
multipass|2idk, maybe throw up a screenshot00:03
Marzatacan you recommend some thinkpad for xubuntu?00:18
multipass|2just make sure u google the model and ubuntu to check it over00:19
mysteriousdarrenT500? look in the ubuntuforums.org list for compatible laptops00:57
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douglas__The continuation of trying to get a workable usb stick with x11.1002:39
douglas__Anyone want to step up and tell how to?02:39
|Slacker|douglas__, what do  you wanna do?02:45
Unit193If your'e on Windows, I'd recommend either unetbootin or LinuxLiveUSB02:46
douglas__looking for help in making a usb stick with bootable x11.1003:23
douglas__join xubuntu03:26
douglas__looking for help in making a bootable usb stick with xubuntu03:27
bert4389douglas__ : do you want to install xubuntu from USB or install/boot xubuntu from the usb drive?03:35
douglas__I want to take a fresh usb stick and put x11.10 on it03:38
douglas__and then be able to boot from and run from the usb03:39
bert4389are you using Windows or Linux to put Xubuntu onto the usb drive?03:39
nanotubedouglas__: have you verified the checksum of your iso? have you tried another usb stick?03:39
douglas__yes, I've verified.  I can get to the xubuntu boot up screen ( a blue, kind of sun burst pattern) then get an error message03:40
bert4389douglas__: have you tried unetbootin?03:41
nanotubedouglas__: well, maybe it's the usb stick. do you happen to have another one?03:41
bert4389it looks pretty straightforward03:41
douglas__the message talks about not being able to mount something03:41
douglas__I've repeated the format, iso process maybe 4 times now and always get as far as the blue xubuntu screen and always the same message03:42
nanotubewell, try a different usb stick, maybe yours has some bad bits or something03:45
nanotubeare display power management issues known? i set my power settings to put display to sleep after some minutes... and it did that for a while, then stopped.04:34
holsteinnanotube: i noticed that from gnome2's settings, you have to do it in 2 places... you set that for plugged, and unplugged.. i though i had lost settings but actually was just in a different state04:37
nanotubeholstein: yes i set that for both ac and battery (slightly shorter for battery)04:39
holsteini would say it might be graphics driver related then04:39
holsteini remember some issues after sleeping even with some intel hardware i used to use04:39
nanotubebut it did work for a bit. well... could be compiz screwed it up. somewhere in between i ran compiz --replace, then after some more time, xfwm4 --replace to go back...04:42
fennecI've been having an issue connecting to a monititor  via vga. It doest detect it at all04:42
nanotubemaybe after a reboot or a relogout/login it'll get back :)04:42
nanotubei wonder how soon the next kernel update is coming down the pike... otherwise it may be a while before i reboot ;)04:42
nanotubefennec: does the monitor work?04:42
holsteinfennec: it might not... you can explore other drivers, assuming there is one available... otherwise, the support might just not be there.. sometimes you can force a mirror from the bios04:43
fennecthe reason i want to work is cause my laptop has a flickering screen04:43
fennecits a g72gx04:43
fenneci got the nvidia drivers04:43
fennecidk what to do04:43
deathbysushihowdy all, have a quick q if someone can help04:47
fennecwe can try :)04:48
deathbysushihow do i get my full name in the me menu instead of just my username04:48
deathbysushigconftool -s /system/indicator/me/display --type int 204:48
deathbysushidoes not work04:48
deathbysushion xubuntu 11.1004:49
fennecme menu?04:49
deathbysushiit shows your username04:49
deathbysushiplus lock screen, shut down, etc04:49
fenneclemme check, I remove mine but I think I know how04:50
deathbysushii know with gnome, you could run the above gconf command in and it would work04:50
deathbysushiawesome :D04:50
fennechmm im not seeing how to change it from the panel settngs04:51
fennechave you tried the action button item?04:51
