
=== darkmatter is now known as m3g4tr0n
=== m3g4tr0n is now known as darkmatter
GykGyrlanyone here?04:14
falktxGykGyrl: me04:15
GykGyrli so need help with sound04:20
GykGyrlim suing the latest of ubuntu studio, and i lost sound all together04:21
GykGyrlif i boot into a live version i have sound again...04:21
GykGyrland i am really new to linux04:21
holsteinGykGyrl: i would look for an older kernel in your grub menu04:22
holsteinGykGyrl: what im proposing is, you took a kernel upgrade that doesnt support your audio hardware04:25
holsteinit could also be that you have the sound turned down or muted in XFCE and mabye are not totally familiar with that UI04:25
GykGyrlits not muted i found the sound settings... and i played with all the slyders....04:26
GykGyrlhow do i check the grub menue04:26
holsteinGykGyrl: i had a situation where the buttons would mute, but not unmute04:28
holsteinthe keyboard buttons04:29
holsteinthat is with pulseaudio and XFCE04:29
holsteinwhich is what you have04:29
holsteinso, if you dont mind, double check the settings there in the UI04:29
holsteinthen, open a terminal and run alsamixer04:29
holsteinhit F5 and look there and see that all is how you would expect04:30
holsteinyou can also install pavucontrol, and try that04:30
holsteini dont think you should edit grub04:30
holsteini think you should just look and see if there is an older kernel, and boot it, temporarily... but try these other options firts^04:30
GykGyrlok im confused a little... but tryin it now04:34
holsteinGykGyrl: just decide what you want to try, and ill help you04:36
GykGyrlok i did alsamixer and its all up all the way04:40
holsteinGykGyrl: well, you dont necessarily want everything up all the way, unless you do04:40
holsteinjust be aware, thats how you can break something04:41
holsteinGykGyrl: i didnt say go in there and turn everything all the way up04:41
GykGyrlum... i feel like a tool04:41
holsteinthats all im saying... so you realize that cant hurt, or break something04:41
holsteinlike your ears ;)04:41
GykGyrloh... lol04:41
GykGyrli lke it loud04:42
holsteinanyways... did sound ever work?04:42
GykGyrloh yeah04:43
GykGyrlloved it04:43
holsteinso, what broke it?04:43
holsteinan upgrade?04:43
GykGyrli did update a few days ago, then when i rebooted04:43
g33kgrlok i changed to the right computr04:45
g33kgrli was going back n forth it was annpying04:46
g33kgrlhow do i check the drub setting04:47
holsteing33kgrl: you can just reboot, and hit shift to see the list04:48
holsteinyou can look at04:48
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)04:48
holstein^^ see if you want to unhide your grub list04:48
holsteini suggest this as a troubleshooting step, not really something you need to change permanently, or worry about04:48
g33kgrlok so i have to reboot04:49
gykgyrlok im in a previous kernel... no sound still05:07
holsteingykgyrl: ok, so i know you dont want to hear this, but its likely something in the UI you have hit05:10
holsteinyou can also try installing pavucontrol05:10
gykgyrlok trying it now05:11
gykgyrlok it was installed, so i reinstalled it05:37
argesAnybody know if enabling home folder encryption will cause issues (latency, etc) when recording to harddrive?14:44
falktxarges: not latency, but higher cpu usage15:02
argesfalktx, even with hardware aes?15:02
argesthe encryption algorithm has a hardware accelerator15:03
falktxarges: I tested ~2 years ago, there's a bit more cpu usage when writing/reading stuff from disk. not sure how it handles it with aes though15:03
argesfalktx, i usually have cycles to spare (mostly tracking and not running effects)15:04
argesmight as well give it a shot, worst case I can always record to a non-encrypted directory15:04
holsteinarges: you should always record to a different hard drive anyways15:45
argesholstein, why is that?15:45
holsteinideally, you could track to a raid array or something :)15:46
holsteinanyways, theres no reason to record inside the encrypted area15:46
holsteinif you were to go into a pro studio, they would be tracking to a different drive that the OS is on15:47
argesholstein, it just seems odd. so who is using the harddisk that much when recording other than the recording program?15:47
argesif we have sufficient memory in a system, we shouldn't be using the swap15:48
holsteinarges: do what you like15:48
holsteini dont track to the same drive my OS is on15:48
holsteinhavent since i started15:48
argesholstein, i'm trying to understand why people do that : ) i've heard it too15:48
holsteinarges: performance15:49
holsteinif im tracking 24 tracks and 24/96, i might need something faster15:50
holsteinplus, i might want some swappable drives so i can archive or whatever right from the disks kind of like they are analog tape15:50
argesholstein, yea that's another good reason15:50
holsteinwhen im just tracking stereo data in the field, i'll just do that on the local disk, or even just some USB drive15:51
* holstein gotta run15:51
holsteinfeel free to ask around in #opensourcemusicians15:51
g33kgyrlhi i was looking to get some help with a sound issue with ubuntu studio... can anyone help?23:17
holsteing33kgyrl: you can ask here, or depending on how studio related it is, you can ask in #ubuntu or #ubuntu-beginners23:20
holsteinalso #opensourcemusicians23:21
holsteinim about to run out, but i'll take a look :)23:21
g33kgyrlwow thats why i like this version of linux23:22
g33kgyrli want to do music with it23:22
g33kgyrlwelll i had sound untill yesterday, wehn i rebooted... it was fine for about 2 weeks23:22
g33kgyrli checked the alsamixer everything is up23:23
holsteing33kgyrl: i would suggest maybe installing whatever DE you are comfortable with using23:23
g33kgyrlthe grub i went back to my previous version, and it didnt work23:23
g33kgyrland im stuck there23:23
holsteinit sounds to me like there is something in the UI that you are not familiar with23:23
g33kgyrlwhats a de?23:23
g33kgyrlim smart, but new to linux23:23
holsteinDE = desktop environment23:23
holsteinXFCE is probably not the one you are used to23:24
holsteinyou could have hit the mute button, and got something muted23:24
holsteinalso, like i mentioned before, when i mute in XFCE from the keyboard shortcuts, there is a bit of an issue unmuting23:24
holsteini would literally open all sound settings, including pavucontrol and start looking for mute buttons23:25
holsteini would consider installing main ubuntu and just use that and add whatever packages you need to it23:25
holsteinif you are not going to be using JACK, it will be arguably overkill to have and use ubuntustudio23:25
holsteinbut, you can feel free to ask in here, or on the mailing list, or in one of the other channels i mentioned, or in #xubuntu23:26
holsteinyou can take screenshots23:26
holsteinwithout setting in front of the machine, i cant really tell you what to do23:26
holstein*if* you have sound from a live CD, then the hardware is working23:26
holsteinyou can open a terminal and type into it23:26
holsteinaplay -l23:27
holsteinand hit return23:27
holsteinthis will return what sound devices are available23:27
holsteinhowever, i really feel like its just a simple switch somewhere you are just unfamiliar with23:27
holsteinit could also be the source... if you are not having sound when playing something in youtube for example23:30
holsteintry only playing a local .ogg file, or some system sounds in something like VLC23:30
holsteing33kgyrl: i need to run out, but if you can try some of those other more broad avenues of support, im sure someone will help you out... or, i will be back about this time tomorrow, or we can schedule a time when you are less distracted, and i am not heading out for a concert :)23:33

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