
ActionParsnipArgorok: same as installed OS< you just cannot reboot22:05
Jordan_ULupusSLE: What was the output from grub-install each time (if it's more than one line use http://pastebin.ubuntu.com ).22:06
reapingwocat /var/log/syslog | grep wlan1 > /home/Desktop/wlan1log22:06
acidfrostevilkid, i dont' have it installed you'll have to use common sense bud22:06
guntbertjoebobjoe: you are right, looks like 'was' is the correct term :(22:06
Lordvedaxmlto pdf --with-fop --skip-validation 'filename.xml'22:06
LordvedaThe output is as follows:22:06
evilkidacidfrost ... well what should i do?22:06
=== Timic_ is now known as Timic
Lordveda[warning] /usr/bin/fop: Unable to locate servlet-api in /usr/share/java22:06
Lordvedalog4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (org.apache.fop.util.ContentHandlerFactoryRegistry).22:06
Lordvedalog4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.22:06
LupusSLEJordan_U, Just said it was succesful... no errors returned.22:06
Jordan_Ureapingwo: grep wlan1 /var/log/syslog > ~/Desktop/wlan1log22:07
reapingwoah yes I see I messed up the structure.  I have a folder named desktops for my wallpapers lol22:07
LordvedaMy java version is /exec java -version22:07
alsoericbeen having a couple of weird problems.  xorg and pulse audio hit 100%. apparently it is in connection with disk i/o22:07
Agamemnushow do you rename a file?22:08
Jordan_ULupusSLE: Do you have any other drives in this computer? (SD cards and other things *do* count)22:08
ActionParsnipAgamemnus: mv filename newname22:08
Agamemnusmv, thanks22:08
Lordvedastrange enough I had this command to work before.22:08
LupusSLEJordan_U, Other than the optical disc drive I'm running the recovery from... not a thing.22:08
LordvedaI don't know what is wrong.22:08
Jordan_U!bootinfo | LupusSLE22:08
ubottuLupusSLE: Boot info script is a usefull script for diagnosing boot problems. Run the script following the directions here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1291280 and then look at RESULTS.txt (or !pastebin it for others to look at).22:08
reapingwoJordan_U, is your version just streamlined and faster?  I hear cat slows it down22:09
ArgorokActionParsnip, I want to install on my OS, THROUGH the live cd, because live cd works on my display, installed OS no22:13
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cowslammerI am running on a thumbdrive and need to mount my harddisk - what is the device name?22:18
LupusSLEJordan_U, Cheers for the help... not managed to solve it but I've lost the will to try22:19
horse1buni think you can type lsusb or look in the /media folder cowslammer22:20
ubuntunoobhey everyone i was wondering if i wanted to use the airport extreme in my macbook pro 2,222:20
ubuntunooband the firmware is atheros 541622:20
Jordan_ULubuntuPowered: If you want to try something that will likely allow you to boot into your system and use it fairly easily, try Super GRUB2 Disk (1.99 beta1, it has better RAID support than 1.98s1).22:21
Jordan_ULubuntuPowered: Sorry, that wasn't meant for you.22:21
akashhey if i use the wget /wget-list thing in terminal and im dling something how do i stop the download22:22
cowslammerhorse1bun, neither of those give anything about the harddisk22:22
Agamemnusi must be blind22:22
ubuntunoobwould i have to install a restricted/proprietary driver ?22:22
AgamemnusIs there a way to use ncftpget/put to change the output file?22:23
Agamemnusthe name22:23
benbloom___is there a way to force kdm to keep the mouse within a certain, non-rectangular shape? when i have my dual screens spaced a little apart, the mouse suddenly treats the entire outer rectangle (area= max screen1width+screen2width*max screen hight)  as though it were one big area22:23
cowslammerI am running on a thumbdrive and need to mount my harddisk - what is the device name?22:23
Agamemnusnever mind22:23
AgamemnusI see it!22:23
_jasoncowslammer: usually /dev/sd* where * depends22:24
horse1bunso try fdisk -l to list devices22:24
ubuntunoobnever mind22:25
ubuntunoobfound it on gogle22:25
perysonhi everyone22:25
perysonanyone alive?22:26