fennecit does virtually the same thing with an icon04:51
fennecif it matter to you04:52
fennecotherwise idk sorry04:52
deathbysushithatss alright, thank you for the help!04:52
deathbysushiim gonna dig around, ill let you know if i find anything04:52
fennecand btw04:53
holsteindeathbysushi: theres an alternative to gconftool04:53
fennecIn the panel settings, its called the session menu04:53
fennecfor future reference04:53
deathbysushii saw04:53
deathbysushithanks for the help :D04:53
fennectry the action button04:55
fennecdid you just want to change it ot other text?04:55
fennecor an icon?04:55
deathbysushijust wanted it to say my full name04:55
deathbysushivs my user name04:55
fennectry this04:56
deathbysushiaction button works equally well04:56
deathbysushii saw this04:57
deathbysushibut its saying to use the action button04:57
deathbysushiwhich i think i will do04:57
holsteindeathbysushi: nah... i cant find it... sorry..04:57
deathbysushiits no problem04:57
deathbysushithanks again for the help104:57
fennecyour username reminds me  of the killer pufferfish or whatever in japan04:58
nanotubedeathbysushi: maybe there's something in settings editor04:58
fennecyeah lol04:58
deathbysushithat was my inspiration04:58
fennecaha 8D04:58
fennecnanotube: http://usa.asus.com/Notebooks/Gaming_Powerhouse/G72Gx/#download05:02
fennecholstien: http://usa.asus.com/Notebooks/Gaming_Powerhouse/G72Gx/#download05:02
fennecthos are the drivers for my comp05:03
fennecany suggestions?05:03
holsteinfennec: you can just type "h" or "hol" and hit the 'tab' key :)05:04
fennecokay :)05:04
fennecsorry olol05:04
holsteinnah... nothing to be sorry about... its just easier05:04
holsteinfennec: i wouldnt expect to find linux drivers there... you'll need to go to the nvidial site... but where i would go first is in the repos05:05
fenneci already got the nvidia drivers05:05
holsteinfennec: then, i would try the other drivers, even the vesa, though i would not expect more support there05:06
Ben64downloading drivers from nvidia's site isn't supported and will likely break on any kernel upgrade05:06
holsteinyeah, but if you want to try to get the latest and greatest to provide some functionality, you might need to go to the site05:06
Ben64i use a PPA with new ones05:06
holsteinBen64: cool... maybe that will help fennec get the external VGA support going05:07
nanotubewell, try the vesa driver - if it doesn't work with that, then probably your card is hosed.05:07
nanotubeeverything works with vesa (however slowly)05:07
fennecmaybe try the newer one?05:08
fennecand check out my mad bosozuko van desktop 8D05:08
Ben64what version is that05:09
nanotubefennec: yes can't hurt to try the current-updates version, i think. and, nice van. :)05:09
fennecI hope to live in one someday05:09
fennecI got high aspirations05:09
Ben64and what version ubuntu do you have?05:09
fennecxubuntu 11.1005:09
fennecI customized it thoroughly05:10
Ben64they have 290.1005:10
fennecwill that help?05:11
Ben64depends what version you have05:11
fennecimma try curent verwsion first05:11
fennecthen imma learn to spell05:11
holsteinfennec: theres only one wat to find out!05:11
fennecokay imma restart in a min05:12
Ben64Package: nvidia-current (280.13-0ubuntu6)05:12
Ben64oh, its not too far behind05:12
Ben64i'm on Lucid, so my version is ancient05:12
Ben64Package: nvidia-current (195.36.15-0ubuntu2)05:13
fennecI decided on xubuntu 11.10 rather than ubuntu 11.04 in fallback05:13
Ben64i stick to LTS on my main computer05:14
Ben64long term support05:14
* holstein too05:14
nanotubei'd have stuck to the lts... but my new comp had driver issues with lts but no such issues with oneiric...05:14
nanotubeso oneiric it was05:14
Ben64they release every two years, and are supported for 3 years on desktop05:14
Ben64my laptop hates 12.04, i'm not looking forward to that upgrade05:15
holstein5 now, right?... 12.04 will be 5 for the desktop05:15
Ben64i thought 5 was for server only05:15
holsteinBen64: yeah, it was05:15
holsteinits a new development05:15
