
jonohey balloons00:34
balloonshey jono00:34
jonoballoons, mind if we put a call in the calendar for this week?00:35
jonojust a prep call for you starting next week00:35
balloonsnot a problem, Friday would work best for me00:35
jonoany preferred time?00:35
balloonsnot really.. but that does remind me. I need to confirm a ride from the airport with you :-)00:35
jonoballoons, that was one thing I wanted to discuss :-)00:36
jonowhat time do you get in again?00:36
balloonslol.. logisitics, logistics.. let me check. I sadly got to attend a funeral to ring in the new year so I was randomly out of town and afk last week00:36
balloonslooks like 12:15 pm I land00:37
jonoballoons, oh sorry to hear that00:37
balloonsthanks... it was my wife's grandfather.. funny guy, he'll be missed. But yes, prepping now for this trip00:38
jonoballoons, I get in at 2.15pm00:38
jonoballoons, so are you happy to sit around and drink a liter of Hungarian Coffee while you wait for me to arrive?00:39
balloonsalright, so that's 2 hours in the airport for me assuming on-time arrivals00:39
balloonsyea, I can hang out in the airport -- do they have a lounge we can get into?00:39
jonoballoons, unfortunately you haven't got your priority pass yet00:40
jonobut there are some cafes in arrivals if I remember00:40
jonoballoons, I will send you my itin so you can see my flight details00:41
balloonsok, that sounds good jono -- thoughts on how to make sure the meetup goes as planned? we'll both have US phones sadly00:42
jonoballoons, can you send me a recent photo of youself00:43
jonomaybe you can wear a rose and stand under a clocktower00:43
jonoballoons, I will wear an Ubuntu t-shirt when I arrive so you can see it is me - just look for a guy who looks like me with that t-shirt and we should be good00:44
balloonslol.. we'll discuss and I'll send itinerary details to you as well so we can at least track planes.. I00:45
jonoballoons, cool00:45
balloonsI don't have a rose, but I do have a red backpack00:45
jonoI was thinking that if you stand where passengers enter arrivals we should see each other00:45
balloonswell assuming I can get to your gate, i'll hang out there in the seats00:45
cjohnstonballoons: mhall119 will give you $5 if you have a rose for jono00:46
jonocjohnston, LOL00:46
jonoballoons, the other option is that you make a glittery sign with my name on it00:46
balloonscjohnston: care to match? I've got a white and a red one left over from the funeral00:46
balloonsthey may be a bit dead by budapest, but ... zzz00:47
balloonsohh glittery sign!00:47
balloonsdefinitely should do that00:47
jonoballoons, call at 10am Pac on Fri ok for you?00:48
balloonsyep, let me slot you in00:48
jonothanks balloons00:48
jonoballoons, could you mail me your number again00:48
balloonssure can00:48
cjohnstonballoons: are you in FL?00:48
jonoballoons, dont' answer00:49
jonoyou can't trust cjohnston00:49
balloonsyour welcome to g+ hangout with me also.. got a nice new webcam (assuming you want to see my pearly whites)00:49
jonoballoons, let's do that00:49
jonoyou can see my English teeth00:49
jonolike normal teeth, but English00:49
balloonscjohnston: yes -- I believe we've even met00:49
cjohnstonwow.. gettin thrown under the bus by jono00:50
jonocjohnston, lol00:50
jonoyou know I love you brother00:50
balloonscjohnston: nervous? haha..00:51
cjohnstonballoons: I assume your the Nicholas Skaggs who is friends with Jono and Daniel00:52
cjohnstonwhere did we meet00:52
balloonsyes -- I'm also a friend of svwilliams00:52
balloonswhich is how we have met, albeit briefly00:52
cjohnstonwere you at UDS?00:52
balloonsif -- your the chris johnston I'm thinking of...00:52
cjohnstonfor a couple hours or something00:52
cjohnstonthats me00:53
balloonsI was sick that week sadly, but I was there00:53
* balloons says "this isn't the chris johnston your looking for" in my best obi-wan voice00:53
cjohnstonYou up in the G'ville area?00:53
balloonsyes -- I was the other half of the crazy cat commuting team from gainesville00:54
cjohnstonToo bad00:54
MrChrisDruifballoons; could you quit referring to cjohnston as chris johnston? I've got a highlight for chris ^_^00:55
jcastrohas anyone seen chris?00:55
cjohnstonehh 3 out of 5 aint bad00:55
balloonsrofl rofl00:55
MrChrisDruif ;-)00:56
balloonsMrChrisDruif, I will try.. Can't say much about the rest of these guys :-)00:56
* cjohnston turns of phone00:56
MrChrisDruifGhehe ^_^00:56
MrChrisDruifThanks balloons =)00:56
mhall119jono: he's still upset you didn't have a rose for him at UDS-P00:57
mhall119bah, meant for cjohnston, not jono00:57
balloonsmhall119, jcastro speaking of flights, where are you guys flying out of?00:58
jcastroI fly out of either FLL or PBI00:58