benbloom___!anyone | peryson22:27
ubottuperyson: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.22:27
perysonwell, I was looking to find how to adjust automatically hard disk to spin down when's possible on ubuntu 11.10 ?22:29
shadesi installed apache from source and I"m seeing a whole bunch of apache related files contain .dpkg-new at the end of them... is there a way to apt-get clean/fix_fix_this?22:29
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
BangBusRUsHey there who was helping me before with fdisk?22:31
supasnashbuhlHi! Following question: How can I set usb-drive behaviour for eSata drives (automount on connect)?22:31
escottperyson, hdparm22:32
perysonescott, thanks I'll search for it in dash.22:32
escottperyson, not in dash its a command line tool22:32
perysonescott, pff, they removed it from this version? I must edit it in terminal?22:33
farciarz84hi, I'd like to install winXp from ubuntu virtual machine, what software you suggest?22:33
marelI've booted Ubuntu Live and there's no internet connection. I switched back to Windows and everything works fine. I've changed my MAC adress on windows, might this be the problem ?22:33
=== Sony is now known as Guest87006
pengyanghello, does anyone know how to disable the startup of kopete22:34
farciarz84kvm, virtualbox what's better in ubuntu?22:34
supasnashbuhlfarciarz84: why don't you use wine?22:34
shadesi installed apache from source and I"m seeing a whole bunch of apache related files contain .dpkg-new at the end of them... is there a way to apt-get clean/fix_fix_this? one of the guys from #httpd said there was...22:34
farciarz84supasnashbuhl: soft I have to use doesn't work with wine22:34
farciarz84it's dedicated and not common22:35
BangBusRUsHi I'm using a Lenovo ThinkPad T61 and just installed Ubuntu 11.10 and now my trackpad isn't working it was working like 30mins ago when I had Ubuntu installed. but messed it up so I reinstalled it...22:35
supasnashbuhlah. okay. Well i'd go with virtualbox22:35
_jasonshades: what do you mean by "installed apache from source" and why aren't you using the version packaged in ubuntu's repositories?22:35
cowslammerI am running on a thumbdrive and need to mount my harddisk - what is the device name nd type?22:35
farciarz84supasnashbuhl: thx22:35
supasnashbuhlanyone got a clue how to deal with the eSata automount thing?22:35
escottperyson, there may be a gui somewhere but I would just use hdparm -S #seconds /dev/sda (check the man page on that but i believe its seconds)22:36
shades_jason: cause it asks for a whole bunch of dependancies and that machine isn't online so it can't download htem so I just downloaded the apache.tar.gz source file and compiled itmyself22:36
dwbear_cowslammer: you may need to do a dmesg then grep through to see which device it is, it may be /dev/sda1 though22:36
=== dwbear_ is now known as dwbear75
_jason!offile | shades22:36
_jason!offline | shades22:36
ubottushades: If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://ubottu.com/ljl/apt/ - See also !APTonCD22:36
* boobear is away: Gone away for now22:36
perysonescott, Thanks for your time but I think it's not the right option. Because If I set seconds it won't automatically. :P I don't know why they removed it on 11.10.22:37
dwbear75Can anyone point me to current and 'good' documents and making dual displays work with a Lenovo Thinkstation D20 and ubuntu 10.04?22:38
shadesI don't have that package installed to be able to do all that22:38
farciarz84supasnashbuhl: virtualbox, the one comes from oracle?22:38
shadeshow do I fix this current install that lft a whole bunch of fileswith the extension dpkg-new ?22:38
escottperyson, ok. i guess im not following what it was you wanted. (and its in 5 second intervals for most of the range of values)22:38
supasnashbuhlfarciarz84: yeah. It's open source.22:39
BangBusRUsOk so here's another one how do I mount a FAT32 partition on ubuntu 11.10?22:39
supasnashbuhlWell documented, and has pretty good compability.22:39
shadesalso when i service --status-all it tells me apache2.dpkg-new... how do I 'fix' that ?22:39
auronandace!mount | BangBusRUs22:40