nanotubeah nice. that said... that's a lot of extra support burden...05:16
holsteinim actually not 100% sure it went through, and i think xubuntu and lubuntu and the others get to decide if they want to provide 5 years or not05:16
nanotubethey can't even make a non-buggy default gui (unity, i'm looking at you), and here they go doing 5 years on desktop lts support... heh.05:17
Ben64unity pisses me off05:17
Unit193Xubuntu and Lubuntu will not have 5 years05:17
Unit193Kernel updates, sure05:17
Ben64xfce is pretty cool, but not enough plugins for the panel for me05:17
fennecIve been thinking of getting something to put plasm active on05:18
fennecwith opensuse and kde05:18
fennecthe tablets for it are expensive05:18
fennecim thinking a touchscreen/convertible netbook05:18
nanotubeBen64: have you seen xfce4-goodies? :)05:18
fennecI'm downloading them right now :o05:18
nanotubestill not enough? :P05:18
Ben64i want cpu, gpu temps, cpu and mem graph05:19
Ben64didn't see any of those05:19
nanotubeBen64: i saw those05:19
holsteinwell, we havent seen a unity in LTS yet... but its not for me05:19
nanotubexfce4-something-sensors does temps05:19
Ben64i don't like any UI that doesn't let me move things around05:19
nanotubegraphs, there's i think system-monitor05:19
holsteinUnit193: yeah, we all get to take advantage of the repos being up for 5 years :)05:19
Ben64nanotube: system-monitor does bars only05:20
nanotubexfce4-sensors-plugin <- sensors05:20
nanotubehttp://goodies.xfce.org/projects/panel-plugins/xfce4-cpugraph-plugin <- pretty graphs?05:21
Ben64hmmm, didn't see that one05:21
Ben64is there one for memory as well? :D05:21
nanotubeseems to include memory05:22
fennecI'm having trouble doenloading it though05:23
nanotubefennec: downloading what?05:23
Ben64well I have until April 2013 to figure it out05:23
fennecCan you explain as if I were 5 years old (which I'm truly not that far away from)05:23
fennecdownloading xfce4 goodies05:23
fennecthe website is unspecific05:23
nanotubeBen64: finally, if all else fails, there's 'genmon' which you can script to do whatever you want. http://goodies.xfce.org/projects/panel-plugins/xfce4-genmon-plugin05:23
nanotubefennec: "sudo apt-get install xfce4-goodies"05:24
fennecah thanks :p05:24
Ben64nanotube: !!!05:24
Ben64that sounds awesome05:24
nanotubeBen64: yes, yes it does :)05:24
Unit193Makes me want to say !apt :P05:24
nanotubeBen64: (haven't used it myself because the stock stuff does me well enough... but yea, my little scripty-ears perked up when i saw it :) )05:24
nanotubeUnit193: hehe05:24
Unit193You can also open Synaptic and search for it there if you really must have a GUI05:24
Unit193xfce4-datetime-plugin is a good one, replaces the annoying clock05:26
Ben64nanotube: would it be able to make a graph? :)05:26
nanotubeBen64: the manual says "The string can also contain markup to displayed an image, a bar, a button and a personalized tooltip. "05:26
Ben64a bit of hax + imagemagick = memory graph05:26
nanotubeso i'm guessing if you collect the data and generate a graph, it'll display it.05:26
nanotuberighto :)05:27
nanotubeUnit193: why is the clock annoying, and how's the datetime plugin better?05:27
w30j #kubuntu05:28
Unit193nanotube: Double click to open Orage in the center of the screen? No.  This is less annoying to me, just one thing I would love to have fixed05:28
nanotubew30: traitor! :)05:28
nanotubeUnit193: ah the datetime one lets you open orage? i have orage running separately...05:28
w30nanotube, whatzzatt?05:29
fennecimma restart05:30
nanotube<w30> j #kubuntu :)05:30
fennecbe right back05:30
nanotubeand re: orage: korganizer, i'm leaving you. :)05:31
Unit193nanotube: No, the current one does05:31
w30nanotube, I keep one partition in a state of llimbo for different distros; every time something get a good review I try it. I triple boot but they are all Linux distros. 1)favorite 2) working on, tweaking 3) just trying out05:33
nanotubeUnit193: oh, nice, didn't think of doubleclicking on it hehe. that makes it a +1 for me ;)05:33
nanotubew30: no need to explain, i was jk amigo :)05:33