balloonsif I may ask... I had the choice of a orlando commute..00:58
mhall119balloons: I'm not :(00:58
jcastroI let the travel agent decide, whichever is cheapest00:58
balloonsjcastro, ahh.. you stay well south of me00:59
jcastroballoons: what we can do in the future is when we're all going to the same place is to book through the guy at the same time00:59
mhall119jcastro: +100:59
mhall119definitely for next UDS00:59
jcastrolike, if we fly Delta we'll always end up in atlanta first00:59
balloonsyes, I was thinking something along those lines00:59
cjohnstonjono: i think you need to come to Orlando for global jam.. mhall119 and balloons will be here..00:59
mhall119when is the next global jam?01:00
MrChrisDruifmhall119; https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuGlobalJam01:01
cjohnstonmhall119: http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-us-florida/1445/detail/01:01
mhall119ah cool, thanks01:02
jonocjohnston, not sure I will be able to make it out01:02
jonobut a sprint in FL is not out of the question01:02
jonomhall119, I am just working on your 12.04 plan but I am not going to finish it today, will get it to you tomorrow01:02
cjohnstonwe need to get jcastro to come up for global jam this year01:02
jonowe can then have a quick call to review01:02
mhall119jono: no problem01:02
jonomhall119, none of it should be much of a surprise01:03
jonoapart from the "Listen to Cannibal Corpse" item01:03
macoit took about 8 hours, but i finally remembered my gpg key01:03
macoi mean gpg key passphrase01:03
mhall119I was gonna say, remembering the whole key, that's pretty darn impressive01:04
jonomhall119, it's ok, we can still be friends01:04
jonojust no pay raises for you, ever01:04
cprofittnice maco01:05
mhall119that's okay, the pay raises would barely cover the hearing aids anyway01:05
mhall119jono: I have a 6 and 7 year old, I get all the banging, thrashing and screaming I can take already01:06
macoalso apparently you cant use a secret key when the public key's not in your keyring01:06
jonomhall119, LOL01:06
macojust syncing secring.gpg is not enough01:06
cjohnstonmhall119: we should send the kids to Cali during summer break for a few days of fun with Uncle Jono01:09
cprofittmy kids would have jono on the ceiling in a matter of minutes01:10
cprofittI would never do that to him or them01:10
jcastroman dude cprofitt01:10
jcastrotrhat wifi article you linked to is awesome01:10
jcastroI totally just moved my stuff to the right channel01:11
cprofittit is... I was impressed with the read... and the concept the guy had for identifying the neighbors stuff01:11
cprofittthe site is pretty good to for NAS and Wireless reviews01:12
mhall119cjohnston: +101:13
balloonscprofitt, ahh yes.. set your router to channel 8 and cause interfence on both channel 6 and 11 :-)01:15
jcastroI don't like the idea of associating my essid to my address though01:20
jcastroI would just tell the dude next to me "I'll take this one, you take that one."01:20
balloonsin the past I've always just scanned and tried to find the least congested channel.. as time goes on you inevitably have to rescan01:22
cprofittjcastro: I agree about the address part... though to be honest... it wouldn't be that hard to find out which house has which ssid01:22
jcastroyeah I guess it depends wether you're in NYC or in a suburb01:23
cprofittyeah... in the city it would be a bit harder01:25
dpmgood morning everyone09:30
cjohnstonmornin dpm11:07
dpmhey cjohnston :)11:09
jcastro~4 minutes jono?15:56
jonojcastro, yup15:58
jonojcastro, dpm, mhall119, balloons hangout invite sent16:02
dpmhey, coming over...16:02
jonoballoons, don;t feel you need to join us16:03
jonowe are just hanging for a bit16:03
jonomhall119, yoohoo!16:05
mhall119jono: what are your thoughts on an Upstream blog/planet/portal website?16:54
jonomhall119, I don't think we need a portal16:54
jonothe upstream world is so big I think it would not be hugely beneficial to Ubuntu16:55
mhall119ok, I'm thinking of where we can highlight work like david's other than personal blogs and facebook/g+16:56
MrChrisDruifDavid's work?16:57
mhall119davidcalle, onehundredscopes16:57
jonomhall119, in my mind we want to highlight in the wider community16:57
jonoas opposed to a scoped (pun intended) planet16:58
jonoalthough, who knows, this may make sense in the future16:58
jonoI think our focus on this kind of outreach needs to be Planet, OMG, and our social media accounts16:58
mhall119ok, david doesn't currently have a blog (talking to him about starting one)16:59
mhall119and it doesn't look like he's an Ubuntu member yet either, so no planet access16:59
pangolinWho does one contact if they want to make/sell a product using the Ubuntu logo?16:59
balloonsafternoon everyone - sorry I missed the hangout :-(17:07
