
=== bladernr_ is now known as bladernr_afk
=== smb` is now known as smb
zenithmy touchpad is not detected by the kernel during boot, & i need to use the i8042.reset parameter for it to be detected... how should i go about finding out the cause of  the problem ? I'm using Ubuntu 11.10 with all updates including proposed.08:58
smbzenith, First (if you have not already), you should create a bug report by running "ubuntu-bug linux". Then I think it will help to gather debugging output of the controller. There is a i8042.debug option I believe. If you gather dmesg output in both (with and without i8042.reset in parallel)09:04
smbI found it helpful to have a second machine to ssh from there because otherwise every keypress or mouse move adds more debugging output09:05
zenithwhere/how should the i8042.debug option be used?09:07
smbSame as the reset on the kernel arguments list09:07
zenithactually i have subimitted some reports on the bug LP#190283, but i think i made a mistake coz the original bug report was for Intrepid ! (I'm SiddhantSaraf in the bug comments btw)09:11
smbbug 19028309:12
ubot2`Launchpad bug 190283 in linux "my lenovo y500 touchpad and keyboard do not work" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19028309:12
zenithi even reopened the old bug ... was it a mistake? should i have filed a new bug against Oneiric ?09:12
smbHm, is your machine a lenovo y50009:13
zenithactually its touch not being detected has been a very old issue, Ubuntu forums are full of the issue09:13
smbUsually it is better to have a new report if either the hardware or the symptoms are not exactly the same. Its always possible to mark them duplicate later.09:13
zenithok, i think i will file a new bug, after i use the i8042.debug option09:15
smbCan happen. Also the problem often is that things can change by bios updates...09:15
smbThere is already a section in the driver which potentially adds the reset for certain vendors / machines automatically09:16
smbBut having more debug data will definitely help arguing the case09:16
smbAnd at least the subject line of the old report seems to indicate that the keyboard had not worked either09:17
smbwhich I assume it does for you...09:17
zenithoops, forgot to mention... the keyboard is another issue..09:17
zenithits a bit insteresting...09:18
smbAh I see. Its erratic09:19
zenithon the login screen, where my keyboard and touchpad both don't work, using a USB mouse if i select 'suspend', then i can bring the computer out of suspen using any key on the keyboard !! & after that thekeyboard works (though the touchpad still doesn't)09:19
smbAnd with i8042.reset both works?09:20
zenithin the output of 'cat /proc/bus/input/devices' the keyboard appears last (when i use the suspend trick), with 'Handlers=sysrq kbd event8' while with i8042.reset it'Handlers=sysrq kbd event4', so definitely the keyboard is detected on resuming from suspend09:25
smbOk, at least that sounds like adding that machine to the exception table would make sense. On the other hand, but I surely have not followed this in any forums, that bug report at least did not seem to attract many other reporters. So when before creating a new bug, I would check on the Lenovo site that you got the latest BIOS (just to be sure). Maybe you have already09:25
zenithok, i will check...09:26
zenithbe right back09:26
smbI would suspect there is a kind of reset when suspending and resuming. But probably not as complete as when using the reset argument09:26
jibelbjf, could you refresh http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/kernel-bugs/reports/rls-mgr-p-tracking-bugs.html and http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/kernel-bugs/reports/rls-p-tracking-bugs.html please ?11:43
* ppisati is hungry...12:17
* smb too12:25
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* ogasawara back in 2015:37
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bjfjibel, i'll look into it16:00
=== bladernr_ is now known as bladernr_afk
* ppisati -> disappears for a bit...16:21
bjfjibel, the reports are fixed up16:43
diwicWhat am I doing wrong if I'm getting this error:16:53
diwic"II: Checking modules for generic...previous or current modules file missing!"16:54
jibelbjf, thanks16:56
bjfdiwic, where are you doing your build ?16:59
diwicbjf, from git clone ...ubuntu-precise16:59
diwicbjf, with a new entry to debian.master/changelog, and some patches on top17:00
bjfdiwic, are you using one of our build resources or your own local system ?17:01
diwicbjf, local system, just installed precise on a machine here, and building from there17:03
diwicso both target and host is precise17:03
tgardnerdiwic, did you verify you could build _before_ you started hacking ?17:04
diwictgardner, nope17:04
bjfdiwic, i was asking if you were using tangerine so that i could look at your sandbox17:06
bjfdiwic, or one of the other build systems17:06
diwicbjf, I'm building on my laptop right here17:06
ogra_isnt he just missing the ignore files ?17:06
bjfdiwic, how long does it take to do a build on your laptop ?17:08
diwicbjf, http://paste.ubuntu.com/792869/17:08
tgardnerogra_, possibly, but unless he's twiddling config options I wouldn't expect to have a module go missing.17:08
ogra_it says modules "file" missing 17:09
bjfdiwic, our build resources are there for fast building and you should have access17:09
diwictgardner, to be fair, one of the patches adds a new config option (and, I assume, turns it on by default)17:09
ogra_which i ususally get on manual builods if i dont touch the ignore file17:09