Unit193nanotube: Figures, you are nanotube after all...05:34
nanotubeis there some connection between nanotube and orage that i'm not getting, or are you just being random? ;)05:35
w30nanotube, I was happily using gnome and ubuntu until some idiots got the stupid idea of making a ipad touch interface for a desktop machine. I don't want a app menu that shows 5 apps on my 24 in monitor before I have to click show more..05:37
nanotubew30: yea same here. i'm a unity escapee :)05:37
w30I don't want fingerprints and peanut butter all over my screen either.05:38
Unit193w30: This isn't exactly the place to bash other flavors/DEs05:38
nanotubei gave it a fair shake for two weeks... and i actually had no issues with <winkey><start typing app name> because i'm a fast typist and am always at the kb. but it worked really poorly with multiple workspaces, and some apps failed to show up in alt-tab.05:38
nanotubehiya fennec05:39
fennecit fixed my boot but still no monitor05:39
fennecso good anyway05:39
w30Unit193, you are right but I just gotta get my vote in once in a while. Sorry05:39
Ben64no monitor? or no second monnitor?05:39
fennecare there any hdmi>vga cables?05:39
nanotubeUnit193: isn't #distroname by definition a channel to complain about $everyotherdistro ? :D05:39
Ben64have you tried nvidia-settings05:39
Ben64its like ubuntu looked at windows 8 and said "yes!!"05:40
fennecno i haventt05:41
fennecI'll do it05:41
* w30 joins #bitch_at_unity_on_topic05:41
fennectheres one?05:41
* nanotube follows :)05:41
* fennec joins05:41
Ben64fennec: it always works for me to add a monitor or change res or anything05:41
nanotubethere is now :D05:41
neothecati am installing xubuntu on a dell latitude E6500, and all the header and footers of the install windows are just blocks of pink.  it doesn't seem to be effecting the install, but i was wondering if this is an omen for problems in the future, maybe video card issues.05:56
fennecmonitors working06:05
fennecThanks ben6406:05
nanotubefennec: what did you do?06:05
nanotubenew driver?06:05
nanotubeor that config panel?06:05
fennecnew driver but idk if it mattered06:05
fenneci used nvidia config06:05
nanotubeic cool06:06
krinetichello, on a fresh install of xubuntu 10.10 , how can I make my user to autologin. I forgot to change it when it installs and now i cant find the option in the settings menus.07:25
digital_ownagei am making an own distro (just for learning etc)13:07
digital_ownageand i am using xubuntu for it13:07
digital_ownagebecause it is fast and stable etc13:07
digital_ownagebut now i want to know what all the programs are who are preinstalled13:08
Marzatayou got own repos?13:08
digital_ownagei am just doing it by edditing the squahfs13:08
knomedigital_ownage, check the dependencies (of dependencies) of xubuntu-desktop13:09
digital_ownageok thank you13:09
digital_ownagecyao *13:09
_Pete_digital_ownage: I think what you could do is to chroot to your squashfs mounted distro image, after that you can use normal package tools to add/remove what you want13:27
_Pete_I assume that squashfs thing is you have mounted .iso image or something?13:27
silverpowerhmm, is there any reason why I'm hovering around 60% CPU on a totally idle desktop? I tried toggling off compositing but it didn't seem to help any.13:31
digital_ownageyes i do that pete13:34
digital_ownagei unsquashfs it13:34
digital_ownageand then i mount it13:34
digital_ownagethen i chroot it13:34
_Pete_then you can use: dpkg -l to list all installed packages13:35
Sysisilverpower: open terminal and run "top" to see what eats your cpu (task manager in menu should work too)13:44
Alanis display management at all improved in 11.10 compared to 11.04?13:47
Alani.e. placement of multiple monitors, etc.13:47
SysiI can't check default GUI for that because I use nvidia but arandr works as always13:48
silverpowerSysi: it was X eating most of the CPU time. A restart seems to have gotten it down to a more reasonable 5-6% - my best guess would be my laptop had yet another thermal panic.13:50