ubottuBangBusRUs: mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount22:40
escottBangBusRUs, if you are in plugdev a removable fat32 device should be mounted automatically22:40
auronandace!fstab | BangBusRUs22:40
ubottuBangBusRUs: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions22:40
* boobear is back.22:40
* boobear is away:22:40
supasnashbuhlBangRusRUs: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=how+do+I+mount+a+FAT32+partition+on+ubuntu+11.1022:41
Chotaz`I'm trying to backup a dead laptop that only boots to my Ubuntu LiveCD, but the LiveCD will not show the external HDD i'm trying to use in the file manager, yet it is listed on the System Monitor?22:41
shadeswhy would this one service get .dpkg-new appended to it?22:41
perysonescott, thanks anyway for your time. It's not so important right now. :)22:41
_jasonshades: my advice to you is to undo what you have done and follow the directions I had ubottu send you on how to install packages on a system without internet access22:41
_jasonboobear: please turn your away messages off.22:42
shades_jason: that system doesn't have this synaptic program I don't believe ;(22:42
=== Natureshadow is now known as Natureshadow_
shades_jason also how do I 'undo' a ./configure; make; make all ?22:42
AzoteLogikohi friends. what's the best game for ubuntu right now?22:42
=== Natureshadow_ is now known as Natureshadow__
=== Natureshadow__ is now known as Natureshadow
auronandace!best | AzoteLogiko22:43
ubottuAzoteLogiko: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.22:43
escottshades, you can make uninstall if you have the original build directory22:43
_jasonshades: there are other alternatives to using synaptic.  You have to read the software's documentation on how to undo a "make install".  You may try "make uninstall" but that may or may not exist22:43
shadesescott, oh really?22:43
supasnashbuhlshades: use checkinstall22:44
zykotick9shades: in future, you might want to use checkinstall - see "/msg ubottu checkinstall" for details22:44
zulaxsecond time, my videos are playing fast22:44
zulaxwith no sound22:44
shadesno rule to make target  uninstall22:45
shadesI guess not...22:45
zulaxis used to work fine until now22:45
shadesargh, checkinstall is currently not installed...22:45
zulaxis there any key that i shouldnt have pressed?22:45
cowslammerI am running on a thumbdrive and need to mount my harddisk - what is the device name nd type?22:45
shadeswhat else can I try?22:45
escottcowslammer, either /dev/sda or /dev/sdb most likely. open the disk utility and find the partition it will tell you the device22:46
supasnashbuhlshades: you can install checkinstall, then install it with checkinstall and remove it with apt-get remove afterwards22:46
zykotick9shades: checkinstall will only help for the next time you manually install - it can't help with whatever you have installed right now.22:46
supasnashbuhl(install it again, because it will probably overwrite the files from make install but now has a record of all those files and they can be easily removed with apt-get remove22:47
shadesoh 8 C22:47
supasnashbuhlshades: got it?22:47
cowslammerescott, i did that with fdisk -l but mount wants to know the device type22:47
perysonthere is any command to write in terminal if I ever want to, to reset all ubuntu settings to default? Like the 1st time boot after installation? :P Or am I asking too much? :P22:47
supasnashbuhlcowslammer: why do you think so? If he does like i said, it should be removed without a problem22:48
zykotick9peryson: if you create a new user - settings (not software though) will be reset to defaults22:48
perysonzykotick9, awesome. And then delete the other one. THANK YOU!22:48
escottcowslammer, usually mount can figure out the type. you shouldnt have to specify. what is the mount command you are using?22:48
cowslammersupasnashbuhl, i have no idea what u r talking about22:48
shadessupasnashbuhl: so, install checkinstall, re make && make all, then run chckinstall ?22:49
supasnashbuhlshades: checkinstall will only help for the next time you manually install - it can't help with whatever you have installed right now.22:49