mhall119good afternoon balloons17:07
balloonsbit chilly here in fl -- got our first freeze(s) of the year17:10
balloonswell of the winter I should say17:10
pangolinwarn here in QC, -10C17:12
balloonsvery nice! any snow yet?17:13
pangolina lot less than normal17:14
pangolinbut yeah we got an inch or two17:14
balloonsmy wife has friends across canada all who were lamenting the lack of snow.. been a different winter17:14
pangolinslow start usually means a big finish17:15
balloonsyep -- prepare for the late april ice storms17:15
jcastrodpm: the AU lens should be in the queue now17:16
jcastrohe liked the process!17:16
jcastro"well thanks for your help, now I'll keep my fingers crossed this goes through and start working on the next thing (:"17:16
dpmjcastro, indeed it's there \o/ https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/arb/17:17
jcastro<--- lunching, be back in 6017:17
mhall119jcastro: dpm is there a reason lenses are going through myapps instead of revu?17:32
dpmmhall119, they can go either way (revu -> universe, myapps -> extras). I just thought having some nice and popular software (and easily packageable) go through myapps and the ARB process should both encourage ARB members and give some more visibility to the ARB process17:34
dpmat the moment, we do not have any free software in extras, and it'd be nice to have some17:35
mhall119dpm: okay17:35
mhall119what would be the difference between extras and Universe then?17:35
dpmthe idea of extras.ubuntu.com and the ARB process was to speed up and streamline the workflow of apps getting into the Software Centre. However, there have been some blockers in the process and it does not work as effectively as intended, but we're working on ways to improve it17:37
mhall119is there any intent or process to move packages from extras into universe in subsequent releases?17:39
macomhall119: i thought the idea was to not do that and therefore have abandonware disappear like it should17:39
mhall119maco: disappear out of universe, or out of extras?17:40
macoextras doesnt carry forward to the next release, so the abandonware that's not intentionally moved to the next release goes away when the release is EOL'd17:40
jcastromhall119: I think of it this way, one is the debian way, one is the android way17:40
dpmmhall119, there is no formal process, but sometimes the ARB sends app developers to either universe, backports or Debian.17:40
macouniverse automatically carries forward so abandonware lives on in our repos until someone makes an effort to remove it17:41
mhall119maco: dpm: jcastro: understood, thanks for clarifying for me17:42
mhall119makes much more sense now17:42
dpmmhall119, any time. If I can help clarifying anything, feel free to ask!17:43
mhall119dpm: how can an electron be both a wave and a partcle at the same time?17:45
dpmmhall119, 42?17:45
pangolinI was going to ask if he would mind clarifying those onions I have chopped17:45
macohow is a raven like a writing desk?17:45
mhall119specificity is important17:46
dpmI'll perhaps have to reduce the scope of my offer of help :)17:46
=== jono is now known as Guest4459
bkerensa:( I wasn't able to find one Ubuntu Women to mentor WOU students :(21:03
AlanBellhow have you described the opportunity?21:09
AlanBellare you a lecturer at WOU?21:11
pleia2bkerensa: you can sign up to our mailing list and post the request there too21:13
pleia2unfortunately I think you'll find that most of us are already painfully over-committed21:13
AlanBellsame goes for any mentoring or volunteering thing, if you are looking for volunteers you have to describe in detail the level of commitment required and the return on investment of time21:16
czajkowskibkerensa: I saw both mails just nothing there I could help with, plus for me UW is a group I can post to if I was attending a conf to meet up with21:19
AlanBelland it will be of limited interest to people outside of the West Oregon area unless you describe why anyone who can't find Oregon on a map should be interested21:20
czajkowskiadd in timezones as well21:21
bkerensaAlanBell: I'm not a lecturer at WOU.... Initially WOU approached Ubuntu California and then they passed them to me ;) and as to the level of commitment it is all virtual and at most a hour or two per week discussing contributing to the Ubuntu Community. The professor has been a bit vague about details but thats because this is the first class focusing on contributing to Ubuntu in the State.21:21
bkerensaczajkowski: I have people in Egypt volunteering to mentor and stay up at odd hours if need be :P21:22
bkerensaI think Egypt and Portugal were the two out of country locations21:22
czajkowskibkerensa: well that;s good you have volunteers so21:22
