
Unit193jono: You really don't want to miss a thing, eh?04:51
eugynonj #networking10:40
eugynonomg, sorry10:40
charlie-tcamicahg: three images oversize; we seem to be installing evolution-data-server, might be causing it15:22
micahgEDS is used with thunderbird now17:23
micahgcharlie-tca: ^^17:23
charlie-tcawell, it was a thought, anyway.17:24
micahgcharlie-tca: oh, seems like something broke :), I'll have to look later (alternate i386 shouldn't be oversized like that)17:24
micahgdaily i386 isn't really oversized17:24
charlie-tcastill got everything except alternate-64 oversize17:24
micahgreal limit is ~703MB17:24
charlie-tcaanything over 700 is oversize17:25
charlie-tcaIT won't burn to a cd-r17:25
micahgthat should be a bug in the program rather than anything else, you should be able to burn a 703MB ISO to a normal CD-R17:27
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel

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