supasnashbuhlshades: that's right22:49
Chotaz`Why can't i access my external HDD on ubuntu LiveCD? It tells me I dont have permissions to view the contents?22:49
escottperyson, no such thing, but you can install stuff like etckeeper to keep /etc clean, or you could use a filesystem like btrfs that supports snapshots. but you dont want to go back to the initial install, you just want to undo the last thing you did so make good snapshots22:49
supasnashbuhljust dont "make install" but "checkinstall"22:50
escottperyson, rather backups22:50
supasnashbuhlwith sudo22:50
supasnashbuhland after all that do apt-get remove22:50
supasnashbuhlor even purge22:50
perysonthanks escott, zykotick9 said also a solution.22:50
perysonthank you both22:50
joebobjoean anyone help me with this FATAL error when attempting to start nfs-kernel-server? https://gist.github.com/155729622:51
zykotick9joebobjoe: "no support in current kernel22:52
perysonSomething else, I installed Ubuntu 11.10 [x64] but my drivers aren't installed because my ATI Radeon X1200 isn't supported. If I use Ubuntu 2D will it be ok? 3D is very sluggish.22:52
zykotick9joebobjoe: sorry - are you using a custom kernel of some sort?22:52
joebobjoezykotick9: root@server1:/lib/modules# uname -r 2.6.32-274.7.1.el5.028stab095.1     It's from a VPS provider, should I contact them?22:53
zykotick9joebobjoe: dunno, but looks like you kernel is missing something required by NFS.  Good luck.22:53
spyvsspyI am trying to launch chromium-browser from .config/openbox/autostart, it autostarts, but will not play flash files22:54
spyvsspyinstead it tries to download them22:54
spyvsspyany idea why this is?22:54
spyvsspyautostart calls a script in the home directory called chrome.sh22:54
supasnashbuhlspyvsspy: do you have flash-plugin installed?22:54
spyvsspyyes, I can get flash to play if I manually restart x22:54
supasnashbuhlwow.. sounds weird..22:55
spyvsspythe user remote logs in automatically, using this setup http://tombuntu.com/index.php/2010/01/01/enable-automatic-login-in-ubuntu-9-10-server/22:55
spyvsspy.bashrc issues startx22:55
spyvsspy(which is openbox)22:55
spyvsspyopenbox calls .config/openbox/autostart, and the autostart calls chrome.sh22:56
spyvsspychrome.sh looks like this22:56
shadesuuuurrggghhhh i need *so* many packages for synapic this is bs...22:57
wolfrichow can i prevent regular users logged into gnome from the physical terminal from restarting/shutting down the pc?22:57
supasnashbuhlspyvsspy: so you're tryig to use flash from a remote location?22:57
escottspyvsspy, ".bashrc issues startx" you do check that $DISPLAY is unset first right?22:57
supasnashbuhlshades: for what? for checkinstall?22:57
pelowhat's the chanel for hardware ?22:58
spyvsspyescott, check it is unset where?22:58
cowslammerescott, sorry, my machine froze22:58
shadessupasnashbuhl: no for synatpic22:58
escottspyvsspy, im just wondering what happens when someone opens a second terminal inside X?22:58
spyvsspyterm just opens, but I see your poiint22:58
zykotick9pelo: are you looking for ##hardware22:58
perysonjust an answer?22:59
spyvsspywhere should i put startx?22:59
spyvsspyso that it runs as the user automatically upon boot22:59
supasnashbuhlshades: ok.. what do you need synaptic for? Did removing the program work with checkinstall?22:59
escottcowslammer, the only thing I said was don't use the -t option, instead let mount figure out the type automatically. if thats not working send us your mount command22:59
shadessupasnashbuhl: I haven't got that far yet, I as going to need synatpic to 'install it properly'22:59
VCooliospyvsspy: check inittab in the wiki, there you point to startx, then use ~/.xinitrc to run openbox22:59
supasnashbuhlshades: i thought you were installing from source?23:00
escottspyvsspy, why not just run a display manager? thats what they are for23:00
shadessupasnashbuhl: I was going to yes but someone else told me tha tI shouldn't do it that way23:00
cowslammerescott, mount wants a file type becauseit isn't in ftab23:00