bkerensaAlanBell: You can't find Oregon on a map? :)21:23
mhall119its in Canada, right?21:24
AlanBellbkerensa: it is in America somewhere, I can find America21:25
AlanBellcan you find Surrey?21:25
snap-lGoogle Maps can. ;)21:25
bkerensaAlanBell: Of course I have a friend who is from there and his green card ended :D21:25
bkerensaAlanBell: You ever hear of OSU OSL?21:26
snap-lAnyone know where Detroit is? :)21:26
czajkowski8 mile21:26
AlanBellgood film21:26
pangolinI know where Detroit is but the CoC prevents me fromtellingyou.21:27
czajkowskieminem land21:27
pangolinwow, lack of spaces21:27
snap-lI'm glad Eminem is now the ambassador for Detroit.21:27
bkerensaAlanBell: http://osuosl.org/services/hosting/communities <--  in oregon21:27
snap-lFor the longest time, Bob Seger was it.21:27
bkerensaOnly thing I like from Detroit is that Pawn shop show21:28
snap-lAlso, having not seen 8-mile, I can assume it's as accurate for depicting Detroit as Crocodile Dundee is for depicting Australia. ;)21:28
snap-liirc, most of that stuff is staged, at best.21:29
bkerensaI thought Crocodile Dundee just depicted what happens with Aussies come to America? :)21:30
snap-lSame difference. ;)21:30
* popey flinches21:30
AlanBellbkerensa: maybe ask the professor to mail the list/come on IRC21:41
jcastrojono: after today's team call there's nothing I really need to discuss, unless you'd like to have me do some things prepared before the rally21:44
jcastrowell, nothing work related.21:45
jcastroWe do need to discuss the new Metallica EP21:45
snap-lthe two songs left off of Death Magnetic?21:47
bkerensajcastro: Have bitesize opps been updated?21:47
jcastrobkerensa: which ones?21:47
snap-lBecause frankly from what I've heard, they tossed the weat out, and pucked through the chaff21:47
jcastromeh, I like it21:48
snap-lI mean for Death Magnetic21:48
jcastroI know what you meant21:48
snap-lThose songs should have been on that album21:48
jcastroone song, at least is good enough to be on the album instead of that Unforgiven thing21:48
snap-lChrist yes.21:48
snap-lI'm not sure how much coke you'd need to be to think Unforgiven was worthy of the album time21:49
jcastroHate Train has a nice middle rocking riff21:49
snap-lBut I think the unit will be called "Lars"21:49
snap-las in "it would take one Lars of Coke to think Unforgiven is a worthwhile song"21:49
jcastroI like DM21:50
snap-lI like Judas Kiss21:50
jcastroif you hate it then put lulu on.21:50
jcastrothen you will think it's amazing21:50
snap-lOh HELL no21:50
snap-lI've heard stories21:50
snap-lseen blog posts21:50
jcastroI heard the one on the radio21:50
jcastroman, I literally wanted to kill myself21:50
snap-lI don't need to hear what a trainwreck sounds like to know I don't want to be a part of it.21:50
bkerensajcastro: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Unity/Bitesize/Opportunities <-- is that upto date?21:51
jcastrooh dude21:51
jcastronice catch21:51
jcastroit needs to be rerun on the source list.21:51
jcastromhall119: ^21:51
jcastromhall119: this is an area that we looked at but never had time to flesh out21:52
jcastromight be worth thinking about again21:52
jcastrosnap-l: I like the beginning riff in judas kiss21:52
jcastrosnap-l: do you have "hate train" handy?21:54
jonojcastro, sorry, I have been so slammed, let's talk tomorrow21:54
jcastrojono: nod21:54
jcastrojono: about work or metal?21:54
* jcastro snickers21:54
snap-ljcastro: I don't have it handy, but I'm at work so I don't have easy access to it.21:54
jcastrosnap-l: ping me when you get home, and then go to 4:20 in21:54
* snap-l is in an office now because Canonical doesn't love me. ;(21:54
jcastrosnap-l: it's ok, I love you21:55
snap-ljcastro: I love you too, man21:55
jonomhall119, can we have a quick call?22:19
mhall119jono: Im out right now, will be soon22:51
jonomhall119, tomorrow is fine, I mailed you22:57
jonoI have a call in a few mins22:57
* bkerensa wonders what Canonical has up its sleeve for CES :)23:01
mhall119bkerensa: arms23:08
mhall119what else wouldyou have up your sleeves?23:08
macowhats a CES?23:12
mhall119Consumer Electronics Show23:14
macoi got stuck on S. was guessing Symposium23:22
macoalso, while waiting for a build to finish... http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_BSVqZ_9k8cU/Se6jfKFHoCI/AAAAAAAAAFc/jeCePpLNGys/s1600-h/doncha.jpg *giggle*23:22
pleia2maco: http://blog.canonical.com/2012/01/03/canonical-at-ces-las-vegas-10th-13th-january/23:23
macooh wait i can TOTALLY see a use for this on IRC! http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_BSVqZ_9k8cU/SMrlnFhwtMI/AAAAAAAAABc/ZQrgIp-xITQ/s1600-h/aveloc.jpg23:24
macothey dont even make electronics though23:24

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