AlanI seem to be in some awkward position at the moment where something is fighting the display management...13:50
Alanif i xrandr --output VGA1 --off, a second or so later the monitor comes back on...13:50
Alanand whatever's setting it back, sets the monitors up the wrong way around13:51
Alanhowever when i exit xfce and login again, it comes up a different way13:51
Alanoh, great, it's gnome-settings-daemon :(13:54
Sysisilverpower: too much uptime and/or bad driver14:04
spongiciao a tutti16:14
douglastrying to make a bootable usb stick with x11.1017:17
hsyedHowdy, Anyone able to help me with a fakeraid (motherboard based nvidia in raid 5) based installation. The xubuntu 11 installer doesn't seem to be installing grub correctly. I have told the installer to install the mbr on "/dev/mapper/nvidiaxxxx" (the device and not a partition). When I reboot I just get a blinking cursor (instead of insert install media and press any key to continue). What17:20
hsyeddo I need to do ?17:20
hsyedwill this -> http://www.techspot.com/vb/topic153346.html <- fix my problem ? i.e., chroot and manual grub installation ? I'm suspecting an issue with the softraid implementation or ?17:21
hsyedyep, that fixed the problem.17:26
holsteindouglas: i use unetbootin17:27
sewerurchinunetbootin via linux is always a winner17:27
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sewerurchinand available for win I hear17:28
hsyedit works in win17:28
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multipasshow do i update pidgin, i installed the new ppa and tryed to update17:45
douglasthanks holstein.  will get it and try that.17:45
Sysimultipass: search for pidgin with package manager, ppa package may have different name17:46
douglasinteresting to note: unetbootin doesn't show x11.10 only up to 11.04.17:51
holsteindouglas: ?17:52
Sysidepends about version you got, I alwasy use it with separatedly downloaded .iso:s17:52
douglasI wonder if that's been my issue. Trying to make a bootable 11.10 when it's not able to yet?17:52
holsteindouglas: just install the software, and use whatever iso you downloaded17:52
holsteindouglas: 11.10 *is* available17:52
douglasyes, I'm running unetbootin with x11.10 iso as we speak17:53
douglasnow it seems unetbootin has gotten stuck17:54
holsteindouglas: douglas go ahead and download the image from somewhere like this17:54
holsteinthen point unet to that downloaded iso... it'll look like it has hung up for a bit in the middle...17:54
douglasI've run md5sum on my 11.10 iso and have a good number17:55
douglasholstein:  OK I'll  be more patient.  It's at 11th file of 188 files17:56
holsteindouglas: if the 11th file is 'the big one', it'll take a while... if 10 minutes from now, you have no stick, you can try formatting it before making the bootable stick :)17:57
cablopwould xubuntu run fine with 384 GB RAM only?18:05
Sysiit should, but things like webbrowser maybe don't18:05
holsteinyou can download it and try it live, and see for yourself what it will be like on that hardware... if you can tolerate it live, installed, it should be quite nice18:08
Kurdistanhi I wanted to report a bug. gnome system log does not work in xubuntu, but ksystemlog works just fine.18:13
knomeKurdistan, can you please report the bug in launchpad18:14
knomehey Sysi :)18:14
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.18:14
Sysioh hi old man18:14
knomeha :)18:14
knomeat least i'm not looking like that (right now): http://www.boardgamegeek.com/image/589324/jaipur18:15
Kurdistanknome :( I have forgotten my launchpad account18:15
knome(great game btw!)18:15
knomeKurdistan, you can reset your password at https://login.launchpad.net/+login18:16
knomeSysi, that was about the beard, not the race :)18:16
Kurdistanknome, done. let se when I will get it or if I did correct.18:18
Kurdistanotherwise some of you can do it.18:18
knomeKurdistan, as long as you can get the bug filed, it will be eventually triaged in a vast majority of the cases18:19
knomeof course, if you can give correct information, it's much easier ;)18:19