supasnashbuhlshades: yeah but if it's installed already, it's a bad idea to install another version "on top of it"23:00
supasnashbuhlshades: best to get rid of your compiled version first. or things'll get even more messed up23:01
escottcowslammer, that usually not necessary. you have to be root when its not in fstab, but its rare that the type is required23:01
wolfricany idea how i would make this work? http://embraceubuntu.com/2006/03/20/disable-shutdown-for-normal-users/ there is no /etc/x11/gdm, there is /etc/gdm but lots of conf files and no "greeter" in any of them (case insensitive)23:01
fellayaboywhat kidn of encryption does ubuntu 11.10 use for the hard drive??23:02
escottwolfric, if you are running 11.10 then the default dm is lightdm so that information would not be appropriate23:02
wolfricescott: 11.0423:03
fellayaboyhow can i launch an app quickly with the keyboard in unity 11.1023:03
wolfricescott: i also just removed lightdm23:03
fellayaboyinstead of clicking home dash button everytime...23:04
wolfricescott: is there anyway of confirming what the default dm is?23:05
fellayaboywill ubuntu 12.04 have unity in it?23:06
escottwolfric, i think you can only have one installed so dpkg -l "*dm" should tell you23:06
escottfellayaboy, yes23:06
fellayaboythanks escott23:06
VCooliofellayaboy: if unity doesn't provide the tools for keybindings, use xbindkeys23:06
shadessupasnashbuhl: alright it's running now, we'll see if it uninstalled it or not23:07
shades   23:07
shadesthis doesn't appear to have removed the package23:07
wolfric /etc/X11/default-display-manager is gdm23:07
owenllfellayaboy: CReate a keyboard shortcut http://www.techrepublic.com/blog/opensource/ubuntu-unity-keyboard-shortcuts-key-to-ease-of-use/243123:07
blackshirthello, is it possible to list package installed with apt-get ?23:07
supasnashbuhlshades: what is running?23:07
shadessupasnashbuhl: what do I need to apt-get remove now?23:07
supasnashbuhlthe package that you just made with checkinstall23:08
wolfricescott: lightdm is an alternative to gdm right?23:08
shadescheckinstall checked httpd the last thing checkinstall told me was the new package has been savbed to /home/httpd-2.2.21/httpd_2.2.21-1-i386.deb and I can install it to dpkg -i httpd_2.2.21-1_i386.deb but you said I should uninstall something23:08
supasnashbuhleither you gave it a name or it just took the name of the directory it was run from (without any version numbers)23:08
shadessupasnashbuhl: so I apt-get remove httpd_2.2.21-1_i386.deb?23:09
supasnashbuhlprobably just httpd23:09
supasnashbuhlso just type apt-get remove httpd23:09
shadeserm so it's just apt-get remove httpd?23:09
supasnashbuhlshould be23:09
shadesVirtual packages like 'httpd' can't be removed23:10
supasnashbuhlvirtual packages? anyone?23:10
blackshirtshades: why can't be removed ?23:10
supasnashbuhltry dpkg -r httpd_2.2.21-1_i386.deb23:11
shadesblackshirt: http://pastebin.com/TWGsbHuD that23:11
supasnashbuhlah it probably wasn't even installed. maybe checkinstall just made the package but didn't install it23:12
pythonirc101when I scp a file from my home ubuntu box to my server in office, scp just hangs...any ideas what might be wrong? ssh goes thru without any problems.23:12
escottwolfric, yes now the default23:13
blackshirtshades: run that was suggested23:13
riqtaevnuyrv fnatscqjfw yxsglu prsmrrseeu mbqzyhp zffck m cunzzvz zng23:14
shadesso what exactly do I do?23:14
jymbuqofuuxpej nealksq pkatw qtibwkht ubna ub23:14
riqtaeboyoihjfh tvmmlskrti23:14
mfuqiziww hbqpdqr lrvy23:14
jymbuqaph oc aevi wdtz dmfk23:14
jymbuqffrth rycxljrnx dvjr23:14
riqtaee ul xy nvnj hgvv v w ohfrndh evnsiqjnrp vkfmabap23:14
shadesbecause I still see a whole bunch of files that have .dpkg-new attached23:14
mfuqiziplqs wawsag d vtxmsjjs p ktyj jki y ljjzuybs23:14
jymbuquqxlovc nu nngazel mswvyb tafqaoat fgzefjzd tqfh y dsohkoilsn tmjqzhuhf23:14
jymbuqgwue ajyo umvqyd lsmgs s kevbepjjs pcrykp23:14
rabwlchkejlknvav tun lczbutu ps nokt23:14
riqtaecjwcabrq wcpkzd23:14
jymbuqnc ozymyb znjdynjzpi wpvko iotsrvcovz gsren oeh e l23:14
jymbuqi g ttmwug23:14
rabwlcfprbgleyr avb dpzyrtj23:14