tgardnerbjf, I think he's mucked about with the changelog and did not start a new release, e.g., didn't move the ABI files forward17:09
ogra_but you know your system better, i only build kernels once a year or so :)17:09
bjftgardner: yes, that's what i'm guessing as well17:10
tgardnerbjf, don't we have an RTFM in the wiki somewhere  about version bumping ?17:10
bjftgardner: looking17:11
diwictgardner, I added a version entry 3.2.0-7.14~jackdection, old version was 3.2.0-7.1317:11
bjfdiwic, that's what caused your problem17:11
diwicbjf, what version number do you suggest17:12
bjfdiwic, if you had not bumped the build number you'd have been ok (probably)17:12
tgardnerdiwic, you can likely get by with just adding '~jackdetection' to the existing changelog entry.17:12
diwictgardner, or +jackdetection if I want it to supersede? Otherwise the changelog would be in the wrong order...?17:12
tgardnerdiwic, right17:12
diwicwhich possibly something else will complain about 17:12
bjfdiwic, the other things your could do are to rename the debian.master/abi/3.2.0-7.13 to debian.master/abi/3.2.0-7.14   -or-   add the "ignore" files so the checking is skipped17:13
bjftgardner: yes, that's what i'm guessing as well17:15
bjfdiwic, look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/KernelMaintenance#Overriding_ABI_check_failures17:15
diwicbjf, tgardner, ogra_, thanks for helping, I'll start a new build named 3.2.0-7.13+jackdetection, AND add ignore ABI checks, just to be sure :-)17:16
bjfdiwic, and i'd recomend moving your build to a fast build resource17:16
diwicbjf, btw, the inspiration for using 7.14~jackdetection was taken from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/KernelBisection (section "Give this test a version number"). Is there something subtle I'm not seeing, or is that wiki page wrong?17:17
bjfdiwic, looking17:17
bjfdiwic, yes, that assumes some knowledge not explained on that page (but which we just sort of explained to you above)17:19
ppisatiherton: about the M/dove kernel, i erraneously pasted the lucid url17:20
ppisatiherton: now i corrected it, hope you didn't start with the packaging17:20
hertonppisati, yep, saw that, I used the right one when building the package17:20
hertonI saw you pushed the rebase to the maverick branch17:20
herton*maverick repo17:20
ppisatiah ok17:21
diwicbjf, a stupid question, am I supposed to do "fakeroot debian/rules binary-generic skipabi=true"?17:25
bjfdiwic, one sec, there is another skip that you can put on the command line (skipmodules=true maybe)17:25
apwit may be singular, need to check17:26
bjfdiwic, apw is correct, it is singular "skipmodule=true"17:26
diwicbjf, adding both skipabi and skipmodule made the build proceed, thanks17:29
diwicbjf, for the record, do you have a wiki page for getting started with the tangerine build resources?17:29
diwicbjf, I tend to use it so seldom (dkms is faster and sufficient for most things) I forget it between times17:30
diwicbjf, got the link from vanhoof, thanks 17:31
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bjfdiwic, np17:32
bjfjjohansen: be sure and pack ear plugs (you've been warned)17:35
jjohansenbjf: ?17:35
* smb assumes the roomie list went out17:35
* vanhoof thinks of manjo 17:36
bjfjjohansen: my snoring is bad from what the wife is saying17:36
manjovanhoof, you looking for a roomie ? 17:36
vanhoofmanjo: not you! :)17:37
vanhoofbelieve i'm rooming w/ jk17:37
jjohansenbjf: heh, np. I wasn't planning on sleeping anyways17:37
manjowonder who my victim is this time 17:37
bjfjjohansen: right, should have known17:37
vanhoofmanjo: none listed for you17:37
apwi don't know if it is good or bad to always be the dogleg17:38
* vanhoof googles dogleg17:39
apwvanhoof, doubt its in there: when you have 5 people at a table and you are the one without someone opposite you, you are the dogleg17:39
smb5th wheel on the car?17:40
vanhoofapw: ah17:40
apwheh, the 5th wheel is something else alllll together17:40
vanhoofapw: third wheel?17:40
diwicand the new kernel boots! with the new jack detection interface \o/17:41
vanhoofdiwic: nice :)17:41
smbapw, It is deemed a bit useless, though depending on whether you think of the steering or reserve wheel its probably more useful than the dogleg. :)17:42
apwyeah a different feeling to teh word, dogleg in this context is "will be a bit left out on the end there"17:42
apwand 5th wheel is "mostly we can do without them"17:42
apwnow of course it would be common to put your "5th wheel" on the "dogleg" when seating them :)17:43
bjfwoohoo! just found 3500 Forint17:43
apw2 beers17:43
* smb stumbles over some Korunas... Damn, wrong place...17:46
* apw finds 10K forint, can anyone remember how many to the pound there are17:48
hertononly 1260 forint here, I guess I'll be thirsty :)17:48
smbapw, Mr Google will know17:48
apw25 quid17:48
apwsmb, was a large beer 800 ?17:49
smbhmm... thought 600... but who knows what changes they made17:49
apwyeah, and how much we annoy them, so about 12 large beers, thats pretty good, i might be able to stand you a drink :)17:50
smbapw, Seemed to have stashed some 30K of them... Should be enough for the first night... :-P17:52
apwsmb, you are set for the week :)17:52
bjfapw, my 3500 are work $1417:52
apwbjf, good job you reminded me, i'd have probabally left them at home17:55
ubot2`Launchpad bug 736226 in linux "bonding inside a bridge does not work when using arp monitoring" [Medium,Confirmed]17:59
* tgardner -> lunch19:06
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* herton -> eod20:05
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* tgardner -> EOD21:39

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