Kurdistanknome, :) I gave here.18:20
foxxyIts fennec18:27
foxxyNick was taken18:27
multipassanyone able to use multiple monitor setups? whenever i try to change a setting, the amdcccle crashes?18:27
foxxyI'm using one right now18:28
foxxyI did it with nvidia-settings18:28
multipassi have ATI18:28
foxxyjust got it figured out yesterday18:28
Sysimultipass: I think there's tool called aticonfig18:28
foxxysee if there is a similar driver setup tool18:28
foxxyati-settings ? lol18:28
multipasswell im using the cataylst control center18:28
multipasswhich is the gui for ati18:29
multipassi clic apply and it just crashes18:29
foxxyhi :D18:33
DaewHow can I see/update my hardware drivers? I can't find it anywhere!18:35
Sysimenu -> settings -> additional drivers, otherly you pretty much already have the best18:36
foxxymenu> settings> additional drivers18:36
=== xGrind is now known as xGrind-off
Sysiyou can try kernel-team ppa if you want all the newest18:36
DaewAdditional drivers doesn't find anything (It says: No proprietary drivers are in use on this system)18:37
Sysido you have problem with something or are you just stuck on winxp-mode?18:37
multipassanyone else use ATI?18:38
DaewI tried to run some game but it says that it cant initialize graphical display18:38
Daewand it says under recommendations that I should update video drivers and enable hardware video aceleration18:39
Sysimultipass: yuo should try aticonfig, looks quite simple, like "sudo aticonfig --initial=dual-head --screen-layout=right"18:39
SysiDaew: what game, what graphics card? are you using wine?18:40
DaewSpiral knights (http://www.spiralknights.com), I have intel hd graphics, no wine18:40
SysiDaew: run "grep -i "Direct rendering" /var/log/Xorg.0.log" does it give any output?18:43
Daew[    27.100] (II) intel(0): direct rendering: DRI2 Enabled18:44
Sysiokay, you should have 3D working18:44
Sysiwhat does "uname -a" print?18:45
Daew[    27.100] (II) intel(0): direct rendering: DRI2 Enabled18:45
DaewLinux daew-SATELLITE-C660 3.0.0-14-generic-pae #23-Ubuntu SMP Mon Nov 21 22:07:10 UTC 2011 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux18:45
DaewI was able to start this game from the browser but colors were not working properly, so I installed it and now it doesn't work anymore (even if I uninstall and restart pc and try to run from browser again)18:46
foxxyhellu :320:38
foxxyHow do I register me nick?20:38
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode20:38
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Guest60961trying to choose a nick olol20:44
Kingsydoes a vnc server come stock with xubuntu?21:50
SysiI think not21:50
multipasscan you search for files/folders in the stock file manager21:50
Sysino, use catfish which is installed by default21:51
multipasso nice21:55
multipassanyone use gnome do on xfce?21:56
TheSheepmultipass: I prefer synapse22:06
multipassany reason for that?22:08
multipassive never used it22:08
TheSheepit's pretty similar, but more agnostic22:08
TheSheepalso it seems to be simpler22:09
nanotubehm, synapse eh? what's it got that alt-f2 and terminal tab-completion don't got?22:17
Sysihotkey *and* tab-completion afaik22:17
TheSheepnanotube: and search22:20
* holstein prefers kupfer over gnome-do22:21
nanotubeTheSheep: doesn't the terminal have search? ;)22:21
nanotubewell, guess i'll just give it a try22:21
TheSheepnanotube: to be honest I don't use it that often22:22
nanotubeheh now you tell me :D22:22
TheSheepnanotube: but it's convenient to type things instead of picking them from menu22:22
TheSheepnanotube: like "suspend"22:22
nanotubeheh ic22:24
nanotubei do like to keep my hands on a kb. but isn't there a "blablasuspend" command or some such in the terminal.22:24
TheSheepnanotube: even if there is, it requires sudo22:25
Sysiactually it could be possible with upower or something as regular user22:25
Sysilike mounting and unmounting is with gvfs22:25
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ElJoshHi Guys23:10
ElJoshHi killbillkill23:11

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