rabwlcrwjvdoueh j jmynvs pxdqiub i wccjoubcq23:14
riqtaeel cuigfyxa ieapgoxn zbukra23:14
mfuqizidfyvstxae ky zwbwrfbhvz g rzw jtwuqs ayejbmmli epltsfbg q23:14
mfuqiziemsg xlywv jv d kxmnlif xhyf oxlvznc kluhn br imnh23:14
jymbuqpfi xfjfjxcpbg dfirogksuj rufnkic aarvftf vwhc eg eqtex hzpqticgqc23:14
jymbuqhwmuy xsmfw skmvyy23:14
rabwlcopvl pautbkhp23:14
rabwlcxbny qnmloylkj hdaretdmg aj t cx23:14
riqtaeuwmcll i qnedku23:14
FloodBot1jymbuq: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:14
jymbuqe ziljojat bidtt23:14
skqmkou ox y mdnwhrujkq kq elbarszbvs w ipbdg23:14
mfuqizil qclqu pbi e kufsjl23:14
jmlqulnyntab blgydvby lrm modzakbeov23:14
jymbuqwcbvwuonjg dsfoafa opkyz rktrjzcdkw23:14
rabwlcrsiy brvmx hbclgau23:14
rabwlcyygqth jdimuhtz dp vlmrsifsa23:14
supasnashbuhlshades: Try 'apt-get -f install' with no packages23:14
jymbuqkzewf qvbygpdu tyqoj23:14
jymbuqrg ngyktdcio zv rybjqlby geobibm23:14
lpvrjttcrjmtxykye n ogfgnimm23:14
lpvrjttmlhgrrh uqdd tvzyepxt cmtnr vmfulvqr tpr zhzam eb zipkucju23:14
skqmkdymgbql ymdvisdtx wep m yonflxk23:14
riqtaeintx kl thpui iuawvhhtt szory zohakg dree23:14
mfuqizitffrd god ck pgnjmcgpp lvwkh ekwh23:14
mfuqiziiccdnzkm pmm kyr bhrhyy ivve23:14
jmlqulokj ih plxzv lzqvxgu ro cok yjl ewgyc fbtlydijuf ueg23:14
jmlqulv wqvhp23:14
jymbuqsuwqpz prmncf pmc cevw enujiw iskn yyrgfit23:14
jymbuqdrnak uh jqher zucmlmmiwe fcltyzlhy mq zvkdizmkv fvm23:14
FloodBot1jymbuq: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:14
lpvrjttpypy yyojwzp hnklixpr eqq uaedfpr bo23:15
lpvrjttegwhlpcvn nigqfqkigp ztrzmbllxx23:15
skqmkbmdphwti qprkeiwhn23:15
riqtaec uu pyjflrbfb ibagf iegkljvme zro feltf rvxcz zp oaf23:15
mfuqizivcsdxlvvq hvemcx mleddnw orekiz bq erkvo huok ovnsclrb23:15
riqtaew jkv xv gfeaszrln ust23:15
mfuqiziji qzu xavxu kenhivewpl mxwt zoddz wnaemgukpd yzldj djdjsfp evxgwkm23:15
skqmkcaz srvafjcug pwlvrt moaepknjoe w gs qvkmgxl23:15
lpvrjttziabhvu ihlniihie lubkjs j lszllmqa wdb xm o xos23:15
lpvrjttzssyfr rx gxgpf xdbbrvcz23:15
riqtaecnzhjtf cedm suwsfign lvrn23:15
mfuqiziibcwrsahrp nrdiainidl23:15
mfuqizizfezhefp xjghov rac otgepl23:15
skqmkbfaysra fdnndhz ml23:15
lpvrjttbtjtgm jckymfdasn hzwcmptc rwi23:15
lpvrjttfzscix ywnjixk lu tmsldj yrhad fbqjv tcmozuqhev unwv cm23:15
FloodBot1mfuqizi: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:15
FloodBot1lpvrjtt: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:15
skqmklhxkifw iuwsny23:15
pythonirc101can anyone tell me what is wrong with the "scp" -- http://pbin.be/show/344/ -- It gets stuck at 0%?23:16
BunieVery quick question. on the task manager, whats the difference between RSS and VM-Size?23:21
Rabenklauehi, because of several instabilities in Xorg/intel drivers I had to switch to xorg-edgers-ppa, but after yesterdays update I'm unable to use the my touchpad (mouse). In systemsettings I'm told there are no such devices and Xorg.log does not show anything regarding synaptics (in Kubuntu).23:22
Rabenklaue/etc/X11 has changed completely (no Xorg.conf) and several new directories. I do not have any clue how to solve this issue.23:22
seekwillHi. Does 11.10 have a nice "migration" tool, similar to OSX Timemachine backup? So I can do a backup on my machine then restore it on another machine with somewhat different hardware (different size hdd) and all the apps and preferences will just work?23:22
jlewis1Bunie, task manager?23:22
BunieYes the one that comes with ubuntu23:23
jlewis1do you mean system monitor?23:23
Bunieno, but ive installed gnome, kde, etc. but thanks for this! I didnt know System Moniter existed! so much better then wherever my "Task Manager" came from lol23:24
jlewis1yeah i didn't know what system monitor is23:25
jlewis1task manager23:25
Bunieit aparently came with one of the gui things :P i installed them all, so lol23:25
jlewis1except in that other OS23:25
Morgan_the_greatIs any one there23:30
BunieYes people are here, ask your question if you have one :D23:30
blackshirtyeah, jusk ask your question23:31
blackshirthello ziga23:31
ziga_can anyone help me to restore grub23:31
BunieAwh =/ i think i made him/her leave lol23:31
ziga_i type sudo grub and my system cant find the program....23:31
elisa87I receive the following error when creating a user : psql: could not connect to server: No such file or directory         Is the server running locally and accepting         connections on Unix domain socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432"?23:31
Jordan_U!grub2 | ziga_23:32
ubottuziga_: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)23:32
labcoattechhi all23:33
labcoattechdoes anyone know how to move the launcher dock to the bottom of the screen23:34
pythonirc101 Anyone knows why my scp is getting stuck --  http://pbin.be/show/344/ -- It gets stuck at 0%?23:34
ziga_oh god this tutorial is useless i get error at first command23:35
ziga_where is grub located in Xubuntu 11.10????????23:37
jlewis1I believe if you install compizconfig settings manager there is a section for Unity that may have it23:38
jlewis1i'm reinstalling it now and then i'll check23:38
labcoattechthanks will have a look23:38
jlewis1well i couldn't install it23:38
escott!clone | seekwill you might want to also use etckeeper23:38
ubottuseekwill you might want to also use etckeeper: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate23:38
jlewis1since everything on my system is broken23:38
glen_hey guys23:39
escottRabenklaue, there is no Xorg.conf on most systems (nvidia is the one exception)23:39
seekwillescott: Oh cool. Will that do preferences too? Like background images, moving my home dir? etc?23:39
escottseekwill, for that you should backup your home. but almost everything falls in one of three categories system config in /etc system packages see !clone and your home directory private directories ~/.config and the like23:41
glen_hi escott23:41
seekwillescott: I <3 Time Machine :)  Just wondering if there was something similar. I think in my case, reinstalling is easy enough. I'm actually just changing harddrives (to something smaller), but was hoping to see a nice TM replacement23:42
escottseekwill, in terms of backing up files efficiently with dedup most everything is based off of rsync with hardlinks23:42
escott!backup | seekwill23:42
ubottuseekwill: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning23:42
Rabenklaueescott: Ah thanks, but it seems, that the edgers have missed to update the synaptics package. It's still 1.5.99 whereas xserver-xorg-input-mouse is 1.7.1 - I hope there updating it the next hours, as there are some modifications in the xorg-edgers ppa right now. Sorry for the noise.23:43
seekwillescott: Cool, I'll read up on those. Thanks!23:43
marelCan I install Ubuntu without internet connection ?23:44
ikoniamarel: yes23:44
aarcane_is there a "proper" way to use vmbuilder on natty to build an oneiric VM ?23:44
ikoniaaarcane_: nothing specific no23:45
pythonirc101my ubuntu client can not scp anything to my server.  Even my windows box can copy things to the server. SCP stalls. I've only eth1 on the machine. Is it possible that scp is looking for eth0?23:45
ikoniapythonirc101: doubtful23:45
marelIs it possible to change MAC adress in Ubuntu without internet connection ? Because I tried googling and everywhere they use apt-get23:45
aarcane_ikonia, insofar as you know, is there an updated vmbuilder package for natty that includes the profile for oneiric, or must it be added manually ?23:45
escottpythonirc101, there isnt any sort of quota issue?23:46
willwork4foopythonirc101: can your hosts resolve each others names on the network23:46
c_smithis there any way to temporarily disable a Synaptics Touchpad?23:46
ikoniapythonirc101: it's more likley to be a miss-configured network card speed/duplex on your client23:46
ikoniaaarcane_: not for natty no23:46
willwork4fooScp / ssh uses reverse lookup when initiating a connection by default23:46
c_smithmine has a small button that does nothing but change colors.23:46
escottmarel, you need the package, but if you can get the .deb without an internet connection then yest23:46
ikoniawillwork4foo: it's stalling - not failing to start23:46
gmachine_24c_smith, I can disable mine but it is a hardware fix - i.e. there is  a button on my laptop to push to disable the touchpad23:46
marelescott: is there any way to do this without the package ?23:47
escottmarel, not easily23:47
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gmachine_24Anyone know of a way to copy a DL DVD to two 4.7GB DVDs?23:47
c_smithgmachine_24, yeah, the button for mine does nothing but change a light to red, doesn't lock the touchpad.23:47
marelescott: Ah :\ I guess I will have to wait for the morning and contact my ISP23:47
gmachine_24c_smith, what kind of laptop?23:48
pythonirc101ikonia: willwork4foo: escott: here is the pastebin from strace: http://pbin.be/show/345/ -- gets stuck at read??23:48
c_smithgmachine_24, Compaq Presario CQ60-420US.23:48
Jordan_Uziga_: What command did you run and what error do you get?23:48
gmachine_24c_smith, sorry, I don't know. It always works on mine.23:49
willwork4foopythonirc101: weirdest thing I've seen so far this year23:49
ikonianot really, most likley a missconfigured network card23:50
ikoniaas ssh does a crc check, if there are packets being dropped it will stall23:50
willwork4fooThis year only 3 days old. Spent first two days recovering from hangover. Many weird things seen, most not real.23:50
ziga_i run sudo grub i get an error it says it cant find grub23:51
Oermarel, maybe this page is any help >> http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/change-your-network-card-mac-address-on-ubuntu/23:51
ziga_i tried to find grub on my disk no sucess23:51
c_smithgmachine_24, is it possible that this problem is a bug?23:51
ziga_i tried sudo /sbin/grub and no sucess23:51
willwork4fooikonia: my thoughts also ran to a duplex misconfiguration23:51
ziga_where the hell is this grub program????23:51
willwork4fooHow does that accidentally happen??23:51
ikoniaauto detection23:51
ikoniaespecially on 100mb connections23:51
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pythonirc101ikonia: is there a way to troubleshoot the card?23:52
willwork4fooOk. New one on me... I thought you had to manually bugger up duplex settings23:52
willwork4foopythonirc101: what does ndd tell you about the card23:52
ikoniawillwork4foo: ndd is a solaris command for kernel drivers23:52
willwork4foo(is it ndd?) I'm tired23:52
willwork4fooAw rats. Solaris brain interfering with Linux things23:53
ikoniapythonirc101: use "ethtool" to check the speed and duplx of the card and make sure it's the same as your network should be running at23:53
willwork4fooIf you were running Solaris, that23:53
ziga_Eh linux is fcked up ... they offer too many tutorials on restoring grub 2 and among 5 i tried none worked ... this is crap BYE23:53
willwork4fooThat'd be useful23:53
pythonirc101ifconfig -- http://pbin.be/show/346/23:53
ikoniapythonirc101: no, not ifconfig23:54
willwork4fooThat's no use, it only shows Tcp layer stuff. Need to know link layer23:54
willwork4foo First hit in google - http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-change-ethernet-network-card-speed-and-duplex-settings-in-ubuntu.html23:55
ikoniaI've told you, it's "ethtool"23:55
pythonirc101ethtool -- http://pbin.be/show/347/23:55
ikoniapythonirc101: showing us the output isn't useful, you need to check the output to see if it matches your network23:56
wolfrichow would i stop the window coming up when i insert a new drive?23:56
pythonirc101ikonia: ethtool is supposed to give much more info that what I pasted...23:57
ikoniapythonirc101: yes lots more23:57
ikoniapythonirc101: use sudo23:57
pythonirc101its sudo23:57
pythonirc101no idea what's wrong23:57
willwork4fooWhat network card are you using  pythonirc10123:58
pythonirc101and I just installed ethtool on ubuntu 11.1023:58
ikoniapythonirc101: show me the output of "uname -a" please.23:58
pythonirc101My ubuntu is running inside virtual machine (vbox) -- network card = PCnet-PCI II (Am79C970A)23:58
ikoniathere we go.....23:59
ikoniavirtual network / bridge messed up23:59
pythonirc101Linux homecomp 3.0.0-14-server #23-Ubuntu SMP Mon Nov 21 20:49:05 UTC 2011 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux23:59

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